Uts Unit I Lesson 4 Social Self

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UTS Unit I Lesson 4 Social Self

Understanding The Self (Technological Institute of the Philippines)

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Lesson 4. Social Self Albert Bandura:
Human development is largely Social Cogntive Theory
influenced by membership in crucial
social groups that shape various ➢ Albert Bandura is born on December 4
aspects of the self; from belief 1925 in Mundare, Alberta, Canada
systems, values orientation, and
➢ Only boy in the family of five older
An individual is born into a family
➢ He graduated from University of
and towards the end of his life, he is
British Columbia in 1949 with a degree
evaluated in the context of his
in Psychology Completed his master's
contribution to the society, the
degree in 1951 and a PhD in Clinical
quality of his social relationships,
Psychology in 1952 at University of
and how he has touched lives of people
whom he has directly encountered.
Social Cognitive Theory
Lev Vygotsky: Zone of Proximal
➢ Lev Vygotsky was born in Russia on - through observation alone, an
November 17, 1896 individual can learn without
➢ Studied law, medicine and history performing a certain action (Schultsz
and graduated in University of Moscow & Schultsz, 2017).
in 1917 - Bandura (1986, 2003) believes
that observational learning is much
➢ Begin his career as a researcher at
more efficient than learning through
Psychological Institute of Moscow in
direct experience.
➢ He passed away on June 11, 1934 at
1. Attention to a model
the age of 38 due to tuberculosis
2. Retention and organization of
Zone of Proximal Development
3. Motivation to perform the
modeled behavior.
- Core of observational learning.
- The tendency of individual to
imitate the behaviors they observe in


➢ Vygotsky believed that when a MODEL:
student is in the zone of proximal
development for a particular task, 1. CHARACTERISTIC OF A MODEL
providing the appropriate assistance (Similarity, sex, age, status etc.)
will give the student enough of a
"boost" to achieve the task.
(Low self-confidence, lack of status,
Factors That Are Critical For The skills and power.)
Success Of ZPD:
➢ The presence of someone with the
knowledge and skills to guide the • Our beliefs that we are capable
learner. of performing actions that will
produce desired effects.
➢ Social Interaction that allow
the learner to observe and practice ➢ VARIES FROM SITUATION DEPENDING ON:
their skills.
1. The competencies required for
➢ Scaffolding, or supportive different activities.
activities provided by the mentor or
teacher that help guide the learner 2. The presence or absence of
through ZPD. people
3. The person's disposition to
attend to failure of performance
rather than the success.

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4. Accompanying psychological ➢ SOCIAL FACILITATION
stress (fatigue, anxiety, fear and
apathy). - a psychological idea which an
individual tends to improve his/her
Social Psychology performance when working on a certain
➢ The branch of psychology that group or people (Cuncic, 2020).
studies individuals as they interact ➢ SOCIAL LOAFING
with others (Lahey, 2007).
- the tendency of an individual to
➢ Field whose goal is to make a little effort on his/her
understand and explain how thoughts, performance when working on a group
feelings, perceptions, and behaviors
(Cherry, 2020).
are influenced by the presence of, or
interactions with, others (Plotnik & ➢ CONFORMITY
Kouyoumdjian, 2014).
- a change of belief or behavior
➢ Study of the effect of social in order to suit and fit in with a
factors on group (Mcleod, 2016).
individual behavior, attitudes, Nature and Depth of Relationships
perceptions, and motives.
- refers to being comfortable with
- mutual and reciprocal exchange another person and is a necessary
of communication or action between two condition for a close relationship to
or more persons or groups. develop.
- a particular way in which two or - the feeling of being drawn to
more individuals, groups, or even another person due to reasons like
countries talk to, behave, or deal similarities or differences in
with each other. interests, personality
➢ PERSON PERCEPTION characteristics, life goals,
lifestyles, etc.
1. Forming impressions and
making judgments about another
likability after seeing or meeting - three (3) components of love.
1. Intimacy
2. First impressions, which are
formed within a very short time with 2. Passion
little conscious thought and biased by 3. Commitment
past experiences are part of person
perception. Attitudes
3. People usually use external - beliefs that predispose people
appearance as immediate basis for to act and feel in certain ways
assessing, judging, or evaluating towards people, objects, or ideas.
Together as a Group
- reflected in a happy, pleasant,
➢ SOCIAL NORMS or optimistic disposition.
- set of rules or standards on how ➢ NEGATIVE ATTITUDE
we behave in a particular situation
(Grey, 2020). It brings us an expected - associated with pessimism or a
concept of how to behave on specific general feeling of dislike
group or culture. ▪ People develop positive or
➢ SOCIAL ROLES negative attitudes towards a certain
object because of a direct experience
- the roles we play in our society with it.
that adds to our social identity
▪ Attitudes are also learned from
(Decarpua & Intergest, 2004). A few
social roles are provided to us. others through modelling and
▪ Attitudes can be changed or
modified through persuasive

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Downloaded by Ellen Grace P. Tadlas

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