19c95a0338 Seminar

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Seminar Report of


A seminar report submitted to the


In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of

Submitted by


(Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to JNTUH, Accredited by NAAC-A)
Bogaram (v), Keesara (M), Medchal (D), 501301
(Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to JNTUH, Accredited by NAAC-A)
Bogaram (v), Keesara (M), Medchal (D), 501301


This is to certify that the seminar report entitled “HYPERLOOP TRANSPORT

TECHNOLOGY” submitted by P MANI RATHNAM (Roll No: 19C95A0338), A Student
Of The Department Of Mechanical Engineering , Holy Mary Institute of Technology and
Science, affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University , Hyderabad , in partial
fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of BACHELORS OF
TECHNOLOGY in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING as the specialization is a record of
the bona-fide work carried out during the academic year 2019-2022..



(Associate professor) (Professor &HOD)


Acknowledgement 5
Declaration 6
Abstract 7
Chapter 1Introduction 8
1.1 Sustainability of hyperloop transport technology 10
1.2 Comparison of energy per passenger per journey 10
1.3 Hyperloop transport technology in India 11
1.4 Route map hyperloop in India 12
1.5 Current status in India 14
Chapter 2 Literature review 16
2.1 Ahmed Hodiab et al(2016) 16
2.2 Jeffery C et al(2016) 16
2.3 Mark Sakowski(2016) 16
2.4 N Kayela(2014) 16
2.5 Elon musk(2013) 17
Chapter 3 Working principle 18
Chapter 4 Construction of parts 20
4.1 Tube 20
4.2 Capsule 21
4.3 Pylon 22
4.4 Compressor 22
4.5 Suspension 23
4.6 Propulsion 25
4.7 Air bearings 26
Chapter 5 Merits and Demerits of hyperloop transport technology 27
5.1 Merits of hyperloop transport technology 27
5.2 Demerits of hyperloop transport technology 27
Chapter 6 Future scope 28
Chapter 7 Conclusion 29
References 30

Figure 1.1 representing hyperloop transport technology 8

Figure 1.2 representing layout of hyperloop transport technology 9
Figure 1.3 representing graph of journey in various travel methods 10
Figure 1.4 representing virgin hyperloop in India 11
Figure 1.5 representing present trails in Mumbai- Pune 12
Figure 1.6 representing present trails in Bengaluru- Thiruvananthapuram 13
Figure 1.7 representing present trails in Mumbai- Chennai 13
Figure 1.8 representing present trails in new Delhi- Mumbai 13
Figure 1.9 representing present trails in Mumbai- Kolkata 13
Figure 1.9 representing hyperloop tube in India 14
Figure 1.10 representing virgin hyperloop in India 15
Figure 3.1 magnetic levitation of hyperloop transport technology 18
Figure 3.2 representing working of hyperloop transport technology 18
Figure 3.3 representing compressor and bypass tunnel 19
Figure 4.1 representing tube of hyperloop transport technology 20
Figure 4.2 representing capsule of hyperloop transport technology 22
Figure 4.3 representing compressor in hyperloop transport technology 23
Figure 4.4 representing suspension of hyperloop transport technology 24
Figure 4.5 representing propulsion of hyperloop transport technology 25
Figure 4.6 representing air bearings of hyperloop transport technology 26

Table 1.1 representing max speed of hyperloop with other trains 9
Thanksgiving and gratitude can in no way expressed in words, as it is a deep-seated feeling
of the mind, heart and soul. Yet as a customary practice, this is our bleak effort to find words
of gratefulness to all those who played a major role in the constitution of the present work.
It is my immense pleasure, to place on record our profound feeling of reverence and gratitude
to Mr. G BALAJI, Associate professor of Mechanical Engineering Department as a
supervisor for his inspiration, guidance and excellent support provided during the course of our
seminar. I’ am extremely indebted to his kind encouragement, help and perennial availability
during my seminar.
This is to express my sincere thanks to our HOD Dr. N JEEVAN KUMAR for giving the best
facilities and faculty for the completion of the seminar.
I would like to extend my sense of gratitude to all the staff of Mechanical Engineering
Department who has been supportive directly and indirectly regarding seminar.
This is to express my sincere thanks to our principal Dr. P BHASKARA REDDY for giving
the best facilities and faculty for the completion of the seminar.
I would also like to thank my parents and friends who has provided me constant support and
help in completing this seminar.


