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S. No Topic Page No.

Week 1
Introduction to hydraulic machines: Classifications and
1 operational principles 1
Euler equation for turbomachines: Net head developed by
2 the pump/turbines 21
Week 2
Velocity triangles of pumps, effect of inlet swirl on
3 velocity triangles 39
4 Pump casing, efficiencies, problems 63
5 H-Q Curve, System resistance Curve 85
Week 3
6 Stodola slip model, problems - I 111
7 Stodola slip model, problems -II 129
8 Stodola slip model, problems - III 145
9 NPSH: Caviation, effect of swirl on the cavitation 154
10 Radial flow pump testing 166
Week 4
11 Degrees of reaction: velocity triangle 181
12 Radial equlibrium of axial flow machines 193
13 Radial equlibrium of axial flow machines II 210
Week 5
14 Pumps operation: series and parallel, problems 216
15 Pumps operation: series and parallel, problems-Part 2 231
16 Affinity laws, specific speed 237
17 Affinity laws, specific speed-Part 2 244
18 Pumping system design-1 261
19 Pumping system design-2 275
20 Pumping system design-3 286
Week 6
21 Positive displacement pump, indicator diagram - I 295
22 Positive displacement pump, indicator diagram - II 307
Characteristic H-Q curve of positive displacement pump,
23 problems 323
Week 7
24 Hydraulic Turbine: Classifications 331
25 Impulse Turbine: Pelton wheel - I 342
26 Impulse Turbine: Pelton wheel - II 354
Week 8
27 Reaction Turbine: Francis Turbine 368
28 Reaction Turbine: Kaplan Turbine 386
29 Degrees of Reaction and Efficiency of Hydraulic Turbine 405
30 Hydraulic Turbine: Specific Speed 420
31 Cavitation in Hydraulic Turbine: NPSH 431
Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 01
Introduction to hydraulic machines: Classifications and operational principles

I will discuss about Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:37)

Here, I briefly lecture wise schedule of the course content. First lecture, I will discuss
about, Introduction to hydraulic machines, Classifications and operational principles and
there are other lectures, where I will discuss different, you know parts of these course. The
first lecture, I will talk about hydraulic machines classifications and operational principle.
So, before I discuss about hydraulic machines, first I will discuss about the, classifications
of fluid machines.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:10)

So, hydraulic machine is which falls under the fluid machines, when working fluid is
essentially water. So, let me first discuss about the classification of fluid machines. There
are different, you know issues by which I can classify fluid machines; first one is
essentially based on the principle of operation.

we can classify fluid machines into two different categories, first one is positive
displacement machine, positive displacement machines and second is turbo machines,
second is turbo machines. So, based on the principle of operation, we can classify fluid
machines into two categories; one is positive displacement machine other is turbo

So, what is positive displacement machine? What are positive displacement machines?
The machine whose functioning I am writing, the machine whose functioning depends
essentially on the change of volume of certain amount of fluid, within the machine, within
the machine are the machines whose functioning depends essence on the change of volume
of certain amount of fluid, within the machine are known as are positive displacement

So, the machines whose functioning depends upon the change of volume of certain amount
of fluid in the machine, those machines are known as positive displacement machine. The
word positive displacement comes from the fact that comes from the fact that there is a

physical displacement that there is a physical displacement of boundary of certain fluid
mass of certain fluid mass as a closed system, as a closed system.

So, the word positive displacement comes from the fact that there is a physical
displacement of the boundary of certain amount of fluid mass as a closed system ok.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:47)

The next is, turbo machines, the next is turbo machines right. So, turbo machines are the
machines whose functioning depends, whose functioning depends basically on the,
basically on the principle of fluid dynamics on the principle of fluid dynamics.

So, turbo machines are not be positive displacement machine, turbo machines are machine
whose functioning depends basically on the principle of fluid dynamics right. Turbo
machines are very often whether often referred to auto dynamic device, auto dynamic
device, because they are specifically designed, specifically designed to transfer energy, to
transfer energy to or from a so, called working fluid,

so called working fluid, working fluid through the action of force generated fluid
dynamically by a or from a rotor. So, I am telling turbo machines are machines, whose
functioning depends basically on the principle of fluid dynamics. Turbo machines are often
referred to auto dynamic machine, because they are specifically designed to transfer
energy to or from a so-called working fluid through the action of force generated fluid
dynamically by a or from a rotor. This is; so, whatever we have discussed that fluid

machines can be classified based on the principle of operation that is what we discussed
till now. Now, this turbo machines are called pump, are called pump when they absorb

So, turbo machines are called pump, when they absorb power and they are called, they are
called turbine. So, pump is a turbo machines when, because pump is a kind of turbo
machines, which absorb power from the working fluid through the action of force
generated fluid dynamically and turbo machines are called turbine or sometimes known as
prime mover, when they produces power, when they produces power.

So, when turbo machines observe power, they are class of turbo machines I mean these
are, they are known as pump. Turbo machines are called turbine or prime mover, when
they produce power right. So, from this we can say that in pumps work done on the fluid;
whereas, in turbine the fluid does work, the fluid does work on the machine.

So, we are calling turbo machines are pumps, when they absorb the power and they are
called turbine, when they produce power. From this we can and say that in pumps work,
in pumps work done on the fluid; whereas, in case of a turbine, fluid does work on the
machines. Now, there are whenever we are calling at pump or turbine, there are two
important rotating elements, we will discuss by today, in a later, time. So, next is we can
classify fluid machines again; classification.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:54)

So, till now we have discussed about the classification of fluid machines in general, as I
said that hydraulic machines are class of fluid machines and working fluid is water. Now,
this fluid machine can be classified based on the direction of fluid path in the rotating
element, based on the direction of fluid path in the rotating element, in the rotating element.
Before I elaborate this aspect, let us discuss about rotating elements. In case of a pump,
this rotating element, the rotating element for a pump which is known as impeller, which
is known as impeller essentially, impeller is hub plus blades. So, the rotating element for
the pump is the impeller, which is essentially hub plus blades. Similarly, the rotating
element for the turbine, for the turbine rotating element is known as runner and again this
is hub plus blades.

So, hub plus blades is known as runner for a turbine and the same thing hub plus blades,
which is known as impeller for the pump. So, now, when you are going to discuss about
the classification based on the direction of fluid path in the rotating element, we can again
classify into two category, first one is the path of the fluid, path of the fluid through the
rotor, through the rotor or rotating element, whatever telling through the rotating element
or rotor

May be, mainly in the axial direction So, path of the fluid through the rotating element or
through the rotor, maybe mainly in the axial direction, that is along the axis of the shaft of
the machine.

So, if the path of the fluid through the rotor or rotating element is mainly in the direction
in axial direction that is along the axis of the shaft of the machine, then these are known
as axial flow machines, it may be a pump, it may be a turbine. So, this is known as axial
flow machine. So, axial flow machines that mean when path of the fluid element is mainly
in the axial direction that is, that in the direction parallel to the axis of the shaft of the
machine, these axial flow machines. Or there may be a case, when path of the fluid through
the rotor.

So, when fluid is within the rotating element or rotor then if the path of the fluid is or rather
through the rotor is in the radial direction, is in the radial direction that is in the direction,
perpendicular to the axis of the shaft of the machine then this machines are known as radial
flow machines, radial flow machines.

We call radial flow pumps or the turbine, may be radial flow. So, when path of the fluid
element or path of the fluid through the rotating element is mainly in the radial direction
that is in the direction which is perpendicular to the shaft of the machines, then these are
known as radial flow machines. Or there may be a case that last one, there may be a case
when path of the fluid element or path of the fluid path, of the fluid is path of the fluid
through the rotor is in both the direction.

When path of the fluid through the rotor is in both the directions, that is combination of,
that is combination of radial and axial direction. So, when path of the fluid in the rotating
element is in the, is in both the direction; that means, combination of both the accelerated
radial direction, then these machines are known as mixed flow machines.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:14)

Then the machines are known as mixed flow machines right, either mixed flow pump. So,
we have discussed about the classifications based on the direction of fluid in the rotating
element. The rotating element is known as impeller in case of a pump, which is essentially
the hub plus blades, this rotating element is known as runner, in case of a turbine this is
again hub plus blades. Finally, we can classify fluid machines based on the direction of
energy conversions. So, last, we will discuss about classification based on the direction of
energy conversions. This is very important, classifications based on the direction of energy
conversion right.

So, this is the last classifications. So, first we have discussed about the classification based
on the principle of operation. There we have seen that there is a positive displacement
machines and turbo machines. Turbo machines are called pump, when they absorb power
and they are called turbine, when they produce power, then we have discussed about the
classification based on the direction of fluid, in the rotating element. There may be
direction of fluid in the axial direction, that is in the direction parallel to the axis of the
shaft of the machine in case of a axial flow machines or the direction of fluid in the rotating
element may be in the radial direction, that is in the direction perpendicular to the shaft of
the axis of the machine, then perpendicular to the axis of the machines.

This is not the radial flow machines or there might be a case when fluid path in the rotating
element is, in the both directions that is the combination of radial and axial direction and
that is known as axial flow machines. Finally, we will discuss about the classification
based on the direction of energy conversions. So, the classification based on the direction
of energy conversion. So, we can classify again.

So, the device;in which or machine we can say in which kinetic, potential or inter
molecular energy held by the fluid, by the fluid is converted in the form of mechanical
energy of a rotating member is known as turbine is known as turbine.

So, we can classify based on the direction of energy conversion, the first one, the device
in which kinetic, potential or intermolecular energy held by the fluid is converted in the
form of mechanical energy in a rotating member is known as turbine right. The machine
on the other hand, the machine on the other hand where mechanical energy, where
mechanical energy from moving parts is transferred to a fluid to increase its store energy,
to increase its stored energy by increasing either it is pressure or velocity by increasing,
either it is pressure or velocity and also an overall rise in specific enthalpy are the

On the other hand, where mechanical energy from moving parts is transferred to a fluid to
increase, it stored energy by increasing either pressure or velocity and an overall rise in
enthalpy are known as pumps, compressors, fans or blowers.

So, the last classification that is based on the direction of energy conversion, first of all the
device in which kinetic potential or inter, intermolecular energy help by the fluid is
converted in the form of mechanical energy of a rotating member is known as turbine. On

the other hand the machines where mechanical energy from moving parts is transferred to
fluid, to a fluid, to increase its stored energy by increasing either it's pressure or velocity
and also on overall rise in enthalpy are known as pumps, compressor fans and blowers.

So, this is all about the classification of the fluid machines. Since, in this course I will
focus on the hydraulic machines. So, now, I will go to the, classification of hydraulic
machines. So, far we have discussed that they are might be a hydro, hydraulic machines,
again is a class of fluid machines while working fluid is water. So, we can hydraulic
machine, we can divide into again two, categories.

(Refer Slide Time: 27:11)

So, hydraulic machines, hydraulic machines one is as I said that there be again positive
displacement pump, it may be a positive displacement pump or I can say that there may
be pumps, hydraulic machines pumps or we have a turbine, hydraulic turbine.

So, hydraulic machines we are classified, we are dividing into two parts; two categories
one is pump, another one is turbine, because we have seen that in case of a pumps, it is
hydraulic machine is a class of fluid machines are working fluid is water, in case of a pump
it absorb energy, but hydraulic turbine it produces energy.

So, pump again we can classify into two different categories, one is roto dynamic pump,
roto dynamic pump and other one is positive displacement pump. So, as I said that positive
displacement pump, there is a physical displacement of the boundary of certain fluid mass

as a closed system. So, positive displacement pumps and roto dynamic pumps; roto
dynamic pumps again further classified that I have discussed, that based on the direction
of fluid path, it may be a radial flow, it may be a radial flow pump, it maybe axial flow
pump and it may be a mixed flow pump. So, and turbine again, it may be a radial flow,
hydraulic turbine, it may be a axial flow, hydraulic turbine. So, this is the broad
classification of hydraulic machines, pumps and turbo hydraulic pump, pumps and turbo
hydraulic turbines; pumps can be classified into two categories, positive displacement

There are so many positive displacement pumps; screw pump, then we have gear pumps,
vane pump, we have reciprocating pump, all reciprocating pump or we have gear pump,
all these are positive displacement type, while we have a roto dynamic pump. Again, roto
dynamic pump can be sub classified into three categories, radial flow machines, radial
flow pump, axial flow pump and mixed flow pump ok. So, now, we will discuss different
pumps one by one.

(Refer Slide Time: 30:22)

So, first we will discuss about the roto dynamic pump. Roto dynamic pump, as I said that
this roto dynamic pump can be sub classified into three categories, one is radial flow,
another is axial flow and last one is mixed flow type. So, roto dynamic pump can be sub
classified into three categories, radial flow pump, axial flow pump and mixed flow pump
as I have discussed that in case of a radial flow pump, the direction of fluid in the rotating

element is in the mainly, in the radial direction that is in the direction perpendicular to the
axis of the machine. In case of axial flow machines, the direction of the fluid in the rotating
element is only in the axial direction, that is in the direction parallel to the axis of the shaft
of the machine and in the mixed flow machine, the fluid direction maybe in both, parallel
and both axial and radial. So, in case of a radial flow machines, sometimes we call the
radial flow pump. So, radial flow pump sometimes is known as centrifugal pump, is a
commercial name, centrifugal pump. We in most of the undergraduate textbook, it is
written centrifugal pump. Centrifugal pump is the commercial name of the radial flow
pump, because the radial flow pump by virtue of centrifugal action, you know we develop
head of the water.

So, but it is radial flow machines, because the direction of fluid in the rotating element is
only in the radial direction, axial flow machine and mixed flow machines. So, in case of if
I draw, you know a centrifugal pump, so, we will discuss first about the radial flow pump,
radial flow pump or it is known as centrifugal pump also, I should suggest calling it a
radial flow machines, because if only, because of the presence of centrifugal action, if we
call it centrifugal pump I0n a mixed flow pump there is again, centrifugal action is present.
So, again we have to call it centrifugal pump. So, it is always better to call it radial flow
machines, radial flow pump.

So, if I draw a schematic of a radial flow pump, so we are drawing a pump, impeller so
small. This is known as hub, this is known as hub and there are many other, many blades.
So, these are blades.

Since this hub plus blade, as I said this hub plus blades, this is known as impeller, which
is rotating element of pumps. It may be a radial flow, axial flow or mixed flow. So, this is
radial flow and the direction of fluid element, this is the direction of axis is perpendicular
to this board and fluid is going outwards, so, which is in the perpendicular to the direction
of the axis of the shaft. So, this is radial flow machines, if I take a cross section view, it, it
looks like this. So, if I take, if I draw then; so, fluid moves in this direction.

This is the direct, this is the axis of the shaft of the machines, while the fluid is in the
perpendicular direction. So, this is radial flow machines and this radial flow pumps I mean
is very often used in domestic purposes, the applications are in domestic purposes eases
for lifting water in multi storage building or sometimes it is used, you know in aircraft

engine and aircraft engine, it is also used, domestic purpose is mainly used for domestic
purposes or sometimes used in aircraft engine.

So, special feature of this pump is, when flow of fluid in the rotating element is
perpendicular to the axis of the pump, perpendicular to the axis of the pump then pump is
no called, then pump is called radial flow pump. So, we should remember when fluid, flow
of fluid in the rotating element is perpendicular to the axis of the pump then it is called,
the pump is called radial flow pump.

It is used mainly in the domestic purposes or sometimes it is also used in aircraft engine.
It is used where very important, where you know low discharge relatively, low discharge
and, it is used when relatively low discharge and high head rather moderate to high head,
moderate to high head is required. So, it is used in places where we require relatively low
discharge and moderate to high head then we generally go for installation of radial flow
pump. The radial flow pump when flow of the fluid in the rotating element is in the
perpendicular direction of the axis of the pump, then we call it radial flow pump.

This is used in places where we require low head and moderate to high discharge that is
low Q and moderate to high discharge and moderate to high H. So, when we require low
discharge, low Q flow rate and moderate to high head then we go for installation of radial
flow pump. It is used mainly in the domestic purposes, sometimes it is used in the aircraft

(Refer Slide Time: 38:32)

Next, we will go for the axial flow pump, axial flow pump. So, again I will draw schematic.
So, this is hub plus blades which is known as imp impeller. So, these are pump casings,
this is casing, which surrounds the impeller, this is known as blade and this is hub, so, hub
plus blades which is impeller, which is surrounded by a casing. Now, we have a three
directions Z, R and 𝜃.

So, R 𝜃 directions pump is rotating in these directions right. So, when flow up, the pump
special feature of the axial flow pump as I told you already that I have already discussed
about the direction or classification of fluid machine based on the direction of fluid. So,
we can call it pump, when it observe power similarly, for the axial flow pump, we can call
it axial flow pump, when flow of the, when flow of the fluid or flow of flow of fluid, flow
of fluid, in the rotating element is in the axial direction, axial direction of the machines or
pump of the pump.

What is axial direction? That is in the direction parallel to the axis of the machines or
pump, then when flow of fluid in the rotating element is in the axial direction of the pump,
then the pump is called as then the pump is called as axial flow pump, right. So, here
mainly, flow direction, flow of the pump that the fluid in the rotating element is in the
axial direction of the machines or pump and it is axial flow pump.

Axial flow pumps are used very important; axial flow pumps, axial flow pumps are used
in places where you require low head, but high discharge used in places where low head,
low head and high discharge or high flow rate, high flow rate is required. So, axial flow
pumps are used in places, where we required low head, but you require very high
discharge. There are several places mostly in mines, irrigation purpose, irrigation purpose,
irrigation purposes and coal mines. So, the application of axial flow machines, axial flow
pumps are in the coal mines or and in the irrigation purposes, because in that cases we
required high discharge, but head is low, we required low head, we do not require very
high head.

So, this axial flow pump finds applications in, those areas. Last, we will discuss about the
mixed flow pump, mixed flow pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 43:05)

So, this is again pump axis, this is blade, this is bud, this is pump casings. Now, here, the
blade or the hub makes an angle alpha with the axis of the machine. So, this is angle alpha.

