Girl Over Flower

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Girl Over Flower


1. Iga Haryanti as Baleria

2. Frista Novita as Cicarita
3. Kurniati Utami as Sherley
4. Viny Aprila Sari as Mrs Chemerly
5. Savira Rahmadian as Prolog and Fairy

Drama’s text

Once upon a time, a girl lived with her family in a little village outside of country. Their
family were her step mother and her step sister. Her named is Baleria. She was a kind girl but
everyday she have to work to clean the house. Eventhough her step mother was rich.

Mom : “Baleria..! come here...!

“You forget to clean my favorite shoes...!”
Sherley : “Baleria...! Hurry up!”
“Prepare my dress now!”
Baleria : “yes... Sorry...”
“I’ll be there.”
Mom :”You always late!”
Baleria : “Sorry mom. I promise not to repeat again.”
Sherley : “Are you sure? “
“Now, where is our breakfast?”
Baleria : “That’s on the table. It’s ready.”
Mom : “Okay...
“Sher, let’s go!”
Sherley : ”Yes mom!”
Mom : “And you Baleria, clean all the room and sweep the park.”

Baleria very sad because every day she must do what her mom and her sister request.
In the park,Baleria has a favorite flower in the park, so she always care for it. She sprinkle the flower
and she tell to the flower about her unlucky life and her family.
Baleria : “Huuuhhh....”
“Why they never regred me as their family? Came what a way they are my
family and i love them.

Baleria : “Hi, my flower. I hope i’m able to be you and always make all people be

After that, Baleria go to the market. during in market she walk gloomyly.
In a garden. he stay on there and sit in a garden chair and the same time see flowers which
grow there .
Suddenly, her best Friend, Cicarita come. Cicarita her best friend sit to plung in thought and
is sorrowful. She draw near and amuse her best friend in order not to be sorrowful.

Cicarita : “Hy... You look so sad, why?”

“Is it about your step mother and Sherley?”
Baleria : “Yeaah... You’re right. Now i think i never can be their family.”
Cicarita : “Oowh... My best friend.. You must be patient okay!” ( at the same time
hold her shoulder)
“I believe a good thing is waiting for you. Spirit girl!”
Baleria : “Thank’s. You’re my best friend.”

In the next day, Baleria have to clean the table and suddenly Sherley and Mrs chammerly
come. They will go to the shopping and they order Baleria to take care of house better during them

Mom : “Baleria,now sherley and I will go to shopping and have fun.”

“So keep home well.”
Baleria : “yes, i see.”
Mom : “oh, yeah please sweep the park!”
Baleria : “Mom...”
Mom : “What?”
Baleria : “Would you mind if i go with you?”
Sherley : “What? Who are you? You’re servant in here! Only servant you know?!
Don’t dreaming!”
Mom : “Yes, that’s right. Finish your work!”
Baleria : “Yeah.. Sorry..”

After her step mother was go, she go to park to sweep the park.
In the park Baleria cry and talk with her favorite flower.

Baleria : “My flower. Can you feel what i feel? Ehm, But i think it’s enough for me to
care for you as long as i can.

Cicarita come to Baleria’s house, she look Baleria in the garden is crying and talkin with her
Cicarita : “Don’t be sad my best friend. I’m also your family and i love you so much.
If you have a problem, you can say that to me and i will try to help you.”
Baleria : “yeah. You’fre right only you my family now. Thank’s..”
Cicarita : “Yes, that’s mean of best friend. Okay . i must back to the shop.. bye..”

Some minutes again,after cicarita go to the shop, mrs. Chamerly and Sherley back to the
home. They bring many thing from the shopping. They look for searching of baleria to bring its
expense goods

Mom : “Baleria....! Where are you?”

Sherley : “Come here. Bring all our things. Baleria!”
Mom : “Where is she?”
Sherley look Baleria in the park with her flower.

