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The Tension Stiffening Mechanism in Reinforced

Concrete Prisms

Rahimah Muhamad, M.S. Mohamed Ali*, Deric John Oehlers and Michael Griffith
School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, University of Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia

(Received: 19 August 2011; Received revised form: 5 March 2012; Accepted: 29 March 2012)

Abstract: Tension stiffening is an important phenomenon in reinforced concrete

because it controls not only deflections but also crack spacings, crack widths and the
formation of multiple cracks. It is now common practice to study the effects of tension
stiffening in concentrically loaded prisms, which is the subject of this paper, and use
these behaviours as guidance for the effects of tension stiffening in reinforced concrete
beams. As tension stiffening is a mechanism for stress transfer between the concrete
and reinforcement, the interface bond stress-slip (τ−δ ) properties are of utmost
importance. In this paper, partial interaction theory is used to develop generic closed
form solutions for crack spacings and widths, the load to cause primary, secondary
cracks and subsequent cracks. Four different types of interface bond characteristics
(τ−δ ) are considered: a linear ascending bond slip which is useful at serviceability; a
linear descending bond slip which is useful at the ultimate limit state; a nonlinear bond
slip characteristic which closely resembles material bond slip behavior at all limits;
and the CEB-FIP Model Code 90 (CEB 1992).

Key words: reinforced concrete, tension stiffening, partial interaction, deflections, crack spacings, crack widths,
bond stress slip.

1. INTRODUCTION versa for stress in the reinforcement. This stress transfer

The tension stiffening effect has been widely used in process continues until the tensile capacity of the
predicting the tensile behaviour of reinforced concrete concrete is reached after which cracks occur. Therefore,
prisms (Beeby and Scott 2005; Chan et al. 1992; Goto the tension stress carried by the concrete at any section
1971; Gupta and Maestrini 1990; Hegemier et al. 1985; is important in determining the location of cracks.
Jiang et al. 1984; Lee and Kim 2008; Marti et al. 1998; This tensile concrete stress is directly related to the
Mirza and Houde 1979; Rizkalla and Hwang 1984; interface bond stress slip property which shows that the
Somayaji and Shah 1981; Yankelevsky et al. 2008). It bond stress is significant in modelling (Cosenza et al.
is not only important in controlling the deflection of 1997; Elighausen et al. 1983) or deriving a governing
beams (Bischoff 2005; Gilbert 2007) but also can be equation for predicting these behaviours (Mohamed Ali
utilised for predicting multiple crack spacings and et al. 2008a; Oehlers et al. 2005; Oehlers et al. 2011b).
crack widths (Bischoff et al. 2003; Kong et al. 2007; An interface bond stress τ distribution along the
Wu et al. 2009). The tension stiffening effect allows the reinforcement rather than an interface bond slip material
stress transfer from the reinforcement to the property τ−δ for predicting the crack spacing and crack
surrounding concrete through the interface bond stress width has been used (Chan et al. 1992; Somayaji and
slip property (τ−δ ). Hence, the concrete stress is Shah 1981). This was a good starting position in the
gradually increasing due to this process and also vice analysis of tension stiffening. However, as the bond

*Corresponding author. Email address:; Fax: +61-8-8303-4359; Tel: +61-8-8303-3968.

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The Tension Stiffening Mechanism in Reinforced Concrete Prisms

stress distribution depends on the bond slip properties importance of specific parameters at serviceability;
τ−δ which can vary considerably (Seracino et al. 2007) (2) A non-linear bond-slip which gives complex
as well as the size and type of reinforcement (Mohamed solutions but closely simulates the shapes of typical
Ali et al. 2008a; Oehlers et al. 2005; Oehlers et al. experimentally determined bond slip shapes; (3) A
2011a) this approach will not provided generic bond-slip model based on the same exponential shape as
solutions. the well accepted CEB-FIB Model Code 90 (CEB 1992)
A more advanced approach is to use a specific bond and by Eligehausen et al. (1983) and finally (4) A linear
slip property τ−δ. The concept of tension stiffening descending bond-slip variation that is suitable at the
has been used by Marti et al. (1998) and Warner et al. ultimate limit state such as in the formation of hinges
(2007) and is referred to as the tension chord model. (Haskett et al. 2009a; Mohamed Ali et al. 2008b) and
In their model, the following very simplistic which also gives simple closed form solutions and
assumptions are made to obtain a solution. A stepped- illustrates the parameters that govern at the ultimate
rigid plastic τ−δ model is proposed to describe the slip limit state.
between the reinforcement and concrete in which The aim of this paper is to develop the fundamental
there is a uniform bond stress slip in the unyielded mechanics that govern the tension stiffening behaviour
region and a reduced uniform bond stress slip in the for short term loads as it is realised that the short term
yielded region; this change in bond strength suggests deflection of reinforced concrete members is the starting
that the bond properties are not just a material position for long term deflection. Hence the accuracy of
property. Also they made the assumption that the the long term deflection depends on the accuracy of the
strain in the concrete between cracks is relatively short term deflection. Hence this paper is on short term
small and can be ignored which limits the accuracy of loading. However it will be shown in this paper how
the model as the strain in the concrete is no longer time dependent effects can be included.
related to the formation of cracks. Other researchers
have proposed that the bond stress slip is uniform 2. GOVERNING EQUATIONS FOR TENSION
(Choi and Cheung 1996; Gupta and Maestrini 1990; STIFFENING
Wu et al. 1991) which is probably better than The fundamental governing equation for closed form
assuming it is dependent on yield as it is now a solutions can be derived from the equilibrium equations
material property but still an over simplification. for any bonded joint such as a reinforced concrete prism
Extensive experimental investigations into simulating under pure tension as shown in Figure 1(a) in which
the tension stiffening effects of reinforced concrete shear lag is ignored as is the usual practice. The
prisms have been carried out (Bischoff 2003; Jiang et al. derivation of the governing equation for this stress
1984; Lee and Kim 2008; Mirza and Houde 1979; transfer problem involves four unknown fields which
Rizkala and Hwang 1984; Somayaji and Shah 1981; are: the axial stresses σr = σr (x) in the reinforcement and
Tastani and Pantazopoulou 2010; Wu et al. 2008; σc = σc(x) in the concrete; the axial strains εr = εr (x) in
Yankelevsky et al. 2008). These tests provide a range of the reinforcement and εc = εc(x) in the concrete; the
data that has been used to analyse the crack spacings and interface shear stress across the bonded length τ = τ (x);
crack widths in order to develop empirical formulae and the interface slip δ = δ (x) which is the difference
used in CEB-FIP Model Code 90 (CEB 1992), between the axial displacement ur of the reinforcement
Eurocode-2 (2004) and by Marti et al. (1998) as shown and uc of the concrete (Mohamed Ali et al. 2008a;
in Table 1. Muhamad et al. 2011a; Wu et al. 2002; Yuan et al.
The next step in this research is to develop generic 2004).
closed form mechanics solutions for crack spacings, From Figures 1(b) and 1(c), the generic equilibrium
crack widths and the loads to cause multiple cracking equations for a reinforced prism under pure tension can
that is based on bond-slip τ−δ material characteristics be written as
that simulate those from tests. This is the subject of this
paper. The governing equations are first presented. dσ r τ L p (1a)
Later, these governing equations are solved using the =
dx Ar
following four wide ranging types of interface bond
stress slip τ−δ characteristics to provide closed form
solutions: (1) A linear ascending bond-slip variation
which is ideally suited for the early stages of
dσ c τ Lp
serviceability and which provides nice and simple =− (1b)
closed form solutions that clearly illustrate the dx Ac