I Declare that the work reported in the entitled topology “HYPERLOOP TRANSPORT
TECHNOLOGY” is a report done by me in the department of mechanical engineering, Holy
Mary Institute of Technology and Science.

No part of thesis is copied from books journals internet and wherever referred the same as
been duly acknowledged in text, the reported data are based on the seminar done by entirely
by me and no copied from any source.


The conventional modes of transportation of people consists of four unique types and that are
rail, road, water, and air. These modes of transport tend to be either relatively slow, expensive
or a combination of both. Hyperloop is a new mode of transport that seeks to change this pattern
by being both fast and inexpensive for people and goods. Hyperloop is a proposed mode of
passenger and freight transportation that propels a capsule-like vehicle through a near-vacuum
tube at more than airline speed. The pods would accelerate to cruising speed gradually using a
linear electric motor and glide above their track using passive magnetic levitation or air
bearings. Hyperloop consists of a low-pressure tube with capsules that are transported at both
low and high speeds throughout the length of the tube. The capsules are supported on a cushion
of air, featuring pressurized air and aerodynamic lift. Passengers may enter and exit Hyperloop
at stations located either at the ends of the tube, or branches along the tube length. It quickly
becomes apparent just how dramatically the Hyperloop could change transportation, road
congestion and minimize the carbon footprint globally. With the Hyperloop, extremely fast,
inexpensive intercity travel would be widely accessible. If both people and goods can move
more quickly and comparatively cheaply, rapid growth is a logical outcome

Hyperloop is a completely new mode of fastest transportation. Hyperloop is firstly proposed
by Elon musk and a team of engineer from Tesla Motors and the Space Exploration
Technologies Corporation in August 2013.

The concept of hyperloop includes travelling people from one place to another place in a
capsule which is propelling at a very high speed. We can also call hyperloop as a solar powered
transportation system and it is an alternative of high-speed train.

Basically, hyperloop is magnetically levitated train which runs inside a long tube or pipe. It
consists of low-pressure tube with capsule that is transported at both low and high speeds. It is
driven by linear induction motor and compressor.

It includes 28 passenger pods. For propulsion, magnetic accelerators will be planted along the
length of the tube, propelling the pods forward.

Figure 1.1 representing hyperloop transport technology

The tubes would house a low-pressure environment, surrounding the pod with a cushion of air
that permits the pod to move safely at such high speeds, like a puck gliding over an air hockey
table. Given the tight quarters in the tube, pressure build-up in front of the pod could be a
The tube needs a system to keep air from building up in this way. Musk’s design recommends
an air compressor on the front of the pod that will move air from the front to the tail, keeping
it aloft and preventing pressure building up due to air displacement.

Table 1.1 representing max speed of hyperloop with other trains.

A one-way trip on the Hyperloop is projected to take about 35 minutes (for comparison,
traveling the same distance by car takes roughly six hours.) Passengers may enter and exit
Hyperloop at stations located either at the ends of the tube, or branches along the tube length.

Figure 1.2 representing layout of hyperloop transport technology


System of Hyper loop transportation is fully electric and can draw power from any available
energy source all through the route. This extends the freedom to use untapped solar energy in
Indian context through using solar panels over the entire stretch of tube.