So, there are two direction of, one is axial direction, another is radial direction. So, here,
alpha for the mixed flow pump is typically from 15 to 30 degree, when alpha is 15 to 30
degree, it is mixed flow pump. It is mixed flow pump and flow of fluid in the pump is both
is in both the axial as well as radial direction.

So, in case of mixed flow pump as we have discussed, the flow of the fluid in the rotating
element is, is in both the direction that is both in the axial as well as radial direction. Here,
we have I have drawn a schematic had alpha is the angle, made by the blade with axis of
the machines with axis of the pump; alpha typically varies from 15 to 30 degree for when
it is 15 to 30 degree typically varies from 15 to 30 degree for mixed flow pump. Note that
if alpha becomes 0, that is it is purely axial flow machines.

So, when 𝛼 = 0 then it is purely axial flow machines, purely axial flow machines or axial
flow pump that is why I have drawn this radial and axial direction and when alpha is equal
to 90 degree then this is purely radial flow machine, purely radial flow machines or radial
flow pump. So, 𝛼 depending upon the magnitude of 𝛼, if 𝛼 typically varies from 15 to 30
degree for mixed flow pump, it becomes 0, when it becomes 0, then it is purely axial flow
machines and when it becomes 90 degree, it is purely radial flow machines.

Now, as I said you that in case of a mixed flow pump, there two components. So, there are
two components of flow; one is in the radial direction, another is in the axial directions
and that is why it is called mixed flow pump and it is used in condenser and cooling water
duties, it is used this mixed flow pump, it is used in condenser for cooling water duty
sperm, the specific feature of this pump is, specific feature of this pump is it, diameter of
the impeller diameter of the impeller roughly 1.5 meter. It is big pump and power
consumption is of the order of 4 megawatt.

So, it is used in condenser cooling water duties pump. It has two components of flow; one
is in the radial direction another is in the axial direction. That is why we call it axial flow
pump. We have done a schematic of the blade’s impeller; I mean blades hub. So, this alpha
typically, varies from 15 to 30 degree for the mixed flow pump. The specific feature of
this pump is rather than specific features of this pump are director of the impeller is 1.5
meter and power consumption is 4 megawatts.

So, this is all about the classification roto dynamic pump and positive displacement pump
as I said that again, this is a machine, in which there is a physical displacement of the
boundary of certain amount of fluid mass, as a close system. So, that is why the name
positive displacement comes. Now, we will briefly discuss about the velocity triangles of
a radial flow pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 48:55)

So, if I draw impeller that is hub as well as blade of and suppose, pump is impeller is
rotating in the clockwise direction.

So, this is an impeller of a radial flow pump, this is an impeller of a radial flow pump. We
will discuss velocity triangles for all the pumps axial flow pump as well as a mixed flow
pump. So, before I go to discuss about the Euler’s equation of a machines that is which
gives us an idea about the head generated by the pump, Euler equation of pump turbines.
So, now, I will briefly discuss about the velocity angles.

So, this is an impeller of a radial flow pump. As I said that here, the direction of fluid is in
the radial, is radially outward, that is perpendicular to the axis of the machines. Now, if I
take out a particular blade, these are blades and small one is a hub. So, hub plus blade is a
impeller and the impeller is rotating in the clockwise direction. So, if I take out a particular
blade and if I draw a zoomed in view of the particular blade, so, let us say this is 1 and this
is 2.

So, 1 is the inlet and 2 is the outlet. So, suffixes 1 and 2 are used to denote inlet and outlet
of the pump. So, 1 is the inlet and 2 is the outlet of the pump and this is the blade and this
is rotating in the clockwise direction. So, there are three components of velocity, I mean
at the inlet and outlet, say if I draw the velocity angles at the inlet. So, the velocity triangle
at the inlet, so, this is 1. So, this is; so, this is the inlet.

If I draw the velocity triangle at the inlet, so, this is the velocity component c1, I am talking
c1, this is the velocity component, I am calling it w1 and this is u1, where c is the absolute
velocity, absolute velocity of water, w is the velocity of water relative to the blade; velocity
relative to the blade, relative to the blade or when and u is the tangential velocity.

So, there are three different components of velocity; one is absolute velocity of water c, w
is the velocity relative to the blade and U is the tangential velocity. Now, suffix 1 is used
to denote the velocities at the inlet. Similarly, I can draw the velocity triangle at the outlet
that is u2, this is c2 and this is w2, c 2 is the absolute velocity at the outlet w 2 is the velocity
relative velocity at the outlet and u 2 is the tangential velocity at the outlet.

𝜋𝐷1 𝑁
U1 =
𝜋𝐷2 𝑁
U2 =

where D 1 and D 2 at the diameter of the, inner diameter, outer diameter of the emperor
impeller right. So, now, there are so many other issues. So, this alpha the velocity
component c1’s, which makes an angle alpha with the absolute velocity sorry, of the
tangential velocity 𝛼 1, this is 𝛽1, this is 𝛽2 and this is 𝛼2.

So, these are the separate different nomenclatures of angles at the inlet and outlet, we will
discuss later. So, before I go to discuss about the Euler equation for pumps, Euler equations
of pump turbine, Euler equation for pump and turbine, this is a primarily idea about the
velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet on a pump. So, we have seen there are three
components, one is the tangential velocity that is, because of the impeller is rotating at a
certain RPM.

And at the inlet and outlet of the impeller, the diameter of the hub and diameter of the
𝜋𝐷1 𝑁 𝜋𝐷2 𝑁
impeller are different. So, we are having , . Here, for a radial flow pump, for
60 60
a radial flow pump u 1 ≠ u 2, but we will see that for a axial flow pump, u1 is equal to u 2,
because these diameter D 1 and D 2 are the same and c 1 is the absolute velocity.

Now, if I take a particular say, if we take, if we draw the inlet velocity triangle separately,
we will get like this. So, this is u 1, this is c 1, this is w 1 and component of absolute velocity
in the tangential direction. This is known as 𝐶𝜃1 and component of relative velocity in the
tangential direction, I call it 𝑊𝜃1 . So, 𝐶𝜃1 , these are very important to discuss, when you
will this, these are very important when I discuss about the Euler equation of turbine pump.

So, 𝐶𝜃1 is the components of absolute velocity in the tangential direction, absolute velocity
in the tangential direction. Similarly, 𝑊𝜃1 is component of relative velocity in the
tangential direction. So, we may similarly, in a hub 𝐶𝜃2 and 𝑊𝜃2 at the outlet. So, the
component of absolute velocity in the tangential direction and component of relative
velocity at the component of relative velocity in the tangential directions are 𝐶𝜃1 , 𝑊𝜃1 at
the inlet.

Similarly, we make it here, 𝐶𝜃2 and 𝑊𝜃2 at the outlet. Now, this 𝐶𝜃1 is known as swirl
velocity, the component of absolute velocity in the tangential direction, it is known as swirl
component of velocity. For a there might be, case that is known as radial purely, radial
inlet, where 𝐶𝜃1 will be 0 that is no swirl at the inlet. So, this is I mean defined velocity
triangles at the inlet and outlet.

So, from this inlet velocity triangle, what we can see that the tangential velocity at the inlet
is the summation of 𝐶𝜃1 + 𝑊𝜃1 . That is component of absolute velocity in the tangential
direction plus component of the relative velocity at the tangential direction is the tangential
velocity at the inlet.

Similarly, we can have u 2 = 𝐶𝜃2 + 𝑊𝜃2 ; that is component of absolute velocity at the, in
the tangential direction plus component of relative velocity at the, in the tangential
direction is the tangential velocity at the outlet. So, this is the inlet and outlet triangles, as
I said that when again I am drawing the similar velocity triangle.

(Refer Slide Time: 57:45)

So, this is u 1, this is 𝐶𝜃1 and this is 𝑊𝜃1 , this is w 2, w 1 and this is c1, this is 𝛼 1 and this
is 𝛽1. Now, 𝐶𝜃1 as I said you, this is component of absolute velocity, component of
absolute velocity of water, in the tangential direction. So, component of absolute velocity
in the tangential direction, which is known as swirl velocity component of swirl. So, this
is swirl component or swirl velocity or it is swirl component.

So, component of absolute velocity in the tangential direction is swirl velocity or swirl
component. So, component of absolute velocity in the tangential direction is the swirl
velocity or swirl component. Now, if you do not have swirl; so, suppose when 𝐶𝜃1 =0 that
is no swirl at the inlet that is no swirl at the inlet, that is purely radial inlet, purely radial
inlet, purely radial inlet pump, where 𝐶𝜃1 = 0 that is no swirl component at the inlet. So,
there the velocity comp, velocity triangles look like this, this is c 1, this is w 1.

Since u 1 is fixed, so, this is u 1, c 1 and this is w 1. So, this is 𝛼 1 = 90 degree that is
purely radial inlet. Now, component of swirl, no swirl velocity. Now, the, we will see that
when we discuss about Euler equation for pumps then the component of 𝐶𝜃1 has a big role
to play to, when we talk about a head developed by the pump. Now, c theta 1 may be
positive or negative; c theta 1 may be positive or it may be negative, or it may be 0. So,
when it is 0 that is 𝛼 1 = 90 degree, this purely radial inlet, no swirl component. Whether
𝐶𝜃1 is positive or negative? That means, there is swirl. So, 𝐶𝜃1 will be positive, when the
rotation of the impeller and fluid in the same direction, when the rotation of the impeller
and fluid in the same direction and 𝐶𝜃1 will be negative, we will see that, negative
component of swirl velocity may be helpful to the net head develop of the pump, but
sometimes it may not be possible to have a negative component of swirl velocity, because
it may leads to another problem as far as the pump operation is concerned.

So, when 𝐶𝜃1 is positive; that means, when rotation of the impeller and fluid in the same
direction, then it becomes positive swirl or sometimes it may have a negative swirl
component velocity, when the rotation of the impeller, when rotation of the impeller and
fluid in the different directions, in different direction.

So, today I have just done the inlet and outlet velocity triangles. We have discussed about
different component of velocities and we have seen that this 𝐶𝜃1 that is component of
absolute velocity in the tangential direction maybe 0, may be positive, may be negative, A
0 or 𝐶𝜃1 , that is no swirl at the inlet, purely radial inlet, positive 𝐶𝜃1 that is positive
component of swirl velocity, when rotation of the impeller of fluid in the same direction.

But we may have a negative swirl that is when the rotation of the impeller and the fluid is
in the different direction and negative c theta component play a big role, I mean when we
need to develop a higher head from a pump. So, today we have discussed about if I
summarize today, we have discussed about the classification of fluid machines broadly,
without taking a special case of hydraulic machines.

We have classified fluid machines in different ways, that based on the principle of
operation, there we have define turbo machines and positive displacement and we have
seen that in case of a turbo machines, when the machine absorb power, they are basically
pump when they produces power, they are basically hydraulic turbine.

We may define fluid machines in that, depending upon the direction of the fluid in the
rotating element. It may be a radial flow, it may be a axial flow or it may be a mixed flow,
when there, there are two components of flow direction, both in the axial and radial

Also we have seen that the fluid machines can be classified based on the direction of
energy transfer. I mean, it may be a pump compressor or blower, or it may be a turbine.
So, and then we have taken a special case that is the pin hydraulic machines, which can be
classified into pumps and turbines hydraulic turbine and pumps. Pumps can be sub
classified into two categories, positive displacement pump and the roto dynamic pump.
Positive displacement pump there are so many time, I mean screw pump, jet pump, gear
pump, disc crew cutting pump and positive displacement pump are used, where you
require a very low amount of discharge and very high head, where we have discussed that
roto dynamic pump can be classified into three categories; radial flow, axial flow and
mixed flow.

Radial flow pump flow direction or flow of the fluid in the rotating element or in the
impeller is in the radial direction that is in the direction perpendicular to the axis of the
machines and it is used mainly for domestic purposes and in aircraft engine, where we
require a low to moderate you know, moderate to high head and low discharge. Axial flow
machines, we have seen that when flow of the fluid in the pump is in the, is mainly in the
axial direction and it is used mainly in the coal mines and irrigation purposes, where you
required high discharge low head and mixed flow pump we have seen there are two
components of, you know flow of the fluid, I mean both in the axial radial direction.

And we have seen that it the blade makes an angle, alpha with the axis of the impeller,
alpha typically varies from 15 to 30 degree for the mixed flow pump and it has a specific
feature, the diameter is very big, 1.5 meter and diameter of the impeller and it consumes a
huge amount of power and it is used for the condense, in condenser for cooling duties,
cooling water duties pump.

And then we have taken a radial flow pump we have tried to draw the, we have drawn the
velocity triangles, both at the inlet and outlet, because this velocity triangles is very
important to have an idea about the head develop by the pump itself.

So, we have seen there are three components of velocities both are the inlet and outlet,
absolute velocity of water, velocity of water relative to a bin and there are tangential

Tangential velocity of the impeller at both at the inlet and the outlet are not same, because
diameters are different and we have identified that we have decomposed the, you know
absolute velocity in the tangential direction and radial velocity, you know relative velocity
in the tangential direction and we have seen that the component of absolute velocity in the
tangential direction, which is known as swirl velocity or swirl component. It may be a
positive, it may be a negative or it may be a 0, 0 means that is, it has no swirl at the inlet
that is purely radial inlet.

While positive or negative c theta that is positive and negative swirl velocity we can have,
because depending upon the rotation of the imperial and fluid. So, whenever impeller and
fluid are rotation of the, impeller and fluid are in the same direction then we may have
positive 𝐶𝜃1 or we may have a negative 𝐶𝜃1 , when they are rotating in the different

We will see that the negative 𝐶𝜃1 has, you know, you know play a big role, whenever we
are talking about net, had developed by the pump, but by creating a negative swirl velocity
at the inlet, we may develop fire head, it creates another problem as per as the pump
operation is concerned, we will discuss in the next class.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 02
Euler equation for turbomachines: Net head developed by the pump/turbines

Today, I will continue, our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System
Design. So, the topic for today's discussion is Euler’s equations for turbomachines. We
will discuss that from Euler’s equation of for turbo machines, how we can quantify the net
head being developed, for pump or turbines.

So, to start with, we will just recall that in the last lecture, we have you know classified
turbo machine.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:59)

Last, last lecture, we have, you know classified turbo machines which is based on the,
which is based on the direction of, based on the direction of conversion of energy.

So, we have seen conversion of energy. So, we have seen that, in a turbo machines the
mechanical energy from the moving part is transferred to the fluid, to increase its stored
energy by increasing either it's pressure velocity or, specific enthalpy in case of a pump
compressor or blower or sometimes the kinetic or potential energy or intermolecular

energy of the fluid is transferred to increase the mechanical energy of the moving parts,
which is,, known as turbine.

So, whatever it is energy is being transferred from mechanical energy to increase the stored
energy of the fluid or the in kinetic or potential energy of the fluid to increase the
mechanical energy of the moving parts. So, now, today we will discuss the Euler’s
equation for turbo machines, it is a generalized, it may be a for pump or may be a turbine.

So, what I will do? I will draw a schematic. So, I will draw a schematic on rotor and which
is connected with shaft and then there is a axis of the shaft and. So, radius at the outlet is r
2 and radius at the inlet is r1.

Now, it is again, the shaft is like this and I have taken a cross section A A. So, now, the
radius at the inlet is r1 and maybe we are having one component 𝐶𝜃1 here, we are having
another component, 𝐶𝜃2 . So, in the analysis of energy transfer, in the analysis of energy
transfer process, in the turbo machines, a control volume consisting the rotor of a
generalized turbo machine is considered.

So, here we have consider, I am writing so, in the analysis of, in the analysis of energy
transfer process in the turbo machines a control volume enclosing the rotor of a generalized
turbo machine is considered.

So, what we do? So, we consider a rotor. So, we have discussed that in a turbo machines
either mechanical energy is going transferred to increase the stored energy of the fluid
either increasing its pressure or volume or sometimes the kinetic or potential energy of the
fluid is transferred to increase the mechanical energy of the moving parts.

So, what we are doing now? We are considering a control volume enclosing the rotor of a
generalized turbo machines. So, it is a generalized equations initially, I will drive by
generalized equation, which is Euler equation for turbo machines.

Next, we will go for that, what form can I give that Euler equation, if it is a pump or if it
is a turbine? So, now, this is what we have considered that control volume and closing
rotor of a generalize turbo machines, also we are assuming they are swirling swirl flow.

So, we are assuming that swirl flow. A swirl flow entering the control volume by enters or
enters the control volume, a swirl flow enters the control volume at radius r1 of the rotor
at radius r1 of the rotor at with tangential velocity with tangential velocity 𝐶𝜃1 .

So, we are assuming that a swirl flow, which is entering the control volume, a swirl flow
enters the control volume at radius r1 of the rotor with, a swirl flow enters the control
volume at radius r1 of the rotor with a tangential velocity 𝐶𝜃1 .

And we also assume that this swirl flow, swirl flow, leaving the control volume at radius
r2 of the rotor with tangential velocity 𝐶𝜃2 .

So, what we are assuming that we are assuming a swirl flow, which enters the control
volume at radius r1 with a tangential velocity 𝐶𝜃1 and the flow, the same flow is leaving
the rotor at radius r2 with a tangential velocity 𝐶𝜃2 right. Now, what we can see that for
one dimensional flow. So, for one dimensional for one dimensional steady flow, steady
flow the sum of the moments of the external forces acting on the fluid temporarily
occupying the control volume, so, control volume. So, temporarily a certain fluid volume
of fluid mass is there within the control volume. So, if I consider the one dimensional
steady flow and then sum of moment of all external forces acting on the fluid, which is
there temporarily on the control volume is the net time rate is equal to the net time rate of
efflux of the angular momentum from the control volume, angular momentum from the
control volume.

