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Spiritual Ranks of Hadhrat Imam Rabbani

some brother insisted to me for writing about the ranks and merits of Hadhrat Imam
Rabbani Mujaddid Alf-e-Thani (r.a). I'm writing just few out of few of his blessed
ranks. Insha Allah if allowed, I will write more to glorify Imam Rabbani and make this
deed the reason of forgiveness for me.

Excerpts from the book Mubda wa Mi’ad

And I completed this path (of Sulook) with the spiritual coaching of Hadhrat Ali (r.a)
(page 94)

And then with the help of spirituality of Hadhrat Khwaja Naqshbandi, I went higher
from that Name to the level of Qabliyat-e-Ula, which is also known as Haqiqat-e-
Muhammadi (s.a.w). (page 94)

And after that with the spiritual help of Hadhrat Faruq Azam (Hazrat Umer) I went
still higher. (page 94)

And progress to that stage was awarded to me with the spiritual coaching of Holy
Prophet (s.a.w). (page 94)

Upto reaching that stage, I also received some help from the spirituality of Hadhrat
Khwaja Ala-Uddin Attar (r.a) (khalifa of Hadhrat Khwaja Naqshband). (page 94)

Upon reaching that stage which is called the stage of Aqtab, this faqeer was
awarded the post of Qutb-e-Irshad by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w). (page 95).

In that last Urooj, which is the Urooj of Stages of Reality, this faqeer received help
from the spirituality of Hadhrat Ghaus Al-Azam Muhiyuddin Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
(r.a). (page 96)

Moreover, this faqeer received the capability of Ilm-e-Ladunni (Spiritual knowledge)

from the spirituality of Hadhrat Khidr (a.s). But this was until I didn’t pass the Stage
of Aqtab. (page 97)

From those great shuyukh, the spirituality of Hadhrat Khwaja Qutb-uddin help me
much greater than other shuyukh. (page 97)

Once I was sitting in the circle of my friends and was thinking about my faults, …
during this feeling, I received the call (from Allah swt) in my Inner that:
“I pardoned you and everyone who took your Tawassul (intercession) to me, either
directly or indirectly”
And these words were repeated again and again so that no doubt remained. (page

Hadhrat Mujaddid Alf-e-Thani was Mujaddid of the second millennium of Hijrah. He

himself says that a Mujaddid of millennium is much higher than a Mujaddid of
century. Every person in the Ummah who gets Fuyuz and Barkaat, gets from him.

His birth was predicted by a hadith of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w).

His birth was also predicted by many shuyukh, like Hadhrat Ghaus al-Azam, Hadhrat
Abdul Quddus Ganguhi, Hadhrat Ahmed Jaam, Shaikh Khalil-Allah Badakhshi, Shaikh
Saleem Chishti, Makhdoom Jahanian, Bu Ali Qalandar, Shah Kamal Kethali (r.a.a)
and many others.

Bu Ali Qalandar is quoted to have said that Allah s.w.t ordered me to work with
those labourers who were building the city of Sirhind, because Shaikh Ahmed
Sirhindi will be born in that sacred city.

Hadhrat Ghaus Al-Azam (r.a) gave the Khirqah of Khilafat to Hadhrat Mujaddid Alf-e-
Thani in his lifetime, 500 years before the birth of Imam Rabbani. This Khirqah
(gown) was conveyed to Imam Rabbani to various shuyukh.

Astrologers also predicted his birth and told this to Mughal Emperor Akbar, same as
the birth of Hadhrat Musa (a.s) was predicted to Fir’awn.

The day Imam Rabbani was born, his mother saw in dream that all the Awliya of this
Ummah have gathered at her home, and are asking each other to see Shaikh
Ahmed, and they said that Allah s.w.t says whoever will see him, I will forgive all his

His father saw on his birth day, that the Holy Prophet s.a.w has come to my house
with many angels, and took the newborn Shaikh Ahmed in his lap, gave Azan and
Takbir in his ears, and said that I have handed over all the tasks of this Ummah now
to this person, who will handle my Ummah in the next millennium.

Hadhrat Mujaddid says: I have been produced from the soil leftover from the sacred
soil of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w).

The Ranks of Hadhrat Imam Rabbani are countless. Thousands of Awliya of this
Ummah have narrated his holy ranks and degrees and virtues and merits. Insha
Allah I will be posting more and more from authentic books written by famous
scholars and Awliya.

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