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The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2021) 115:345–365


Characterization and simulation of electromagnetically induced

preform resting (EIPR) process
Mohsen Poorzeinolabedin 1 & Kemal Levend Parnas 2,3

Received: 13 October 2020 / Accepted: 26 April 2021 / Published online: 10 May 2021
# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2021

Electromagnetically induced preform resting (EIPR) process is a new version of vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding
(VARTM) process which allows manipulation of resin flow during the filling step. The EIPR process enhances the permeability
of preform locally in case of undesirable flow front situations. This technique ensures the perfect filling despite the existence of
permeability variation. To utilize the EIPR process in a better way, its comprehensive characterization to find the optimum value
of key factors and filling simulation of it is necessary. Key factors of the EIPR process (i.e., amplitude, frequency of vibration)
and permeability of preform as a material index are recognized as independent factors that must be considered to characterize the
process. These factors are considered to establish a mathematical model for the permeability of preforms. Maximum and
minimum values of the frequency and amplitude are determined based on the observations in acceptable composite material
manufacturing and in-plane permeability characterization. Response surface methodology is used to model the permeability of
EIPR process to find the optimum response values of the key factors for selected preforms. To assess the process numerically,
EIPR process simulation with the optimum values is conducted on two case studies. These case studies involving two different
permeability zones are designed in order for evaluation. In each case, a low permeability preform is employed in the middle of
high permeability one to create an artificial problem. Simulation results demonstrate an acceptable accuracy.

Keywords Resin flow control . EIPR process . Permeability . Simulation

1 Introduction deal with important issue [1–4]. Nowadays, for example,

high-tech industry have been using out-of-autoclave process
Fiber-reinforced composite structures have been utilized in- to manufacture composite parts [5–7]. Liquid composite
creasingly in high-technology applications such as aerospace, molding (LCM) is a composite material manufacturing pro-
automotive, marine, and wind energy industries. High specific cess which allows the production of strong lightweight struc-
stiffness and strength properties of these materials make them tures. The well-known LCM process is vacuum-assisted resin
favorable candidates for new applications. However, compos- transfer molding (VARTM) in which preform is first placed in
ite materials have been facing strong competition from tradi- the mold, and then, resin is transformed to saturate the dry
tional materials in terms of cost. So, developing cost-effective preform. In this process, defects such as dry spots, voids,
manufacturing approaches of these materials are required to and welding lines often arise during the mold filling and there-
fore the mechanical properties of the produced parts are de-
creased [8, 9]. These defects may often occur due to unexpect-
* Mohsen Poorzeinolabedin ed resin flow in the current vacuum bags [10]. To evaluate VARTM process with rival approaches, i.e., autoclave and
RTM process, elimination of limitations caused by such de-
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shabestar Branch, Islamic
fects is required.
Azad University, Shabestar, Iran One of the major reasons of dry spots is formations of
Department of Mechanical Engineering, TED University,
undesirable flow front due to inherent variation in the preform
Ankara, Turkey permeability. According to the ideal gas law (Pressure ×
Leopar Composite Engineering and Consulting Services Ltd.,
Volume = constant), pressure increases in this dry spot area
Ankara, Turkey and the volume continually decreases until the pressure in the
346 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365

