Daoist - GM Binder

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Raised as a cultivator. Most people who hail from families

Cultivation full of cultivators treat non-cultivators aka. mortals as
Cultivation is the process of improving health, increasing insignificant beings. They view mortals as ants, they won't
longevity, and growing powerful. This is accomplished by actively seek to harm them, but also they won't feel remorse
cultivating Ki and training in martial & mystical arts. The from killing a few mortals.
ultimate goal of many cultivator is to become an Immortal or Raised as a mortal. Not every mortal has a potential to
attain godhood. Though the gods may not stand idle as the act become immortal, but every now and then there is a person
of cultivation means going against the heavens. born with enough talent to be taken in by a sect and be able to
cultivate. This type of cultivator has more ties to normal world
Creating a Daoist and treats mortal life more humanly or inhumanly depending
on what type of person he was as a mortal.
When creating a daoist is to consider what brought you on the
path of cultivation. Were you born into a familly full of Quick Build
cultivators or maybe you were taken in by some sect after You can make a Daoist quickly by following this suggestions.
they've noticed your potential. In any case most cultivators First, Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed
begin their training in early years, because that's when your by Main ability score of your subclass.
potential is the highest.

Proficiency Techniques Cantrips Mystic Arts Mystic Arts Ki
Level Bonus Features Known Known Known Access Points
1st +2 Ki Casting, Mystical Arts 0 2 2 1 2
2nd +2 Dao, Techniques 1 2 3 1 4
3rd +2 Purge Impurities 1 2 4 2 6
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1 2 5 2 8
5th +3 Dao Feature 2 2 6 3 10
6th +3 Foundation Establishment 2 2 7 3 12
7th +3 - 2 3 8 4 14
Ability Score Improvement, Dao
8th +3 3 3 9 4 16
9th +4 Purge Impurities 3 3 10 5 18
10th +4 Core Formation 3 3 10 5 20
11th +4 Dao Feature 4 3 11 5 22
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 11 5 24
13th +5 - 4 4 12 5 26
14th +5 Dao Feature 5 4 12 5 28
15th +5 - 5 4 13 5 30
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 13 5 32
17th +6 Nascent Soul 6 4 14 5 34
18th +6 Dao Feature 6 4 14 5 36
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 4 15 5 38
20th +6 Spirit Severing 7 4 15 5 40

