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Chapter 7 Nitrogen and Sulfur Metabolism in C4 Plants

Chapter · January 2011

DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9407-0_7

8 1,825

1 author:

Stanislav Kopriva
University of Cologne


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Chapter 7
Nitrogen and Sulfur Metabolism in C4 Plants

Stanislav Kopriva*
John Innes Centre, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK

Summary ............................................................................................................................................................... 109

I. Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 110
II. Nitrogen Assimilation...................................................................................................................................... 110
A. Plant Nitrate Assimilation ......................................................................................................................... 110
B. Regulation of Nitrate Assimilation ............................................................................................................ 111
C. Nitrate Assimilation in C4 Plants ............................................................................................................... 113
III. Sulfate Assimilation ........................................................................................................................................ 114
A. Plant Sulfate Assimilation ......................................................................................................................... 114
B. Regulation of Sulfate Assimilation ............................................................................................................ 115
C. Sulfate Assimilation in C4 Plants .............................................................................................................. 116
IV. Glutathione Synthesis and Reduction ............................................................................................................ 117
A. Regulation of GSH Synthesis ................................................................................................................... 117
B. Localization of GSH and GSH Synthesis ................................................................................................. 118
C. GSH Synthesis in C4 Plants ..................................................................................................................... 119
V. Physiological Significance of the Distribution of Nitrate and Sulfate Assimilation .......................................... 120
A. Open Questions on Nitrate Assimilation in C4 Plants ............................................................................... 120
B. Significance of BSC Localization of Sulfate Assimilation ......................................................................... 121
C. Consequences of BSC Localization of Sulfate Assimilation..................................................................... 122
VI. Conclusions .................................................................................................................................................... 122
Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................................. 122
References ............................................................................................................................................................ 123


C4 photosynthetic mechanism is based on a spatial separation of CO2 assimilating enzymes. The assimila-
tion of two mineral nutrients, nitrogen and sulfur, is also localized in a cell-specific manner in most C4
species. N assimilation seems to be confined to mesophyll whereas sulfate reduction has been previously
reported to be bundle sheath specific. The latter view has been challenged by finding an ubiquitous pres-
ence of enzymes of sulfate assimilation in the dicot C4 species of Flaveria. Although inter- and intracellular
distribution of enzymes of N assimilation in C4 plants differ from C3 plants and C4 plants have a better N
use efficiency, very little is known about the physiological consequences of this distribution. Analogically,
no evolutionary advantage for the BSC localization of sulfate assimilation has been identified. On the other
hand, the organization and general regulation of the pathways is the same in C3 and C4 plants. In this chapter
the two essential pathways of plant primary metabolism, nitrate and sulfate assimilation, as well as the syn-
thesis of glutathione, the major sulfur containing metabolite involved in stress defense, will be described.
The general regulation of the pathways as well as specific features connected with C4 photosynthesis
will be discussed. The major open questions of N and S metabolism in C4 plants will be addressed.

*Author for Correspondence, e-mail:

Agepati S. Raghavendra and Rowan F. Sage (eds.), C4 Photosynthesis and Related CO2 Concentrating Mechanisms, pp. 109–128. 109
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011
110 Stanislav Kopriva

I. Introduction the compartmentalization of the photosynthetic

enzymes is not complete (Bauwe, 1984).
A characteristic feature of C4 plants is a cell- Interestingly, apart from enzymes involved in
specific localization of many enzymes of pri- the C4 carbon cycle enzymes participating in the
mary metabolism in bundle sheath cells (BSC) or assimilation of nitrogen and sulfur are also local-
mesophyll cells (MC) (for details see Chapter 12, ized in cell-specific manner in C4 plants. In this
this volume). Clearly, the enzymes involved in the chapter, the two pathways will be described in
primary CO2 fixation and malate and/or aspartate detail with the focus on their subcellular distribu-
synthesis, such as cytosolic carbonic anhydrase, tion and the consequence of such distribution for
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, pyruvate phos- the regulation of the pathways and for the per-
phate dikinase, and NADP-malate dehydrogenase, formance of C4 plants.
are localized predominantly in the MC, whereas
NAD(P)-malic enzyme, Rubisco, Rubisco acti-
vase, and some enzymes of the Calvin cycle are II. Nitrogen Assimilation
found exclusively in BSC (reviewed in Sheen,
1999; Edwards et al., 2001). In most C4 species Nitrogen (N) is the most abundant mineral nutri-
analyzed, including maize and Sorghum, BSC ent in plant tissues but also the element most
chloroplasts lack photosystem II and therefore frequently limiting plants growth (Vance, 2001).
exhibit very little oxygen evolution (Hatch and The major N sources are inorganic nitrate and
Osmond, 1976). Consequently, noncyclic electron ammonium, however, plants developed several
flow and the capacity for NADPH formation are other strategies to meet their demand for N. The
restricted in BSC chloroplasts. In addition, glycine best known alternative source of N for plant
decarboxylase, a key enzyme of photorespiration, nutrition are the symbiotic N2 fixing root nodules
is localized exclusively in BSC of C4 and C3-C4 (Day et al., 2001) Also mycorrhizal fungi have
intermediate plants (Hylton et al., 1988; see Chap- been shown to contribute to plant N acquisition
ter 6, this volume). The C3–C4 intermediate plants (Chalot and Brun, 1998), as well as N2 fixing bac-
were originally identified by having a CO2 com- teria in the phyllosphere (Papen et al., 2002). In
pensation point intermediate between C3 and C4 addition, uptake of organic N compounds, such
species. They can be considered as evolutionary as amino acids, may cover substantial part of
intermediates in the path from C3 to C4 photosyn- N acquisition in certain habitats (Persson et al.,
thesis (Monson and Moore, 1989; Kopriva et al., 2003). C4 plants are capable of mycorrhiza sym-
1996). The intermediate species possess a Kranz- biosis; however, no C4 species form nodules with
like anatomy and their apparent photorespiration symbiotic bacteria.
rate is reduced, due to the confinement of glycine
decarboxylase to the BSC and efficient refixation A. Plant Nitrate Assimilation
of photorespired CO2 in these cells (Hylton et al.,
1988; Rawsthorne, 1992; cf. Chapter 6, this vol- The most common form of N plants acquire from
ume). Some C3–C4 plants are to some extent able the soil is nitrate. Nitrate is transported into plant
to fix CO2 into malate and aspartate as C4 species cells by nitrate transporters (Fig. 1). Three uptake
(Bassüner et al., 1984; Monson et al., 1986), but systems are responsible for uptake of nitrate into
the roots: a constitutive high affinity uptake sys-
tem, an inducible high affinity system an a low
Abbreviations: APR – Adenosine 5¢-phosphosulfate reductase;
affinity system (Miller et al., 2007). However,
APS – Adenosine 5¢-phosphosulfate; ATPS – ATP sulfury- further transporters are necessary to facilitate
lase; BSC – Bundle sheath cells; GECg-Glutamylcysteine; xylem loading and distribution of nitrate through-
GECSg-Glutamylcysteine synthetase; GOGAT – Glutamate out the plant as well as its storage in the vacuoles.
synthase; GR – Glutathione reductase; GS – Glutamine Two major classes of nitrate transporters exist in
synthetase; GSH – Glutathione; GSHS – Glutathione syn- plants, the NRT1/PRT family responsible for low
thetase; GSSG – Oxidized glutathione, glutathione disulfide; affinity nitrate uptake as well as amino acid and
MC – Mesophyll cells; NR – Nitrate reductase; OAS – O- peptide transport, which contains 53 genes in
Acetylserine; ROS – Reactive oxygen species; Arabidopsis, and NRT2 family of high affinity
7 Nitrogen and Sulfur in C4 Plants 111