air trap becomes close to the infusion pressure. As a result, the called the vacuum induced preform relaxation developed by
pressure gradient gets very small and the resin can no longer Justin Alms [22], an external local vacuum pressure is utilized
moves and forms dry spots [11, 12]. to reduce the compaction of preform and manipulation of per-
Diversified approaches have been proposed to modify the meability. In real time, control of the flow in an automated
filling in LMC process. These approaches mainly involve feature is used by this system. The main disadvantages of these
closing/opening of gate/vent, controlling the pressure, heating methods are creation of a gap between the preform and vacuum
the resin to increase the viscosity, increasing the porosity of bag and accumulation of resin in this gap for resin delivery in
preform by vacuum-induced preform relaxation, and resin de- the problematic area. Therefore, resin flow cannot be precisely
livery by a flow flooding chamber. controlled in these approaches. Though this problem is solved
An intelligent open/close gate/vent approach for RTM and by this process to some extent, since sealing of the chamber
VARTM processes with correct timing based on flow sensing become an abstraction once the region under the chamber is
sensors in the mold is presented by Devillard [13]. This ap- saturated, this method is applicable over the injection ports.
proach uses a combination of a genetic algorithm and filling In order to increase the reliability of the LCM processes, it is
simulation to prevent unexpected distribution failures during essential to have a well understanding about the resin flow
the mold-filling stage. A model based on a resin flow control saturation in fiber preform. Numerical analysis enables one to
approach in liquid composite molding was developed by optimize the filling process and evaluate the resin filling pro-
Johnson et al. [14] and Nielsen et al. [15, 16]. For controlling cesses. Recently, various VARTM process simulations have
the gate pressure and gate flow rate in real time, authors utilized been conducted. Simulations for the liquid composite molding
an intelligent neural network. Nalla et al. [17] utilized a multi require defining boundary conditions, in addition to preform
segment injection lines. In this system, each segment/line characteristics. There are several programs for simulation of
operates independently and a closed-loop controller is used composite laminate molding mostly with an acceptable approx-
for delivering the resin to different locations. An active control imation. To simulate resin infusion, commercial software such
system capable of the flow front detection, flow disturbances as LIMS from the University of Delaware [23], RTM-Worx
identification, and implementing real-time corrective actions by from the Polyworx [24], FLUENT from Ansys, Abaqus CFD
computer-controlled ports was suggested by Modi et al. [18]. In from Simulia Abaqus, and PAM-RTM from ESI group [25]
spite of these improvements in modify the filling in LMC pro- have been extensively used. The resin flow simulation of LCM
cess, there are some limitation in application of these ap- process in 2D, 2.5D with a layer of shell, and 3D perspective
proaches. First, these approaches are not generally cost- has been studied by several authors [26–31]. Permeability and
effective methods due to multi gate/vent ports. In addition, there compressibility of preform are the essential ingredient for gen-
is a possibility of entrapping voids by these solutions. Finally, erating successful simulation in filling process.
due to compaction of preform in atmospheric pressure, these The previous work [32] presented an active and real-time
gate ports accumulate resin in the infusion points. resin flow control approach. This method is called electromag-
Another active control method is presented in Johnson netically induced preform resting (EIPR) process which pinches
et al. [14, 19]. In this method, resin viscosity is reduced by and vibrates the upper flexible mold to rest the preform and
local heating locally which leads to enhancement of preform increase the permeability locally. This approach detects the prob-
permeation and therefor elimination of entrapment void and lematic region by monitoring the flow pattern during the filling
dry spots. An active flow control approach in which folw front process. To implement this process, a thorough understanding
pattaren is progressively forcated by numerical simulations of and full characterization of it is required to effectively predict the
VARTM is proposed by Matsuzaki et al. [20]. Using these resin flow and permeability of the preform. To do that, in this
forecasted patterns, the flow front is modified by decreasing study, various factors that may significantly affect the process are
the viscosity and therefor increasing the flow speed. The re- recognized. The amplitude and frequencies of vibration beside
duction of viscosity is accomplished by dielectric heating at the preform property are found as the main factors of EIPR
specific target points. Since the viscosities are low, the pro- process. The experimental design and response surface method
vided control action by heating is limited. Also, the cure pro- are applied to refine models using factorial designs, especially for
cess of the thermoset resins may be accelerated by heating that curvature in the response surface. This method is applied to
results in the increasing of the viscosity. model their response that uses a few tests to obtain the relation-
In order to reduce the filling time and material waste, a new ship among the major factors and the response of the system.
resin delivery method called the flow flooding chamber is in- Permeability of the preform with different parameters is calcu-
vestigated by Justin Alms et al. [21]. In this method, the vacu- lated to optimize and characterize the preform permeability as a
um bag is stretched by a chamber above the bag using vacuum function of main factors for three different preforms. Using these
to rest the preform. Using this chamber, the resin is accumulat- factor values, two case studies are designed to simulate this pro-
ed into the rested preform and is driven into preform by atmo- cess. These cases, involving two different permeability zones, are
spheric pressure by releasing vacuum. In another approach designed for process evaluation.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365 347

2 EIPR process 3 EIPR process characterization methodology

The EIPR approach is a new method of resin delivery process, Process characterization is essential in order to fully under-
which one can influence the permeability of preforms in real stand the EIPR process before applying it in resin flow con-
time manner and hence manipulate the resin flow front. This trolling. In this respect, the ferromagnetic element shape, fre-
process incorporates a creative reusable self-sealing vacuum quency of the vibration, and amplitude for each preform type
bag with embedded ferromagnetic elements to pitch and vi- are investigated.
brate upper flexible mold using an electromagnetic field The upper flexible mold has a fundamental task in resin
source. Besides the upper flexible mold, the EIPR process delivery at the problematic zone using embedded elements.
uses an automated gantry system carrying the electromagnetic The embedded elements consist of an aluminum element
and resin flow front detection system. Resin flow control is and a ferromagnetic part. The shape of the aluminum ele-
possible almost anywhere in the infusion mold by the ferro- ment has an important role on flow manipulation and con-
magnetic elements which are scattered in vacuum bag during siderably affects the process performance. In order to select
the preparation of it. The principle of this approach is locally an appropriate shape for the aluminum element, experi-
resting the preform and decreasing the resistance against the ments with two different shapes are conducted. For this
resin flow at problematic locations. In this process, the crea- purpose, a circular aluminum element with a radius of
tive upper flexible mold is dropped over the whole preform 45 mm and a square with a side length of 45 mm are
surface which must be saturated to produce a composite part. studied. Preform relaxation is provided by both shapes,
This configuration considers the flow front in online manner and the corresponding flow front progresses are inspected.
and, after detection of an unwanted disturbance in the flow Figure 2 a shows the contribution of circular element to the
pattern, calls the control system to move the electromagnetic flow front. The circular element causes a flow front in the
field source over the problematic zone to influence this pat- form of a curve or a semicircle, to be precise, in which the
tern. Invoking the upper flexible mold at that region makes the fluid speed under the center of the element is the highest. It
preform more permeable. This correction action reduces the is found more suitable for a case where the race-tracking is
compaction pressure and increases the fabric preform porosi- likely to occur, since it can reduce the race tracking effect.
ty. Resin is delivered faster in these locations where an unpre- In contrast, the square element generates a straight flow
dictable permeability variation occurs to compensate the resin front as shown Fig. 2b. Therefore, the second one is pre-
flow perturbation in real time [32]. The process is schemati- ferred for EIPR characterization study that can compensate
cally demonstrated in Fig. 1. and deliver the fluid uniformly.

