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Culturral Touriism: The Case Stu

udy of W
Wat Pho

urse No: 2265432 Cultural
C Tourism

mpacts, Pllanning and
a Man

Submittted to

Dr.. Donald Ellsmoree


Mr. Th
ak Chong

A (C
Candidatte), Silpa
akorn Un

ID: 5705




Part 1: 1.1 History……………………………………………………………….…...2

1.2 Growth and Development (or Potential) as a Tourism Place……………4

1.3 Cultural Heritage Significance……………………………………..….....4

1.4 Numbers of Visitors……………………………………………………...5

1.5 Economic Value……………………………………………………….....5

1.6 Tourism Impacts on the Local and Culture……………………………....6

1.7 Tourism Life Cycle of Wat Pho……………………………………….....7

Part 2: 2.1 Current issues and Obstacle of Wat Pho for Cultural Tourism ................10

2.2 Planning and Management for Developing Wat Pho as Cultural





This report will analyse on part 1: history of Wat Pho, growth and

development (or potential) of Wat Pho, its cultural heritage significance, and its

current status and condition, the numbers of visitors, economic value of Wat Pho in

the local, regional and national economy; and the impacts on the local or

indigenous culture and society of tourism as it is today and then discussion about

where Wat Pho is situated according to the tourism life cycle. In part 2, it discusses

on Wat Pho has reached the critical range between consolidation and stagnation,

identify issues and provide detail of planning to avoid stagnation at the monastery

including conclusion.

The aim of this report is to analyse on Wat Pho as tourism place, identify the

issues and provide detail of planning to avoid stagnation at the monastery including



Part 1:

1.1 History

Watt Pho, the official namee being Wat Phra Chetuphon Vim

w built in the 16th cen

Rajwaramaahaviharn, was ntury and a first grade rroyal monasstery,

regarded ass the importtant one durring the reig

gn of King Rama
R I of thhe Chakri Dynasty.

The importtance of thiss is due to thhe King hav

ving managed the restooration of Wat

Phodharm, and old mo

onastery froom the Ayud
dhya period
d, and had itt re-establish
hed as a

royal monaastery locateed on an areea for 20 acrres to the so

outh of the Grand Palaace (Wat

Phra Chetuuphon Vimo

rm Rajwaram
n, 2003, p. 3 ) as follow

Figure 1.1 Wat

W Pho fro
om Google Map


Figure 1.2 Main

M Wat Pho
P Map

Figure 1.3 The Plan of Wat Pho


Wat Pho is also regarded as the country’s first public university as when King

Rama III ordered a restoration of the temple, he demanded a revision of lost sciences,

segmented into eight categories and engraved them onto several stone inscriptions

(later been registered the UNESCO Memory of the World since 2008) so people were

free to read and learn—and Thai massage was one of eight the categories. After

wandering around wall paintings, you can stop by at the massage pavilion to try

traditional Thai massage using ancient techniques to release muscle tensions (Tourism

Authority of Thailand, 2006).

1.2 Growth and Development (or Potential) as a Tourism Place

Wat Phra Chetuphon Wimonmangkalaram or Wat Pho is famous for two

things: (1) the 46-meter-long Reclining Buddha built in 1832 featuring the feet

beautifully inlaid with mother-of-pearls and (2) the Thai massage.

This monastery is among the world’s most famous cultural attractions and it

has long been the center pillar of social and spiritual guidance to Thai society, the

center of learning of Buddhist way of life and the center of sacred ceremonies from

auspicious occasions and the host to various Buddhist ceremonies and local Thai

festival. Throughout its history, the Thai Buddhist monastery, especially the royal

monastery has become a symbol of the Thai way of life and has attracted visitor from

all over the world (Nasing, Rodhetbhai, & Kirtiburana, 2013, p. 671).

