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Math Instructional Model & Strategy




Praise were offered the presence of Allah Almighty, who has been
His guidance and aid, so this paper can be solved by not a hitch. The
purpose of this paper was written to fulfill the task. Fully aware that this paper
can not be resolved without assistance, guidance, and support from various
parties. Therefore in this opportunity authors express appreciation and
gratitude to the lecturer of this subject, who has given us like a forward of this
Hopefully, participation and guidance they can add insight and
knowledge. However, in this paper is still far from realizing, so with all humility
the writer expects criticism and constructive suggestions for the perfection of
writing in the foreseeable come.
Finally, the authors hope this paper can be useful and be supporting the
development of educational science, particularly mathematics education

Makassar, 10th of May 2011




TITTLE .................................................................................................................i
PREFACE ............................................................................................................ii
CONTENTS ........................................................................................................iii
A. Background .............................................................................................1
B. Problem Statement ................................................................................2
C. Objective of Paper ..................................................................................2
A. Definition of realistic mathematics education ......................................4
B. Realistic mathematics education’s key principles ..................................6
C. Characteristic of rme's teaching and learning principles ........................ 17
D. The steps of realistic mathematics education ........................................20
E. Advantages and disadvantages of realistic mathematics education .....23
F. Theories that support the realistic mathematics education .................23
A. Conclusion ..............................................................................................32
B. Suggestion...............................................................................................32
BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................34



B. Background

Mathematics is one of the basic sciences, which increasingly felt

interkasinya with other scientific fields such as economics and technology. The
role of mathematics in this interaction lies in the structure of science and
equipment used. One characteristic of mathematics is an abstract object that
has this can cause many students have difficulty in math. Student mathematics
achievement, both nationally and internationally has not been encouraging. In
math students are not yet meaningful learning, so that student understanding
of the concept is very weak.

"According to Jenning and Dunne (1999) says that, most students have
difficulty in applying mathematics to real life situations." This is causing the
difficulty of mathematics for students is due in less meaningful mathematics
learning, and teachers in learning in the classroom does not associate with
scheme which has been owned by the students and the students lack the
opportunity to rediscover the ideas of mathematics. Linking real-life
experiences, children with mathematical ideas in learning in the classroom is
very important for learning mathematics meaningful.

According to Van de Henvel-Panhuizen (2000), when children learn

mathematics separate from their everyday experience, then the child will
quickly forget and can not apply mathematics. One of the math-oriented
learning matematisasi everyday experience and apply mathematics in everyday
life is a realistic mathematics learning.


Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) is a theory of teaching and

learning in mathematics education. Realistic mathematics first introduced and
developed in the Netherlands in 1970 by the Freudenthal Institute. These
lessons relate and involve the surrounding environment, the real experience of
having experienced students in daily life, and make mathematics as a student
activity. With the RME approach, students do not have to be brought into the
real world, but problems associated with real situations that exist in the minds
of students. So students are encouraged to think how to solve problems that
may or often experienced by students in their daily life.

Here in this paper will elaborate further on Realistic Mathematics

Education or Realistic Mathematic Eduacation (RME)

C. Problem Statement

Base to the background before, can be made some problem statement like:
1. What the definition of realistic mathematics education?
2. What the realistic mathematics education’s key principles?
3. What the characteristic of rme's teaching and learning principles?
4. What the steps of realistic mathematics education?
5. What the advantages and disadvantages of realistic mathematics
6. What theories that support the realistic mathematics education?

D. Objective of Paper
Base to the problem statement before, can be made the objective of paper
1. To know the definition of realistic mathematics education.

2. To know the realistic mathematics education’s key principles.


3. To know the characteristic of rme's teaching and learning principles.

4. To know the steps of realistic mathematics education.

5. To know the advantages and disadvantages of realistic mathematics

6. To know theories that support the realistic mathematics education.



As a reaction to the New Math or Mathematics Modern, the Wiskobas

project in the Netherlands developed the instructional theory called 'Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME)' (see Freudenthal, 1973, 1991; van den Heuvel-
Panhuizen, 1996; Gravemeijer, 1994, 1997; Klein, 1998; Streefland, 1991, 1991a;
Treffers, 1987, 1991). The label 'realistic' is taken from a classification by Treffers
(1987) that discerns four approaches in mathematics education: mechanistic,
structuralistic, empiristic and realistic (these approaches will be discussed in
section 3.3.1). Later on, based on Freudenthal's interpretation of mathematics
as a human activity (Freudenthal, 1973), a realistic approach to mathematics
education became known as Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). To give
more insight into this theory the following section outlines some notions of

A. Definition of Realistic Mathematics Education

Understanding realistic approach by Sofyan, (2007: 28) "an educational

approach that tries to place education at the basic essentials of education itself."

According Sudarman Benu, (2000: 405) "realistic approach is an

approach that uses real-world problem situation or a concept as a starting
point in learning mathematics."