amino acid glutamate (Fig. 1, Miflin and Habash,

2002; Stitt et al., 2002; Weber and Flugge, 2002).
Glutamate is the source of reduced N for the syn-
thesis of other amino acids, with the first step
in this route being usually transamination with
oxaloacetate to form aspartate catalyzed by aspar-
tate aminotransferase.
Ammonium in plants originates not only from
nitrate reduction. It is present as a nutrient in
the soil and can be transported into plants by
ammonium transporters (von Wiren et al., 2000).
In fact, ammonium is the preferred source of
inorganic N for many plant species and optimal
growth is often achieved only when both nitrate
and ammonium are present (Bloom et al., 1993).
Ammonium is also produced by photorespira-
tion, in the mitochondrial glycine decarboxyla-
tion reaction (cf. Chapter 6, this volume; Linka
and Weber, 2005). An efficient assimilation and
re-assimilation of ammonium thus must occur in
all compartments to prevent its accumulation to
toxic levels. Indeed, plastidic and cytosolic iso-
forms of GS exist in all plant species (Inokuchi
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of plant nitrate assimilation. et al., 2002) and the plastidic GS is dual targeted
Dark shaded rectangle represents mitochondria, light shaded also to mitochondria (Taira et al., 2004). GOGAT
one denotes plastid. Enzymes are symbolized by numbers: 1 – is present in plants in multiple forms as well, the
nitrate transporter, 2 – ammonium transporter, 3 – nitrate major ferredoxin dependent enzyme is found
reductase, 4 – nitrite transporter, 5 – nitrite reductase, 6 –
glutamine synthetase, 7 – glutamate synthase, 8 – plastidic predominantly in leaves, whereas in non-photo-
glutamate–malate translocator, 9 – plastidic 2-oxoglutarate– synthetic cells NADH–GOGAT is the prevalent
malate translocator, 10 – mitochondrial glutamate–glutamine isoform. Both forms of GOGAT are, however,
translocator. The major pathway of nitrate assimilation is localized to plastids (Tobin and Yamaya, 2001).
printed bold. Another enzyme, the glutamate dehydrogenase,
which in vitro synthesizes glutamate from ammo-
nitrate transporters composed of seven members nium and 2-oxoglutarate, has been long impli-
in this species. Genes of both classes have been cated to participate in ammonium assimilation.
found throughout the plant kingdom, including Recent findings however suggest that the major
C4 plants (Santi et al., 2003). function of this enzyme is the provision of car-
Nitrate is reduced to ammonium in two spatially bohydrate skeletons for carbon metabolism from
separated steps. In the cytosol, nitrate reductase amino acids during protein degradation (Miflin
(NR) transfers electrons from NADH to nitrate to and Habash, 2002).
form nitrite. Nitrite is transported into plastids and
reduced to ammonium by ferredoxin dependent B. Regulation of Nitrate Assimilation
nitrite reductase. Ammonium is assimilated into
organic compounds by glutamine synthetase (GS) Nitrate and ammonium assimilation is strongly
which uses glutamate as the ammonium acceptor. regulated by the N demand of the plant and N
GS is coupled with glutamate synthase (GOGAT) supply and is closely connected to carbon metab-
which transfers the amino group of glutamine to olism. The components of the pathway undergo
2-oxoglutarate to form two molecules of gluta- a coordinated regulation which often occurs on
mate, in a GS/GOGAT cycle. The cycle thus uses multiple levels. So, nitrate uptake is induced in
one molecule of 2-oxoglutarate to assimilate one the presence of nitrate and feedback inhibited
NH3 molecule and export one molecule of the by amino acids and ammonium. It is regulated by
112 Stanislav Kopriva

light and CO2 concentration via the availability are encoded by small multigene families of three
of carbohydrates (Rufty et al., 1989; Stitt et al., to six members. This accounts for a great versa-
2002). Accordingly, nitrate uptake was demon- tility of regulation with some genes expressed in
strated to be under diurnal regulation with maxi- tissue specific manner and at certain developmen-
mum activity during day and minimum activity at tal stages while some being universal (Miflin and
night (Lejay et al., 1999). The decrease of uptake Habash, 2002). The organel-targeted GS2 is espe-
at night can be reversed by feeding sucrose. The cially important for reassimilation of the photores-
coordination between N demand and N supply piratory NH3 and is, therefore, highly expressed
in control of nitrate uptake was proposed to be in green tissues and inducible by light (Oliveira
achieved by internal cycling of amino acids and/ and Coruzzi, 1999). Cytosolic GS1 often fulfils
or cytokinins between the roots and the shoots specialized roles, such as in nodules to assimilate
(Gessler et al., 2004). Ammonium transport seems the ammonium produced by nitrogen fixation in
to be regulated in a similar manner to nitrate the bacteroids (Stanford et al., 1993) or in tissues
transport: it undergoes a day night rhythm and the involved in transport of reduced N (Miflin and
reduction of uptake in night can be prevented by Habash, 2002). GS is regulated transcription-
sucrose treatment and is inhibited by glutamine ally but undergoes also post-transcriptional and
(Lejay et al., 2003; Loque and von Wiren, 2004). post-translational regulation. Both GS forms are
However, in contrast to nitrate transport ammo- subjected to phosphorylation and bind 14-3-3
nium uptake seems to be regulated primarily by proteins. Cytosolic GS is increased during
local and not by systemic signals (Loque and von senescence to facilitate the remobilisation of N
Wiren, 2004). (Habash et al., 2001). GS is also often associated
NR is a well studied enzyme which undergoes with improved yield of crop plants by quantita-
a complex regulation. NR expression is control- tive genetics (Hirel et al., 2001). Indeed, overex-
led by circadian clock and it is also induced by pression of pine cytosolic GS in poplar resulted
light and by sugars in the dark (Cheng et al., 1992; in significantly enhanced growth (Gallardo et al.,
Campbell, 1999). The level of NR transcript is 1999) whereas disruptions of specific GS1 genes
modulated by CO2 availability; it decreases when in maize led to reduced kernel size and/or number
CO2 assimilation is diminished, e.g. due to water (Martin et al., 2006).
stress (Foyer et al., 1998) and increases upon Despite the importance of N assimilation sur-
exposure of plants to elevated CO2 (Fonseca prisingly little is known about the molecular
et al., 1997). The rapid response of NR activity to mechanisms of the regulation of N acquisition and
environmental stimuli is, however, caused mostly metabolism. Nitrate transporter NRT1;1 seems
by a rapid post-translational regulation. Upon to play an important role in N sensing (Remans
sudden decrease in photosynthesis NR is rapidly et al., 2006). Nitrate has clearly a role as a signal
and reversibly phosphorylated (Kaiser and Huber, since microarray analysis of Arabidopsis mutants
2001). The phosphorylation of NR enables its in nitrate reductase revealed that expression of
binding to 14-3-3 proteins, which seems to be the 595 genes including several transcription factors
actual mechanism of inactivation and might be responded to nitrate treatment (Wang et al., 2004).
a signal for NR degradation (Lillo et al., 2004). Different amino acids act as feedback inhibitors
The rapid response seems to be necessary to pre- of N assimilation, whereas glutamine seems to be
vent accumulation of toxic levels of nitrite. NR is most important in regulation of nitrate and ammo-
present in leaves and roots with different distribu- nium uptake, glutamate, cysteine, and asparagine
tion of the activity among these organs in differ- inhibit nitrate reduction (Stitt et al., 2002; Gessler
ent plant species. Even a relatively low activity, et al., 2004). Sugars are clearly involved in the
however, is important for correct C/N balance regulation of N assimilation, both as inductors
as revealed by experiments with tobacco lacking and repressors, when their content is low, however
root NR (Kruse et al., 2002). the mechanisms of their action are not understood
A central role in controlling nitrate and ammo- (Stitt et al., 2002). A special role in regulation of
nium assimilation is occupied by GS. In contrast N assimilation, specifically in signalling N-status
to NR and nitrite reductase, which are usually of the plant, is played by the phytohormones
encoded by one to two genes, GS and GOGAT cytokinins. Cytokinins are produced in the root
7 Nitrogen and Sulfur in C4 Plants 113