Depending on land profile, urban development of areas and environment, the Hyper loop works
both above and below ground and is less expensive to build compared to high-speed rail hence
economically viable and sustainable with lesser taken time to install and lesser evident space
to run. Hyper structures can be built both above and below ground, avoiding dangerous grade
crossings. Closed system architecture offers nil weather delays and eliminates interference.
Looking to the current pandemic situations which have altogether forced planners to rethink
about the standards of design, keeping hygiene, social distancing and screening in mind. The
whole of the Hyper loop system may be designed with lesser capacities in smaller pods having
designed one seat system and kept a meter away, it can have temperature screening at the
entrance and be denied entrance if not passing through the standards, it can be designed with
auto controlled sanitizer frisking mechanism that auto sanitizes the seats as soon as it is
evacuated by the passenger.


Figure 1.3 representing graph of the journey in various methods.

We can find support for these figures if we agree that the hyperloop can be powered mostly or
entirely by renewable energy. If powered entirely by solar and wind power, the net emissions
of the hyperloop are practically zero. Even if the hyperloop uses coal or natural-gas power, at
the expected level of energy efficiency, it may still be more efficient and environmentally
friendly than alternatives like high-speed rail or plane travel. This will depend on the actual
designs that are built.


There are some Hyperloop projects for India going to be started in near future for a proposed
route between Chennai and Bengaluru.
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies are in approach to sign a Letter of Point with the
Indian Government for this project. The proposed route is going to be 345 km which could be
covered in estimated time of just 30 minutes.
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies proposed another route for India starting from
Amravati till Vijayawada that can be covered in just 6 minutes.
These projects are likely to be started with a 6-month feasibility study. Another Hyperloop
project which is going to be started in Indian soon is by virgin Hyperloop one and the proposed
route for this project is Mumbai – Chennai.

Figure 1.4 representing virgin hyperloop in India

The Mumbai-Chennai Hyperloop proposed route will create a system of cities and will provide
a crucial East-West connection across India. Hyperloop will bring new economic opportunities
and industry linkages, and ease the movement of passengers and goods between Mumbai,
Bengaluru, and Chennai. Indore-based Dinclix Arrangements' DGW Hyperloop brings an
Hyperloop entranceway between Mumbai and Delhi passing through Indore, Kota, and Jaipur.
All of these projects are likely to be started in near future some 5-6 months of feasibility study
and are planned to be completed by 2021.
This shows that the future is going to be very bright and its market is most likely to show a
very quick expansion with many more corporations coming forward in the market. With a rapid
urbanization over the world, the basic requirements for smart and favourable techniques of
transportation are also escalating rapidly. India has various variables that make it a perfect
nation for a hyper loop framework. Foundation needs because of rising interest, unrivalled
designing ability, ease producing base, strong political support and great administrative
These elements guarantee that the hyper loop, when fabricated and tried financially, will be
affordable (for riders), versatile and efficient (to construct and work). Once demonstrated for
commercial viability, the hyper loop framework can be scaled to various city sets in India.
View this from a multi-modular vehicle viewpoint and the genuine advantages of a framework
like this come through – hyper loop innovation selection is a genuine empowering influence
for India to leap-frog to a higher direction of development, much the same as the role that cell
phones have played before as far as innovation, appropriation just as financial development.


Figure 1.5 Present trials going on Mumbai pune

Figure 1.6 representing travelling from Figure 1.7 representing travelling from
Bengaluru- Thiruvananthapuram Mumbai- Chennai

Figure 1.8 representing travelling from Figure 1.9 representing travelling from
New Delhi-Mumbai Mumbai- Kolkata

The following rationale and philosophies were followed to arrive at the best corridor strategy
to set-up the Hyperloop in India.
Existing Corridor Integration: It should integrate well with existing/sanctioned
industrial/dedicated freight corridors, and should not disrupt sanctioned Government transport
Passenger & Cargo Mobility: It should maximize the opportunities for both Passenger and
Cargo transport between Origin and Destination pairs.
Favorable Trends in Economic Geography: It should link high-potential markets found in
fast-growing urban agglomerations
Minimal Seismic Activity : It should be in areas with low seismic activity – zone factor of less
than 0.16 according to IS Code.
Incremental Phase-wise Strategy : It should be introduced in phases with relevant
opportunities for socio-economic impact/benefits in all phases.
High-Impact Demonstration Projects: Initial phases should maximize opportunities for low-
infrastructure, high-impact setup which triggers a nationwide demonstration


Virgin Hyperloop is inching closer to reality and India is firmly on the company's sights for its
ultrahigh-speed urban mobility solution. Government think tank Niti Aayog's member V K
Saraswat, while talking to PTI about the viability of the technology in India, said that it would
be a good achievement for the country if a demonstration unit for it could be set up here in the
next four to five years.

