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Enhancing Student Engagement Using the Flipped Classroom

Mary Beth Gilboy, PhD, RDN1; Scott Heinerichs, EdD, ATC2; Gina Pazzaglia, PhD, RDN1

The flipped classroom is an innovative pedagogical approach that focuses on learner-centered instruction.
The purposes of this report were to illustrate how to implement the flipped classroom and to describe
students’ perceptions of this approach within 2 undergraduate nutrition courses. The template provided
enables faculty to design before, during, and after class activities and assessments based on objectives using
all levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. The majority of the 142 students completing the evaluation preferred the
flipped method compared with traditional pedagogical strategies. The process described in the report was
successful for both faculty and students.
Key Words: flipped class, active learning, higher education (J Nutr Educ Behav. 2015;47:109-114.)
Accepted August 5, 2014. Published online September 26, 2014.

INTRODUCTION these approaches have merit in higher time away from challenging student
education. When faculty members thinking, guiding them to solving
Higher education has come under serve as both a sage on the stage as practical problems, and encouraging
intense scrutiny with regard to the well as a guide on the side, they can direct application of material through
demonstration of student learning. transform their course to meet the de- active learning with the instructor
Some of this discussion focuses on mands of today's learners and the calls present.8 Although lecture has been
the idea that institutions should for accountability. criticized, it is well documented that
consider alternative ways to deliver Educators have found that the this form of directed instruction is
curricula to meet the demands of the in-class lecture continues to prevail necessary to teach students in situa-
increasing amount of knowledge and as the predominant instructional tions where they hold little or no prior
skills students are expected to retain strategy in most classrooms across knowledge and where skills must be
and use upon graduation.1 The calls the country.3 This form of directed taught for students to apply later in
for accountability have encouraged instruction is what King referred to their career.
faculty to move from being a ‘‘sage as the ‘‘sage on the stage.’’2 The class- King's2 ideal of the guide on the
on the stage’’ to more of a ‘‘guide on room lecture alone has been criticized side is rooted in the constructivist the-
the side’’ (King, p. 30)2 in their teach- by many as an ineffective way to help ory of learning. This theory indicates
ing approaches as first introduced by students acquire needed knowledge that knowledge does not come
King over 20 years ago. A sage on the and skills.4,5 In addition, research packaged in professors' or students'
stage is an instructor who imparts on lectures has demonstrated that a heads to be transmitted to one
knowledge on the student through student's attention declines after the another.9 Rather, these individuals
lecture alone, whereas a guide on the first 10 minutes of class, and although (professors and students) possess in-
side provides students with assistance it may return at the end of a class, formation, not knowledge. Thus,
and correction to explore the content students remember only about 20% knowledge must be constructed or re-
independently or within a group. of material presented during the constructed by individuals by trying
Although King proposed a movement lecture.6,7 When used as the sole to make sense of new information in
from one approach to the other, it modality for a course, this type of terms of what they already may
should be understood that both of passive learning takes classroom know. The construction and recon-
struction of knowledge in which
students engage is best done through
the use of active learning strategies
(eg, problem-based learning, sim-
1 ulation, think-pair-share). A new
Department of Nutrition, College of Health Sciences, West Chester University of Pennsyl-
vania, West Chester, PA instructional approach in higher edu-
Department of Sports Medicine, College of Health Sciences, West Chester University of cation is the flipped classroom. This
Pennsylvania, West Chester, PA instructional approach combines
Address for correspondence: Mary Beth Gilboy, PhD, RDN, Department of Nutrition, both approaches described by King
College of Health Sciences, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Sturzebecker Health and enables faculty members to be
Science Center 319, West Chester, PA 19383; Phone: (610) 738-0559; Fax: (610) 436-2860; more thoughtful and strategic in their
E-mail: course design to achieve all levels of
Ó2015 SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION EDUCATION AND BEHAVIOR Bloom's taxonomy10 with the stu- dents present.

Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior  Volume 47, Number 1, 2015 109
110 Gilboy et al Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior  Volume 47, Number 1, 2015