1.3 Cultural Heritage Significance

For Australia ICOMOS (2015) purposed cultural heritage significance means


aesthetic, historic, scientific, social or spiritual value for past, present or future

generations. The cultural heritage significance of Wat Pho is the most beautiful art

and architecture such as mural painting in the ordination hall and reclining Buddha in

Vihara etc. The old monastery is very long history from the Ayudhya period and has

long been the center pillar of social and spiritual guidance to Thai society. The

scientific value of Wat Pho refers to scientific and technological development

involved plan and design, construction, and material of architecture at this site. This

monastery plays an important role in area ranging from being the center of learning of

Buddhist way of life and the center of cultural heritage. In the past, Wat Pho was

considered as the center of knowledge for both spiritual and social learning. Up to the

present day, this monastery still remains its importance as a symbol of cultural

heritage of Thai people and has also attracted visitors from around the world.

1.4 Numbers of Visitors

According to the data of Tourism Authority of Thailand and Association of

Tour and Guide Business in 2011, Bangkok is ranked the first top 10 tourist cities.

The one of famous tourist attraction is Wat Pho of the Ratnakosin Island.

The monastery is appropriate for visiting to learn history, culture architecture,

art and Buddhism. However, many tourists like to visit Wat Pho most for 8.15 million

people per year (Pathomchaiwat, 2014, p. 2317).

1.5 Economic Value of Wat Pho

Economic value include investigation of funding for tourism management,


development and marketing including the implementation of a tourism and business

levy; and development and promotion of a consistent image for Byron Shire and its

destinations related to their unique natural environment, laid-back atmosphere,

spiritual and cultural diversity, health and well-being experiences and innovative

enterprises (Wray, 2010).

Stakeholders of Wat Pho can get benefits equally from tourism. However,

stakeholders in relation to the cultural heritage tourism in Wat Pho community at

present can devided in to three parties as follow: 1) Wat Pho and The monk

committee of Wat Pho 2) Government sector 3) Wat Pho’s local resident. Moreover,

the opportunity for any venture to support equitable development and thus to be seen

in a positive light by most residents will be increased significantly by encouraging

active participation by wide segments of a community from the outset. All

commercial activities and all business related to tourism facilities can only be

operated by Wat Pho’s local resident. Commercial activities must also be appropriate

and responsive to cultural landscapes of Wat Pho.

1.6 Tourism Impacts on the Local and Culture

The impacts of tourism can be positive or beneficial, but also negative or

detrimental. Whether impacts are perceived ad positive or negative depends on the

value position and judgment of the observer of the impacts (Mason, 2010, p.36).

However, any tourism planning that fails to seriously take into account these

responses and the participation of local residents in tourism planning runs the risk of

failure for both investors and developers, and negative long-term impacts on the local


community may result. Since local residents in destination communities are likely to

be a part of the experience that tourists engage in to varying degrees, positive attitudes

and relationships between host communities and tourists are seen as necessary for

success (Theerapappisit, 2008, p. 49). The major focuses were identified for tourism

impacts on the local and culture relevant to both positive and negative, as reported in

tables 1.

Table 1: Tourism Impacts on the Local and Culture

Positive/Strengths Negative

- Monoculture tourism - Lack of carrying capacity management

- Authenticity - Deterioration of Historical Site

- Safety & Security - The Vibration from the automobile issue

- Traditional cultural activities - Lack of control of the commercial

- Local participation entities surrounding the monastery and

- Accessibility waste management

- Improper Tourist Behavior

1.7 Tourism Life Cycle of Wat Pho

Wat Pho is among the world’s most famous cultural attractions. There are

some problems while the tourists are visiting the temple. There are: 1) Carrying

capacity that means the large number of visitors have stopped at one site. This visiting

pattern enabled each place to fully accommodate them. coaches. 2) Improper behavior

to places, opportunity, culture of Thai good deed, and temple rules. 3) Most of the


foreigners do not maintain environment condition, and they lack of principle in

visiting places especially Thai tourists.

