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Ability Score Adjustment: Characters with a 15 or

The Art of Delving higher in the relevant Ability Score add 1 on their 5+
roll. Those with a 6 or lower subtract 1.
A general purpose d6 roll is used for determining
success or failure when undertaking various mundane Race Adjustment: Characters of varying race will either
tasks in the game. Refs can adjust the target 5 as add 1 or subtract 1 on their 5+ roll.
needed, increasing it to 6 or lowering it to 4 or less as
the game demands. Core Tasks: Tasks which any character may undertake
during the game.
Note: It is suggested that Refs avoid simply reducing Disarm Trap: Apply STR or DEX, determined by type.
these acts to straightforward dice rolls. Encourage Eavesdrop: Humankind -1.
player reasoning and input, and reward or penalize Find Secret Door: Elf and Aelfar +1.
them accordingly. The 5+ roll is a baseline suggestion, Find Trap: Dwarf and Dvergar +1.
one which should be modified depending upon how Open Door: Apply STR. Hobbit, Doende and Irkling -1.
the characters are attempting them, the prevailing Unlock: Apply DEX.
circumstances, and the difficulty of the particular Sneak: Hobbit and Doende +1.
Bonus Tasks: Bonus Tasks can be raised as well with
The 5+ Rule: the accumulation of pips, but may not be selected as a
Roll 1d6 Master Delver's specialty.
1: Absolute Failure Sense Direction: Irkling only.
2-4: Failure Sense Secret Door: Elf and Aelfar only.
5: Success Sense Trap: Dwarf and Dvergar only.
6: Success and roll again. With a result of 6 on the roll
again, the character denotes one pip above the Master Delver: Once a character has gained a +1
relevant task. bonus to the first six Core Tasks (all except Sneak)
through the accumulation of pips, he or she can claim
Improving with Experience: When six such pips are the title of Master Delver. At that time the player shall
earned the character gains a permanent +1 on all 5+ select one, and only one Core Task with which he or she
checks with that particular task. No further bonuses shall receive a further bonus of 1 on all 5+ rolls in that
may be gained in this manner for that particular task. endeavor. For example, it is possible for a Dwarf to
See Master Delver, below. become a Master Delver with a Find Trap specialty,
gaining a bonus of +3 on all 5+ rolls for that task.

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