2054 Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 15 No. 12 2012

Table 1. Published crack spacings and widths

Model Crack spacing Crack width

 d 
Sr ,max = 3.4 C + 0.425 k1k2  b  wk = Sr ,max ( ε sm − ε cm )
 ρeff 
where where
Eurocode2 Sr,max = maximum crack spacing wk = crack width
(2004) k1 = coefficient of the bond properties of the bars εsm − εcm = different between mean strain of steel and concrete
k2 = coefficient of distribution of tensile stress
db = bar diameter
C = concrete cover

Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 15 No. 12 2012

ρeff = effective reinforcement ratio

σ s2 1
Srm = db wrm = Srm ε sm
2τ bk 1 + α e ρsef
where where
CEB-FIP Code Model σs2 = steel stress at the crack εsm = average strain of the reinforcement
(CEB.1992) τ bk = lower fractile value of the average bond stress = 1.8fctm (t)
Rahimah Muhamad, M.S. Mohamed Ali, Deric John Oehlers and Michael Griffith

(short term loading)

fctm (t) = mean value of the tensile strength of the concrete at the time t
when the crack appeared 1+ αe ρsef = 1(for simplicity)

φ fct Srm (2σ sr − λσ sro )

Srm = λ w=
2τ bo ρ 2 Es
Marti et al. 1998 where where
Srm = crack spacing w = crack width
ρ = reinforcement ratio of tension chord σsr = maximum steel stress at the crack
τ bo = average of bond stress = 2fct σsro = steel stress at crack
φ = diameter of reinforcement bar Es = elastic modulus of the steel
fct = tensile strength of the concrete λ = coefficient of crack spacing

The Tension Stiffening Mechanism in Reinforced Concrete Prisms

dx can be modified to allow for creep under long term loads

if required. Substituting Eqns 5 and 6 into 4 yields
σc Ac Pc /2 Ac
σr Ar Pr
dδ σ r σ c
Steel reinforcement bar Ar
Lp = − (7)
dx Er Ec
∆r Concrete Pc /2
(a) Equilibrium of prism Differentiating Eqn 7, we get

σc Concrete σc + dσc d 2δ 1  dσ r  1  dσ c 
τLp /Ac 2
=  −   (8)
dx Er  dx  Ec  dx 
(b) Equilibrium at concrete interface
τLp /Ar and substituting Eqns 1(a) and 1(b) into Eqn 8 yields the
σr σr + dσr following governing equation
Steel reinforcement bar
d 2δ
(c) Equilibrium at reinforcement interface − β 2τ = 0 (9a)
dx 2
Figure 1. Free body diagrams for: (a) equilibrium of prism;
(b) equilibrium at concrete interface; and (c) equilibrium at where
reinforcement interface Lp  1 A 
β2 =  + r  (9b)
Ar  Er Ec Ac 
and from Figure 1(a), the equation of equilibrium for the
prism can be written as The governing Eqn 9(a) can be solved using the
interfacial bond-slip characteristic τ = f(δ ) along with
σ c Ac + σ r Ar = Pr + Pc (2) the boundary conditions for this specific tension
stiffening problem that is shown in Figure 2.
where Ar and Ac are the cross-sectional areas of the
reinforcement and the concrete respectively and Lp is
the circumference of the reinforcement as shown in x Sp Full interaction
Figure 1(a). The concrete force Pc = 0 as assuming
Initial crack face Pc /2 Pc /2
that there is an initial crack. The axial tension force Pr in Pb = τLbdx
Eqn 2 will induce a slip at the interface (δ ) between the Pr Steel reinforcement bar Pr 1 Pr1
concrete and reinforcement d δ = 0 and δ = 0
∆ r_p = δ (0) Concrete Pc /2 dx Pc /2
δ = ur − uc (3)
(a) Infinitely long prism

Differentiating Eqn 3 gives the following slip strain
dx Ss = Sp /2

dδ dur duc (4) Primary crack face

= − Pb = τLpdx Pc /2
dx dx dx δ=0
Pr Pr1 Pr
which for long term loads can be increased by the
dur ∆ r_s = δ (0)
Pc /2
shrinkage strain. As is simply the reinforcement
strain, from the steel and concrete moduli Er and Ec (b) Prism length Sp
St = Sp /4
du (5) Secondary crack face
σ r = Er ε r = Er r
dx Pb = τLpdx
Pc /2

and Pr Pr1 Pr
Pc /2
σ c = Ec ε c = Ec (6) ∆ r_t = δ (0)
(c) Prism length Ss
where Er and Ec are the elastic modulus of
reinforcement and concrete respectively where the latter Figure 2. Tension stiffening for concrete prism

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Rahimah Muhamad, M.S. Mohamed Ali, Deric John Oehlers and Michael Griffith

