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Human Resource Information Systems

1.1:Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS ) is an effort towards speedy,
effective and professionally handling of information on resources for efficient
management of Human Resource function. HRIS is a computerized system used to
acquire, store, analyze and distribute information regarding an organization's human
services and to provide services in the form of information to the clients or users of
the system.
Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS),. It merges HRM as a discipline and in
particular its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field,
Maintenance and updating of manual records system is a labor-intensive job and
transfer of data from one record to another increases the chance of error which effects
the accuracy and reliability of data held. The manual records cannot provide all data
of an employ at a time, different information being stored in different files. It becomes
difficult to provide a single comprehensive picture of an employee on one record.
Here HRIS plays a competitive and comprehensive role to facilitate the user with the
required information at their fingertips.
Thus HRIS is a system that enables storing of information of Human Resource in
every aspect such as Personal, Academic, Qualification, Family, Medical, Career and
Performance Evaluation, Training & Development & Wage and Salary of individuals.
Unlike manual systems the HRIS enables availability of all such information in a
single screen. Reports on various parameters can be generated with ease. Moreover
reliability of such records is assured.
The difficulty in maintaining manual records and their inability to provide the
'complete picture' can be stated as the two basics reasons gave the evolution of HRIS.
The voluminous data on employees, which is unfeasible to track manually, has
become easier to update at frequent intervals. Updating and maintaining of manual
records systems is labor intensive as well as costly process and at same time increases
the chance of error. HRIS tracks all the aspects of employee administration perfectly
while reducing chances of errors.
Information System, is a system that lets you keep track of you often, in a series of
inter-related databases. These systems include the employee name and contact
information and all or some of the following: department, job title, grade, salary,
salary history, position history, supervisor, training completed, special qualifications,
ethnicity, date of birth, disabilities, veterans status, visa status, benefits selected, and
more. HRIS include reporting capabilities. Some systems track applicants before they
become employees and some are interfaced to payroll or other financial systems. An
HRIS is a management system designed specifically to provide managers with
information to make HR decisions
 You notice that this is not an HR is a management system and is used
specifically to support management decision making .

 The need for this kind of information has increased in the last few years, especially
in large and/or diverse companies, where decision making has been moved to lower
 And large companies generally have the advantage when it comes to HRIS‘s...the
cost to develop an HRIS for 200 people is usually close to that for 2000 it
is a better investment for large companies...larger companies tend to have systems
that have a fair degree of customization. Therefore, HRIS can be defined in simple
words as given below,
Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS, EHRMS), Human Resource
Information Systems (HRIS), HR Technology or also called HR modules, shape an
intersection in between human resource management (HRM) and information
technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular its basic HR activities
and processes with the information


1.Efficiently storing each employee information and data for reference- personal data
management, pay roll accounting, benefits management and planning.
2.Enabling informed decision making in day-to-day personnel issues, planning,
budgeting, implementing and monitoring Human Resource function.
3.Providing data / returns to government and other public
4.Facilitating decision making in areas like promotion, transfer, nomination, settling
employees provident funds, retirement, gratuity, LTC, and earned leave
5.Cutting costs.
6.Improving accuracy.
The first computerized human resource application in business took place at General
Electric in the early 1950s. A 1984 survey of 1000 personnel journal subscribers,
which yielded 434 usable returns, revealed that 99.7% of the respondents used
computers in one capacity or another in the human resource function. A similar
survey conducted in 1988 found that 99.8% of the respondents had automated one or
more Human resource function. This is quite an evolution to have taken place in just a
few decades. Undoubtedly computer usage has increased since this last survey
This basic objective of HR information system can be spelled out further as
1. HR information system should provide information in such a manner that it helps in
improving one or more decisions, that is, it must cause an appropriate decision to be
made and a less appropriate decision to be rejected. Information has no value if the
same decision could be made even without it. Thus, accurate, relevant, and timely
information is needed.
2. Apart from decision making, HR information system should supply HR
information which is required by statutory provisions or other agencies like industry
associations, research organizations, etc. Besides, there may be ad hoc query from
internal employees to know their current status like leave account, overtime worked,
provident fund account, and so on.
3. HR information system should provide information in the most cost-effective way.
An information has benefit but it has cost too. Benefit from information is derived in
terms of improved decision making and satisfaction of other requirements. Cost of
information is in terms of its collection, processing, storing, and retrieval.
If the benefit of information is more than its cost, it adds value to the organization. In
alternative case, it is a drag on the organization.
1. Costly Exercise:
Personnel records, when kept manually, do not offer up-to-date information at short
notice. It is difficult to make entries on forms and returns continuously and keep pace
with ongoing changes on a daily basis. The clerical work involved is quite labour-
intensive and costly.
2. Inaccurate:
The manual transfer of data from one record to another may increase the chances of
errors. Entries may be made twice, data may be transferred to wrong documents –
leading to confusion.
3. Fragmentation:
Information is not available at a central, easily accessible place since records are kept
at separate locations, handled by different persons in different departments.
4. Difficult to Analyse:
The manual analyses of data are time-consuming and quite often not readily available
for decision-making purposes. When the organisation grows in size, the manual
systems fail to offer reliable, accurate data at short notice.
 Today, there are fewer limitations than ever on the capability of HRIS systems thanks
to innovative technology. Most HRIS software either focus and specialise in certain
HR tasks or they offer a range of modules to manage the various components of HR.
Take a look at just some of the areas that these types of HR systems could help you
1.Payroll and other Central Management: A central HRIS can help with payroll
and other basic but essential HR processes.