When you spend a Ki point, it is unavailable until you regain
Class Features it by either by finishing a long rest, at the end of which you
As a Daoist, you gain the following class features draw all of your expended Ki back into yourself or by finishing
a short rest, at the end of which you draw half(rounded down)
Hit Points of your expended Ki back into yourself. You must spend at
least 30 minutes of the rest meditating to regain your Ki.
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Daoist level Wisdom is your Ki casting ability for your Mystic arts, so
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier you use your Wisdom whenever a Mystic Art refers to your Ki
Hit Points at Higher Levels: : 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution casting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier
modifier per daoist level after 1st when setting the saving throw DC for a Mystic Art you cast
Proficiencies and when making an attack roll with one.
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, shortswords Ki Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
Tools: Choose one from Alchemist's Supplies, Herbalism Kit, your Wisdom modifier
Smith's Tools
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity Ki attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, your Wisdom modifier
Insight, Nature, Perception, and Stealth. Mystic Focus
Equipment You don't have to provide material components of your Mystic
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the Arts if the components don't have their value specified.
equipment granted by your background:
(a) a shortsword or (b) any simple weapon Mystical Arts
(a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack Also at 1st level, you learn mystical arts, You can roll a d4 in
(a) Alchemist's Supplies or (b) a Herbalism Kit or (c) place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike and while
Smith's Tools you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC
equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.
Additionally When you use the Attack action with an
Multiclassing unarmed strike or a weapon you're proficient with, you can
Ability Score Mimimum: Wisdom 13
make an additional unarmed strike as a bonus action.
Proficiencies Gained: Simple Weapons, shortswords
At 2nd level, you commit yourself to a specific Dao, chosen
Ki Casting from the list of available Dao. Your Dao grants you features at
1st level and again at 5th , 8th, 11th, 14th level and 17th level.
Mystic Arts
Mystic arts are the form of spellcasting available to Daoist it Techniques
uses your Ki to fuel your to influence the world directly.
In pursuit of immortality, you have acquired different
Mystic Arts Known techniques, daoist magics that imbue you with myriad
At 1st level, you know two 1st-level arts of your choice from abilities.
the Daoist Mystic Art list. At 2nd level, you gain one technique of your choice. A list of
The Mystic Arts Known column of the Daoist table shows the available options can be found on the Techniques List.
when you learn more Mystic Arts of your choice of 1st level When you gain certain Daoist levels, you gain additional
and higher. An art you choose must be of a level no higher techniques of your choice.
than what's shown in the Mystic Art Access column for your Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can
level. When you reach 6th level, for example, you learn a new choose one of the techniques you know and replace it with
Mystic Art, which can be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level. another techniques that you could learn at that level.
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can A level prerequisite in an techniques refers to Daoist level,
choose one of the Mystic Arts you know and replace it with not character level.
another art from the Mystic Art list, which also must be of a
level for which you have access to.
You can cast a Mystic Art from higher level, up to your
Mystic Art Access Level.
Ki Condensation
Starting at 1st level, your training allows you to harness the
mystic energy of Ki. Your access to this energy is represented
by a number of Ki points. Your daoist level determines the
number of points you have, as shown in the Ki Points column
of the Daoist table.
You can spend these points to fuel various Mystic Arts and
Purge Impurities Spirit Severing
Starting at level 3rd, Daoist can expell all impurities and When you reach 20th level Dao enlightenment grants you the
toxins from his body. Once per short rest you can spend 1 ability to sever something from your soul. It can be love,
minute meditating to emulate effects of lesser restoration wealth or any other earthly attachement. From that moment
spell on yourself. you will no longer feel any attachement to thing you've
At 9th level you can spend 10 minutes meditating to severed. By doing so you unlock additional insight into the
emulate effects of greater restoration spell instead. Dao
Once per long rest as an action you can enter transcended
Ability Score Improvement state for 1 minute. While in this state you gain resistance to
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and every type of damage and are able to teleport up to the 60ft.
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by once per turn.
2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
You can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Dao
Foundation Establishment Dao the origin and source of all things. It can be translated in
many different ways, it is the absolute principle underlying the
When you reach 6th level, The Core Sea of Ki Condensation universe, combining within itself the principles of Yin and
stage condenses into the first Dao Pillar. Granting you even Yang and signifying the way, or code of behavior, that is in
more control over your Ki. harmony with the natural order.
You may use an action to spend 3 Ki points and emit Ki
pressure around yourself forcing every creature in 30ft. radius Dao of Sword
centered on you to make a Strength Saving Throw against You decided to follow the path of sword mastery, to reach the
your Ki Save DC or be knocked prone and take 1d6 peak of what's possible with a blade.
bludgeoning damage.
Sword Saint
Core Formation When you decide to follow this Dao at 2nd level you can spend
When you reach 10th level, The pillars formed in Foundation 1 hour to attune yourself to a sword. While attuned you're
Establishment melt and become a core.
You also learn how to considered proficient in wielding that type of weapons. When
force read memories from a soul of a creature. You can use you attack with the weapon you were attuned to, you can treat
your action to touch the creature's forehead and spend 8 Ki it as if it had finesse property.
Points to force your consciousness into it's soul. The creature You also gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill if you don't
has to be restrained or unconscious for this to work. To already have it.
defend against this effect the creature has to make a
Charisma Saving throw against your Ki Save DC. Sword Energy
If the creature makes the save nothing happens and it's When you reach 5th level you learn how to harness the intent
immune to the effect for the next 24hours and because of the of your blade allowing you to slash and cut enemies that are
rebound you take 2d6 psychic damage. further away from you.
If it fails you can read through the it's memories, the As a free action You can spend 2 Ki points to charge your
memories are fragmented and it's up to DM what you will sword with your Ki allowing you to change your sword's melee
learn. The process itself is very painful and agonizing making attacks into ranged attacks with a reach of 60/120ft for one
the creature take 2d6 psychic damage. minute.
Nascent Soul Flowing Sword Technique
Starting at level 8th, when you're wielding a sword you can
When you reach 17th level you form a nascent soul, a tiny use your reaction to redirect any attack that attack misses you.
humanoid that looks like you and lives in your dantian. When you do so, you spend 2 ki points and take the damage
When your body dies your soul stays alive and leaves the you'd otherwise take from the attack reduced by 1d12 + your
body. While in this form you are tiny and transparent, but still Dexterity modifier + your Daoist level.
visible. If you deflected a ranged attack, make a ranged attack
If you're resurrected while in your nascent soul form, your (range 20/60 feet) or if you deflected a melee attack, make a
nascent soul gets summoned back to your body. melee attack. You make these attacks with your sword and as
As a nascent soul, you have half of your maximum hp and part of the same reaction. Enemies hit by deflected attack take
cannot take any actions, spend Ki Points, use reactions or the damage that you'd take if it weren't reduced.
bonus actions. As a nascent soul you always hover 5ft. above
the ground. While hovering you can move at the half of your
maximum speed. While In this form you can spend 8 hours
meditating to recreate your body, effectively emulating a true
ressurection spell.