Figure 2(a) shows the boundary conditions for the occur closer to Sp due to the moment gradient in the
formation of primary cracks. Let us assume that there is beam. Hence cracks can occur in any position beyond
an initial crack at x = 0 beyond which there are no Sp from the initial crack and tests on beams would
further cracks so it is a question of determining the first suggest that the crack spacing can be as large as 2Sp.
series of cracks or primary cracks. At x = 0 the strain in If, for example, the crack spacing is 2Sp, then the
the concrete is zero so that the slip strain is simply the prism in Figure 2(b) would be 2Sp long so by
strain in the reinforcement, hence symmetry the next crack would occur at 2Sp/2 and the
next in Figure 2(c) at 2Sp/4. If, as a further example,
dδ P the crack spacing is 1.4Sp, then the next crack would
= r and δ = ∆ r at x = 0 (10)
dx Ar Er occur at 1.4Sp/2 and the next at 1.4Sp/4. In the
following analyses, it has been assumed that the initial
Sp in Figure 2(a) is defined as a position beyond crack spacing is the minimum crack spacing Sp but
which the slip-strain tends to zero that is the start of this could be adjusted to a factor of Sp and applied
where the behaviour tends towards full-interaction as using the same boundary condition as in Figure 2(b).
shown. Hence It is also worth noting at this stage, that it will be
shown that the formation of primary, secondary and
dδ tertiary cracks, as in Figures 2(a), (b) and (c), depends
δ = 0 and = 0 at x = S p (11)
dx on the bond strength. For example the bond may be
sufficient to form primary cracks in Figure 2(a) but
As full-interaction is first achieved at x = Sp, the not sufficient to form secondary cracks as in Figure
maximum stress in the concrete is first achieved at Sp. 2(b) as the bonded length in Figure 2(b) is less than
Hence the primary crack can occur anywhere in the full- that in Figure 2(a). This further adds to the random
interaction region so that Sp is the minimum crack nature of cracking.
spacing for the primary cracks. As beams are normally In this paper, the primary and secondary crack
subjected to a moment gradient Sp is also the primary spacings, crack widths as well as the load to cause
crack spacing. cracks have been derived for the four different types
Primary cracks will occur at a spacing of Sp along the of interfacial bond stress slip characteristics τ−δ as
length of the prism. Once these primary cracks have shown in Figure 3 and which consist of the following.
formed, the problem now changes to that shown in Firstly a linear ascending bond slips property
Figure 2(b) which is that of a symmetrically loaded represented by O-B in Figure 3 that has a stiffness ke.
prism of length Sp. By symmetry, the boundary Secondly a non-linear bond slip property represented
condition at the mid-length of the prism is given by by O-B’-E which is characterised by an ascending
nonlinear curve with a peak shear stress of τmax at a
dδ slip of δ2 and a descending non-linear curve. Thirdly
δ = 0 and ≠ 0 at x = S p /2 = Ss (12) the bond slip property of CEB-FIP Model Code 90
(CEB 1992) and Eligehausen et al. (1983) for an
where Ss in Eqn 12 and Figure 2(b) is a secondary crack ascending non-linear curve with a peak shear stress of
spacing τmax at a slip of δ1 represented by O-B. And finally the
Once secondary cracks have formed, the prism length linear descending bond slip property with a peak
now changes to that shown in Figure 2(c). By symmetry, shear stress of τmax at a slip of zero and a peak slip of
the cracks occurs at a crack spacing of Sp /4 whenever δmax at a zero shear stress τ represented by O-A-C in
the bond is adequately strong, the boundary condition at Figure 3.
this stage can be written as
τ (N/mm2)
δ = 0 and ≠ 0 at x = S p /4 = St Linear ascending
dx (13) Non-linear
τmax A B B'
Linear descending
where St in Eqn 13 and Figure 2(c) is a tertiary crack
Figures 2(a), (b) and (c) also illustrate the random
ke C E
nature of cracking. It has already been explained that O ∞
δ1 δ2 δmax δ (mm)
the first primary crack can occur anywhere in the full
interaction region in Figure 2(a) but will probably Figure 3. Idealised bond stress slip characteristics

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The Tension Stiffening Mechanism in Reinforced Concrete Prisms

3. SOLUTIONS FOR LINEAR ASCENDING For the boundary condition in Eqn 11 that is δ = 0
BOND SLIP CHARACTERISTIC and dδ /dx = 0 at x = Sp [refer Figure 2(a)]. Applying
The bond stress slip for a linear ascending characteristic these boundary conditions and Eqns 19 into 16(a) and
(Mohamed Ali et al. 2008a; Wu et al. 2002; Yuan et al. 17 gives
2004), as depicted by O-B in Figure 3, can be written as
follows c1 cosh(λ1S p ) + sinh(λ1S p ) = 0 (20)
Ar Er λ1
τ = keδ (14)
where ke is the stiffness of the bond slip property τ−δ. λ1c1 sinh(λ1S p ) + cosh(λ1S p ) = 0 (21)
Ar Er
Substituting Eqn 14 into the governing equation of
Eqn 9(a) yields
Solving both Eqns 20 and 21 gives the primary crack
spacing, Sp as
d 2δ
= β2 keδ (15)
dx 2 2
Sp = (22)
Solving the differential equation of Eqn 15 gives the
slip variation
where Spλ1 = 2 is based on an assumption that the bond
stress is resisted by 97% of the applied load, Pr (Yuan
δ ( x ) = c1 cosh(λ1 x ) + c2 sinh(λ1 x ) (16a) et al. 2004).
Further substitution of Eqns 22 into 21 yields
λ1 = ke β2 (16b) c1 = − (23)
Ar Er λ1 tanh 2

Differentiating Eqn 16(a) yields

The relationship between the force in the bar, Pr at
the initial crack at x = 0 and the forces in reinforcement

= λ1c1 sinh(λ1 x ) + λ 1 c2 cosh(λ1 x ) (17) and concrete, Pr1 and Pc at the initiation of a primary
dx crack at x = Sp in Figure 2(a), can be written in the
following form
Substituting Eqn 16(a) into the linear ascending bond
stress slip τ−δ of Eqn 14 results in x=Sp
Pr − ∫ τ L p dx = Pr1 (24)
(18) x=0
τ ( x ) = ke [ c1 cosh(λ1 x ) + c2 sinh(λ1 x ) ]

in which the constants c1 and c2 in Eqns 16(a)-18 can be Pr = Pr1 + Pc (25)

solved through the substitution of boundary conditions
as follows.

