LAS Intro. To Human Philo11 Quarter 2

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R e pu b lic o f the P hilippin e s

D e par tm e n t o f E du catio n
N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l R eg io n
Sc h o o l s D i v is i o n O f f ic e o f La s Piñ a s C i t y

DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully. Blacken the circle of the correct
answer in the answer sheet.

1. We are responsible for our action and no human being should come to an end to
him/herself. this simply means that people used the:
A. Freedom of choice C. Rational animal
B. Pleasure pain principles D. Rational thinker

2. The idea that freedom and determinism will never be compatible, instead the
choices we have will always be the alternate possibilities we have.
A. Compatibilism C. Libertarianism
B. Hard Determinism D. Soft Determinism

3. Which of the following situations clearly manifests a misconception about

upholding and expressing moral freedom?
A. Dennis always shows off his bisexual gender orientation through his clothes.
B. Sachi addressed his sentiments and concerns to the appropriate person he
intends to address with.
C. Toni always accommodates every person that comes along his way to broaden
his perspectives about life.
D. Xai always make decisions in her life based on her goals and aspirations with
reference to her strengths and weaknesses.

4. Freedom must refrain based on legality. Which of the following is NOT a form of
A. Freedom of choice C. Freedom of speech
B. Freedom of information D. Freedom of self-expression

5. Which of the following statements is considered as Psychological Freedom?

A. A person uses his/her freedom to grow as a person.
B. A person is free to perform actions that he/she considers right and wise.
C. A person has the freedom of mobility to go wherever he/she wants to go
D. A person uses his/her freedom in a manner that upholds human dignity.

6. Which of the following philosophical concepts does not belong in the essential
elements of freedom?
A. Power of volition C. Rationality of humans
B. Concept of free will D. Ability to make decisions

7. What do you call to the moral perspective that encourages individuals to help other
people most especially the vulnerable?
A. Alienation C. Empathy
B. Availability D. Ethics of care
8. When one has the full control over one’s life and decisions, one is enjoying what kind
of freedom?
A. Democratic Freedom C. Positive Freedom
B. Negative Freedom D. Psychological Freedom

9. Which is true about the concept of death?

A. End of bodily functions
B. It is an integral part of life.
C. It is not separation of the body and spirit.
D. Body is bounded to space and time

10. What do you call to the foundation of society that refers to the social conditions, which
enable individuals and groups to fulfill their goals and achieve their social well-being?
A. Common Good C. Social Contract
B. General Will D. Social Values

11. What kind of suffering is experienced when people feel depressed and lonely?
A. Mental Suffering C. Societal Suffering
B. Physical Suffering D. Spiritual Suffering

12. Carla is considered as a person with disability. She wishes to be respected and enjoy
the same opportunities in her class. What can you do to help her?
A. Give her food daily.
B. Stay away from her to avoid misunderstanding.
C. Give her a special treatment for she deserves it.
D. Treat her just the way I treated anyone in the class.

13. Which of the following takes place when we patiently endure discomfort and pain?
A. Death C. Love
B. Happiness D. Suffering

14. Which of the following is not a source of happiness?

A. Economic Good C. Pleasurable Good
B. Noble Good D. Useful Good

15. Which of the following situations clearly depict the highest level of self-other
A. Maeveen is being cautious and conscious of what she needs to say in high
B. Chester is fully aware that he is not the only person in the classroom.
C. Japheth is knowledgeable that all human beings have equal rights to live with.
D. Franz is conscious about what others might tell about his actions thus, he is
very careful in dealing with other people.

16. What action takes place when you take roles or act out characters when dealing with
certain people or in certain circumstances?
A. Availability C. Emptying
B. Dialogue D. Seeming

17. What do you think is the main reason why most people avoid discussions about the
concept of death?
A. Because people are afraid of dying.
B. Because death is a sacred concept in our traditions.
C. Because people do not have a clear idea about death.
D. Because life is too short to understand the underlying principles about death.