Figure 1.10 representing hyperloop tube in India

Saraswat, who is the head of the committee exploring the feasibility of the Hyperloop system
here, also said that this project will be a part of the Atmanirbhar Bharat initiative. "(With) a
demonstration unit in Maharashtra... (we could) learn a lot before we scale it up," he told PTI.
The two planned Virgin Hyperloop projects in India are on the Mumbai-Pune route and
possibly between Bengaluru airport and the city.
The state of Maharashtra has approved the Virgin Hyperloop-DP World Consortium as the
original project proponent for the Mumbai-Pune route and has also deemed Hyperloop as a
public infrastructure exercise.
Noting that the Hyperloop project is still at its experimental stage and will take time to be
implemented in India, Saraswat said, "The technology itself is not mature, there are safety
issues, there are economic issues and there are some issues with respect to how much of it can
be done in the country."
Last month, the Virgin Hyperloop company had also announced a partnership with the
Bangalore International Airport in order to conduct a viability test for the proposed route from
the city airport. The committee includes Sudhendu Jyoti Sinha, an adviser of infrastructure
connectivity with Niti Aayog
The first test run of the Virgin Hyperloop system was conducted on November 9, 2020 when
a two-seater prototype pod made its way through a 500-metre long tube at the company's test
site in Las Vegas.

Figure 1.11 Representing Virgin hyperloop-India

A Virgin Hyperloop system essentially consists sealed tubes called pods that make use of
contactless levitation and magnetic propulsion systems that can potentially reach speeds of up
to 700 kmph.


2.1 Ahmed Hodaib ET AL(2016)

Ahmed Hodaib, Samar F. Abdel Fattah (May 2016), discussed the design of a hyperloop
capsule with linear induction propulsion system which is used to accelerate and decelerate the
capsule. They studied that like rotary synchronous motors; linear motors run on 3-phase power
and can support very high speeds. However, there are end effects that reduce the motor's thrust
force. Linear induction motors are thus less energy efficient than normal rotary motors for any
required force output. They also discussed about the manufacturing of linear induction motor
in this paper.

2.2 Jeffrey C ET AL(2016):

Jeffrey C. Chin, Justin S. Gray, Scott M. Jones, Jeffrey J. Berton, they discussed about the
Open-Source Conceptual Sizing Models for the Hyperloop Passenger Pod in this paper. They
concluded that the refined analysis illuminates several interdisciplinary couplings that alter two
major aspects of the initial concept. First, the pod travel speed and the tube cross sectional area
are linked, forcing the tube size to be to be roughly twice the diameter of the original
specification, in order for the pod to reach Mach 0.8. Second, the steady-state tube temperature
is dominated by ambient thermal interactions unrelated to the heat generated by the pod
compression system.

2.3 Mark Sakowski (2016)

Mark Sakowski (2016) discussed the current maglev technology along with the theoretical
evacuated tube technology and they concluded that the hyperloop is feasible and if properly
designed, has the potential to be much more efficient in terms of energy usage of pods
traversing down the tube.

2.4 N. Kayela, (2014):

N. Kayela, (2014) investigated that the hyperloop is a fifth mode of transportation alongside
trains, planes, automobiles and boats. He discussed about the railway track for the hyperloop,
stations for the hyperloop. Also, discussed about the two version of capsule that is one is
passenger only version and another is passenger plus vehicle version
2.5 Elon Musk, (July 2012)

He has pitched an idea for a fifth mode of transport which would operate on combined
principles of a Concorde, an air hockey table and a rail gun. He patented this under the name
Hyperloop, of which he published an open-sourced white paper. In his words, Hyperloop
incorporates reduced-pressure tubes in which pressurized capsules ride on air bearings,
accelerated by linear induction motors.

