Year 9 Key Terms Worksheet - The Holocaust

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Year 9 Key Terms Worksheet – The Holocaust

Define these key terms, groups or people in the context of the Holocaust unit. Put definitions into your
own words to demonstrate your understanding.
Holocaust The systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi
regime and its collaborators

Anti-Semitism The hatred and prejudice against Jewish people.

Jewish An ethnicity and religion. Nazi’s defined Jewish people according to the number of their
grandparents who were Jewish, regardless of whether that individual activity worshiped.

Propaganda Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political

cause or point of view.

Dictatorship A system of government where one person makes the decisions without consulting the
people. There is little freedom or option to vote for multiple parties.

Ghetto A part of a city where a minority group lives, usually with poor conditions.

Aryan A non-Jewish, white European, usually with blond hair and blue eyes.

Third Reich The Nazi state.

Final Solution The Nazi plan for the genocide of Jews during World War II.

Concentration Places where people are imprisoned without trial and made to work under hard conditions.

Perpetrator A person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act.

Bystander A person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part.

Victim A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or

Rescuer A person who saves someone from a dangerous or difficult situation.

Resister Someone who opposes a situation, especially actively going against the actions of a

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