at sufficient N supply and after transport into the analysing five C4 species of all three metabolic
shoots induce expression of genes of N assimi- subtypes, i.e. NADP-malic enzyme, NAD-malic
lation (Wagner and Beck, 1993; Mok and Mok, enzyme, and phoshoenolpyruvate carboxykinase,
2001). They are, however, also transported from NR, nitrite reductase, GS, and GOGAT were
the shoot to the root and affect nitrate uptake coordinately localized in MC, except Panicum
(Collier et al., 2003). maximum, where nitrite reductase was present
both in MC and BSC (Rathnam and Edwards,
C. Nitrate Assimilation in C4 Plants 1976). On the other hand, in another study with
maize, GS and GOGAT have been found in both
Most of our knowledge on regulation of N metab- cell types but predominantly in BSC (Harel et al.,
olism has been derived from C3 plants and no dif- 1977). Similarly, in Digitaria sanguinalis NR
ferences in organization and regulation of nitrate and nitrite reductase were found exclusively in
assimilation between C3 and C4 plants were MC, GS was equally distributed between MC and
described. However, C4 plants differ significantly BSC, and GOGAT was predominantly localized
in the compartmentalization of N metabolism and to BSC (Moore and Black, 1979).
also in N use efficiency. It has long been known Since all the localization studies were based on
that in terms of growth rate C4 grasses respond distribution of enzyme activities in differentially
better to applied N than C3 grasses (Hallock et al., homogenized leaves, it was difficult to conclude
1965). The C4 species clearly exhibited a higher N on exclusivity of the intercellular distribution of
use efficiency, expressed as biomass per unit N in the N assimilation pathway and its components.
plant (Brown, 1978). The greater N use efficiency Importantly, therefore, a clear evidence for an
seems to be connected with a lower content of exclusive localization of maize NR in the cytosol
Rubisco in the leaves due to the CO2 concentrat- of MC was obtained by immunogold labelling
ing mechanism. The N use efficiency in C4 plants (Vaughn and Campbell, 1988). Similarly, the
will be discussed in detail by Ghannoum et al. in ambiguities in distribution of ammonium assimi-
Chapter 8 of this volume. lation were clarified by Becker et al. (1993) who
The intracellular localization of N assimila- showed that both cytosolic and plastidic GS are
tion in maize follows the pattern of C3 plants, i.e. present in both cell types, whereas ferredoxin
cytosolic localization of NR and the presence of dependent GOGAT is almost completely confined
nitrite reductase in chloroplast (Ritenour et al., to BSC chloroplasts.
1966). Because of the observed differences in An interesting feature of C4 plants is a rela-
distribution of carbon metabolism in C4 plants tively high cytosolic GS activity. Whereas in most
and in structures of MS and BSC chloroplasts C3 species cytosolic GS1 accounts for less than
the question of intercellular localization of nitrate 30% of total leaf GS activity, in most C4 plants
assimilation has frequently been addressed in analyzed to date GS1 activity is higher or equal
the early years of C4 photosynthesis research. to the plastidic GS2 (McNally et al., 1983).
By enzyme activity assays Mellor and Tregunna Analyzing Panicum species of different type of
(1971) found that NR is prevalently present in photosynthesis Hirel et al. (1983) showed that the
MC of three C4 species with different types of BSC presence of GS1 activity in leaf correlated with
chloroplasts: maize, Sorghum sudanense, and C4 photosynthesis, with the C3–C4 intermediate
Gomphrena globosa. NADH dependent glutamate P. milliodes possessing foliar GS1 activity inter-
dehydrogenase, which at that time was believed mediate between the C3 and C4 species. The ratio
to be the only ammonium assimilating enzyme, in accumulation of the two GS isoforms also dif-
was localized in BSC. Nitrite reductase activity fers in between the two cell types of C4 plants.
has been found in MC of maize and S. sudanense, GS1 seems to be more abundant in MC, whereas
but in BSC of G. globosa which seems to imply both isoform are present at the same level in BSC
that it is associated with the presence of chloro- (Becker et al., 2000). Clearly, due to substantially
plasts with grana (Mellor and Tregunna, 1971). reduced and BSC confined photorespiration much
Also in Eleusine coracana NR and nitrite reduct- less ammonia is produced in C4 leaves than in
ase occurred predominantly in MC (Rathnam C3 leaves and therefore the demand for its rapid
and Das, 1974). In a more systematic approach refixation by GS is lower. The MC localization of
114 Stanislav Kopriva

nitrate reduction implies an increased need for acetylation of serine by serine acetyltransferase,
transport of reduced N between MC and BSC, to form cysteine in a reaction catalyzed by O-ace-
which might explain the need for higher cytosolic tylserine (thiol)lyase (Fig. 2; Leustek et al., 2000;
GS. The evolutionary advantage of the spatial Kopriva, 2006). Cysteine is the source of reduced
distribution of nitrate assimilation in C4 plants sulfur for synthesis of methionine, iron sulfur
is, however, not known. Interestingly, assimila- clusters, and other compounds.
tion of another essential mineral nutrient, sulfate, Sulfate assimilation is confined to plastids,
is also distributed in cell-specific manner in C4 however, some reactions occur also in other com-
plant species. partments. The cysteine synthesis, e.g., proceeds
in all three compartments capable of protein syn-
thesis, i.e. plastids, cytosol, and mitochondria
III. Sulfate Assimilation (Wirtz et al., 2004). ATPS activity was detected
both in plastids and in the cytosol (Lunn et al.,
Sulfur is essential for all living organisms as 1990; Rotte and Leustek, 2000). On the other
a constituent of the amino acids cysteine and hand the enzymes involved in reductive steps of
methionine, many coenzymes such as iron sul- the pathway, APR and sulfite reductase, are local-
fur centers, thiamine, lipoic acid, etc., and vari- ized exclusively in plastids (Brunold and Suter,
ous other compounds of primary and secondary 1989; Prior et al., 1999; Koprivova et al., 2001).
metabolism. In most of these compounds sulfur Total foliar ATPS and APR activity decrease with
is present in the reduced (−2) form of organic
sulfide. The most common form of sulfur in
nature is, however, oxidized as inorganic sulfate
(+6). Plants, algae, and many microorganisms
are able to directly utilize sulfate, reduce it and
incorporate into bioorganic molecules, which are
the form of sulfur accessible to animals and other
organisms. The pathway of sulfate assimilation
is thus an essential component of plant primary