Hyperloop is based on a principle of magnetic levitation. The principle of magnetic levitation
is that a vehicle can be suspended and propelled on a guidance track made with magnets. The
vehicle on top of the track may be propelled with the help of a linear induction motor.

Figure 3.1 Magnetic levitation of hyperloop transport technology

Figure 3.2 representing working principal of hyperloop

Working of hyperloop system is based on magnetic levitation principle. As we know that the
passenger pad travel through low pressure tube which is pylon-supported tube. In hyperloop
system an air compressor fan is fitted on front side of pod which sucks the air. It transfers high
pressure air front side to the rear side of capsule (pod) and it propel the pod.
It creates the air cushion around the pod, so that the pod is suspended in air within the tube. On
the basis of magnetic levitation principle, the pod will be propelled by the linear induction
motor. By the linear induction motor the capsule send from one place to another place to a
subsonic velocity that is slower than the speed of sound. The pod will be self-powered. There
is solar panel fitted on top of the tube.

By this solar panel there is enough energy is stored in battery packs to operate at night and in
cloudy weather for some periods. The energy is also is stored in the form of compressed air.
The air between the capsule acts as a cushion to prevent two capsules from colliding within the

Figure 3.3 representing compressor and bypass tunnel

In above figure it shown that the air through the compressor is send to a bypass nozzle at the
rear end of the capsule.

If capsule cover too much area of the tube, then, the air is not flow around the capsule and
ultimately the entire column of air in the tube is being pushed ahead of the capsule and because
of this there is friction between the air and tube walls is increases tremendously.

Therefore, to avoid this problem the compressor is fitted at the front of the capsule through
which the air is flow which will not flow around the capsule and send it to bypass nozzle



The tube is made of steel. There are two tubes which are welded together side by side
configuration to allow the capsules travel in both directions. The tube will be supported by
pillars. Solar panel arrays are provided on top of the tubes for the purpose of power to the
system. These tubes were theoretically meant to have vacuum inside them which should
remove any resistance offered by air in direction where train is travelling, but still practically
vacuum cannot be achieved for such a long track.

Thus, capsule consist of very low-pressure air which offers very negligible resistance. But low-
pressure air doesn’t solve the problem wholly. While capsule is travelling the air ahead of it
get compressed and increase pressure offering resistance to capsule giving rise to Kantrowitz
limit, which can eventually stop the train but this problem was solved by adding compressor
fan on bow(front) of train.

Figure 4.1 representing tube of the hyperloop transport technology

The pressure in the tube is 100pa (equivalent to flying above 150,000 feet altitude). Pylons are
placed every 30 m to support the tube. A specifically designed cleaning and boring machine
will make it possible to surface finish the inside of the tube and welded joints for a better gliding
surface. In addition, safety emergency exits and pressurization ports will be added in key
locations along the length of the tube.
A tube wall thickness between 20 to 23 mm is necessary to provide sufficient strength for the
load cases considered in this study. These cases included, but were not limited to, pressure
differential, bending and buckling between pillars, loading due to the capsule weight and
acceleration, as well as seismic considerations. In order to keep cost to a minimum, a uniform
thickness steel tube reinforced with stringers was selected as the material of choice for the inner
diameter tube.

Tube sections would be pre-fabricated and installed between pillar supports spaced 100 ft (30
m) on average, varying slightly depending on location. This relatively short span allows
keeping tube material cost and deflection to a minimum.


