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Marks X 1
Answer the following: (12 storage devices.
Q.1) different types of magnetic
media? Describe
What is magnetic

Marks X 2 12)
Q.2) Answer the following: (6Describe characteristics of Hypermedia.
a) What is Hypermedia? MIDI and Digítal Audio.
b)What is sound? Differentiate between

XI 12)
Q.3) Explain the following: (12 Marks

communication and
in multimedia
Write the different
communication modes sed
explain it.

X 3 12)
Attempt ANY THREE (4 Marks

Q.4) Write short notes on the following:

a) Multimedia authoring tools

b) Dithering process.
c)Multimediain schools

d) Digital Video Standards


1 12)
Q.5) Answer the following (12Marks X

State and explain various applications of multimedia.

Q.6) Answer the following: (6 Marks X

2 12)
with its characteristics.
a) Describe importance of Image in multimedia along
Discuss steps to create animated scene in detail.

12) X 2
Q.7) Explain the following: (6 Marks

and HD video.
a) Describe in detail concept of HDTV
in detail.
b)What is text? Explain the types oftext

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