A. Plant Sulfate Assimilation

The pathway of sulfate assimilation in plants has

been completely resolved only relatively recently
(Suter et al., 2000) and has lately been subjected
to several comprehensive reviews (Leustek et al.,
2000; Saito, 2004; Rausch and Wachter, 2005;
Kopriva, 2006). Sulfate uptake into plant cells is
facilitated by sulfate transporters (Fig. 2). Also
sulfate transporters form a large multigene family
with 12–15 members differing in affinity to sul-
fate and tissue distribution (Buchner et al., 2004).
Because it is a very stable and inert compound,
before reduction sulfate has to be activated to Fig. 2. Schematic representation of plant sulfate assimila-
adenosine 5¢-phosphosulfate (APS) by adenyla- tion. Dark shaded rectangle represents mitochondria, light
tion catalyzed by ATP sulfurylase (ATPS). APS shaded one denotes plastid. Enzymes are symbolized by
is reduced to sulfite by APS reductase (APR). numbers: 1 – sulfate transporter, 2 – ATP sulfurylase, 3 –
Sulfite is further reduced to sulfide by ferre- APS reductase, 4 – sulfite reductase, 5 – serine acetyltrans-
ferase, 6 – O-acetylserine (thiol)lyase, 7 – g-glutamylcysteine
doxin dependent sulfite reductase. Sulfide is synthetase, 8 – glutathione synthetase, 9 – APS kinase, 10 –
than incorporated into the amino acid skeleton of sulfotransferase. The major pathway of sulfate assimilation
O-acetylserine (OAS), which is synthesized by and glutathione synthesis (in Arabidopsis) is printed bold.
7 Nitrogen and Sulfur in C4 Plants 115

the leaf age in Arabidopsis (von Arb and Brunold, to reduced sulfur in the atmosphere or rhizosphere
1986; Rotte and Leustek, 2000), however, the or when there is not sufficient supply of the amino
cytosolic and plastidic ATPS are regulated dif- acid acceptor due to carbon or nitrogen defi-
ferently. Whereas the plastidic activity declines ciency, the pathway is downregulated (Koprivova
with time, the cytosolic is increasing with leaf et al., 2000; Westerman et al., 2001; Kopriva et al.,
age. This indicates different roles of ATPS in the 2002; Vauclare et al., 2002). Although regulation
two compartments: a provision of APS for sulfate of all components of the sulfate assimilation has
reduction for biosynthetic processes required for been described, control flux analysis revealed
growth in plastids and involvement in synthesis that APR and sulfate uptake possess the highest
of secondary compounds in the cytosol (Rotte control over the pathway (Vauclare et al., 2002).
and Leustek, 2000). In line with these observations, APR activity and
The reduction of sulfate occurs predominantly in mRNA accumulation undergoes a diurnal rhythm
leaves, and reduced sulfur compounds are distrib- with a maximum during light and minimum at
uted to sink tissues via phloem (Herschbach and night (Kocsy et al., 1997; Kopriva et al., 1999).
Rennenberg, 2001). It appears, however, that most The high activity coincides with the highest flux
tissues are capable of sulfate reduction, including through the pathway (Kopriva et al., 1999).
roots and developing seeds (Brunold and Suter, Despite a comprehensive knowledge on the
1989; Tabe and Droux, 2002). Indeed, available physiological responses of sulfate assimilation
microarray data in the Genevestigator database to various environmental stimuli, very little is
reveals the presence of mRNA for the genes of known about the molecular mechanisms of reg-
sulfate assimilation, such as APR or sulfite reduct- ulation and the signals involved. Several com-
ase, in all Arabidopsis organs, including flowers pounds have been proposed as molecular signals
and siliques (Zimmermann et al., 2004). These in regulation of the pathway. OAS accumulates
findings were corroborated using promoter::GUS during sulfur deficiency and when supplied exog-
fusions which clearly showed activity of APR enously induces mRNA accumulation of many
and ATPS promoters in all tissues of Arabidopsis genes of sulfate uptake and assimilation (Neuen-
(A Koprivova, C Matthewman, S Kopriva, 2008, schwander et al., 1991; Koprivova et al., 2000;
unpublished). However, whether the sulfate reduc- Hopkins et al., 2005). Indeed, system biology
tion rate in these cells is sufficient to cover their approaches revealed a correlation of OAS con-
needs for reduced sulfur instead of relying on long tent with transcript accumulation of many genes
distance transport of organic sulfur compounds, during a sulfur starvation response and large set
such as glutathione or S-methylmethionine, of genes regulated in the same way by sulfate
remains to be seen (Herschbach and Rennenberg, starvation and OAS treatment (Hirai et al., 2003,
2001). However, there is a group of plants that 2005). However, not all genes induced by sulfur
lacks the ability to reduce sulfate in a great portion deficiency are regulated by OAS and the timing
of their cells, the monocot C4 plants (reviewed in of OAS accumulation seems to fall behind the
Kopriva and Koprivova, 2005). induction of sulfate uptake by sulfur starvation in
potato, so that OAS is probably not the only sig-
B. Regulation of Sulfate Assimilation nal in the sulfur starvation response (Hirai et al.,
2003, 2005; Hopkins et al., 2005). Glutathione
The sulfate assimilation pathway is extensively (GSH) may also represent the signal of sulfur
regulated in a demand-driven manner to prevent status of the plant, as depletion of GSH by treat-
accumulation of toxic intermediate and to provide ment with an inhibitor of its synthesis, buthionine
optimal rate of cysteine production (Lappartient sulfoximine (BSO), leads to upregulation of APR,
and Touraine, 1996; Leustek et al., 2000; Kopriva, whereas GSH itself inhibits sulfate uptake and
2006). Thus, when demand for reduced sulfur is reduction (Lappartient and Touraine, 1996; Vau-
increased due to enhanced protein synthesis or clare et al., 2002; Hartmann et al., 2004). ATPS
increased turnover of the sulfur containing tripep- and APR activity are reduced also in plants treated
tide glutathione (see below) the flux through the with cysteine, however, the feedback inhibition is
pathway is increased (Lappartient and Touraine, alleviated when simultaneously BSO blocks the
1996). On the other hand, when plants are exposed synthesis of GSH from the additional cysteine
116 Stanislav Kopriva