For increasing speed and efficiency of capsules certain geometrical changes are brought in
capsule design by minimizing frontal surface area which makes it more comfortable for
The vehicle is streamlined to reduce drag. Interior design was highly concentrated for comfort
of passengers. The seats are design as to nullify high speed acceleration discomfort produced
during the travel. Entertainment of passengers are kept in mind and modern accessories are
equipped to suffice also passengers will be provided with access to landscape scenery

The maximum width is 1.35 m and maximum height is 1.10 m. With rounded corners, this is
equivalent to a 1.4 m^2 frontal area, not including any propulsion or suspension components.
The aerodynamic power requirements at 700 mph (1,130 kph) are around only 100k with a
drag force of only 320 N, or about the same force as the weight of one oversized checked bag
at the airport. The doors on each side will open in a gullwing (or possibly sliding) manner to
allow easy access during loading and unloading.
The luggage compartment will be at the front or rear of the capsule. The overall structure
weight is expected to be near 3,100 kg including the luggage compartments and door
Figure 4.2 Representing Capsule of hyperloop transport technology

Assuming an average departure time of 2 minutes between capsules, a minimum of 28

passengers per capsule are required to meet 840 passengers per hour. It is possible to further
increase the Hyperloop capacity by reducing the time between departures.
The current baseline requires up to 40 capsules in activity during rush hour, 6 of which are at
the terminals for loading and unloading of the passengers in approximately 5 minutes. In order
to optimize the capsule speed and performance, the frontal area has been minimized for size
while maintaining passenger comfort.
The vehicle is streamlined to reduce drag and features a compressor at the leading face to ingest
oncoming air for levitation and to a lesser extent propulsion. Aerodynamic simulations have
demonstrated the validity of this ‘compressor within a tube’ concept.


The tube will be supported by pylons which constrain the tube in the vertical direction
but allow longitudinal slip for thermal expansion as well as dampened lateral slip to reduce
the risk posed by earthquakes. These minimally constrained pylons tube joints will also
allow a smoother ride, the average spacing is 100 ft (30 m) and the pillars will be 20 ft (6 m)
tall whenever possible but may vary in height in hilly areas or where obstacles are in the
way, pylons are not required in all the places


The compressor is fitted at the front side of the capsule. It supplies the air to the air bearings
which supports the weight of the capsule. The compressor allows the capsule to traverse to the
low-pressure tube without choking.
Since need of vacuum was not sufficed in tube, capsule travelling in low pressure tube
accumulates air on its front side, which is further compressed by motion of capsule, this
compressed air will resist motion of capsule decreasing its velocity, forming a choke inside the
tube and eventually stopping it.

Figure 4.3 representing compressor of hyperloop transport technology

Thus, hyperloop demands new innovation to solve this problem known as Kantrowitz limit.
Compressor fans were introduced to nullify effect of Kantrowitz limit. Compressor fans are
installed on front of capsules. These fans suck the accumulated compressed air from front of
train and exhale it to air bearings.

Thus, resistance is removed and no further choking because of Kantrowitz limit is caused. One
important feature of the capsule is the onboard compressor, which serves two purposes.

This system allows the capsule to traverse the relatively narrow tube without choking flow that
travels between the capsule and the tube walls (resulting in a build-up of air mass in front of
the capsule and increasing the drag) by compressing air that is bypassed through the capsule.
It also supplies air to air bearings that support the weight of the capsule throughout the journey.


Air bearing suspension offers stability and extremely low drag at a feasible cost. A stiff air
bearing suspension is superb for reliability and safety.

When there is a gap between ski and tube walls is high then it shows the nonlinear reaction and
which results in large restoring pressure air flow that travels between tube walls and capsule.
Suspending the capsule within the tube presents a substantial technical challenge due to
transonic cruising velocities. Conventional wheel and axle systems become impractical at high-
speed due frictional losses and dynamic instability.

