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HRM practices in a public sector undertaking:

A case study of IRE limited, Chatrapur.

Dissertation Project Report
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
Post Graduate Diploma in Management
Under NIST Business School, Berhampur, Orissa.

Submitted by:
Roll No. # 200910652 Regd. No. # PGDM09652

September - 2010

Under Guidance of
Dr. Arun Kumar Mahapatra


Palur Hills, Berhampur-761008, Orissa, India

I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to my project guide, Dr. Arun Kumar
Mahapatra, faculty, NIST for his valuable guidance and useful suggestions, which
helped me in completing the project work.

I also would like to thank Dr. Sisira Kanti Mishra, project coordinator PGDM,
NIST for being supportive and for being a helping hand.

I take immense pleasure in thanking Mr. Shom Prasad Das, Course Coordinator
PGDM, for having permitted me to carry out this project work.

Words are inadequate in offering my thanks to the Project Assistants of IREL,

Chatrapur for their encouragement and cooperation in carrying out the project work.

Finally, yet importantly, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Sangram
Mudali, director NIST.

Amrit Kumar Dash


Good human resource management practice can help in attracting and retaining the
best people in the organization. Planning alerts the company to the type of people
needed in short, medium and long run requirement of the company. Appropriate
recruitment and selection activities identify the best people for available jobs and
make sure they are placed in suitable positions. Performance appraisal training and
developing individuals who need skills knowledge and attitudes different from those
they currently possess. Good human resource management practice can also motivate
organizational members to do outstanding work.
HRM practices in a public sector undertaking: A case study of IRE limited, Chatrapur.


Human Resource (HR) management deals with the design of formal systems in an
organization to ensure the effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish
organizational goals.
HR Management Challenges
The environment faced by HR management is a challenging one; changes are
occurring rapidly across a wide range of issues. The most prevalent challenges facing
HR management are as follows:
 Economic and technological change
 Workforce availability and quality concerns
 Demographics and diversity issues
 Organizational restructuring
HR Management Activities
The central focus for HR management must be on contributing to organizational
success. The key to enhancing organizational performance is ensuring that human
resources activities support organizational efforts focusing on productivity, service,
and quality.
As measured by the amount of output per employee, continuous
improvement of productivity has become even more important as global competition
has increased. The productivity of the human resources in an organization is affected
significantly by management efforts, programs, and systems.
The quality of products and services delivered significantly affects
organizational success over the long term. If an organization gains a reputation for
providing poor-quality products and services, it reduces its organizational growth and
performance. An emphasis on quality requires continuous changes aimed at
improving work processes. That need opens the door for reengineering the
organizational work done by people. Customer value received and satisfaction
become the bases for judging success, along with more traditional HR measures of
performance and efficiency.

HRM practices in a public sector undertaking: A case study of IRE limited, Chatrapur.

Because people frequently produce the products or services offered by an
organization, HR management considerations must be included when identifying
service blockages and redesigning operational processes. Involving all employees, not
just managers, in problem solving often requires changes in corporate culture,
leadership styles, and HR policies and practices. To accomplish these goals, HR
management is composed of several groups of interlinked activities. However, the
performance of the HR activities must be done in the context of the organization.
Additionally, all managers with HR responsibilities must consider external
environmental forces—such as legal, political, economic, social, cultural, and
technological ones—when addressing these activities. These external considerations
are especially important when HR activities must be managed internationally.

The HR activities for which a brief overview follows are:

 HR Planning and Analysis

 Equal Employment Opportunity
 Staffing
 HR Development
 Compensation and Benefits
 Health, Safety, and Security
 Employee and Labor/Management Relations

HR Planning and Analysis

HR planning and analysis activities have several facets. Through HR planning,

managers attempt to anticipate forces that will influence the future supply of and
demand for employees. Having adequate human resource information systems
(HRIS) to provide accurate and timely information for HR planning is crucial. The
importance of human resources in organizational competitiveness must be addressed
as well. As part of maintaining organizational competitiveness, HR analysis and
assessment of HR effectiveness must occur. The internationalization of organizations
has resulted in greater emphasis on global HR management.

HRM practices in a public sector undertaking: A case study of IRE limited, Chatrapur.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Compliance with equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws and regulations affects
all other HR activities and is integral to HR management. For instance, strategic HR
plans must ensure sufficient availability of a diversity of individuals
to meet affirmative action requirements. In addition, when recruiting, selecting,
and training individuals, all managers must be aware of EEO requirements.


