BSBPEF501 Assessment 2

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BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development

Assessment 2 – Major activities: Skills Activity, Knowledge

Activity, and Performance Activity

Section A: Skills Activity

Produce a two-page diary documenting your performance and completion of the following
tasks (based on your own/chosen role within an organisation). Diary entries should briefly
describe each situation; specifying which task you are referring to and including the actions
you have taken to complete the task.

 Use a range of strategies to develop personal competence

 Identify and interpret organisational policies and practices
 Seek feedback from relevant personnel to inform personal development planning
 Use feedback to prepare reports that summarise ways to improve competence
 Identify organisational goals and describe how your role contributes to it
 Create a professional development plan for themselves or others
 Establish and build positive working relationships with others
 Plan and prioritise tasks to meet deadlines
 Manage role responsibilities
 Manage own personal welfare
 Identify and use appropriate technology to improve work efficiency, and to manage
and prioritise tasks.


- Lead registration in the management system
- Follow-up and calls to potential clients
- Meeting with clients who are advanced
- Review customer complaints and report to Helpdesk team
- Corroborate that previously reported complaints have been resolved
- Preparation and sending of budgets
Policies aligned to the position of Sales Executive
The company, in addition to providing the best service to customers that it has had for
several years, seeks to position itself as a brand and be an option for other companies in
offering their services. To do this, he hires a sales staff who needs to expand his client
portfolio and thus improve sales and the recognition of the organization.
- Potential customers: 2
- Referred customers: 6
- Improvement Projects: 3 (loyal customers)
- Structured Cabling Project: 1
- Helpdesk monthly subscription: 2
- Information security project: 1
- Video Surveillance Projects: 5
- Contributed Earnings month October: AUD 65,600
- Contributed Earnings month September: 62,900AUD
Points to improve
- Speech to communicate with clients cold: sometimes our speech of entrance to
potential clients does not finish catching the attention of some, which damages the
contact and does not lose clients.
- Find ways to get new potential customers unlike those referred by our loyal
- Improve my time management, as budgets have been dammed and this causes
delays in responses to clients and negotiation meetings.
- In meetings with clients, negotiation skills are observed that allow us to easily reach
agreements with clients
- Knowledge of our adding value as a company, which is what differentiates us from
the rest.
Feedback from coworkers
I used the comments of my colleagues especially to detect shortcomings that I do not
perceive, likewise the colleagues also denote strengths and give me ideas on how to
- Improve the available IT knowledge, although I am not a computer engineer, I sell
information technology and infrastructure services and sometimes I am unable to
give the correct explanations to clients.
- Some colleagues notice me stressed by budgets, again they emphasize that I must
improve time and control my anxiety emotions in times of pressure.
Physical well-being
I have been able to observe that there are physical ailments that decrease my performance,
this is mainly due to the little discipline I have with the active breaks and the proposed
relaxation exercises.
I do not participate in lunches and leisure time between co-workers because I am almost
always taking advantage of those moments to achieve the goals of the day. Some coworkers
assure that this situation will deteriorate the relationship with them.
- Start sales courses for IT products and services in order to solve the most basic
doubts of our clients and improve the time management used in preparing budgets.
- Use the linkedin platform to contact new potential clients, mainly looking for the
CTOs or IT supervisors of the companies, since they are the ones who know the
problems and in this way sell the solutions of our company.
- Make a schedule for the day and respect it fully, in order to take lunch and break, in
this way improve physical well-being and my performance.
- Watch video tutorials or find books or resources that improve my performance in
the first contact with the client and of course in the follow-up. Thus enhancing my
skills as a salesperson.
- Use the bitrix24 platform as a task planner, in this way to improve my time
management and improve the prioritization of tasks.
- Social networks like Linkedin will help me in the process of contacting new and
unreferred clients.
- Platforms for free online courses and video tutorials. I will apply for now to
autonomous learning.

Section B: Knowledge Activity

Answer each question in as much detail as possible.
1. Determine the roles and responsibilities of three team members in your organisation or
an example organisation provided by the assessor. (Max. 300 words)
Project Manager - IT Project Master: Experience in Organizational capacity, Planning skill,
Leadership. communicative ability, negotiation skills. Attention to detail, Ability to detect
risks and problems and mastery of the digital universe.

 Lead the team responsible for achieving the project objectives.