Fig. 1 Schematic of EIPR process [32]

348 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365

Fig. 2 The corrected flow front patterns for a circular shape and b square shape elements

After preparation of the flexible upper mold and selecting quadratic equation is used to model the curvature response. It
the shape of element, the full specifications of the EIPR pro- takes the following form:
cess must be characterized. Two critical factors of the EIPR
k k
process, known as amplitude and the frequency of vibration, Y ¼ β 0 þ ∑ βi X i þ ∑ βii X 2i þ ∑ βij X i X j þ ε ð1Þ
were revealed during the experimental evaluation. As depicted i¼1 i¼1 i< j

in Fig. 1, amplitude is the distance between the external elec-

tromagnet and the corresponding embedded element that can where β0, βi, βii, and βij are the constant, linear, quadratic, and
be lifted by the electromagnetic force while tapping frequency interaction coefficients, respectively. Also, Xi and ε are param-
denotes the rate of electromagnetic force engagement on the eters and the error term, respectively.
corresponding vacuum bag location. This modeling is conducted on the selected three different
In order to achieve the proper ranges of amplitude and preforms using frequency and amplitude as significant param-
frequency, some experiments are performed. These experi- eters with three levels. Central composite design is utilized for
ments showed that the most effective ranges for amplitude the design experiment of surface response method. Full facto-
and frequency are 0.2–0.8 mm and 1–10 Hz, respectively. rial design with center point is used for design of two con-
There would be an inordinate gap between the vacuum bag tinues factors (amplitude and frequency) and one categorical
and upper surface of the preform if the amplitudes are over 0.8 factor (preform type). A total of 39 experiments are designed
mm. This gap not only causes an undesirable filling because for three factors with four replications at the center point of
of providing a very high permeability channel over the pre- each categorical factor.
form that is significantly different from the in-plane perme-
ability of the preform, but also cumulates the resin under the
vacuum bag and decreases the fluid velocity. On the other
hand, if the frequencies were over 10 Hz, the electromagnet 4 Material
practically clings to the element, where the vibration ceases.
To manipulate these independent factors and measure their 4.1 Material specifications
effects on the permeability of the three different preforms, it is
needed to create a test procedure using experimental design. Three different preforms are selected to explore the permeabil-
A statistical method called response surface method [33] is ity feature. The criterion for selection is their different perme-
used for experiment design and modeling the permeability as ability values. E-glass multiaxial 600 g/m2, E-glass twill 300
a response, mathematically. This method is used to relate the g/m2, and chapped (mat) E-glass EMAT1 450 g/m2 fiber pre-
response, i.e., the permeability of the preform to the signifi- forms according to the size of the prepared mold are cut care-
cant parameters with a first- or second-order polynomial. The fully. Number of layers for twill, multiaxial, and mat samples
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365 349

are 12, 5, and 5, respectively. Prepared samples are shown in where xff is the position of flow front at time t, Δp is the
Fig. 3. pressure difference between infusion and vent line, μ is the
Since viscosity of thermoset resins varies during the pro- fluid viscosity, and φ is the preform porosity. Here
cess and regarding their Newtonian behavior before the gela-
φ ¼ 1−v f ð3Þ
tion, instead of these resin types, a test fluid (Motor oil
20W50) is used to have repeatable and reliable measurement, and vf is the fiber volume fraction.
as recommended in [35]. The test fluid viscosity is 0.165 Pa s To simulate and predict the filling time and flow front
with a density of 900 kg/m3. pattern, a complete characterization of material property is
necessary. Since permeability is known to be anisotropic
4.2 Fiber-reinforced preform’s permeability property in porous media, then a second-order tensor de-
scribes it as follows:
Fiber-reinforced permeability is an anisotropic property, 2 3
which characterizes the ease of establishing a resin flow K xx K xy K xz
K ¼ 4 K yx K yy K yz 5 ð4Þ
through the preform in LCM processes. In LCM, resin flow
K zx K zy K zz
depends on the filling condition, resin property, and preform
characteristics. Permeability is a way to represent the resis- This tensor is diagonalized to obtain what is known as the
tance of preform against the resin flow. Therefore, obtaining principal permeability. It is assumed that the first two principal
the permeability of the preforms under EIPR process is of permeability values lie in the fabric plane while the third one is
critical importance in characterization of this process. orthogonal to the fabric plan. To find the principal permeabil-
Unidirectional infusion experiments are performed to de- ities, three permeability measurements are required at 0°, 45°,
termine in-plane permeability. For the unsaturated rectilinear and 90° directions of the preform. Once these values are ob-
flow at constant pressure, the permeability is calculated from tained, calculation of principal permeabilities (K1, K2) is pos-
linear infusion of fluid as inlet line into the fiber preform. The sible as follows [35]:
flow front is assumed uniform and oriented parallel to the inlet
line. Darcy’s law [34] gives the permeability as follows: ° α1 −α2
K 1 ¼ K 0xx α2 ð5Þ
xff μφ α1 −
K xx ¼ − ð2Þ cosð2β Þ