In the flipped classroom, what is with active learning strategies such faculty to engage in the redesign of 1
traditionally done in class and as as pair-and-share activities, student traditionally delivered course to a
homework are switched or flipped. presentations and discussions, and blended course (50% online and 50%
For example, instead of students individual or paired quizzes empower- face-to-face [F2F]) using the flipped
listening to a lecture on public policy ing students to reach higher levels of classroom as an instructional
in class and then going home to Bloom's taxonomy.13 The researchers approach. Faculties attended monthly
work on a nutrition policy paper, stated that students in the flipped meetings throughout the semester
they read material and view videos class more often reported that instruc- and were provided pedagogical
on policy before coming to class and tors consistently encouraged active resources to help them better under-
then engage in active learning strate- student engagement and learning stand how to flip the classroom for
gies such as debates on current policy compared with a traditional class. their specific course. One tool pro-
issues and case studies during Educators at the School of Pharmacy, vided to faculty was a template outlin-
class. This type of instruction enables University of North Carolina, rede- ing the 3 components of the flipped
the professor to be with students signed a first-year pharmaceutics class: before class, during class (F2F),
when they are engaging in higher course that was a large lecture-style and after class. The template allowed
levels of Bloom's taxonomy, such as class into small-group, case-based faculty to be more intentional in their
application, analysis, and synthesis.10 classes to encourage more collabora- course design by requiring them to
Although there has been little research tive learning.14 Pierce and Fox15 im- clearly articulate the activities to occur
on the educational outcome as it re- plemented a flipped classroom for 1 within each component for every
lates to whether the flipped classroom module of their renal pharmaco- course topic. In addition, the template
increases student learning, there has therapy course. They used video encouraged faculty to demonstrate
been a lot of indirect research (eg, podcasts of lectures for students to that all levels of Bloom's taxonomy10
student and instructor satisfaction view before class. During face-to-face were evident within a course topic
surveys) promoting this approach. class time, students discussed interac- (Figure). For example, the work
Specifically, this instructional tive patient case scenarios to apply students engage in before the F2F class
approach is being used more often their knowledge. Students in the flip- focused more on lower levels of
within several allied health care disci- ped class had significantly higher Bloom's taxonomy (eg, remember,
plines (medicine, nursing, and phar- scores than those in the traditional understand) whereas the F2F portion
macy)11-15 and has demonstrated class; in addition, students had posi- of the flipped class allowed for
improved student–teacher interac- tive opinions on the active learning higher-level learning such as appli-
tions, opportunities for real-time feed- strategies. Although there is a lack of cation, analysis, and synthesis. The
back, and an increase in student direct educational outcome research final component, the after-class,
engagement by ‘‘speaking the lan- in this area, this is a novel approach continued to build on these higher
guage of today's students through the to teaching, and as Goodwin and levels of learning through formative
use of technology.’’8 Miller16 pointed out, ‘‘the absence of or summative assessments. In the
Within the medical education litera- evidence does not mean there is end, when this tool was executed it
ture, Pluta and colleagues11 reported evidence of absence.’’ If the flipped allowed both of King's2 approaches
collaborative learning trends using classroom is implemented with to be easily accomplished to enhance
methods such as problem-based conscious thought as to what the student learning.
learning and digital media to enhance educational research tells us about
content delivery outside the lecture learner-centered instruction, there is
hall. Faculty in a graduate-level nurse a reason to believe the flipped class- Application of Flipped Design
practitioner program reported that room can directly affect student
their pediatric nursing course was not learning. The purposes of this report Two 400-level, undergraduate nutri-
engaging students.12 Faculty rede- were to illustrate the implementation tion/dietetics (majors-only) classes,
signed the course using the flipped of the flipped classroom and to Professional Skills in Dietetics (PS)
classroom instructional approach by describe students' perceptions of this and Community Nutrition (CN),
adding weekly out-of-class videos and approach within 2 undergraduate were identified to explore the fe-
pre-class modules. Weekly online nutrition courses. asibility of modifying traditional lec-
quizzes taken after students completed tures into flipped classes for 4 course
the modules assessed students' knowl- topics. The class formats used a com-
edge of the material. Graduate nursing bination of passive (lecture) and
students reported satisfaction with the DESCRIPTION OF active learning strategies (discussion
flipped classroom and the active INTERVENTION and case studies). During the semester
learning methods used.12 Faculty Preparation of the application, 148 students were
Pharmacy educators redesigned a enrolled in 4 sections of PS and 48
basic pharmacy course using the Two nutrition professors were invited students were in 2 sections of CN. Stu-
flipped classroom approach with on- to participate in a university-wide dents in CN suggested spending more
line videos replacing class lectures initiative focused on the flipped class- class time discussing cutting-edge
and structuring class time as active room led by the university's faculty topics such as major public policy
learning strategies. Student-centered associate for teaching, learning, and changes and concerns with vulnerable
goals structured the course redesign assessment. This initiative required populations. In PS, students practiced
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior  Volume 47, Number 1, 2015 Gilboy et al 111