18. Who among the following philosophers posit the idea of death as having an inauthentic
existence in the world?
A. Jean Paul Sartre C. Soren Kierkegaard
B. Martin Heidegger D. Thomas Aquinas

19. Which of the following situations clearly depict the idea of being free individual?
A. People who behave erratically and impulsively
B. A person who always think before he or she acts.
C. An individual who is over dependent in computer games.
D. People who are always emotional in every kind of situations.

20. Who among the following philosophers developed the “Power of Volition” as an
attempt to explain how the concept of freedom works in a particular individual?
A. Aristotle C. Siddhartha Gautama
B. Jean Paul Sartre D. Jean Jacques Rousseau

21. Who among the following socio-political theorist’s states that people are govern by
their desires in their natural states, thus establishment of society is necessary to
control their natural tendencies?
A. John Locke C. Thomas Hobbes
B. John Rawls D. Jean Jacques Rousseau

22. Which of the following statements best describes Horticultural society?

A. Societal roles and responsibilities are task according to gender.
B. Large scale and long-term cultivation of crops and domestication of animals.
C. All members are equal and decisions usually arrived through consensus.
D. All members have higher educational attainment, better training and
specialized roles.

23. Which of the following concepts served as conditions of accountability?

A. Reason and Will
B. Choices and Responsibilities
C. Intentionality and Knowledge
D. Voluntariness and Responsibility

24. What element of nature did Japanese explain their concept of accepting death?
A. Cherry Blossoms C. Imperial Palace
B. Hiroshima and Nagasaki D. Mount Fuji

25. What do you call to the moral perspective that encourages individuals to help other
people most especially the vulnerable?
A. Alienation C. Empathy
B. Availability D. Ethics of care

26. What do you call to the foundation of society that refers to the social conditions, which
enable individuals and groups to fulfill their goals and achieve their social well-being?
A. Common Good C. Social Contract
B. General Will D. Social Values

27. What do you call to the less formal norms that arise from tradition and do not result
in punishment when violated?
A. Folkways C. Social Role
B. B. Laws D. Social Values

28. Which is not true about the concept of death?
A. End of bodily functions
B. It is an integral part of life.
C. Separation of the body and spirit.
D. Body is not bounded to space and time

29. What do you mean by social contract?

A. A constitution and bill of rights of a specific culture.
B. An unwritten social agreement between the ruled and rulers.
C. A way the governments come to agreement with their citizen.
D. An unwritten set of principles governing all those being ruled and those ruling.

30. Paulo believes that he can work despite of his blindness. He wishes to work to earn
money and support himself. Is it possible for him to live a normal life and earn a living?
A. No, because the government does not believe in his ability.
B. Yes, because he must contribute for the good of the country.
C. No, because the government focuses their attention on bigger problems of the
D. Yes, the government supports the PWD’s like him, through different policies
that cater the needs and support them to land in a job.

31. What do you call to the groups that perform vital functions in a society?
A. Social Classes C. Social Institution
B. Social Hierarchy D. Social System

32. Which of the following framework of analysis can explain inter-subjectivity conditions
and situations based on the levels of categories and concepts?
A. Conceptual Framework C. Subjective Framework
B. Practical Framework D. Theoretical Framework

33. Which of the following characteristics does not belong to feudal society?
A. Often traditional and resistant to social change.
B. Social relations are characterized by dependence.
C. Social groups are mark by access to economic resources.
D. People are very conscious about their place within the society.

34. Which of the following is the best example of intersubjectivity?

A. Basilio was born with vision in only one eye. Because of this, he had trouble in
perceiving depth.
B. When Norvy was fifteen, she went exploring in a cave and became trapped.
She is now afraid of closed spaces.
C. Yeng always loved dogs. When her parents let him choose a family pet, she
picks a stray dog roaming around in their subdivision.
D. When Ana was twelve, her sister told her that pickles are rotten cucumbers.
Because of this, Ana now orders all her burgers without pickles.

35. Which of the following situations clearly depict a full grasp of how you exercise your
positive freedom?
A. Keep going despite of personal struggles and confusion.
B. Loving someone even if it means to hurt yourself repeatedly.
C. Accepting defeat and realizing your strengths and limitations.
D. Valuing the people around you and appreciating their existence.