Learning math is equivalent Realistic Realistic Mathematics Education

(RME), an approach to learning mathematics developed in the Netherlands
Freudenthal. Gravemeijer (1994: 82)


“Realistic mathematics education is rooted in Freudenthal's

interpretation of mathematics as an activity.”

Gravemeijer expression above shows that learning mathematics

Freudenthal realistic on the view that states of mathematics as an activity.
Furthermore Gravemeijer (1994: 82) explains that which can be classified as
such activities include problem-solving activities, search and organize subject
matter. According to Freudenthal's activities called mathematization with the
concept of realistic mathematics above Gravemeijer (1994: 91) states

“Mathematics is viewed as an activity, a way of working. Learning

mathematics means doing mathematics, of which solving everyday life
problem is an essential part”

Gravemeijer explained that with regard mathematics as an activity then

studied mathematics means working with math and solving problems of
everyday life is an important part of learning.

Another concept of learning mathematics put forward realistic Treffers

(in Fauzan, 2002: 33-34) in the following statement

“The key idea of RME Is That Children Should Be given the opportunity
to reinvent mathematics under the guidance of an adult (teacher). In
addition, the formal mathematical knowledge can be developed from
children's informal knowledge.”

In the expression above Treffers explains the key ideas of realistic

mathematics learning which emphasizes the need for opportunities for students
to reinvent mathematics by an adult (teacher). Also mentioned that the
formal mathematical knowledge can be developed (re-discovered), based on


informal knowledge that students possessed. These statements mentioned

above describes a way of looking at learning matamatika placed as a process for
students to find their own informal knowledge-based mathematical knowledge
he had. In this view mathematics is presented not as good "so" that can be
moved by the teacher into the minds of students.

From some of the above opinions can also be said that the RME or
Realistic approach is a learning approach that uses everyday problems as a
source of inspiration in the formation of concepts and apply these concepts or
can be considered a learning mathematics based on real things or real for
students and refers to the social constructivist.

The purpose of Realistic Mathematics Education as follows (Kuiper &

kouver, 1993):

1. Making math more interesting, relevant and meaningful, not too

formal and not too abstract.
2. Consider the student's ability level.
3. Emphasize learning mathematics "learning by doing".
4. Facilitate completion of math problems without using a standard
5. Using context as a starting point of learning mathematics.

B. Realistic Mathematics Education’s Key Principles

According to Gravemeijer (1994, 1997) there are three key heuristic
principles of RME for instructional design (see also Gravemeijer, Cobb, Bowers,
and Whitenack, 2000) namely guided reinvention through progressive
mathematization, didactical phenomenology, and self developed models or


emergent models. These principles are discussed consecutively in more detail in

the following sections.
1. Guided reinvention through progressive mathematization

According to de Lange (1987), in RME the real world problem is

explored in the first place intuitively, with the view to mathematizing it. This
means organizing and structuring the problem, trying to identify the
mathematical aspects of the problem, to discover regularities. This initial
exploration with a strong intuitive component should lead to the
development, discovery or (re) invention of mathematical concepts. These
criteria lead to the first key principle of RME for instructional design that is
'guided reinvention through progressive mathematizing'.

In the guided reinvention principle, the students should be given the

opportunity to experience a process similar to that by which
mathematics was invented (Gravemeijer 1994, 1999). With regard to this
principle, a learning route has to be mapped out (by a developer or
instructional designer) that allow the students to find the intended
mathematics by themselves. When designing the learning route
(Gravemeijer (1994) calls this conjectured learning trajectory), the
developer/designer starts with a thought experiment, imagining a route by
which he or she could have arrived at a solution him-or herself. Gravemeijer
(1994) says that the conjectured learning trajectory should be emphasized
on the nature of the learning process rather than on inventing mathematics
concepts/results. It means we have to give students the opportunity to gain
knowledge so that it becomes their own private knowledge, knowledge for
which they themselves are responsible. This implies that in the teaching
learning process students should be given the opportunity to build their own


mathematical knowledge on the basis of such a learning process.

According to Gravemeijer (1994, 1997) there are two things that can
be used to realize the reinvention principle. Firstly, from knowledge of
the history of mathematics we can learn how certain knowledge developed.
This may help the developer/instructional designer to lay out the
intermediate steps, by which the intended mathematics could be reinvented.
It means that students can learn from the work of mathematicians.
Secondly, by giving a contextual problem that has various informal solution
procedures, continued by mathematizing similar solution procedures, will also
create the opportunity for the reinvention process. To do so the
developer/instructional designers need to find contextual problems that
allow for a wide variety of solution procedures, especially those which
considered together already indicate a possible learning route through a
process of progressive mathematization.

Gravemeijer (1999) sees the reinvention principle as long-term learning

process in which the reinvention process evolves as one of gradual changes. The
intermediate stages always have to be viewed in a long-term perspective,
not as goals in themselves, and the focus has to be given on guided
exploration. To realize this view, the developer/instructional designers
need to design a sequence of appropriate contextual problems. What we
mostly find in traditional mathematics instruction is in the contrary to this
view. Here the learning path is structured in separate learning steps, in which
each step can be mastered independently.