 Coordinate all stakeholders of the project.
 Control the resources assigned to the project in order to meet the objectives set.
 Manage the constraints (scope, schedule, cost, quality, etc.) of the project.
 Apply a standard to direct projects, which in the case of the PMBOK Guide involves
areas of knowledge such as: integration, scope, calendar, costs, quality, people,
communications, risks and purchases

Network and Cabling Supervisor– IT Master: Experience in Maintain permanent

coordination with the IT area, in relation to network services, to ensure implementation,
operation and service levels, according to the requirements established for the applications.
Monitor the operation of the internal networks and connections with external networks.
Diagnose problems and execute the corresponding corrective actions according to the
nature of the problem.

 He is responsible for leading and managing the project to achieve the expected
results in a timely and quality manner.
 Conduct the daily activities of the project team, exercising control over results,
deadlines and quality.
 Maintain the relationship with users and clients,
 Motivating and providing support to team members
 Managing the necessary resources, making the necessary operational decisions to
maintain the project on time, scope and cost.

Customer Service and Sales: Create and implement together with the Sales Management
business plans and strategies with each of the Wholesalers and Suppliers. Identify areas of
opportunity for the generation of new businesses. Introduction of our products to Basic
Panels and Shopping Centers. Properly manage the budget of expenses, taking care that in
each Negotiation the return on the investment is ensured.

 Carry out market studies to identify sales possibilities and assess customer needs
 Actively seek new leads through cold calling, networking, and social media
 Schedule meetings with potential clients and listen to their wishes and concerns
 Prepare and deliver appropriate product and service presentations
 Create frequent reviews and reports with financial and sales data
 Ensure availability of stock for sales and demonstrations
 Participate on behalf of the company in exhibitions and conferences
 Negotiate / close agreements and manage complaints or objections
 Collaborate with team members for better results
 Collect feedback and opinions from current or prospective clients and share them
with internal teams

2. Briefly explain the principles and techniques involved in the management or organisation
of the following in your workplace (or an example workplace):
Performance measurement: staff performance evaluation is done in three main ways.

 Knowledge of customer perceptions: techniques are used that involve indicators or

KPIs that refer to customer satisfaction through surveys and the customer retention
rate that is evaluated according to the company's billing records.
 Quality of service: KPI measurement techniques are also used that involve response
times and resolution of trouble tickets indicated by customers and recurrence of
 Sales: the performance of our salespeople is determined by indicators of
opportunities entered and completed, new opportunities for continuous
improvement and evaluation of sales for profits and products or services
sold.Personal behaviour, self-awareness, and personality traits identification
Personal development plans: the company's policies are clear regarding staff development,
that is, they include and describe some of our personal development plans, which include:
career plans in the company, education plan, strengthening of internal communication and
emotional intelligence and leadership workshops.
Setting personal goals: Setting goals, in whatever field, is a very useful exercise since only if
we know where we want to go can we draw a route to reach that destination. The
techniques that are promoted to achieve a setting of the goals of the work teams consist of:

 Establish general objectives that must be based on our business policies, mission and
vision of the company and on economic and organizational objectives.
 Establish specific objectives or goals, to be achieved in a closer term. They must be
concrete, measurable, feasible but challenging and linked to a specific term, in
addition to allowing us to achieve our general objectives
 Design an action plan, steps and actions to achieve these objectives. In the previous
case, it could be to take defined actions to achieve what is proposed.
 Identify who can be commercial and technical allies of our company, the resources
we need and knowledge that will help us
 Document and record the goals and their due summary calendar schedule, and place
it in a visible place that facilitates its regular review. Record the progress.
Task prioritisation: our employees have the resources to prioritize the tasks they need to
perform. The best way to prioritize is keeping in mind that:

 Important and urgent things. These tasks must be given total priority, they cannot be
left for another time.
 Not important but urgent things. These are tasks that, due to their urgency, prevent
us from moving forward, but are not very relevant. You must delegate them to
 Important but not urgent things. They are the great forgotten. Despite their
importance, they are being neglected because of the urgent ones. Try to plan their
implementation so that, when the time comes, they are carried out and are not
 Not important and not urgent things. These are those tasks that can be put aside
without any problem.
3. List three common personal and professional development activities relevant to your
Basically I could propose 3 plans that can strengthen the personal and professional growth
of our employees:

 Motivation plan and self-fulfillment benefits for employees

 Occupational health and safety plan
 Leadership and emotional intelligence plan
4. What technology could be used to plan and prioritise work tasks? Summarise the features
of this (Max. 150 words)
In order to carry out a follow-up and prioritization of the team's activities, the main tool is a
helpdesk ticket management system with tools that allow us to label, grant maximum
resolution times and metrics that mainly indicate all kinds of times related to the
management of the tickets.
The management system will also allow us to register those improvement opportunities and
critical points in the clients' technological platforms. For example, a case in which the lack of
connectivity is repeated in certain spaces will mean the need for an Acess Point installation
project to improve connectivity at all points of the company that is our client. A
management system that converts these opportunities into leads for follow-up will also be
of great help in the execution of this task, which is vital to increase Open IT's experience and
5. Identify five techniques to manage health and wellbeing in the workplace.
1. Active Pauses: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends visual and muscular
pauses as a method of rest. Active breaks consist of a short routine of basic and functional
joint mobility, stretching, strengthening, and relaxation exercises that take place during
short breaks in the workday. They last between 5 and 15 minutes and allow you to recover
energy and improve performance at work, through different techniques that help reduce
work fatigue, postural discomfort and prevent stress.
2. Respect for working hours: rest is vital so that our workers are comfortable and satisfied
with their work. For this reason, after the end of your day, it is forbidden to call or send
messages that prevent the normal course of the break.
3. Emotional intelligence workshops: health is not only physical but also emotional and
mental, which is why workshops are currently being implemented in which experts promote
emotional intelligence in our workers. Additionally, we consider that it is important to enjoy
good mental health to perform well during the day. Favoring conciliation, treating them
with respect and empathy and valuing their small achievements are key elements to take
into account in any company.
4. Specification of the work. The distribution or designation of tasks must be fair and must
be clearly transmitted to avoid conflicts between work roles, feelings of inequality and
injustice and ambiguities regarding the objectives to be achieved. The "toxic cultures" were
the most cited reason for leaving a job and the most common themes were: lack of
companionship, transparency, prejudice and lack of kindness and respect, that is, the well-
being is sought hand in hand with motivation.
5. Ergonomics: They are a set of techniques that aim to match work and person,
establishing a more appropriate technology that allows workers to perform their functions
in a safe and effective way. Work must be adapted to the capacities and possibilities of each
person to prevent physical and mental fatigue.
6. Identify and summarise your organisation’s (or your chosen organisation’s) human
resources policies and procedures relevant to professional development. (Max. 300 words)
The Open IT organization's policy is to provide a quality service to clients who hire us, but
not just any service, but a service that allows them to concentrate on their operations and
forget the mishaps that may be associated with their platform. of technological
infrastructure. Our priority is to improve your user experience, safeguard your information
and ensure that you optimize your activities. To do this, it establishes guidelines and human
resources policies that will help us to achieve these objectives:
Training and career policy: so that our employees are motivated in the performance of their
tasks, the training and career policy has been proposed, which consists of granting the best
employees courses, training and tickets to congresses that provide them with new
knowledge and keep them up-to-date regarding their professions. In addition to this, we
offer internal recruitment, that is, the first people chosen for higher-ranking positions are
those who have already forged an experience with us and have proven to have the skills to
carry them out.
Work space policy: in order to provide comfort to our employees, we implement the policy
of diverse work spaces, this means that the performance of tasks is respected remotely.
Ethics policy: the employees of our company are committed to ethical work, thus we
protect our information and that of our clients.
Health and wellness policy: in order to ensure that our employees are not at risk of
acquiring occupational diseases, a series of rest activities have been proposed during
working hours and access to psychology tools to reduce stress.
Section C: Performance Activity
1. Develop a one-two page plan for your own personal and professional development.
You will need to demonstrate that you can:

 Identify and develop personal work goals, plans and activities to meet work
 Measure personal work performance, including assessing competency against
competency standards
 Identify and participate in personal and professional development activities to
develop professional competence
 Use technology to organise and prioritise tasks and commitments
 Research and implement techniques for maintaining the health and wellbeing of
yourself and others.
Objective: Increase sales of products and services to loyal customers and get new customers
to increase our portfolio. Provide an after-sales service that allows us to closely understand
the needs that have not been satisfied through our products and services.
SMART Goals:
- Enter new business opportunities, minimum 10 per week
- Do a careful follow-up of the needs of the clients and their satisfaction with the
- Improve communication with the helpdesk department to learn about recurring
problems and their solutions, in this way provide estimates and communicate to
customers how the company will improve these critical points or failures.
- Lead registration in the management system
- Follow-up and calls to potential clients
- Meeting with clients who are advanced
- Review customer complaints and report to Helpdesk team
- Corroborate that previously reported complaints have been resolved
- Preparation and sending of budgets
- Use the KPIs provided by the management system to evaluate the number of
registered leads, the number of business opportunities and repeat customer
- Obtain feedback from customers through service satisfaction surveys
- Make basic knowledge evaluations about our technical IT services in order to know
in detail how our operations are carried out and design a priori solutions that are
later evaluated by the technical team
- Hold weekly meetings with the entire sales team to find new strategies to specify the
businesses that are being monitored.
- Propose and evaluate benefits to new customers and loyal customers in order to
make our services more attractive
- Contact new clients through: social networks such as LinkedIn and by attending
networking events
- Make the most of CRM technology tools
- Take customer service and business courses
- CRM tools to track business opportunities
- Task planning tools
- Videoconferencing for negotiations
- Mobile devices with our CRM application
- Automatic responses for customers who inquire at unusual times
- Exercise program: as a company you can reach an agreement with a gym to get
discounts for your employees so they can attend before or after work hours.
- Outdoor activities: plan some outdoor activities during the year for all your staff, it
can be a walk, races, contests or interdepartmental sports games and thus promote
physical activity.
- Health plans: offer a good basic health plan and encourage your employees to have
routine check-ups.
- Healthy eating: promotes, through the training system, the importance of
maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.
- Hydration: in addition to maintaining enough water for staff in the work
environment, it promotes water intake.
- Rest areas: establish a rest or meeting area where employees can take short breaks
during the workday.
2. Manage the personal and professional development of two individuals. This can be two
team members from your organisation or your chosen organisation. Create a one-page
development plan for each person.
You will need to demonstrate that you can:

 Identify and summarise their roles and responsibilities

 Support the two individuals to develop work goals that align with their roles and
 Facilitate access to relevant personal and professional development activities
 Research and implement techniques for maintaining the health and wellbeing of the
team members/learners.

Development plan 1
Team member 1 name:

 Identify and summarise their roles and responsibilities

Project Manager - IT Project Master: Experience in Organizational capacity, Planning skill,
Leadership. communicative ability, negotiation skills. Attention to detail, Ability to detect
risks and problems and mastery of the digital universe.

 Lead the team responsible for achieving the project objectives.

 Coordinate all stakeholders of the project.
 Control the resources assigned to the project in order to meet the objectives set.
 Manage the constraints (scope, schedule, cost, quality, etc.) of the project.
 Apply a standard to direct projects, which in the case of the PMBOK Guide involves
areas of knowledge such as: integration, scope, calendar, costs, quality, people,
communications, risks and purchases

Support the two individuals to develop work goals that align with their roles and
- Improve product delivery times
- Learn to contemplate the mishaps that may occur in the development of the project
- Establish initial protocols for each project that facilitate its execution
- Carry out evaluations of the status of the project already implemented in order to
coordinate a better after-sales service.
Facilitate access to relevant personal and professional development activities
Professional and personal development
Promote and find documents, online courses and events that are aligned with improving
project management. Make a plan for those who are interested in paid training can access it
as long as they perform well.
Design a communication and conflict resolution plan to improve relationships between
teammates according to the project that is under development
Meetings in which ideas are given to improve the performance of each of the team
Research and implement techniques for maintaining the health and wellbeing of the team
Research and implement techniques for maintaining the health and wellbeing of the team
- Talks on mental health and emotion management
- Respect for working hours avoiding communications after hours
- Provide spaces and rest times
- Talks on how to take active breaks.
Development plan 2
Team member 2 name:
Identify and summarise their roles and responsibilities
Network and Cabling Supervisor– IT Master: Experience in Maintain permanent
coordination with the IT area, in relation to network services, to ensure implementation,
operation and service levels, according to the requirements established for the applications.
Monitor the operation of the internal networks and connections with external networks.
Diagnose problems and execute the corresponding corrective actions according to the
nature of the problem.

 He is responsible for leading and managing the project to achieve the expected
results in a timely and quality manner.
 Conduct the daily activities of the project team, exercising control over results,
deadlines and quality.
 Maintain the relationship with users and clients,
 Motivating and providing support to team members
 Managing the necessary resources, making the necessary operational decisions to
maintain the project on time, scope and cost.

Support the two individuals to develop work goals that align with their roles and
- Manage, coordinate and resolve incidents as quickly as possible
- Provide first level support, that is, the first contact with the user or consumer
- Maximize the availability of the service
- Restore services as soon as possible
- Support business systems
- Do analysis and follow-up of all incoming incidents
- Comply with service level agreements
Facilitate access to relevant personal and professional development activities
Implement some of these tools so that the team shows the best possible performance in
terms of response times.
- Computer telephony integration: allows you to contact the help desk service from
your mobile phone.
- Intelligent call processing: allows calls to be organized automatically.
- Interactive voice response: allows the collection of data from callers in a
computerized way.
- Research and implement techniques for maintaining the health and wellbeing of the
team members/learners.
Promote the training and implementation of new techniques or service delivery
methodology such as ITIL methodologies
- Talks on mental health and emotion management
- Respect for working hours avoiding communications after hours
- Provide spaces and rest times
- Talks on how to take active breaks.

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