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violet pearl (40 gold) and a stone
The Moldy Unicorn textured cloak. A few beds are oc-
1. Foyer: A red troll bouncer (DS cupied by humanoid figures asleep
12) guards the door to Room 2 and under yellow yak wool blankets.
only lets in notorious ruffians. No A large mirror can be stepped
weapons are allowed. The troll through to enter Room 4.

is eager to ignore these rules for
bribes. An abstract toad painting 4. The Dastard’s Emporium:
hides a door to Room 4. The troll Buyer and seller of stolen, rare,

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will lift the painting and open the and illegal goods. The clerk, Pluko
secret door for anyone who says the Nocha (DS 13), a genteel demon,
password: Frogtooth. can accurately appraise any item
and teleport to any spot within 30
2. Bar: Iddia, a snail barkeep (DS 6) feet. Pluko is bound to the empo-
pours fermented sludge and pickle rium by its mysterious owner and
wine into stone mugs. Drinks, cannot leave.
beds, and baths cost 1 silver. A key Unique Inventory: Smoking Ivory
in Iddia’s pocket opens doors to Dagger, Mechanical Brain, A Devil’s
Room 5. Two goat gnomes (DS 8) Compass, Lock of Angel Hair.

with pipes try to outdo each other Desired Inventory: Unicorn

with elaborate multicolor smoke Horn, Demon Hooves, Moon Lake
rings. A table of dwarves play cee- Water, A Glass Snail Crown.
lo and guzzle wine. A well dressed

mustachioed goblin (DS 7) stands in 5. Spa: A couple of goblins (DS 6)

the corner by a reclining chair with lounge in a bubbling mud pit. An
a sign that says: Surgeon, 5 Gold.  ogre (DS 10) is asleep in a slime
pit. Two magic bathtubs contain
3. Bunk Room: Smells like dirty perpetually warm and clean water.
socks. A corpulent orc snores (DS Ruvus (DS 6), a snail, sits at a desk
10) in a corner bunk. A locked chest and distributes bar soap: lavender,
(DS8) next to it contains a large mint, beetle, and charcoal.
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11. A cleric of the First God has
Encounters bribed his way in and is offering
Every time players visit The Moldy baptism and forgiveness of sins for
Unicorn, roll a d20 on this table to 1 gold. He is quite drunk.
find out what’s happening. 12. A chicken pecks at a bowl of wine
1. Patrons bet on fights between on a table. Everyone seems afraid of

trained rats. it and keeps their distance.
2. A caricaturist (DS 6) is drawing a 13. Roach infestation! Large acid
cruel portrait of a large orc (DS 10). roaches (DS 6)!

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3. A pregnant goblin’s (DS 9) water 14. Rival parties of tomb raiders
breaks, the father (DS 8) panics. hurl insults. A brawl is imminent.
4. A demon (DS 13) in heavy make- 16. Surprise retirement party for
up has set up a kissing booth. Rolfus, the bar’s longtime orc ac-
countant. She’s expected to arrive
5. A human prince (DS 8) is having
a raucous bachelor party.
6. A troll maiden (DS 9) is having a
at any moment.
17. An old gnome (DS 8) offers a
raucous bachelorette party. map for 2 gold, says he stole it
7. A wizard (DS 8) with four heavily from a demon.
armored skeleton guards (DS 10) 18. An ogre (DS 12) holding a rose

is offering gold for any books or waits for a blind date. No one is
scrolls. coming, it was a joke set up by the
8. A demon (DS 13) has set up a gnome(DS 7) giggling at the bar.
sundae bar. All you can eat in 19. A Snail priest with a smoking

exchange for your soul. censer is walking around mutter-

9. A highly skilled assassin (DS ing prayers and leaving a slippery
12) has tracked her target, a goat trail of slime.
gnome (DS 7), to the Moldy Uni- 20. A demon (DS 13) offers 200 gold
corn and is about to make the kill. for an escort to the nearest surface
10. This batch of wine was made world cemetery.
with hallucinogenic mushrooms.
Make A Demon
Strange beings commonly called
“demons” are occasionally
encountered in the dark
unpleasant places beneath the
earth. Their origins,

purpose, and powers
are a mystery, but it is

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generally agreed upon
that they are not from
around here, are not to be
crossed, and love to make deals.