Fig 4.4 representing suspension of hyperloop transport technology

A viable technical solution is magnetic levitation; however, the cost associated with material
and construction is prohibitive. An alternative to these conventional options is an air bearing
suspension. Air bearings offer stability and extremely low drag at a feasible cost by exploiting
the ambient atmosphere in the tube. Air bearing suspension offers stability and extremely low
drag at a feasible cost.
A stiff air bearing suspension is superb for reliability and safety. When there is a gap between
ski and tube walls is high then it shows the nonlinear reaction and which results in large
restoring pressure.
Externally pressurized and aerodynamic air bearings are well suited for the Hyperloop due to
exceptionally high stiffness, which is required to maintain stability at high speeds. When the
gap height between a ski and the tube wall is reduced, the flow field in the gap exhibits a highly
non-linear reaction resulting in large restoring pressures.
The increased pressure pushes the ski away from the wall, allowing it to return to its nominal
ride height. While a stiff air bearing suspension is superb for reliability and safety, it could
create considerable discomfort for passengers onboard.
To account for this, each ski is integrated into an independent mechanical suspension, ensuring
a smooth ride for passengers. The capsule may also include traditional deployable wheels
similar to aircraft landing gear for ease of movement at speeds under 100 mph (160 kph) and
as a component of the overall safety system.


To accelerate and decelerate the capsule the linear induction motor is used in hyperloop
system. It provides some advantages over a permanent magnet motor. To accelerate the
capsules there is linear accelerators are constructed on a length of the tube. Stators are placed
on the capsules to transfer momentum to the capsules via the linear accelerators. Finally,
hyperloop requires a propelling machine. And thus, linear induction motor is used in hyperloop,
the same motor used in tesla cars which in hyperloop can produce velocity of 20000 meter per
second. The moving motor element (rotor) will be located on the vehicle for weight savings
and power requirements while the tube will incorporate the stationary motor element (stator)
which powers the vehicle. The overall propulsion system weight attached to the capsule is
expected to be near 2,900 lb (1,300 kg) including the support and emergency braking system.

Figure 4.5 Propulsion of hyperloop transport technology

The overall cost of the system is targeted to be no more than $125,000. This brings the total
capsule weight near 33,000 lb (15,000 kg) including passenger and luggage weight. The overall
propulsion system weight attached to the capsule is expected to be near 3,500 lb (1,600 kg)
including the support and emergency braking system.
The overall cost of the system is targeted to be no more than $150,000. this brings the total
capsule weight near 57,000 lb (26,000) kg including passenger, luggage, and vehicle weight.
To accelerate and decelerate the capsule the linear induction motor is used in hyperloop system.
It provides some advantages over a permanent magnet motor. To accelerate the capsules there
is linear accelerators are constructed on a length of the tube. Stators are placed on the capsules
to transfer momentum to the capsules via the linear accelerators.

Friction was another major hurdle of hyperloop, which had only one solution to remove any
surface contact between capsule and tube i.e., capsule should be levitating i.e., it should float
in air. Air bearings are installed on surface of capsules, the air inhaled by front of capsule’s
compressor fan is exhaled by air bearing providing it hovering and levitation.
Air bearing also provide suspension to capsules so traveling is smoother in hyperloop. As the
design process began, the Drexel team realized in order to excel in the competition, they needed
to overcome a few obstacles.

Figure 4.6 representing air bearings of hyperloop transport technology

Drawing on the work of Elon Musk’s original vision, the team explored the intriguing
possibilities of leveraging air bearings to facilitate levitation for the POD. Musk’s original
concept for the Hyperloop consisted of a fleet of capsules traveling at high speeds between Los
Angeles and San Francisco through a low-pressure tube. The capsules themselves would be
supported on a cushion of air, created by internal pressurization and aerodynamic lift. The
essential technology for the realization of that vision was the air bearing.


• It saves the travelling time.

• There is no problem of traffic
• It is powered by solar panel
• It can travel in any kind of weather.
• Cost of hyperloop is very low
• Not disruptive to those along the route.
• More convenient.
• Resistance to earthquake.
• Pollution free
• Light weight
• Weight ¼ of the same length
• Corrosion and chemical resistance
• Excellent elastic properties
• Extremely strong


• Turning will be critical.

