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ZAMAN, DÖNEM / Before the twentieth century, scientists and philosophers rarely
BAŞKA BİR ZAMAN, DÖNEM investigated time travel, but today it is an exciting and deeply studied topic.
YER / BAŞKA BİR YER Although Coca-Cola is sold practically everywhere, it hasn't officially made
its way to North Korea or Cuba, as they are under long-term U.S. trade
KİŞİ / BAŞKA BİR KİŞİ As mathematics encompasses many different types of studies, its discovery
cannot be attributed to a single person, however, it developed slowly
over thousands of years with the help of thousands of people.
MİKTAR, ORAN / Though the share of energy in the cost of crop production is around 4 per
BAŞKA BİR ORAN, MİKTAR cent in most developed countries, it is between 8 and 20 per cent in some
larger developing countries such as Brazil, China and India.
BENZERLİK / FARKLILIK While people in all cultures and eras have felt the same type of pleasures
and pains, the meaning they have ascribed to their experiences has
probably varied widely.
(MİKTAR) Though the effects of climate change on tree growth in forests have been
ÇOK / AZ extensively studied, there is little information available so far for urban
ÇABA / BAŞARISIZLIK China has spent decades trying to save its iconic giant panda and has
celebrated real success in recent years; nevertheless, those efforts have
failed to protect leopards and other large carnivores that share its habitats.
ZORLUK / BAŞARI Despite the harsh repression of slavery, black people managed to
preserve the culture of their ancestry and articulate both their struggles
and hopes in their own words and images.
SOME / OTHER(S) Even though some people may respond to unemployment by cutting things
that cost extra, others turn to unhealthy coping skills like drugs and alcohol,
which can take a toll on health and well-being.
BELİRSİZLİK / NETLİK, Even if there is no definitive evidence, some studies have identified
İHTİMAL, OLASILIK, TAHMİN certain associations between tea drinking and mental health.
Although scientists are not completely certain why yawning is contagious,
it may be linked to empathy, age, and temperature.
FAYDA / ZARAR The advent of the Internet has brought with it the convenience of
shopping at our leisure in the comfort of our own home, but for many, the
allure of shopping for bargains can turn into an addiction.

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