Fig. 3 E-glass fiber preform

samples: (a) twill, (b) multiaxial,
and (c) mat
350 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365

and for fabric compaction. It is defined as a function of preform

thickness (h) of the pressure applied on the preform surface:
° α1 þ α2
K 2 ¼ K 90
xx α2 ð6Þ
α1 þ h ¼ f ðPcom Þ ð10Þ
In LCM processes, the compressibility of the preform di-
where α1and α2 are as follows: rectly defines the fiber volume fraction by
° °  
K 0xx þ K 90
xx m
α1 ¼ ð7Þ V f ðPcom Þ ¼ ð11Þ
2 hðPcom Þρ
° °
K 0 −K 90
α2 ¼ xx xx ð8Þ where m is areal density of the fiber preform, ρ is fiber density,
2 and h is the preform thickness.
1 α1 α21 −α22 During the infusion process, the resin pressure calculated
β ¼ tan−1 − ð9Þ
2 α2 α2 :K 45
° from the Darcy’s equation has a gradient component along the
saturation path from the atmospheric pressure at infusion line
° ° °
where K 0xx ; K 45
xx ; and K xx and β are permeability of the pre-
90 side toward the vacuum pressure at vent line side. This pres-
form along 0 , 45 , and 90° orientations and the angle between
° ° sure difference (Patm − Pvac) is constant and taken as external
the elliptic pattern of flow and warp direction of fabric. pressure. Thickness (h) of the mold is not constant due to
balancing property of vacuum bags on the pressure gradient
4.3 Fiber-reinforced preform’s compressibility against the summation of resin pressure and reinforcement
compaction pressure that is computed from compressibility
Another important factor in all VARTM processes is fab- curve [11, 26, 36].
ric compressibility which affects the properties related to Pext ¼ Presin þ Pcom ð12Þ
both material and process of the part. Fiber volume frac-
tion is increased by compaction due to compression of
fluid pressure or mold surface. Thus, the thickness of
the part is decreased and, consequently, the porosity
which results in the decrease of permeability. The fabric 5 Experimental
compaction may lead to several important phenomena in
this type of processes. In the processes such as VARTM 5.1 Test setup
where the flow is in the fabric plane, since the net com-
paction pressure varies throughout the mold, a region with An experimental setup capable of automatic correction of
non-uniform thickness can be created. the flow pattern is designed and constructed for in order
According to the Darcy’s law, increasing the pressure will to implement EIPR process and its control methodology.
result in an increase in the fluid velocity through fabric. On the The upper flexible mold with the embedded elements and
other hand, the compaction pressure will also be elevated by gate/vent ports is the important part of this setup. An
an increase in the pressure of the fluid and hence the perme- automatic gantry system controlled/actuated by step mo-
ability is lowered. It could be possible in certain cases for an tors is used to deploy the electromagnetic field source on
increase in pressure to have a decrease in injection time, al- the embedded elements of the upper mold. These move-
though this is not common. In most fabrics, the thickness ments are achieved with a written program in ARDUINO.
decrease tends to compensate the permeability decrease in In order to monitor the flow pattern during the filling
through-thickness flow. The effect of compaction on perme- process, a flow front monitoring system is mounted under
ability is not the same for all fabrics, and since it highly de- the transparent mold. The flow pattern/front is continu-
pends to the fabric architecture, some fibers are affected more ously analyzed by a code/program in MATLAB [32].
than the others. Two experiment sets are applied to characterize EIPR pro-
Fiber compaction also influences the fabric porosity which cess and its simulation. To characterize the EIPR process, an
affect the saturation time of an unsaturated flow, introducing upper flexible mold for a rectangle plate of 60 × 180 mm is
another complexity to the problem. Although compaction de- prepared as illustrated in Fig. 4.
creases permeability, the decrease in porosity can increase the To evaluate the EIPR process numerically, two case studies
velocity of the fluid through a preform. Since this parameter [32] are simulated. The plates used in these tests have a rect-
has an important effect on the permeability of the preform and angular geometry of 140 mm × 240 mm which are stiffened in
processability of the composite parts, calculation of preform’s the middle of the plate to disturb flow front pattern as Fig. 5.
compressibility values are required for getting accurate values To simulate the process material property of preforms, i.e.,
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365 351