Tourism in Wat Pho has become a major part of the local economy, but

growth rates have begun to level off, a well-delineated business district has taken

shape, some of the older deteriorating facilities are perceived as second rate and local

efforts are made to extend the tourist season. The peak numbers of tourists and

capacity levels are reached. The resort has a well-established, but it is no longer in

fashion (Mason, 2010, p.31). To sum up, Wat Pho is situated according to the tourism

life cycle as both consolidation and stagnation in B position as figure 1.4.

Rejuvenation A

Critical range of Stagnation

elements of capacity
Number of tourists




Figure 1.4 The Resort Cycle of Evolution (adapted from Butler, 1980)


Part 2: Wat Pho is situated according to the tourism life cycle as both consolidation

and stagnation in B position. There are details of a Strategy to avoid stagnation as this

monastery as following:

Australian Government’s Department of the Environment and Heritage (2004)

mentioned that identify issues clearly and thoroughly. Where necessary, consider

using professional skills and approaches, such as those offered by facilitators

experienced or trained in techniques for working with stakeholders and identifying

issues and providing detail of planning to avoid stagnation at the monastery as table 2:

Table 2: Tourism Planning of Wat Pho

Positive/Strengths Negative Planning & Management

- Monoculture tourism - Lack of carrying capacity - Creating new route

- Authenticity management - Using IT system

- Safety & Security - Deterioration of Historical - Finding new parking

- Traditional cultural Site - Setting a visitor service

activities - The Vibration from the and education center

- Local participation automobile issue - Education of visitors

- Accessibility - Lack of control of the - Education of local

commercial entities resident

surrounding the monastery - Zoning

and waste management - Laws & Regulations

- Improper Tourist Behavior


2.1 Current issues and O

Obstacle of Wat Pho fo
or Culturall Tourism as


2.1.1 Lack of Carrry Capacitty Managem


Visitorss in the studdy areas werre on a rotatting basis, sstopping at one site

for a short period

p of tim
me and thenn moving on
n to the nex
xt. This visitting pattern

enabled eacch place to fully

f accom
mmodate theem. Howeveer, the numbber of amen

might be innsufficient, particularly

p y toilets and parking spaace for large
ge coaches.

2.1.2 Deterioratio
D on of Historical Site

Due to the stunninng visual of The Reclin

ning Buddhaa is the destination

that many visitors

v both
h Thai and foreigners come and visit
v Wat Phho as figuree 2.1.


Figure 2.1. Surface craack on the ssoles of the reclining Buddha


2.1.3 The Vibratioon from th

he Sutomob
bile Issue

Since April,
A there has been a surface craack on the s oles of the

reclining Buddha
B whicch was specculated to be
b caused by
y the vibrattion from th

automobilee at the fron

nt street (Waat Pho website, 2015).

2.1.4 Lack of Con

ntrol of thee Commerccial Entitiess Surround

the Monasstery and Waste

W Manaagement

Lack off control off the Comm

mercial entitiies surroundding the mo

is unethicall commerciaal trade andd abuse of to



2.1.5 Improper Tourism Behavior

Problem and effect from tourism in Wat Who can be caused from

cultural belief in respecting different object, so the problem occurs in violating life

style and culture.

2.2 Planning and Management for Developing Wat Pho as Cultural


Planning is a process when they suggested a plan provides direction (Mason,

2010, p. 89). Sustainability in tourism development thus clearly means achieving

multiple goals. The challenge for tourism planners is how to effectively balance these

goals by optimizing economic benefits without compromising environmental and

socio-cultural conditions. Arguably of most significance is the way in which power

and uneven and unequal development are manifested through these processes and

reflected through tourism projects (Theerapappisit, 2008) as following:

2.2.1 Planning for Carry Capacity Management

Government agencies must control the large number of visitors on one

site with creating the new route in Wat Pho.

Government should cooperate with stakeholders about planning the

route on Rattanakosin island with IT system as same as cinema ticket booking

system at theatre.

Government agencies must use law enforcement seriously.


2.2.2 Planning for Developing Deterioration of Historical Site

Government agencies must cooperate with stockholders about coaches

and heavy vehicles are not allowed inside the monastery due to their heavy

weight and effecting on historical site with parking at Navy club.

