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As part of the lab assessment, you will create a compressed tarball

(called lab1task1.tgz) that contains the five files below:

• file1.pcapng
• file2.pcapng
• file3.pcapng
• file4.pcapng
• id.txt (containing your assigned number in one line)
All characters in the filenames must be in small letters!
To create a compressed tarball, do the following:
• On the lab VM, open a new terminal
• Set the ownership and permission of the captured files:
ik1203vm:~$ sudo chown student:student *pcapng
ik1203vm:~$ chmod 666 *pcapng
• Create a new folder called lab1task1 and move the captured files into the
ik1203vm:~$ mkdir lab1task1
ik1203vm:~$ mv *pcapng lab1task1
• Create the id.txt file with only your assigned number and move it to
the lab1task1 folder.
Replace 5 in the example below with your assigned number.
ik1203vm:~$ echo 5 > id.txt
ik1203vm:~$ mv id.txt lab1task1
• Create a compressed file of the lab1task1 folder using the command
ik1203vm:~$ tar zcvpf lab1task1.tgz lab1task1
• You should have the lab1task1.tgz file in your home directory.
Now, check that the tarball contains five files inside the lab1task1 folder
using the command below:

ik1203vm:~$ tar tf lab1task1.tgz

The output of the command should look similar to below:


• Before you submit the lab1task1.tgz file, you need to run a test
script, which will check that everything is in order and ensure that your
submission will get a passing grade. You can run the test script by
executing the command below from the home directory of the server VM
(replace X with your assigned number):

ik1203vm:~$ ./scripts/ X

If you see an error in the output, you need to troubleshoot and fix it.
• Once you verify that everything is ok, you can upload
the lab1task1.tgz file to Canvas.

The requirement for passing this submission is to score 1 point out of 1.

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