Hence, it may be written, it may be written as, it may be written as toque A A acting torque
A A on the shaft. I mean we are, we have considered a control rotor and shaft is a then

TAA= m (r2𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑟1𝐶𝜃1 )

So, from the above paragraph, from the above statement that for one dimensional steady
flow we have considered that flow is steady, an one dimensional flow that for one
dimensional steady flow, sum of moments of all external forces acting on the fluid,
occupying temporarily on the control volume is equal to the net efflux, net time rate of
efflux of the angular momentum from the control volume. So, accordingly you can write
torque T A that is on this, shaft a cross section TAA= m (r2𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑟1𝐶𝜃1 )

(Refer Slide Time: 11:34)

Now, if I consider the pump. So, for a pump or compressor, for a pump, for a pump or
compressor, for a pump or compressor rotor, for a pump or compressor rotor, I mean this
moving, element rotating element rotor, I mean it should be impeller or rotor for pump, it
is impeller or compressor hub plus blade is rotor. So, for pump and compressor, this if
impeller or rotor is running at angular velocity omega, at angular velocity omega we, I
mean the rate of work done, the rate of work, the rate of which the rate of work no done
on the fluid rate of work done by the rotor on the fluid, by the rotor on the fluid is T A A
into capital omega, that is TAA= m (r2𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑟1𝐶𝜃1 ) into capital omega.
Now, so, this is essentially power torque into omega that is power. So, this is power is
equal to
TAA= m (r2𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑟1𝐶𝜃1 )

TAA 𝜔 = m (r2𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑟1𝐶𝜃1 )𝜔

Power= m(u2𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1𝐶𝜃1 )

Where u=r.𝜔

u2𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1𝐶𝜃1 > 0 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝

u2𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1𝐶𝜃1 < 0 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒

So, this is the generalized equation we have derived. Now, we are going to see, if we apply,
if we write the Euler equation of Euler equation particularly for the pump or radial flow,
pump then what form, I can get, I mean from this equations?

(Refer Slide Time: 16:15)

So, for that I will go to you know discuss this Euler equations. Now, will discuss Euler
equations for pumps.

So, we have derived till now, we have derived the equation, Euler equation for turbo
machines, which is valid for the pump and turbine and we have seen that depending upon
the magnitude of the quantity u2𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1𝐶𝜃1 , if it is greater than equal to 0 of course, then
work is done by the rotor on the fluid, then it this is for the pump, this is for the pump and
when u2𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1𝐶𝜃1 is less than 0 then of course, work is done by the fluid element to
increase the mechanical energy of the moving component, then this is for the turbine.

So, now we will discuss that if I write Euler equation, for the pump then what would be
the expression and, the net head being developed by the pump. This is very important,
because in a pump we have seen that, mechanical energy of the moving part is, you now
transferred to the fluid to increase it, pressure I mean velocity or you know or sometimes
specific enthalpy in case of a pump compressor blower or fan.

So, we will see, if we apply Euler equation for a pumps, particularly for a radial flow pump
then what would be the final expression and from that expression, how can quantified that
how we can quantify, the net head being developed by the pump and to do that what I will
do? I will draw a radial flow impeller. So, if I draw a radial flow impeller, if I draw a radial
flow impeller, so, this is as I said that this is hub and this is pump impeller.

So, hub ready, this is point 1 and this is point 2. So, if I take out a particular blade, if I take
out a particular blade and if I draw, the zoomed inform so, if I take out this blade and if I
draw rather if I take, I enlarge of this particular blade then it look like this. So, this is point
1 and this is point 2 and 1 and 2; 1 is inlet and 2 is outlet.

So, 1 is inlet and 2 is outlet. So, we have drawn a radial flow impeller, impeller of a radial
flow pump and we know that the there are two radial. So, one is r 1 right and another is r
2. So, this, r 1 and r 2 are the radius inlet and outlet radius of the impeller and we have
discussed the velocity triangles in the last lecture. So, we will discuss again the velocity

So, blade and impeller rotating a certain angular velocity, I mean so, there will be a
absolute velocity. Let us say if I draw the velocity triangle again, there is, this is a
tangential velocity u and there is a absolute velocity w. So, the resultant velocity will be
like this and that is, we call it absolute velocity c. So, whenever the pump impeller is
rotating at certain angular velocity, then we will have a tangential velocity u.

So, u is the tangential velocity, w is the relative velocity and velocity relative to the blade
relative velocity and there will be an resultant velocity c according to the Lami’s theorem
and we call it absolute velocity of the flow absolute velocity. Now, if I draw, so, if I just
include suffix 1, it would be that the triangle will be at the inlet and similarly, if I suffix 2,
it will be at the outlet.

So, if I now, draw the inlet and outlet velocity tri, triangle which is very important to obtain
the, expression for the, you know power that we have discussed in the last slide that net I
mean torque into omega that is power, which is coming from Euler equations and we will
see that how we can give a different form of that equation, in terms of head being
developed by the pump. So, the inlet velocity triangles is like this.

So, this is, absolute velocity, this is relative velocity and this is tangential velocity. So, this
is u 1, this is w 1 and this is C 1 Similarly, I, if I draw the velocity triangles at the outlet I
will get like this. So, this is tangential velocity at the outlet, this is absolute velocity C 2,
this is u 2 similarly, I will get the relative velocity at the outlet is w 2.

Now, I am giving, the different angle. Let us say this is 𝛼1, 𝛽1 and component of absolute
velocity at the inlet in the, in the tangential direction is 𝐶𝜃1 that we have discussed. So,

and this is 𝑊𝜃1 . Similarly, if I draw the component of absolute velocity at the outlet, this
is alpha 2 and this is beta 2.

So, this is 𝐶𝜃2 and this is 𝑊𝜃2 . So, what we have done, we have drawn, the velocity
triangles at the inlet and outlet. We have identified different velocities that is the tangential
velocity, absolute velocity, velocity I mean and the relative velocity. The velocity related
to the blade and then you have given different angle alpha 1, beta 1, alpha 2 and beta 2,
note that, that alpha 1 and alpha 2, these are known as the flow angle.

So, I am writing alpha 1 and alpha 2 are the flow angles that is alpha 1 is the relative flow
angle at the inlet, relative flow angle at the inlet, an alpha 2 is the relative flow angle at the
outlet. Note that all angles are measured with a tangential directions. So, similarly beta 1
is the blade angle, is the, is the blade angle blade angle at the inlet and beta 2 is the blade
angle at the outlet.

All angles are measured as I said all angles are measure with the tangential direction,
alpha 1 and alpha 2 are not the blade angle; mind it, alpha 1 and alpha 2 are not the blade
angle, because the flow direction does not match or co inside with the when at the inlet
and outlet. So, these are we call it the flow angle. So, now, we have obtained the and this
blade or the impeller is rotating let us say with an angular velocity omega in the clockwise

So, that we have drawn in the impeller, that the blade angle is impeller is rotating at the at
an angular velocity omega in the, clock wise direction. Now, from Euler equation of
motion, we have seen that, total power is essentially mass flow rate into u2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1

So, here we have drawn the velocity triangles and blade is rotating at an angular velocity
omega. Now, if I apply Newton’s second law of motions, so, if I apply Newton’s second
law motion, to for this particular blade then applied torque, then applied torque will be
equal to what?

So, if I apply Newton’s second law of motion to this particular case. So, if I apply
Newton’s second law of motion then for this particular case blade, then applied torque will
be equal to rate of change of angular momentum. Then rate of say if I applied Newton’s
second law of motion for this rotating system, then applied torque will be equal to rate of

change of angular momentum, rate of change of angular momentum, then applied torque
that is, see is a prime mover, I mean to, we need a prime mover to run this pump.

So, which is a radial flow impeller, impeller of radial flow pump? We are interested to find
out the Euler equation for this pump in a bit different form and from there we would like
to quantify rather we will try to quantify the net head being developed by this pump and
to do so what we are doing? We have drawn the velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet,
we have identified different component of velocities then we have given different angles,
different flow angles and blade angles and we have assume that the impeller as well as the
entire, l blades are rotating at angle of velocity omega. Then applying Newton’s second
law motion for this rotating system, we can quantify, applied torque is equal to rate of
change of angular momentum. Then see applied torque is let us see, if we assume the
applied torque is T that is coming, because we are we are rotating this impeller using a
prime mover. It maybe, electric motor or it may be a diesel engine.

So, this torque is equal to rate of change of angular momentum is essentially equal to m to
a mass flow rate into I, I identified r 1 and r 2 are the radius at the inlet and outlet. So, r 1
is equal to radius at the inlet, radius at inlet and r 2 is equal to radius at the outlet. So, in
radius at the inlet and outlet of the impeller, this are we have, you know identified r 1 and
r 2, then I can write rate of change of angular momentum is equal to applied torque from
the Newton’s second law of motion. So, the rate of change of angular momentum will be

T= m (r2 cos𝛼2 C2 – r1 cos𝛼1 C1)

T = m (r2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑟1 𝐶𝜃1 )

Power = T 𝜔 = m 𝜔 (r2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑟1 𝐶𝜃1 ) = m (r2 𝜔𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑟1 𝜔 𝐶𝜃1)= m (u2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )

So, we have quantified torque is equal, we have written quant torque in, in terms of the
component of absolute velocity in the tangential direction and radius. So, now, will write
then total power will be equal to what? Torque into omega.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:40)

So, now power will be torque into omega since, the impeller is rotating at an angular
velocity omega that is equal to mass flow rate into omega into r 2 c theta 2 minus r 1 c
theta 1.

Power = 𝜌 𝑄𝑔𝐻 = m (u2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 ) = 𝜌 𝑄(u2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )

So, now, what is the total power? Suppose, as I said that from this Euler equation now, I
will try to have, I will try to get an expression of the head, which is being developed by
the pump. So suppose that if I use the radial flow pump if I use the radial flow pump in a
place, where pump is developing say, pump is developing pump is developing head,
developing head H while discharge is Q. So, pump is place that particular pump is placed
to develop a head H against a discharge of Q. So, then what will the power? Then power
will be equal to if density is rho, discharge Q and density of the fluid is equal to rho, then
power is equal to rho Q g in to H.

H= (u2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/g

H= f(u2,u1, 𝐶𝜃2 , 𝐶𝜃1 )

So, now what we can do? That by changing the magnitude of c theta 1; that means,
whenever we are installing a pump, in a particular place to increase its efficiency pump,
efficiency are always, always our target will be, to have a higher head from the particular
pump. So, if we would like to have a higher head for a given pump, if I would like to

develop a higher head for a particular pumping system or for a particular pump then our,
the target should be to increase, to make 𝐶𝜃1 = 0 or 𝐶𝜃1 < 0, because, a positive
component of c theta 1 will always decrease the net head developed by the pump.

So, our target from this, what we can see from this expression is that if we would like to
develop a higher head from that particular radial flow pump, we need to make there two
cases; either we can make 𝐶𝜃1 is equal to negative quantity or 𝐶𝜃1 = 0; that means, there is
no swirl, that is called swirl free flow, that is swirl free flow that is purely radial unit, radial
inlet purely radial inlet or if I can make 𝐶𝜃1 negative that I have discussed in the last class,
just we can make the component of absolute velocity at the, in the tangential direction at
the inlet to be negative, if the direction of rotation of the impeller and fluid are in the
different, at different.

So, when direction of, of impeller or rotating, rotating element and fluid are different. So,
when direction of the impeller and fluid are different then we can have a negative
component of 𝐶𝜃 if we can somehow have negative component of 𝐶𝜃 then that develop the
head will, will be developed by the part by that same pump will be higher or else we can
make 𝐶𝜃1 = 0 that is there will be no swirl at the inlet, the swirl free flow.

Now, free world and in that case also head developed by the pump will be higher,
important thing is the head develop by the pump, whatever expression I have got that is
(u2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/g essentially, the ideal head. So, head developed by these head
developed, by the machines or by the pump, this H = (u2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/g

is ideal head.

So, if I now draw this again impeller of this radial flow pump. So, suppose, I am drawing
the impeller of a radial flow pump, this is hub and this rotating in the clockwise direct,
direction and there are blades, which are falling lower than spiral and whenever pump is
rotating in this direction, maybe water will try to follow this direction, if it handles water
as a working fluid.

So, water is coming out from the impeller and we are assuming that the when suppose, this
is passes A B. So, this is A and this is B. So, when water flowing through the passes A B
through the impeller, it is assumed that, it is guided by large number of wends. So,

whenever water is you know passing through the passage, water is flowing through the
passes AB in the impeller.

Then it is assumed that it is guided by large number of wends and as if there are no loss,
which is there between to fluid, earlier. So, whenever water is flowing out of the impeller
then of course, there will be a losses, because one fluid layer is moving over the other fluid
layer, fluid frictional losses we cannot ignore, but if it is assumed, it is assumed that, that
the water is moving other water is flowing through the passes A B between large number
of wends, but this is not the case in actual case, because there are solid boundary. So,
whenever water fluid will start flowing what the solid boundary will start develop and we
cannot ignore the frictional losses.

So, the head developed by the pump, which is coming from the Euler equation for pumps
rather this is the theoretical head. This is the ideal head, but the in actual case, the head
developed by the pump will be even lesser than the theoretical head. So, in actual head,
the actual head, actual head developed by the pump will be lesser than the ideal head.

So, what so; that means, whatever expression of head that is (u2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/g that we
have derived from Euler equation that is the ideal one, because, it is assumed that the water
is passing through the passes, water is flowing through the passes, in the impeller, between
two wends are assumed to be guided by large number of wends.

So, there will be no frictional losses I mean between two fluid layers, but this is not the
case of course, there will be a losses between the fluid layer also there are solid boundary.
So, whenever fluid will start flowing over the solid boundary, the boundary here will form
and we cannot ignore the frictional losses and all those things. So, the actual head
developed by the pump will be always lesser than the head predicted by this expression,
(u2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/g and thereby, one efficiency is defined, one efficiency is you know
defined that is known as hydraulic efficiency of the pump. So, hydraulic efficiency, of the
pump eta, it is defined. So, hydraulic efficiency eta is defined as the ratio of actual head
developed by the pump to the ideal head developed by the pump that means, always actual
head developed by the pump will be less than the ideal head.

So, there is a efficiency, which is not the hydraulic efficiency apart from this efficiencies
there are so many, there are two other efficiencies, we can define in the context of pump
operation, we will discuss in our subsequent discuss, you know, lectures, I mean one is

known as mechanical efficiency other is known as hydraulic efficiency it, overall

So, apart from this hydraulic efficiency, there are two other efficiencies, the one is known
as mechanical efficiency other is overall efficiency that will discuss in our, you know
subsequent, lectures. But for the time being, we will discuss that, what is hydraulic
efficiency, because the head predicted by this Euler equation is the ideal head, because,
this does not take, takes into account of the frictional loses that is there in reality. So, the
actual head developed by the pump will be always lesser than this ideal head.

So, we define one efficiency, which is known as hydraulic efficiency that is the rate, that
is defined as the ratio of actual head developed by the pump to the, you know ideal head
developed by the pump. Now, this is the case, this expression can be written in different
form, for axial flow machine and as well as the mixed flow machine.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:23)

So, if I try to write this expression in terms of a for a axial flow machine what would be
the expression that I will write now, and, of course, we will discuss these if I write this
total head, that is head developed by the pump is (u2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/g. This is the head
developed by the pump. If I try to write this expression for the axial flow machine then
what will be the expression right?

That we will discuss for the axial flow machines, because for the axial flow machines, for
the axial flow pump and for that, what we have to do? We have to draw the velocity
triangles. So, if I draw the axial flow machine again schematic, as I said in the last class
and last lecture. So, there will be a impeller and this is the blade and this is inlet 1 and this
is outlet 2.

So, this is inlet 1 and this is outlet 2 and this is rotating like this. So, if I draw, so 1 is the
inlet and 2 is the outlet, this is 1 1 is the inlet, is the inlet and 2 is the outlet. So, if draw
the velocity triangle at the inlet, so, velocity triangles at the inlet, I mean mind note that
here, r1 = r2 ,D1 = D 2.

That means u 1 is equal to you know, u1 = u2 for the axial flow machines. u1 = u2 that is
not the case for the radial flow machines. if I draw the velocity triangles at the inlet and
outlet then how even without drawing the velocity triangles at the inlet outlet. I can express
H that is, H= (u2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/g, if I draw that velocity triangles at the inlet. So, the
velocity triangle at the inlet, if I draw the velocity triangle at point 1 then it will be like

So, this is u1, this is c1, this is w1 and similarly, velocity triangle at the outlet will be like
this, because u1 and u2 are equal. So, this is c2. This is w2 and this is u2, these are the
velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet, but for the axial flow machines.

u1 = u2 , r1= r2, D1 = D2

H = u( 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝐶𝜃1 )/g

So, this is the expression of head developed by the axial flow machines or axial flow pump,
I can express you know this component in, in a bit different from, because what is 𝐶𝜃 , U,
u 1, because if I consider this velocity triangle at the inlet. So, this is w theta 1 and this is
𝐶𝜃1 . So, this is 𝐶𝜃1 and this is 𝑊𝜃1 . Similarly, this is 𝐶𝜃2 and this is 𝑊𝜃2 .

𝐶𝜃1 = 𝑢1 − 𝑊𝜃1
𝐶𝜃2 = 𝑢2 − 𝑊𝜃2
H = u[u2-𝑊𝜃2 − 𝑢1 + 𝑊𝜃1]/g
H = u [ 𝑊𝜃1 - 𝑊𝜃2 ]/𝑔

We can express the head develop by the pump using Euler equation for pumps, we can
express h in different, form since, u 1 is equal to u 2 that is r 1 since, r 1 and r 2 are equal.
So, u 1 will be equal to u 2. So, I can write only in terms of the swirl component of velocity
that is the, component of absolute velocity in the tangential direction, at the inlet and outlet
otherwise, I can convert that expression in terms of only the, component of relative
velocity in the tangential direction, at the inlet and outlet.