To understand the guided reinvention principle better, let us see the

differences between the realistic approach and information processing
regarding reinvention process. According to Gravemejer (1994) the


information processing approach views mathematics as a ready-made

system with general applicability, and mathematics instruction as
breaking up formal mathematics knowledge into learning procedures
and then learning to apply them. On the other hand, the realistic
approach is emphasized on mathematizing. Mathematics is viewed as
human activity and learning mathematics means doing mathematics in
which solving the everyday problems is an essential part.

The different view of the two approaches is essentially reflected in the

mathematical learning processes as shown in the next models in solving a
contextual problem.

Source: Gravemeijer, 1994.

application of formal mathematics realistic problem-solving

Mathematical learning process in the information processing and realistic


The first model describes the process of solving a contextual problem by

using the formal mathematical knowledge. In the first step, the problem is
translated to a mathematical problem (mathematical terms), then the
mathematical problem is solved by using the relevant mathematical means.
At the end, the mathematical solution is translated back into the original
context. Gravemeijer criticizes thismodel because there is reducing


information in the process of solving the problem. Transformation of a

contextual problem into a mathematical problem causes a reduction of
information because many aspects of the original problem will have been
obliterated. When the mathematical solution is translated back into the
original context, it involves an interpretation. On the other side, the aspects
that were obliterated should be taken into account again. What frequently
happens is that the suggestion obtained from mathematical solution does
not really fit the original problem. Moreover, solving the problems by
using this model is due to recognizing problem types and establishing standard

In the second model, solving the problem also passes through

three stages: describing the contextual problem more formally, solving the
problem on this level, and then translating the solution back into the context.
But because in the realistic approach mathematics is taught based on human
activity, it makes that the three activities have a very different meaning than
those in the first model. Gravemeijer describes the advantages of solving the
problem by using this approach as follow:

 The problem is the actual aim rather than the use of a mathematical
 Solving the problem is done in an informal way rather than applying
a standard procedure;

 The problem is described in a way that allow pupils to come to grips

with it;
 By schematizing and identifying the central relations in the problem
situation, pupils will understand the problem better;

 The description we provide can be sketchy and using self-invented


symbol (it needs not be presented in commonly accepted mathematical

 The description also simplifies the problem by describing
relations and distinguishing matters of major and minor importance;

 Translation and interpretation of the solution are easier because the

symbol are meaningful.

So far we can see that 'mathematizing' is a very important activity in

RME. This activity mainly involves generalizing and formalizing
(Gravemeijer, 1994).
Formalizing includes modeling, symbolizing, schematizing and
defining, and generalizing is to understand in a reflective sense. By
solving the contextual problems in realistic approach students learn to
mathematize contextual problems. This process is called mathematization
(Treffers, 1987, 1991a).

As the process of mathematization is very important to develop

knowledge from children's thinking (Freudenthal, 1968; Resnick, Bill &
Lesgold, 1992; Trffers, 1991a), it is necessary to start the process by
mathematizing those contextual problems that come from children's
everyday-life reality. By doing that, children have the opportunity to solve
the contextual problems using informal language (Treffers (1987, 1991a)
calls this process as horizontal mathematization). In the long term, after the
students have experienced similar processes (through simplifying and
formalizing), the informal language will be developed into a more
formal or standardized language. At the end of these processes the students
will come to an algorithm. The process of mathematization of mathematical
matter is called vertical mathematization (Treffers, 1987, 1991a). Freudenthal
(1991) makes the distinction between horizontal and vertical mathematization:


"Horizontal mathematization leads from the world of life to the world

of symbols. In the world of life one lives, acts (and suffers); in other one
symbols are shaped, reshaped, and manipulated, mechanically,
comprehendingly, reflectingly: this is vertical mathematization. The
world of life is what is experienced as reality (in the sense I used the word
before), as is symbol world with regard to abstraction".

De Lange (1987) distinguishes between horizontal and vertical

mathematization in more detail based on type of activities. The activities in
horizontal mathematization involve identifying the specific mathematics in
a general context; schematizing; formulating and visualizing a problem in
different ways; discovering relations; discovering regularities; recognizing
isomorphic aspects in different problems; transferring a real world problem
to a mathematical problem; and transferring a real world problem to a
known mathematical model. Meanwhile, in vertical mathematization
the activities include representing a relation in a formula; proving regularities;
refining and adjusting models; using different models; combining and
integrating models; formulating a new mathematical concepts; generalizing
The process of horizontal and vertical mathematization is described in
Horizontal mathematization takes place when pupils describe contextual
using their informal strategies in order to solve them. If the informal strategies
lead the pupils to solve the problems using mathematical language or
to find an algorithm, then this process of movement shows a vertical


Source: Gravemeijer, 1994

Horizontal Mathematization ( . . . . . ) Vertical Mathematization (------>)

Due to this learning process, if the students can (re) construct

the formal mathematical knowledge, it means they do reinvention process.
Gravemeijer (1994) schematizes this process in the next figure.