Sourcing new talent and completing the recruitment process of interviews and
paperwork is one of the most time consuming and expensive processes in HR but it’s
also one of the most important. An HRIS system that has a focus on recruitment can
help you connect to thousands of job boards, quickly post brand-consistent job
listings, track a candidate’s progress and much more.

Training and learning opportunities are vital for your business and your employees.
Not only does it ensure compliance in regulated industries and provide essential
training so employees can carry out their roles properly, but additional learning
opportunities are a great way of keeping employees engaged and happy for better
HRIS capabilities in learning can help you create and deliver training and courses in a
range of media, track employee learning progress and even create a culture of peer-to-
peer learning.
Other modules in the HRIS scope that you might find include Succession and
Development to encourage employee careers, Performance to track employee growth,
Compensation to manage budget and allocate bonuses, plus much more.
 A General Research Framework of HRIS Design Characteristics:

At the current stage of research, a general research framework conflating particular

aspects relevant to HRIS design characteristics is considered as the most appropriate
to better guide and structure the upcoming discourse of this emerging field of
research, and thus, the successful selection and application of relevant HRIS design
characteristics. In short, the framework distinguishes between the following aspects
relevant to HRIS design characteristics

At first, the type of HRIS success measure referring to particular stakeholders is

considered to be obviously of relevance for HRIS design characteristics. For instance,
whereas HRIS-related decision makers, system developers as well as system
implementers may more focus on resource- (e.g. budget, time), feature-, or
revenue- /profit-related issues, system users may tend to define HRIS success with a
view to their level of individual productivity or satisfaction with the system [59, 60,
69]. Besides, system- and information-related design characteristics as a basic and
rough categorization of HRIS design characteristics are introduced, defined and
illustrated [11, 12, 46, 71, 76]. In addition to that, crucial application targets of
system- and information-related HRIS design characteristics are presented, amongst
them the development, the implementation as well as the permanent improvement of
HRIS [13, 29, 61]. Furthermore, methods for the elicitation of HRIS design
characteristics are illustrated as an important scientific milestone as researchers have
to set the course which system- and information-related HRIS design characteristics
will be evaluated subsequently at which quality. For example, HRIS design
characteristics may differ according to their level of validity (e.g. universally
applicable vs. contingent design characteristics) or granularity (e.g. coarse-grained vs.
fine-grained design characteristics).
Accomplishments of a business firm require that human resource be treated asa
strategic factor. Every business firm has strategic human resource intent at its core.
The issue of human resource management is a crucial issue and leveraging optimum
performance from talent and avail high profits is most challenging task. Use of
technology, in the form of HRIS, supports towards this endeavor.
6.1:Research Methodology scope-
1.Analysis of principles employed
2.Presentation of process and approach
3.Description of methods
6.2:Recommendations for Research Questions-
2.Manageable in terms of research and in terms of your own academic abilities.
3.Substantial and with original dimensions.
4.Consistent with the requirements of the assessment.
5.Clear and Simple

1.One-stop shopping. One of the most frequently mentioned advantages of an HRIS

is that you enter information only once for many HR-related employee tasks. And,
similarly, you need to update only one place when employee information changes.
2.Integration of data. Furthermore, different parts of the system can “talk to each
other” allowing more meaningful reporting and analysis capabilities, including
internal evaluations and audits and preparation of data for outsiders.

3.Accuracy. Improved accuracy is likely assuming data are entered and manipulated


4.Self service. This feature can be a great timesaver for HR. Employees may enter the
system to change data (for example, change their own addresses) and managers and
supervisors may enter the system to enter data (for example, performance reviews) or
to retrieve data without bothering HR.

5.Automated reminders. Systems can schedule events, such as performance

appraisals and benefit deadlines, automatically notifying and nudging if actions have
not been performed.

6.Hosting of company-related documents. The system can host such materials as

employee handbooks, procedures, and safety guidelines. The materials are easily
updated in one place.

7.Benefits administration. This could include enrollment, notices, changes, and


8.Recruiting management. This may include applicant tracking, management, and


There are, of course, some disadvantages to using an HRIS.

1.Security: Security is one of the biggest worries. Systems must be designed to

prevent unauthorized access to sensitive and confidential data and also the unintended
publication of such information. This typically required many “compartments” and
many levels of authority for access, all of which have to be monitored and maintained.

2.Cost: Then there is the cost factor. Especially for smaller companies, this can pose a
problem. With any system, there are acquisition costs and maintenance costs. SaaS
(software as a service) systems are somewhat easier to handle from a cost standpoint
since they are cloud-based and don’t require as much initial outlay.

3.Staffing:With larger installations, there’s probably the cost of hiring an IT specialist

to manage the system.

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