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May 2010

4-H Newsletter SEMINOLE



2010—2011 County Council Offi-
cers: Please help us in congratulat-
ing our incoming 2010—2011 County
Council Offers.

President: Stephen G.
Vice President: Dana R. Are You Ready for Summer Camp
Secretary: Becca G.
Treasure: Michael S. 2010?
Delegates: Amanda B. & Rachel R.
Reporter: Morgan G. Summer is here (almost…) and much more.
Sergeants at Arms: Mark G. & with that comes 4-H Summer
Carson C. Camp. The theme for this year’s
Summer Camp is open to
camp is:
youth 8-12 years of age.
4-H Family & Alumni Picnic:
We hope to see many of you at the “Who’s Your Super Hero?”
1st annual 4-H Family & Alumni Pic- July 19-23, 2010 Registration materials can
nic on Saturday May 22, 2010 start- 4-H Camp Ocala be found on our website.
ing at 3 PM. The picnic will be held at Cost: $200.00 http://
Golden Lake near the Sanford Air-
port. Each year, Seminole leisure/coopext/4H/4h.asp
County 4-H members
spend a week getting back Cost is $200 and includes
to nature at the annual 4-H meals, lodging, camp T-
Summer Camp. Along with Shirt and snacks.
Brevard, Orange, and Volu-
4-H AGENTS—Seminole County
sia County, 4-H members Some scholarships are
embark on a week long ad- available . You must fill out
venture of fun, learning, the Summer Activity Schol-
and friendships that will last arship Form by June 1st to
a lifetime. take advan-
tage of these
Summer Camp 2010……… 1 During the week, campers scholarship
have the opportunity to at- monies.
County Events winners…..…page 2
tend workshops, swimming,
Hoof Beats 3 canoeing, fishing, archery,
Calendar of Events 4 mock leg, dancing, and so
2010 State 4-H Congress:

Three hundred 4-H youth from terviews. livestock management, to commu-

across the state will make their nication techniques, to biotechnol-
way to the University of Florida State Council Elections -
campus for Florida 4-H Congress Florida 4-H Council will come to-
the last week of July. Throughout gether to campaign and elect offi- End of the Year Banquet
the week youth will participate in cers for the 2009-2010 4-H year.
The banquet concludes the week
competitive events, leadership pro-
grams, sustainability programs, Science and Technology where scholarship winners, national
and other educational workshops. Tracks—2010 Congress will pro- award trip winners, and out-
Congress Highlights Include: vide advanced Science and Tech- standing Florida 4-H volunteers and
State Competitive Events - nology workshops. partners will be recognized.
The best of the best showcase their
skills through demons t r a t i o n s , Educational Tracks - Work-
j u dgi n g ev en ts an d a wa rd in- shops will cover topic areas from

State College Scholarship s

NEW ——Florida 4-H Dog Project Scholarship and National Trips
Attention Junior and Seniors in
site for the Florida 4-H Scholar- High School. The deadline is ap-
$1,000.00 College Scholarship
ship application: proaching for State Portfolios for
will be awarded to an eligible college scholarships and national
applicant at the July 2010 4-H trips. The portfolios are due in
Congress. This is just one of the portfolio.shtml. GAINESVILLE on June 1st (not
scholarships that are awarded to in our office). I will be driving to
graduating senior 4-H members You can find additional informa- Gainesville on Friday May 28,
who will be attending college. tion on Florida 4-H Scholarships 2010, if you would like to me to
at: deliver your portfolio, it must be
The recipient will be selected by awards/scholarships.shtml in the office no later than 5 PM on
the Florida 4-H Youth Develop- Thursday May 27.
ment Scholarship Committee in You can learn more about the
cooperation with the Florida 4-H Florida 4-H Dog Project by vis- Also if you are planning on sub-
Dog Project Scholarship Com- iting the website: www.FL4-H- mitting a portfolio for either a
mittee according to all estab- scholarship or award trip, you
lished criteria and procedures. must have a Letter of Recommen-
Awards will be announced dur- dation from your 4-H Agent. It is
ing the 4-H Congress in Gaines- in your best interest to not wait till
ville. the last minute to request a letter
from Ms. Shelda or me.
For information on how to apply
for the Florida 4-H Dog Project Finally I will be offering a short
Scholarship- contact the 4-H Of- workshop on interviewing for
fice or go to the following web- these awards in July.
Equine Lecture Series: State Horse Show. At this time I will offer clude:
a meeting place for the youth who may
The next ELS will be held
want to decorate their stalls and barn area. Marine Camps
Wednesday June 23 starting at (I am only offering a place and I am in no
7 PM in the 4-H auditorium. way saying the youth need to do decorate Shooting Sports/Sportfishing
The topic will be the stalls. The youth can decide for them- Camp
Emergency First Aid. selves.
Speaker: Dr. Amanda Gator Adventures
House ================================
Senior Camp
State Horse Show: The registration Specialty summer Camps
forms have not yet been released for the Open enrollment camps are week Operation: Military Kids Summer
State Horse Show. I hope to have them by long, residential camps (overnight Camps
the end of the month. I am planning to stay), where the youth do not have
have a leader’s/parents meeting in June to Applications and information are avail-
to be in 4-H to attend. Camps in- able on the state 4-H website at:
discuss the