Reinvention process

Although in figure above the reinvention process is presented sing a one

way arrow, in reality it is a repeated process. In other words, before


reinventing the formal mathematical knowledge, pupils experience the

processes of describing and solving the contextual problems that have similar
procedure solutions. In these processes the pupils develop their informal strategies
into mathematical language or algorithm.

The four approaches in mathematics education mentioned in

section 3.1 are classified by Treffersr (1987) using criteria of horizontal and
vertical mathematization. In the realistic approach, horizontal and vertical
mathematizations are used to construct the long-term learning process. Here
the students will start with contextual problems, idiosyncratic, informal
knowledge and strategies. They then have to construct formal
mathematics by mathematizing the contextual problems (horizontally)
and by mathematizing solution procedures (vertically). The mechanistic
approach is the opposite of the realistic approach because it lacks both the
horizontal and vertical mathematization. The structuralistic approach only
emphasizes on vertical mathematization, while the empiristic approach focuses
on horizontal mathematization. These conditions can be summarized as follows.

The sign '+' means much attention paid to that kind of

mathematization, and the sign '-' means little or no attention at all (see De
Lange, 1987).

2. Didactical Phenomenology

In contrast to the anti-didactic inversion (see section 3.2),


Freudenthal (1983) advocated the didactical phenomenology. This implies

that in learning mathematics we have to start from phenomena that are
meaningful for the student, that beg to be organized and that stimulate
learning processes. In didactical phenomenology, situations where a given
mathematical topic is applied are to be investigated for two reasons
(Gravemeijer, 1994, 1999). Firstly, to reveal the kind of applications that have
to be anticipated in instruction. Secondly, to consider their suitability as points
of impact for a process of progressive mathematization.

According to Gravemeijer (1994, 1999), the goal of a

henomenological investigation is to find problem situations for which
situation-specific approaches can be generalized, and to find situations that
can evoke paradigmatic solution procedures that can be taken as the basis for
vertical mathematization. This goal is derived from the fact that mathematics is
historically evolved from solving practical problems. In mathematics
instruction we can realize this goal by finding the contextual problems that
lead to this evolving process.

An implication of the didactical phenomenology principle is that the

developer/ instructional designer has to provide students with contextual
problems taken from phenomena that are real and meaningful for them. But
sometimes mathematics educators misunderstand the label 'real' or
'realistic' in RME. They interpret it as referring to a 'really' real objects or
situations in the surroundings. Considering this, it is important to notice the
next statement from Gravemeijer (1999).

'The use of the label 'realistic' refers to a foundation of mathematical

knowledge in situations that are experientially real to the students. Context
problems in RME do not necessarily have to deal with authentic every-day life


situations. What is central, is that the context in which a problem is situated is

experientially real to students in that they can immediately act intelligently
within this context. Of course the goal is that eventually mathematics itself
can constitute experientially real context for the students.'

3. Self-developed models

The third key principle for instructional design in RME is self-

developed models or emergent models (Gravemeijer 1994, 1999). This
principle plays an important role in bridging the gap between informal
knowledge and formal knowledge. It implies that we have to give the
opportunity to the students to use and develop their own models when
they are solving the problems. At the beginning the students will develop a
model which is familiar to them. After the process of generalizing and
formalizing, the model gradually becomes an entity on its own. Gravemeijer
(1994) calls this process a transition from model-of to model-for. After
the transition, the model may be used as a model for mathematical
reasoning (Gravemeijer, 1994, 1999; Treffers, 1991a).

To give a clearer meaning of models, Gravemeijer (1999)

differentiates between embodiment and models. He says that embodiment
are presented as pre-existing models in product-oriented mathematics
education, while models emerge from the activities of the students themselves
in realistic mathematics education. Related to this, Gravemeijer suggests that
the primary aim of the use of models should not be regarded as something to
illustrate mathematics from an expert point of view, but that they should
support students in constructing mathematics starting from their own
perspective. The next figure illustrates the use of models in three different
approaches in mathematics education.


Source: Gravemeijer, 1994

The process of using models in three different approaches

At the beginning of this section the term emergent models was

introduced. This term is used by Gravemeijer (1999) to indicate the character of
the development of model-of to model-for. An RME model emerges from
the informal solutions of the students when they solve the contextual
problem. Firstly, the model is used to support informal strategies that
correspond with situation-specific solution strategies. After the students
experience similar solution procedures, the choice of a strategy is no longer
dependent on its relation with the problem situation, but is much
influenced by mathematical characteristics of the problem. Here the role of
model begins to change because it gets a more general character. Finally the
model becomes an entity on its own after a process of reification takes place.
Gravemeijer (1999) argues that at this stage the model becomes more
important as a base for mathematical reasoning than as a way to represent a
contextual problem.

