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Datos del Estudiante Nota

Nombres: Luisa Quiñones, Ariel García, Galo Vega

Materia: Qualitative Research.

Carrea: Pedagogía en Idiomas

Fecha: 16/01/2022
Nacionales y Extranjeros.

Tarea Nro. 04




Topic: Use of the ERCA Method for teaching the reading and writing of

demonstrative pronouns in the English language, for seventh grade students of the

“Abelardo Moncayo” Educational Unit 2021-2022.

Educational Research Report

CAREER: Pedagogy in National and Foreign Languages.


AUTHORS: Luisa Quiñones.

Ariel García.

Galo Vega.


The purpose of this research is to determine possible problems existing in the learning of literacy,
which proposes a new proposal teaching based on the ERCA method that helps overcome learning
problems of personal pronouns that occur in the students and is expressed in their poor academic
performance, so that they feel motivated and with greater security at the time of their learning.
Reading is very important for the development of students so an analytical and updated method must
be applied to direct the student to make a habit of reading for pleasure and not by obligation.

Design a didactic proposal for the application of the ERCA method, in the process of reading-writing
in boys and girls of seventh year of the Educational Unit Abelardo Moncayo, from the city of
Atuntaqui, in order to propose alternative solutions, so that teachers can teach classes in a more
active and dynamic way and students can internalize this process.

The present work was used bibliographical research, within the methods of the descriptive study was
used, the population to be investigated were the teachers and students of the institution, the
techniques used were the survey, the observation and the interview, as an instrument the
questionnaire, the data obtained were tabulated, analyzed and presented in terms of percentages. We
will conclude by saying that the ERCA method is practical when a teacher applies it with efficiency,
creativity and responsibility, the analysis of this work is recommended in order that the teacher
knows the didactic proposal to apply it and improve the teaching-learning process.

CHAPTER I…………………………………………………………………………….5
RESEARCH PROBLEM……………………………………………………………….5
1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT…………………………………………………………5
1.2 PROBLEM FORMULATION……………………………………………………...6
1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES………………………………………………………..6
1.3.1 GENERAL…………………………………………………………………..….6
1.3.2 SPECIFIC……………………………………………………………………….6
1.4 JUSTIFICATION……………………………………………………………….…..6
CHAPTER II……………………………………………………………………………7
2.1 QUALITATIVE…………………………………………………………………….8
2.2 INTERVIEW…………………….……………………………………………….…8
2.3 POLL ……………………………………………………………………………….9
2.4 OBSERVATION …………………………………………………………………..10
CHAPTER III…………………………………………………………………………..15
3.1 RESEARCH PROJECT: RESULTS…..…………………………………………...15
CHAPTER IV…………………………………………………………………………..39
4.1 OF THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE……………………….…………………………39
CHAPTER V……………………………………………………………………………41
5.1 CONCLUSIONS ……………………………………………………………….…..41
5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS……………………………………………………………41
ANEXES ………………………………………………………………………………..43

1.1 Problem Statement.

The teaching-learning process of reading and writing demonstrative pronouns begins at home,
long before children enter school, this is how this stage is the background of experiences that children
have. The limited application of didactic strategies with active techniques provides traditional,
receptive learning with unidirectional and imposing classes emitting messages in one direction and
rote learning, the transmission of information and repetitive knowledge predominate.
Worldwide, with technological advancement and versatility in global communications, reading and
writing became more accessible due to the ease of downloading texts with technological instruments
such as smartphones and easy-to-transport tables, however, a student You will not be able to read and
write without using a method that helps you understand the entire literacy process.

The educational system of Ecuador at all levels, there are several problems that leave many lapses
in student learning, such as: low academic performance, unmotivated students
due to lack of application of active techniques in the learning cycle; The lack of specific and timely
training plays an important role in the performance of national authorities in the educational field and
specifically of the teacher who continues to use traditional methods, techniques and strategies.
In the Province of Imbabura, through a diagnosis it was found that teachers use traditional, boring,
passive techniques, the child is limited only to being a listener and transmitter of knowledge that only
last in the short term.

At the "Abelardo Moncayo" Educational Unit in the city of Atuntaqui, it can be seen that some
teachers use the ERCA method sporadically within their daily plans, so the students are not
motivated because the classes are routine.

1.2 Problem formulation:

The scarce or limited use of didactic and pedagogical strategies has a negative impact on the
learning process of the English language, affecting the literacy of seventh grade students of the
“Abelardo Moncayo” Educational Unit 2021-2022.

1.3 Research Objectives.

1.3.1 General.
Develop a didactic proposal with the application of the ERCA method, in the process
of learning in reading and writing in children of seventh year of basic education in the
Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo" of the city of Atuntaqui.

1.3.2 Specific.
• Know the benefits of the ERCA method and its application in the literacy process.
• Identify techniques for the development of the ERCA method in order to obtain better results in
reading and writing.
• Design the didactic proposal based on the ERCA method to apply it to children in the seventh year
of EGB.

