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Christian Spirituality

Created @February 15, 2022 4:52 PM


Class Heritage

Exam Exam 1

Christian Spirituality
Spirituality- the study of the encounter between humankind and transformation.

Different from theoretical discussion about theology, emphasis on the transformation part.

Transformation is necessary

God encounters us and a transformation is present in the encounter

Spirituality Experience
Speculative- very logical
Affective- very emotional
Apophatic- encountering God through the lack of knowledge, emphasis on “wordlessness” or
Kataphatic- encountering God through the world around you

Timeline of Class

Pink Section- Early Church (0-500CE)

Blue Section- Middle Ages (500-1500)

Christian Spirituality 1
Green Section- Reformation (1500-1600)
Orange Section- Modern (1600-now)

Next Page: Apostolic Fathers

Christian Spirituality 2

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