C. Characteristic of Realistic Mathematics Education

The previous section has discussed the important principles in

RME for instructional design. Suppose that we have designed curriculum
material based on the RME theory, now comes the questions: how should


the teaching learning process using this curriculum material be conducted;

how should teachers present the curriculum in the classrooms; and how are
students supposed to learn from the curriculum material? Related to these
questions, Treffers (1991a) proposes five learning and teaching principles
namely constructing and concretizing, levels and models, reflection and
special assignments, social context and interaction, and structuring and
interweaving (Note: in each pair, the learning principle is indicated first).
These teaching and learning principles are parallel to five tenets mentioned
by de Lange (1987): (1) the use of real-life contexts; (2) the use of use models;
(3) student's free production; (4) interaction; (5) intertwining. The following
parts discuss the RME's learning and teaching principles one by one.

1. Constructing and concretizing

The first learning principle of RME is that learning mathematics is a
constructive activity, something which contradicts the idea of learning
as absorbing knowledge which is presented or transmitted (Treffers, 1991a).
On the teaching idea, the instruction should start with a concrete
orientation basis. In other words, the instruction has to be emphasized on
a phenomenological exploration (Gravemeijer, 1994). From phenomena
that need to be organized as a starting point, teachers can stimulate students to
manipulate these means of organizing.

2. Levels and models

In this principle, the learning of a mathematical concept or skill is

viewed as a process which is often stretched out over the long term and
which moves at various levels of abstraction (from informal to formal and from
the intuitive level to the level of subject-matter systematics) (Treffers, 1991a).
Now how to help bridge the gap between these various levels? Using the


term bridging by vertical instruments. Gravemeijer (1994) advocates that a

broad attention has to be given to visual models, model situations, and
schemata that arise from problem solving activities because it will help students
to move through these various levels.

3. Reflection and special assignments

The third learning principle in RME is related to the raising of the level
of the learning process. According to Graveimeijer (1994) and Treffers
(1991a) the raising process is promoted through reflection, therefore serious
attention has to be paid to a student's own constructions and productions.
On the teaching principle: the students must constantly have the
opportunity and be stimulated at important junctures in the course, to
reflect on learning strands that have already been encountered and to anticipate
what lies ahead (Treffers, 1991a). To realize this principle we have to provide
students with special assignments, for example the conflict problems, those that
can stimulate students' free productions.

4. Social context and interaction

The fourth learning principle is related to the importance of social
context, as Treffers (1991a) says that learning is not a solo activity but it occurs
in a society and is directed and stimulated by the socio-cultural context. By
working in-groups for example, students have the opportunity for the
exchange of ideas and arguments so that they can learn from others. This
principle implies that mathematics education should by nature be interactive.
It means interactivity that includes explicit negotiation, intervention,
discussion, cooperation and evaluation become very essential elements in
a constructive learning process (Gravemeijer (1994)

5. Structuring and Interweaving


The last learning principle is connected to the first principle.

According to Treffers (1991a) learning mathematics doe not consist of
absorbing a collection of unrelated knowledge and skill elements, but is the
construction of knowledge and skills to a structured entity. In addition,
Gravemeijer (1994) says that the holistic approach, which incorporates
applications, implies that learning strands can not be dealt with as separate
entities; instead, an intertwining of learning strands is exploited in
problem solving. These statements bring us to the teaching principle: the
learning strands in mathematics must be intertwined with each other.

D. The Steps Of Realistic Mathematics Education

Reviewing interactive characteristics in realistic mathematics above
seems necessary in a learning design that is able to build interaction between
students and students, students with teachers, or students with their
environment. In this case, Asikin (2001: 3) believes the need for teachers to
give students the opportunity to communicate his ideas through individual
presentations, group work, group discussions, and class discussion. Negotiation
and evaluation with fellow students and teachers are also learning an important
factor in this constructive learning.
The implications of the social aspect is quite high in these students'
learning activities, the teacher needs to determine appropriate teaching
methods and in accordance with those needs. One method of teaching that can
meet those objectives is to include discussions on student learning. Activity is
seen to encourage discussion and interaction between members of the class
launched. According to Kemp (1994: 169) discussion is a form of face-to-face
teaching is the most commonly used for exchanging information, thoughts
and opinions. More than that in a discussion of the learning process that goes
not only activities that are considering the sheer information, but also allows


the process of thinking in the analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Further

discussions have also determined the form which would be to consider the
condition of the existing class. Because learning in the framework of the
research was conducted in a classroom, which generally consists of 40 to 44
students with placement of students that are difficult to form a large group
discussion, the interaction among the students raised through small group
discussions in pairs, in addition to class discussions. Basing on the condition of
class as the above description as well as some of the characteristics and
principles of realistic mathematics learning, the learning steps undertaken in
this study consisted of:
Step 1. In this step the teacher presents to students a contextual
problem. Next the teacher asks the students to understand the problem first.
Characteristics of realistic mathematics that appears in this step is to use
context. Use of context seen in the presentation of contextual issues as the
starting point of student learning activities.
Step 2. Describes the contextual problem.
This step was taken when students have difficulty understanding the
contextual issues. In this step the teacher provides assistance by giving the
necessary instructions or questions that can lead students to understand the
problem. Characteristics of realistic mathematics that appears in this step is
interactive, ie the interaction between teachers and students and between
students with a student. While the principle has guided Reinvention least arise
when teachers try to give direction to the students in understanding the
Step 3. Solving contextual problems.
At this stage students are encouraged to solve the problem individually,
based contextual ability to use the clues provided. Students have the freedom