1.4 Justification.
This research deals with a very important issue within the school environment, teaching - learning
with the ERCA method, since it is a very significant adaptation process in students, which fully
involves the child, this method will help in a scientific way. to acquire abilities and skills in reading
and writing, for this reason innovative and didactic methods should always be sought that stimulate
the student, for a greater understanding.
However, the process of improving reading and writing comprehension should not be limited to the
classroom, as it was well said, the teaching of students begins at home, therefore, it is of the utmost
importance to address the role of the methodology ACKD in the daily lives of students both in the
"Abelardo Moncayo" Educational Unit and in their homes. “To read and compose, a progression of
skills and abilities must be consolidated, which is achieved when the child experiences
multidisciplinary encounters through

of development, which allows him to develop the elements of the mind and order his perceptions,
which creates learning.
The problems of reading and writing should have an effective response by teachers, unfortunately the
traditional pedagogical practice of some teachers who do not adequately motivate learning for this
reason students do not understand when reading a text and this causes difficulties in school
performance the most frequent drawbacks are because they do not have clear ideas, characteristics,
meanings, sequence and events, they do not identify scenarios, characters and it is difficult for them
to express what they read through a message, for which it can be said that the teacher must to have a
class model that allows it to be participatory and creative, where the student is able to develop their
cognitive and intellectual abilities.



2.1 Qualitative.

The present investigation carried out in the Seventh Year of Basic General Education of the
“Abelardo Moncayo” Educational Unit has a qualitative approach, since it was used different
techniques for collecting and analyzing results to test hypotheses about learning to read and write in
students. The technique of Interview and survey with their respective instrument were applied to the
teachers of the institution, while the observation with its respective instrument was applied in the

2.2 Interview.
The interview technique consists of a questionnaire of ten concrete and clear questions
formulated with answers according to the Likert scale, which is the main instrument of the interview.
In the first place to carry out the interview, the group met where an investigation was carried out on
the subject to address it, the information continues with the formulation of the questions that will be
posed to the teaching, where the objective is to know the methodologies. and strategies on the
performance of teaching-learning of reading and writing, which will help us to investigate and know
the reality of the problems that children have to learn to read and write in the English language,
considering the ERCA method in the institution. This technique was directed to Martha Bonilla,
Seventh Year of EGB of the Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo" in the city of Atuntaqui during
the 2021-2022 school year.
¿So that?
To achieve the objective of the investigation.
¿Of what people or objects?
Teacher of the Seventh Year of EGB of the Educational Unit ¨Abelardo Moncayo¨
Interviewer Galo Vega.
November 21, 2021.

¿How often?
One time.
¿What collection techniques?
Teacher interview.
¿With what?
Questionnaire with specific and clear questions.
¿In what situation?
At the ¨Abelardo Moncayo¨ Educational Unit in the city of Atuntaqui.

2.3 Poll.
The survey consists of a questionnaire with ten specific and clear questions formulated with
responses according to the Likert scale, which is the main instrument of the survey. First, to carry out
the survey, the group where an investigation was carried out on the subject met with this report, it
continues with the formulation of the questions that will be asked to the teachers, where the objective
is to know the methodologies and strategies on the performance of teaching. -learning to read and
write the English language, which will help us to investigate and know the reality of the problem that
children have to learn to read and write in this language, hence the ERCA method in the institution.
This survey was directed to teachers of the Seventh Year of EGB of the Educational Unit "Abelardo
Moncayo" of the city of Atuntaqui in the 2021-2022 school year.
¿So that?
To achieve the research objectives
¿Of what people or objects?
Teachers of the Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo"
Researcher Luisa Quiñonez
November 21, 2021
Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo" city of Atuntaqui
¿How often?
One time
¿What collection techniques?

Survey applied to teachers
¿With what?
Semi-structured questionnaire
¿In what situation?
Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo".

2.4 Observation.
The observation sheet is composed of a questionnaire of 9 very good questions formulated. In the
first place, to make the observation sheet, the group met where an investigation was made on the
subject with this report proceeds to raise the questions that will be asked to teachers, in order to
collect information on what techniques would apply the teachers of the Educational Unit "Abelardo
Moncayo" to learning to read and write demonstrative pronouns. This observation file was made on
November 21 of this year at a time established by the establishment authorities. The research
instrument is the observation sheet in which it is formulated as follows:
¿So that?
To achieve the research objectives.
¿Of what people or objects?
Teachers of the Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo".
Researcher Ariel García.
November 21, 2021.
Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo" city of Atuntaqui.
¿How often?
One time.
¿What collection techniques?
Observation sheet applied to teachers.

Basic or pure research

Kemmis and McTaggart in 1988 described basic or pure research as “the process of reflection in
a certain area of the problem, where you want to improve practice or personal understanding. The

professional conducts a study to clearly define the problem and specify an action plan. Then, an
evaluation is carried out to verify and establish the effectiveness of the action carried out”.
Taking these arguments, the importance of conducting basic research has been considered since it is
fundamental for our type of research study.

Type of qualitative research

One-on-one interview
We will use the interview method one by one, to individually investigate students and teachers to
have answers about what could be the types of teaching and the problems that students have with
those types and improve their learning with the use of the ERCA method.

The interview conducted was applied to teacher Martha Bonilla, a teacher at the "Abelardo
Moncayo" Educational Unit, who teaches classes as an English teacher in the seventh year of basic
general education, where she provided us with information on the methodology and the creation of
resources that she applies. in your classroom, and also the teaching materials you use.

Question N ° 1: ¿What playful activity did you do to better learn to read demonstrative
pronouns with your students?
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “Personally, she applied several
recreational activities that are very useful, this to which I must maintain one hundred percent of
attention of the children, for example I present them didactic material such as reading accompanied
by graphics or cartoons so that children get their attention and are interested in learning to read in
English, I also create a card game with little phrases and I make them choose and that way they are
curious about the content, accompanied by incentives”.
Interpretation: We can interpret that the teacher motivates her students with colorful prizes and
materials such as cartoons are easy to use understand.

