Set A Pre-Test: B. Theodore Bramled

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1. He was a leading educational philosopher of the 20th century. As an American educator and
educational philosopher was best known as the founder of Social Reconstructionism.
a. Herbert Spencer
b. Theodore Bramled
c. George Counts
d. Paulo Priere

2. According to him the purpose and task of education was to teach everyone how to live
completely and advocate the theory of evolution, who achieved an influential synthesis of
knowledge, advocating the preeminence of the individual over society.
a. Herbert Spencer
b. Theodore Bramled
c. George Counts
d. Paulo Priere

3. His main work is the Popular Education pedagogy - influences many educators all over the world
who believe in education as a way of liberating poor oppressed people.

a. Herbert Spencer
b. Theodore Bramled
c. George Counts
d. Paulo Priere

4. Which of the following describes the overall theme of Primitive Education?

a. Education for survival, conformity and self-preservation Education

b. for the preservation of culture and social stability
c. Education for Development of Individuality
d. Education for utilitarianism

5. Which among the choices does NOT belong to the educational questions sought to answer by
Greeks and Romans?
a. What is true, good and beautiful?
b. What models should education use in preparing good citizens?
c. How should education respond to social, economic and political change?
d. How do we maintain the holy covenant made to God by His people?

6. What is the main emphasis of classical humanism during the Renaissance?

a. Theology
b. Literature
c. Science
d. Cultural tradition

7. Which of the following educators believed that ideas originated as a result of experience and
that advocate the idea that the mind of a child is a "tabula rasa"?

a. John Locke
b. Johann Comenius
c. Martin Luther
d. Johan Gutenberg

8. It offers education in public schools was provided all over the country, in accordance with 1935

a. Spanish era
b. American Regime
c. Commonwealth period
d. Pre-colonial period

9. Who is not a member of the Parent teachers Association?

a. Parents with no child currently enrolled in school

b. Parents of children currently enrolled in school
c. School head
d. Teacher representative

10. As a teacher, you are a facilitator of learning. What is expected of you?

a. Do not fail anyone

b. Make-teaching-learning interactive and exciting
c. Use videos
d. Allow them to use their cellphones in the classroom

11. In her leadership in the community, a professional teacher shows no signs of ethnocentrism?
What does this mean?

a. Does not belittle other peoples’ culture

b. Looks at her culture as superior to others’s culture
c. Is she ashamed of her own culture?
d. Does not mind other people’s culture

12. Which is the essence of servant-leadership?

a. Leading is serving
b. Leading is making your subordinates feel your power over them
c. Leading is ensuring that yourself is the first
d. Leading is changing
13. What is the message of situational leadership?

a. A leader is first is first servant

b. A leader must fit leadership style to the follower’s level of readiness and willingness
c. A leader can choose the leadership style that fits him most.
d. Authoritarian leadership is best because organization accomplishes much

14. What term describes the transmission of culture from parents to their children or from
members of the same group?

A. Enculturation
B. Adaptation
C. Acculturation
D. Indoctrination

15. Which of the following ancient societies emphasized hierarchical status and power in their
educational system?

A. Chines
B. Primitive
C. Egyptians
D. Hebrew

16. Which among these ideas are being promoted by Aristotle?

A. The people should maintain and strengthen its covenant with God and fear his Creator.
B. Humans are rational beings which should live according to the natural laws of the universe.
C. Individuals should receive the education appropriate to their social role and be prepared for
their appropriate functions.
D. The education's primary goal was to prepare clear-thinking, rational and truthful statesmen.

17. Which ancient society promoted the ladderized system of education?

A. Greeks
B. Jewish
C. Chinese
D. Romans

18. Quintillian emphasized the need to base instruction on the learner's readiness and stage of
development. How do you describe the third stage of education in his stage-based learning?