Roll on the following tables and combine the results to make a demon.
Physical Feature 1 Physical Feature 2 Presence Causes
1. Beak 1. Rabbit Ears 1. Bad Breath
2. Pig Snout 2. Eight Eyes 2. Spelling Mistakes

3. Long Fangs 3. Goat Eyes 3. Melancholy

4. Shark Teeth 3. Ram Horns 4. Fear
5. Tusks 5. Blue Feathers 5. Copious Sweating
6. Forked Tongue 6. Monkey Tail 6. Rapid Aging

7. Rooster Comb 7. Moose Antlers 7. Memory Loss

8. Rat Snout 8. Goat Hooves 8. Tooth Aches
9. Cat Whiskers 9. Extra Elbows 9. Hunger
10. Lion Mane 10. Scales 10. Thirst
11. Frog Throat 11. Snakes For Hair 11. Goosebumps
12. Porcelain Face 12. Exposed Clockwork 12. Stuck Song
Innards Syndrome
4. Slime covers the floor. A giant
Grotburk crypt
A lost crypt near The Moldy Unicorn.
statue of a majestic snail warrior
with a red battle axe and crown
1. A statue of a snail warrior in the stands under a domed ceiling with
center of the room holds an onyx painting of snails slaying mythical
torch lit with a blue flame. An in- beasts. An inscription on the statue
scription on the statue reads: Mora, reads: Morris, 1st King of Grotburk. A

Daughter of Morris. The cold flame sealed door to Room 5 has a family
fades when a living thing touches tree on it. The nameplates are

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the torch. It relights when no living empty except the top one which
thing touches it. If the blue flame has “Morris” scrawled in blue ink.
goes out, three large roaches(DS 6) The door will only open when the
will crawl out from under the stat- correct names are written on all
ue and try to eat any provisions. the nameplates. If someone tries to
2. In the center of the room is a pit open it without the correct names,
of bubbling mud. A giant’s skull lightning bolts(DS 10) shoot at any-
with ruby eyes will float to the top one nearby. c f
and ask for wine. If not appeased, Correct name order
it attacks with its purple tentacle from statues: e A b D
5. Morris’s mummified body lies in

tongue(DS 10). There are two snail

statues. Statue D reads: Borris a marble coffin. He wears a glass
Seerson. Statue F reads: Logun, The crown with an inset emerald and a
Queen’s Nephew. silver ring. A statue of a crownless

Morris stands behind the coffin.

3. The crypt’s coffins either contain Placing the crown on it opens a se-
treasure( ), a DS 8 zombie snail( ), cret door to a treasure cache. Tak-
or both. Statue B reads: Mikosh The ing loot from this room awakens
Seer. Statue C reads: Leonard, Broth- the sentient Red Axe(DS 12) in Room
er of Queen Mora. 4. It will attack grave robbers.
Treasure: 1)Golden Snail Shell 2)Silver Monocle 3)Glass Flute 4)Sapphire Dagger
5)Jar of Ancient Slime 6)Amber Tiara 7)Quartz Hourglass 8)Golden Thread
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Taverns are a common place
for heroes to meet, learn about
quests, and celebrate their
heroic exploits. At The Moldy

Unicorn, however, you will
not find heroes. You will find

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scoundrels, monsters, knaves,
and goons. You won’t find The
Moldy Unicorn in a bright sur-
face city or a friendly farming
village. You’ll find it in one of
the dark corners of the under-
world, perhaps in a ramshackle
goblin town, at the intersection
of a forgotten underground
highway, or on the outskirts
of a necromancer’s undead

fortress city. Drop The Moldy

Unicorn into your campaign’s
underworld and see what your
players do with it.


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