36. How will you apply the wisdom of Buddhists in accepting the concept of death?
A. Mourn for the rest of your life.
B. Seek ways to prolong you time spent here on earth.
C. Accept death as a part of the natural process of life.
D. Deviate from the old traditions and norms about death.

37. What do you call to the process of awakening the seeds of good deeds that lay
dormant in the heart of a person?
A. Consciousness C. Realization
B. Happiness D. Satisfaction

38. What kind of suffering is experienced when loneliness and grief facilitates our current
A. Mental suffering C. Physiological suffering
B. Physical suffering D. Spiritual suffering

39. Which of the following characteristics is not visible in industrial societies?

A. Work is done in factories and public education is more prevalent.
B. Society is characterized by greater inequalities in wealth, power and influence.
C. Individuals in a society often engage in a complex relationship and have fluid
D. Societies are often defined by the nature of work and the prevailing industry in
an area.

40. Which of the following philosopher’s views best explain death as a full stop or end of
the line?
A. Tele C. Terminus
B. Telos D. Co-terminus

41. Which of the following is not an example of mental suffering?

A. Anxiety C. Fear
B. Distress D. Grief

42. Which of the following does not manifest a proper way expressing freedom in a more
responsible and beneficial manner?
A. It should be exercised with control and recognition.
B. It should be exercised with full of decency and pride.
C. It should be exercised with regard for knowledge and truth.
D. It should be exercised with full recognition of individual freedom and of others.

43. Which of the following situations clearly manifests a notion of accountability?

A. A grade 2 student mistaken used a real gun as a toy gun and then shoots his
B. Suppose someone suddenly holds and moves your hand, which then causes
you to spill your coffee on somebody’s laptop.
C. A factory manager does not create preventive measures to protect the health
of his workers from hazardous fumes emitted in his factory, which resulted to
the acquisition of his workers of serious sickness
D. Riel was asked by his classmates to keep a school bag in his custody for they
will be leaving for a while, not realizing that it was the bag of his schoolmate at
the other section who was hospitalized.

44. What do you call to the international sports competition modeled after Olympics that
features athletes with disabilities?
A. Dislympics C. Para-Athletes
B. Paralympics D. PWD Olympics

45. Which if the following situations will be created if you follow the idea of Martin Buber’s
“I-Thou” Theory?
A. You will make decisions based on the consensus and concerns of other
members of the community.
B. You will just create a new school policy based on what is written in the
memorandum circular of DepEd.
C. You will always think of a solution to a particular problem based on your
personal takes and preferences alone.
D. You will always ask your classmate to bring all your things in the students lobby
because you knew that he has a crush on you.

46. Who among the socio-political theorists explained the concept behind the initial steps
of our current President in his war on drugs?
A. David Gauthier C. Soren Kierkegaard
B. Jean Jacques Rousseau D. Thomas Hobbes

47. Which of the following concepts about freedom is consider as vital in the proper
exercise of human freedom?
A. Self-determination C. Self-reflection
B. Self-recognition D. Self-restoration

48. Who among the socio-political theorists explained the concept behind the initial steps
of our current President in his war on drugs?
C. David Gauthier C. Soren Kierkegaard
D. Jean Jacques Rousseau D. Thomas Hobbes

49. Commission on Human Rights also known as, CHR is an example of what element
in the society?
A. Social Class C. Social Institution
B. Social Group D. Social Status

50. Which of the following statements is not true about society?

A. It is a companionship or friendly association with others.
B. It is a product of deliberate actions of individuals to work with the common
C. It is an agreement where individual’s sacrifice an amount of their freedom and
submit it to higher authority.
D. It is an organized group of people whose members interact frequently and
have a common territory and culture.

Answer Key
1. D 26. A
2. B 27. C
3. C 28. C
4. A 29. B
5. B 30. A
6. A 31. A
7. D 32. D
8. C 33. A
9. B 34. C
10. A 35. A
11. B 36. C
12. C 37. C
13. A 38. C
14. A 39. B
15. D 40. B
16. B 41. B
17. C 42. A
18. C 43. A
19. A 44. D
20. D 45. C
21. A 46. A
22. D 47. B
23. D 48. A
24. A 49. C
25. C 50. A

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