to use his own way. In the process of solving problems, students actually lured
or directed to think discover or construct knowledge for themselves. At this
stage it is possible for teachers to provide the necessary assistance (scaffolding)
to students who really need help. At this stage, the two principles of realistic
mathematics that can be raised is Reinvention and progressive mathematizing
guided and self-developed models. While the characteristics that can be raised
is the use of models. In solving problems students have the freedom to build
models of the problem.
Step 4. Compare and discuss answers.
At this stage the teacher first asks students to compare and discuss
answers with their partner. This discussion is a vehicle for a pair of students
discuss their answers. From these discussions are expected to appear to answer
agreed upon by both students. Next the teacher asks students to compare and
discuss answers in class discussions held. At this stage the teacher pointing or
giving students the opportunity to partner to bring the answers he has to face
the class and encourage other students to examine and respond to the answers
that appear in front of the class. Characteristics of learning mathematics that
appears realistic at this stage are interactive and use student contributions.
Interactions can occur between students and between teachers and students are
also students. In this discussion, student contributions useful in solving
Step 5. Conclude
From the results of class discussions teachers lead students to draw
conclusions about problem solving, concepts, procedures or principles that
have built together. At this stage of learning the characteristics of realistic
mathematics that emerges is interactive and use student contributions.


E. Advantages and Disadvantages Realistic Mathematics Education

Some of the advantages of learning metematika realistic among others:

1. Lessons to be quite enjoyable for students and the atmosphere did

not seem tense.
2. Material can be understood by most students.
3. Props are the objects that are around, so easily obtained.
4. Teachers are challenged to learn the material.
5. Teachers become more creative to make props.
6. Students have a high enough intelligence seem more intelligent.

Some weaknesses of metematika realistic learning include:

1. Difficult to apply in a large class (40-45 people).

2. It takes a long time to understand the subject matter.
3. Students who have the intelligence was needed more time to be
able to understand the subject matter.

F. Relevant Learning Theory with Realistic Mathematics Education

As described in the previous section, realistic mathematics developed

with reference to and inspired by the constructivist philosophy. Meanwhile,
according Soedjadi (1999: 156) constructivism in the field of study can be
viewed as one approach that was developed in line with the theory of cognitive
psychology. The essence of constructivism in the field of learning is that
students have a major role in constructing knowledge that are meaningful to
him. While the teachers position themselves more as facilitators of learning.
Some cognitive learning theory which is deemed relevant to the realistic
approach to learning mathematics is the theory of Piaget, Vygotsky theory,


theory theory Ausubel andBruner.

1. Piaget's Theory (in Ibrahim, 1999:16)

Holds that, children have the potential to develop intellectual.

Intellectual development of their departure from curiosity and to understand
the world around him. Understanding and appreciation about the world
around it will encourage them to build their minds about the world view in his
brain. The view that a mental structure is called a schema or schemata (plural).
Suparno (1997: 30) described the scheme as a network of concepts or
categories. By using the scheme, a person can process and identify a stimulus
that it receives so that he can put it in the category / concept accordingly.
Piaget states that the basic principle of development is the ongoing adaptation
of one's knowledge of one's thoughts into the reality around him. This
adaptation process is inseparable from the existence of such schemes owned
and involves assimilation, accommodation and equiliberation in mind
(Suparno, 1997: 31). Assimilation is the cognitive process by which one can
integrate perception, concept or new experiences into the scheme has. Through
assimilation, the scheme evolved but not changed person. Thus the
development of the scheme a person means the enrichment of one's
perception and knowledge of the surrounding world. Therefore, assimilation
can be viewed as a process by which individuals to adapt and organize
themselves into the environment so that change their undrstanding. Cognitive
process of assimilation is not always possible someone. This happens if new
stimuli are not received in accordance with the scheme has. If this happens, it
will be the process of accommodation. Through a process of accommodation,
one's thoughts will form a new scheme that fits with that stimulus or modify
the existing scheme so that it matches with that stimulus (Suparno, 1997: 32).

