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Essay01: cause-effect essay

Maryam Mustafa Kadhem


A 7-step essay submitted as part of the course requirements of ENGL250

Department of English Language and Literature
University of Bahrain
November 2021

Step01: choosing a topic

The effects of covid-19 on family life in Bahrain

Date: 3 November 2021

Step02: Brainstorming

The effects of covid-19 on family life in Bahrain

No more interactions. Many Bahraini families

had dealt with financial Some families lost loved
problems, difficulties. ones

Similar ideas, can be joined.

Some families were unable
to touch nor have any
physical contact with each
Kids don’t get to interact
with people other than
their families

Date: November 3rd 2021
Step03: The outline
I. Introduction (paragraph1)
A. Hook: “Our World on Data” statistic.
B. Thesis statement: In what ways has coronavirus’s
outcomes affected families? And was it a positive or a
negative affect?

II. Body
A. Paragraph 2 (effect1) topic sentence: COVID has led
many Bahrainis to die which has triggered grief within
the deceased’s families.

1. Many Bahraini families witnessed deaths.

2. Some deaths had no goodbyes.
3. Some burials weren’t witnessed due to the
government precautions.
B. Paragraph 3 (effect2) topic sentence: There have not
been enough interactions between families ever since
the spread of COVID.

1. Inability of some families to see each other for

several months.
2. Retaining social distance even within households
3. Not able to see lost ones before they die nor utter
farewells to them.

C. Paragraph 4 (effect3) topic sentence: Some families

suffered from financial difficulties due to COVID’s

1. Lockdown and its effect on businesses shutdown.

2. Some families were left with no source of income.

3. Particular students have struggled with online
learning due to their families’ financial difficulties.

III. Conclusion (paragraph 5):

Covid has affected most Bahraini families in many ways. Not all
effects of COVID on families are negative. The world is slowly
adapting to COVID.

Date: November 3rd 2021

Step04: first draft:
COVID’s impacts
According to the “Our World in Data” organization statistics,
nearly 5 million people have died from coronavirus globally; out
of these global deaths, 1393 are Bahrainis. COVID-19 has had an
enormous impact on a variety of things within our lives. It has
not only affected our general environment, health, and well-being,
but it has also affected families, people, and relations globally and
similarly locally, as how many Bahraini families have been
affected by COVID in many different ways. However, in what
ways have coronavirus affected Bahraini families? And was it a
positive or a negative effect?
The first saddening consequence of COVID’s proliferation that
has affected Bahraini households appears to be the loss of loved
ones due to their coronavirus infection. Almost every Bahraini
family have mourned the loss of their loved ones that have died of
COVID. Losses were actually heart-shattering for most Bahrainis,
even those who had no relations with the deceased at all; the
sadness stemmed more from the fact that a particular human
being had simply ceased to exist. The number of losses witnessed
every day in Bahrain was also more than what one could bear.
Furthermore, some Bahraini families have gone through many
losses in a short period of time, and most of those losses have had
no farewells. Additionally, some families did not even get to
witness the burial of their loved ones, nor were they allowed to
see their faces for one last time. But all of these were precautions
by the Bahraini government to ensure the well-being of all
Furthermore, ever since COVID emerged, there have not been
enough interactions between most families. Many Bahraini
families were unable to see each other for several months during

coronavirus’s early days since everyone was obligated to retain
social distance. Likewise, some families who had already lived
together were also obligated to retain social distance within their
households. Moreover, some families were unable to see their lost
loved ones, nor were they able to utter farewells to them due to
their COVID’s infection and the government precautions. Due to
all of these matters, it is noticeable that COVID has affected many
Bahraini families’ general interactions.
Additionally, COVID has also caused financial difficulties for
some Bahraini families. Ever since COVID arose, numerous
governments throughout the globe have imposed a lockdown to
prevent the spread of the pandemic, which has led to substantial
economic consequences since many businesses all around the
globe, including Bahrain, have resorted to shutting down, leaving
many unemployed. Unemployment has caused many Bahraini
families to suffer from a shortage of income. Several Bahraini
households only have one source of income to finance the whole
family, but with the shutdown of some businesses, many Bahraini
households have lost their only source of income. For instance, in
some families, the father has the only source of income that
finances the whole family; hence, whenever the father loses his
job, the family loses its only source of income available. Moreover,
these financial difficulties have led some students to face struggles
with online learning since there isn’t anyone capable of financing
them with the university’s requirements.
Overall, COVID has affected most Bahraini families in many
different ways, ranging from the loss of a loved one to the lack of
interactions with one another to suffering from financial issues.
While the majority of the consequences discussed in this essay are
negative, this does not imply that COVID’s effects on families
were entirely negative. Nevertheless, COVID nowadays is being

