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Yuke : Hello...?

Hendra : Hello...?

Yuke : do you want drink?

Hendra : sure,thank you.

Yuke : you are welcome.

Hendra : what a warm day.

Yuke : yes, even i feel warm at night.

Hendra : by the way, my name is Hendra Saputra. But please call me Hendra.

Yuke : nice to meet you,my name is Yuke Mazdaif. You can call me Yuke.

Hendra : do you like football?

Yuke : yes, i do. How about you?

Hendra : i like very much, because football is my soul.

by the way do you see Manchester United V.S Chealsea?

Yuke : yes i do, 2-1 for MU right.

Hendra : who is the first goals scorer for MU?

Yuke : Javier “chicharito” Hernandez.

Hendra : Where did he come from?

Yuke : he come from Mexico. So do you like Frabegas?

Hendra : i rather like it, i like Real Madrid player.

Yuke : Who is he?

Hendra : He is Sergio Ramos. And who is your favorite football player?

Yuke : i like Alexander Pato from AC. Milan.

Hendra :By the way, where you come from Yuke?

Yuke : i come from Ngawi, East Java. And you?

Hendra :Magelang, Borobudur,Middle Java.

Yuke : oh, great. Please tell me about your region?

Hendra : Borobudur is my town,its much nicer and cleaner. It have favorite

tourism place it is Borobudur Temple, Pawon Temple, Mendut Temple.
Borobudur also have favorite food it is “Gethuk Lindri” so i’m very
happy and i love Borobudur.

Yuke : “Gethuk Lindri”? what is that?

Hendra : it is a traditional snack made by cassava and sugar. And how about
your region?

Yuke : Ngawi is a wide region but it’s quite because a lot of forest. My home is
in Mantingan. It’s located in the westest Ngawi. Verge with Middle Java.
Ngawi also have a tourism Place. For example is Bengawan Solo,
Monumen Suryo, Waduk Pondok, Tawun and Trinil Museum. Our typical
food is “Keripik Tempe” .

Hendra : so what do you do in Jogja?

Yuke : i accompany my cousin spend his holiday in jogja. How about you?

Hendra : i visit my uncle. What place you have visited?

Yuke : Parangtritis, Malioboro, Taman Pintar, “Serangan Umum 1 Maret”

Monument. Why you visit your uncle?

Hendra : my uncle is sick so i visit him.

Yuke : I’m sorry to hear that, i hope your uncle will be get better soon.

Hendra : thank you. Where are you going after this?

Yuke : i don’t know, do you have an idea?

Hendra : how about watch film at cinema.

Yuke : ehm...actually,we want go to tourism place.

Hendra : Prambanan maybe?

Yuke : that’s a good idea.

Hendra : Yuke..if you want to visit my house, you can go to Magelang street
after you see Borobudur Temple, turn left and call me so i will pick up

Yuke : thank you home is near the Ngawi-Solo street, if you come from
Jogja, after you cross the border between Middle Java and East Java and
arrive in the first traffic light turn left about 50 Meter please looking for
white house with green hence. That is my house.

Hendra : ok Yuke...thank you...see you..

Yuke : you are welcome...see you...

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