3.1. Analysis of Infinitely Long Prism [see where the definite integral ∫ τ L p dx in Eqn 24 yields
Figure 2(a)] x=0
3.1.1. Linear ascending crack spacings and load the bond force between the concrete and the
to cause a crack for infinitely long prism reinforcement over the length Sp.
The boundary condition at the initial crack face in Solving Eqns 24 and 25 lead to the relationship
Figure 2(a) is given by Eqn 10. Applying this boundary between the bond force and concrete force as shown
condition into Eqn 17 yields below

Pr τ L p dx = fct Ac (26)
c2 =
Ar Er λ1
(19) ∫

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Rahimah Muhamad, M.S. Mohamed Ali, Deric John Oehlers and Michael Griffith

At x = Sp in Figure 2(a), the slip-strain between the out, a secondary crack will occur. By symmetry in
concrete and reinforcement bar is zero which means that Figure 2(b), the secondary crack spacing Ss = Sp /2 =
the strain in the reinforcement, εr1, and strain in the 1/λ1 can be obtained. Substituting Eqns 19 and 12 into
concrete, εc, are equal from which 16(a) will leads to the constant c1_s that corresponds to
the prism length Sp as
Pr1 = Ar Er (27)
c1 _ s = − tanh(1) (32)
Substituting Eqns 26 and 27 into 24 yields the load to Ar Er λ1
cause a primary crack based on full interaction. Once the
tensile stress of the concrete in Eqn 27 reach the tensile
Substituting Eqns 32 and 19 into 18 and further into
strength capacity of the concrete which σc = fct, the crack
Eqn 26 for boundary limit x = 0 and x = Ss yield the load
will occur and load to cause the crack can be rewritten as
to cause a secondary crack for prism length Sp
Pr _ cr _ fi = Ar Er + fct Ac (28)
Ar Er λ12 fct Ac
Pr _ cr _ s = (33)
The load to cause a primary crack for infinitely long 0.35 ke L p
prism based on partial interaction for linear ascending
bond stress slip can be obtained by solving the
relationship between the bond force and concrete force 3.2.2. Linear ascending behaviour of prism
as shown in Eqn 26. Substituting bond stress of Eqns 18 length Sp
into 26 which the constants c1 and c2 as shown in Eqns 23 The load Pr and slip at the primary crack face ∆r_s for
and 19 yield the load to cause a primary crack for prism length Sp in Figure 2(b) can be obtained by
infinitely long prism substituting constants c2 and c1_s as shown in Eqns 19
and 32 respectively into Eqn 16(a) at x = 0 to give
Ar Er λ12 fct Ac
Pr _ cr _ p = (29) Pr tanh(1)
ke L p ∆r _ s = (34)
Ar Er λ1

3.1.2. Linear ascending load slip behaviour for

infinitely long prism As the crack width wr_s = 2 ∆r_s hence the crack
The load Pr and slip at the crack face ∆r _ p for infinitely width for the prism length Sp as
long prism in Figure 2(a) can be obtained by substituting
Eqns 23 and 19 into slip variation of Eqn 16(a), the slip 2 P r tanh(1)
at the initial crack face, x = 0 wr _ s = (35)
Ar Er λ1
∆r _ p = (30)
Ar Er λ1
3.3. Analysis of Prism Length Ss [see Figure 2(c)]
3.3.1. Linear ascending crack spacing and load
As the crack width, wr_ p is twice the slip, ∆ r_ p hence to cause a crack for prism length Ss
the crack width for infinitely long prism as The prism length Ss in Figure 2(c) can be analysed in this
section. By symmetry of the prism, a further tertiary crack
2P r will occur at the mid-length of the prism that is St = Sp /4
wr _ p = (31)
Ar Er λ1 = 1/2λ1. Applying the boundary conditions of Eqn 13 and
the constant c2 of Eqns 19 into 16(a) yields the unknown
constant c1_t that corresponds to the boundary conditions
3.2. Analysis of Prism Length Sp [see Figure 2(b)] of Eqn 13 as
3.2.1. Linear ascending crack spacing and load
to cause a crack for prism length Sp
The prism length Sp as shown in Figure 2(b) will be c1 _ t = − tanh(0.5) (36)
analysed in this section. As the bar of the prism is pulled Ar Er λ1

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The Tension Stiffening Mechanism in Reinforced Concrete Prisms

Substituting Eqns 36 and 19 into 18 and further into where

Eqn 26 for boundary limit x = 0 and x = St, will gives the
load to cause a tertiary crack for prism length Ss as dδ
ν= (42b)
Ar Er λ12 fct Ac
Pr _ cr _ t = (37)
0.113ke L p using Eqn 42(a) and substituting into Eqn 41 leads to

3.3.2. Linear ascending behaviour of prism ν = 4τ max β2 e− kδ (1 − e− kδ ) (43)
length Ss dδ
The load Pr and slip ∆ r_t at the secondary crack face for
the prism length Ss in Figure 2(c) can be obtained by Rearranging Eqn 43 and integrating both side of the
substituting constant c2 and c1_t as shown in Eqns 19 and equation yields
36 respectively into Eqn 16(a) at x = 0 to give

= A −2 e− kδ + e−2 kδ + c3 (44a)
Pr tanh(0.5) dx
∆r _ t = (38)
Ar Er λ1
As the crack width wr_t = 2 ∆ r_t hence the crack
width for the prism length Ss as A = 2.4 τ maxδ 2 β2 (44b)

2 P r tanh(0.5) and c3 is a constant of integration.

wr _ t = (39)
Ar Er λ1 For the boundary conditions of Eqn 11 which

= 0 and δ = 0 at x = Sp, unknown constant c3 in
4. SOLUTIONS FOR NON-LINEAR BOND Eqn 44(a) can be determined. Thus, Eqn 44(a) can be
The non-linear bond slip characteristic shown as O-B’-E
in Figure 3 was proposed by Dai et al. (2006) and can be dδ
written as = A(1 − e− kδ ) (45)
τ = 4τ max e− kδ (1 − e− kδ )
Rearranging Eqn 45 yields

where e kδ dδ
= Adx (46)
e kδ − 1
k= (40b)
Integrating both side of Eqn 46 will gives the
variation of slip
Substituting Eqn 40(a) into the governing equation of
Eqn 9(a) leads to 1
δ (x) =
ln e k ( Ax + c4 ) + 1) (47)
d δ
= 4τ max β2 e− kδ (1 − e− kδ ) (41)
dx where c4 is a constant of integration.
Differentiating Eqn 47 will lead to the following
As variation of slip strain as

d 2δ d  dδ  dν dν  dδ  dν dδ ( x ) e k ( Ax + c4 )
=   = =   = ν (42a) = A k ( Ax + c ) (48)
dx 2 dx dx dx dδ dx dδ dx e 4

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and variation of bond stress as c6 = fct Ac Ak (52c)

τ ( x ) = 4τ max e − kδ ( x ) 1 − e − kδ ( x ) ) (49)
4.1.2. Non-linear load slip behaviour for
infinitely long prism
The unknown c4 in Eqns 47 and 48 can be solved The load Pr will induce a slip ∆ r_ p at the initial crack
through substitution of boundary conditions as in face in Figure 2(a). Slip ∆ r_ p can be obtained by
following section. substituting Eqns 50 into 47 at x = 0 as follows