(Lappartient and Touraine, 1996; Vauclare et al., The exclusive localization of ATPS and APR
2002). In addition, several phytohormones have in BSC of maize means that an efficient transport
been shown to modulate expression or activity of reduced sulfur compounds from BSC to MC
of various components of sulfate assimilation, must exist. MC are capable of cysteine synthe-
such as jasmonate (Harada et al., 2000; Jost et al., sis, therefore, the transport form of reduced sulfur
2005), cytokinins (Ohkama et al., 2002), or absci- could be sulfide, cysteine, methionine or glutath-
sic acid (Barroso et al., 1999). Only very recently, ione. Feeding of isolated bundle sheath strands
however, the first transcription factor and cis ele- from maize with [35S]sulfate resulted in secre-
ment responsible for regulating genes for sulfate tion of labelled cysteine into the nutrient solution
transporter by sulfur starvation have been identi- (Burgener et al., 1998). It seems therefore, that
fied (Maruyama-Nakashita et al., 2005, 2006). cysteine (or its oxidized form cystine) is the most
probable transport metabolite for reduced sulfur
C. Sulfate Assimilation in C4 Plants (Fig. 2). Interestingly, [35S]sulfate feeding experi-
ments also imply that glutathione synthesis was
In a search for further metabolic processes spa- predominantly localized in MC (Burgener et al.,
tially distributed in C4 plants it was soon discov- 1998; and see below).
ered that in maize 75–100% of total leaf ATPS The biological significance of the BSC specific
activity is confined to BSC (Gerwick and Black, localization of sulfate assimilation in C4 plants is
1979; Passera and Ghisi, 1982; Burnell, 1984; not obvious and, similarly, it is not clear whether
Schmutz and Brunold, 1984). These findings this localization is a pre-requisite or a consequence
were extended to 17 other C4 species of all three of C4 photosynthesis. To answer this question we
C4 subtypes, where 95–100% of total leaf ATPS addressed the distribution of ATPS and APR in
was localized in BSC chloroplasts (Gerwick Flaveria species with different types of photosyn-
et al., 1980). Also APR was found almost exclu- thesis (Koprivova et al., 2001). The dicot genus
sively in BSC of maize (Schmutz and Brunold, Flaveria (Flaveriinae–Asteraceae) is an excellent
1984; Burgener et al., 1998), while the activities model to study the evolution of C4 photosynthesis
of sulfite reductase and OAS(thiol)lyase could because, beside C3 and C4 species, it comprises
be measured at comparable levels in MC and a relatively large number of C3–C4 intermediates
BSC (Passera and Ghisi, 1982; Burnell, 1984; (Ku et al., 1991). A continuous gradation in the
Schmutz and Brunold, 1985). In attempts to deci- physiology and biochemistry of C4 photosynthe-
pher the mechanism of the spatial distribution of sis can be found among Flaveria species (Monson
these enzymes, northern analysis of BSC and and Moore, 1989). Indeed, we showed previously
MC specific RNA revealed that mRNA levels for that the C3–C4 intermediate Flaveria species are
ATPS, APR, and sulfite reductase were detected true evolutionary intermediates in the path from
in BSC only, whereas the mRNA for OAS(thiol) C3 to C4 photosynthesis, based on phylogenetic
lyase was found in both MC and BSC (Kopriva analysis of the H-protein subunit of glycine decar-
et al., 2001). The cell-specific localization of boxylase (Kopriva et al., 1996).
enzymes of sulfate assimilation in maize seems, The aim of the study with Flaveria was to
therefore, to be regulated on the transcriptional compare the intercellular distribution of sulfate
level, at least under standard growth conditions. assimilation in C3, C3–C4, and C4 species. We
However, the situation might be different under expected a BSC localization of APR and ATPS in
stress. Maize is especially sensitive to chilling C4 Flaveria species and a ubiquitous distribution
which induces a strong oxidative stress charac- in C3 species. The distribution of the two enzymes
terized by production of reactive oxygen species in the intermediate ones would be an excellent
(ROS). In maize plants subjected to chilling APR indication for the evolutionary sequence of the
activity and mRNA level were greatly increased processes leading to the BSC localization of sul-
in BSC, and mRNA but not enzyme activity was fate assimilation. Surprisingly however, northern
also detectable in MC. This indicates an addi- analysis of cell-specific RNA and in situ hybridi-
tional post-transcriptional mechanism to ensure the zation revealed that in the C4 species F. trinervia
BSC specific localization of sulfate assimilation in mRNA for ATPS and APR were present at com-
maize (Kopriva et al., 2001). parable levels in both MC and BSC. Immunogold
7 Nitrogen and Sulfur in C4 Plants 117

electron microscopy confirmed the presence of demand-driven regulation, APR activity would
APR protein in chloroplasts of both cell types have to be elevated to supply sufficient cysteine
(Koprivova et al., 2001). Consequently, the local- for the GSH synthesis.
ization of assimilatory sulfate reduction in BSC
cannot be a general C4 trait.
How can these findings be explained taking IV. Glutathione Synthesis and Reduction
into account the results of Gerwick et al. (1980)
who showed the exclusive BSC localization of Among sulfur containing metabolites the tripep-
ATPS in 17 C4 species? Whereas the 17 species tide glutathione (g-glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine)
analyzed before were monocots, F. trinervia and plays the most versatile role being essential for
F. australasica were the first C4 dicots where plant stress defense, redox regulation and signal-
the subcellular localization of the pathway was ing, control of cell cycle, and as a storage and
addressed. It has to be concluded that sulfate transport form of reduced sulfur (May et al.,
assimilation is exclusively localized in BSC only 1998a; Noctor et al., 1998a; Foyer and Rennen-
in C4 monocots and this distribution is thus nei- berg, 2000). GSH is involved in plant defense
ther a pre-requisite nor a consequence of C4 pho- against ROS as a reductant of dehydroascorbate
tosynthesis (Koprivova et al., 2001; Kopriva and in the glutathione–ascorbate cycle (Noctor and
Koprivova, 2005). However, the BSC localization Foyer, 1998). It is indispensable for protection
of ATPS in maize and other C4 plants analyzed against heavy metals as a substrate for synthe-
by Gerwick et al. (1980) is not a general trait of sis of phytochelatins, which chelate the metals
monocots either, since in wheat, a C3 monocot, and enable their sequestration into the vacuoles
ATPS and APR are present in all cell types (Sch- (Cobbett and Goldsbrough, 2002). Conjugation
mutz and Brunold, 1984). Whether C4 Flaveria of xenobiotics with GSH is the first step in their
species are exceptions or the rule for C4 dicots detoxification and a molecular basis of resist-
remains to be established, however, it is evi- ance to some herbicides (Dixon et al., 1998). Not
dent that the previously generally accepted link surprisingly, GSH accumulates to high levels
between C4 photosynthesis and BSC localization reaching concentration of several mM (Meyer
of sulfate assimilation is no longer valid. and Fricker, 2000; Hartmann et al., 2003). Due to
The investigations of sulfate assimilation in its role in stress defense and specifically in the
Flaveria resulted in an additional interesting response to chilling, GSH synthesis and its regu-
finding. The APR activity and levels of thiols lation was often addressed in C4 plants (Ruegseg-
were significantly higher in leaves of C4-like and ger and Brunold, 1993; Doulis et al., 1997; Kocsy
C4 species than in those of C3 and C3–C4 spe- et al., 2001; Gómez et al., 2004; Kopriva and
cies (Koprivova et al., 2001). APR, cysteine and Koprivova, 2005).
GSH content correlated with the degree of devel-
opment of C4 photosynthesis expressed by CO2 A. Regulation of GSH Synthesis
compensation points (Kopriva and Koprivova,
2005). The actual foliar concentration of GSH is GSH is synthesized from its constituent amino
highly dependent on environmental conditions acids in two ATP dependent steps. Firstly a
and, therefore, varies significantly among differ- g-glutamylcysteine synthetase (g-ECS) synthe-
ent plant species but also within single species. sizes g-glutamylcysteine (g-EC) from glutamate
Since the Flaveria species were grown at identical and cysteine. Subsequently, glycine is added to
controlled conditions, it seems that the clear ten- the g-EC by glutathione synthetase (GSHS). GSH
dency to towards higher APR activity and GSH synthesis is an essential process, since disruption
content with increasing C4 photosynthesis might of gECS gene by T-DNA insertion is embryo-
be a result of the adaptation to different habitats. lethal (Cairns et al., 2006). The rate of GSH syn-
C4 photosynthesis is especially advantageous in thesis is primarily controlled by the availability
dry and warm conditions. The higher GSH con- of the constituent amino acids, with the regula-
tents in C4 Flaveria might thus be a mechanism tion of g-ECS playing an additional substantial
to cope with increased oxidative stress caused by role (Kopriva and Rennenberg, 2004). Most of
such environmental conditions. According to the our knowledge on this regulation is derived from
118 Stanislav Kopriva

