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Apostolic Fathers

Created @February 15, 2022 11:36 AM


Class Heritage

Exam Exam 1

Previous Page Christian Spirituality

Apostolic Fathers

2/3rd gen Jesus-followers

Followers of the og disciples

Clement of Rome
Died 101 AD

Ignatius of Antioch
“Friend of Peter”

Part of the first church

Polycarp of Smyrna

Theology struggles in the Early Church

1. Christology → who is Jesus?

a. Is he God, is he not, etc?

b. Is he omniscient?

c. Is he the Messiah, how so?

2. Docetism

a. This started during NT times

i. Docetist think they’re Christian, non-docetists disagree

b. Did he really have a physical body?

c. Did he truly suffer?

d. why did they think that?

i. He was “too good”

Apostolic Fathers 1
Next Page: Early Apologetics

Apostolic Fathers 2

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