Fig. 4 Upper flexible mold with

an embedded element for process

permeability and compressibility must be defined. Beside the 5.2 Test procedure
permeability, compressibility of the preform must be tested.
For this purpose, the out-of-plane compression response of In this study, two test procedures are designed to characterize
preforms is tested on a displacement-controlled Instron ma- and evaluate EIPR process separately.
chine. Three specimens of preform with the size of 60 ×
60 mm are prepared to run the tests as shown in Fig. 6. EIPR process characterization The test series for EIPR charac-
terization are conducted according to the design of

Fig. 5 Case studies (a) case 1 and

(b) case 2 where a high
permeability preforms stiffened
with a low permeability one
352 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365

Fig. 6 Schematic of
compressibility test setup

experiment. In this regard, prepared preforms are placed on

the transparent mold and then covered with the flexible mold V ¼− ∇p ð14Þ
and a vacuum pressure of 66.7 kPa (500 mmHg) is applied μ
into the mold. To have an in-plane permeability measurement Substituting V in Eq. (13) yields the Laplacian for the pres-
and avoid infusion through-the-thickness, distribution fabric sure:
or mesh fabric is not used.
Next, frequency of the EIPR process is set in the control ∇2 p ¼ 0 ð15Þ
program as the design experiment plan. Before commencing
the infusion, the image processing unit that is placed under the where ∇p is the pressure gradient (Pa/m) and μ is the fluid
transparent mold is calibrated and set to take images at desired viscosity (Pa s).
interval. Sequentially, the EIPR system is located over the EIPR process simulation is run for the selected case studies
element and the amplitude is set on the instrument. Finally, (Fig. 4) with the use of PAM-RTM program. The model of
the EIPR process is lunched to measure the permeability. case studies is 140 × 240 mm plate with a thickness of
Flow front position (the average flow front distance from the about 2 mm, where the middle of the plate is stiffened with
infusion line) versus time is obtained, and permeability value a low permeability preform, i.e., twill preform. Boundary con-
of the preform is calculated. ditions are defined as atmospheric pressure at the infusion line
Additionally, non-control (VARTM) infusion process for and vacuum pressure, 66.7 kPa (500 mmHg), at the flow front
each fiber preform is also done to calculate the permeability as or the vent line of the models. The models are meshed using
a comparison tool. triangular 2D elements. Resin viscosity and physical proper-
ties of the preforms (principle permeabilities an compressibil-
EIPR process evaluation For the planned evaluation tests, the ity) are applied as input data of the program. Numerical study
optimum values of key factors of the EIPR process are given is done for both non-control and EIPR processes to see the
to the controller program as an input to start vibrating the efficiency of the presented method.
elements whenever necessary and increase the permeability
locally. It was programmed to record the flow front during
the filling process with regular intervals. Finally, the EIPR 7 Results and discussion
system is initiated. To compare the filling results, no-control
process is done for each case. All these tests are done under 7.1 EIPR process characterization results
the same condition of EIPR characterization tests.
For characterization of the EIPR process on the three different
fiber preforms that have low, medium, and high permeability
values, design experiment test is carried out with three levels
6 Process simulation of the process key parameters. In addition, to compare the
EIPR process with non-control process, normal VARTM test
Simulation of EIPR process can incorporate the resin flow
control in real time. The equivalent permeability of the
preform to model the filling process, the fluid flowing through Table 1 Actual and coded levels of parameters in this study
the preform is assumed to be isothermal and incompressible Factors Levels
Newtonian. Continuity of the incompressible flow gives the
following: Low (1) Medium (2) High (3)

∇:V ¼ 0 ð13Þ Frequency (F) 1 5.5 10

Amplitude (A) 0.2 0.5 0.8
where flow velocity vector (m/s) through the preform is
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365 353

Table 2 Permeability and filling time of the preforms for non-control is also conducted for each preform. The studied levels of the
process (i.e., F0A0)
frequency are 1.0, 5.5, and 10.0 Hz and the amplitudes are 0.2,
Material Permeability (m2) Filling time (s) 0.5, and 0.8 mm. These frequency values are coded as 1–3 for
each level, respectively. Note that parameters exceeding the
Mat 8.476E−11 244 threshold values are not desirable for acceptable filling.
Multiaxial 1.05E−10 178 Table 1 demonstrates the coded and actual level values for
Twill 1.72E−11 1099 design parameters and experiments. The value after latter F

Table 3 Experimental design and

corresponding response Experiment Experiment Frequency Hz Amplitude mm Material Permeability
code no. (Freq.) (Amp.) (Mat.) (×10−11 m2)