adapted to, as many people have gotten the vaccine, and the world
is gradually returning to its pre-COVID state.

Date: November 3rd 2021
Number of words: 606
Step05: peer review
1. Does the title of the essay give readers a good idea of what
the essay is about?
Could be better, like “COVID’s impacts over family life”
would be better.
2. Does the introduction create interest in the topic for
Yes, it does.
3. Does the introduction state the main idea and the focus of
the essay in a clear thesis statement?
Yes, it is a clear thesis statement.
4. Does the first (second, third) main supporting paragraph
have a topic sentence that clearly states the first (second,
third) main supporting point?
Yes, they do.
5. Does every sentence in that paragraph support the topic
Yes, they are.
6. Have irrelevant sentences been eliminated so that the
paragraph has unity?
7. Are the sentences in the paragraph arranged in a logical
Yes, they are.
8. Are there transitions (sentence adverbs) in the paragraph to
guide the reader from one idea to the next?
Yes, there are a many.
9. Do the supporting paragraphs provide adequate support
and enough specific information to develop and prove the
thesis of the essay?
Yes, they do.

10. Are the supporting paragraphs arranged in a logical

editing checklist for writers

1. Is the first sentence of each paragraph intended?
2. Do your subject and verbs agree?
Some didn’t, but they were changed in the final draft.
3. Do your nouns, pronouns and possessives agree?
4. Are all the sentences complete (no fragments)?
5. Have you eliminated run-on sentences?
6. Is the punctuation correct in all sentences?
7. Does the first word of each sentence begin with a capital
8. Are all words spelled correctly?
9. Do all your pronouns have clear antecedents (no
10. Are gerunds and infinitives used correctly?

Date: November 4th 2021

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Step 06: essay draft number 2
COVID’s impacts on Bahraini families
According to the “Our World in Data” organization statistics,
nearly 5 million people have died from coronavirus globally; out
of these global deaths, 1393 are Bahrainis. COVID-19 has had an
enormous impact on many things within our lives. It has not only
affected our general environment, health, and well-being, but it
has also affected families, people, and relations globally as well as
locally, as how many Bahraini families have been affected by
COVID in many different ways. However, in what ways have
coronavirus affected Bahraini families? And was it a positive or a
negative effect?
The first saddening consequence of COVID’s proliferation that
has affected Bahraini households appears to be the loss of loved
ones due to their coronavirus infection. Almost every Bahraini
family have mourned the loss of their loved ones that have died of
COVID. Losses were actually heart-shattering for most Bahrainis,
even those who had no relations with the deceased at all; the
sadness stemmed more from the fact that a particular human
being had simply ceased to exist. The number of losses witnessed
every day in Bahrain was also more than what one could bear.
Furthermore, some Bahraini families have gone through many
losses in a short period of time, and most of those losses have had
no farewells. Additionally, some families did not even get to
witness the burial of their loved ones, nor were they allowed to
see their faces for one last time. But all of these were precautions
by the Bahraini government to ensure the well-being of all
Furthermore, ever since COVID emerged, there have not been
enough interactions between most families. Many Bahraini
families were unable to see each other for several months during