• Less movable space for passenger.
• High speed might cause dizziness to passenger
• Punctured tunnel could cause shockwaves.
• High cost of fabrication
• Complex repair procedure
• Compressive strength not dependable.

1. More expansion on the control mechanism for Hyperloop capsules, including attitude
thruster or control moment gyros.
2. Detailed station designs with loading and unloading of both passenger and passenger plus
vehicle versions of the Hyperloop capsules.
3. Trades comparing the costs and benefits of Hyperloop with more conventional magnetic
levitation systems.
4. Sub-scale testing based on a further optimized design to demonstrate the physics of
Hyperloop is a new born technology since it is nothing like anything the design for everything
inside it is like invented for even a smaller entity. Thus, Technology welcomes further
development for inventors.
Hyperloop also conducted a worldwide competition for building it which would award by
building hyperloop in winning nation.
Hyperloop is considered an open-source transportation concept. The authors encourage all
members of the community to contribute to the Hyperloop design process. Iteration of the
design by various individuals and groups can help bring Hyperloop from an idea to a reality.

The Train of future is reviewed in this paper. Hyperloop has two versions namely passenger
only and passenger plus vehicle hyperloop. This technology can reduce travel time between
Los Angeles and San Francisco up till 35 minutes.
Hyperloop is much cheaper compared to railway between Los Angeles and San Francisco. On
other hand passenger plus vehicle version would just cost more 25%. This version would be
capable of transporting passengers, vehicles, freight, etc. this version is 11% more cheaper than
proposed by rail system between Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Furthermore, the hyperloop is at development stage in future the price will be much lower than
present price. A high-speed transportation system known as Hyperloop has been developed in
this report. Hyperloop transportation system can be used over the conventional modes of
transportation that are rail, road, water and air.
At very high speed it provides better comfort and cost is also low. By reducing the pressure of
the air in the tube which reduces simple air drag and enables the capsule to move faster than
through a tube at atmospheric pressure.
As it has number of advantages it will very help full for transport public as well as goods in a
very short period of time (at a top speed of 1220 kmph) and also in lower cost. It is a new
concept so there is some future work will be required for development of this project
.Conventional means of transportation (road, water, air, and rail) tend to be some mix-off
expensive, slow, and environmentally harmful.
Road travel is particularly problematic, given carbon emissions and the fluctuating price of oil.
As the environmental dangers of energy consumption continue to worsen, mass transit. Rail
travel is relatively energy efficient and offers the most environmentally friendly option, but is
too slow and expensive to be massively adopted.
An additional passenger plus transport version of the Hyperloop has been created that is only
25% higher in cost than the passenger only version. This version would be capable of
transporting passengers, vehicles, freight, etc.
The passenger plus vehicle version of the Hyperloop is less than 11% of the cost of the
proposed passenger only high-speed rail system between Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Additional technological developments and further optimization could likely reduce this price.
• Ahmed Hodaib, Samar, et al, international journal of mechanical, aerospace, industrial,
mechatronics and manufacturing engineering Vol:10 No:5, (May 2016)
• Chin, Jeffrey C.; Gray, Justin S.; Jones, Scott M.; Breton, Jeffrey J. (January 2015).
Open-Source Conceptual Sizing Models for the Hyperloop Passenger Pod (PDF). 56th
AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference.
January 5–9, 2015. Kissimmee, Florida. doi:10.2514/6.2015-1587.
• Paper by Mark Sakowski, “The Next Contender in High-Speed Transport Elon Musk’s
Hyperloop”, 2016
• N. Kayela, editor of scientific and technical department, “Hyperloop: A Fifth Mode of
Transportation”, 2014
• Mohammed Imran, international journal of engineering research, 2016
• Musk, Elon (August 12, 2013). "Hyperloop Alpha"(PDF). SpaceX. Retrieved August
13, 2013.
• Compressor:https://patrickenewman.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/compressoriso.png
• Operating principle of hyperloop http://web-
• https://auto.hindustantimes.com/ hyperloop in india news

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