The aim of staffing is to provide an adequate supply of qualified individuals to fill the
jobs in an organization. By studying what workers do, job analysis is the foundation
for the staffing function. From this, job descriptions and job specifications can be
prepared to recruit applicants for job openings. The selection process is concerned
with choosing the most qualified individuals to fill jobs in the organization.

HR Development

Beginning with the orientation of new employees, HR training and development

also includes job-skill training. As jobs evolve and change, ongoing retraining is
necessary to accommodate technological changes. Encouraging development of all
employees, including supervisors and managers, is necessary to prepare organizations
for future challenges. Career planning identifies paths and activities for individual
employees as they develop within the organization. Assessing how employees
perform their jobs is the focus of performance management.

Compensation and Benefits

Compensation rewards people for performing organizational work through pay,

incentives, and benefits. Employers must develop and refine their basic wage and
salary systems. Also, incentive programs such as gain sharing and productivity
rewards are growing in usage. The rapid increase in the costs of benefits, especially
health-care benefits, will continue to be a major issue.
HRM practices in a public sector undertaking: A case study of IRE limited, Chatrapur.

Health, Safety, and Security

The physical and mental health and safety of employees are vital concerns. The
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) has made organizations more
responsive to health and safety concerns. The traditional concern for safety has
focused on eliminating accidents and injuries at work. Additional concerns are health
issues arising from hazardous work with certain chemicals and newer technologies.
Through a broader focus on health, HR management can assist employees with
substance abuse and other problems through employee assistance programs (EAP) in
order to retain otherwise satisfactory employees. Employee wellness programs to
promote good health and exercise are becoming more widespread. Workplace security
has grown in importance, in response to the increasing number of acts of workplace
violence. HR management must ensure that managers and employees can work in a
safe environment.

Employee and Labor/Management Relations

The relationship between managers and their employees must be handled effectively
if both the employees and the organization are to prosper together. Whether or not
some of the employees are represented by a union, employee rights must be
addressed. It is important to develop, communicate, and update HR policies and rules
so that managers and employees alike know what is expected. In some organizations,
union/management relations must be addressed as well.


HRM practices in a public sector undertaking: A case study of IRE limited, Chatrapur.

Among the various factors of production ,which are used in organization ,human
resource is the most important .this is because the efficient use of physical resources
(land, machinery, materials) ultimately depends on how the human factor is to put to
good use on various operations .The most efficient machinery in the world will not
produce at optimum levels unless the people who operate the machinery know how to
make it perform at its best and most importantly , are motivated to make their
equipment produce efficiently.
If the skill and the will are properly applied, wonderful things can happen :
 Human resources help in transforming the lifelessness factors of production
into useful products.
 They are capable of enlargement i.e. capable of producing an output that is
greater than the sum of inputs. Once they get inspired, even ordinary people
can deliver extraordinary results .
 They can help an organization achieve results quickly, efficiently and

To extract the best out of people, therefore, the organization must provide a healthy
work climate where they can exploit their talents fully while realizing goals assigned
to them. They must have requisite skills to handle their jobs in a competent way.
Above all, to get the best out of people, they must be managed well and this reqires
leadership. This is where human resources managers play a critical role in bringing
gaps between employee expectations and organizational needs by adopting
appropriate human resource strategies and practices.
Managing humans is at the heart of almost all the real-life management ‘problems’.
What it takes to ‘manage’ humans? Why humans are a ‘resource’ and what makes
them special? The purpose of this topic is to bring out issues involved in the
management of human resources (HRM), both from current theory as well as practice.
It will examine humans at work and discuss various aspects which are basic
to human motivation at work and in fulfilling career aspirations within organizations.
HRM involves various issues right from selection-placement to performance
appraisal, salary-career management, and training, etc. of employees in organizations
The importance of personnel management is being increasingly realized in industrial
and non-industrial organization both in India and abroad. The realization has come

HRM practices in a public sector undertaking: A case study of IRE limited, Chatrapur.