A. Children impulsively sought their immediate needs and desires.

B. Children should learn from sense experiences, form clear ideas, and train his memory.
C. Students should study Greek and Latin grammar, literature, history, mythology, music,
geometry, astronomy and gymnastics.
D. Students are prospective orators who study drama, poetry, law, philosophy, public speaking,
declamation, and debate.
19. The book de Magistro (Concerning the Teacher),it is said that teachers need to be contemplative
and reflective scholars, expert in their subjects, active and skilled instructors and lovers of
humanity. Who authored the book de Magistro?
A. Mortimer Adler
B. Thomas Aquinas
C. Robert Hutchins
D. Martin Luther

20. Which is true of school culture?

a. passed on like a hereditary trait
b. created by the school head and other stakeholders
c. has insignificant effect on student performance
d. cannot be altered

21. Which contributes to a positive school culture?

a. Growth mind set

b. Low expectations
c. Authoritarian leadership
d. Exclusivity

22. School Head respects academic time so she does not just call on teachers during class hours.
Which element of positive culture is illustrated?

a. Tradition
b. Collegiality
c. Protection of what is important
d. High expectations

23. Which form part of school culture?

I. Structure
II. Resources
III. Practice
IV. School climate

a. I and II
b. I, II and III
c. II and III
d. I, II, III, and IV

24. What are the PTAs prohibited from doing?

I. Interfering in the academic administrative management and operations of the school, and
the DepEd
II. Engaging in any partisan political activity within school premises.
III. Operating a canteen/school supplies, or being a concessionaire thereof inside the school or
nearby premises, directly or indirectly.

a. I, II and III
b. II and III
c. I and II
d. I and III

25. Which statement on School Policies is CORRECT?

a. They suffocate school climate

b. They help ensure realization of school goals
c. They come from above and so by all means be observed
d. They cannot change

26. Which is the most effective way of making policies? (

a. School head to involve stakeholders

b. Students not to participate since policies are for them
c. Only parents of students enrolled are involved
d. School policies are permanent to build the culture of excellence

27. Whys is there a policy on grading?

I. To fulfill the purposes of assessment

II. For fair grade computation
III. For the guidance and information of all

a. I and II
b. I and III
c. II and III
d. I, II and III

28. Which is a policy-making body composed of internal and external stakeholders with whom
school head and teachers relate?

a. Parents teachers association

b. Supreme student council
c. School governing council
d. Faculty club

29. The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years Basic Education (6 years of primary
education, 4 years of JHS and 2 years of SHS to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts
and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level
skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. This refers to;
a. R.A. 10157
b. R.A. 10533
c. R.A 9155
d. R.A. 7796

30. Otherwise called the Governance of Basic Education Act, was transforming the name of
Department education, Culture and Sports (DECS) to the Department of Education (DepEd) and
redefining the role of field offices (regional offices, division offices, district offices and schools).
This refers to:

a. R.A. 10157
b. R.A. 10533
c. R.A 9155
d. R.A. 7796

31. This act institutionalizing Kindergarten education into the basic education system.

a. R.A. 10157
b. R.A. 10533
c. R.A 9155
d. R.A. 7796

32. The trifocal education system refocused DECS’ mandate to basic education which covers
elementary, secondary and nonformal education, including culture and sports. TESDA now
administers the post-secondary, middle-level skill manpower training and development act.
What Act it is?

a. R.A. 10157
b. R.A. 10533
c. R.A 9155
d. R.A. 7796

33. A school of thought according to which each of the institutions, relationships, roles, and norms
that together constitute a society serves a purpose, and each is indispensable for the continued
existence of the others and of society as a whole. This describe what theory?

a. Conflict theory
b. Interactionist theory
c. Structural-functional theory
d. Classical theory

34. Which function of management involves analyzing information, set goals, make decisions.
a. Organizing
b. Leading
c. Planning
d. Controlling
35. Which function of management involves—— an effort to direct and lead people to accomplish
the planned work of the organization.

a. controlling
b. Implementing
c. leading
d. staffing

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