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Asalamualaikum wr.


praise be to Allah the lord of the world who is giving us sound

of body and sound of mind giving us the power giving us the soul
giving spirit giving us the feelling and hundred thousand of other
mercy and bleesing from Allah sWT.

Salawat and salam or bleesing and salutation hopefully be

delivered by Allah sWT. To our prophet Muhammad
sAW.muhammad sAW is the single one. best of the best among
the prophet and rasulullah. No one ever ahead of him. He showed
us the way to lead to Allah Swt.with his fighting, with his struggle
and with his sacrifice till to day we are being as muslem . then we
hope, Allah Swt also gives blessing and salutation to Muhammad
family,friends, and ulama mutaqaddimin and ulama

My lovely honorable to my parent who was born me

my greatest honorable to ……..
respectable to…

My best honorable to all my friends who was present at this happy


(di sesuaikan dengan acara)

I should never forget to thanks to organizing committee, who has

given me the opportunity to deliver my speech on the topic:


Ladies and gentlemen,

Do you understand what difference between human and animal?

Allah create mind for human. With mind, human become

honorable.everybody has to taking care their mind.if their mind is
good ,their bodies will good and health too.
If everybody destroy their mind, their prestige is no different wit
animal.their position are same to animal. They are no more as
best and complete creature.

ALLAH said in holy Quran

We have indeed created man in the best of moulds. Then do we abase him
(to be) the lowest of the follow


Everybody who consumption drug will disturb their mind. When

their mind disturb they cannot think positively

We all understand the worst condition right now. Drug strike all
level of society aspecially student and other young generation


Young generation is our future. We have to take care our young
generation. We have to save from drug


They ask the concerning wine and gambling. Say:in them is great
sin, and some profit for man but the sin greater then profit.

Be basic on Islamic canon law, drug and all of kind is compared to

wine or liquor, therefore its sentence is proscribed.

We received an information from rasulullah who retold by


every beverage intoxicate proscribed.

Brothers and sister!!!

Majelis ulama Indonesia or ulama assembly of Indonesia,
instructed in 1976 that drug abuse is proscribed and appeal to all
of society to avoid and protect their self and their family and take
participation to fight it and to inform to official who has authority
if find drug abuse among people.
Drug sirculation among students, especially moslem youth is to
damage their moral. This worst activity run out by syndicate who
need height benefit without responsible to nation future. Their
target is young generation, especially the students.
The effect of drug are really worst. The physician said that smoke
drug could not care out. Drug syndicate has no place in the world.
The syndicate and circulate drug is international evil.

Ladies and gentleman,,,,

The negative side-effect of drug abuse are
Euphoria is a feeling glad and happy where there is different
with is reality.
2. delirium
Delirium is awareness decress, followed by great neryousness,
suddenly disturb the nerve system.
3. hallucination
It is a wrong perception of the five senses, where someone sees
or listen something only on his imagination without reality.
Weakness physics and physiologies is appearance, descreasing
of body resistance and thinking ability and memory.
Drowsiness is awareness decreasing, as like as asleep followed
by disturbing memory.

Ladies and gentlement

I have explained you about disadvantage in drug problem. I am
sure if you are agree with my idea, consume drug will effect to
body and mind. Body will thick and dry.mind will nervous. They
cannot think positively again.
Nowadays, drug circulation between student and youth is in
dangerous condition. We must to prevent it.
We must to act now. We must to take care our young generation.
We must dare to say “war”. Government leader of society do not must work hard to syop wearing drug.
Cath their syndicate! Do not protect their industry! Do not inherit
thiscountry to drug generation. Stop drug! Stop drug!

Ladies and gentlemen!

To day I have attempted to describe some of the worst aspect of
drug. I thank you all for for you kind attention and I am looking
forward to another opportunity of seeing you again.
That’s all I could give you in this time...if there are any things
that you found on my speech as a wrong, I would like to get
apologies and apologies.thank you very much, finally I
say.wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

examples of short speech about drugs

created by :
The third grade students of sma Ruhul

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