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Electromagnetic Accelerators

Sean P. McDevitt and Devon J. Dallmann

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Colorado,
Boulder, CO 80309

Abstract— Design and construct an electromagnetic accel- with the lowest point exactly midway between the wires.
erator (railgun). By assuming the magnetic field to be constant along the
entire length of the projectile and equal to the magnitude
of the actual field’s lowest point, the calculations are far
Railguns are part of a class of so called ”electromag- simpler. In addition, the assumptions help reduce error as
netic” weapons. These weapons range from an electromag- we are not accounting for losses due to arcing and other
netic pulse (EMP) to a Gauss gun. The main principle of such losses. With these assumptions, the equation then
these weapons is to use purely electromagnetic forces and simplifies to:
energy to do their designed tasks. All of these weapons are
currently of great interest to militaries around the world. µ0 V0 e RC

The prospect of having a highly destructive weapon with B∼

= (3)
Rπ(a + 2l )
little to no moving parts is extremely attractive. In fact, the
United States Navy is intending to implement a modified From here we calculate the force on the projectile.
railgun on the newly designed destroyer (DDX). Because the B-field is assumed to be constant along the
length of the projectile we can do this by using (4). Next,
the cross product can be changed to its magnitude and
The mathematics behind railguns are quite simple. How- angle form to remove the vectors (5). If we assume the
ever, to accurately model the behavior of the gun and B-field in the projectile is perpendicular to the current’s
projectile, a wide range of physics must be employed. direction at all points, sin(α) becomes 1. This assumption
The gun itself require electromagnetic theory, while the holds as across the plain of symmetry between the two
trajectory of the bullet requires wires the B-fields from both wires points down, exactly
perpendicular to the plain. In addition, dl across the
A. Behavior of a Railgun
projectile is just a straight line, which turns the integral
First model the system as a simple circuit. From this of Idl into just Il. Then the previous values for I(t) and
we arrive at an expression for the current where: R is B are substituted into the equation, which then gives (8).
resistance, C is the capacitance, and V0 is the initial
voltage of the system.
dF = I(t)d~l × B
~ (4)
V0 −t Z
I(t) = e RC (1)
R F = I(t)B sin(α)dl (5)
Next we have to calculate the magnetic field caused by l

the current through the circuit. This can be modeled by two ⇒ I(t)Bl (6)
wires running parallel to each other, with current flowing V0 Bl −t
⇒ e RC (7)
up one wire, then across the projectile, and back down the R
other wire. Therefore on the line of symmetry between V02 µ0 l
⇒ e RC
the wires the magnetic field follows the equation below. R2 π(a + 2l )
Where l is the length between the rails, a is the radius of
Then Newton’s Law can be applied, where m is the
the rail, and r is the distance from the center of the right
mass of the projectile, to find the acceleration.
rail (r is assumed to be larger than a).
µ0 I(t) µ0 I(t)
B= + (2) F = ma (9)
2πr 2π + l + 2a − r
V02 µ0 l
It would be quite difficult to calculate the force on the a = 2 l
e RC
mR π(a + 2 )
projectile due to this non-constant magnetic field. Luckily
the magnetic field has a bowl shape, dipping in the middle With this equation we can easily find velocity and
position information when needed. IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
Before the capacitor bank was charged, the railgun was
B. Flight Path of the Projectile ”fired” with just compressed air as a benchmark. The
To determine if the railgun is actually accelerating the distance achieved was approximately thirty feet. When the
projectile, an equation is needed to model the trajectory. capacitor bank was charged, the railgun was fired, and the
This equation can then be used to find the exit velocity projectile was shot for approximately fifty-five feet. This
in the actual experiment and compare it with the analytic almost double the benchmark. The question remains: what
expectations. The following equation is derived through was the exit velocity? Using the previously derived model
simple Newtonian mechanics. (Section II. B.) with an angle of ten degrees and the given
distances, the exit velocity with just compressed air was
y = x tan(θ0 ) −
x2 (11) approximately 30 m s . With the capacitors actually charged,
2v02 cos2 (θ0 ) the approximate exit velocity was 40 m s , therefore the rails
This equation ignores both air resistance and the cur- added approximately 10 m s .
vature of the Earth. The velocities that the railgun will Compared to our model, these results are quite im-
produce are not fast enough for air resistance to be a true pressive. Evaluating our model with the following values:
factor. In addition, the experimentally witnessed distance R = .01Ω, C = .0144F , V0 = 450V , l = .01m,
are not long enough for the curvature of the Earth to be m = .005kg, and a = .005m, we find that the added
considered. velocity would be approximately 11.6 m s . As one can see,
the actual results and the analytical results are surprisingly
There are three principle parts to the railgun: the capaci-
tor bank, the charging circuit, and the rails themselves. The From this we can conclude that a first order approxi-
capacitor bank is simple enough. There are eight capacitors mation is a fairly accurate way to model a low power rail
linked in parallel. The next part is the charging circuit. This gun. We can also see that railguns are quite inefficient as
adapted 120 V AC to anywhere from 0 to 680 V DC. The can be seen from:
circuit is shown below (without the variac). 1
We = CV 2 (12)
There is 1.5KJ of energy in the capacitors, which only adds
11.6 meters per second to a 5 gram projectile. If it were
100 percent efficient we would have gotten a velocity of
775 meters per second. Obviously the efficiency is quite
pathetic. This is why rail guns are only used in large scale
[1] Branko D. Popovic, and Zoya Popovic, Introductory Electromagnet-
ics, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2000.
[2] Richard Wolfson, and Jay M. Pasachoff, Physics: For Scientists and
Figure 1: Charging circuit schematic Engineers, Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley, 1999.

The last component is the rails. This, too, is rather

simple. Below is an equivalent circuit to model the rails.

Figure 1: Equivalent circuit for the rails

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