Flying Sword Self-Immolation
When you reach 11th level you have learned how to control When you reach 11th level you learn how to make your blood
your blades more effectively giving you the ability to fly using burst into flames. Whenever you receive damage you can use
your sword. To do so you must use an action to stand on top of your reaction to deal 1d8 fire damage to everyone within 5ft.
the sword you are attuned to. While you're standing on the of you.
sword you gain 30ft. flying speed and can't make attacks with You can use bonus action to empower your next strike, roll
the sword. up to 5d6. You lose this amout of HP, but your next unarmed
strike will deal additional fire damage equal to twice the HP
Countless Slashes you've lost.
When you reach Level 14th you learn how to speed up your Also You can now roll a d8 in place of the normal damage of
slashes using your Ki. Using your bonus action you can spend your unarmed strike.
4 Ki points allowing you to make two additional attacks with
the sword you're attuned to. Body-Mind Hex
If all additional attacks hit the target you can choose to When you reach 14th level your control over body increases
regain 2 Ki points or make one more attack. allowing you to temporarily influence bodies of other
Nine Heavens Destruction. As an action you spend 6 Ki points and choose a creature
Starting at level 18, by spending 9 Ki and using an action you you can see. The creature makes an Constitution Saving
may summon 9 illusory swords that hover around you for one throw against your Ki Save DC if it fails the target is paralyzed
minute. for 1 minute. The target can repeat it's saving throw at the end
You can spend a bonus action to make an attack with up to of it's turn. If target succeeds on it's saving throw it's immune
two swords. After you use the illusory sword to make an to the effect for the next 24 hours.
attack the sword disappears.
You use your Ki attack modifier for your attack rolls. First Sea of Ki and Blood
attack deals 1d6 slashing damage, the second one deals 2d6 When you reach 18th level You achieve the complete mastery
slashing damage, the third one deals 3d6 damage and so on. over the Ki and Blood allowing you to consume the Ki and
Up to 9d6 damage with a final sword. You don't add modifiers Blood from fallen creatures even if you are not the one who
to damage. has slain them.
The strain of using this ability leaves you with two levels of Whenever a creature dies within 30ft. of you, you regain hit
exhaustion after all swords disappear. points equal to d10 + your Wisdom modifier and you regain 1
Ki point.
Dao of Blood You can now also roll d10 in a place of the normal damage
You decided to strengthen your flesh and blood using your Ki of your unarmed strikes.
as well as Ki of your enemies. This ability replaces Spirit Meridian Stratum
Ki and Blood Stratum Dao of Karma
When you decide to follow this Dao at 2nd level you spread You decided to follow the ancient path of Karma
your Ki throughout your bloodstream, it causes your muscles manipulation. Cosmic merit or demerit accumulated
and bones to harden, allowing you to replace Dexterity with throughout one’s life based on one’s deeds.
Strength when calculating AC
Unfortunately because your Ki is now spread through your Karma magic
bloodstream your Ki point maximum is reduced by half. When you choose this Dao at 2nd level it lets you choose from
an expanded list of Mystic Arts when you learn a Mystic Art.
Spirit Meridian Stratum At each indicated Daoist level, add the listed mystic arts to
When you reach 5th level, you further refine your body. Your your mystic art list. They do not count towards your limit.
hit dice for the daoist class changes from d8 to d10, also you
can roll d6 in a place of the normal damage of your unarmed Mystic Art Level Mystic Art
strikes. 1 Charm Person, Karmic Shield(Dao)
You also gain proficiency in the Athletics Skill if you don't
already have it. 2 Karma Vision(Dao), Moonbeam
3 Karma Slash(Dao), Lightning Bolt
Blood Soul Stratum
When you reach 8th level you further enhance your fleshly 4 Aura Beam(Dao), Slow
body, you gain ability to consume energy from meridians of 5 Destructive Wave, Writ of Karma(Dao)
fallen enemies. Whenever you kill a creature you regain 1 Ki
points and you can roll your hit dice to recover health. You also learn 2 additional cantrips of your choice from
Also your unarmed strikes now count as magical for the Mystic Art list
purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to
nonmagical attacks and damage.