F1A1 1 1 0.2 Mat 11.56

F3A1 2 10 0.2 Mat 12.60
F1A3 3 1 0.8 Mat 12.89
F3A3 4 10 0.8 Mat 12.10
F1A2 5 1 0.5 Mat 12.40
F3A2 6 10 0.5 Mat 13.29
F2A1 7 5.5 0.2 Mat 12.80
F2A3 8 5.5 0.8 Mat 14.50
F2A2 9 5.5 0.5 Mat 13.77
F2A2 10 (C) 5.5 0.5 Mat 14.50
F2A2 11 (C) 5.5 0.5 Mat 13.00
F2A2 12 (C) 5.5 0.5 Mat 14.50
F2A2 13 (C) 5.5 0.5 Mat 13.95
F1A1 14 1 0.2 Multiaxial 16.070
F3A1 15 10 0.2 Multiaxial 18.900
F1A3 16 1 0.8 Multiaxial 20.450
F3A3 17 10 0.8 Multiaxial 23.780
F1A2 18 1 0.5 Multiaxial 18.750
F3A2 19 10 0.5 Multiaxial 24.100
F2A1 20 5.5 0.2 Multiaxial 20.380
F2A3 21 5.5 0.8 Multiaxial 24.810
F2A2 22 5.5 0.5 Multiaxial 24.800
F2A2 23 (C) 5.5 0.5 Multiaxial 24.000
F2A2 24 (C) 5.5 0.5 Multiaxial 25.100
F2A2 25 (C) 5.5 0.5 Multiaxial 24.700
F2A2 26 (C) 5.5 0.5 Multiaxial 24.400
F1A1 27 1 0.2 Twill 3.610
F3A1 28 10 0.2 Twill 4.301
F1A3 29 1 0.8 Twill 5.790
F3A3 30 10 0.8 Twill 5.460
F1A2 31 1 0.5 Twill 4.802
F3A2 32 10 0.5 Twill 5.448
F2A1 33 5.5 0.2 Twill 4.810
F2A3 34 5.5 0.8 Twill 6.360
F2A2 35 5.5 0.5 Twill 6.300
F2A2 36 (C) 5.5 0.5 Twill 6.700
F2A2 37 (C) 5.5 0.5 Twill 5.962
F2A2 38 (C) 5.5 0.5 Twill 6.100
F2A2 39 (C) 5.5 0.5 Twill 6.000
354 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365

Fig. 7 Flow front progression

through mat preform for different
key parameters of EIPR process

shows the frequency level, and the one after the latter A shows Figure 7 represents the results of mat preform. In this figure,
the amplitude level of the system. According to these codes, one can see the effect of the EIPR process in reducing the filling
the F0A0 one shows the non-control experiment result. time. It reduces the filling time from 34 to 44% regarding differ-
All experiments are run in the same mold geometry, test ent process parameters. Similarly, the flow progression is pre-
conditions, and test fluid. Table 2 presents the non-control sented for multiaxial one in Fig. 8. By comparing, it is clear that
(F0A0) permeability of preforms which are obtained as a ref- there is a reduction from 20 to 44% in filling time for this case.
erence. Each test is repeated three times and the average of Sequentially, recorded flow front with respect to time for twill
them is presented. Table 3 gives the permeability values of preform is given in Fig. 9. Twill fabric has the lowest permeabil-
EIPR process tests. Flow front position versus time is detected ity among the preforms. In this case, there is a 42 to 60% reduc-
and recorded by the program written in MATLAB. This pro- tion in filling time. The lowest filling time belongs to F2A2 test
gram calculates the flow front distance from the infusion line series. By considering the filling time of the experiments, it can
by using image processing. The results for all preform are be concluded that the EIPR process is more effective for the low
shown in Figs. 7, 8, and 9. permeability preforms rather than high permeability ones.

Fig. 8 Flow front progression

through multiaxial preform for
different key parameters of EIPR
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365 355

Fig. 9 Flow front progression

through twill preform for different
key parameters of EIPR process

7.2 Response surface analysis and regression model Results of RSM analysis are given in terms of permeability
for EIPR process permeability are shown in Table 4. The probability values for frequency
and amplitude are more than 99%. Therefore, these factors are
To obtain a mathematical model of EIPR process permeability effective and significant. Also, P-value for material effect is
response, a statistical analysis is required. As mentioned be- more than 99% which shows its significance. It is observable
fore, the tapping frequency and amplitude are taken as inde- that the interactions of factor squares are effective and signif-
pendent factors to evaluate their effects on the corresponding icant. P-values of all are more than 99% expect for frequency/
response. In this analysis, results are investigated based for a amplitude and frequency/material interactions; these values
confidence factor of 95% by taking P-value α = 0.05 . are 96%. Figure 10 shows Pareto charts that illustrate the
Therefore, when the probability of factors is more than 95% effectiveness of the independent factors on the preform
or α ≤ 0.05, it is considered as a significant factor. For P- permeability.
values more than 0.05, the factors are rejected as insignificant. Lack-of-fit is an index that shows a regression model
is not significantly describe the extracted model between
the factors and response. If lack-of-fit is significant, it
Table 4 Analysis of variance for transformed response can be due to exclude of quadratic terms or exist of
unusually large residual results from the fitting the mod-
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-value P-
el. Moreover, in this analysis, lack-of-fit is not signifi-
cant with P-value 0.122, so the extracted model fits the
Model 11 1.61980 0.147255 593.47 0.000 experiment data satisfactorily.
Linear 4 1.57425 0.393562 1586.14 0.000 The transformed regression models with the determined
Freq. 1 0.00575 0.005748 23.17 0.000 coefficients for forecasting response of permeability of all
Amp. 1 0.02128 0.021280 85.76 0.000 preforms take the following form:
Mat. 2 1.54722 0.773610 3117.82 0.000 Regression model for mat:
Square 2 0.03624 0.018121 73.03 0.000
Permeability0:208834 ¼ 1:5614 þ 0:03057 F þ 0:3551 A
Freq. × freq. 1 0.01847 0.018470 74.44 0.000
−0:002332 F  F−0:2759 A  A
Amp. × amp. 1 0.00511 0.005110 20.60 0.000
−0:00743 F  A
2-way interaction 5 0.00932 0.001863 7.51 0.000
Freq. × amp. 1 0.00121 0.001207 4.86 0.036
Freq. × mat. 2 0.00334 0.001669 6.72 0.004 Regression model for multiaxial:
Amp. × mat. 2 0.00477 0.002386 9.62 0.001
Error 27 0.00670 0.000248 Permeability0:208834 ¼ 1:6656 þ 0:03754 F þ 0:4622 A
Lack-of-fit 15 0.00459 0.000306 1.74 0.170 −0:002332 F  F−0:2759 A  A
Pure error 12 0.00211 0.000176 −0:00743 F  A
Total 38 1.62650 ð17Þ
356 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365