about because of increasing complexity of the task of managers and administrators. In

most organizations the problems of getting the competent and relevant people,
retaining them, keeping up their motivation and morale, and helping them to both
continuously grow and contribute their best to the organizations, are now viewed as
the most critical problems. So with this reference the project titled “HRM practices in
a public sector undertaking: A case study of IRE limited, Chatrapur.” has been
prepared to get a better insight into the management practices adopted by UTCL with
reference to HR Policies prepared by the HR department in organization. It
emphasizes on the importance of a clear cut organization structure and culture to
avoid any confusion in order to achieve maximum result with minimum resources.
The project is aimed to cover maximum knowledge of the HR practices followed in
the organization and how the performance is evaluated of employees, what primary
factors are considered , how data is maintained and finally the evaluation done. Here
the HR practices of the company have been explained to understand how the company
follows these practices and the performance appraisal process adopted. The practical
knowledge has been gained mainly by observing all the activities taking place in the
H.R. department. This is a brief study done to have understanding of the subject H.R.,
how it is practically implemented, why it is necessary, its implications & the benefits.
With reference to the HR Practices brief knowledge has been gained how the
Recruitment cycle functions, Selection done, Training Calendar prepared, what does
compensation & cost to company means and the steps of performance appraisal.

On August 18, 1950, Indian Rare Earth Limited(IREL) was incorporated as a private
limited company jointly owned by the govt. of India and govt. of Travancore, Cochin
with the primary intention of taking commercial scale processing of Monazite sand at
its first unit namely Rare Earth Limited (RED), Aluva, Kerala for the recovery of
After becoming a full-fledged central govt. undertaking in 1963 under the
administrative control of dept of atomic energy (DAE), IREL took over a no of
private companies engaged in mining and separation of peach sand mineral southern
part of the country of the country and establish two more divisions one at Chavare,
Kerala and the other at Manavalakurichi (MK), Tamilnadu.

HRM practices in a public sector undertaking: A case study of IRE limited, Chatrapur.

After a gape of about twenty years IREL commissioned its largest division called
Orissa Sand Complex (OSCOM) at Chatrapur, Orissa. Today IREL operates this four
units with corporate office in Mumbai and produces/sells six heavy minerals namely
ilmenite, rutile, zircon, monazite, sillimanite and garned as well as various value
added products. IREL is making profits since 1997-1998 with its sells turnover
reaching a peak exceeding Rs 3600 million in 2006-2007, with export components of
above Rs 1000 million.
Mission/vision and objective
To be one of the leading international players in the areas of mining and separation of
beach and minerals.
To become nationally and globally competitive player in beach sand minerals and to
achieve annual production of ilmenite with associate minerals of 8 lakh tons by the
year 2012.
To improve productivity and maximize shareholder’s value.
To strengthen R & D for achieving the above mentioned objectives.
Awards and achievement-
IREL has excelled in the areas of marketing, safety and human resource
management .In recognition of the company’s efforts, ’SCOPE’ awarded for
excellence and outstanding contribution to the public sector management –special turn
around category for the year 1999-2000.during the year 2006-07, IREL posted all
time high sales turnover exceeding 3600 million with component over Rs 1000
million and time profit before tax of Rs 1000 million. In exports IREL has got several
awards like Indian Chemical manufacturers Association Certificate of merit for ISO
9002 certification for 1998.OSCOM has been selected by directorate of export
promotion and marketing ,Orissa to get the STATE EXPORT AWARD i.e.
Certificate of excellence for the years 1995-96. IREL being an ISO 9001 and ISO
14001 company is committed to provide excellent to provide excellent quality of
services to its customers.
Systems & Procedures

The company has set systems for dealing with customer enquiries related to product
sales, both in domestic and export markets, alongwith receiving purchase order from
customers and processing them for dispatch of requisitioned products from production
units. The system has multilevel checks with proper arrangement of documenting
such requests and orders, processing them at 3 levels (viz. secretarial, supervisory and
managerial) till the queries / purchase orders are answered / executed to the
satisfaction of customers. During the period of product shortage (e.g. rutile and zircon
shortage), the company has adopted the policy of making available quantity of its
product (available with company) to its customers based on pre-determined formula

HRM practices in a public sector undertaking: A case study of IRE limited, Chatrapur.

i.e. keeping in consideration customer loyalty measured in terms of past purchases,

status of customer as an end user of the product, compliance with statutory license
conditions depending on the product type, accommodation of govt. users, etc.. The
above distribution is subject to routine periodic checks at managerial levels and by
external agencies viz. Audit department