We have discussed that, we can express, net developed by the pump in terms of absolute
swirl component of velocity or we can express. We have seen that we can express the head
developed by the pump for axial flow machines.

In terms of relative component of, you know component of relative velocity in the
tangential direction, at the inlet and outlet. Now, we will see that, from the velocity
triangles, for the radial flow machine if I draw the velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet.

(Refer Slide Time: 46:27)

Again, I have drawing an impeller for the radial flow machines I mean, if you radial flow
pump rather.

So, this is the hub and it is rotating in the clockwise direction at an angle of velocity 𝜔 and
there are blades. So, if I take out a particular blade and if I draw the in, in enlarge view
that is 1 and this is 2. So, if I take the take out this particular blade 1 and 2 and if I draw

the velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet. We have seen that there are three components;
one is, tangential velocity, which is u 1 another is the relative velocity w 1.

And the there will be an resultant, which is the absolute velocity at the inlet c 1, which
absolute velocity makes an angle 𝛼1 with in the tangential direction and this is relative
velocity makes an angle 𝛽1 in the tank with the tangential direction. So, 𝛼1 is the relative
flow angle at the outlet relative flow angle, at the inlet sorry, at the inlet and similarly if I
draw the velocity triangles at the outlet I will get like this.

So, this is the tangential velocity u 2, this is the absolute velocity c 2 and this is the relative
velocity, w 2 at the outlet. So, 𝛽1 and 𝛽2 are the blade angle at, at the inlet and outlet and
this angle is alpha 2 at the outlet and we have seen there are components of I mean, absolute
velocity and relative velocity, in the tangential direction 𝑊𝜃2 and 𝐶𝜃2 . Similarly, I may
have a component of absolute velocity and relative velocity at the.

In the tangential direction at the inlet as well. So, this is 𝐶𝜃1 and this is 𝑊𝜃1 component of
absolute velocity at the inlet and component in the tangential direction component of
relative velocity in the tangential direction in the inlet. So, 𝛼1 is the relative flow angle,
inlet and 𝛼2 is the relative flow angel, at the outlet and 𝛽1 and 𝛽2 are the blade angle at
the inlet and the outlet respectively.

Now, I will try to have another expression. So, we have seen that head developed by the
pump from the Euler, from the Euler equations can be written (u2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/g. So,
from Euler equation, we have seen that the net head developed by the pump can be
expressed that in terms of blade, velocity at the inlet and outlet, and the component of
absolute velocity at the inlet and the outlet for the axial flow machines. We have given
form of this head developed by the axial flow pump.

In terms of, component of relative velocity at the inlet and the outlet, in the tangential
direction. Now, can I express this ex quantity in terms of three different velocities rather.
So, there are three different velocities, one is u that is, tangential velocity, tangential
velocity, I mean velocity of the blade in the tangential direction. w is the relative velocity,
velocity relative to the blade, relative velocity and c is the absolute velocity of the flow,
absolute velocity.

So, now, I will try to express this quantity in terms of three components of, velocity that
is absolute velocity, tangential velocity and the relative velocity. So,

H= (u2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/g

= ( 𝑢2 𝑐2 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼2 − 𝑢1 𝑐1 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼1)/g

From inlet velocity triangle

𝑢12 +𝑐12 −𝑤12

𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼1 =
2 𝑢1 𝑐1

From outlet velocity triangle

𝑢22 +𝑐22 −𝑤22

𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼2 = 2 𝑢2 𝑐2

𝑢12 +𝑐12 −𝑤12

u1 c1 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼1 = 2

𝑢22 +𝑐22 −𝑤22

u2 c2 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼2 = 2

So, now if I put the value of u 1 c 1 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼1 and u 2 c 2 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼2, the expression of head
developed by the pump, that is Euler equation, for which is coming from Euler equation
of, Euler equation for pumps.

(Refer Slide Time: 53:03)

(𝑢22 −𝑢12 )+(𝑐22 − 𝑐12 )+(𝑤12 −𝑤22 )
H= 2𝑔

So, after doing some manipulation are not just algebraic manipulation, if I put the value of
c 1 u 1 c 1 cos alpha 1 and u 2 c 2 cos alpha 2 in the expression of H, obtain the expression
of H in term, in terms of three component of three velocities, rather tangential velocity,
absolute velocity and the relative velocity. Now, I will discuss that there are three
component of velocities, I mean absolute velocity, relative velocity and the, tangential

So, all these velocities are contributing to the net, net head develop by the pump. So, what
is the significance of each and every term that is there in this expression. So, there are three
terms, first term, first term is (𝑢22 − 𝑢12 )/𝑔. So, this is the term which represents. So,
this is very important, this is the term.

This term represents the energy used to setting a circular motion, circular motion in the
impeller, circular motion to this (𝑢22 − 𝑢12 )/𝑔. First term which represents the energy,
used to setting up a circular motion about the impeller axis, about the impeller axis, which
is nothing but forced vortex right. So, the first term which replace the energy, used to
setting a circular motion about the impeller axis, which is forced vortex. Second term
(𝑐22 − 𝑐12 )/2𝑔.This represents, you know this represents the kinetic energy, kinetic
energy increasing, increased during the flow of fluid in the impeller. So, whenever fluid is
flowing through a impeller, there is a increase in kinetic energy.

So, (𝑐22 − 𝑐12 )/2𝑔 that is the second term, which represents increase in kinetic energy
of the fluid, when it is flowing through the impeller, third term that is (𝑤12 − 𝑤22 )/2𝑔.
This represents rather, this is the regain of static head.

This represents regain of static head due to reduction of, due to production of relative
velocity, relative velocity passing through the impeller. Relative velocity of the fluid
passing through the velocity, passing through the impeller, which is quite obvious,
because; so, first term represents the energy which is used to setting a circular motion
about the impeller axis about the forced vortex, second term which is essentially the gain
in kinetic energy, whether increasing kinetic energy, when fluid is flowing through the
impeller. And third term which is, which represents or the, which is regain of static head
due to reduction of relative velocity passing, when fluid is passing through the impeller,

because, whenever fluid is passing through the impeller, we have seen that it is a, you
know convergent diversion part.

So, at the outlet, that at the outlet of the impeller where, few area is a larger, so, velocity
will decrease, the relative velocity will decrease and pressure will increase.

So, that is why the third term which is essentially the increase in the gain in static head,
because of the reduction of relative velocity at the, whenever fluid is flowing through the
impeller, there is a reduction and because of this reduction there is a regain of the static
head. So, that is the represented that is represented by the third term ok. So, we stop here
today and we will continue in the next lecture.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 03
Velocity triangles of pumps, effect of inlet swirl on velocity triangles

So, we will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System
Design ah.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:35)

Today’s topic is Velocity triangles of pumps effect of inlet swirl on the pump operation
and pump performance. Today again we will draw rather we will revisit the velocity
triangles for I mean radial flow pump as well as axial flow pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:51)

We will initially draw again an impeller of a radial flow pump; we will draw the impeller
of a radial flow pump. So, if I take out this blade and if I draw you know enlarged view
this is 1, this is 2; 1 is inlet and 2 is outlet. And if I draw the velocity triangles at the inlet,
we have seen that there are 3 components; one is tangential velocity u 1, another is relative
velocity w 1 and there will be a resultant velocity according to Lami’s theorem that is we
call it absolute velocity c 1.

Now, similarly we will get the velocity triangles at the outlet; that means tangential
velocity u 2, this is absolute relative velocity w 2 and resultant will be the actual velocity
c 2. And we have seen that component of absolute velocity and relative velocities in the
tangential directions are c theta 𝐶𝜃1 and 𝑊𝜃1 at the inlet. Similarly component of you
know absolute velocity and relative velocity in the tangential direction at the outlet are 𝐶𝜃2
and 𝑊𝜃2 .

So, this is 𝐶𝜃1 and this is 𝑊𝜃1 ; 𝐶𝜃1 is sometimes known as the swirl component of velocity.
Similarly, we are having 𝐶𝜃2 and 𝑊𝜃2 and this is 𝛽2 is a blade angle at the outlet; this is
𝛼1 this is flow angle this is 𝛼2 and this is 𝛽1. 𝛼1 , 𝛼2 is the relative flow angle; flow
angles at inlet and outlet where 𝛽1 and 𝛽2 are the blade angles. Similarly, if I draw this is
essentially for a radial flow pump; this is for radial flow pump.

Similarly, we can draw the velocity triangle for the axial flow machines or axial flow
pump; if I draw. So, this is the axis of the impeller, this is impeller we are having blade

this is point 2 this is point 1; 1 is the inlet and 2 is the outlet. Now this is known as suppose
we are having similar blade at and this is known as hub diameter Dh, this is hub this point
is known as hub of the impeller and this point is known as tip; tip and this point is known
as hub.

So, Dh is the hub diameter similarly you are having tip diameter this is Dt tip diameter.
So, Dh is the hub diameter and Dt is the tip diameter. So, we are having hub diameter and
tip diameter; if I draw the velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet. So, I will draw
separately; so velocity triangle at the inlet is we are having 3 different components again,
we have relative velocity w1 this is point 1, this is the u1 and the resultant is the absolute
velocity c1.

Similarly, this is at inlet and we will have velocity triangles at the outlet is w2, u2 and c2;
so, that outlet. So, this is a velocity triangle at the inlet and this is at the outlet and we have
hub diameter and tip diameter.

Q= 4 (𝐷ℎ2 − 𝐷𝑡 2 )* velocity of flow

So, this is c z 1 we will call it Cz1 and this is Cz2 are flow velocity at the inlet and outlet.
So, Cz1,Cz2 are the flow velocity at inlet and outlet. So, we can find out flow rate by
knowing the Cz1 and Cz2; if the flow swirl free the special case is, if the flow is swirl free
at the inlet if the flow is swirl free at inlet then Cz1 = C1 that is there will be no component
of swirl at the inlet.

So, this is all about the velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet of the radial flow pump and
the axial flow pump. Now we will see that what effect does it have if we make 𝐶𝜃1 ; that is
the swirl component of flow velocity at the inlet at outlet 0 and negative on the head
development characteristics of the pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 07:23)

Next I will discuss that in the last lecture we have derived the head developed by the pump
H from Euler equation of turbo machines that is (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔. So, the head
developed the pump can be expressed in terms of the blade velocities at the inlet and outlet
as well as the component of absolute velocity in the tangential direction at the inlet and
outlet that is swirl component of velocity at the inlet and outlet.

We have discussed we have also discussed that if the flow is swirl free at the inlet. So, if
the flow is swirl free at inlet, then 𝐶𝜃1 = 0 and the head developed by the machines will
be simply 𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 /𝑔. Now we have also discussed that by making 𝐶𝜃1 = 0 we can have is
𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 /𝑔 , but if 𝐶𝜃1 becomes positive; that means, if the flow at the inlet is swirl I mean
if there are swirl at the inlet of the flow then probably head developed by the pump will be

But somehow by making a negative component of swirl velocity we can have higher head
development by the pump. And we have also discussed that we can make c theta 1
negative, we can discuss 𝐶𝜃1 negative by you know making you know direction of the a
pump impeller and the flow in the different direction ok. So, we have also discussed that
the head developed at the pump that is coming from Euler equation for (Refer Time: 08:53)
can be you know expressed in a bit different from that for the axial flow machine we have
last lecture we have discussed that can be simply expressed in terms of the relative
component of velocity.

So, now, I will discuss that for axial flow machines since r1 = r2 that is D1 = D2; then u1
will be equal to u2. It is simply head developed by the pump will be u*(𝐶𝜃2 − 𝐶𝜃1 )/g. But
in case of a mixed flow pump, but for the mixed flow pump since if you draw the impeller
again since the diameters r1, r2 are not equal. So, this is point 1 this is point 2 and we have
like this since r1 not equal to r2. So, head developed by the pump can be written in terms
of (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔.

And from the velocity triangles at the inlet outlet using cosine rule we have expressed this
head development H in terms of 3 different component of flow velocities like

H = (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔

𝑢2 2 − 𝑢1 2 𝑐2 2 − 𝑐1 2 𝑤2 2 − 𝑤1 2
H= + +
2𝑔 2𝑔 2𝑔

So, have seen that the head developed by the pump can be expressed in terms of 3
components of velocities that is, tangential velocity, axial velocity and the relative velocity
that is velocity of flow related to the blade ok.

Now, I will try to express this quantity H for a radial flow pump in a bit different form that
is in terms of outlet you know parameters at the outlet of the pump; that is the blade angle
and also the velocity at the outlet of the pump. So, if I draw the; you know again impeller
of a radial flow pump and this is a radial flow pump, and this is the hub and this is the

(Refer Slide Time: 11:05)

So, suppose pump is rotating in the clockwise direction at an angular velocity omega. And
if I draw the blade 1 2; then if I take out the blade and if I take this blade out and if I draw
the velocity triangles at the outlet, that this is 2. So, this is u2 this is c2; similarly we can
have velocity triangles at the inlet. So, this is w1 this is resultant velocity is absolute
velocity we call it absolutely c1 and this is u1, this angle is alpha 1 flow angle, this is the
blade angle at the inlet this is 𝑊𝜃1 and this is 𝐶𝜃1 .

Similarly, we have 𝑊𝜃2 𝐶𝜃2 ; this is c2, this is alpha 2 this is blade velocity at outlet and
this is w 2 and this is blade angle beta 2. So, we can have this kind of things this is u 2 and
this is c 2; this is alpha 2. Now we know that the head developed by the pump is H =
(𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔; irrespective of what kind of pump it is it is whether it is radial flow
pump or axial flow pump or mixed flow pump. Now for the radial flow pump and if a
special case is that flow is radially inlet; I mean purely radial inlet there is no swirl
component at the inlet. So, if special case if we take a special case that no swirl component
at the inlet no swirl component at inlet.

That is 𝐶𝜃1 = 0, then this head developed by the pump will be can be written simply by
u2 𝐶𝜃2 /𝑔. And where u2 𝐶𝜃2 are the blade velocity and component of absolute velocity in
the tangential direction at the outlet (Refer Time: 13:34); as I said that I would like to now
express this quantity H in terms of outlet parameters. I mean parameters at the outlet of

the pump that is the blade velocity and different other component like 𝐶𝜃2 and all those

𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 𝑢2 𝐶
H= = [𝑢2 − 𝑊𝜃2 ] { 𝑊𝑟2 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽2 }
𝑔 𝑔 𝜃2

= [𝑢2 − 𝐶𝑟2 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝛽2 ]

So, now question is c r 2 that is velocity of flow at outlet is essentially Q by flow area. So,
if I know the discharge from the pump because that is the specification how much you
know quantities will be you know discharged by the pump. And if I know the diameter
and width of the impeller at the outlet because flow area at the outlet flow area at the outlet.

Flow area at the outlet = 𝜋 𝐷2 𝑏2

So, if I draw you know what is b? So, this quantity is this quantity is b2 and this quantity
is D2. So, this is the impeller diameter at the outlet and b2 is the width at the outlet. So, if
I know D2 b2 this quantity I can obtain flow at the outlet. So; that means, now the head
developed by the pump that is

𝑢2 𝑄
H= [𝑢2 − 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝛽2 ]
𝑔 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎

So, now, I have expressed the head developed by the radial flow pump head developed by
radial flow pump where there is no swirl component of velocity at the inlet in terms of
components; that is which can be calculated from the outlet I mean outlet parameters right
velocity of absolute velocity sorry a tangential velocity at the outlet. Discharge if I know
then I can calculate velocity of flow at the outlet because I know the diameter at the outlet
and width of the outlet and the blade angle at outlet.

Now this is very important quantity because from this quantity; I can express that
deafening upon the magnitude of beta 2 that is the blade angle at the outlet what could be
the head development characteristics by radial flow pump; that we will discuss now. So,
we should remember that the head developed by radial flow from where there is no swirl
component velocity at the inlet can be expressed in terms of quantities; that is at the outlet
that is velocity tangential velocity or blade velocity at the outlet and the blade angle and
also the flow area.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:57)

So, we have seen that for a flow of a radial flow pump if I draw the schematic of a radial
flow impeller pump of a radial flow impeller. And then we have seen that the head
developed by the pump which is predicted by Euler’s equation is (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔 .

So, this is the head predicted Euler’s equation this of course, the ideal head because while
you are calculating head by this equation; we do not take into account the frictional losses
and also the recirculation losses in the suction side and the separation losses. And now this
is I mean, if I draw the blade at a particular blade.

So, suppose this impeller is rotating at an angular velocity omega and if I take out a
particular blade 1 2 and if I draw you know enlarged view and if I draw the velocity
triangles at the inlet and the outlet. So, this component is relative velocity that is velocity
related to the blade; this is the blade velocity u 1 and the resultant velocity is the absolute
velocity. And we have seen that the component of you know relative velocity and absolute
velocity in the tangential directions are 𝑊𝜃1 and 𝐶𝜃1 at the inlet.

Similarly, if we draw the velocity triangles at the outlet we will get like this is the blade
velocity at the outlet, this is the relative velocity at the outlet, this is blade angle beta 2 and
this is the flow angle alpha 2 and this is known as flow velocity Cr2 at the outlet and this
is the flow velocity at the inlet Cr1. And again, if I take the component of absolute velocity
and relative velocity in the tangential direction; these are 𝐶𝜃2 and 𝑊𝜃2 at the outlet. So,
this is inlet flow angle alpha 1 and this is beta 1 inlet blade angle.

And the head developed by the Euler’s equation is (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔 and we have see
that this u1 𝐶𝜃1 is always trying to reduce the head being developed by the pump. So, we
have discussed a few cases that 𝐶𝜃1 may be 0 which is the best possible case this is a best
possible case. And we may also have 𝐶𝜃1 is equal to negative that is negative swirl that we
have discussed that is highly possible when the incoming fluid that is fluid entering to the
impeller will have a rotation which is in opposite direction of the rotation of the opposite
to the rotation of the impeller. I mean incoming fluid will have a different direction of
rotation with respect to the impeller rotation; so, this is negative swirl.