studies with poplar overexpressing bacterial genes with monochlorobimane (Meyer et al., 2001).
for g-ECS and GSHS (e.g. Strohm et al., 1995; However, since the conjugation is catalyzed enzy-
Noctor et al., 1996, 1998b). g-ECS and GSHS are matically by GSH transferase, the method can
induced at conditions of high demand for GSH, directly measure only cytosolic GSH, whereas
such as after exposure to heavy metals or herbi- the organellar pools can be estimated by HPLC
cide safeners (Ruegsegger and Brunold, 1992; after cell disruption and additional chemical
Farago and Brunold, 1994; Schaefer et al., 1998). labeling of the remaining GSH by monobro-
g-ECS is more important for the control of GSH mobimane (Hartmann et al., 2003). The second
synthesis because GSH content was increased method is based on immunohistochemistry with
only in poplars overexpressing g-ECS and not antibodies against GSH (Zechmann et al., 2005).
GSHS (Strohm et al., 1995). The enzyme seems This approach shows the highest density of labe-
to undergo a complex regulation on different lev- ling in mitochondria and the lowest in plastids.
els. Heavy metals induce mRNA accumulation of Unfortunately, none of the methods have been
g-ECS (and GSHS) (Schaefer et al., 1998; Xiang used for localization of GSH in C4 plants.
and Oliver, 1998), but a post-transcriptional regu- GSH synthesis has been shown to take place
lation has also been described (May et al., 1998b). in the cytosol and plastids (Hell and Bergmann,
On the other hand, the enzyme is feedback inhib- 1990; Noctor et al., 1998a). However, recently it
ited by GSH, which causes a reversible confor- was revealed that the two steps of GSH biosyn-
mational change due to a reduction of an internal thesis may be spatially separated, at least in some
disulfide bond (Jez et al., 2004; Hothorn et al., plant species. In Arabidopsis and Brassica juncea
2006). The g-ECS regulation thus seems to follow g-ECS seems to be exclusively localized in the
the same demand-driven manner as described for plastids whereas GSHS is present in both plas-
the components of sulfate assimilation. Indeed, tids and cytosol (Wachter et al., 2005). The g-EC
since at most physiological situations cysteine may thus not only be a precursor of GSH but also
limits GSH synthesis gECS is often regulated in play important roles in transport of reduced sulfur
the same way as APR or other enzymes of sulfate from plastids to the cytosol and possibly in sign-
assimilation (Ruegsegger et al., 1990; Brunner aling of the redox status of the chloroplast. This
et al., 1995). At some conditions however, e.g. conclusion is supported by the identification of
during night or at non-photorespiratory condi- the regulator of APX2 (rax1) mutant in Arabidop-
tions, synthesis of GSH is controlled by availability sis (Ball et al., 2004). This mutant constitutively
of glycine (Noctor et al., 1999). expresses cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase, which
During its function in the glutathione–ascorbate is normally inducible by photooxidative stress,
cycle GSH is oxidized. The oxidized form of and contains only approximately 50% of normal
glutathione, GSSG, is reduced by the action of foliar GSH levels. In rax1 thus the chloroplast–
glutathione reductase (GR) which utilizes the cytosol signaling is clearly disturbed. The rax1
electrons from NADPH. GR maintains the reduc- phenotype is caused by an R(229)-K substitution
ing environment in cells so that GSSG normally in g-ECS protein (Ball et al., 2004). Several other
forms no more than 5% of total glutathione. Arabidopsis mutants are associated with g-ECS
Increased ratio of GSSG to total GSH is thus and low GSH levels, the cadmium sensitive cad2
indicative of oxidative stress (Mullineaux and (Cobbett et al., 1998), root meristemless rml1
Rausch, 2005). (Vernoux et al., 2000), and phytoalexin-deficient
pad2 (Parisy et al., 2007), but none of them dis-
B. Localization of GSH and GSH plays the same effect on the chloroplast–cytosol
Synthesis signaling.
On the other hand, g-ECS and GSHS were
GSH is present in all cellular compartments; how- detected by immunolocalization in both chloro-
ever, the quantitative distribution is not resolved plasts and cytosol of maize (Gómez et al., 2004).
yet. Currently, two approaches are being used to Also, expression of the bacterial gene for g-ECS
quantify GSH on the subcellular level. The con- both in plastids and in the cytosol led to an
focal laser scanning microscopy method makes increase in foliar GSH content in poplar (Noctor
use of the fluorescence of the GSH conjugate et al., 1996, 1998b). Interestingly, the increase
7 Nitrogen and Sulfur in C4 Plants 119

