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1. External heart massage creates blood circulation, providing up to:

a). 80% blood flow;
b). 50% blood flow;
c). 30% blood flow.
2. Cardiopulmonary bypass is provided by squeezing the heart:
a). between the sternum and ribs;
b). between the sternum and the spine;
c). between the diaphragm and the sternum.
3. With an external massage of the heart, the palms are located on:
a). upper third of the sternum;
b). the border of the middle and lower third of the sternum;
c). border of the upper and middle thirds of the sternum.
4. Indications for precordial shock:
a). penetrating wound to the heart;
b). ventricular fibrillation;
c). signs of biological death.
5. Point of precordial strike:
a). 4 intercostal spaces;
b). upper third of the sternum;
c). on the border of the middle and lower thirds of the sternum.
6. Indications for closed heart massage:
a). stop breathing;
b). heart failure;
c). lack of consciousness.
7. Signs of clinical death:
a). violation of the rhythm of breathing, convulsions, cyanosis;
b). lack of consciousness, dilated pupils, arrhythmia;
c). lack of consciousness, breathing, pulse on the carotid arteries.
8. Algorithm of actions during CPR:
a). heart massage, mechanical ventilation, airway patency;
b). precordial beat;
c). airway management, mechanical ventilation, heart massage.
9. Stages of dying:
a). convulsions, coma, death;
b). loss of consciousness, agony, clinical death;
c). preagony, agony, clinical death.
10. Criteria for the effectiveness of CPR:
a). restoration of consciousness, respiration, blood pressure;
b). constriction of the pupils, the appearance of a pulse on the carotid arteries,
c). rise in blood pressure, physical activity.
11.ABC principle:
a). cardiac massage, intubation, mechanical ventilation:
b). ensuring the patency of the respiratory tract, mechanical ventilation, heart
c). artificially breathing, defibrillation, heart massage.
12. Deadlines for termination of resuscitation:
a). 15 minutes;
b). 30 minutes;
c). 90 minutes.
13.Indications for CPR:
a). terminal stage of an incurable disease;
b). biological death;
c). clinical death.
14. The Heimlich maneuver is:
a). a sharp blow to the back;
b). a sharp push in the stomach under the diaphragm;
c). sharp thrust to the chest.
15. The ratio of inspiration and massage during CPR:
a). 1:15;
b). 2:10;
c). 2:30.
16. Displacement of the sternum during heart massage to a depth:
a). 5-6 cm;
b). 2-3 cm;
c). 1-2 cm.
17. Frequency of breaths during CPR:
a). 6-8 per minute;
b). 10-12 per minute;
c). 20-24 per minute.
18. Safar Triple Reception:
a). turn on its side, push the lower jaw;
b). throwback the head, push the lower jaw, open the mouth;
c). aspirate the contents, introduce a mouth expander, pinch the nostrils.
19. Sellick maneuver:
a). press on the forehead;
b). support the lower jaw;
c). press on the thyroid cartilage.
20. Indications for direct heart massage:
a). absence of a pulse in the carotid arteries;
b). cardiac arrest in the cardiology department;
c). cardiac arrest during abdominal surgery.
21. For mechanical ventilation with an "AMBU" or "mouth to mouth" bag:
a). turn your head to the side, insert the air duct;
b). open your mouth, insert the tongue holder;
c). throwback the head, push the lower jaw, open the mouth.
22. Drugs of choice for CPR:
a). adrenaline, atropine;
b). promedol, cordiamine;
c). caffeine, mezaton.
23. Frequency of compressions during CPR:
a). 120 per minute;
b). 90 per minute;
c). 60 per minute.
24. Precordial blow is applied:
a). on the neck;
b). on the upper abdomen;
c). along the middle third of the sternum.
25. Termination of resuscitation is possible:
a). if the resuscitator is tired;
b). if there is no effect within 30 minutes;
c). in the absence of medication.
26. In the azonal state:
a). pulse is quickened, blood pressure is reduced;
b). BP increased, arrhythmia;
c). BP is not determined, arrhythmia.
27.Duration of clinical death:
a). 2-4 minutes;
b). 3-6 minutes;
c). 8-10 minutes.
28. Indications for the application of the Heimlich maneuver:
a). aspiration;
b). foreign body in the upper respiratory tract;
c). foreign body in the esophagus.
29. Indications for receiving Sellik:
a). foreign body in the airways;
b). regurgitation;
c). foreign body in the esophagus.
30. Complications during CPR:
a). sternum fracture;
b). spinal fracture;
c). nose fracture.
31. In the preagonal state:
a). breathing is not disturbed, blood pressure is increased;
b). shallow breathing, thready pulse, blood pressure is sharply reduced;
c). BP is not determined, arrhythmia, convulsions.
32. Signs of biological death:
a). cadaveric spots, rigor mortis;
b). ventricular fibrillation, pupils dilated;
c). coma, arrhythmia, blood pressure is not determined.
33. After the diagnosis of clinical death, it is necessary:
a). call a doctor on duty, an ambulance;
b). determine the cause of death;
c). start CPR.
34. Methods of administration of adrenaline during CPR:
a). intramuscular;
b). under the tongue, into the conicotomic ligament;
c). intracardiac.
35. CPR is not shown:
a). in the absence of medicines;
b). if 3 minutes have passed since death;
c). in the terminal stage of an incurable disease.

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