Customers’ Complaint Handling

Marketing department in each production unit has adopted ISO 9002 for their regular
operation and under this system documented procedures are followed for attending to
customer complaints regarding product quality, delay in delivery, etc.. In some of the
units Customer Service and Complaint Redressal Cell has been established. The cell
is headed by the unit Head. The cell meets periodically as well as on emergency basis,
if required, for ensuring best customer service. The main objectives of cell include
resolving customer complaints by recommending corrective / preventive actions and
reviewing its implementation. If required, the customers are also given opportunity to
be present during the meetings of the cell. Customer feedback is also obtained through
prescribed questionnaire. This feedback is used to improve customer service. Director
(Marketing) handles the matters which are beyond the administrative and financial
powers of concerned unit heads and gets such disputes related to customer complaints

Grievance Redressal

Grievances of customers related to product quality, servicing of purchase orders,

availability of products of the company in short supply, etc.. are documented properly
and action on such matters recorded. Director (Marketing) functions as the grievance
redressal authority and interfaces with the administrative ministries, registered
professional trading/manufacturing association and other statutory bodies in such
matters. Grievances still remain unredressed come to CMD for their final redressal.
Committee of functional Directors (called PENTEX) deliberates policy matter
relating to grievances and redressal thereof for the corporate as a whole. Head (HRM)
is in-charge of public/staff grievance redressal system.

IREL is committed to provide a safe and healthy environment for the protection and
well being of the employees and the general public by means of safe and healthy
system of work. Safety is given paramount consideration right from the conceptual
stage of all the projects, modifications / expansions and day-to-day operations. The
company is of the firm belief that accidents are preventable and the creation of safe
and healthy working conditions is as important as production. The company follows
HRM practices in a public sector undertaking: A case study of IRE limited, Chatrapur.

the philosophy of maintaining a harmonious relationship with the environment by

adopting suitable technology in different areas of operation and to implement the
measures to protect the environment.

Research and development facility-

In the context of changing technologies on the areas of mineral processing and
product development and the never-ending face for technological supremacy in the
global scenario, the need for providing infrastructure support for research and
development and maintain a high level of productivity without sacrificing on
standards of safety and employee welfare is very relevant. R & D centres of IREL are
located at Mineral Research and Development Centre(MRDC), Kollam, Technical
Service Division(TSD), OSCOM, Chatrapur and Rare Earths Division (RED), Aluva.
MRDC undertakes constancy projects on mineral separation i.e. sand beneficiation,
etc., along with mineral separation investigation to improve yield and products. The
facilities include various magnetic, gravity, hydraulic and electrostatic separators,
floatation cells, grinding mills, vacuum filters, microscopes and analytical instruments
i.e.ICP, UV spectrometer, etc. TSD, OSCOM is equipped with analytical instruments
i.e. X-ray diffractrometer, thermal analyser, atomic absorption spectrometer, UV
spectrometers, particle size analysers, etc. for study and development of processes for
manufacturing synthetic rutile, stabilised and partially stabilised zirconia, gem grade
zirconia, etc. RED, Aluva develops solvent extraction and ion exchange-based
processes for presentation of pure rare earth chemicals.


4.1. Objectives of the study

 To study the current practices of HRM.

 To find out the factors influencing HRM practices.
 To understand the working culture of the organization.
 To find employee satisfaction index.

4.2. Period of the study

Since the dissertation project is to be completed in four months, it is not possible to

collect data and make analysis of long periods. Hence the analysis of data is confined
to the period 2009-2010.

4.3. Data collection

Primary data collection involved management, employees, Trade Union members. In

interview schedule I used multiple choice question and ranking system questions.

Research Approaches : Survey

Research Instrument : Interview Schedule
Sampling Unit : Management Employees Trade Union
Sampling size : 25 30 10
Sampling procedure : Purposive Selection
Contact Method : Personal Interview

Data being collected from secondary sources:

 Books on the subject
 Annual Reports
 Published reports relevant to the subject
 Files and records of the plant
4.4. Scope of the study

 The human resource management practices of a major Public Sector

 The need for employee development and the practices adopted by a major
PSU toward this end.
 The importance of positive human resource management practices in
employee retention.
 The effect of organizational culture on employee morale and high

4.5. Limitation of the study

• Limitation of time

• Availability of genuine data, as all information cannot be shared on the

grounds of confidentiality.