in GSH content in poplar plants overexpressing caused the content of GSH to increase and, in
g-ECS in the cytosol seems to be confined to this accordance with the demand-driven model of
compartment which implies a limited exchange regulation, also enzyme activities of APR, g-ECS,
of GSH between cytosol and plastids (Hartmann and GSHS. Similarly, at 12°C the activities of APR
et al., 2003). GR is localized in cytosol, plastids, and GR and GSH content were higher in a chill-
and mitochondria (Edwards et al., 1990). Inter- ing tolerant maize genotype than in a sensitive one
estingly, a single gene encodes both plastidic and (Kocsy et al., 1997). Accordingly, treatment with
mitochondrial isoform of GR due to a presence 1 mM BSO, which decreased GSH content to very
of a dual-specificity targeting peptide (Chew low levels, resulted in reduction of fresh weight
et al., 2003). and in visible leaf injury of chilling-tolerant maize
GSH is present and can be synthesized in all at 5°C but not at ambient temperature (Kocsy
plant organs. Obviously, in many occasions cell et al., 2000b). Addition of GSH or g-EC together
specific differences in GSH levels have been with BSO protected the plants from the chilling
found. In maize roots, GSH levels form a clear injury by increasing GSH content and GR activity.
gradient from the highest at root tip to the lowest Similarly, when GSH content in the chilling sensi-
in the mature portion of the root (Kopriva et al., tive maize had been increased via treatment with
2001). When investigated at the cellular level herbicide safeners, the chilling induced injury
by confocal laser scanning microscopy approxi- was significantly reduced (Kocsy et al., 2001).
mately twofold higher cytosolic GSH concen- A simultaneous addition of BSO counteracted the
tration was measured in atrichoblasts than in safener-induced protection. These experiments
trichoblasts (Meyer and Fricker, 2000). In addition thus clearly showed that, at least in maize, sen-
high GSH levels were detected in root cap while sitivity to chilling is a trait connected with GSH
markedly lower GSH was found in quiescent content and/or reduction state (see Chapter 10, this
centers (Sanchez-Fernandez et al., 1997). On the volume).
other hand, in poplar leaves analyzed by the same Despite its essential function in stress defense
approach surprisingly uniform concentration of GSH is not equally distributed between MC and
cytosolic GSH has been detected (Hartmann BSC in maize. GSHS activity is greater in MC
et al., 2003). Also in leaves, however, certain cell than in BSC resulting in a predominant GSH syn-
types distinctly differ, as very high GSH concen- thesis rate in the MC (Burgener et al., 1998) and
tration has been found in leaf trichoms (Gutierrez- higher GSH levels in this cell type (Doulis et al.,
Alcala et al., 2000). Consequently, gECS, GSHS, 1997; Burgener et al., 1998; Kopriva et al., 2001).
and genes for enzymes of cysteine synthesis were Surprisingly, GR was found exclusively in MC
highly expressed in these cells. These cell specific of maize (Doulis et al., 1997; Pastori et al., 2000).
differences in GSH levels are probably caused by The MC specific localization of GR might be
differential rates of GSH synthesis and indicate explained by a limited capacity for NADPH pro-
that GSH transport between cells may not be effi- duction in BSC. GR mRNA, however, was found
cient enough to balance such differences. in both cell types revealing involvement of a
post-transcriptional regulation of its cell-specific
C. GSH Synthesis in C4 Plants distribution (Pastori et al., 2000). In contrast to
GR, the enzymes of GSH synthesis were local-
Due to its role in detoxification of ROS GSH is ized in both MC and BSC of maize by immuno-
particularly important in low temperature sensitive histochemistry (Gómez et al., 2004). In line with
C4 plants, such as maize, since chilling induces previous findings foliar GSH content increased
oxidative stress via the photochemical production in cold treated plants, however, chilling caused
of H2O2. Consequently, at low temperatures GSH induction of g-ECS mRNA in BSC but not in MC
content and reduction state are higher in chilling (Gómez et al., 2004). It seems therefore, that both
tolerant genotypes of tomato, Sorghum, wheat, cell types possess the capacity to synthesize GSH,
and maize than in the sensitive ones (Walker and but the enzymes in BSC are more affected by
McKersie, 1993; Kocsy et al., 1996, 2000a; Badiani stress. The apparent contrast of these results with
et al., 1993; see Chapter 10, this volume). Brunner previous data (Doulis et al., 1997; Burgener et al.,
et al. (1995) demonstrated that in maize chilling 1998) is likely to be caused by cell-type specific
120 Stanislav Kopriva

post-translational modification of the enzymes analyzed and, indeed, the results pointed to pos-
resulting in changes in GSH synthesis rates and sible alternative distribution of the enzymes in
thus distribution of GSH. As g-ECS is redox reg- this species compared, e.g. to maize. The findings
ulated, variation in redox environment in MC and have to be interpreted with caution, obviously,
BSC can be responsible for such differences in due to the methodology based on enzyme activi-
activity. The preferential stress response in BSC ties in MC and BSC specific extracts obtained by
might be explained by the fact that cysteine, the differential tissue extraction, which surely have
limiting factor in GSH synthesis, is synthesized been cross-contaminated. Nevertheless, unlike in
only in BSC and can be used for GSH synthe- other species analyzed, nitrite reductase activity
sis without the necessity for any transport steps in G. globosa was higher in BSC than in MC.
(Burgener et al., 1998; Kopriva et al., 2001). On In analogy with sulfate assimilation, this would
the other hand, the oxidized form of glutathione imply that the MC distribution of nitrate assimi-
can probably be reduced only in MC (Pastori lation may not be universal and not be connected
et al., 2000). Consequently, GSSG formed during with C4 photosynthetic mechanism.
the stress in BSC has to be transported to MC for A second question concerns the increased N
reduction and thus the GSH pool in MC increases use efficiency of C4 plants. Reduced accumula-
while the BSC pool becomes depleted. This is tion of Rubisco, the major sink for reduced N
likely to result in increased demand for GSH in C3 plants, is thought to be the major reason for
synthesis in BSC but not in MC and in activation better N use efficiency, as less N is required for the
g-ECS and sulfate assimilation. same or a better CO2 fixation rate (Brown, 1978).
Whether the cell-specific distribution of NR and/
or the high content of cytosolic GS contribute to
V. Physiological Significance the improved N use efficiency is not clear.
of the Distribution of Nitrate and Sulfate The physiological consequences of the altera-
Assimilation tions in localization of N assimilation are also not
known. Major differences in regulation of N uptake
Nitrate and sulfate assimilation are clearly local- and assimilation between C3 and C4 plants have
ized in MC and BSC, respectively, in many C4 not been reported. Clearly, more transport steps
plants. For sulfate assimilation it is obvious that are necessary to provide all cells with sufficient
this localization is not linked to C4 photosynthe- reduced N and the MC with nitrate (Fig. 3). On the
sis, as C4 Flaveria species possess the pathway other hand, the MC localization of NR and nitrite
in both cell types. The physiological significance reductase might prevent competition for reduction
of this localization and evolutionary advantage is, equivalents between nitrate and CO2 assimilation
however, not evident as yet. (Moore and Black, 1979). Alternatively, the low
NADPH production capacity in BSC chloroplasts
A. Open Questions on Nitrate due to the lack of grana and photosystem II was
Assimilation in C4 Plants cited as a reason for MC localization of NR (Mel-
lor and Tregunna, 1971). This may be true for
The cell specific distribution of N assimilation maize and some other NADP-malic enzyme-type
in C4 plants is well established, however, many C4 plants, but plants of the other types do possess
questions are still open. Obviously, our findings photosystem II in BSC and still reduce nitrate in
on sulfate assimilation in Flaveria (Koprivova MC only (Rathnam and Edwards, 1976; Ketchner
et al., 2001) incite questioning the universality and Sayre, 1992). Most likely explanation takes
of results on N assimilation derived from maize into account that nitrite is an alternative accep-
and a few other C4 species. Although similarly to tor of photosynthetic electrons and its reduction
Gerwick et al. (1980) C4 species of all three types is coupled to oxygen evolution (Miflin, 1972).
were analyzed for localization of NR and GS with Localization of this reaction in MC chloroplast
the same result, no dicot species were included thus prevents O2 evolution in BSC, which would
(Rathnam and Edwards, 1976; McNally et al., counteract the CO2 concentrating mechanism of
1983). Only in the very first analysis by Mellor C4 plants and support the oxygenase reaction
and Tregunna (1971) a C4 dicot (G. globosa) was of Rubisco (Moore and Black, 1979). Limitation
7 Nitrogen and Sulfur in C4 Plants 121

