Actividad 1 Mario Enrique Jaimes

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Alumn: Mario Enrique Jaimes Malvaez

Actividad 1 Teme: Simple Present

Exercise From To Be

Exersice on From with ‘Have got’

Exercise from have + auxiliary do

Exercise on from
Exercise on Affirmative Sentences

Exercise on Negative Sentences

Exercise on Questions I

Exercise on Questions with Interrogatives

Exersice on Excepcion in Spelling 1

Exersice on Excepcion in Spelling 2

Simple Present, Exercise on Short and Long Forms

Exersice on Short and Long Forms parte II

Simple Present , Exercise on Use

Present Simple Parte 2

Present Simple
Present Simple Part 1
Present Simple More Exercise
Present Affirmative

Present Simple Exercise third person 1

Present Simple 3 Exercise Affirmative
Present Simple Affirmative Form 1 –write
Parte 3 Página 112

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