• Human beings are most critical of all the assets. To extract exact information

from the respondents is if not impossible but totally not possible.


Regression Analysis: HEUM versus RASP, ISRP, IETE, OLTO, PSB

The regression equation is

HEUM = 0.616 + 0.119 RASP + 0.377 ISRP - 0.250 IETE + 0.162 OLTO + 0.131

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 0.6158 0.4464 1.38 0.184
RASP 0.11940 0.06882 1.73 0.099
ISRP 0.3774 0.1967 1.92 0.070
IETE -0.25036 0.07650 -3.27 0.004
OLTO 0.16237 0.05484 2.96 0.008
PSB 0.13063 0.04013 3.26 0.004

S = 0.294972 R-Sq = 63.7% R-Sq(adj) = 54.2%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 5 2.90684 0.58137 6.68 0.001
Residual Error 19 1.65316 0.08701
Total 24 4.56000

Source DF Seq SS
RASP 1 0.27627
ISRP 1 0.46944
IETE 1 0.60496
OLTO 1 0.63424
PSB 1 0.92193

Interpreting the results

For the Human Resource Practice data at IREL, the response variable is HEUM (HRP
practiced by IREL helps in a greater way to the effective utilization of its manpower)
and the predictors are RASP (Recruit people with appropriate selection procedure
which contribute to its success), ISRP (IREL depends on interviews as the most
effective selection tool in its recruitment process), IETE (Indiscipline of employees is
not tolerated and the ultimate remedy is termination of an employee), OLTO (IREL

follows orientation as a long term objective), and PSB (Promotion is made on
seniority basis).
The interpretation of the regression equation follows:
 The slope (b1 = 0.119) is the change in HEUM when RASP increases by 1.
That is, when the RASP increases by one unit, the HEUM increases by 0.119
 The slope (b2 = 0.377) is the change in HEUM when ISRP increases by 1.
That is, when the ISRP increases by one unit, the HEUM increases by 0.377
 The slope (b3 = - 0.250) is the change in HEUM when IETE increases by 1.
That is, when IETE increases by one unit, the HEUM decreases by 0.250
 The slope (b4 = 0.162) is the change in HEUM when OLTO increases by 1.
That is, when OLTO increases by one unit, the HEUM increases by 0.162
 The slope (b5 = 0.131) is the change in HEUM when PSB increases by 1. That
is, when the PSB increases by one unit, the HEUM increases by 0.131 units.
 The constant (intercept) value (b0 = 0.616) is the predicted value of HEUM
when each predictor (RASP, ISRP, IETE, OLTO, PSB) is zero. That is, when
the predictors are zero the Rating is 0.616.

The interpretation of the P-Values follows:

 The p-value in the Analysis of Variance table (0.001) shows that the model
estimated by the regression procedure is significant at an a-level of 0.05. This
indicates that at least one coefficient is different from zero.
 The p-values for the estimated coefficients of IETE, OLTO and PSB are
0.004, 0.008 and 0.004 respectively, indicating that they are significantly
related to HEUM. The p-value for RASP and ISRP are 0.099 and 0.070,
indicating that it is not related to HEUM at an a-level of 0.05.

The interpretation of S, R-Sq and R-Sq (Adj) Values follows:

 The R-square value indicates that the predictors explain 63.7% of the variance
in HEUM. The adjusted R-square is 54.2%, which accounts for the number of
predictors in the model. Both values indicate that the model fits the data well.

(response is HEUM)


-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Standardized Residual

For the Human Resource Practice data at IREL, no evidence of skewness or outliers

Normal Probability Plot
(response is HEUM)






-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Standardized Residual

For the Human Resource Practice data at IREL, the residuals appear to follow a
straight line although the negative tail falls slightly away from the line. No evidence
of non-normality, or unidentified variables exists.

Employee Satisfaction Index

Correlations: ESI, Trade Union, Management

ESI Trade Union
Trade union -0.290

Management 0.385 -0.134

0.271 0.711

Interpreting the results

The Pearson correlation between ESI and Trade Union is -0.290, between
Management and ESI is 0.385, and between Trade Union and Management is -0.134.

This explains that ESI (employee satisfaction index) and Trade Union and
management and Trade Union are negatively correlated where as ESI and
management are positively correlated.


The ESI (employee satisfaction index) is found to be ….. which shows that
employees are very satisfied with the management policies.