4.1. Analysis of Infinitely Long Prism [see 1  Pr 

Figure 2(a)] ∆r _ p = ln  + 1 (53)
4.1.1. Non-linear primary crack spacing and load k  AAr Er − Pr 
to cause a crack
At the initial crack face of the prism, x = 0 in Figure 2(a), As the crack width wr_ p is twice the slip ∆ r_ p hence
applying the boundary condition of Eqns 10 into 48 the crack width for primary cracks
2  Pr 
 Pr  wr _ p = ln  + 1 (54)
ln  k  AAr Er − Pr 
 r rE − P  (50)
c4 =
4.2. Analysis of Prism Length Sp [see Figure 2(b)]
At x = Sp in Figure 2(a), applying the boundary 4.2.1. Non-linear crack spacing and load to
condition of Eqn 11 that is the behaviour tends to full cause a crack for prism length Sp
interaction (δ = 0 and dδ /dx = 0) and Eqns 50 into 47 The prism length Sp in Figure 2(b) will be considered in
and 48 gives the primary cracks spacing as this subsection. As the bar of the prism is further pulled
out, secondary cracks will occur. By symmetry, the
secondary crack spacing Ss = Sp /2 in Figure 2(b) where
Sp = − the slip is zero is given in Eqn 12. As the slip strain
τ max (51) dδ /dx is not zero at x = Ss, rearranging Eqn 44(a) yields

= Adx (55)
In solving both Eqns 47 and 48 for boundary −2 e − kδ
+ e−2 kδ + c3
conditions δ = 0 and dδ /dx = 0, e AkSp cannot be zero
hence an assumption (e AkSp = 0.135) has to be made to
obtain the crack spacing. Integrating both sides of Eqn 55 will gives
Substituting Eqns 50 into 47 and further into Eqn 49
yields the bond stress variation. Furthermore, ( )
c3 ( Akx − c7 ) + 1
1  c3 − 1 sinh
substituting the bond stress variation into the δ (x) = ln   (56)
relationship between the bond force and concrete force k  c3 
of Eqn 26 yields the following load to cause a primary
crack for infinitely long prism
Applying the boundary conditions in Eqn 12 to Eqns
56 and 44(a) yields the unknown constant c7_s
0.124c5c6 c6
Pr _ cr _ p = 0.5c5 − −
τ max L p 6.94τ max L p 1
(52a) c7 _ t = St Ak − sinh −1 c3 − 1 (57)
2 2 c3
 3.47τ max L pc5  19.85τ max L pc5
  − + 0.74c52
c6  c 6
and the slip strain

where dδ
= A c3 − 1 (58)
c5 = AAr Er (52b) dx

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The Tension Stiffening Mechanism in Reinforced Concrete Prisms

Applying the boundary conditions in Eqns 10 that is and further substituting the resulting equation into Eqn
δ = ∆r at x = 0 to Eqn 56 yields 60 to give
1  1   Pr 
∆r = ln (59a) e−2 k ∆ r − 2 e− k ∆ r =  − c3 _ s (64)
k  c8 _ s   AAr Er 

where Thus the crack width for prism length Sp can be

obtained by wr_s = 2 ∆r_s.
c8 _ s = (59b) 4.3. Analysis of Prism Length Ss [see Figure 2(c)]
c3 + c3 − 1 sinh − Ss Ak c3 ) 4.3.1. Non-linear behaviour with crack spacing
Ss and load to cause a crack
Substituting Eqns 59(a) into 44(a) for the boundary Consider the prism of length Ss in Figure 2(c). By
condition of Eqn 10 in which dδ /dx = Pr /Ar Er and δ = ∆r symmetry, the tertiary crack spacing is St = Sp /4 in
at x = 0 yields Figure 2(c) where the slip is zero as given in Eqn 13.
The boundary condition of Eqn 13 in which δ = 0 at
 Pr  2
x = St = Sp /4 when applied to Eqn 56 will give the
 AA E  = c3 − 2 c8 _ s + c8 _ s (60) unknown constant c7_t that corresponds to the
r r
boundary condition of Eqn 13

As slip strain dδ/dx of Eqn 58 is the difference in 1

c7 _ t = St Ak − sinh −1 c3 − 1 (65)
strain between the strain in the reinforcement εr1 and c3
strain in the concrete εc, thus Eqn 58 can be rewritten as
Substituting Eqns 65 into 56 for the boundary
Pr1 = Ar Er A c3 − 1 + Ar Er (61) condition δ (x) = ∆r at x = 0 yields
1  1 
∆r = ln (66a)
Substituting Eqns 61 into 25 at the stage the concrete k  c8 _ t 
is reaches the tensile capacity Pc = fct Ac, yields the
following load to cause a secondary crack for the prism
length Sp
f c8 _ t = (66b)
Pr _ cr _ s = Ar Er A c3 − 1 + ct Ar Er + fct Ac
(62) (
c3 + c3 − 1 sinh − St Ak c3 )
Substituting Eqn 66(a) into Eqn 44(a) for the
Substituting Eqns 62 into 60 gives the value of boundary condition of Eqn 10 in which dδ/dx = Pr /ArEr
constant c3_s that corresponds to the boundary and δ = ∆r at x = 0 yields
conditions of Eqn 12
 Pr  2
1 − 2c8 _ s + c8 _ s − 2 c3 _ s − 1  AA E  = c3 − 2 c8 _ t + c8 _ t (67)
r r
 fct fct Ac   fct 
 E A + A E A  =  E A  + (63) Substituting Eqn 62 into Eqn 67 gives the value of
c r r c
constant c3_t that corresponds to the boundary conditions
2 of Eqn 13
 fct 2 Ac   fct Ac 
2 2 +
 A Ar Er Ec   Ar Er A 
 f f A 
1 − 2c8 _ t + c8 _ t 2 − 2 c3 _ t − 1  ct + ct c 
 Ec A Ar Er A 
4.2.2. Non-linear behaviour of prism length Sp 2 2
The relationship of load-slip P−∆ for the prism length Sp  f   f 2A   f A 
=  ct  + 2  2 ct c  +  ct c  (68)
in Figure 2(b) can be obtained by rearranging Eqn 59(a)  Ec A   A Ar Er Ec   Ar Er A 

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Rahimah Muhamad, M.S. Mohamed Ali, Deric John Oehlers and Michael Griffith