Question N ° 2 ¿Is the use of didactic resources favorable, as a tool in the reading?
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “If the use of resources is favorable didactic as a
tool in reading, since in this way we motivate children to that they are interested in the work we want
to do, such as being able to include drawings in the readings”.

Interpretation: Given the results obtained, we see that the teacher thinks that if it is favorable the
use of didactic resources for learning -teaching of reading and writing in this way the child learns
more quickly to read and write, feeling more comfortable when participating in the different

Question N ° 3: What opportunities do students have to be offered a method different in

teaching reading?
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “A different method will help in a better way to
develop the teaching of reading as it will be something new for the kids".
Interpretation: It can be concluded that, by allowing the application of new methods, knowledge
and skills, will be reflected in the child since he will be the protagonist of his own learning and will
positively influence their reading development.

Question N ° 4: From an educational point of view, why the use of speed Reading is it suitable
in education?
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “It is important to use speed Reading since it offers
children multiple benefits, such as reading quickly they spend less time, they also learn to recognize
terms and keywords.
Interpretation: With the intervention of the Chimbacalle school teacher, it is possible to say that
through speed reading the association capacity of knowledge that we already have with new concepts
and if the ERCA method is applied, you would get better results.

Question N ° 5: What are the main difficulties in learning to read? ¿What can you show in the
students? At the time of teaching your class
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “That the difficulty in reading my students are the
problems to read words, they confuse the phonemes, so it indicates that it is necessary to apply the
ERCA method; the same one that has given better results in the performance of their students”.
Interpretation: It is interpreted that by applying the ERCA method, the student learns in an easy and
efficient way; however, it is a technique that interprets theories cognitive aspects of learning, which
starts from a concrete experience to generate new experiences.

Question N ° 6: Do you think that the teaching methods that exist in the institution are enough
for what education demands today?
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “They are not enough yet, since the students still
have difficulties in which the teacher must guide, assist and awaken interest in the process of their
development of learning, capacities and skills".
Interpretation: According to the opinion of the teacher of the Educational Unit ¨Abelardo
Moncayo¨, it is concluded that the educational institution has to update its teaching methods
since the methods used are not sufficient to awaken the interest and this makes learning difficult for

Question N ° 7: Personally, what method do you prefer your students to work with? for a better
reading comprehension?
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “There are several methods that are applied to
discover various reading strategies, but the method he frequently applies is the ERCA method as it
allows the development of multiple intelligence in the classroom with the purpose of improving
teaching for better performance”.
Interpretation: It can be concluded that when applying the ERCA method, the development of the
children's learning is reflected in learning that will positively influence in its development.

Question N ° 8: What is the greatest difficulty you encounter when evaluating the reading on
your students?
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: "The greatest difficulty in Reading his students are
the problems to read words or understand what he reads, that is why he indicates that the ERCA
method is necessary; the same one that has given better results in the performance of their children”.
Interpretation: It can be concluded that by applying the ERCA method, the student learns in an
organized and systematic way; However, it is an inter-learning technique at cognitive theories of
learning, which start from a concrete experience to generate new experiences.

Question N ° 9: According to your point of view, what type of reading do people prefer the
most? students?

Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “Reading is fundamental for all people, especially
for students, as I have second year kids, they have an inclination to fables, because when reading
them and changing the tone of voice, I get the attention of all of them. "
Interpretation: It is very important to encourage children to read from a young age as it has many
benefits among them to develop the imagination, expand your vocabulary because depending on the
age will come the inclination to literary tastes.

Question N ° 10: Do you consider that parents contribute to the learning of the student
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “Parents contribute to the learning to read in their
children, in this way they will develop their reading skills and improve their skills”.
Interpretation: From what has been said, it can be concluded that parents play a role important in
students' learning to read, as their role will influence positively in the learning process of their

Sample (Group)
The sample was taken from 6 of 10 students and 5 of 8 teachers, we investigated all of them with
what their problems were and what the teaching methods were, showing a greater part that they did
not use the ERCA study method and the students did not understand well or did not understand. The
method currently used to teach them made it difficult for them, giving a result that the ERCA type of
teaching should be used more to strengthen the study of students

Level of research
The level of investigation was exploratory, we investigated by asking the students and students to
know the use of the teaching method and the learning problems using interviews, to identify the
difference of the problems and which ones coincide in addition to the use of the teaching method
used by the teachers and which one of them gives the students more problems.

Research Project: Results
Use of the ERCA Method for teaching the reading and writing of demonstrative pronouns in the
English language, for seventh grade students of the “Abelardo Moncayo” Educational Unit 2021-
Results of:

a) Interview.
The interview conducted was applied to Professor Martha Bonilla, a teacher at the Unit
Educativa "Abelardo Moncayo", who teaches classes as a language and literature teacher
of the seventh year of basic general education, where he provided us with information about
the methodology and recreational resources that he applies in his classroom, and also on the
teaching materials you use.

Question N ° 1: ¿What playful activity did you do to better learn to read? with your students?
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “Personally, she applied several recreational
activities that are very useful, this to which I must maintain one hundred percent of attention of the
children, for example I present them didactic material such as reading accompanied by graphics or
cartoons for children to capture their attention and are interested in learning to read, I also create a
card game with little phrases and I make them choose and thus they are curious about the content,
accompanied by incentives”.
Interpretation: We can interpret that the teacher motivates her students with colorful prizes and
materials, like cartoons, are easy to use understand.