If we have a negative swirl; we have seen that the head developed by the pump will
increase, but we have discussed that this negative swirl although we may increase head,
but it is inviting I mean the negative components swirl maybe; we can develop we can
have higher head, but at the same time we are inviting another problem of having cavitation
in the pump and this is not a desirable one.

So, that is why 𝐶𝜃1 = 0 that is no swirl at the inlet that is purely radial inlet as the is the
most is the best possible case. So, from these 2 we have seen that by how changing the
swirl component of velocity at the inlet, we can change the head being developed by the
pump or a radial flow machines not only radial flow machines by a pump of course, and it
may be true for the axial flow machines also.

But now question is that head can be developed by in many ways I mean by changing the
impeller diameter and so all those things. So now, if I take an example say, if we take a
purely radial machines; purely radial machine and if I draw the impeller again and if I
draw the velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet, so, this is again rotating at an angular
velocity capital omega and blades at the straight. So, if I draw this way this is 1 and this is
2. So if I draw this blade and if I draw the velocity triangles; so this is purely radial. So,
this is relative velocity this is the absolute velocity c1 and this is the blade velocity u1.

Similarly, I we can have; so this is 𝛼1 and this is perpendicular similarly we have beta this
is w 2 and this is c 2 and this is alpha this is u 2. So, this is c 2 and this is w 2 and this is
𝛼2 and 𝛽2 again is perpendicular; in that case ah, so pump is rotating at an angular velocity
omega. In that case head developed by the pump will be equal to (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔.
Here 𝐶𝜃2 and 𝐶𝜃1 itself are the 𝑊𝜃1 and 𝑊𝜃2 I mean u2 and u1. So,

𝑢2 2 − 𝑢1 2 (𝑟2 2 − 𝑟1 2 )𝜔
H= =
𝑔 𝑔

This is purely radial machine; so, here head developed the entire head developed by the
centrifugal force or entire head entire head developed by the centrifugal force.; now
question is if we now increase r2 of course, we can have higher head developed this is for
a purely radial machine. On the other hand, if we have seen that if we can if we change the
swirl at the inlet by changing from positive to 0 and negative we can slowly increase head,
but negative swirl is not an ideal case because it is always trying to increase head that is
true, but it will leads to another problem this is not desirable at all that is it will create
pump cavitation.

Now we will see how we can develop head by changing another parameter let us say of
course, from these 2 cases we have seen by changing the diameter of the impeller at the
outlet we can increase head that is that is always true. But it is not always possible to have
that a big diameter because it is the difficult if you have big diameter then again we need
to for at we need to run the pump we have we need to put higher power input and also
phase is an another important problem. So, we will now see what the effect of you is known
blade angle to the contribution of net head being developed by the pump.

So, now we will exercise one another aspect of these pumps.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:28)

Let us say again we are considering a radial flow pump we are considering a radial flow
impeller of a radial flow pump. So, this is impeller of a radial flow pump and this is rotating
an at angular velocity 𝜔 and if I draw the pump you know blades. So, these are you know
this is impeller placed with or equipped with the backward curved vane. So, this is impeller
of a; radial flow pump radial flow pump with backward curved vane. So, we will write
what is the backward curved vane. So, we will write what is the backward curved vane
what is the forward curved vane fine. Now if I again take out a particular blade and if I
draw the velocity triangles; let us say this is 1 and I am assuming there is no swirl at the
inlet. So, we have seen that 𝐶𝜃1 = 0 is the best possible case, we are assuming no swirl at
the inlet at the inlet that is 𝐶𝜃1 = 0.

If 𝐶𝜃1 = 0; then it flow angle will be 90 degree. So, this is relative velocity w1, this is inlet
blade angle 𝛽1, this is u1 and this is c1 that is the absolute velocity. So, this angle is
perpendicular; now this is velocity triangles at the outlet. So, this is blade speed at the
outlet, this is you know relative velocity at the outlet w2, this is 𝛽2 and this angle is 𝛼2 and
this is c2 this angle is 𝛼2 ; so, this angle is 𝛼2 . So, if I now again write the component of
relative velocity and absolute velocity in the tangential direction; we obtained 𝑊𝜃2 and
𝐶𝜃2 and this is u 2 and this is the flow velocity at the outlet Cr2 and here flow velocity at
the inlet is equal to Cr1.

So, Cr1 = c1 and Cr2 and these are the flow velocities flow velocities. So, if I calculate;
so now, for this particular case for an inlet swirl is 0 then

H= (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔 {𝐶𝜃1 = 0}

H= (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 )/𝑔

𝑢2 (𝑢2−𝑊𝜃2 )

So, now I can express 𝑊𝜃2 , but actually if I draw the impeller in a 3-dimensional view; so
maybe impeller looks like this. So, this is the impeller; so maybe it is equipped with a few
backward curved vanes and this is the width of the impeller. So, this is the width of the
impeller; so this is b2 and this is D2. So, diameter of the impeller outlet is D2 and width
is b2.

And so this is the flow area through which liquid is going out fluid is going out. So, I can
express this head developed by the pump, this quantity in a bit different form. Now from
the outlet triangle I can write

𝑢2 (𝑢2−𝐶𝑟2 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝛽2 )

Q = flow velocity * Area

Q= Cr2* 𝜋 𝐷2 𝑏2

𝑢2 (𝑢2− 𝜋 𝐷2 𝑏2 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝛽2 )

(Refer Slide Time: 30:41)

Now from this expression I can see that by changing the blade angle at the outlet; we also
can vary the head being developed by the pumps. So, now, we will see a few different
cases let us say if I consider H versus Q curve Q versus H that is H, then if I plot when
𝛽2 = 90 degree then it is simplest u22/g.

Now, if 𝛽2 > 90 degree from this expression it is seen that the head developed by the
pump will increase. So, this will be for 𝛽2 > 90 degree that is true because head developed
by the pump will increase if we take 𝛽2 > 90 . This is quite obvious because one can
have a look at this you know one can have a look at the velocity triangle, this expression

and can obtain and if 𝛽2 < 90 then head developed will be decreased; so this is for 𝛽2 <
90 .

So, by changing the blade angle at the inlet keeping blade angle at the by changing the
blade angle at the outlet keeping you know blade angle at the inlet fixed I can vary the
head being developed by the pump. So, from this exercise it is you know suggestive of
having you know blade angle which will be greater than 90 degree. If blade angle is greater
than 90 degree then what will be?

Suppose if I draw now 3 different cases; so, whenever 𝛽2 = 90 . So, it is a statement that
is what is I draw in the last lecture last slide that 𝛽2 = 90 that is suppose this impeller is
rotating at an angular velocity omega and this is as I said that all the angles are measured
with the tangential direction. So, you know this is w2; so, 90 degree. So, this is maybe c2
and this is u2.

So, this is straight vane straight vane 𝛽2 = 90 if I consider 𝛽2 > 90 So, it means like this
if we consider an impeller of a radial flow pump and this is; so, beta 2 greater than 90
degree means blade should be like this. So, since blades angles are measured with a
tangential direction. So, this is 𝛽2 ; so this is w2 and this will be the absolute velocity and
this is the relative velocity. So, this will be the absolute velocity and this is the blade
velocity u2 and this is c2 and this is 𝛽2 > 90 , so here 𝛽2 = 90 .

Now, this is a case where we can see that head developed by the pump will be higher; note
that here the vanes are not exactly the backward curved vane we will discuss what is. So,
this is a called a forward curved vane, so this is called forward curved vanes vane because
in all the cases rotation of the pump in the clockwise direction that is pump is rotating in
the clockwise direction at a certain speed at an angular velocity omega.

Now if 𝛽2 < 90 then head developed the pump will reduce; so, if I draw the again one
another case. Let us say this is the impeller of a radial flow pump and the pump is rotating
at the same angular speed, at the same direction and this is now the case where blades are
having you know backward curved vane. So, here this is the absolute velocity this is the
blade velocity and this is c2 this is w2 and this angle is 𝛽2.

So, 𝛽2 < 90 and this is u2; so, this is known as this is a case where it is called backward
curved vane. So, this is backward curved vane backward curved vane. So, what we can

see from this expression that that the backward curved vanes if we have a 𝛽2 < 90 that
is in all the cases pump is rotating in a clockwise direction at an angular velocity omega,
but for the backward curved vane head developed by the pump will be less as compared
to 2 other cases, where 𝛽2 = 90 and 𝛽2 > 90 .

So, maybe from this analysis it is quite you know cleared that someone should use
whenever pump is designed a designer should use backward you know forward curved
vane only to have a higher head rise or head developed by the pump will be higher. But
this is not the case because efficiency of the backward curved vane is always higher than
the forward curved vane. So, if we if we have a close look if we have a closer look at these
3 cases I mean case 1, case 2, case 3; what we can see from these that if it is case 1 and if
it is case 2 and if it is case 3; then we can see that in case 2 if c 2 is higher.

So, if this case c 2 is higher much higher than the as compared to 2 different other cases.
And that is why whenever we are having forward curved vane I mean maybe 𝛽2 > 90
head rise will be head rise will be high, but the leaving loss which is known as leaving loss
that is ½ m c22 this is high. So, from the velocity triangle itself we can see we can clearly
see that maybe if we have a forward curved vane when 𝛽2 > 90 ; we may have higher
head generation that is quite true from the expression whatever I have written above that
head developed the pump will increase.

But at the same time the leaving loss from the pump will be high that is ½ m c22 will be
high and there is a very competition maybe head rise will be high at the same time leaving
loss will be high. But relative to the rise in head the leaving loss the relative loss of you
know leaving loss and I mean relative rise of head I mean head will increase at the same
time leaving loss will be high. So, the, but the relatively leaving loss will be higher than
the rise of the head that is why efficiency of the backward curved vane; efficiency of the
backward curved vane is always higher than the efficiency of the forward curved vane this
is true because. So, from this discussion we can conclude that maybe if we use a forward
curved vane pumps or radial flow pumps or impeller equipped with forward curved vanes;
where 𝛽2 > 90 head rise will be high.

So, forward curved vanes will not only give a higher head rise in that case the leaving loss
will be high, but the relative increment of leaving loss will be higher than the relative rise
of head as compared to the backward curved vanes and straight vanes; that is why

efficiency of the backward curved vane is always preferred than forward curved vanes.
And in fact, for 𝛽2 = 90 also the leaving loss will be higher than the backward curved
vane. So, that is why efficiency of the backward curved vanes is always higher than the
forward curved vanes, but still there are some cases or there are some places where we
need to have forward curved vanes.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:06)

So, I will now discuss another important aspect that from you know these discussions, we
have understood that efficiency of the backward curved vane is always greater than the
efficiency of the forward curved vane that is true. But sometimes; sometimes forward
curved vanes sometimes forward curved vanes are preferred over backward curved vane.

So, we have understood that the efficiency of the forward curved vane will be less than the
backward curved vane. But still there are a few cases or there are few you know situation
where you need to have forward curved vane that is we have we will be having impeller;
that impeller should be equipped with a few forward curved vanes otherwise there will be
a problem, why? So, now, one reason is that of course, forward curved vane efficiency
will be higher, but as I said you that the relative increment of you know head raise that
will lead to that will leads to higher efficiency that is true.

But the relative increment of efficiency because of the higher head rise will be you know
less as compared to the leaving loss that is why forward curved vanes are not basically you
know higher efficient. But there are few cases if I draw an again, one 2 impellers one is

equipped with the backward curved vanes and another is equipped with forward curved
vanes suppose this is impeller and impeller is rotating with an angular velocity omega this
is backward curved vane; so, this is backward curved vane.

So, this is backward curved vane why backward curved vanes? Because this; these are
known as backward curved vane because vanes are vanes or blades are inclined away from
the direction of you know ah; away from the direction of the rotation of the impeller, away
from the direction of rotation of the impeller. So, when vanes are inclined away from the
direction of the rotation of the impeller then we call it backward curved vane that is like
this case.

And again, if you draw another impeller which will be having a forward curved vane, so,
this is an impeller. If we draw the schematic and suppose, this is rotating the clockwise
direction with the same angular velocity and blades are forward curved ; blades are forward
curved. So, here this is known as backward curved vane and this is forward curved vane.
So, what are forward curved vanes? When vanes or blades are inclined in the direction of
in the direction of rotation of the impeller, then they are called; then they are called forward
curved; Forward Curved Vane or FCV; then they are called Backward Curved Vanes or

So, now forward curved and backward curved vanes are clear because in one case it is
inclined towards the direction of rotation of the impeller forward curved vanes, but in other
case backward curved vanes this is not inclined in the direction in the direction of the
rotation of the impeller. But now question is all the efficiency of the backward curved
vanes are preferred over forward curved vanes, but sometimes we all the efficiency of the
backward curved vanes are higher than the forward curved vanes, but still sometimes we
prefer forward curved vanes in places.

In particular there are industries like say jute industries and paper industries where there
is huge amount of dust. So, there is a probability of deposition of dust particle on the top
surface of the blade on the blade surface. So, in the in that in that case in that case, but if
the dust particles are depositing in like this. So, in backward curved vanes these particles
are remain try to stick over there and it will try to have or it will try to start corrosion it
will try to erode some blade material.

On the other hand, because of the geometrical or constructional shape of the forward
curved vane even you know dust particles are depositing over here like this. Then because
of the direction of the rotation of the forward curved vanes the dust particle will always
try to remove or away from they no longer will try to remain attached to the blade itself.
So, the probability of you know having a corrosion or the blade erosion is not there.

And that is why that there are situations, there are instances, there are places particularly
jute industries and paper industries where there is a probability of having deposition of
dust particle over the blade surface and if dust particles try to you know deposits dust
particle deposit over the blade surface. In case of a backward curved vane, they will try to
remain stick over there and they will try to start corrosion and erosion of the blade material.

But because of the constructional geometrical shape of the blade itself; even though the
dust particle are depositing on a blade surface for a forward curved vanes, but their shape
itself will try to allow the dust particle to be removed from the blade and the probability
of you know corrosion and erosion will be no longer there.

Now, from this discussion it is clear that why forward curved vanes are preferred over
backward curved vanes in some cases; although the efficiency of the backward curved
vanes is higher than the forward curved vane. So, now we work out one example that the
problem is suppose there is a centrifugal pump and I will one problem.

(Refer Slide Time: 44:21)

This is not a numerical problem, but it is interesting problem that if we consider a radial
flow pump. Centrifugal pump sometimes we call it I mean for a we sometimes call radial
flow pump as centrifugal pump because of the presence of centrifugal force.

As I said in the first lecture that centrifugal pump is (Refer Time: 44:38) because if we
need to call a radial flow form as centrifugal pump; I mean to be a centrifugal pump
because of the presence of centrifugal force ah; then in a mixed flow pump to some extent
centrifugal force is there then again we then we have to call the mixed flow pump as a
centrifugal pump.

So, I always prefer to call it a radial flow pump. So, one problem is say assuming no loss
I am writing the problem assuming no loss of energy so that increase in piezometric head.
So, that increase in piezometric head across the impeller of a centrifugal pump, of a
centrifugal pump. I am writing, but again I am telling I prefer to call it radial flow pump.
So, I am writing a radial flow pump radial flow pump. So, assuming no loss of energy so
that increase in piezometric head across the impeller of a centrifugal pump rather radial
flow pump I will call it; can be expressed as

𝑃2 − 𝑃1 𝑢2 2 − 𝑢1 2 𝑤2 2 − 𝑤1 2
+ 𝑍2 − 𝑍1 = −
𝛾 2𝑔 2𝑔

So, I am discussing this problem because if we consider there are no loss of energy can
you show that the piezometric head rise or piezometric head across the impeller of a radial
flow pump can be written in terms of the blade velocities and the absolute velocities. We
cannot; we can express only in terms of these 2 components of velocities. So, we need to
solve this problem I mean we need to because is a kind of things; we have to check it
because how can we express this without as you know writing in terms of the absolute

So, suppose if you consider radial flow pump like this and pump is rotating I will
schematically I will write. So, pump is rotating like this and pump is discharging water in
another place two. So, this is let us say 1 and this is 2; so, it is discharging water in some
other place and drawing water from a some. So, this pump is working between these 2 ah;
so, this is a radial flow pump which is drawing water from one some and discharging water
to other place you know and if it is there is a an if there are no losses I mean there is no
loss of energy; how we can show that the piezometric head across the pump impeller only

the impeller of a radial flow pump can be written in terms of absolute blade velocity and
the radial flow velocity.

So, if the pump now question is if we solve this problem. So, whenever pump is
discharging rather pump is you know discharging water in a place; rather pump is drawing
water from one place and discharging on other place definitely pump is adding some
energy to the working fluid. So, if the pump energy is added on the fluid definitely now
question is if the pump energy added on the fluid; that means, in a pump; whenever it is
drawing water and discharging in some that water in other place. So, it is definitely pump
is adding some energy on the working fluid because pump we need to run the pump either
electric motor or diesel engine.

So, if the pump energy is added on the working fluid then what suppose an whenever it is
discharging water at some place; then the function of pump is to develop a head. So, can I
write that

𝑃2 𝑐2 2 𝑃1 𝑐1 2
( + + 𝑍2 ) − ( + + 𝑍1 ) = 𝐻
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔

Because suppose whenever pump is drawing water from (Refer Time: 49:33) and
discharging at 2 then it has to overcome so, many other losses frictional losses in the
pipeline, frictional losses in the vanes and also it has to overcome some static head.

So, considering all those we need to put some energy on the fluid and that is added by the
pump itself. So, if pump energy is added on the working fluid; then I can write this equation
because whatever will be the pressure at the point 2 and pressure the point 2, the difference
that is being calculated that is added by the pump. So, and that is the head developed.

