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Claro M. Recto Academy of Advanced Studies


February 12, 2022 (Saturday)

Full Name: Brennan Roi Seminiano Duag

Date: 02/12/2022

Instruction. Read and answer the final examination questions comprehensively. Good luck!


1. What is TQM and the key components of its framework? How these components interact with one
Criterion Excellent Work (15) Meets Expectations (11) Below Expectations (8) Missing or Serious Problems (4) Points
Relevance of The answer provided is excellent; The Answer is brief with The Answer is The essay did not answer the
Answer to the sufficient to support assertions; sufficient detail. Unrelated issues incomplete. Excessive question. The Answer is incomplete.
question the Answer focuses only on were introduced and/or minor discussion of unrelated Excessive discussion of unrelated
issues related to the question; errors in content. issues and/or significant issues.
factually correct. The examples/s are provided errors in content. No examples provided (If applicable)
Accurate and relevant accurately but need to Examples/s are provided
examples/s provided (if substantiate the details. (If but not related to the
applicable) applicable) concept. (If applicable)

Answer here in Font size 11, Times New Roman, Color Blue
Total quality management is a way of organizing and maximizing the business in order to produce a quality
manpower and service, it is also approach to the diversity of business in order to achieve a long-term
success where defined through product quality and customer satisfaction. The framework begins in the
knowledge of the Gurus, this also the experts in handling managing business and person. As the expert
make a manage, they will provide a Principles and Practices were focuses in people and relationships such
us customer satisfaction, employee involvement and supplier partnership where they become standard
procedure of making quality management in one business or company, beside principles and practices the
gurus will also provide Tools and Techniques that help to outline the design of the business and maintain
the quality of the outcome were help to assess the Product or Service Realization in order to improve the
overall quality of the amenities and also to pace the diversity and demand of the market where the main
goal is to satisfy the Customer even this internal or external customers.
Claro M. Recto Academy of Advanced Studies

2. Select at least 5 of Deming’s 14 points and describe how you would achieve or implement it in hotel or
restaurant operations? And what do you think would be the outcomes if implemented?

Criterion Excellent Work (20) Meets Expectations (16) Below Expectations (12) Missing or Serious Problems (6) Points
Relevance of The answer provided is excellent; The Answer is brief with The Answer is The essay did not answer the
Answer to the sufficient to support assertions; sufficient detail. Unrelated issues incomplete. Excessive question. The Answer is incomplete.
question the Answer focuses only on were introduced and/or minor discussion of unrelated Excessive discussion of unrelated
issues related to the question; errors in content. issues and/or significant issues.
factually correct. The examples/s are provided errors in content. No examples provided (If applicable)
Accurate and relevant accurately but need to Examples/s are provided
examples/s provided (if substantiate the details. (If but not related to the
applicable) applicable) concept. (If applicable)

Answer here in Font size 11, Times New Roman, Color Blue
In fourteen points of Deming philosophy I choose the following:
First, Create and Publish the Aims and Purposes of the organization, this will be achieved by making an
extrinsic research on the market place where helping to Identify the trends and demands on the free market.
This thing also helps to redirect the organization into a long-range goal of the management. The outcomes
will satisfy both the management and customer that will be part of the research and the result is made for
Second, Learn the new philosophy, as making changes in once management we need to adapt and divert
our path to make a different outcome. The free market change in every bit of time, in order keep up we need
to adopt and learn new philosophy or way. As the saying said that the only constant in this world is
changes. This will also help to create new amenities, dishes or event were help to attract costumer.
Third, Optimize the effort of teams, groups, and staff areas, on this way the management can move freely
and the same time vigilant in striking the market goal, this will only happen when we are putting some
effort in helping, straightening and enhancing our manpower, this will also possible by giving proper
training were help our employee to enhance their leadership skill, this philosophy will produce a flexible
employee and also help to gain a more peaceful work environment where every effort acknowledge.
Fourth, Encourage education and self-improvement for everyone, this will help our employee to improve
their personal and professional qualities as part of the hospitality industry, as I mention the market is
moving constantly the demand will change time by time and in order to keep up on changes we need to
constantly encourage and support our employee (waiter, cook, room attendant and etc.) by giving the a
proper seminar or providing a master class in their specialization. Before giving an educational assistance,
the employee must be qualifying in sort of criteria just to make sure that the employee will still stay on the
company after taking the benefits. The outcome will satisfy both the management and customer where the
premises can provide a high-quality products and services.
Lastly, take action to accomplish the transformation. As plan made action will wake it place. By
understanding all the first 4 that I choose and making effort to make it happen everything will take its place.
The outcome will be having a long-rang plan and goal for the organization where also help to adapt the
diversity and changes of (free)market, supporting the manpower of enhancement of product and service
Claro M. Recto Academy of Advanced Studies

3. According to American Society for Quality, there are 6 factors that influence customers to purchase the
a. What are these factors and how do they differ with one another?
b. And if you where the restaurant manager, how are you going to consider these factors in the
products and services you offer?
Criterion Excellent Work (15) Meets Expectations (11) Below Expectations (8) Missing or Serious Problems (4) Points
Relevance of The answer provided is excellent; The Answer is brief with The answer is The essay did not answer the
Answer to the sufficient to support assertions; sufficient detail. Unrelated issues incomplete. Excessive question. The Answer is incomplete.
question the Answer focuses only on were introduced and/or minor discussion of unrelated Excessive discussion of unrelated
issues related to the question; errors in content. issues and/or significant issues.
factually correct. The examples/s are provided errors in content. No examples provided (If applicable)
Accurate and relevant accurately but need to Examples/s are provided
examples/s provided (if substantiate the details. (If but not related to the
applicable) applicable) concept. (If applicable)