Before Class
Designing the online portion of the
flipped classroom (also referred to as
offloaded content) took into account
the work that the students could
master individually and most often
included lower-level learning (eg,
knowledge, comprehension). A sample
topic objective for the CN course was
Students will be able to recall policy
changes as these relate to nutrition. Both
delivery and content were structured
to help the student acquire content
knowledge and prepare for the applica-
tion of that content in the F2F class. For
the flipped design, online modules
included mini-lectures (between 10
and 15 minutes), videos obtained
from sources such as Khan Academy17
or Technology, Entertainment and
Design (TED) Talks,18 worksheets, or
written prompts to help students cap-
ture important material from the lec-
tures. Also used during the before-
class session were textbooks and sup-
plemental reading materials. Instruc-
tors used offloaded content that was
relevant to the topic of the class session
and avoided unnecessary overload or
busywork for the student. Instructors
used screen capture software (Camta-
sia, TechSmith, Okemos, Michigan,
2003; Snagit, TechSmith, 1990) to digi-
tize lectures to create the videos. After
recording and editing the lectures, the
material was uploaded on the univer-
sity's learning management system for
students to use. Upon conclusion of
the before-class assignments, students
completed a table as a low-stakes assess-
ment (low stakes is an assignment that
is a minimal percentage of the final
course grade as a way to ensure compli-
ance for the before-class work). Stu-
dents were required to bring the low-
stakes assessment to the F2F class to in-
crease student accountability and
encourage in-class participation.

During Class (F2F)

With the topic objectives in mind, the
F2F class was designed to apply the
Figure. Example of the flipped classroom planning template used for before, during, knowledge acquired by students in
and after the Professional Skills class. the online component using active
learning strategies. Active learning
strategies enabled students to achieve
professional skills and needed more applied the template (Figure) to help higher levels of learning within
time for application and practice. The organize the 3 components of a flipped Bloom's taxonomy (eg, application,
instructors of the nutrition courses classroom (before, during, and after). analysis, and synthesis). There are
112 Gilboy et al Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior  Volume 47, Number 1, 2015

many active learning strategies for ed- content). For example, for the topic lecture plus active learning in class)
ucators to use in the F2F class. When of theories and approaches to behavior compared with traditional methods
designing the F2F component, it is change using the jigsaw activity, stu- (eg, lecture only). A majority of stu-
important to choose only a dents completed essay questions on dents (70%) felt connected to the
few active learning strategies to use the final exam. Because many activities teacher during the virtual online
throughout the course rather than a were subject to either formal or component of the flipped classroom.
different one for each class. This will informal grading by the instructor in The open-ended comments of the
allow students to become familiar the F2F class, assessments did not survey revealed several major
with the active learning strategy and always have to be graded and were strengths of the flipped class format.
avoid the risk of students focusing able to be part of a summative assess- Students liked the ability to work at
on the process of the strategy rather ment. Assessments take many forms their own pace and time and were
than the learning related to content. including, but not limited to, essay able to apply what they learned
In the PS course, an active learning exams, case studies, presentations, during F2F class and throughout the
strategy called the jigsaw was used to reflection papers, test creation by stu- course. Concerns raised by the
teach theories and approaches to dents, and group testing. students included not having the pro-
behavior change in nutrition coun- fessor available to ask questions dur-
seling.19 This active learning strategy ing the out-of-class portion and the
required students to use a worksheet DESCRIPTION OF possibility that other students would
table that was completed during the EVALUATION not be prepared for the F2F active
online component. Students were Students’ Reactions learning strategies. These concerns
also encouraged to bring any other ma- are similar to what have been
terials they needed to complete The Human Subjects Committee of discussed in the literature regarding
activities in class. Students gathered West Chester University approved criticisms of this pedagogical
in their original workgroups (set up at the surveys for this study. Instructors approach.21-23 Suggestions for im-
the beginning of the semester). Each for CN and PS distributed anonymous provement based on these concerns
person in the workgroup was assigned surveys either in class or via an online are the use of a discussion board that
a theory or approach. In accordance survey to all students (n ¼ 196) to is set up to have alerts sent to the
with the jigsaw activity process, all stu- assess their perceptions of the flipped professor when the students post
dents in each group who were assigned classroom learning environment. individual questions and ensuring a
Theory 1 moved to the Theory 1 Expert The survey was constructed by the fac- quality check is done by the
Group. In these expert groups, stu- ulty associate who had experience in instructor at the beginning of the
dents worked on a series of critical pedagogy related to this approach F2F class for the low-stakes assess-
thinking questions provided by the and led the campus-wide initiative ments that students complete. An
instructor. Poster paper and markers on the flipped classroom. Cronbach example of a quality check would be
were supplied to each group and group alpha for the 5 Likert scale items was the professor circulating the room
answers were recorded on the poster performed and revealed a value of and evaluating student work quickly
paper. The instructor monitored the .71, an acceptable value for reli- at the beginning of class so students
process throughout and was able to ability.20 The survey also included 2 understand this work is valued and
guide student thinking as well as open-ended questions on students' are more willing to comply.
clarify misconceptions or incorrect in- opinions of the work before and dur-
formation. After all expert groups ing the flipped class. A total of 142
completed the F2F class assignment of 196 students (72%) voluntarily LESSONS LEARNED
and taped their posters along the walls completed the surveys.
of the classroom; students went back The Table lists students' level of Engaging in this type of course rede-
to their original groups. At that point, agreement on the key items from the sign is a rewarding experience but
each group rotated around the room survey. Approximately three-fourths there are several things to be aware
and the expert for each theory ex- of students (76%) preferred watching of to ensure success. The upfront
plained the information to original the video lecture over F2F lecture for time to digitalize lectures as well as
group members. the topic. A majority of students think of appropriate active learning
(64%) would rather participate in the strategies to use in class is extensive.
in-class activities for 2 class periods Faculty should seek help from instruc-
After Class rather than listen to the professor tional designers as well as teaching
lecture for the same amount of time. and learning centers on their respec-
Assessments are an integral part of the Almost two-thirds of students (62%) tive campuses to assist them. Also,
after-class component of the flipped thought that they learned the mate- although students are more engaged
classroom and should be aligned rial more effectively by viewing the with this type of instruction, it is
with the objectives of the offloaded online recorded lecture rather than important to obtain buy-in from
content and the in-class activities. F2F lecture. Half of the students students the first day of class. Specif-
These can be formative (eg, at the (56%) believed that they learned ically, students need to understand
end of the class assignment) or how to use the material for each topic the what, why, and how as they
summative (eg, exam, or portion of more effectively using the flipped pertain to the flipped classroom. In
an exam that covers several weeks of classroom format (eg, screen capture the end, instructors need to be direct
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior  Volume 47, Number 1, 2015 Gilboy et al 113