Government agencies must control the large number of visitors on one

site with creating the new route in Wat Pho.

2.2.3 Planning for Developing Vibration from the Automobile

Government agencies must cooperate with stockholders about coaches

and heavy vehicles are not allowed inside the monastery due to their heavy

weight and compaction of soil. They must park their vehicles at the navy club

only. All offenders must be seriously fined. Motorcycle service should be

situated at the fixed station and run upon request by customers in order to

control traffic, noise, and pollution.

2.2.4 Planning for Control of the Commercial entities

Surrounding the Monastery and Waste Management

Government agencies need set the zone for preserving the beauty of

the landscape and historical sites by managing the commercial activities and

hawkers surrounding the monastery so that garbage trash are managed

efficiently with cooperation from all parties.

Government agencies need to issue and promote guide for tourists to

take part in conserving cultural resources.


Government agencies should position notice signs about conservation

at tourism attractions and promote awareness of recycling among residents and them

develop a recycling program should be integrated to the new management strategy

to encourage the production of less waste.

2.2.5 Planning for Proper Tourism Behavior

Government agencies have to set a visitor service and education center.

This visitor service and education center is as an assisting tool of the process of

transferring useful information to visitors, and it should be only owned and managed

by Wat Pho’s local residents under collaboration with the municipality in order to

make relationship, involvement and cooperation within the community.


Wat Pho is among the world’s most famous cultural attractions and it has long

been the center pillar of social and spiritual guidance to Thai society, the center of

learning of Buddhist way of life and the center of sacred ceremonies from auspicious

occasions and the host to various Buddhist ceremonies and local Thai festival.

Throughout its history, the Thai Buddhist monastery, especially the royal monastery

has become a symbol of the Thai way of life and has attracted visitor from all over the


In case of development of the Wat Pho, the analysis of history of Wat Pho,

growth and development (or potential) of Wat Pho, its cultural heritage significance,

and its current status and condition, the numbers of visitors, economic value of


Wat Pho in the local, regional and national economy; and the impacts on the local or

indigenous culture and society of tourism must be done with care and understanding.

After, all issues are identified. It shows that Wat Pho has reached the critical range

between consolidation and stagnation in B position and then providing detail of

planning to avoid stagnation at the monastery. Moreover, incorporating the needs and

wants of all stakeholders and the surrounding community is an important factor the

success of cultural tourism.


Australian Government’s Department of the Environment and Heritage 2004, Steps to

Sustainable Tourism, Goanna Print.

Australia ICOMOS The Burra Charter, viewed 24 May 2015



Mason, P 2010, Tourism Impacts, Planning And Management, 2nd Edn, Elsevier,

Great Britain, UK.

Nasing, S, Rodhetbhai, C, & Kirtiburana, Y 2013, ‘ Royal Buddhist Monasteries in

Rattanakosin Period: Potential Development Guidelines for Pomoting Cultural

Tourism’ International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social

Sciences, p. 671.


Pathomchaiwat, P 2014, ‘Behavior of Foreign Tourists Visited Wat

Phrachetuponvimolmangkalaram’ International Journal of Social, Education,

Economics and Management Engineering, p.2317.

Theerapappisit, P 2008, Tourism Planning And Policy In The Greater Mekong

Subregion: Local Perspectives On Development And Participation, A Study Of Ethnic

Communities In Northern Thailand, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The

University of Melbourne, Australia.

Tourism Authority of Thailand, Wat Pho, 2006, viewed 3 May 2015

< Detail/Wat-Pho—83>

Wat Phra Chetuphon Vimolmangklarrm Rajwaramahaviharn 2003, Guidebook Wat

Pho, 3rd Edn, Amarin, Bangkok, Thailand.

Wat Pho News 2015, viewed 12 May 2015 <>

Wray, M 2010, Sustainable Re gional Tourism Destinations: Best Practice For

Management, Development And Marketing. CRC for Sustainable Tourism Pty,



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