Fig. 10 Effectiveness of all terms

in form of Pareto chart for
permeability (α = 0.05)

Table 5 Model summary for

transformed response S R-sq R-sq (adj) R-sq (pred)

0.0157520 99.59% 99.42% 98.99%

Regression model for twill: where F and A in these equations are frequency and
Permeability0:208834 ¼ 1:2044 þ 0:03189 F þ 0:4769 A R2 is another criterion to evaluate the regression model in
−0:002332 F  F−0:2759 A  A predicting results. The more this value is close to 100%, which
−0:00743 F  A is the more accurate prediction result. Table 5 presents the R2
ð18Þ values for the transformed response.

Fig. 11 Residual plots for permeability. a Normal probability. b Versus fits. c Histogram. d Versus order
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365 357

Normal probability of residuals for the preform permeability the material at fixed level at the same time. Figures 12,
response is illustrated in Fig. 11 a and b. This type of plots 13, and 14 display 3D surface and 2D contour plots of
reveals whether a particular distribution fits to the collected data mat, multiaxial, and twill fiber preforms, respectively. It is
and allows the comparison of sample distributions. Points close observable as Fig. 15; the preform permeability increases
to the distribution line and close together mean good fitness of and then decreases with increasing frequency. However, it
the selected distribution. It is observable that the points are very increases with increasing amplitude.
close to the fit line, i.e., the normality assumption is valid in this Finally, an optimization study is performed using the
analysis. The histogram plot (Fig. 11c) also shows the normal response optimizer where the aim is to maximize the
distribution without skew and existence of outliers. Residuals permeability. The optimum values depend on the pre-
versus fitted values plot show a random pattern of residuals on forms for frequency and amplitude that are found to
both sides of zero as illustrated in Fig. 11d. And this confirms b e 5 . 6 – 5 .7 H z a n d 0 . 5 – 0 . 7 m m , r es p e c t i v e l y .
the constant variance assumption in experiment data. From the Obviously, these values are the optimum values for
residuals versus order of data, it is noticeable that the residuals the selected range of these parameters. Corresponding
are uncorrelated with each other. permeabilities of mat, multiaxial, and twill preforms
To show the effect of the independent variables, 3D are 14.580 × 10−11, 24.93 × 10−11, and 6.183 ×
surface and 2D contour plots are utilized, while holding 10−11 m2, respectively.

Fig. 12 a 3D surface and b 2D

contour plot for mat preform on
358 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365

Fig. 13 a 3D surface and b 2D

contour plot for multiaxial
preform on permeability

7.3 Evaluation and simulation results of EIPR process (5 layers) and twill (12 layers) preforms is demonstrated as a
function of fiber volume fraction (based on power law) in
The simulations of two planned tests are conducted using Figs. 16 and 17.
PAM-RTM software for both EIPR and non-control process- To evaluate the EIPR process numerically, a comparison
es. Principal permeability of twill preform for both processes study is conducted for the filling process considering two
is calculated based on the test data at 0°, 45°, and 90° directions different cases. EIPR and non-control processes are simulated,
to define the material property in the software. Since mat and flow front pattern, filling time, and dry spot formation of
preform has a homogenous in-plane property, only 0° direc- each case are compared with experiments.
tion permeability test is done to define its property. It must be Figure 18 shows the forecasted filling pattern of case 1
noted that since control action is done on the low permeability for EIPR process in comparison with two frames of exper-
section, the property of mat preform under EIPR process is not imental results at 300 and 550 s of infusion. In the figure,
needed to define in simulation software. Permeability property the low permeability zone is illustrated with a black rect-
of the preforms is given in Table 6. angle. These frames clearly show that simulation of EIPR
Compressibility of preform is another property that must be process predicts flow patterns and filling time correctly. As
defined in PAM-RTM software. The pressure response of mat it is expected, the EIPR process is shown to avoid the
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365 359