Question N ° 2: ¿Is the use of didactic resources favorable, as a tool in the Reading?
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: "If the use of resources is favorable
didactic as a tool in reading, since in this way we motivate children to
who are interested in the work we want to do, such as being able to include drawings
in the readings”.
Interpretation: Given the results obtained, we see that the teacher thinks that if it is favorable the
use of didactic resources for learning -teaching of reading and writing in this way the child learns
faster to read and write, feeling more comfortable when participating in different activities.

Question 3: ¿What opportunities do students have to be offered a method?
different in teaching reading?
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “A different method will help in a
best way to develop the teaching of reading as it will be something new for the
Interpretation: It can be concluded that, by allowing the application of new methods,
knowledge and skills, will be reflected in the child since he will be the protagonist of his
own learning and positively influence their reading development.

Question N ° 4: ¿From an educational point of view, why the use of speed Reading is it suitable in
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “It is important to use speed Reading since it offers
children multiple benefits, such as reading quickly they spend less time, they also learn to recognize
terms and keywords.
Interpretation: With the intervention of the Chimbacalle school teacher, it is possible to say that
through speed reading the association capacity of knowledge that we already have with new concepts
and if the ERCA method is applied, you would get better results.

Question N ° 5: ¿What are the main difficulties in learning to read? ¿What can you show in the
students? At the time of teaching your class
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “That the difficulty in reading my students are the
problems to read words, they confuse the phonemes, so it indicates that it is necessary to apply the
ERCA method; the same one that has given better results in the performance of their students”.
Interpretation: It is interpreted that by applying the ERCA method, the student learns in an easy and
efficient way; however, it is a technique that interprets theories cognitive aspects of learning, which
starts from a concrete experience to generate new experiences.

Question N ° 6: ¿Do you think that the teaching methods that exist in the institution are enough for
what education demands today?

Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “They are not enough yet, since the Students still
have difficulties in which the teacher must guide, assist and awaken interest in the process of their
development of learning, capacities and skills".
Interpretation: According to the opinion of the teacher of the Educational Unit ¨Abelardo
Moncayo¨, it is concluded that the educational institution has to update its teaching methods since the
methods used are not sufficient to awaken the interest and this makes learning difficult for students.

Question N ° 7: ¿Personally, what method do you prefer your students to work with? for a better
reading comprehension?
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “There are several methods that are applied to
discover various reading strategies, but the method he frequently applies is the ERCA method as it
allows the development of multiple intelligence in the classroom with the purpose of improving
teaching for better performance”.
Interpretation: It can be concluded that when applying the ERCA method, the development of the
children's learning is reflected in learning that will positively influence In its development.

Question N ° 8: ¿What is the greatest difficulty you encounter when evaluating the reading on your
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: "The greatest difficulty in Reading his students are
the problems to read words or understand what he reads, that is why he indicates that the ERCA
method is necessary; the same one that has given better results in the performance of their children”.
Interpretation: It can be concluded that by applying the ERCA method, the student learns in an
organized and systematic way; However, it is an inter-learning technique at cognitive theories of
learning, which start from a concrete experience to generate new experiences.

Question N ° 9: ¿According to your point of view, what type of reading do people prefer the most?
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “Reading is fundamental for all people, especially
for students, as I have second year kids, they They have an inclination to fables, because when
reading them and changing the tone of voice, I get the attention of all of them. "

Interpretation: It is very important to encourage children to read from a young age as it has many
benefits among them to develop the imagination, expand your vocabulary because depending on the
age will come the inclination to literary tastes.

Question N ° 10: ¿Do you consider that parents contribute to the learning of the student reading?
Analysis: The teacher Martha Bonilla, responds: “Parents contribute to the learning to read in their
children, in this way they will develop their reading skills and improve their skills ”.
Interpretation: From what has been said, it can be concluded that parents play a role important in
students' learning to read, as their role will influence positively in the learning process of their

b) Survey.
The survey was carried out to the teachers of the Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo"
who develop their lesson plan which is aimed at second year students of basic general education, to
know the strengths and weaknesses of the children and if have the respective support and monitoring
and the results obtained are as follows following:

Question N° 1: ¿Do students have difficulty pronouncing difficult words?

Table 1. Difficulty pronouncing words
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 5 50%
Sometimes. 1 10%
Rarely. 2 20%
Never. 2 20%
Total. 10 100%
Source: Survey for second-year EGB teachers. Prepared by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.






Figure 1. Difficulty pronouncing difficult words Elaborated by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.

Analysis: According to the results obtained with the question if their students have difficulty
pronouncing difficult words, 5 teachers representing 50% states that always; 1 teacher representing
10% states that sometimes; two teachers who represent 20% say that almost never; and 2 teachers
representing 20% say never.
Interpretation: We can deduce that most teachers have problems in their students when pronouncing
certain words and a small part does not have any kind of difficulty.

Question Nº2 ¿Are the materials you use for reading and writing attractive?
Table 2. Reading materials.

Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.

Yes. 7 70%
No. 3 30%
Total. 10 100%
Source: Survey of EGB seventh-year teachers. Prepared by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.

Yes No



Figure 2. Materials for reading. Prepared by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.

Analysis: 7 of the teachers representing 70% affirm that the materials they used for reading and
writing are striking, while 3 teachers representing the 30% say no.
Interpretation: Arguing the response of the teachers surveyed, we see that there is a majority that if
they use attractive materials for the teaching-learning of the reading and writing, so students learn
faster to read and write without feeling obliged to carry out the different activities with regard to
reading and writing.

Question N ° 3: Do you apply different strategies to read and write in class?

Table 3. Different strategies for reading and writing
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 4 40%
Sometimes. 3 30%
Rarely. 2 20%
Never. 1 10%
Total. 10 100%
Source: Survey of EBG second-year teachers. Prepared by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.