Mystic Echo Karmic Annihilation
At level 5th, when a ranged spell attack (or Magic Missile) Starting at level 18th, your mastery over karma reaches a
targets a creature you can see within 30 feet of you, and the pinnacle, allowing you to completely sever all karma threads
results have not been announced, you can use your reaction connected to a person.
and expend Ki points equal to twice the level of spell slot used As an action you concentrate on a creature that you can see,
to cast spell to make an opposed Ki casting ability contest the target makes an Intelligence saving throw against your Ki
against the caster. If you succeed, the spell targets the caster Save DC if it fails the target freezes in motion as if time froze.
using the original attack roll. You cannot reflect spells cast On a successful save, the creature isn't affected.
above 5th-level. A creature frozen by this effect gradually disappears,
You can use this feature two times, and regain expended disappearing completely by the end of it's 3rd turn after
uses of it when you complete a long rest. becoming frozen. If a greater restoration or similar magic is
Additionally you gain proficiency in Wisdom Saving not cast on the creature within this time frame, the creature
Throws. vanishes and also disappears from memories of every other
Karmic Ascension After the creature disappears you no longer have to
When you reach 11th level you gain more insight into karma, maintain concentration.
allowing you to see how the creature perceives you. Are you Any creature with close ties to the target may try keep
his friend or maybe a foe, you will learn what kind of a person memories of the erased creature by making an Intelligence
you are in the creature's eyes. Beware that you may learn check against your Ki Save DC. If it fails the memories are
some things you would not like to learn. erased until the karma threads are restored.
As an action, choose a creature you can see. Make an The only way to bring back the creature that has
insight check against creature passive Deception. If you disappeared is by restoring severed karma threads by means
succeed, you learn target's opinion on yourself. If you fail you of a Wish spell or a Divine Intervention.
can't use the skill until you finish a long rest. You can use this skill once per long rest.
Additionally your Mystic Art Access is increased from 5 to 6 Additionally your Mystic Art Access is increased from 8 to 9.
Karma Manipulation
When you reach 14th level your mastery over karma
Once per long rest you can use your reaction to change a
failed saving throw into a successful one and a successful one
into a failed one. This doesn't work against creatures with
legendary resistances.
Additionally your Mystic Art Access is increased from 6 to 8

Mystic Art Costs:
Mystic Art Level Ki Cost
1st 2
2nd 4
3rd 6
4th 8
5th 10
6th 12
7th 14
8th 16
9th 18

Daoist Mystic Arts:

Thunderous Smite Seal Meridians (Dao) 6th Level
Cantrips Zephyr Strike (XGE) Tongues Harm
Druidcraft Vampiric Touch Heal
Energy Bolt(Dao) 2nd Level
Paragon Bridge (Dao)
Friends Aura Sense (Dao) 4th Level
Sun Beam
Guidance Blur Aura of Purity
True Seeing
Ki Strike (Dao) Calm Emotions Freedom of Movement
Karmic Divination (Dao)
Mage Hand Flame Blade Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Message Karma Vision (Dao) Aura Beam (Dao) 7th Level
Produce Flame Nightvision Shadow of Moil (XGE) Crown of Stars
Shocking Grasp Shadow Blade Stoneskin Bind Karma (Dao)
Hold Person Storm Sphere Reverse Gravity
1st Level Invisibility Teleport
Armor of Agathys Misty Step 5th Level
Burning Hands Conjure Volley 8th Level
Detect Magic 3rd Level Dawn Karmic Destruction (Dao)
Disguise Self Blink Dispel Evil and Good Power Word Stun
Earth Tremor Clairvoyance Mountain Consuming Sunburst
Identify Conjure Barrage Incantation (Dao)
Karmic Shield (Dao) Dispel Magic Steel Wind Strike
Ki Wave (Dao) Haste Writ of Karma (Dao)
Magic Missile Karma Slash (Dao)