So, what you can said because a point 2 has to have more energy; point 2 has to have more
energy otherwise there is no how we can lift water how we can discharge water in some
other place. So,

𝑃2 −𝑃1 𝑐2 2 − 𝑐1 2 𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1

+ + 𝑍2 − 𝑍1 = 𝐻 =
𝛾 2𝑔 𝑔

𝑐2 2 − 𝑐1 2 𝑢2 2 − 𝑢1 2 𝑤2 2 − 𝑤1 2
= + +
2𝑔 2𝑔 2𝑔

Now we can see that the head developed by pump to precise by a radial flow pump can be
written in terms of 3 component of velocities. And we can have what will be the head
developed the pump the pump is installed in a place, where we need to develop a head
which is no determined by these 2 quantities.

𝑃2 − 𝑃1 𝑢2 2 − 𝑢1 2 𝑤2 2 − 𝑤1 2
+ 𝑍2 − 𝑍1 = −
𝛾 2𝑔 2𝑔

So, I can express these quantities whatever that is there I mean piezometric head across
the pump impeller of a radial flow pump when there is no loss of energy can be expressed
in terms of this. Because whenever we have written equation when you did not consider
an equation that is on any loss due to fictional, I mean any fiction head loss we have

So, without assuming any loss of energy I can express the piezometric head develop by
the pump ; in terms of piezometric head across the pump in parallel of a radial flow pump
in terms of the blade velocity and the relative velocity at the inlet and outlet of the pump
impeller ok.

. So, next we will see that that is important that is the; you know effect of swirl at the inlet
on the pump of operation that is very important ah. So, we will again consider a radial flow
pump; so, we are considering that a radial flow pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 54:48)

We are considering a backward curve vane because we have seen that the backward curve
vanes are you know more efficient than the forward curve vanes. And if this is point 1 and
point 2 and if I draw the velocity triangles at the inlet we will discuss; now the effect of
inlet swirl on the pump operation; effect of inlet swirl pump operation.

So, we know that the head developed by the pump can be you know head developed by
the pump can be expressed from Euler equation of (Refer Time: 55:42) machines; that u
is equal H = (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔 and we have express this quantity in different other
form where in terms of only the pure only of the outlet quantities that is outlet velocities
that is absolute velocities relative velocities and the tangential velocities of at the outlet of
the pump.

So now whenever we are what will be effect of inlet swirl on the pump operation. So, I
will discuss different cases; so, if I discuss first case let say case 1 that is 𝐶𝜃1 is equal to
positive we have discussed that 𝐶𝜃1 becomes positive when pump impeller and the fluid
are having are rotating the same directions are having same direction of rotation. Then 𝐶𝜃1
will be positive and if 𝐶𝜃1 is positive I will; I will discuss that if 𝐶𝜃1 is positive then the
inlet velocity triangles we will discuss only at the inlet velocity triangles.

So, what will be the velocity triangles? So, what will be the velocity triangles; so, if I draw
the velocity triangle at the inlet 𝐶𝜃1 is positive. So, this is u1 this is; this is c1, this is u1,
this is w1 and this is 𝑊𝜃1 , this is 𝐶𝜃1 . So, here 𝐶𝜃1 is positive; 𝐶𝜃1 us positive quantity. So,

the net head develop by the pump will be always lesser I mean because this quantity will
be subtracted from this quantity for a given value of u1 and u2.

So, head develop by the pump will be always lesser ; now if I discuss case 2 that 𝐶𝜃1 = 0
that is no pre whirl or swirl that is swirl free flow then this is called purely radial inlet,
purely radial inlet; that is u1 will be same because u1 is the blade velocity at the inlet, it
depends upon the diameter at the inlet and the speed.

Since the speed and diameter (Refer Time: 58:47) same. So, the u1 will be same; so, the
u1 will remain same and if u1 is remaining same to make 𝐶𝜃1 = 0 suppose u1 is remaining
same and to make 𝐶𝜃1 = 0. So, this will be 𝐶𝜃1 it will be c1 this will be w1 and this will
be u1. So, mind it here 𝐶𝜃1 = 0 that is this is 90 degree purely radial inlet purely radial
inlet this is 90 degree, but u1 will remain same for all the cases.

Because u1 depends essentially on the value of D1 and 𝜔 the pump impeller speed angular
velocity of the impeller. So, to keep u1 fixed its we need to make c1 perpendicular that is
no swirl component we must have w1 here. So, here head development will be relatively
better than the previous case ah, but since w1 becomes higher; it will create another
problem that will discuss may be in the next case ah. For the no swirl free I mean no pre
whirl no swirl at the swirl free flow this is fine.

But again, if we discuss case 3; if we discuss case 3 that is 𝐶𝜃1 is negative. Because a
negative 𝐶𝜃1 it is very important it is very clear from this expression that if we can make
𝐶𝜃1 negative, we can have higher head development characteristic. Because for the same
pump for a rotating at a same velocity we still can have higher head development.

If we can make 𝐶𝜃1 negative that is when this is the case, we can obtain when direction
of the impeller direction of the impeller rotation and fluid are different. So, when direction
of the pump impeller on the fluid are defined then we can have negative 𝐶𝜃1 ; if we can
have negative 𝐶𝜃1 then from this expression we can see that we can have higher head
development ah; despite the fact that the pump is running at the same speed at impeller we
are not changing anything.

But this negative 𝐶𝜃1 will create another problem that we will discuss how can have how
if we draw the velocity triangle at the inlet that that would be clear. So, if I draw the
velocity triangle at the inlet suppose negative 𝐶𝜃1 . So, if I draw the inlet will all these are

inlet velocity triangle. So, this is inlet this is at the inlet; so, if I draw the velocity triangles
at the inlet.

Suppose and I said that u1 will remain same because u1 depends on the omega as well as
the diameter of the inlet see both are remaining same; so, u1 will remain same. Now to
make 𝐶𝜃1 negative that is ; so, u1 will remain same, this is c1 and to make 𝐶𝜃1 negative.
So, so this is the negative component of c theta; so, this is negative component of 𝐶𝜃1 So,
this is the negative component of c theta 1 and this is total is 𝑊𝜃1 ; this is 𝑊𝜃1 and this is u

So, here to keep u1 fixed that is u1 will remain same; if we make 𝐶𝜃1 negative that is when
direction of the pump impeller and fluid are different, then we will have a relatively higher
magnitude of relative velocity at the inlet. So, in this case; we will have higher magnitude
of relative velocity at the inlet; so we will have relatively.

So, if we make 𝐶𝜃1 negative of course, we can see from the expression that our head
development will be higher for a given other conditions I mean remaining same because
ah, but we will have. So, may be by making 𝐶𝜃1 negative we can have higher head
development, but at the same time you are inviting another problem what is the problem?

Because in that in this case we will have a relatively higher magnitude of relative velocity
at inlet; so, if relative velocity at the inlet increases pressure may pressure will fall. And if
the velocity increases pressure will fall and pressure falls below the vapor pressure at the
corresponding temperature, then local carbonation might start.

So; that means, and it will create an undeserved phenomenon that is non cavitation. So,
may be; so, what I am telling? By creating or by making 𝐶𝜃1 negative we may have a
relatively higher head development by the same form as compared to 2 different other
cases; that is 𝐶𝜃1 positive and 0, but we are inviting another problem that is lead it will
give us a relatively higher magnitude of relative velocity.

And that will that will create another problem because for a higher relative velocity
pressure might fall and the pressure falls below the you know vapor pressure at that
temperature; then local boiling will take place and it will lead to a you know undesirable
phenomena, which is known as cavitation and this is not desirable at all as far as the pump
operation is concerned ok.

So, we will stop here today, and we will discuss we will continue to next class.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 04
Pump casing, efficiencies, problems

So, we will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System
Design. So, here I will discuss about the pump casing efficiencies and problems. Before I
would go to discuss about the Pump casing, efficiencies and if I take of a numerical
problem, I will recapitulate the few important things that we have discussed in the last
lectures. One is essentially the effect of inlet swirl.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:54)

So, that is the effect of inlet swirl on the pump performance rather pump operation.

So, this is very important we have seen that in a radial flow pump, we have a swirl at the
inlet of the pump that is if I draw the impeller. So, if I draw the pump impeller and suppose
assuming that pump is rotating in the clockwise direction. And if I draw the velocity angle
at the inlet that is 1 and 2; so, this is the blade, and if I draw the velocity angle at the inlet
and we have seen that the head developed by the pump can be expressed in terms of
(𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔.. We have seen that the component 𝐶𝜃1 that is swirl component at
inlet play a big role on the total head development by the pump total head developed by
the pump.

So, we have discussed that if 𝐶𝜃1 becomes positive then no problem, but head developed
by the pump will be less, I mean relatively lesser because this quantity will be deducted
from the u2 𝐶𝜃2 . Now if 𝐶𝜃1 = 0 that is purely radial inlet no swirl component that is no
swirl at the inlet. And we have seen that incase head developed by the pump will be
relatively higher than the case where 𝐶𝜃1 is positive, but still this case might lead to another
problem. I mean might leads to another problem like if 𝐶𝜃1 = 0. Then to make c 1 in a
perpendicular, then we have to have a relatively higher. We rather we will have a relatively
higher relative velocity at the inlet ah, but still it is sometimes considering no swirl at the
inlet pumps are designed to have no swirl at the inlet.

But the problem is in 𝐶𝜃1 becomes negative, that is when 𝐶𝜃1 is negative that is in coming
flow. So, this is the case when incoming fluid incoming fluid. I mean fluid will swirl about
their axis and opposite to the pump impeller rotation. And we discussed now that if 𝐶𝜃1
positive; that means pump will have swirl definitely, but incoming swirl will have a axis
of rotation. Rather it will incoming swirl will incoming fluid will have swirl sorry
incoming fluid will swirl about their axis and in the direction, which is you know same of
the pump impeller direction.

But when 𝐶𝜃1 is negative, then incoming fluid swirl about the axis and opposite to the
pump impeller rotation; that is very important that is opposite to and opposite to pump
impeller rotation right. So; that means, there are 3 different cases 𝐶𝜃1 positive, I mean head
developed by the pump will be relatively lesser, but still we do not have any problem with
that because may be head developed the pump for a given other you know conditions I
mean that is blade velocity and although also the blade angle are is remaining fixed.

But we also have seen that by changing the blade angle at the outlet, we can still have a
different head developed head development by a pump. But here by making 𝐶𝜃1 that is by
changing you know swirl component of velocity that is whether we are having swirl at the
you know inlet or no swirl. We can control the head will be the head that will be developed
by the pump. So, whenever 𝐶𝜃1 is negative that is incoming fluids swirl about the axis of
rotation and that to opposite to the direction of pump impeller rotation.

In that case, we have seen that to make; if we draw the velocity rectangle, we have seen
that in the last lecture that relative velocity at the inlet will be higher. And if relative
velocity becomes higher pressure might fall. And if pressure falls the vapour pressure at

that temperature, then local boiling may takes place and this situation will leads to a
different you know you know an undesirable phenomenon of cavitation that is very you
know harmful to the pump operation.

So, that we have discussed. Now we will discuss that if we have you know higher inlet
higher you know absolute velocity at the inlet, then this will lead to another problem as if
we consider you know compressor. So, we have seen that if 𝐶𝜃1 that is negative that is if
incoming fluid will if incoming fluid swirl about their axis and opposite to the impeller
axis then, in case of a pump we have seen that in case of pump cavitation may cavitation,
which is cavitation which may start. Because cavitation is an undesired phenomenon as
far as the pump operation is considered because it destroys rather it erodes some material
from the impeller.

Normally in case of a pump it occurs at the eye of the impeller that is at the entry of the
impeller. So, cavitation is not desirable phenomenon. So, if 𝐶𝜃1 become negative that you
would like to have higher ahead from higher head will be developed by the pump, we are
at the same time we are inviting of course, by making 𝐶𝜃1 negative, at the same time we
are inviting of the problem of cavitation, but in case of a compressor, in case of a
compressor if 𝐶𝜃1 is become negative in case of a compressor it cause shock loss happens.

So now, in case of a compressor if the relative velocity at inlet in case of a compressor; if

in case of a compressor if relative velocity at the inlet is higher, if relative velocity at the
inlet is high. That is w 1 is high, then w1/a1 which is you know relative Mach number at
the inlet, that is relative Mach number at the inlet. So, this is not you know related to the
present for the present course that is not related to the hydraulic machine, but since I am
discussing about the effect of 𝐶𝜃1 on the pump operation. So, I will discuss all though it is
not within the which is within the syllabus of this particular course.

So, if in case of a compressor, if the relative velocity at the inlet becomes high at there is
w one high, then w1/a1 that is relative Mach number a1 is velocity of sound. Relative
Mach number at the inlet which will be high; so, relative Mach number will be high this
will be higher. And in case of a compressor when relative Mach number at the inlet
becomes high in case of a compressor, shock loss shock rather shocks which is again an
undesirable phenomenon happens in case of a compressor.

So, we have seen that that if these components of absolute velocity inlet at the inlet of the
pump becomes negative, that is if the fluid swirls about their axis and opposite to the pump
impeller rotation. Then in case of a pump cavitation may occur which is not a desirable
phenomenon at all. And in case of a compressor although it is not included in this course,
but still I am discussing although it is, but in case of a compressor; if the relative velocity
at the inlet is high that is I mean the relative Mach number at the inlet will be high and it
will lead to a shock which is again an undesirable phenomena for the compressor operation

So, we need to have you know you know very judicial selection that whether you will go
for I mean what would be the head development. Because if we can develop a higher head
from a particular pump, then of course, pump efficiency will increase. At the same time,
we have to keep in mind that at the cost of higher head development we should not invite
any other undesirable phenomenon that might give rise to drastic problem for the pump

Next I will discuss about you know we have discussed about the effect of inlet swirl at the
inlet outlet.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:15)

We have seen that the head developed by a pump, if I try to predict using Euler equation
that can be expressed you know head developed by pump. If I try to predict using Euler
equation, then it becomes H = (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔. And of course, this is the ideal head

because while calculating this head from the first law first principle and we did not take
into account the losses. So, this is ideal head, actual head will be always less than this head.
And that is why, we have defined one efficiency that is hydraulic efficiency sometimes it
is known as manometric efficiency of the pump.

𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝

𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑑

So, this is the ideal head. And actual head actual head that will be developed by the pump
will be always less than this ideal head. And will be multiplied by one factor and that factor
is known as hydraulic efficiency or manometric efficiency. And there thereby we have
defined hydraulic efficiency of the pump is you know actual head developed by the pump;
actual head developed by the pump to the ideal head developed by the same pump. So,
from this it is clear that the actual head developed by the pump will be always less than
the ideal head fine.

Just we will try to recapitulate again that if I even look at the expression, I mean whatever
we have expression of head develop by the pump you know predicted by Euler. Then I can
see from here that the head developed by the pump can be tuned by changing the
component of swirl at the inlet. Because h can be written in terms of (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔.
So now, this component that is swirl at the inlet it is a very important as far as the head
being developed by the pump is concerned.

So now of course, I can increase head developed by the pump by changing the even by
changing the tangential velocity at the outlet and for that we need to have a higher impeller
diameter or higher rotating speed. So, that is not quite easy know meaning full, because if
I would like to have higher head developed higher head will be developed by the pump by
changing it is speed.

Then again I need to put more energy because pump will run either by an electric motor
or by a diesel engine. Whatever it is in that case it is we need to you know put more energy
input energy. Or else we need to have a higher impeller diameter; then again it is not very
you know suggestive. Because we have a limitation of space because, we cannot increase
the impeller diameter arbitrarily because of space and also because pump impeller is you
know placed in a sap and there are bearings.

So, if I increase the pump impeller diameter it towards will increase and it will create a
thrust on the bearing ah. So, radial thrust will be there axial thrust will be there and that
will try to deteriorate the bearing life. So, considering all those aspects we can tune the
head development even if I talk about the ideal head being developed by the pump I can
tune that inlet swirl to obtain or rather to vary the head being developed.

So, there might be 3 cases that probably I have discussed that probably 𝐶𝜃1 might be 0,
can be 0 a case where there is no swirl at the inlet. In that case head developed by the pump
is u2 𝐶𝜃2 /𝑔. This is the best possible case because again I am telling swirl inlet swirl 0 is
again you know basically ideal case. Because it is really difficult to have a difficult to have
no swirl at the inlet because swirl fluid flow is again, I mean this is again a case ideal case,
but still that will be the best possible case.

And if I have a positive 𝐶𝜃1 one that is always true I mean that we have discussed that
positive 𝐶𝜃1 means rotation of the fluid element rotation of the fluid that interest to the
impeller will have a same direction of rotation to the impeller rotation; that means, if
impeller rotation is the clockwise direction fluid entering to the pump through the pipeline
will have also the clockwise direction. In that case we have a positive 𝐶𝜃1 and in that case,
we can see that it that fellow I mean u2 u1 𝐶𝜃1 always will try to reduce the head being

So, this is not a favorable case, but on the other hand we might have a negative, I mean
negative swirl at the inlet; that means, 𝐶𝜃1 itself is a negative value that is 𝐶𝜃1 will be a
negative value. That is again possible because if I just try to change the rotation I mean
whenever fluid is entering to that impeller that fluid will have a rotation which is different
to different you know direction to the rotation of the pump impeller; that means, if pump
impeller rotation in the clock wise direction fluid try fluid will enters I mean into the
impeller with a rotation which is in a counter clockwise direction. So, in that case you may
have a negative swirl, if that have a negative swirl then from the Euler equation, you can
see that the head developed by the pump can be increased.

But maybe we can increase head by changing the inlet swirl at the you know by changing
the swirl component at the inlet by making it a negative, but at the same times we are
inviting another problem of having another undesirable phenomenon which is known as
cavitation. Because if I increase swirl velocity at the inlet negative swirl, I mean then the

absolute velocity at the inlet will increase because the blade speed or tangential velocity
will remain same because of this fixed inlet diameter. If that relative velocity increases
pressure will fall and if pressure falls below the vapour pressure at that temperature local
boiling will takes place vapor bubble will generate and it will eventually leads to an
undesirable phenomenon which is known as cavitation that we will discuss later.