Forever. Sometimes. Rarely. 4º trim.


20% 40%


Figure 3. Different strategies for reading and writing. Prepared by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.

Analysis: According to what was observed in the teacher surveys, it is concluded than the 10
teachers that exist in the school, 4 that is equivalent to 40% that always apply new strategies, 3 which
is equivalent to 30% share that they almost always apply new strategies, 2 representing 20% only
sometimes, considering that 1 teacher who equals 10% never applies new methods.
Interpretation: It is concluded that if there are teachers who apply new strategies so that your
children learn to read and write in a better way and thus improve their development.

Question N ° 4 ¿Does the student like to perform writing exercises easily?

Table 4. The student likes to perform writing exercises with ease
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 0 0%
Sometimes. 0 0%
Rarely. 8 80%
Never. 2 20%
Total. 10 100%
Source: Survey of EBG second-year teachers. Prepared by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.

Rarely. Never.



Figure 4. The student likes to perform writing exercises with ease Elaborated by: L Quiñonez, A
García, G Vega.
Analysis: According to the results obtained in seventh-year EGB teachers, the concludes that 8 of
them, which is equivalent to 80%, always perform reading exercises since thus they facilitate the
child to learn in a didactic way, that is why it is always used striking resource that the child captures
the attention and 2 that is equivalent to 20% say that almost always decide to work with other
activities with their students to encourage them to the child likes reading.
Interpretation: It is concluded that most of the Seventh Year EGB teachers prefer to encourage new
reading exercises so that the child learns easily and thus obtain better results in learning.

Question N ° 5: Do you use recreational resources to further encourage reading in the

Table 5. Play resources to encourage reading
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
One time. 0 0%
Twice. 0 0%
Three times. 3 30%
More than three times. 7 70%
Total. 10 100%
Source: Survey of EBG second-year teachers. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.
Three times More than three times.



Figure 5. Playful resources to encourage reading. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.

Analysis: According to what was observed in the "Abelardo Moncayo" Educational Unit. It is
concluded that of 10 teachers who work in the institution, 7 corresponding to 70% responds that more
than three times they have used methods to facilitate quick reading in their students, while 3 teachers
equivalent to 30% indicate that they have only applied three times the methods to facilitate quick
Interpretation: Teachers get to get a great result using methods to facilitate the rapid comprehension
of reading in their students, since the seventh-year EGB children of the "Abelardo Moncayo"
Educational Unit learn to develop a quick and consistent read.

Question N ° 6: ¿Do you consider that the reading and writing exercises serve to preparing the
minds of the little ones towards learning to read through language practice?
Table 6. Reading-writing exercises.
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 9 90%
Sometimes. 1 10%
Rarely. 0 0%
Never. 0 0%

Total. 10 100%
Figure 6. Reading-writing exercises. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.


Forever Sometimes



Figure 6. Playful resources to encourage reading. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.
Analysis: According to the results obtained in seventh-year EGB teachers, the concludes that 9 of
them, which is equivalent to 90%, always carry out reading-writing exercises since they serve to
prepare the minds of the little ones towards learning the reading, through the practice of the language,
and 1 equivalent to 10% say that almost always because he also decides to work with other activities
with his students to encourage them to read and write.
Interpretation: It is concluded that most of the Seventh Year EGB teachers prefer to develop the
learning of reading in students through the application of reading-writing exercises, since in this way
they obtain positive results.

Question N ° 7: Do you consider that the exercises on the children's literacy cards serve to
equip children with tools for their future learning to read?
Table 7. Exercise of the reading-writing cards
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Yes. 8 80%
No. 2 20%
Total. 10 100%
Source: Survey of EBG second-year teachers. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.

Yes No



Figure 7. Exercises of the reading-writing cards. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.
Analysis: After observing the results of the Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo” it is concluded
that the ten teachers who work in the school, 8 which is equivalent to 80% if they consider that the
exercises on the worksheets are essential tools to literacy, considering that 2 teachers, equivalent to
20%, do not work with the worksheets for reading and writing.
Interpretation: It is concluded that there is a great result by putting into practice the exercises of the
cards for reading and writing since the teachers of the seventh year EBG, of the Educational Unit
"Abelardo Moncayo" recommend that you continue working with this fundamental tool for learning.

Question N°8: How often do you work with methods to facilitate reading fast?
Table 8. Use of methods to facilitate quick reading
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
One time. 0 0%
Twice. 0 0%
Three times. 2 20%
More than three times. 8 80%
Total. 10 100%
Source: Survey of EBG second-year teachers. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.




Figure 8. Use of methods to facilitate quick reading. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega
Analysis: According to what was observed in the "Abelardo Moncayo" Educational Unit It is
concluded that of 10 teachers who work in the institution, 8 that corresponds to 80% respond that
more than three times they have used methods to facilitate quick reading in their students, while 2
teachers equivalent to 20% indicate that they have only applied three times the methods to facilitate
quick reading.
Interpretation: Teachers obtain a great result using methods to facilitate speed reading in their
students, since the seventh year EGB children of the Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo" learn to
develop a fast reading and coherent.

Question N ° 9: How important is the teaching of speed reading to you in your students?
Table 9. Importance of fast reading.
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
One time. 0 0%
Twice. 3 30%
Three times. 4 40%
More than three times. 3 30%
Total. 10 100%
Fountain. Survey of EBG seventh-year teachers. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega

Twice. Three Times. More than three times.

30% 30%


Figure 9. Importance of speed reading. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.

