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< MAY /2020>

< OUMH1303 >


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According to William Newman, communication is explained as an exchange of ideas, facts,

opinions, or emotions of 2 or more persons. The ulterior motive of communication in creating
the speech presentation is to show the ability of students in delivering effective
communication skills. Therefore, in the speech presentation, I have delivered an informative
speech related to personal health. For example, “How to Avoid Maskne”. I have applied
formal and informal language in my speech presentation for effective communication with
the audience. 


The recorded speech presentation consists of 4 stages of presentation skills such as planning,
preparation, practice, and presentation. In order to have an effective presentation, careful
planning is required since it involves a systematic approach towards a project in bringing out
the desired results. So, I opt to make a video presentation that is closely related to ‘Personal
Health’ during this covid 19 pandemic while sounding informative to my audience. Thus, I
selected ‘How to prevent Maskne’ as my topic. I begin seeking materials, ideas, and data
content from various resources such as journals, websites, and newspapers. After little
research, I managed to gather relevant information on my topic and selected my target
audience. For example, YouTube channel viewers, OUM students, lecturers and panels.
The second stage is preparation. At this stage, I started preparing a draft for my speech
presentation. I explored various samples from online portals that provide me a glimpse of
how a good speech will be presented whether in written or oral form. The draft preparation
allows me to remember the key points since writing the text speech forces me to think, grasp
ideas, and have a better insight on the topic. The text speech comprises four parts as the
plotline of my speech such as introduction, body, and conclusion. In the introduction, the
greeting and aim of my speech presentation is conveyed. The body part points out the
definition of Maskne, main points, and sub-points of the topic along with pictures while the
conclusion part includes a summary of my whole speech. After the completion of the video, I
realized the video looks unappealing and monotonous for my audience. So, I improvised the
video by adding visual aids such as pictures and background images to make the video more
interactive and engaging for my audience.

As the saying goes ‘No Pain, No Gain’. I met several challenges during the making of the
video presentation. Firstly, the video-making process was time-consuming since I was a
beginner and had no earlier experience in creating videos. I searched various online video
editors to create my video, but I was less satisfied with the outcome. Some of the online
editors required me to pay a minimal fee to download the software which I declined. After a
suggestion from my friend, I decided to create my video using PowerPoint which turns out to
be a great option since no fee is required and easy to be downloaded. The PowerPoint enables
me to record my presentation via webcam while playing my slides using the slide
show option. After recording the entire presentation, I was dissatisfied with the outcome
since the duration of the video has exceeded the time frame which is 10 minutes. So, using
the video trimmer, I had to cut back some of the video portions to shorten the duration, which
was an exhausting process, owing to the time constraint. Besides, the video presentation file
was too large to be uploaded as it has exceeded the file size, 400MB. So, I seek the assistance
of an online video compressor to compress the video which consumes extra time. On the
other hand, the written speech has extensive facts and usage of formal language speech which
I find inappropriate for a good speech presentation. Therefore, I edited back the text speech
which allows my audience to tag along with me and understand the purpose and key points of
my speech. For example, I steer clear using bombastic words and too much jargon. As a
result, my speech sounded out more natural and comprehensible.

For the timeline to complete the video accompanying visual aids such as images and
transition, I allocated time around 8-9 minutes. For instance, 1 minute for introduction, 3
minutes for definition and causes of maskne, 2 minutes for ways to treat maskne, 2 minutes
on how to prevent maskne as well 1 minute for the conclusion. Overall, the total video
consumes around 9 minutes and 12 seconds.

According to Paul Sloance, Creativity is the ability or act of conceiving something original or

unusual while ‘Innovation is the implementation of something new’. In my opinion, need for
a person to be creative and innovative while carrying out any task. In the context of
communication, creativity is explained where one needs to think differently as well explore
ideas out of the box in conveying ideas, thoughts or speak to their audience in a coherent
way. In communication, creativity is applied as a problem-solving tool while carrying out a
task or facing hurdles. For instance, a creative idea greatly helps an individual to
communicate effectively in conveying a message. By doing so, the audience will heap praises
for a speaker or presenter if the idea or message of his speech is conveyed in a
comprehensive way. So, it is important for a speaker to pose strong written and oral
communication skills.

On the other hand, innovation is explained where ideas are created newly and developed in

something useful and practical. In the first stage, there is just an idea and the project creator.
The whole innovation process is dependent on the level of engagement and acceptance of the
audience. Therefore, the project creator is required to carry out his/her idea and communicate
them through a presentation or speech for the audience. To achieve success in conveying his
idea, the speaker or presenter needs strong communication skills.

The video making involved 4 major steps which are planning, preparing, practice and
presentation. At this stage. I made many mistakes that could be avoided and done in a better
way. During the preparation stage, the text script of my presentation made me realize that my
speech sounded too formal due to the language used. For instance, I felt the entire script
sounded as though I was reading instead of engaging with my audience. I felt that the words
used were not comprehensible for my audience due to the presence of bombastic words and
too much jargon. Therefore, I decided to simplify the language by using simpler terms. For
example, I steer clear of the bombastic words. During this stage, I realized the importance
of reviewing back my text script before the real presentation to detect any errors while
correcting them. Besides that, I noticed that my video was shorter than the expected duration
which was 10 minutes due to some technical error while editing. So, I decided to add an
extra slide in my video to extend the duration. The extra slide made me spend extra time
finding relevant points related to my topic, drafting a revised text script as well re-editing of
video presentation which was considered a time-consuming process. The video editing
stage was considered a tough process as it involves technical skills. So, being an
inexperienced person, I learned the entire editing process from YouTube. In order to enhance
the audio voice and tone, I used voice projection in video editing software so that
my voice appear clear without any distractions.