In developing his knowledge, the process of assimilation and


accommodation continue to take place in a person. Both occurred not stand

alone. Both these processes take place in the balance that is set mechanically.
The process of setting this balance is called equilibrium (Suparno, 1997: 32).
However, in accepting a new experience can happen in such a state of
imbalance to occur between assimilation and accommodation. This situation is
referred to as dissequilibrium. This imbalance arises when there is a discrepancy
between the current experience with new experiences that lead to
accommodation. If there is an imbalance then someone also managed to find a
balance between assimilation and accommodation. According Dahar (1991:
182) a person who is able to regain its balance will be at a higher intellectual
level than before. It can be concluded that Piaget's theories with the reality or
knowledge not as an object that was already finished and available to humans,
but he must be obtained through construction activities by man himself
through the process of adapting his mind into the reality around him.
Furthermore, Piaget (in Atkinson, 1999: 96) explains that in his intellectual
development stages of a child is already involved in the process of thinking and
pondering life logically. The thought process took place in accordance with the
level of child development. For optimal intellectual development of children
take place then they need to be motivated and facilitated to develop theories
that explain the world around him (Ibrahim, 1999: 19). Related to this effort
Piaget (in Ibrahim, 1999:18) argues that a good education is education that
involves the child to experiment on their own, in the sense:

a. Trying everything to see what happens.

b. Manipulate signs and symbols

c. Ask questions

d. Finding the answers yourself


e.Verify what he had discovered at some point with what he found at

the other

f. Comparing the findings with the findings of others.

Realistic mathematics learning is one approach that is consistent with

Piaget's view of the above. Realistic mathematics developed based on
constructivist philosophy, looking at knowledge in mathematics is not as
something that is already finished and ready to be given to students, but as a
result of students who are studying construction. Therefore, in realistic
mathematics student learning is central to the learning process itself, while
teachers act more as facilitators. The implication of this view is a must for
teachers to facilitate and encourage students to engage actively in the learning
process. Students should be encouraged to construct knowledge for
themselves. For this purpose the students should have greater freedom in
expressing his thoughts in solving the problems it faces. To realize the situation
and conditions to learn that so then in managing the learning teachers need to
consider several views of Piaget. Among them are teachers should encourage
students to dare to try various possible ways to understand and solve problems.
In this activity students construct knowledge by realized by providing
contextual problems. Contextual problems were designed so that it allows
students to construct knowledge independently.

2. Vygotsky Theory

Matthews and O'Loughlin (in Suparno, 1997: 41) argues that Piaget's
theory was developed with greater emphasis on personal aspects. This theory is
considered too subjective and less social, so that community and
environmental factors less attention in the process of a child's intellectual
development. Unlike Piaget, Vygotsky (in Ibrahim, 1999: 18) argues that the


process of knowledge creation and development of children is inseparable from

social interaction factors. Through interaction with friends and the
environment, a child helped his intellectual development. Vygotsky's view
about the importance of social interaction in the intellectual development of
children looked out of four key ideas that build a theory.

a. Emphasis on the social nature

The first key idea is to explain Vygotsky views about the importance of
social interaction in the learning process of children. Vygotsky (in Nur, 1999:
3) argued that children learn through interaction with adults or peers. In such a
learning process, a child who is learning not only convey your understanding
of a problem to himself, but he also can deliver it to other people around him.
Cooperative learning are interwoven by social intraksi participants learn to give
the benefit of learning outcomes that are open to all students and other
students' thinking process open to other students. b. Areas nearby
development (zone of proximal development).

Vygotsky explained that there are two levels of intellectual

development, namely the level of actual development and potential
development level. At the level of actual development of a person is able to
learn or solve problems by using the capabilities that exist in him at that time.
While the level of potential development is the level of one's intellectual
development achieved with the help of someone more capable. The level of
potential development is located above the level of actual development of a
person. Changes in the level of actual development leading to the potential
level of development does not occur directly and automatically. The changes
that take place through a process of learning that occurs in the region nearest
the development. Regional development is located just above the nearest
actual development of a person. According to Slavin (1994: 49) a child who


works in areas closest developments involved in the tasks themselves are not
capable of completion. It requires the presence of people who are better able to
help. By doing a series of learning tasks in the area nearest the development of
a child is expected to reach a certain proficiency level in next time. Thus the
learning process in the region nearest the development can be viewed as a
process of transition or a transition from the level of actual development to
the level of potential development.

c. Cognitive Apprenticeship

The key idea is a combination of two key ideas of the first, namely the
social nature and development of nearby areas. According to Vygotsky, in the
process of cognitive apprenticeship a student to gradually achieve expertise in
interaction with an expert, adults or their peers with more knowledge (Nur,
1999: 5). Implementation of this idea is the formation of heterogeneous
cooperative learning groups so that students are more intelligent may help
students who are less good at completing tasks.

d. Scaffolding

Scaffolding (the stairs) is a principle that refers to the assistance provided

by adults or peers who are competent. In the learning process for help was
given to students in the form of a large amount of support in the early stages
of learning. Further aid was getting less and eventually none at all so the kids
take over full responsibility for what is done after he was able to do so (Slavin,
1997: 48).
The key idea is to explain the views of Vygotsky about the need for complex
tasks, difficult and realistic to students. Through problem solving in the task he
was receiving, a student is expected to find the basic skills useful for him. Thus
learning that takes place more emphasis on top-down teaching models (Nur,