Analysis: Of the 10 teachers surveyed that corresponds to 100%, which is equivalent to 40% state
that there is a lot of importance in teaching speed reading in their students, 3 representing 30% very
important and 3 representing 30% little importance.
Interpretation: It is very important that teachers teach their students to read in quickly as it helps to
improve concentration, vocabulary and through this information retention process is obtained better.

Question N ° 10: Does the teacher ask for constant collaboration at home to review the writting
and reading?
Table 10. Request for collaboration at home for writing and reading.
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 0 0%
Sometimes. 2 20%
Rarely. 3 30%
Never. 5 50%
Total. 10 100%
Fountain. Survey of EBG seventh-year teachers. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.

Sometimes Rarely Never




Figure 10. Request for collaboration at home for writing and reading. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A
García, G Vega.
Analysis: After observing the results, 5 teachers representing 50%. They state that they ask for
collaboration at home every day to review reading and writing, while 3 teachers who represent 30%
expressed that almost every day, they ask collaboration at home and finally 2 teachers who symbolize
20% mentioned that occasionally ask for collaboration at home to review reading and writing.
Interpretation: According to the exposed data, half of the respondents. They locate their answer in
that every day they ask for collaboration at home to review. Reading and writing. Which shows the
work that teachers do contributing to the educational training of their students even outside their
educational center, helping their students improve their reading and writing, so it is important that
teachers ask for constant collaboration at home to improve skills and skills of your students

c) Observation
Next, the data obtained from the observation file is presented, which is applied to children in the
seventh year of basic general education, where the positive points of the students and in the future to
be able to strengthen the weaknesses.
Question N ° 1: Do you spell your name correctly?
Table 1. Spell the name correctly.
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 7 70%

Sometimes. 2 20%
Rarely. 1 10%
Never. 0 0%
Total. 10 100%
Fountain. Observation form of the seventh year GBS children. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García,
G Vega.


Forever Sometimes Rarely




Figure 1. Spell the name correctly. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.
Analysis: According to the results obtained with the question if the students spell their name
correctly, 7 children representing 70% affirm that Forever; 2 children representing 20% say that
sometimes; and 1 child representing 10% say almost never.
Interpretation: With the data obtained we can conclude that most of the children. They have no
difficulty writing their name, and some children find it difficult to do so.

Question Nº2 Do you recognize personal pronouns?

Table 2. Recognition of personal pronouns.
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 3 30%
Sometimes. 6 60%
Rarely. 1 10%
Never. 0 0%
Total. 10 100%

Fountain. Observation form of the seventh year GBS children. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García,
G Vega.


Forever. Sometimes. Rarely.




Figure 2. Recognition of personal pronouns Prepared by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.

Analysis: It was observed that 3 representing 30% of the seventh-grade students of Basic of the
Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo" recognize personal pronouns, while 6 that represents 60%
sometimes and 1 that is equivalent to almost 10% never.
Interpretation: Faced with the results obtained, it can be observed that the children of 7th year they
do not recognize all, the personal pronouns, with this observation we can deduce that learning to read
and write is a bit difficult, for better performance school.

Question N ° 3: Do you recognize vowel sounds?

Table 3. Recognition of the letters of the alphabet.
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 6 60%
Sometimes. 3 30%
Rarely. 1 10%
Never. 0 0%
Total. 10 100%
Fountain. Observation form of the seventh year GBS children. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García,
G Vega.



Forever Sometimes Rarely



Figure 3. Children recognize vowel sounds. Prepared by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.
Analysis: It was observed that 6 representing 60% of children recognize the vowel sounds, while 3
equals 30% sometimes and 1 represents 10% almost never and 0 represents 0% never.
Interpretation: It is concluded that there is a good recognition of the sound of the vowels, in most of
the boys and girls of the "Abelardo Moncayo" Educational Unit from the city of Atuntaqui, for this
reason it is recommended that the teacher continue to apply methods to improve this situation.

Question N ° 4 Do you read and write complete syllables?

Table 4. Recognition of the letters of the alphabet.
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 7 70%
Sometimes. 3 30%
Rarely. 0 0%
Never. 0 0%
Total. 10 100%
Fountain. Observation form of the seventh year GBS children. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García,
G Vega.

Forever Sometimes



Figure 4. Read and write complete syllables. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.
Analysis: As observed in the children of the seventh year of GBS of the Unit Educational "Abelardo
Moncayo", it is concluded that 7 children that is equivalent to 70% who can tell that children have
the ability to read and write complete syllables and 3 children equal to 30% who can read and write
complete syllables despite the fact that the didactic material is attractive to the child.
Interpretation: It can be concluded that in the children of the seventh year EGB of the Unit
Educational ¨Abelardo Moncayo¨ are mostly motivated by the didactic resource and This makes it
easier for them to write and read complete syllables.

Question N ° 5: Do you write the personal pronouns correctly?

Table 5. Write the personal pronouns correctly.
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 6 60%
Sometimes. 4 40%
Rarely. 0 0%
Never. 0 0%
Total. 10 100%
Fountain. Observation form of the seventh year GBS children. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García,
G Vega.

Forever Sometimes



Figure 5. Write the personal pronouns correctly by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.
Analysis: After observing the results of the Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo” it is concluded
that the ten teachers who work in the school, 6 which is equivalent to 60% do consider that the
exercises on the worksheets are essential tools for literacy, considering that 4 teachers, equivalent to
40%, do not work with the worksheets for reading and writing.
Interpretation: It is concluded that there is a great result by putting into practice the exercises of the
cards for reading and writing, since the teachers of the seventh year EBG, to continue working with
this tool fundamental to learning.