Horsemanship School Registration due in 4-H Office
State 4-H Congress Registration Due in 4-H office
The next grouping are the molars.
These are the teeth in the back of the
22 4-H ALUMNI REUNION - SANFORD mouth and are used to mash and crush.
24 Clover Kids – 5:30-7:00 PM The second step in aging your animal is
Enrollment Forms! This will be Jr. Horse Bowl: There has been to understand the eruption pattern. The
25 Horseless Horse Club 5:30 – 7:00 PM
your final26reminder in State
the 4-H some
Portfolios due interest
in 4-H Officeinifrestarting
you want us a county eruption
to mail them pattern is another way of say-
to Gainesville
Newsletter that your 4-H Horse and wide Jr. Horse Bowl Contest. At ing the time when the teeth break the
JUNEenrollment forms are due in
Youth the last Horse Leader’s Meeting, it gum layer and are visible in the mouth.
1 As the animal ages, they will usually
the 4-H office by 5 PMDEADLINE:
on Decem- Summer Camp Counselor applications
was discussed to bring back a
1 State Record Books and Portfolios due in Gainesville 4PMhave their incisors erupt first followed
ber 28, 2009.
7 If you are not sure
Record of due
Books county
in 4-Hcontest.
office forThe ideaDollars
Clover would5:00
be PMby their molars. Also just as with hu-
what Mr.10Shane is talking
Setup about,
for Garagefor each club to form a team or two
11 Garage Sale – 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM by their molars. Also just as with
you need to call the 4-H office of Jr members who will then com- humans, most species of livestock will
ASAP or17 Mock District 4-H Legisl8ture (Seminole)
check with your Club pete at against other 4-H clubs in haveoftemporary
19 State Horse Events (Horse Bowl, Demonstrations, Horseman the Yearincisor that will
Interviews) UFdrop as
Leader! 20-25 Seminole
4-H Horsemanship Camp, Welaka, FLCounty. This is a great new adult or permanent teeth erupt.
21-25 State Legislatureway to get younger members ready
in Tallahassee The third step in aging your animal is to
Horse Bowl23 and Hippology
Equine Lecture Series, Emergency look at the wear and tear (or condition)
to compete at the First AidLevel.
Senior 7 PM Auditorium
of the teeth. As the animal ages, they
Teams:29The New Year Camp Counselor
for the Training
This is also 9:30 – 3:00
a great way PM
to get(Seminole)
some will begin to wear down the teeth
Horse Bowl and Hippology teams experience in a fun and enjoyable causing notable changes including
6 Camp Counselor Training (Seminole)
will start7on Monday January 11, environment. Be on the look out shape, color, and length of teeth. At
Camp Counselor Training (Orange)
this point it becomes more difficult to
2009 at 6:30
8-10PM. Horse Bowl
State is Showfor
Horse @more
Fairgrounds in Tampa
information to come! determine the exact age of the animal,
13 Senior 4-HState
open to any Congress
member (14 Orientation Meeting 6 PM but with some practice and experience,
19-23 Summer Camp (Camp Ocala)
and older). Hippology is open to you can still obtain an a pretty close
26-30 State Congress in Gainesville
any Intermediate and Senior 4-H age.
26-30 Southern Regional Horse Show, Clemson, South Carolina
A great way to gain some experience
August(11 and older). I hope to and practice in aging an animal is to
see many2 of you there!FINAL DEADLINE FOR RECORD BOOKS FOR AWARDS practice on animals that you already
2 DEADLINE: Standards of Excellence applications forknow clubs and
their members
26 Annual 4-H Awards & Recognition Program Happy Aging!
For more specie specific guidelines,

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