The load to cause a tertiary crack for prism length Ss where Hyp2F1 represents a 2F1 hypergeometric function
is given by Eqn 62 with c3 = c3_t from Eqn 68. and it is a series of slip function. Solving that slip series
functions in mathlab, an assumption has been made that
4.3.2. Non-linear behaviour of prism length Ss this series is approximately 1.0 hence the slip variation
The relationship of load-slip P−∆ for the prism length Ss in Eqn 73(a) can be rewritten as
in Figure 2(c) is given in Eqn 64 where c3_t is
corresponding to the boundary conditions of Eqn 13 as δ = ( x + c10 ) 2 c9 (73b)
shown in Eqn 68. Thus the crack width for prism length
Ss can be obtained by wr_t = 2 ∆r_t .
5.1. Analysis of Infinitely Long Prism [see
Figure 2(a)]
5.1.1. CEB model primary crack spacing and load
The ascending non-linear curve of bond stress for the
to cause for infinitely long prism
CEB-FIP Code Model 90 (CEB 1992) and Eligehausen
For the boundary conditions of Eqn 11, in which δ = 0
et al. (1983) shown as O-B in Figure 3 can be written as
at x = Sp, the constant c10 in Eqn 73(b) can be obtained
α as
τ = τ max   (69)
 δ1  c10 = − S p (74)

Substituting bond stress of Eqn 69 into governing Substituting Eqn 74 into the slip variation of Eqn
equation of Eqn 9(a) leads to 73(b) and further into the bond force and concrete force
relationship of Eqn 26 gives the primary crack spacing
d 2δ δ 
= β2τ max  (70)
dx 2
 δ1  1
 1+α
(1 + α ) fct Acδ1α
S p =   (75)
Using Eqn 42(a), Eqn 70 can be rewritten as α 
 τ max L p 2 c9 ) 
dν δ
ν = β2τ max   (71)
dδ  δ1  Substituting the boundary conditions of Eqn 10 into
the slip strain variation of Eqn 72(a) and slip variation
Rearranging Eqn 71 and integrating both sides of the of Eqn 73(b), will lead to the constant c9_ p
equation yields
2 c9 _ p fct Ac λ2δ1α  P 
1+α c9 _ p − = −0.5  r  (76)
dδ 2 λ2δ τ max L p  Ar Er 
= + 2 c9 (72a)
dx 1+ α
where Pr in Eqn 76 is the load to cause the primary
crack spacing Sp that is Pr = Pr_cr Substituting the load
β2τ max to cause a primary crack Pr_cr from Eqns 28 into 76 will
λ2 = (72b) give the constant c9_ p
and c9 is a constant of integration. 2 c9 _ p fct Ac λ2δ1α f f A 
c9 _ p − = −0.5  ct + ct c  (77)
Rearranging Eqn 72(a) and further integrating the τ max L p  Ec Ar Er 
equation yields

 1 1 1 λ δ 1+α 
δ  Hyp2 F1  , ,1 + ,− 2  5.1.2. CEB model load slip behavior for infinitely
 2 1+ α 1+ α c9  (73a) long prism
= ( x + c10 ) 2c9 The load Pr and the slip ∆r at the initial crack face in
Figure 2(a) can be obtained by applying the boundary

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The Tension Stiffening Mechanism in Reinforced Concrete Prisms

conditions of Eqn 10 in which dδ /dx = Pr /Ar Er and 5.2.2. CEB model load slip behavior of prism
δ = ∆r at x = 0 into the slip strain of Eqn 72(a) length Sp
The load Pr and the slip ∆r_s at the primary crack faces
2 2
λ2 ∆ r1+α  ∆r   Pr  in Figure 2(b) can be obtained by substituting the
+ 0.5   = 0.5  (78) boundary conditions of Eqn 10 in which dδ /dx =
1+ α  Sp   Ar Er 
Pr /Ar Er and δ = ∆r at x = 0 into the slip strain of Eqn
72(a). This gives the load-slip relationship as well as
Thus the crack width for prism length Sp can be crack width as shown in Eqn 78 with replace Sp = Ss.
obtained by wr_ p = 2 ∆r_ p.
5.3. Analysis of Prism Length Ss [see Figure 2(c)]
5.2. Analysis of Prism Length Sp [see Figure 5.3.1. CEB model crack spacing and load to
2(b)] cause a crack for prism length Ss
5.2.1. CEB-FIP model crack spacing and load to The prism length Ss in Figure 2(c) will be used in this
cause a crack for prism length Sp subsection. By symmetry of the prism, the crack will
The prism length Sp in Figure 2(b) will be analysed. As occur at the mid-length of the prism that is St = Sp /4.
the bar of the prism is further pulled out, secondary These boundary conditions of Eqn 13 in which δ = 0 at
cracks will occur. By symmetry in Figure 2(b), the x = Sp /4 can be applied and give the load to cause a
secondary crack spacing Ss = Sp /2 and applying the tertiary crack for prism length Ss as shown in Eqn 82
boundary condition of Eqns 12 into 73(b) will leads to with replace Ss = St.
the constant c10_s corresponding to the prism length Sp
5.3.2. CEB model load slip behaviour of prism
c10 _ s = − Ss (79)
length Ss
The load Pr and the slip ∆r_t at the secondary crack face
Substituting Eqn 79 into the slip variation of Eqn
as well as crack widths in Figure 2(c) can be obtained as
73(b) and further into the bond force and concrete force
shown in Eqn 78 with replace Sp = St.
relationship of Eqn 26 gives the constant c9_s that
corresponds to the prism of length Sp
 1 + α f A δ α α
( ) The bond stress for a linear descending bond stress slip
ct c 1  (80)
c9 _ s = 0.5  characteristic (Haskett et al. 2009b) O-A-C in Figure 3
 τ max L p Ss 1+α 
( )
  can be written as

Substituting the constant c9_ s of Eqn 80 and also Eqn 79 τ max

into the slip variation of Eqn 73(b) at x = 0 yields the τ= (δ max − δ ) (83)
following slip at the occurrence of the secondary crack δ max
for the prism of length Sp
Substituting Eqn 83 into the governing equation of
1 Eqn 9(a) leads to
 A f δ α (1 + α ) α
∆ r _ cr _ s = Ss  c ct 1  (81)
 τ max L p ( Ss )1+α  d 2δ
= λ 32 (δ max − δ ) (84a)
Applying the boundary conditions of Eqn 10 and also
Eqn 81 into Eqn 72(a) yields the following load to cause where
a secondary crack for the prism length Sp
τ max
λ3 = β2 (84b)
1+ α δ max
2λ2  )
1+ α (1 + α fct Acδ1
α α

