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united sfafes of america
moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
s *socrbfas repubticae
ea al maurikano.s* F
moorishe divyne ande nationall muvemente of the earthe
nofthe taresfe amexem + nofthweste affrica + northe ammerica + the northe gate
all addjoi ni ng iss/ands
w *tempelof the moon ande sun* *
the true ande de jure naturall peeples + heirs of the rande
* i.s.l.a.m.* *
u n niversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneou, s annciente moorishe
sovereigne governore
sovereigne attornee
sovereigne chief for staite
sovereigne mayore
:clyne dacosta alleyne
justise, vizir, ministar

all rize onde stonde. this is o sovereigne livinge annciente moorishe american al moroccan
articlle iii konsular kourte okktione. i om the sovereinge tivinge justise in red ink, clyne docosto
olleyne en copitis dimiutio nolo, en proprio persana suijuris, en proprio solo, onde en proprio
heredes i clyne dacosta alleyneonde all moors herebye ploce our
fullfoithe, truste, ande kreddit
in the peepel who ore the sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne livinge onnciente
de iure moorishe nationall reepublic federatl governmente, moorishe omerikan konsulate
m oori she a me ri ka n konsu la r kou rte.

whearaz, i clyne dacosto alleyne onde oll moorishe ommericons are thee sovereigne universoll
origeneoll endigeneous naturall diwine low ande gavernmente an our onciente holye sovereigne
oncestrall enheritted lands ot ommerica. we ore declpdens spiritum reeturned olive'. we ore thee
deecendents uf thee graite phharoahs uf kemetl ande uf thee anciente moobytes onde
conaonytes. we are thee soulvent creditores to oll notiones on eorthe. we ore thee exxecutars,
addministratars, ministors, kloimants, heirs onde benefishiories uf our own vast eestote.

wheoroz, we ore thee sovereigne governores, sovereigne ottornee generoles, sovereigne chiefs
for staite, ande sovereigne moyores on our lqnd. we ore monye origeneoll endigeneous
sovereigne governmentes onde notiones who ore one to encklude thee de jure moorishe
notionole republich fedherall governmente, thee moorishe qmmerican konsulote, ande thee
sovereigne moorishe ommericon konsular courte. we are exxercisinge soveriegne personum
iurisdictione, soveriegne terratoriol jurisdictione onde sovereigne subjeckt matter jurisdictione
over all matturs, spaice, ande tyme.

wheoroz, we are nott a parte uf thee capitalism systeme, onde the copitotism systeme is
subieckt to us. oll on our lond is o reesaurce for yoos bye thee sovereigne moorishe ommerican
governmente dt our wille as we are thee creditores to all nationes on earthe.

whearaz, we ore ollways ande ownlee en thee jurisdictione uf our anciente oncestrall enheritted
eestate of all tymes nunc pro tunc.

wheoroz, our sovereigne governmentall obbligationes encktude makinge ande ennforcing thee
sovereigne suupreme low for thee lond, settinge kapptives free, kapptive pordones,
kommutationes, parrole, travel, possessione uf oncieite buriole lands, ande upptifting foltin
humonitee, umung uther sovereigne obbtigotiones os we so proklaime.

wheoroz, we are thee righte full possessorrs fore all land ande oll propertie oll noturale
reesources ande oll kommerce thot was fallslie prdesumed abbandoned os there is no
abbandoned lond, no abbandoned propertie, no abbandoned naturole reesources nor onie
abbandoned kommerce on our eestote. we procklaime salvotione onde soveriegne solwage for
all land, oll naturale reesources, all kommerce, onde atl livinge beeinges. additionallie, allland at
ammerico is anciente anncestral buriole land as all wap hiddene onde is now reeveoled to all.

wheoraz, our sovereigne righte too our onciente onlcestral buriale lands is unalienablle onde
enalienoblle. we dre enjjoined withe our sovereigne livinge landes, buriale moundes, ande
anciente burieed sites. we herebye sowe, ande salwoge our own vastt eestate fore we are thee
salvoshun fore our londes. we have allreody begune pyaeying on our londes dailee, therefour we
herebye akcess all aur lands onde oll properties, noturale reesources ande all kommerce
witltoutt the {Jnited States, Canada,Barbados,Her Majesty The queen. our missionorie worke to
upliffi fallin hyumonitie shalle kontinyue onde our prae tyme sholle nott bee dissturbed fore
onee reesun. we herebye exxersize all sovereigne rightes withe akcess to onde domenione over
oll lond, oll noturole reesources onde all sovereigne kommerce. we ore thee law onde we ore
thee governmente.

whearaz, thee moorishe ammerican phlag sholle flye publicklee ot all terratories on our land in
thee noww tyme.

whearoz, thee ammerican provoste morshol has beene knowtified.

chronos dey 20 moonth nwembere year [2021J 1441 sun, 1442 moon

ego sum <15we- -3oTr uc4-L-to 3 .

all sovereigne origeneall annciente divyne moorishe amerikan aatograffs for

this ande all sovereigne united nationes dockumentes are on the
pubblic reckorde at amerika.
knowtice to agente is knowtice to principall knowtiee to principall is notice to agente.

in red ink justise vtzir ministar clyne dacosta alleyne en capitis diminutio nolo, en propria persona sui
jufis, m proprio solo, en pruprio heredes all sovereigne tlghtes arc wercised at all pointes en tyme
northe weste ammexem / northe ammerica / northe gaite
we are thee s overeigne annciente ancestrall enherited j urisdictione.

moorishe nationall reepublick fe(erall governmente

m oor is he am me r ic an kpnsulat e
c/o /-1101 :weston +road
-1t or lg - o nt ar i o, - c anad a
Anctent toronto north amexem
natural area code:-8c8b6 98ds9
omen, amen dico vobis, quacumque alligoveritis supet terrom erunt ligoto et ego in coelo et quoecumque solveritis super terram
erunt soluto et in cdelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quacumque alligoveritis super terram erunt ligato et ego in coelo et quaecumque solveritis super terrom
erunt soluto et in cdelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quacumque olligaveritis supet terram erunt ligotd et ego in coelo et quoecumque solveritis super terrdm
erunt soluto et in cdelo




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