Question N ° 6: Do you like reading with pictures?

Table 6. Reading with pictures
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 8 80%
Sometimes. 2 20%
Rarely. 0 0%
Never. 0 0%
Total. 10 100%
Fountain. Observation form of the seventh year GBS children. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García,
G Vega.

Forever Sometimes



Figure 6. Reading with pictures in seventh-year EGB children. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García,
G Vega.
Analysis: As observed in the children of the seventh year of GBS of the Unit Educational "Abelardo
Moncayo", it is concluded that 8 children that is equivalent to 80% They arouse a greater interest in
reading with pictures and 2 children equivalent to 20% They entertain at times despite having a
reading with pictures to get their attention.
Interpretation: It can be concluded that in the children of the seventh year EGB of the ¨Abelardo
Moncayo¨ mostly are encouraged more with reading than contain pictures as this catches your
attention and sparks your interest in the learning

Question N ° 7: Do you like to play with letters to form words?

Table 7. Play with letters to make words
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 9 90%
Sometimes. 1 10%
Rarely. 0 0%
Never. 0 0%
Total. 10 100%
Fountain. Observation form of the seventh year GBS children. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García,
G Vega.



Forever Sometimes



Figure 7. Reading with pictures in seventh-year EGB children. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García,
G Vega.
Analysis: According to what was observed in the "Abelardo Moncayo" Educational Unit, It is
concluded that 10 children who study at the institution 9 which corresponds to 90% always they like
to play with letters to form words as they learn faster, considering that 1 child that equals 1%
sometimes does not like to play with letters to form words either by having some kind of physical or
family problems, almost never and never corresponds to 0%.
Interpretation: A great result is obtained by playing with the letters to form words, since the EBG
seventh-year children of the “Abelardo Moncayo” learn and develop faster to pronounce and
recognize words by such reason it is recommended to work with this game for better learning.

Question N ° 8: Do you participate in the reading and writing activities that the teacher?
Table 8. Play with letters to make words
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 7 70%
Sometimes. 3 30%
Rarely. 0 0%
Never. 0 0%
Total. 10 100%
Fountain. Observation form of the seventh year GBS children. Prepared by: L Quiñonez, A García, G


Forever Sometimes



Figure 8. Participation in reading and writing activities. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.
Analysis: After observing the results of the Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo” it is concluded
that the ten teachers who work in the school, 7 which is equivalent to 70% do consider that the
exercises on the worksheets are essential tools for literacy, considering that 3 teachers, equivalent to
30%, do not work with the exercises of the cards for reading and writing.
Interpretation: It is concluded that there is a great result by putting into practice the exercises of the
cards for reading and writing, since the teachers of the seventh year EBG, of the Educational Unit
"Abelardo Moncayo" recommend that you continue working with this fundamental tool for learning.

Question N ° 9: Do you like to work in a group with your classmates and learn by playing?
Table 9. You like to work in a group with your classmates and learn by playing
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 7 70%
Sometimes. 2 20%
Rarely. 1 10%
Never. 0 0%
Total. 10 100%
Fountain. Observation form of the seventh year GBS children. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García,
G Vega.

Forever Sometimes Rarely




Figure 9. You like to work in a group with your classmates and learn by playing. Produced by: L
Quiñonez, A García, G Vega.
Analysis: Examining the results obtained in the observation sheet carried out at Seventh year
children have been able to determine the following: The 7 that represents the 70% of children like to
work in groups with their classmates and learn by playing, 2 which is equivalent to 20% Sometimes,
1 which represents 10% Almost never and 0 represents 0% Never.
Interpretation: Children are very sociable and like to share with their peers, it is when that strength
teachers should take advantage of so that children can learn and play with internalized learning.

Question N ° 10: Is it difficult for you to pronounce personal pronouns?

Table 10. Difficulty in the pronunciation of personal pronouns.
Choice of answers. Frequency. Percentage.
Forever. 0 0%
Sometimes. 0 0%
Rarely. 6 60%
Never. 4 40%
Total. 10 100%
Fountain. Observation form of the seventh-year children. Produced by: L Quiñonez, A García, G

Rarely Never



Figure 10. Difficulty in the pronunciation of personal pronouns Elaborated by: L Quiñonez, A
García, G Vega.
Analysis: After observing the results, 6 students representing 60% report having difficulties in the
pronunciation of personal pronouns while 4 students representing 40% present always problems with
the pronunciation of personal pronouns.
Interpretation: According to the data presented, more than half of the respondents sometimes have
problems pronouncing personal pronouns. Leaving in evidence the work that must be done to correct
these pronunciation problems in your students by reading and writing.

4.1 of the specific objective.
Know the benefits of the ERCA method and its application in the reading process
and writing. Based on the sample that was taken in the second year of basic education of the
Educational unit through the application of the techniques of observation, interview and
survey with their respective instruments each, it was obtained as a result that the teachers do not fully
achieve that students achieve learning satisfactory in terms of reading and writing, this due to the
limited application of the ACKD method. It was possible to show the shortcomings that exist in the
teachers to impart his class, and this results in students who do not achieve a effective concentration
for their learning of reading and writing.