Daoist Techniques
Bind good/bad Karma Heaven and Earth Technique
Prequisite: Dao of Karma
Prequisite: 5th level

When you finish a long rest, roll two d8s and record the You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take
numbers rolled. You can add or subtract this amount from any Attack action on your turn.
attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a
creature that you can see. You must choose to do so before the Art of Righteous Bestowal
roll, and you modify a roll in this way only once per turn. Prequisite: 5th level

Each roll can be used only once. When you finish a long Impart Ki upon any living creature in Heaven and Earth, give
rest, you lose any unused rolls. it his approval. As an action you spend 2 Ki points and touch a
creature and give it temporary hitpoints equal to 4d6 + Your
Bloodburst Flash Wisdom modifier. Temporary hitpoints disappear after the
Prequisite: Dao of Blood
creature takes a short or a long rest. You can do this twice per
As a bonus action you may burst with blood forcing each long rest.
creature within 10 ft. radius of you to make a Dexterity Saving
Throw. The creatures that failed the throw take 1d10 + Your Ki Armor
Constitution modifier Necrotic damage. The creatures that Prequisite: 5th level

succeed take only half the damage. You always take the half When an attack hits you you can use your reaction to spend 2
damage. Ki and reduce that damage by half. You also gain proficiency
When you're brought down to 0hp you can choose to in medium armor.
activate this ability and teleport up to 60 ft, but doing so Mystic Fists
makes you fail the first death saving throw.
Prequisite: 5th level

Study Demons of Myriad Variations By increasing the understanding of the ki flow, you can use
Prequisite: Dao of Sword
Wisdom instead of Strength for the attack rolls of your
You may use your bonus action to spend 1 Ki Point and make unarmed strikes.
an Insight check against the enemy's Deception. If you Life-Extermination Fist
succeed you gain advantage on your next attack against the Prequisite: Dao of Blood, 5th level

target. When you hit the target you also deal additional Your fists may now deal necrotic damage instead of
damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. If you fail the check, bludgeoning damage and your reach with unarmed strikes is
your next attack against the target will be at a disadvantage, increased by 10ft.
but if you hit, you will still deal additional damage equal to
your Wisdom modifier. Whenever you hit something with your unarmed strike you
pull it 10ft. towards yourself.
Celestial Vision Technique
You gain magical darkvision out to 120ft. You can see through Sword Dance
magical darkness as if it was a normal darkness. Prequisite: Dao of Sword, 5th level

You strike with grace, allowing you to move swiftly through

Green Smoke Escape Art your opponents.
Your movement speed increases by 10 ft. Additionally once Whenever you make a melee attack with your sword you
per long rest you can use your action to cast fog cloud can move up to 10 ft. without provoking attacks of opportunity
centered on yourself. The fog created by this technique has a
green color and you can see through this fog without any Mystical Power
issues. Prequisite: Dao of Karma, 5th level

This technique allows you to change your learned spells on a

Languge of soul long rest. Once you choose this technique you can't replace it
You can cast Comprehend Languages at will, without with another
expending Ki points or material components.
Life-Extermination Technique
Prequisite: 5th level

Once per turn when you hit a creature with an unarmed

strike, you can expend a Ki points to deal an extra 1d8 force
damage per 2 points spent to the target, and you can knock
the target prone if it is Huge or smaller. You can spend
maximum of 10 Ki points in one strike.

Formation Expert Diamond Fist Combo
Prequisite: 7th level
Prequisite: 9th level, Dao of Blood