1999: 5). From this, in contrast to traditional bottom-up model, where basic
skills are given in stages to achieve a more complex skills. The implications that
arise on the view Vygotsky in education of children is the need for an
encouragement to students to interact with people around him who have
better knowledge that can provide assistance in intellectual development. More
broadly than that, the constructivist emphasis for educators pay attention to
the existence of the school situation, community and friends around someone
who can affect the intellectual development of his students (Cobb in Suparno,
1997: 96). One of the characteristics of realistic mathematics learning is the
discovery of concepts and problem solving as a result of false ideas of the
students. The contribution of these ideas could be realized through the
learning process in which there is interaction between students and students,
between students and teachers or between students with their environment.
Thus, in addition to any mental activity that was personal, in realistic
mathematics teachers need to encourage the emergence of social interaction
between members of the class in the process of construct knowledge. Through
these social interactions are more capable students the opportunity to convey
the understanding that it has on other students who are weaker. This allows for
students who are weaker are obtained from actual development to increase
potential growth for students who are better able to help. While on the other
hand teachers have a role in helping students who have difficulty with giving
directions, instructions, warnings and encouragement. Thus it appears that the
learning process in line with realistic math that Vygotsky theories emphasize
the importance of social interaction in the intellectual development of

In this case, the social interaction between members of the classes is

realized through a phase of discussing and negotiating the settlement of


problems at the group level or grade level. In the discussion group or the class
teacher should encourage the spirit of sharing and respect the views of other
parties. While the interaction that can be built by teachers with students is to
provide assistance as needed without having to limit the range of students to
express her ideas.

3. Ausubel Theory

Ausubel, Noval and Hanesian classify study of two types of learning

memorization and meaningful learning (Suparno, 1997: 53). According to Nur
(1999: 38) refers to the memorization learning to memorize facts or
relationships, eg multiplication tables and symbols of chemical atoms.
Meanwhile, according to Ausubel learning meaningful to say if the
information to be studied are prepared in accordance with students' cognitive
structure so that these students relate new information to the cognitive
structure that has (Hudojo, 1988: 61). According Parreren through meaningful
learning one's own concept of the structure had been developed. In addition,
the concepts are connected to one another in a meaningful delivery rules are
useful in solving the problem (Winkel, 1991: 57). This view is in line with the
opinion that says that the knowledge learned significantly will allow to apply to
the broader situation in real life (Nur, 1999: 34).

Contrary to the explanation above, if the knowledge that should be

taught in a meaningful but are taught by rote will produce inert knowledge.
Inert knowledge is real knowledge can be applied to more general situations,
but in fact only applicable in special situations (Nur, 1999: 38). Students who
simply memorizing a concept without really understand it is a form of verbal
victim (Winkel, 1991: 58).

One of the characteristics of realistic mathematics learning is the use of


context. The use of realistic context for learning mathematics means that the
everyday environment or students' existing knowledge can be used as part of
learning materials for students. What is going on around students and student
knowledge is a valuable material to serve as the contextual issues that became
the starting point of students' thinking activity. The problem is thus more
meaningful to students because it is still within range of knowledge that has
been owned by previous students. Therefore, to solve contextual problems a
student should be able to relate the knowledge that has been held with the
problem. Thus a student will successfully solve the problem if he has enough
contextual knowledge related to the problem. In addition, students also must
be able to apply knowledge that has been held to resolve these contextual
issues. Thus the presentation of contextual problems for students in
mathematics realistic in line with the theory of meaningful learning Ausubel.

4. Bruner Theory

Bruner (in Hudojo, 1988: 56) argues that learning mathematics is to

learn about the concepts and structures and to find relationships between the
concepts and structures are. According to Bruner understanding of a concept
and its structure makes the material more memorable and can be understood
more comprehensively.

Similar to what was raised as Piaget, Bruner argues that there are three
stages of mental development through which students in the learning process.
But the third stage of thinking by



A. Conclusion

Based on the description above, then the conclusion can be delivered

more of the following. Realistic Mathematics (MR) is a school mathematics
performed by placing the realities and experiences of students as a starting
point of learning.

MR use of realistic learning problems as a starting base of learning, and

through the horizontal-vertical matematisasi students are expected to find and
reconstruct the concepts of mathematics or formal mathematical knowledge.
Furthermore, students are given the opportunity to apply mathematical
concepts to solve everyday problems or issues in other fields. In other words,
learning-oriented MR matematisasi everyday experience (mathematize of
Everyday experience) and apply mathematics in everyday life (everydaying
mathematics), so that students learn the significance (understanding).

MR student-centered learning, while teachers only as a facilitator and

motivator, so it requires a different paradigm of how students learn, how
teachers teach, and what is learned by students with mathematics learning
paradigm so far. Therefore, changes in teacher perceptions of teaching needs to
be done if you want to implement realistic mathematics learning.

B. Suggestion
To make this paper we (writer) have arduousness to collect the
literatures about this material because in library there are just few books about


that. And we also have limitation to find literature in another place or out of
library campus or we just can see in the internet. So that, we suggest to library
administration to more maximize their collection books especially in subject
strategies and models of learning. Actually in the making of this paper, we still
have confusing about the materials because there are many term we don’t
know what its mean. So for the lecture, please explain more about this


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