Through research carried out through different literary sources, it has been been able to verify the
effectiveness of the application of didactic proposals using the ERCA method, because in this way
teachers can teach their knowledge in an organized way, helping students to overcome the difficulties
in learning to read and write. The ERCA is a didactic methodological strategy that consists of 4
phases such as the experience, reflection, conceptualization and application the same that must be put
in practice by the teacher, so that students develop skills and abilities allowing them to achieve the
teaching-learning process. the present cycle It must be fulfilled in its four phases, otherwise there will
be no learning significant, that is, if a phase is not fulfilled, the knowledge will remain unfinished.
from the student. (Kolb, ERCA Cycle, 1984, p. 89)

The ERCA methodological strategy is important because it helps to develop in the students new
knowledge, abilities, skills, and create changes in attitude, are processes of construction of meanings
in which the new information and experience is incorporated into the mental structure and becomes
part of the comprehensive memory, of best way when teaching-learning processes interact and relate
through a cycle fulfilling its entirety, therefore it is feasible to use this strategy for teaching-learning
(Kolb, ERCA Cycle, 1984, p. 121) ACKD Cycle Method It is a sequence of four basic phases, in
which the participant begins his learning process based on his previous experience, reflects on it,
performs an abstraction and conceptualization to apply later to other topics or lessons. (Ministry of
Education, 2016)

Teaching process

Knowledge acquired in the socio-cultural context
• Organize visits in the environment
• Read reports or current news
• Use images, videos, posters
• Ask questions – answers
• Brainstorm
• Observe diagrams

Questions, Answers
• Construct conceptual maps with the participants.
• Relate prior knowledge
• Use bibliographical material or Internet queries and propose a questionnaire
• Describe the new knowledge in writing.
• Define concepts through brainstorming.
• Represent information in diagrams or graphic organizers.
• Use the information obtained together with videos, maps, images to guide
to identification.
• Organize and compare knowledge

• Develop schematics, models or diagrams
• Carry out group work such as debates or forums
• Propose strategies or action plans
• Carry out inquiries according to the proposed topic
• Develop new examples
• Observe samples and characterize them.
• Analyze applications, proposals or plans.
• Develop an experimental activity
• Exhibit in wall newspapers


During the research process it was possible to evidence certain aspects in the application of the
ERCA method in the reading-writing process in second year children of the Unit
Educational Abelardo Moncayo of Antonio Ante canton period 2021, establishing the following
•The results of the research through applied techniques show that during the teaching-learning process,
teachers do not perform reading tasks and writing to help build meaningful learning, that is, they are
not based on the management of a striking method in order to achieve quality learning. That's why it's
important to know each of the benefits provided by the ACKD method, in the reading-writing process.
•The methodology used by the teacher must be active applying different methods and techniques in
reading and writing in order to achieve optimal student performance so that they can internalize the
process and understand what they read, since the methods are the right tool to foster their cognitive
•According to the results, it can be determined that the dynamics are scarce, causes demotivation and
boredom, teachers are aware that for the development of good reading-writing several techniques are
needed for the construction of new knowledge in students in the teaching-learning process.
•The research is concluded in the design of a didactic proposal to apply the method the ERCA and
facilitate the process of reading and writing in second grade boys and girls, this proposal provides a
series of strategies through the use of exercises that internalize the reading-writing process,
emphasizing the application of the ERCA method.

Once the conclusions that refer to the specific results that are obtained in the development of the
investigation, the following recommendations were determined that facilitate a contribution to the
entire educational community, being responsible for detecting, improve, apply, didactic strategies in
the development of literacy.
• It is recommended that the teacher knows the benefits that the application of the ERCA method in
the reading-writing process in boys and girls since it allows a permanent interaction between action

and reflection, which favors the possibility of generate positive changes from an individual and
collective point of view arousing interest in the process in which students develop their
knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes, using the time necessary to carry out didactic classes and thus
encourage students to have a good habit of reading and writing.
•It is recommended that the teacher apply in the reading-writing process each of the steps that the
ERCA method provides as (experience, reflection, contextualization and application) allows students
to explore, question, doubt and criticize their own perceptions and extract their own meanings from
these experiences and teachers understand your students from their own points of view to improve
acquisition of knowledge.
•It is recommended to design a didactic proposal, in which the teacher can demonstrate activities that
are designed so that the student acquires in a more playful way the reading-writing process and
strengthen their skills and abilities. It is necessary that the teacher apply in their daily work, dynamics
that motivate and stimulate the interest of the students.
• It is recommended to apply the didactic proposal, to facilitate the use and improvement of the ERCA
method in the process of reading and writing in boys and girls and achieve learning significant,
motivating teachers to use this didactic proposal.


Annex 1. Problem Tree

Anexo. 2 Entrevista

Kemmis, S., & McTaggart, R. (1988). The action research planner (3rd ed.). Geelong: Deakin

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Gallegos, Concepcion (2013). «The Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo"». In Journalism Club 2012-
2013, ed. Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo". Atuntaqui Imbabura-Ecuador. p. 16.

Gallegos, Concepcion (2013). «The Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo"». In Journalism Club 2012-
2013, ed. Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo". Atuntaqui-Imbabura-Ecuador. p. 17.

Gallegos, Concepcion (2013). «The Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo"». In Journalism Club 2012-
2013, ed. Educational Unit "Abelardo Moncayo". Atuntaqui-Imbabura-Ecuador. p. 18. Kolb, D.
(1984). ERCA cycle. Spain

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Instructions for the Teacher of the First Stage of the Post-Literacy Component. Retrieved August 7,
2021, from website:

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Education. Quito, Ecuador

Simón Bolívar Andean University - Ecuador Campus. (2005). Learn series. Reading and writing. 2nd
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V. ESTALAYO, R. Vega, Read well, within everyone's reach. New Library, Madrid 2003, q=imagenes+de+la+unidad+abelardo+moncayo&clien


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