Project Organization Chart Assignment C1 M2 6th Ed

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Project Organization Chart
The goal of this Specialization is to provide you with the tools to more effectively and successfully
manage projects. A key part of this effort is to learn how to produce many of the key project planning
deliverables that are part of a well-developed project.

In this assignment, we will prepare a Project Organization Chart based on the Wilmont’s Pharmacy Case
Study found in the Resource section of this Course. The student should use the Study as a basis to
develop the assigned deliverables for the project.

The Wilmont’s Pharmacy Case Study is based on a hypothetical case where a pharmacy company is
developing a drone project for home delivery of prescriptions. You may not be familiar with the
technology involved in the Case; however, the assignment is based on your knowledge of the typical life
cycle of a project and the contents of the associated deliverables. Therefore, you should focus on
developing a management plan for the project based on the lessons in the Specialization and not focus
on the technology and the details of the engineering.

The deliverable will be graded by a minimum of two of your peers who are also taking the course. The
grades will be based on a Grading Rubric developed by the teaching staff and provided to each grader
and your participation in the grading process to review the deliverables of other students. Each student
must complete a minimum of three peer-review evaluations in order to get credit for the assignment.

Assignment Requirements

Due Date: The assignment must be submitted by the start of Module 5 of this Course. Late assignments
may not be Peer-reviewed and therefore not receive a grade.

The assignment should be uploaded into Coursera in the space provided in Module 5 of this Course.

Format: The assignment must be uploaded in Electronic PDF-type print image file formatted in standard
US letter size pages by Adobe Acrobat or compatible software. The original document can be prepared
in any format of the students choosing as long as it can be converted/printed to a PDF deliverable.

Assignment Guidelines: Use the information provided in the Case Study as a guide to produce this
deliverable. You are not required to perform any outside research to add to the Case or to perform
additional studies over what is specified in the assignment to further define the Case.

A standard template is provided for this Deliverable. You are welcome to download and use these
templates to develop the assignment. Alternately, you can use a format that is derived from some other
standard from your organization or elsewhere as long as the contents contain the required information
and it is reasonably easy to follow by the Peer-reviewer without additional knowledge or training.

Assignment Deliverable Contents

Prepare two Project Organization Charts based on the Wilmont’s Pharmacy Case Study. One chart
should reflect the Wilmont’s Project organization and the second chart should reflect the DroneTech
Engineering organization with you as the Project Manager. Each chart should be based on the positions
listed in the case study description and the associated roles and reporting structure described.
The Project Organization Charts should include three (3) levels of organization as outlined in the
Assignment Video.

After you prepare each chart describe the Project Organization type employed by each company and
provide the reasons for your selection. The Project Organization types can be: Functional, Weak Matrix,
Balance Matrix, Strong Matrix or Project Based.

Grading Rubric for Peer Review

Following are the general guidelines for evaluation of this assignment. The student should use these
guidelines to aide in the preparation of the Project Organization Chart. If you are uncertain as to the
specific requirements, please refer to the Project Organization Chart Template, the Assignment Video,
and Chapter 2.1 of The Project Management Body of Knowledge, 5 th edition for additional information.
Also, please feel free to post any questions you may have in one of the discussion forums created for
this Specialization.

Project Organization Chart Grading Rubric

The Project Organization Chart document will be rated based on the following scales. Provide specific
written feedback to explain your rating.

Wilmont’s Pharmacy Organization Chart

Format – The organization chart is presented in a format that demonstrates the Project Organization
well. Format should be similar to the one provided in the Resources section of Coursera and described
in the Assignment Video.

Poor (1) Average (7) Good (8) Very Good (10) Rating =
Project Organization chart Organization Chart is Organization Chart is well
Organization is presented. well prepared and easy prepared and easy to
Chart not However, it does to follow. It includes follow. It includes three
included not contain three three levels of project levels of project
levels or is not well personnel – Project personnel – Project
prepared and easy Manager, PM Direct Manager, PM Direct
to follow. Reports and Level 3 Reports and Level 3
participants as participants as
appropriate. appropriate. Participants
Participants are not are named where their
named. names are available.

Key Level 2 Positions – Include the key direct reports to the Project Manager.

Poor (1) Average (14) Good (16) Very Good (20) Rating =
The Project Some direct All of the functional All of the direct reports to
Organization reports are direct reports are the Project Manager are
Chart does not listed, but the list listed; however, the shown including
include the in incomplete. administrative Procurement, Project
Level 2 functions such as Controls and Quality
Personnel. Procurement, Project positions.
Controls and Quality
are not listed.

Key Level 3 Positions – Include the key direct reports to the Project Manager’s direct reports.

Poor (1) Average (7) Good (8) Very Good (10) Rating =
Level 3 not Some direct All of the direct reports to
included in reports are the Project Manager’s direct
Project listed, but the list reports are shown
Organization in incomplete.

Project Organization Type – The assignment contains a description of the Project Organization type
based on the PMI descriptions – Functional, Weak Matrix, Balanced Matrix, Strong Matrix or Project
Based – and the reasons for making this choice for the Wilmont’s Pharmacy project staff.

Poor (1) Fair (7) Average (8) Good (9) Very Good (10) Rating =
Project Project type PMI Project Project type PMI Project type
Organization included, type included, included that does included with well
type not but it does but no not match PMI thought out
included not match reasoning descriptions but reasoning for the
PMI provided. with well thought selection
descriptions. out reasoning for
No the selection.

DroneTech Engineering’s Organization Chart

Format – The organization chart is presented in a format that demonstrates the Project Organization
well. Format should be similar to the one provided in the Resources section of Coursera and described
in the Assignment Video.

Poor (1) Average (7) Good (8) Very Good (10) Rating =
Project Organization chart Organization Chart is Organization Chart is well
Organization is presented. well prepared and easy prepared and easy to
Chart not However, it does to follow. It includes follow. It includes three
included not contain three three levels of project levels of project
levels or is not well personnel – Project personnel – Project
prepared and easy Manager, PM Direct Manager, PM Direct
to follow. Reports and Level 3 Reports and Level 3
participants as participants as
appropriate. appropriate. Participants
Participants are not are named where their
named. names are available.

Key Level 2 Positions – Include the key direct reports to the Project Manager.

Poor (1) Average (14) Good (16) Very Good (20) Rating =
The Project Some direct All of the functional All of the direct reports to
Organization reports are direct reports are the Project Manager are
Chart does not listed, but the list listed; however, the shown including
include the in incomplete. administrative Procurement, Project
Level 2 functions such as Controls and Quality
Personnel. Procurement, Project positions.
Controls and Quality
are not listed.

Key Level 3 Positions – Include the key direct reports to the Project Manager’s direct reports.

Poor (1) Average (7) Good (8) Very Good (10) Rating =
Level 3 not Some direct All of the direct reports to
included in reports are the Project Manager’s direct
Project listed, but the list reports are shown
Organization in incomplete.

Project Organization Type – The assignment contains a description of the Project Organization type
based on the PMI descriptions – Functional, Weak Matrix, Balanced Matrix, Strong Matrix or Project
Based – and the reasons for making this choice for the Wilmont’s Pharmacy project staff.

Poor (1) Fair (7) Average (8) Good (9) Very Good (10) Rating =
Project Project type PMI Project Project type PMI Project type
Organization included, type included, included that does included with well
type not but it does but no not match PMI thought out
included not match reasoning descriptions but reasoning for the
PMI provided. with well thought selection
descriptions. out reasoning for
No the selection.


General Comments and feedback – what specific approaches worked well? Areas for improvement?

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