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coronavirus’s early days since everyone was obligated to retain
social distance. Likewise, some families who had already lived
together were also obligated to retain social distance within their
households. Moreover, some families were unable to see their lost
loved ones, nor were they able to utter farewells to them due to
their COVID’s infection and the government precautions. Due to
all of these matters, it is noticeable that COVID has affected many
Bahraini families’ general interactions.
Additionally, COVID has also caused financial difficulties for
some Bahraini families. Ever since COVID arose, numerous
governments throughout the globe have imposed a lockdown to
prevent the spread of the pandemic, which has led to substantial
economic consequences since many businesses all around the
globe, including Bahrain, have resorted to shutting down, leaving
many unemployed. Unemployment has caused many Bahraini
families to suffer from a shortage of income. Several Bahraini
households only have one source of income to finance the whole
family, but with the shutdown of some businesses, many Bahraini
households have lost their only source of income. For instance, in
some families, the father has the only source of income that
finances the whole family; hence, whenever the father loses his
job, the family loses its only source of income available. Moreover,
these financial difficulties have led some students to face struggles
with online learning since there isn’t anyone capable of financing
them with the university’s requirements.
Overall, COVID has affected most Bahraini families in many
different ways, ranging from the loss of a loved one to the lack of
interactions with one another to suffering from financial issues.
While the majority of the consequences discussed in this essay are
negative, this does not imply that COVID’s effects on families
were entirely negative. Nevertheless, COVID nowadays is being

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adapted to, as many people have gotten the vaccine, and the world
is gradually returning to its pre-COVID state.

Date: November 4th 2021

Number of words: 599

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Step07: the final draft
COVID’s impacts on Bahraini families
According to the “Our World in Data” organization statistics,
nearly 5 million people have died from COVID globally; out of
these global deaths, 1393 are Bahrainis. COVID-19 has had an
enormous impact on many things within our lives. It has not only
affected our general environment, health, and well-being, but it
has also affected families, people, and relations globally as well as
locally, as how many Bahraini families have been affected by
COVID in many different ways. However, in what ways has
coronavirus affected Bahraini families? And was it a positive or a
negative effect?
The first saddening consequence of COVID’s proliferation that
has affected Bahraini households appears to be the loss of their
loved ones due to the infection with COVID-19. Almost every
Bahraini family has mourned the loss of their loved ones that have
died of COVID. Losses were heartbreaking for most Bahrainis,
even those who had no relations with the deceased at all; the
sadness stemmed more from the fact that a specific human being
had simply ceased to exist. The number of losses witnessed every
day in Bahrain was also more than what one could bear.
Furthermore, some Bahraini families have gone through many
losses in a short period of time, and most of those losses have had
no farewells. Additionally, some families did not even get to
witness the burial of their loved ones, nor were they allowed to
see their faces for one last time. But all of these were precautions
by the Bahraini government to ensure the well-being of all
Furthermore, ever since COVID emerged, there have not been
enough interactions between most families. Many Bahraini
families were unable to see each other for several months during

14 | P a g e
coronavirus’s early days since everyone was obligated to retain
social distance. Likewise, some families who had already lived
together were also obligated to retain social distance within their
households. Moreover, some families were unable to see their lost
loved ones, nor were they able to utter farewells to them due to
their COVID’s infection and the government precautions. Due to
all of these matters, it is noticeable that COVID has affected many
Bahraini families’ general interactions.
Additionally, COVID has also caused financial difficulties for
some Bahraini families. Ever since COVID arose, numerous
governments throughout the globe have imposed a lockdown to
prevent the spread of the pandemic, which has led to substantial
economic consequences since many businesses all around the
globe, including Bahrain, have resorted to shutting down, leaving
many unemployed. Unemployment has caused many Bahraini
families to suffer from a shortage of income. There are several of
Bahraini households who only have one source of income to
finance the entire family, and with the shutdown of some
businesses, many of these Bahraini households have lost their only
source of income. Moreover, these financial difficulties have led
some students to face struggles with online learning since there
isn’t anyone capable of financing them with the university’s
Overall, COVID has affected most Bahraini families in many
different ways, ranging from the death of their loved ones to the
lack of interactions with one another to suffering from financial
issues. While the majority of the consequences discussed in this
essay are negative, this does not imply that COVID’s effects on
families were entirely negative. Nevertheless, COVID nowadays
is being adapted to, as many people have gotten the vaccination,
and the world is gradually returning to its pre-COVID state.

Date: November 4th 2021

15 | P a g e
Number of words: 572

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