Despite the shortcomings during the video making, I have also gained valuable knowledge
especially in video editing and the application of PowerPoint. For example, voice projection
and video trimming as well video compressing. According to Fran Lebowitz, “Think before
you speak. Read before you think”. During the text script preparation, I was exposed to
various reading materials which have deepened my knowledge in topics related to ‘Personal
Health’ while assisting me in improving my writing skills. The first stage of the presentation
taught me that continuous practice ensures better oral communication skills and boosts my
confidence level. The whole video-making process made me realize that without a good idea
or content as well as good planning, any project will never find success. 

After the completion of the video, the first person I choose to show them was my mother,
whom I consider as my biggest critic. I made her watch the entire presentation and requested
her to give me honest feedback. Upon watching, my mother told me that she realized speech
presentation was an informative type since it has factual and informative details which could
be an eye-opener for every person who is dealing with skin issues due to wearing a face mask
during this pandemic. She commented that I maintain less eye contact and my pace of voice
was constantly changing. For instance, I was having a lower pitch towards the ending of the
video while my introduction part was on a higher pitch. Thus, she suggested I practice
repeatedly as well as spend extra time in understanding the text speech before entering a
recorded presentation. For instance, I could pronounce the words and each sentence in a
timely manner as well as in a clear tone. By doing so, my speech may sounder natural, and
the audience will not feel that I am reading a script. Besides that, she had also reminded me
of maintaining eye contact with the camera in order to present the speech confidently as well
as to avoid any distractions or noisy environments while recording.

For the content part, she explained that my aim, learning outcomes, and introduction were
clearly stated as she believes the usage of PowerPoint slides has made my speech presented
in a clear and simple way with attractive images. My mother also praised me for my
grooming for the video presentation as I wore a black coat which depicts a professional
image for a presenter even though my video presentation was recorded online. Finally, she
told me that I could improve the video presentation by practicing continuously and most
importantly in a confident manner.

After the completion of video making, I felt extremely relieved and satisfied with the
outcome of my video presentation despite encountering difficulties during the first stage. I
understood that making video presentations are a daunting prospect, but I think the most
daunting tasks are the ones you gain the most from.

The advantage of making this video presentation is where preparing and delivering the
presentation has developed my confidence and I will look back on it as a very positive
experience. The whole video presentation was planned and carried out by me entirely makes
me feel satisfied as I became my own ‘producer and director of this task.  Despite the
shortcomings, I was able to finish the video before the submission dateline.

Overall, I felt my video presentation was carried out well, but I was able to find certain
features which could be improved. For instance, while watching the video, I noticed that I
need to work more on my speech flow. My body posture and hand gestures were fine, but I
need to work on my eye contact and speech rate, such as making frequent pauses so that the
audience will be able to digest the information at a fast pace. The main area for improvement
would be my speech rate. For instance, I tend to talk too fast and make very few short pauses.
Thus, I need to improve my speaking pace to allow my audience to be able to follow as well
as to work on maintaining my eye contact with the camera.

Based on my personal opinion, I would recommend a video live conference meeting which
could be an alternative for video presentation. Video conferencing is a live video-based
meeting between two or more people in different locations using video-enabled devices.
Besides, video conferencing allows multiple people to collaborate face to face long-distance
audio, video, text, and presentations in real-time through the internet. Therefore, it will be
interesting if a live video conference is selected as this allows all the students to take
part actively in discussing the chosen topic while the lecturers become the panel in judging
their performance of oral speaking discussion.


Oral communication is the exchange of information and ideas through spoken word where
we present ourselves through both face-to-face or electronics devices such as mobile, laptop
or radio. Becoming a skilled communicator pose a positive impact on our personal and social
interactions. Thus , effective communication is considered imperative for our messages to be
conveyed around the globe electronically. So, through this video presentation , I have
identified my strength and weakness as well developed some ideas on the ways to improve
my communication skills which may greatly help myself in becoming more knowledgeable
and a skilled communicator.

 Maskne: How To Treat, Prevent Acne From Face Masks. (2021). Retrieved 12 July
2021, from

 Lo, D. (2021). Maskne Is Real: Face Mask Breakouts And How To Prevent Them.
Retrieved 12 July 2021, from

 JAAD Case Reports Article List. (2021). Journal Of The American Academy Of

Dermatology, 84(2), A42-A50. doi: 10.1016/s0190-9622(20)33193-5

 Damiani, G., Gironi, L., Grada, A., Kridin, K., Finelli, R., & Buja, A. et al. (2021).
COVID‐19 related masks increase severity of both acne (maskne) and rosacea (mask
rosacea): Multi‐center, real‐life, telemedical, and observational prospective
study. Dermatologic Therapy, 34(2). doi: 10.1111/dth.14848

 A dermatologist-approved guide to treating and preventing maskne. (2021). Retrieved

12 July 2021, from

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