Sherley : “Look at that, Mom! She is in the park with her flower.”
(Mom and Sherley go to the park)
Mom : “Hey, Baleria ! What are you doing in here?”
Baleria : “I just wanna....”
Sherley : “Ah, do you know, we have called you.!”
Baleria : “Sorry, i don’t hear you. I’m so sorry, Mom, Sherley.”
Sherley : “ I see you always care and keep this flower. Mom i think we must take out
her flowers now.
Mom : “Oh... I think that’s good idea. Let’s go!”
Baleria : “No.. No.. Please.. no.. don’t take it out.”

The flower is broken down, Baleria only can look at her flower and feel so sad. She loves her
flower very much.
In the night, When Baleria iswhen baleria is plunging in thought in her room . A fairy come
and make Baleria surpriced.

Baleria : “Who are you?”

Fairy : “I’m a fairy from the sky. I”m a fairy of the flower and I want to help you.”
Baleria : “Help me?”
Fairy : “Yes, i know you’re a kind girl and you like flower. And i also know your
step mother and her child always mob you. Start in this time, i will always
care for you.”
Baleria : “Thank you fairy.”
Fairy : “You’re welcome.”

After that Baleria go to the garden and she take some thrunk her flowers. She wan to make a
combine of flowers. She want to give it to her mom. She hopesfull her Mom want to receive it.
But, in her room, Sherley think hard to make Baleria go out from her house. Because she
never like Baleria.
In the morning, when her mom is sitting on the table, Baleria come and give a surprice for
her mom.

Baleria : “Morning mom.”

“I wan to say something to you.”
Mom : “Say what?”
Baleria : “Mmmm,,, Happy birthday mom. This is a flower for you.”

Suddenly, sherley come with plan which in compiling of that is by alleging baleria stealing her
new ring.

Sherley : “Mom... My new ring is lost. I put in a box. But now it’s nothing.
Mom : “Are you serious? Who can steal it?”
Sherley : “I know. That’s Baleria Mom. No body always clean my room except her.
Mom : “Baleria...! Did you steal it?”

Baleria : “I’m swear mom. That’s not me. I’m never stolen.”
Sherley : “Lie.. You’re lie...!”
Baleria : “That’s not me. I’m not lie.”
Mom : “Egh,,, You.. Now, go out from my house!”
Baleria : “Please mom. It isn’t my way to steal something.”
Mom : “I don’t want hear you reason! Go!”

Baleria look very sad, she don’t know what must she do now, because she is not wrong.
In the garden,

Baleria : “It isn’t my way to steal something. Why they it is not fear for me. Why
they’re very hate me?

Cicarita come, and she look Baleria very sad and cry in the park.
Cicarita : “Baleria, what happen with you? Are you okay?”
Baleria : “I don’t know. My mom told me to go out from house.
Cicarita : “What? They are very cruel! Don’t be sad girl. You still have me. I will help
Baleria : “I’m very sad now. And i don’t know what should i do.”
Cicarita : “Now, you must join with me. You can stary in my house. Don’t think
about them again! Okay? Now, may i see your smile?”
Baleria : “Thank you..” (Smile)
“You’re my best friend”
Cicarita : “Look at that! What is this? What a beautiful flower it is!”
Baleria : “Thank you.”
Cicarita : “Are you make this by yourself?”
Baleria : “Yes that’s true. Actually, i want to give this to mom, but she don’t accept
Cicarita : “Are you sure? This is very beutiful. Aha... I have a good idea for you.”

In another place, fairy very angry with Mrs Chammerly and Sherley. She promise to make
Sherley and her mom was poor and enough suffer with Baleria.

Fairy : “They are very cruel! Now, i will make you same with Baleria! She enough
suffer because of you.”

Fairy make Sherley and her mom miss their rich. Baleria with Cicarita make a flower’s shop.
Much people come to the shop. Baleria life happy with Cicarita and the fairy.
Cicarita : “Congratulation.”
The fairy : “Congratulation, Baleria! Now, you’re getting your happiness.”
Baleria : “Thank’s for your help all. Thank you guys. You’re the best.”

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