Till now we have seen that by tuning 𝐶𝜃1 we can also change. So, that is why 𝐶𝜃1 negative
is not a desirable case at all. So, maybe we can increase head by making it negative value,
but at the same times we are inviting another problem of having cavitation. So, what is
done we can now look into this expression and we can if I write this expression in a bit
different from rather, I am recapitulating we have discussed in that in my lectures as well.

So, if I try to draw the velocity triangle at the for radial flow pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 16:24)

Suppose we have a radial flow pump and if I have a backward curved vane. Let us say if I
have backward curved vane then if I take out this blade if it is 1, if it is 2, if I take out this
blade and if I draw you know velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet and if I make that
you know inlet swirl is 0. So, this is perpendicular, and this is the u1. This is w1 and this
is absolute velocity c1 this is perpendicular 𝛼 1 and this is 𝛽1.

So, 𝛼 1 = 𝜋/2 hat is c1=Cr1. That is flow velocity at the inlet and outlet velocity triangles
will be like this. So, this is u2. This is w2, this is u2, this is c2, and this is known as Cr2

that is flow velocity at the outlet. So, flow velocity at the inlet is equal to the absolute
velocity at the inlet and flow velocity at the outlet is Cr2. And this is you know 𝐶𝜃1 . And
the component of relative velocity in the tangential direction is 𝑊𝜃2 . So, this is 𝛽2 this is
and 𝛼 2 blade is or impeller is rotating let us say with an angular velocity omega in the
clock wise direction.

𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 𝑢2 (𝑢2 −𝑊𝜃2 ) 𝑢2 (𝑢2 −𝐶𝑟2 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝛽2 )

H= = =
𝑔 𝑔 𝑔

now, Cr2 is the flow velocity. So, Cr1 is the flow velocity at the inlet flow velocity at inlet
and Cr2 is the flow velocity at outlet. If I now draw the impeller it is another 3-dimensional
view, then it looks like this. I mean if it is a backward impeller is having backward spacing
vane. So, suppose it is rotating with an angular velocity omega. So, impeller will have a
weed like this and this width is b. So, and if the diameter of the impeller outlet diameter is
D Capital D or D2 and it is b2 then you know area into flow velocity that will be
discharged. So, water will try to go out like this from this passage from this flow passage.

Q = Cr2 * Area

𝑢2 (𝑢2 − ∗ 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝛽2 )
H= 𝑔

Why I am recapitulating because from this expression I can see that even for the inlet
swirl I can change rather I can you know tune the head being developed by pump by
changing 𝛽2.

So, if I tried to plot h versus q again for different values of 𝛽2 if I try to plot.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:33)

So, if I try to plot you know h vs q for 3 different values of 𝛽 that is as I discussed that
there might be forward curved vane backward curved vanes. So, when vanes are inclines
in the direction of rotation of the impeller then these are known as forward curved vane,
when vanes are inclined away from the direction of rotation of the impeller those are
known as backward curved vane that depends upon the blade angle and the outlet 𝛽2. So,
for beta 290 degree we only will have u22/g.

So, this is u22/g when 𝛽2 = 𝜋/2. So, this is a case when 𝛽2 = 90 degree. If 𝛽2 greater than
90-degree head developed by the pump will increase that is clearly seen from this
expression. So, this is 𝛽2 greater than 90 degree. And for 𝛽2 less than 90-degree head
developed by the pump will increase decrease. So, this 3 are the cases.

Now, if I keep on changing 𝛽2, then probably the vane orientation will change and it will
have different (Refer Time: 21:46) together. So, it will be a backward curved vane or
forward curved vane depending upon or relative to the rotation of the impeller. So, for
𝛽2 = 90 degree, it is straight vanes. If I plot the radial flow impeller of a radial flow pump
let us say this is an impeller of a radial flow pump. So, pump is rotating in a clockwise
direction for all the cases, if I assume it and if 𝛽2 is 90 degree; then it is straight vanes like

This is straight vane that is 𝛽2 = 90 degree; that means; here this will be the relative
velocity at the outlet. This is w2 this is u2 and this is c2 and 𝛽2 = 90 degree. So, this is

called straight vane. Straight vane and if I try to plot 𝛽2 < 90 degree that what will be the
case I can now see from this schematic or plot.

So, suppose again impeller of a radial flow pump which is rotating at an angular velocity
omega in the clock wise direction because we need to consider by changing the blade angle
at the outlet, we can have different name of the vanes you know, but relative to the rotation
of the impeller.

So, if the impeller is rotating at an angular velocity omega in the clockwise direction if
𝛽2 < 90 degree, then the vanes will be like this that can be cleared. That will be cleared if
I draw the velocity triangles. So, here velocity triangles will be like this. So, this is c2 this
is u2, this is c2 and this angle is 𝛽2 <90 degree and this is w2. As I said that all angles are
measured with the tangential direction. So, here 𝛽2 < 90 degree. So, what I can see from
the shape of the vane is that this is backward curved vane; this is backward curved
backward curved vane backward curved vane bcv.

And here I can see that the head developed by the pump will decrease with increasing q.
And another case, if I plot it that 𝛽2 > 90 degree; so, if I plot 𝛽2 > 90 degree again another
impeller, so, this is the case again impeller is rotating at an angular velocity omega in the
clockwise direction. And 𝛽2 >90 degree. So, I need to see what you will know blade safer
blade profile.

And in that case, it is again rotating with clockwise direction at an angular velocity 𝜔. And
in that case, this will be w2 and since angle is measured with the tangential direction, these
will be 𝛽2. And 𝛽2 is greater than 90 degree in that case this is the relative velocity
tangential velocity at the outlet and this is the absolute velocity at the outlet c2 this is c2
this is u2 and this is w2.

So, this 𝛽2 angle is greater than 90 degree in that case and known as forward curved vane
forward curved vane or FCV in short. So, what I can see that by changing the blade angle
at the outlet, we can manipulate the head being developed by the pump rather we can vary
the head developed by the pump.

And if I change the blade angle from 90 to greater than 90 or 90 to less than 90 degree the
shape of the blade changes relative to the rotation of the impeller. So, if I have considered
rotation of the impeller in the clockwise direction for all the cases, then it is coming from

𝛽2 = 90-degree straight vane. 𝛽2 < 90 degree it is backward curved vane and 𝛽2 > 90
degree is forward curved vane.

Now, although for forward curved vanes I mean the impeller equipped with the few
forward curved vanes you can see from the graph that with increasing you know discharge
head developed by the pump is increasing, but at the same time (Refer Time: 25:37) closely
if you see the you know the velocity triangles at the outlet that we have drawn all the cases.

So, the relative you know the absolute velocity c2 for the forward curved vane is higher or
much greater than absolute velocity leaving the blade for at the outlet for the backward
curved vane. And that is why leaving loss there is very important leaving loss of energy
that half m c 2 square of forward curved vane is greater than half m c 2 square of backward
curved vane. The leaving loss that is the energy leaving with the water for the forward
curved vane is much higher than the backward curved vane.

On the other hand, ah, for the forward curved vane the head developed by the pump is
always higher. Now question is it is very important. So, there is you know we need to
select judicially I mean we need to have a judicial selection of the pump vanes. So, what
is what is important aspect? Should we go for a higher head by changing the blade angle
ah. So, that it will be a forward curved vane, or we should remain stick to the backward
curved vane compromising the head developed by the pump that is very important.

It is seen that the leaving loss is so, high. So, the relative rise in head by making the blade
angle greater than 90 degree, that is for the forward curved vane is not very you know
efficient. So, considering these aspects since the leaving loss is high for the forward curved
vane although the head developed by the pump will be higher since the leaving loss. So,
the relative increment of the leaving loss is higher than the relative rise in head and that is
why efficiency of the forward curved vane are always less than efficiency of the backward
curved vane.

On the other hand, that is, if I can say that the efficiency of the backward curved vane is
much higher than the efficiency of the forward curved vane. So, we have seen that the if I
make the blade angle in such a way that the blade profile will be forward, I mean blade
profile will be in the direction of the rotation of the impeller, in that case head developed
by the pump will increase at the same time leaving loss will be so, high that the relative
rise in head is no longer important as compared to the you know increment. Let us you

know severe or stringent increment of the leaving loss. And that is why efficiency of the
backward curved vanes is higher than the efficiency of the forward curved vane.

Another important aspect is that although efficiency of the backward curved vanes is
higher than the forward curved vanes.

𝜂𝑏𝑐𝑣 > 𝜂𝑓𝑐𝑣

(Refer Slide Time: 28:04)

Although efficiency of the backward curved vane is higher than the efficiency of forward
curved vane, sometimes these forward curved vanes are preferred. So, sometimes these
forward curved vanes are preferred. They are preferred over backward curved vane. So,
why I will write? So now, we have seen that efficiency of the backward curved vanes are
higher, I mean this higher about the forward curved vane because there are few advantages
of using backward curved vane. So, if I list down those advantages.

So, advantages of using backward curved vane. First of all, number one is power cannot
go beyond a particular point. So, power cannot increase beyond a point. Number 2 is you
know; this is less noisy operation that is also important less noisy operation. And number
3 is better efficiency. So, considering all these 3 points, considering all these 3 points
backward curved vanes are you know normally someone should look for, but as I said that
fine, efficiency of the backward curved vanes are higher than the forward curved vane that
is true because although the head developed by the pump is in backward forward curved

vane will be high, but there will be a stringent say leaving loss, but sometimes forward
curved vanes are preferred.

Because there is industry that I have discussed that there is industry, if I use you know
forward curved vane you know if I use if I use forward curved vane. Then that is if impeller
is rotating in this clockwise direction and then ah. So, if there are industries you know
where dust probability of deposition of dust particle over the blade surface is very high.
So, the blade profile itself will allow to remove the dust particle from the blade surface
and if the corrosion with the blades and erosion of the blade material can be prevented this
is for forward curved vane.

On the other hand, if we use backward curved vane suppose if I use backward curved vane
in those industries where there is a probability of deposition of dust particle on the blade
surface. And in that case what is happening you know if the deposition of dust particle in
this surface.

So, the blade surface does not allowed to blade you know designed at in such a way that
the design it should not should not allow dust particle to go away from the surface, as a
result of with either probability of you know corrosion and the erosion. That is why you
know sometimes forward curved vanes are preferred over the backward curved vanes.

Next we proceed to discuss about pump casings and of course, we will take up a numerical
problem to solve I mean what would be the operation. So, now we will discuss about the
one small problem. Before I go to discuss about the pump casing I will discuss one
numerical problem, one small problem I will discuss.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:12)

I will write that the problem is the diameter the diameter of impeller of a radial flow pump
of a radial flow pump at the inlet and outlet at the inlet and outlet are 30 and 60 centimeters

So, the diameter of a diameter of impeller of a radial flow pump at the inlet and outlet of
are 30 and 60 centimeter respectively. Determine the minimum cutting speed of the pump
if it works against a head of 30 meter. Determine the minimum cutting speed of the pump,
if it works against a head of 30 meter. So, we need to calculate. So, we have to solve this
problem. Problem is given that the diameter of the impeller of a radial flow pumps are
given both are the inlet and outlet and we have to find out minimum cutting speed if the
pump cutting speed of the pump if it works against a head of 30 meter.

So now we know that we have seen that in a purely radial flow machines, that are a radial
flow pump purely radial flow machines we can we have seen that the head developed by
the pump can be written in terms

𝑢2 2 − 𝑢1 2 𝑟2 2 − 𝑟1 2
H= = 𝜔
𝑔 𝑔

𝜔= 60

there we can calculate n what will be the value of n. So, omega is calculated for 4 3 6 0
and n is calculated. So, we have to calculate, what is the value of n rpm. So, this is a

problem because this radial purely radial flow machines. So, diameter of the impeller at
the inlet and outlet are given.

So, we can express that that is what I have derived that for a purely radial flow machines
𝑢2 2 − 𝑢1 2
the head developed by the pump can be written in terms of , that is where head is

developed only by because of the (Refer Time: 35:17) force and we can obtain the what
will be the minimum cutting speed if it was against a head of 30 meter.

Ok. So now, we will go to see what the pump casing will be. So, we will discuss about the
pump casing. First and again then we will discuss about you know we will take up another
one problem for the axial flow machines. So, we will discuss about pump casing. So, very
important is pump casing.

(Refer Slide Time: 35:38)

So, we have seen that impeller this is pump impeller. So, this if I draw the impeller of a
pump radial flow pump it is like this. And if we draw the backward curved vane, so, like
this. So, this is the impeller of a radial flow pump.

Now, this is there are different cases because we need to surround this impeller by
something because, whenever fluid is coming out from the impeller. So, we have to guide
the working fluid which is coming out because pump is essentially used to develop a head.
Depending upon the requirement we can select whether we should go for radial flow pump
axial flow pump or the positive displacement pumps. So, whenever water is coming out

from the pump impeller, we need to guide the water. So, that it will move in a direction
and it will have it will give rise to a total head.

So now we need to surround this impeller sometimes pump impellers are not surrounded
this is you know not you now surrounded. So, depending upon the fluid pump needs to
handle. So, there are normally 2 type of casing we are using. One is known as volute casing
volute casing. So, that is whenever we are using impeller. So, impeller will rotate, and it
will try to provide some it will convert as I said within pump energy is you know absorbed.
So, we need to run pump using a electric motor or diesel engine. So, whenever pump is
running, it provides it transferred mechanical energy into to the fluid to increase it is stored
energy either by increasing velocity or pressure.

Now whenever fluid is coming out from the pump impeller need to guide that fluid. So,
that all the fluid will pass through a particular path and it will eventually give us a total
head. So, we need to surround this pump by some arrangement which is known as casing.
So, casing is nothing but the arrangement which surrounds the pump impeller. So, there
are 2 types of casing one is volute casings, and another is diffuser another is d you know
volute casings and one is diffuser pump or turbine pump guide vanes; diffuser pump or
turbine pump.

So; that means, casing is an arrangement which surrounds the pump impeller. So, that the
water is coming out from the impeller can be guided can be you know directed to a
particular path. So, that it will move, and total head being imparted by the machine to the
working fluid will be can be developed. So now, pump casing, there are 2 casing one is
called volute casing and then is diffuser vanes. So, there will be guide vanes. So, we will

So, I will write that in case. So, I will draw the casing. So, first of all I will draw one volute
casing. So, if I draw the impeller. So, water is coming out. So, water is flowing or passing
through the passage between the blades, is coming to is directed in this directed to this
path. And eventually it goes to the and eventually it goes to the delivery point through
some other arrangement piping system. So now, very important is this point is known as
torque this is torque. So now, I will write that there are some you know important aspects
while designing the pump casings. So, not only that we will design and we will just we
will have an envelope and we will put that over the you know pump impeller is not like

that. It will direct the fluid which is coming out from the impeller. Not only that since the
entire objective of the pump is to develop the head. So, we need to ensure that whenever
water is coming out from the pump impeller. So, we need to convert the velocity head into
the pressure head. Because entire purpose is to develop the head; so, that is why in the
direction of flow I mean whenever water is coming out in the direction in the direction of
the flow passage, we have seen that area is gradually increasing.

So, in the direction of the flow passage you know area is gradually increasing. This is a
conduit I mean this is a I mean pump casing which is an arrangement which surrounds the
pump impeller, but it is designed such a way that, in the direction of a flow passage its
area gradually increasing. The objective is to you know, convert the velocity head into the
pressure head. So, as area increases velocity will decrease and it will be converted to the
pressure head. So, that the total objective of the head developed by the pump can be you
know satisfied.

So, I am writing pump casing is very important. Pump casing should be designed should
be. So, design designed should be; so, designed as to minimize the loss of kinetic head
through eddy formation etcetera. Efficiency of the pump efficiency of the pump largely
depends on the type of casing on the type of casing. In general, these are some guidelines
in general the casing are 2 types and pump is named after the casing use it uses.

So, these are some guidelines. As I said you that the casing is not only that simple thing,
so, it is designed there are some design you know aspects that it not only surrounds the
impeller, but it is designed such a way it minimize the loss of kinetic head through
formation eddy formation etcetera. Also it we because as I said that the entire objective of
pump is to develop a head.

So, we had we need to keep in mind that whenever water is flowing through that area, I
mean in the casing then we need to convert the velocity head of the water into the pressure
head. So, that the head developed by the pump can be satisfied can be met the demand.
So, the head developed by the pump can meet the demand you know of the system.

So, these are guidelines pump casing should be.; so, designed. So, as to minimize the loss
of kinetic energy thorough eddy formation etcetera, efficiency of the pump largely depends
on the type of casing in general to the in general the casings are 2 types and pump is named
after the casing it uses. So, one is volute casing, I mean here this is very important here as

I said you that area increasing in the direction of flow such that velocity decreases and
velocity head converted to the pressure head; that means, this is a volute casing. In the
direction of flow area gradually increases. So, that the velocity can be reduced, and the
velocity head can be converted to the pressure head. So, this is volute casing.

And again, I am telling this casing design is very important. As I that is what I have written
that is to minimize the eddy formation minimize the loss of kinetic head through eddy
formation etcetera and efficiency largely depends. Because as I said you that whenever
water is coming or it is flowing through the passage between the blades and if we can
directly guide them, if we can properly guide that water into the casing path. So, that that
velocity head can be converted to the pressure head. So, that the pump the head developed
by the pump can meet the demand of the system because we are installing a particular
pump to meet the system demand.

So, very importantly as I said in the first lecture the radial flow pumps are normally used
in places where we recover you know you know relatively moderate to high head and
discharge is low. So, we do not require very high discharge. Normally we go for axial flow
pump where we require high discharge, but radial flow pumps are used in those places
where we require you know low discharge and moderate to high head.

So, we are installing a particular pump. So, whenever, we are designing a pump we need
to keep in mind that rather we are selecting a particular pump we need to keep in mind that
the head developed by the pump should meet the demand of the system. Maybe whenever
we install a particular pump it cannot meet the demand of the system then it will not it will
not work for a long period. I mean is very difficult to you know operate that particular
pump in the in the system.