Fig. 3. Schematic representation of distribution of major steps in assimilation of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur between mesophyll
(MC) and bundle sheath (BSC) of maize. Transport steps of C compounds are marked by dotted arrows, dashed and full arrows
symbolize transport of N and S compounds, respectively (Reprinted from Kopriva and Koprivova, 2005).

of NR to MC is essential to prevent accumulation would have evolved possibly including bacterial

of nitrite and its toxicity in BSC. This might be symbiosis, such as for N2 fixation in legumes.
the biggest evolutionary advantage of the cell- Another attractive explanation is the
specific distribution of N assimilation in C4 plants. co-localization with photorespiration, namely
This explanation would be strengthened if the MC with GDC, the major source of serine in plants
localization of NR and nitrite reductase would be since activated serine is the acceptor of sulfide
confirmed also for the dicot C4 species. and a direct precursor of cysteine. However, serine
synthesized in BSC must be transported into MC
B. Significance of BSC Localization for protein synthesis anyway and thus a shortage
of Sulfate Assimilation of this amino acid in MC seems unlikely. Moreo-
ver, in C4 Flaveria species GDC is BSC specific
Although not necessarily linked with C4 photo- but sulfate assimilation is not (Hylton et al., 1988;
synthetic mechanism, sulfate is reduced only in Koprivova et al., 2001). In addition, the MC spe-
BSC of maize. A link with low rate of NADPH cific ferredoxin FdI (Matsumura et al., 1999) was
production as discussed for nitrate assimilation an efficient electron donor for sulfite reductase
and GSH reduction (Mellor and Tregunna, 1971; (Yonekura-Sakakibara et al., 2000), so cell specific
Doulis et al., 1997) can be excluded since then the differences in electron flux can also be excluded.
sulfate reduction would have to be localized in To find out the significance of the BSC specific
MC. Burgener et al. (1998) speculated that low distribution of sulfate assimilation, one should
concentration of oxygen in BSC would prevent ask for the advantage maize may have gained this
oxidation of intermediates of sulfate assimila- way. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be any
tion, sulfite and sulfide, and thus increase the obvious one. In contrast to nitrogen nutrition, a
efficiency of the pathway. However, if such oxi- difference in sulfur use efficiency between C3 and
dation would indeed significantly reduce the rate C4 plants was not observed. As with other meta-
of sulfate assimilation, the pathway would not be bolic processes, maize probably invests less into
functional in chloroplasts of C3 plants. Conse- synthesis of the proteins of sulfate assimilation
quently, sulfate would be reduced in mitochon- pathway, but on the other hand it must possess an
dria, what actually is the case in Euglena gracilis efficient transport system for cysteine and GSH.
(Brunold and Schiff, 1976), or elaborate structures Maize does not require significantly more or
122 Stanislav Kopriva

less sulfate than other plant species and it is not to GSH (Bolchi et al., 1999). The molecular
known for especially good or poor sulfur use effi- mechanisms of this feedback inhibition are not
ciency. It is not particularly resistant or sensitive known, but it is reasonable to expect that the
to heavy metals, which trigger a high demand for responsible sensor/transcription factor in maize
reduced sulfur (Nussbaum et al., 1988). On the is specific for cysteine whereas the correspond-
other hand, sulfate assimilation and GSH synthe- ing protein(s) in other plants are GSH specific.
sis are associated with tolerance to chilling and This variation might well be a consequence of the
detoxification of herbicides, so the BSC localiza- BSC localization of sulfate assimilation. As GSH
tion might even be a limitation for the capacity to can be synthesized both in MC and BSC (Gómez
provide sufficient GSH to cope with such stress. et al., 2004) but only cysteine is transported out of
It seems, therefore, that the significance of com- BSC protoplasts (Burgener et al., 1998) it is likely
partmentalization of sulfate assimilation in maize that the GSH pools in MC and BSC are not rapidly
will further remain an open question. interchangeable. On the other hand, cysteine pools
in the two cell types have to be linked to enable
C. Consequences of BSC Localization efficient protein and GSH synthesis in MC and
of Sulfate Assimilation rapid modulation of cysteine biosynthesis in BSC
upon even subtle changes in demand for reduced
To understand the cell-specific localization of sulfur in the whole leaf. Therefore, cysteine may
sulfate assimilation one also has to ask about its be much better suited as a signal of the sulfur
consequences. Maize was a frequent subject of status at the site of sulfate assimilation than GSH.
investigations of assimilatory sulfate reduction in
the pre-Arabidopsis era. The results on regulation
of sulfate assimilation obtained with maize fitted VI. Conclusions
well to the general hypothesis of demand driven
control (Lappartient and Touraine, 1996). Coor- Nitrate and sulfate assimilation in C4 plants
dinate increase in mRNA levels for sulfate trans- are another processes differentially distributed
porters, ATPS, and APR was observed in maize between MC and BSC. MC specific localization
roots and leaves upon sulfate starvation (Bolchi of nitrate assimilation has been demonstrated in
et al., 1999; Hopkins et al., 2004) and the ATPS only a few species and despite being generally
mRNA level was repressed in presence of reduced accepted, it has to be proven that this indeed is
sulfur compounds (Bolchi et al., 1999). Accord- a general C4 trait. This is even more imperative
ingly, ATPS and APR activities were increased after it was revealed that the BSC association of
upon treatments of maize with cadmium or chill- sulfate assimilation is not a general feature of
ing (Brunner et al., 1995; Nussbaum et al., 1988; C4 photosynthesis but is probably limited to C4
Ruegsegger and Brunold, 1992). In all these monocots. For both pathways the evolutionary
reports the regulation of sulfate assimilation in advantage of such compartmentalization is not
maize was not distinguishable from other plants, understood and should be addressed in future stud-
such as Lemna minor, poplar, potato, and Ara- ies. Given the high interest in improvements of
bidopsis (Kopriva, 2006). Differences appeared, nutrient use efficiency of crops the N metabolism
however, when the mechanisms of regulation in C4 plants should certainly be further explored
were addressed (Bolchi et al., 1999). To identify to find whether the C4 specific alterations contrib-
the signal responsible for feedback inhibition of ute to the improved N use efficiency of C4 plants.
sulfate assimilation by thiols, plants can be treated Clearly, there are still more open questions than
with cysteine, glutathione, and cysteine together answers in N and S metabolism of C4 plants.
with BSO which prevents its conversion to GSH.
Such analysis performed with Brassica napus,
Arabidopsis, and poplar unambiguously identi- Acknowledgments
fied GSH as the molecular regulator (Lappar-
tient and Touraine, 1996; Vauclare et al., 2002; Research in Stanislav Kopriva’s laboratory at John
Hartmann et al. 2004) whereas in maize cysteine Innes Centre is supported by the Biotechnology and
acted directly without the necessity of conversion Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).
7 Nitrogen and Sulfur in C4 Plants 123

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