Table. Students’ Perceptions of Flipped Class Before and During Class

Total Strongly Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly

Survey Items Items, na Agree, n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) Disagree, n (%)
I liked the ability to watch the 141 55 (39) 52 (37) 20 (14) 11 (8) 3 (2)
video rather than having
straight lecture for this topic.
I would rather have the 140 6 (4) 21 (15) 23 (16) 45 (32) 45 (32)
professor lecture for 2 class
periods than complete the
activities that were carried
The use of screen casting 142 32 (23) 56 (39) 32 (22) 19 (13) 3 (2)
(videos) the lecture enabled
me to learn the material more
effectively than lecture alone.
I learned how to use the 142 27 (19) 53 (37) 41 (29) 17 (12) 4 (3)
material with these teaching
methods (screen cast of
lectures and active learning in
class) of instruction more
than I did when we used
traditional methods (lecture
only) of instruction.
I felt disconnected without a 139 6 (4) 19 (14) 17 (12) 59 (42) 38 (27)
teacher being present during
the virtual online class.
Overall n ¼ 142; not all respondents answered every question.

with students and define what the continual monitoring purposes, fac- past years when the course was taught
flipped classroom is, why this ulty should take advantage of revie- in a traditional format, to be
learner-centered teaching approach wing their course level analytics compared with grades on assessments
may be better than what is done in within the respective learning from the flipped classroom.
most traditional courses, and how management software (D2L, Kitch-
the instructor is going to accomplish ener, Ontario; Moodle, East Perth,
this (eg, provide a clear example using Western Australia; Blackboard, Wash- IMPLICATIONS FOR
a topic). There are several clips on the ington, DC; WebCT, Washington, RESEARCH AND
Internet that faculty can view and DC, etc) to track student log-in and PRACTICE
show the first day of class to capture time spent in modules for virtual class
this information and then speak to sessions. The flipped classroom is an instruc-
the video so that it is discipline- tional approach for use in college
specific to obtain student buy-in. In and university nutrition courses.
addition, it is important to remember Limitations Active learning is being used by
that the traditional F2F lecture can be many in higher education. However,
up to an hour long. However, with As previously noted, because of the what makes the flipped classroom
online lectures, students become bored novelty of this teaching approach, innovative is that it weds the sage on
or distracted if the recorded lecture is there is limited educational out- the stage with the guide on the side
over 15 minutes.6,7 Therefore, even if come research on the effectiveness of so that all learning styles can be
content requires more time, recorded the flipped classroom. A limitation addressed throughout the course.
lectures should be purposively se- of this report is that the results focus When this is done in a strategic and
gmented (eg, 10–15 minutes only on students' satisfaction re- deliberate way as described in this
maximum) to help minimize boredom garding their experience with the flip- report, faculty are able to achieve all
and distractions. When applicable, ped classroom. However, it is valuable levels of Bloom's taxonomy with the
faculty should seek alternative forms to understand students' perceptions instructor present. Educators in other
of lectures that capture the content, and these findings are promising health professions are using the flip-
such as Khan Academy or TED Talks. for future studies within the disci- ped classroom approach to promote
In the flipped classroom, students pline. Specifically, future research student-centered, active learning.
are held accountable to complete ac- can examine grades from assessments This report describes the process of
tivities before coming to class. For (eg, exams, papers, and projects) from implementing the flipped class in 2
114 Gilboy et al Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior  Volume 47, Number 1, 2015

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