Good working environment, regular training and training procedure leads to employee

The management decisions are highly influenced by the disciplined working

environment, orientation program and criteria of promotion i.e. on seniority based.

Employee satisfaction index and management are positively correlated that shows that
there is cordial relationship between management and employee which leads to
achieving its goal effectively.


IREL being a public sector organization has a well defined HRM policy and it follows
a well developed HRM practices and procedures. The HRM policies and practices are
directed from the head office and implemented at the regional office.
A review of the policies and practices of IREL, Chatrapur shows the following
IETE (Indiscipline of employees is not tolerated and the ultimate remedy is
termination of an employee), OLTO (IREL follows orientation as a long term
objective), and PSB (Promotion is made on seniority basis) has positive impact on
HEUM (HRP practiced by IREL helps in a greater way to the effective utilization of
its manpower). That means indiscipline, orientation and seniority based promotion has
significantly influencing the effective utilization of manpower.

Hence it can be concluded that the HRM policies and practices of IREL are up to
mark. This is confounded from the result of ESI (employee satisfaction index) and
management which are positively correlated.

However correlation between employee and trade union are negative. This shows that
the Trade Union is not effective in mobilizing the employee but able to make a hard
bargain with the management as the correlation between management and Trade
Union is negative.

The present study being a short term project is not able to cover all the aspect of HRM
policies and practices of IREL.

There is ample scope for further study of HRM policies and practices of IREL.




Q1. How long you are working in the organization?

1 2 3 4 5
Less than 6 6 months-1 1 year-5 5 years-10 More than 10
months year years years years

Q2. Your satisfaction with the recruitment process.

1 2 3 4 5
Very satisfied satisfied Can’t said dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

Q3. Are you satisfied with the recruitment process of your company?

1 2 3 4 5
Very satisfied satisfied Can’t said dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

Q4. Are you satisfied with your organization’s salary increment Policy?

1 2 3 4 5
Very satisfied satisfied Can’t said dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

Q5. Are you satisfied with the training procedure given in the Organization?

1 2 3 4 5
Very satisfied satisfied Can’t said dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

Q6. Are you getting regular training in your company?

1 2 3 4 5
Always Very Often Occasionally No

Q7. Are you satisfied with the performance appraisal system in your organization?

1 2 3 4 5
Very satisfied satisfied Can’t said dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

Q8. Are you satisfied with your promotion activities in your Organization?

1 2 3 4 5
Very satisfied satisfied Can’t said dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

Q9. Does the present performance appraisal system meet your Career advancement?

1 2 3 4 5
Highly agree agree Can’t said disagree Highly disagree

Q10. Are you comfortable with the working environment?

1 2 3 4 5
Highly agree agree Can’t said disagree Highly disagree



1. What method is used for the performance appraisal system in your
1 2 3 4 5
Confidential report Ranking Grading 360* Self appraisal

2. IREL being a public sector organization recruits right people with appropriate
selection procedure which contributes to its success.
1 2 3 4 5
Highly agree Agree Can’t said Disagree Highly disagree

3. HRP practiced by IREL helps in a greater way to the effective utilization of its
1 2 3 4 5
Highly agree Agree Can’t said Disagree Highly disagree

4. IREL depends on interviews as the most effective selection tool in its

recruitment process.
1 2 3 4 5
Highly agree Agree Can’t said Disagree Highly disagree

5. Indiscipline of employees is not tolerated and the ultimate remedy is

termination of an employee.
1 2 3 4 5
Highly agree Agree Can’t said Disagree Highly disagree

6. IREL follows orientation as a long term objective.

1 2 3 4 5
Highly agree Agree Can’t said Disagree Highly disagree

7. Promotion is made on seniority basis.

1 2 3 4 5
Highly agree Agree Can’t said Disagree Highly disagree




1. How do you make economic pressure on employer?
1 2 3 4 5
Collective Bargaining Strike Boycott Gherao Picketing

2. Are you providing political education to workers?

1 2 3 4 5
Always Very Often Occasionally No

3. Are you conducting cultural activities?

1 2 3 4 5
Always Very Often Occasionally No

4. Do you have any cooperative center? If yes how many?

1 2 3 4 5
One Two Three Four or more No

5. During strikes and economic distress are you providing any monetary and
other help to your members?
1 2 3 4 5
Always Very Often Occasionally No




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