1+ α
( Ss )  
 τ max L p Ss 1+α 
( ) Solving the differential equation of Eqn 84(a) gives
Pr _ cr _ s = Ar Er (82) the slip variation
 (1 + α ) f A δ α  α
ct c 1
+ 
 τ max L p ( Ss )1+α  δ ( x ) = c11 sin ( λ 3 x ) + c12 cos ( λ 3 x ) + δ max (85)

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Rahimah Muhamad, M.S. Mohamed Ali, Deric John Oehlers and Michael Griffith

Differentiating Eqn 85 yields the slip strain variation 6.1.2. Linear descending load slip behavior for
infinitely long prism
dδ ( x ) The load Pr and slip ∆r_ p can be obtained by
= λ 3c11 cos ( λ 3 x ) − λ 3c12 sin ( λ 3 x ) (86)
dx substituting the constants c11 and c12 in Eqns 88 and 89
into 85 at x = 0 as follows
Further substituting Eqn 85 into the bond stress slip
τ−δ of the linear descending bond-slip in Eqn 83 result   Pr 
∆ r _ p = −δ max cos  arcsin  + δ max (93)
in the bond stress variation   Ar Er λ 3δ max  
τ max
τ (x) = −  c11 sin ( λ 3 x ) + c12 cos ( λ 3 x )  (87) Substituting Eqn 93 into wr = 2 ∆r yields the crack
δ max  width for infinitely long prism as

where the constants c11 and c12 in Eqns 85 to 87 can be    Pr  

wr _ p = 2  −δ max cos  arcsin   + δ  (94)
 Ar Er λ3δ max  
solved through substitution of the boundary conditions   
as follows.

6.1. Analysis of Infinitely Long Prism [see 6.2. Analysis of Prism Length Sp [see Figure 2(b)]
Figure 2(a)] 6.2.1. Linear descending crack spacing and load
6.1.1. Linear descending crack spacing and load to cause a crack for prism length Sp
to cause a crack for infinitely long prism As the bar of the prism length Sp in Figure 2(b) is pulled
The boundary condition at x = Sp in Figure 2(a) is given out, secondary cracks will occurs. By symmetry, the
in Eqn 11. Substituting these boundary condition into secondary crack spacing Ss = Sp /2. Substituting the
Eqns 85 and 86 yields boundary conditions of Eqns 10 and 12 into Eqns 86 and
85 respectively gives the constants c11_s and c12_s that
corresponds to a prism of length Sp
c11 = −δ max sin λ 3S p ) (88)
Pr (95)
and c11 _ s =
Ar Er λ 3
c12 = −δ max cos λ 3S p ) (89) and
−δ max Ar Er λ 3 − Pr sin ( λ 3Ss )
Substituting both Eqns 88 and 89 into Eqn 86 and c12 _ s = (96)
cos ( λ 3Ss ) Ar Er λ 3
further substituting into Eqn 10 will lead to

 Substituting both constants of Eqns 95 and 96 into 87

Pr 
arcsin  and further substituting into Eqn 26 gives the load to
 Ar Er λ 3δ max  (90) cause a secondary crack
Sp =
fct Acδ max λ 32 Ar Er cos ( λ 3Ss ) − Ar Er λ 3τ maxδ max L p sin ( λ 3Ss )
Pr _ cr _ s =
where Pr in Eqn 90 is the load to cause the primary τ max L p (1 − cos ( λ 3Ss )) (97)
crack spacing Sp that is Pr = Pr_cr. Substituting both
constants of Eqns 88 and 89 into the relationship of the
bond force and concrete force as given in Eqn 26 results 6.2.2. Linear descending load slip behavior of
the load to cause a primary crack prism length Sp
The load Pr and slip ∆r_s relationship for a prism length
Ar Er λ 32δ max fct Ac Sp can be obtained by substituting Eqns 95 and 96 into
Pr _ cr _ p = (91) 85 at x = 0
τ max L p
 1  Pr
∆ r _ s = δ max  1 −  − tan ( λ 3Ss ) (98)
Substituting Eqns 91 into 90 gives the primary crack  cos ( λ 3Ss )  Ar Er λ 3
As the crack width wr_s is twice the slip ∆r_s hence the
λ f A  crack width for a prism length Sp as
arcsin  3 ct c 
 τ max L p  (92)   1  Pr 
Sp = wr _ s = 2 δ max  1 −  − tan ( λ3Ss )  (99)
λ3   cos ( λ3Ss )  Ar Er λ3 

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The Tension Stiffening Mechanism in Reinforced Concrete Prisms

6.3. Analysis of Prism Length Ss [see Figure 2(c)] Comparing the parameters in the mechanics model
6.3.1. Linear descending crack spacing and load of Eqn 100 with the empirical parameters listed
to cause a crack for prism length Ss above: ke in the mechanics model is the bond stiffness
By symmetry of the prism of length Ss, the tertiary crack and equivalent to the bond property k 1 in the
will occur at the mid-length of the prism that is St = Sp /4. empirical model, Lp is the bar circumference used in
Substituting the boundary condition of Eqns 13 into 85 the mechanics model as opposed to the bar diameter
gives the constant c12_t that corresponds to a prism d b in the empirical model, and A r /A c is the
length Ss as shown in Eqn 96 with replace Ss = St. reinforcement ratio ρ in the empirical model. The
Substituting Eqn 95 and the constant c12_t into bond crack spacing of Eqn 100 is the crack spacing of
stress variation of Eqn 87 and further into Eqn 26 for the primary cracks which is simply twice the spacing
boundary limit from x = 0 to x = St yields the load to after secondary cracks occur. As the reinforcement
cause a tertiary crack for the prism length Ss as shown in bar load to cause primary cracks is given by Eqn 29
Eqn 97 with replace Ss = St. and that to cause secondary cracks by Eqn 33, it can
be seen that the crack spacing is also dependent on
6.3.2. Linear descending load slip behavior of the stress in the bar at the crack that is the parameter
prism length Ss σs2 in the empirical model. The crack spacing of Eqn
The load Pr and slip ∆r_t relationship for the prism of 100 for the linear ascending bond slip properties as
length Ss can be obtained by substituting Eqn 95 and the well as that for the non-linear bond slip properties of
constant c12_t into the slip variation of Eqn 85 at x = 0 as Eqn 51 is not dependent on the tensile strength of the
shown in Eqn 98 with replace Ss = St. As the crack width concrete fct. In contrast, that for the CEB-FIP Model
wr is twice the slip ∆r hence the crack width for the prism Code 90 (CEB 1992), Eqn 75, and that for the linear
length Ss is given in Eqn 99 with replace Ss = St. descending bond properties, Eqn 92, is dependent on
fct which explains why some of the empirical models
in Table 1 show a dependence on fct (Marti et al.
7. SUMMARY AND COMPARISONS 1998) and others (Eurocode 2 2004; CEB-FIP Model
The results of this mechanics based analysis of tension- Code 90 1992) do not.
stiffening have been used to derive the short term There is a remarkably good agreement on the
deflection of steel reinforced beams (Muhamad et al. parameters that control the crack width in the empirical
2011b), FRP reinforced beams (Oehlers et al. 2011b) rules in Table 1 where it can be seen that in all three
and the behaviour of hinges (Visintin et al. 2012) and empirical rules the crack width depends on the crack
give good correlation with test results. However, it is spacing Srm and the reinforcement strain εsm. The crack
felt that a strength of this mechanics based approach is width for the linear ascending bond-slip properties is
to isolate the parameters that affect tension-stiffening given by Eqn 31 which can be written as
and this will be studied in this section.

