Day Information - 17 February 2022

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T I M E L I N E | 17 FEBRUARY 2022

Yesterday and Today
Remarkable Movements from the Past
Vanguard 2 is an Earth-orbiting satellite launched 17 February 1959
The satellite was designed to measure cloud cover distribution over the
daylight portion of its orbit, for a period of 19 days, and to provide
information on the density of the atmosphere for the lifetime of its orbit
As the first weather satellite and one of the first orbital space missions,
the launch of Vanguard 2 was an important milestone in the Space
Race between the United States and the Soviet Union. As of March
2021, Vanguard 2 was still in orbit.

The Phantom is an American adventure comic strip, first published by

Lee Falk in February 1936. The series began with a daily newspaper
strip on February 17, 1936, The Phantom was the first fictional hero to
wear the skintight costume which has become a hallmark of comic-book
superheroes, and was the first shown in a mask with no visible pupils

Some dignitaries born/passed away on this day (Past –Present)

Karpoori Thakur was an Indian politician from the Bihar
state. He was popularly known as Jan Nayak . He served as the Chief
Minister of Bihar. He was influenced by nationalistic ideas as a
student, and joined the All India Students Federation. As a student
activist, he left his graduate college to join the Quit India
Movement.The Department of Posts released a commemorative stamp
in his memory. He breathed his last on 17 February 1988.

Ved Prakash Sharma was an Indian writer of novels and screenplays

in Hindi. Having begun his professional career as a ghost writer, he went on
to write 176 novels . Dahekte Shaher was the first novel Sharma got credit
for. In the 90s he was considered the top novelist of such genre. He breathed
his last on 17 February 2017.

Vasudev Balwant Phadke was an Indian independence activist and

revolutionary who sought India's independence from colonial rule. Phadke was
moved by the plight of the farming community and believed that Swaraj was
the only remedy for their ills. In 1984, the Indian Postal Service issued a 50
paise stamp in honour of Phadke. A chowk in South Mumbai near Metro
Cinema is named in his honour. He breathed his last on 17 February 1883.


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