You can now learn rituals. Choose two 1st-level spells that By hardening blood in your fists, you make them as hard as
have the ritual tag from any class's spell list. The spells needn't diamonds. You gain +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with
be from the same spell list. The spells appear in the mystic art your unarmed strikes, with each consecutive hit against the
list and don't count against the number of mystic arts you same creature bonus increases by an addtional 1, up to +3.
know. You can cast the chosen spells as rituals. You can't cast Additionally when you hit somebody with your unarmed strike
the spells except as rituals, unless you've learned them by you can spend 1 ki point as a bonus action and make 2
some other means. You can also cast a Daoist Mystic Arts you additional unarmed strikes against the same creature.
know as a ritual if it has the ritual tag.
On your adventures, you can add other ritual spells to your Myriad Swords
memory. When you find such a spell, you can add it to your Prequisite: 9th level, Dao of Sword

mystic art list if the spell's level is equal to or less than half You may use your mind to control your swords, you can now
your Daoist level (rounded up) and if you can spare the time to wield 4 additional swords that hover behind you. You can
learn the spell. For each level of the spell, the learning process incorporate these sword into your first melee attack. Swords
takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp for the materials needed to don't get additional bonus to damage and their damage dice is
practice. reduced to 1d4.
Mystic Tongue Karmic Revelation
Prequisite: 7th level
Prequisite: 9th level, Dao of Karma

You can cast Tongues at will, without expending Ki points or Using karma you can manipulate people, as an action you may
material components. connect up to 5 willing creatures with allowing them to
telepathically communicate with each other as long as they
Concealment are in the same plane of existence. They are also able to sense
Prequisite: 7th level
directions where they are located. Using this Technique again
As an action you can toggle your concealment. While removes the previous connection.
concealed you appear blurred and semi-transparent, you also
gain +10 bonus on your stealth checks. You can't use My Will is Eternal!
concealment while in combat. Prequisite: 12th level, doesn't have My Fate is The Aeon!

You are now also able to hide your energy inside of your When you regain hit points you can choose the maximum
body to appear harmless to most creatures. Meaning they will value instead of rolling the dice. And resurrecting you doesn't
not act hostile towards you unless you or your companions consume any material components, but you still have to
provoke them first. Creatures with true sight are immune to provide them.
this effect.
My Fate is the Aeon!
Feather Body Prequisite: 12th level, doesn't have My Will is Eternal!

Prequisite: 9th level

Whenever you are reduced to 0 hit points you are always
You can now reduce fall damage by spending Ki points. For automatically stabilized and will wake up after the combat
every Ki point spent you reduce fall damage by 5. ends.
You are also able to walk on water. For every turn spent on a Additionally once per long rest when you are brought down
water you have to spend 1 Ki point or fall into water at the end to 0 hit points you may spend your hit dices to regain hit
of your turn. points and wake up on the beginning of your next turn.
Speed of Sound Seven God Steps
Prequisite: 9th level
Prequisite: 17th level

Your movement speed is increased by additional 10ft. and you If you have not moved last turn, you gain additional 10ft. of
can now take a dash action using your bonus action. movement.
Once per long rest, if you are not exhausted you can as an If you move 40ft. in a straight line, in one turn you may
action exceed your limits to gain inhuman speed allowing you make a special unarmed strike as action. This unarmed strike
to "teleport" up to 0.5 mile. You can only "teleport" to places deals 7d12 radiant damage. After making this strike you end
you would be able to reach on foot. Teleporting this way gives your turn. For the next 10 minutes your leg muscles are sore
you 2 levels of exhaustion, without Ki points and generates a and you can't take a dash action and your movement speed is
thunderous sound at the origin and the destination. The reduced to 20ft. and you can't increase it by any means.
sound can be heard within 300ft. radius. You can take up to 4
additional creatures with you, for each additional creature you Wishful Star Magic
gain an additional level of exhaustion. Prequisite: 17th level, Dao of Karma

Once per long rest you may cast a wish spell, it still consumes

Fleshly Sanctification
Prequisite: 17th level, Dao of Blood

Your body becomes perfect rejecting every impurity. You're

immune to being poisoned, petrified, paralyzed, deafened,
blinded and stunned.
You also gain temporary hitpoints equal to your Wistom
Modifier at the beginning of your turn.
Once per long rest you
may use your action to change this ability so it heals you for
1d10 + your constitution modifier at the beginning of your
turn for the next 1 minute.
God Slaying Blade
Prequisite: 17th level, Dao of Sword

By infusing your swords with ki, every sword that you wield is
now a +3 weapon and it's damage type is changed to force
I Know Myriad of Techniques
Prequisite: 20th level

By studying the flow of your Ki, you've mastered the ability to

control your inner self. By sacrifing number of the techniques
you can use at one moment you can now change techniques
you know by meditating for 8 hours, but you can only use 6
techniques at the same time, including this one.
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