7.1. Parametric Comparison S p Pr

wr = (101)
Table 1 lists published crack spacings Srm which, in Ar Er
general, have been derived empirically. It can be seen
that the main empirically derived parameters that This mechanics model also depends on the crack
control crack spacing are: bond properties such as k1; spacing Sp and reinforcement strain Pr /ArEr and is
bar diameter db; ratio of reinforcement area to that of virtually the same equation as that in Eurocode 2 (2004)
concrete ρ; steel stress at crack σs2; and the tensile in Table 1.
strength of concrete fct. These empirically identified
parameters are also those identified in the mechanics 7.2. Analysis of Concentrically Loaded Prism
models that have been developed in this paper. Take for The mechanics based solutions are now used to analyse
example the analysis based on the linear ascending bond a concentrically loaded prism, such as that shown
characteristic in Figure 3 where crack spacing is given in Figure 1, with the steel reinforcement properties of
by Eqn 22 which can be written as follows Ar = 1385 mm2, Er = 200 GPa and Lp = 132 mm, concrete
prism properties of Ac = 2215 mm2, Ec = 25 GPa fc = 30
2 MPa and fct = 2.74 MPa, and bond-slip properties of
Sp = τmax = 6.85 MPa, δ1 = 1.5 mm and δ 2 = 2.59 mm as
Lp  1 A  (100)
ke  + r  shown in Figure 4. The CEB-FIP Model Code 90
Ar  Er Ec Ac  (CEB.1992) bond-slip property O-B in Figure 4 is Eqn 69

2066 Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 15 No. 12 2012

Rahimah Muhamad, M.S. Mohamed Ali, Deric John Oehlers and Michael Griffith

τ (N/mm2) 3 Pr = Pr–cr = 36 kN
ƒct = 2.74 MPa

Concrete stress (MPa)

B B' Pr = 25 kN
6.85 A Linear ascending 2
Pr = 10 kN
ke C 1
0 ∞
1.5 2.59 δ (mm)
0.5 Sp = 554
Figure 4. Different value of bond stress material properties
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Distance from crack face (mm)
with the code recommended value for the exponent α in
Eqn 69 of 0.4. As the exponent α increases from 0.4 to Figure 5. Tensile concrete stress along prism length for linear
unity, the CEB-FIB Model Code 90 (CEB 1992) ascending τ−δ
variation approaches that of the linear ascending Eqn 14
with the stiffness ke as shown in Figure 4. The bond Pr = Pr–cr = 36 kN
stiffness ke used in Figure 4 is therefore a lower bound to ƒct = 2.74 MPa B

Concrete stress (MPa)

the CEB-FIB Model Code 90 (CEB 1992) stiffness’s. 2.5
The results of the analysis depicted in Figure 2(a) to 2
determine the crack spacing Sp is shown in Figure 5 for the
linear ascending bond characteristics in Figure 4. It can be Pr = 13.8 kN
seen in Figure 5 that the concrete stress builds up along the 1
length of the bar and peaks at a distance of 554 mm from 0.5
55 Sp = 72
the crack face. It can also be seen that the shape of this
distribution remains unchanged, that is, it peaks at 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Sp = 554 mm which is independent of the applied load Pr. Distance from crack face (mm)
Hence the crack spacing is independent of fct as Eqn 100
Figure 6. Tensile concrete stress along prism for CEB-FIP τ−δ
suggests. In contrast for the CEB-FIB Model Code 90
(CEB 1992) bond in Figure 6, the distance from the crack
face at which the stress in the concrete peaks is a function empirical models in Table 1 include the dependence on fct
of the reinforcement force so that the crack spacing is now and others do not.
a function of the tensile strength of the concrete. Hence it The results of analysing a concentrically loaded
can be seen that the shape of the bond-slip property prism using both the mechanics models developed in
determines the dependence of the crack spacing on the this paper and the empirical models in Table 1 are listed
tensile strength of the concrete which explains why some in Table 2. The linear ascending results are given in

Table 2. Results from structures mechanics models

Bond model Primary crack Primary crack load Secondary

spacing* (mm) (kN) crack load (kN)
(1) Linear ascending 554 36 103
(2) Non-linear 438 42 104
(3) CEB-FIP (α = 0.4) 72 [36]** 447
(4) CEB-FIP (α = 0.5) 106 [36]** 323
(5) CEB-FIP (α = 0.6) 151 [36]** 246
(6) CEB-FIP (α = 0.99) 596 [36]** 90
(7) Full interaction — [36]** —
(8) Eurocode 2 (2004) 54 — —
(9) CEB-FIP Model
Code 90
(CEB.1992) 93 — —
(10) Marti et al. 1998 27 — —

* If secondary cracks occur, they will have half this crack spacing
** [ ] values from full interaction value

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The Tension Stiffening Mechanism in Reinforced Concrete Prisms

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Haskett, M., Oehlers, D.J., Mohamed Ali, M.S. and Wu, C.
This research was supported by the Australian (2009b). “Yield penetration hinge rotation in reinforced
Research Council Discovery grant DP0985828 “A concrete beams”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE,
unified reinforced concrete model for flexure and Vol. 135, No. 2, pp. 130–138.
shear”. The first author also thanks the Universiti Hegemier, G.A., Murakami, H. and Hageman, L.J. (1985). “On
Teknologi Malaysia and the Ministry of Higher tension stiffening in reinforced concrete”, Mechanical Materials,
Education of Malaysia for financial support. Vol. 4, pp. 161–179.

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