Fig. 14 a 3D surface and b 2D

contour plot for twill preform on

formation of dry spots both in simulations and in spot at the end of filling process, experimentally and numeri-
experiments. cally, is exemplified.
For comparison purposes, one can easily see the dry spot Figure 20 illustrates the filling pattern of case 2 in the EIPR
formation for the no-control process, as shown in Fig. 19. The process in comparison with the experimental one. Two frames
flow starts from the left side of the plate in the EIPR process, of mold filling at times 357 and 459 s of process are selected to
and it progresses towards the low permeability section in the validate the simulation results. Flow front geometries are very
center. When flow reaches the low permeability zone which is like the simulation patterns corresponding to similar filling
at the center, it faces a resistance in this region and it flows times.
faster around this section through two high permeability chan- Figure 21 shows the simulation and experimental results
nels. Finally, the fluid flow in these two channels joins in the for non-control process. Similarly, reduction in the speed of
right-hand side of the low permeability zone and a dry spot is flow in the low permeability section causes an air trap because
formed there. The simulation also predicts the unsaturated of the fact that fluid flows faster in the high permeability
zone in non-control process correctly. In the presented figure, sections surrounding this low permeability section. Non-
a frame of flow pattern before air entrapment and formed dry control process simulation of case 2 predicts the dry spot
360 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365

Fig. 15 Mean effects plot of frequency, amplitude, and material on preform permeability fitted mean

Table 6 Effective and principle permeability and orientation of elliptical flow

Permeability (10−11 m2) Ellipse

° ° °
Process Material K 0xx K 45
xx K 90
xx K1 K2 β

EIPR Twill 6.29 6.78 7.74 7.77 6.28 96.2°

VARTM Mat 8.47 - - 8.47 8.47 0°
Twill 1.72 1.86 2.42 2.47 1.68 102.1

Fig. 16 Pressure response of mat

Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365 361

Fig. 17 Pressure response of twill


formation as well, and the shape of dry spot zone reveals the experiments reduces the filling time (approximately 10–
good agreement between simulation and experiment. 12%) for each case.
Mold filling time is one of the important parameters in the
production of composite parts since the gel time of resins does
not significantly vary. Thus, it can be used as an index for 8 Conclusion
comparison or evaluation purposes. Filling time values for
the simulations and tests are given in Table 7. Results show EIPR process is an active control methodology that detects the
that the simulation predictions are quite satisfactory. It can be flow front. It devises a relaxation strategy if there is an unex-
observed that the EIPR process in both simulations and pected development in the flow front and stimulates a

Fig. 18 Case 1: filling pattern of (a) simulation and experiment at (b) 300 s and (c) 550 s
362 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365

Fig. 19 Case 1: flow front at 445 s of VARTM process for (a) simulation and (b) experiment; dry spot formation in (c) simulation and (d) experiment

ferromagnetic element to rest the preform and pulsate it to that controls preform permeability is characterized. Leading
increase the local permeability. In this study, the EIPR process factors of the process are identified including frequency and

Fig. 20 Case 2: filling pattern of (a) simulation and experiment at (b) 357 s and (c) 459 s
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365 363

Fig. 21 Case 2: flow front at 304 s of VARTM process for (a) simulation and (b) experiment; dry spot formation in (c) simulation and (d) experiment

amplitude of vibration. In order to evaluate this process and permeability first increases with increasing frequency and
obtain a confident model, three preform types with low, mean, then reduces. Meanwhile, it has an ever-increasing trend with
and high permeability properties values are selected. Central increasing amplitude. Simulation of this process, using the
composite design method is used to design of experiment. A experimental data, is evaluated. Two case studies which are
total of 39 experiments are conducted to study the effect of the stiffened in the middle using low permeability preform are
factors on the preform permeability. The filling time of pre- modeled for both EIPR and non-control processes. The ability
form infusion of EIPR process shows a significant reduction of the EIPR process to fill the mold completely without any
from 20 to 60% depending on the material and factor levels. dry spots is illustrated numerically. There is a good agreement
High reduction values relate to the low permeability preform. between the simulation and experimental findings as the dif-
The response surface methodology is utilized to analyze and ference between results is below 3%.
model the permeability response. Mathematical models are
obtained as a function of frequency and amplitude for each
material. It shows that the response defined in terms of Author contribution M. Poorzeinolabedin designed and performed the
experiments, derived the models, and analyzed the data. M.
Poorzeinolabedin wrote the manuscript in consultation with K.L.
Parnas. K.L. Parnas supervised the project.
Table 7 Filling time in simulations and experiments with/without the
EIPR process Availability of data and materials Not applicable.
Filling time (s)
No control EIPR
Ethics approval Not applicable.
Simulation Experiment Simulation Experiment
Consent to participate Not applicable.
Case 1 674 680 591 604
Case 2 557 557 510 500 Consent for publication Not applicable.
364 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2021) 115:345–365

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