Answer here in Font size 11, Times New Roman, Color Blue
A. The six factors are Performance, Features, Services, Warranty, Price and Reputation
Performance is happened after the customer bought and used, if the item meets the product
description while Features is the characteristics of the product were show the functions of it and it
will use. Service is the involvement of the organization by giving a customer-added value this will
be measure thru satisfaction of customer after received the services while Warranty is also an
involvement of the organization in costumer were giving them an after-sale guarantee that the
organization will still provide service support for the item/product they sold. Price is the asset of
market sere use to label the value of product while the reputation is the value of the overall assets
of the company were include the price, service, products and more.
B. I will consider these factors in every aspect where my customer meets their expectation such
providing a quality product performance, adopted features where can attain different aspect of
customer’s needs, quality service that lift my customer satisfaction and employee’s satisfaction. An
after sale-service to provide customer care that help them on question and also for after sale
services. Price must be convenient and affordable but still produce a quality product. There factots
will help to improve our company reputation in both internal and externally.
Claro M. Recto Academy of Advanced Studies

4. ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard for Quality Management systems. Organizations use it to
demonstrate their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory
requirements and to show continuous improvement. (30 points)
a. Discuss the underlying principles, Framework, and requirements that must be fulfilled by an
organization that wishes to use this Framework; and
b. How can the organization establish, maintain, and continuously improve its quality management
system through this ISO 9001:2015 International standard? (Please cite specific examples)
Criterion Excellent Work (30) Meets Expectations (22) Below Expectations (15) Missing or Serious Problems (8) Points
Relevance of The answer provided is excellent; The Answer is brief with The Answer is The essay did not answer the
Answer to the sufficient to support assertions; sufficient detail. Unrelated issues incomplete. Excessive question. The Answer is incomplete.
question the Answer focuses only on were introduced and/or minor discussion of unrelated Excessive discussion of unrelated
issues related to the question; errors in content. issues and/or significant issues.
factually correct. The examples/s are provided errors in content. No examples provided (If applicable)
Accurate and relevant accurately but need to Examples/s are provided
examples/s provided (if substantiate the details. (If but not related to the
applicable) applicable) concept. (If applicable)

Answer here in Font size 11, Times New Roman, Color Blue
The international standard ISO 9001 provides the requirements for a quality management system. The
standard is used by businesses to show that they can consistently deliver products and services that fulfill
customer and regulatory criteria. It is the most widely used standard in the ISO 9000 series and the only
one that can be certified by organizations. Scope, Normative References, Definitions, Quality Management
Systems, Management Responsibility, Resource Management, Product and/or Service Realization, and
Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement are the eight sections of the standard. The first three clauses are
for informational purposes, whereas the remaining five are for a company's requirements. The standard's
numbering system is followed.
Using a system of processes inside an organization, as well as identifying and managing these processes, is
referred to as the process approach, which includes identifying and managing these processes. Processes
must be considered in terms of value contributed when determining their performance and effectiveness,
and process performance and effectiveness must be continuously improved based on objective measures,
according to this strategy.
Claro M. Recto Academy of Advanced Studies

5. Process refers to business and production activities of an organization. Enumerate and discuss the components of its
model. And if you were the hotel front office manager, how can you apply it in the check-in and check-out process?

Criterion Excellent Work (20) Meets Expectations (16) Below Expectations (12) Missing or Serious Problems (6) Points
Relevance of The answer provided is excellent; The Answer is brief with The Answer is The essay did not answer the
Answer to the sufficient to support assertions; sufficient detail. Unrelated issues incomplete. Excessive question. The Answer is incomplete.
question the Answer focuses only on were introduced and/or minor discussion of unrelated Excessive discussion of unrelated
issues related to the question; errors in content. issues and/or significant issues.
factually correct. The examples/s are provided errors in content. No examples provided (If applicable)
Accurate and relevant accurately but need to Examples/s provided but
examples/s provided (if substantiate the details. (If not related to the
applicable) applicable) concept. (If applicable)

Answer here in Font size 11, Times New Roman, Color Blue
First, with, a process that consumes more resources than is required is inefficient. Copying and distribution
time, material, user read time, and, finally, file space is all wasted when reports are given to more
individuals than they need. Second, most faults are a symptom of poor work and necessitate a revision.
Third, the process is enhanced by meeting or surpassing the expectations of downstream consumers.
Fourth method to improve a process is to make it more secure. The satisfaction of the person who is doing
the procedure is the fifth approach to enhance it. A small modification in a person's attitude toward their
work, such as an ergonomically suitable chair, can sometimes make a big difference.
As manager front office manager in order to maximize the sale and reduce error, first I need to properly
hire a quality employee with high educational background and food field experience to reduce error then
providing a very good service where my client or customer choose us also letting them to have a mouth talk
advertisement to their relative and also making a social media platform advertisement to less cost. Plan a
good layout transaction script and also providing my manpower a proper training for them to provide a
smooth transaction that benefits both company and customers.

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