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Philosophy of Education (EDU601)

Assignment I (Fall 2021)

Total Marks: 15

Q1. Differentiate between Plato and Emanuel Kant Philosophies in detail with the help of
practical examples. (15)
Plato philosophy
In metaphysics Plato envisioned a systematic, rational treatment of the forms and their interrelations,
starting with the most fundamental among them (the Good, or the One); in ethics and moral psychology
he developed the view that the good life requires not just a certain kind of knowledge (as Socrates had
suggested) but also habituation to healthy emotional responses and therefore harmony between the three
parts of the soul (according to Plato, reason, spirit, and appetite). His works also contain discussions in
aesthetics, political philosophy, theology, cosmology, epistemology, and the philosophy of language.
His school fostered research not just in philosophy narrowly conceived but in a wide range of endeavors
that today would be called mathematical or scientific.
Plato he is known as the father of idealism and one of the forefathers of philosophy which is the love of
 Plato was Greek philosopher known for having ideas about a perfect state, and he believed that
education was one of the keys to eradicating evil and achieving this. Plato received the typical education
of a youth in Athens, where the education of the young was looked at as a public rather than a private
Teaching Method of Plato recommended making learning as close to play as possible at the elementary
level. Upon reaching the higher levels of education, the student’s reasoning should be encouraged in the
processes of thinking and abstracting.
Plato's educational philosophy was grounded in a vision of an ideal Republic in which Plato expressed
his distinctive views about the nature of knowledge, reality, and the soul. Plato outlines the normal
education of a Greek boy, which he also received learning to read and write and study the poets.

Plato believed that learning is a form of recollection is the remembrance of the ideas that each human
being possesses in an innate way in the soul.
Plato State Education for all children should be taken from the parents and educated by the state.
Education for all: Plato would want all boys and girls to be educated to the limit of their abilities in all
realms of knowledge and understanding including, metaphysics, epistemology and axiology
Plato maintains a morality based welfare conception of ethics. That is to say, happiness or wellbeing
(eudemonia) is the highest aim of moral thought and conduct, and the virtues are the requisite skills and
dispositions needed to attain.
Plato the theory of natural law says that humans possess an intrinsic sense of right and wrong that

governs our reasoning and behavior. The concepts of natural law are ancient, arise from the times.
Plato regards education as a means to achieve justice, both individual justice and social justice.
According to Plato, individual justice can be obtained when each individual develops his or her ability
to the fullest.
Plato believes that all people can easily exist in harmony when society gives them equal educational
opportunity from an early age to compete fairly with each other. Without equal educational opportunity,
an unjust society appears since the political system is run by unqualified people, oligarchy, defective
democracy will result.
According to Plato, morality is knowledge. Thus, knowledge is required to be just. From this Plato
concludes that morality can be obtained through three stages of development of knowledge: knowledge
of one's own job, self-knowledge, and knowledge of the Idea of the Good. According to Plato, social
justice can be achieved when all social classes in a society, workers, warriors, and rulers are in a
harmonious relationship.
Modern education in Japan and other south Asian countries like our country has greatly contributed to
developing their societies in economic terms. In particular the college entrance examination in Pakistan
caused serious social injustices and problems: unequal educational opportunity, lack of character
education, financial burden on parents, and so on.
To achieve justice, modern society needs the Platonic theory education, for Plato's philosophy of
education will provide a comprehensive vision to solve the problems in education of the society (social
injustice unequal opportunities, lack of character).

Emanuel Kant philosophy

Kant understands of moral freedom and of moral principles has been central to discussions of morality
from his time forward. His moral philosophy is a philosophy of freedom. Without human freedom,
thought Kant, moral appraisal and moral responsibility would be impossible. Kant believes that if a
person could not act otherwise, then his or her act can have no moral worth. Further, he believes that
every human being is endowed with a conscience that makes him or her aware that the moral law has
authority over them. Kant calls this a “fact of reason,” and he regards it as the basis for a belief in
human freedom.
Emmanuel Kant is known as the father of modern moral philosophy and also his ideas and theories are
thought provoking and complex.
Emmanuel Kant was German philosopher whose comprehensive and systematic work
in epistemology (the theory of knowledge), ethics, and aesthetics greatly influenced all
subsequent philosophy, especially the various schools of Kantianism and idealism.
Teaching method of Kant separates education in two as moral and physical education. For him,

physical education is only common way with feed and care comparing human with animals. Physical
and moral education teach us how a person lives as independent existence.
Immanuel Kant educational philosophy believed that education differs from training in that the former
involves thinking. In addition to educating reason, of central importance to him was the development of
character and teaching. Kant was a proponent of public education and of learning by doing.
Emmanuel Kant believed that there are three different forms of knowledge that are analytical, logical
and synthetic (a priori).
Kant said that the person who is reared is a being endowed with freedom the parent child relationship
cannot simply be a natural one dominated merely by causality, such as that between a common producer
and its products, and it allows that there is a relationship between among them.
According to Kant, the basis of morality is the concept of freedom and the moral worth of an action
depends on the maxim that is acted on. Similarly According to Kant, moral laws are: a. necessary and
apply to all rational beings. Kant claims that the moral law is given to each person by one’s own will.
According to Kant, laws of nature are laws according to which everything will happen and laws of
freedom are laws according to which everything ought to happen.
Emmanuel Kant regards study is a collection of experiences that everyone acquires in educational
environment, ethical experiences are in this ground. Kant has spoken about these Four Stages
developing, Discipline, Learning and ethical Education In Educating Process.
Kant believes the most important part of education is the ethical part, and its purpose is formatting
man's inner discipline and educating freedom human where the source of ethical laws is practical
wisdom. When wisdom appeared in every person through education and ethics then just society may be
Emmanuel Kant reviews that there is a close relation between ethics and education, educational system
is based on man's liberty and talents growth and just voluntary actions are ethical. Ethical education is
based on certain principles and linked to perception and understanding and obtained from individual's
insight and the overall sense of duty.
Practical Example of Emmanuel Kant for modern education system.
Modern education in Japan and other South Asian countries like Pakistan has greatly contributed to
developing their societies in ethical terms. In ethic philosophy of Kant ethical task and necessity are
essential elements in our country, because of this human is responsible relying on necessity and task
freedom and character building. Kant respects ethical education so it is first step in educating children of
our country. They should learn every thinking about freedom of society.
To achieve morals and ethics modern society needs Kant theory of education. For Kant’s of education
will provide a comprehensive vision to solve the morals and ethical problems in education of the society
(bad behavior, misunderstanding, and narrow mindset).


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