So, this is the volute casing. Another is that as I said you that volute casing and we have
written that in general casings are 2 types and pump is named after the casing is used. So,
one is called diffuse diffuser or diffuser pump or turbine pump. So, volute casing is very
one type another is there are some guide vanes or diffusers. So, I will draw that what is
you know guide vanes and diffuser pump turbine or turbine pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 46:44)

So, if I draw again a pump impeller and this is how and then it will be surrounded by one
another arrangement which is. So, and then we will have another ultimately water is
flowing out from this path. So, this is known as guide vanes. And this is diffuser pump or
turbine pump. This is diffusion diffuser pump or turbine pump right. So, this is a special
arrangement this is special arrangement. So, this is maybe rotating in this direction and
whenever water is coming out from the passage between 2 blades of impeller, it is now
guided by the guide vanes.

So, whenever water is coming out from the impeller and it is entering the guide vanes, the
guide vanes is having again gradually whenever it is flowing through the guide vanes
gradually having increasing area. So, that guide vanes you know minimize the losses
through kinetic energy minimize losses of the kinetic energy through eddy formation
etcetera. And then water is coming out and it is again going to the places where we
required, we need to supply.

So, I am writing as a few general aspects of this particular pump that turbine pump turbine
pump are called diffuser pump. So, this is turbine pump or diffuser pump. So, here impeller
I am writing, impeller is surrounded by the guide wheels or guide vanes, guide wheels
guide wheels consisting of consisting of a number of stationary blades. Stationery vanes
or diffuser stationary vanes or diffusers or diffusers providing outlet with cross section
gradually increasing towards it is gradually increasing towards the periphery.

So, in case of volute casing we have seen that there are no guide vanes right. Water is an
water whenever it is flowing in the passage of between 2 guide to the between 2 blades of
the of the impeller, it is directly coming out and whenever it is coming out in the casing is
designed such a way that whenever water is water is flowing through the casing the casing
area is gradually increasing. So, that the total velocity head can be arrested, and it can be
converted to the pressure head.

, but in case of a turbine pump or diffuser pump you know kind of this is a special kind of
arrangement special kind of casing arrangement. And this is it is known as diffuser pump
or turbine pump and the type of casing as I said you that 2 type of casing and pump is
named after the casing it uses. So, it will diffuse the casing. So, impeller is surrounded by
the guide vanes consisting of a number of stationary vanes or diffuser providing outlet
with cross section gradually increasing towards the periphery.

So; that means, these vanes this guide vanes or stationary vanes this is a guide wheels
which consisting of a number of stationary blade. These blades are stationary not moving
and whose cross section is gradually increasing towards the periphery right. Water now
water or fluid I will write water or fluid, emerging from the impeller from the impeller
flows fast in the guide vanes, guide vanes and at the section across the velocity and at this
section velocity falls and pressure built up.

(Refer Slide Time: 53:11)

So, another is turbine pump which is called as turbine pump or diffuser pump. Impeller is
surrounded by the guide wheels consisting of a number of stationary vanes or diffuser
providing outlet with cross section providing out outlet with cross sections gradually,
increasing gradually increasing towards the periphery.

So, we have discussed the volume volute casing. In volute casing we have seen that
impeller is surrounded by special arrangement where that is casing of course, and the
casing path is gradually increasing. Whenever fluid is coming out from the passage
between 2 blades of an impeller and it is entering into the casing and the area in the flow
passing the casing is gradually increasing. So, that the velocity head can be arrested, and
it can be converted to the pressure head because entire purpose is to develop the total
pressure and to meet the system demand.

Now turbine pump is another case another kind of you know diffuser pump. As I said you
those casings are of 2 types and pump is named after the casing it uses. So, it is gradually
increasing towards the periphery. And water or fluid whatever it is any kind apart from
water pump might be installed places where we have to use, we need to permit to handle
another fluid.

So, water or fluid emerging, you know from the impeller, from the impeller or coming out
from the impeller flows fast flows fast the guide vanes. Guide vanes and at this section
and at this section velocity falls and pressure is built up. Pressure is built up angle of guide
vane angle of guide vane at the entrance should coincide with the direction of absolute
velocity of water absolute velocity of water or the fluid.

So, as I discussed that in case of a volute casing, we had the casing is designed such a way
that whenever water is coming out or emerging from the impeller it is an it is passing
through the casing area is gradually increasing. So, velocity is converted to the pressure
head. In case of a diffuser casing where pump is used after pump is named after it after the
casing it uses. So, it is a kind of we are having this is impeller and this is an guide vanes.
Or this is guide wheels and this is pump this is pump impeller this is pump impeller.

So, impeller is initially surrounded by a guide vane and the guide vanes is surrounded by
another kind of arrangement and through which water is finally, going to the different
places going to different places. Now here instead of casing the guide vanes are designed.
As I discussed that you know guide wheels consisting a number of stationary blades just

these blades are not moving stationary blades providing outlet with cross sections
gradually increasing.

So, whenever water is coming out from the impeller and entering to the guide vanes
entering the passage between 2 vanes of a guide wheels, then it since it area gradually
increasing. So, velocity falls and pressure increase and finally, whenever water is coming
out from the guide vanes, and it is discharging to the outside where water or fluid is
conveyed through different other arrangement like pipe piping system. And ultimately
goes to different places where we need to supply.

. So, this is all about the casing because there are 2 type. One case we need we do not have
any guide vanes only we have a impeller is surrounded only by the casing when casing
path itself provide a gradual increasing area essentially to arose the velocity head. While
in case of a diffuser type of casing where instead of directly instead of surrounding the
impeller directly to the casing that impeller is initially surrounded by a diffuser you know
guide wheels which consist a number of stationary vanes. And which you know the
stationary vanes providing outlet with cross section gradually increasing. So, that the
whenever water is emerging from the impeller and it is entering to the guide vanes it
velocity falls and pressure increases.

One important thing that a angle of the guide vanes at the entrance because whenever water
is coming out from the impeller and it entering to the guide wheels or guide vanes the
angle of the guide vanes or angle of the guide vanes at the entrance should coincide with
the direction of absolute velocity of water. Otherwise there will be a shock loss. So, that
is not a desirable again for the pump operation. So, with this I stop here today. And I will
continue in the next class.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 05
H-Q curve, System Resistance Curve

Ok, we will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System
Design ah.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:39)

Today I will discuss the H-Q curve and system resistance curve, I mean H-Q curve for the
pump and of course, whenever pump is installed in a particular station, then what will be
the system resistance?

Because it is important to know the system resistance because the total head, I mean total
discharge all these things are you know based on the total head the pump will develop a
particular head. But depending upon the system resistance what would be what would what
would be the you know discharge that depends; so, we will discuss a few cases today.

Before I go to discuss about the H-Q curve and the system resistance curve are you
recapitulate a few things whatever I have discussed in the last lecture. In the last lecture I
have discuss about numerical problem when the problem was on the radial flow machine.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:24)

If I draw the radial flow machine again I mean if I draw the impered of a radial flow pump
or radial flow machine. So, this is the pump impeller it is rotating in a clockwise direction
and if we have back word spacing vane backward curve vane. And if it is a backward curve
vane the impeller look like this; we have also discussed that if it is strait vane that is the if
I draw an impeller again and if it is a straight vane, then blades are straight.

And we have discussed problem on radial flow pump where it is you know straight vanes.
So, purely radial flow machine; purely radial flow pump I can say in that case if I write
the head developer the pump using Euler equation for pumps that is H =(𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 −
𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔; this is the point 1 and this is the point 2 that is inlet and outlet respectively.
So, again if I draw the inlet and outlet velocity triangles particularly for this case that is
purely radial flow machines; purely radial flow pumps and then, we can if I draw the
velocity triangles at the inlet then this is the velocity triangles; this is u 1 this is blade speed
u1 and this is relative velocity w1. So, here 𝐶𝜃1 = 0; similarly that is no solve at the inlet.
And if I draw the velocity triangles at the outlet, then again it will have 𝐶𝜃2 = 0 and we
have seen that in that case head is develop purely by curly force.

Ah Now I will discuss that even if there is a you know machines it may not be radial flow,
but still we can have that we can ignore the soil component at the inlet and outlet that is
what I now discuss that without any swirl at the inlet and even if there is a swirl then how
can I write this component.

(Refer Slide Time: 03:44)

So, I am drawing an impeller; again, I am drawing are impeller of a radial flow pump and
it is let us say backward curved are backward spacing or backward vane curve. So, this is
rotating in clockwise direction if I take out a particular blade from this and if I draw the
inlet and outlet velocity triangles. And it is no swirl at the inlet even if there is a swirl at
the inlet and if I draw the velocity triangles velocity triangles is like this; this is u 1 this is
w 1 and this is c 1 the absolute velocity. Now, again head develop by the pump can be
written in terms of tangential velocity and the swirl component of velocity u1 𝐶𝜃1 / g.

Now from inlet and outlet velocity triangles I can write

𝐶𝜃2 = 𝑢2 − 𝑊𝜃2

𝐶𝜃1 = 𝑢1 − 𝑊𝜃1

H = (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔

H = (𝑢2 (𝑢2 − 𝑊𝜃2 ) − 𝑢1 (𝑢1 − 𝑊𝜃1 ))/𝑔

𝑢2 2 − 𝑢1 2 𝑢1 𝑊𝜃1 −𝑢2 𝑊𝜃2

H= +
𝑔 𝑔

𝜔2 (𝑟2 − 𝑟1 2 ) 𝜔(𝑟1 𝑊𝜃1 −𝑟2 𝑊𝜃2 )
H= +
𝑔 𝑔

Now question if blades whenever blades are designed and for centrifugal pump for a radial
flow pump rather I can write radial flow pump; if I for radial flow pump if blades are you
know blades are designed following logarithmic spiral, then it can be shown, then it can
be shown that 𝑟1 𝑊𝜃1 = 𝑟2 𝑊𝜃2 .

So; that means, when particularly radial flow pumps normally blades are designed
following a logarithmic spiral and if it is design following logarithmic spiral, then it can
be shown that 𝑟1 𝑊𝜃1 = 𝑟2 𝑊𝜃2 in that case the second term vanishes. So, the second term
will be equal to 0 for the blades design using following logarithmic spiral.

So, essentially the head develop by the pump depends upon the first component that is
essentially the co release force. So, this is very important; so, here develop only by the co
𝜔(𝑟2 2 − 𝑟1 2 )
release force component that is . So, that is what I would like to emphasize

here that even if there are swirl at the inlet and outlet, but still for radial flow pump since
the blades; if blades are designed following logarithmic spiral, then it can be shown that
the head develop by the pump is only because of the coriolis force.

And that is what the problem that we have discussed in the last class that even for you
know radial flow machines you know purely radial flow machines. There is no axial
component of velocity and you know this is no mixed flow pump or axial flow pump. If
the blades are designed following a logarithmic spiral, then I can have we can have the
(𝑟2 2 )
head developed by the pump is essentially the omega into that is the coriolis

component of forces ok.

So, with this now I will move to see what are the; you know different ah. In fact, also I
have discussed last class I mean in last lecture the one efficiency known as hydraulic

(Refer Slide Time: 08:26)

So, hydraulic efficiency of the pump we have seen that hydraulic efficiency of the pump;
eta hydraulic can be defined as the ratio of actual head develop by the pump to the
theoretical head. Because expression H =(𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔 ; this is the you know
ideal head. Because whenever we are obtaining head using this expression we did not
consider any kind of losses that is there in you know actual case.

So, whenever fluid is flowing through a impeller passes through an impeller of course, we
cannot ignore the frictional losses. So, if we consider all those losses up to an there are the
losses like you know pump you know entry and outlet stock loss separation losses. So, if
that if we consider all those losses probably the head developed by the pumps not with you
know ideal head. So, we will have actual head.

So, this is defined as by the ratio of actual head developed by the pump to the ideal had
ideal head developed. So, the expression which we obtain from Euler equation for pumps
is giving the idea about the ideal head being developed by the pump, but a actual head
developed the pump will be lesser than that. So, this is the hydraulic efficiency that we
have discussed.

𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝

𝜂𝐻 =
𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑑

Now, we will discuss three efficiencies rather another a few efficiencies one is known as
mechanical efficiency this is very important. Mechanical efficiency of a pump mechanical

efficiency 𝜂𝑚 is equal to this is again an important because you know whenever we are
supplying power to the pump ; whenever we are supplying power either by using electric
motor because as I said many times that we need to run the impeller we need to rotate

So, whether we will be using a diesel engine or whether we will be using electric motor
that depends upon you know situation to situation. Because in many cases we if we do not
have electricity, we need to go for diesel engine to operate the pump. But nowadays it is
not the case; so, whatever in the case it is I mean whether we are operating pump using
electric motor or diesel engine we need to run impeller. So, of course, we need to provide
some energy.

So, now, question is whatever power we are supplying that we need to supply powers
whatever power we are supplying to operate the pump, but that amount of power is not
supply at the shaft of the power. Because there are so, many other losses I mean. So, there
is efficiency which is not the mechanical efficiency which is which is defined again as the
ratio of; I am writing it is defined again as a ratio of theoretical head theoretical, you know
power that must be supplied to operate the pump to operate the pump to the actual power
to the actual power actual power delivered to the pump.

𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝

𝜂𝑚 =
𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝

So, as I said that whenever we are connecting pump with electric motor or diesel engine;
probably we know that whatever power is coming from the motor electric motor at the
outlet of the I mean what is the power output from the electric motor that power output
may not be the input power to the pump ; actual in theoretically that should be the input
power to the pump that is power available at the shaft of the impeller, but in actual case it
is not the case.

So, power output from the motor is not the power input to the shaft of the pump there is
ah; I mean loss and to take that loss into account we define one efficiency which is known
as mechanical efficiency. That means, whatever power we are supplying whenever we are
connecting the shaft or the impeller axis, I mean shaft of the pump with the shaft with the

Then probably output power from the motor is not actually transferred to this power at the
pump set; there are I mean there is there is a loss and to take that affect into account we
will get little bit lesser amount of power input to the pump. And that is why we are defining
one efficiency which is known as the mechanical efficiency. So, the loss is only because
bearing loss because whenever we are shaft is you know there is bearing because shaft is
placed inside the bearing.

So, there will be bearing losses I mean frictional losses. So, we need to work on that losses
and for that we need to you know somewhat amount power will be consumed to overcome
that loss and eventually we will get little bit lesser amount of power at the shaft of the
pump. So, we are defining mechanical efficiency.

So, from here I can say this mechanical efficiency can be used. So, this is very important
this mechanical efficiency can be used to determine to determine the laws of power in
bearing and other moving parts. So, of course, bearing is there because shaft is you know
in housed in a bearing inside a bearing. So, I mean whenever we are having bearing; we
cannot trivial ignore the losses I mean loss and also there are some other losses might be
there are so, many other if there are other moving parts.

So, as I said that power which is coming from electric motors somehow a portion of that
power will be consumed to overcome the losses in bearing and other moving parts. So, we
will get whatever I mean little bit lesser amount of power input to the shaft and that is why
I am differing mechanical efficiency.

We can define another efficiency. So, we have defined so, far hydraulic efficiency and the
mechanical efficiency; we will now define another efficiency which is known as
volumetric efficiency of the pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:32)

So, this is known as volumetric efficiency of the pump; volumetric efficiency 𝜂𝑉 . Again,
this is defined as the ratio of some quantities; so, volumetric efficiency defines actual flow
rate, actual flow rate produced by the pump; actual flow rate produced by the pump to the
theoretical flow rate that must be produced by the pump.

𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑒𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝

𝜂𝑉 =
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝

So, from the definition it is clear that actual flow rate protruded by the pump and theoretical
flow that must be produced by the pump. So, whatever flow rate produced by the pump
you know theoretical whether ideal that may not be the actual flow rate. So, that is why
you are defining volumetric flow rate; that means, whenever pump is a pump is being a
pump is installed to handle water.

So, whenever pump is discharging water in certain place I mean in a particular industry;
then probably water theoretical flow rate I mean actual in ideal discharge is not the actual
discharge. So, maybe we are giving that that pump is designed such a way whenever we
designing a pump we designed; I will say that whenever there are three important
quantities are you know are there whenever you are designing a pump one is head another
is discharge another is the specific speed.

So, whenever you are designing a particular pump, we should keep in mind that pump
should be installed in that place. And there whenever I mean I know that assistant engineer

or design engineer whenever he is procuring a particular pump he should supply three this
three important data to the pump manufacturer; one is head the pump should we install
there you know what should be the actual head pump need to develop? And against that
particular head what should be the discharge; what should be the you know flow rate that
pump need to supply?

So, this 2 are very important of course, specific speed. So, whenever a particular pump is
designed, we know that the pump should ideally discharge this amount ah, but in reality,
this is not the case I mean there are some losses there are some leakage. So, to take that
leakage into account whenever we are installing a particular pump in a system, I mean
maybe it is radial flow pump or axial flow pump.

So, we need to know that of course, we should not get I mean whenever design is pump
manufacture of supplying data that fine if you install this particular pump in a system
probably if the system resistance is like this; in that case pump will be able to deliver let
us say Q 1 amount of flow rate.

But if we if we install that particular pump in that system and even pump to a pump and is
install that system resistance is like this, but we may not get that Q 1 amount of flow rate
I because of some losses; that means, there will be some leakage of flow rate. So, to take
that leakage into account we are defining one efficiency which is volumetric efficiency.
So, actual it is defined as the ratio of actual flow rate produced by the pump to the
theoretical flow rate that the pump must produce.

So, from this ratio from this efficiency; we can have an idea about that losses of liquid,
losses of liquid due to leakage mainly due to leakage can be determined from this
efficiency from this efficiency. So, volumetric efficiency gives us an idea about the leakage
of liquid I mean losses of liquid due to leakage mainly due to leakage. So, although we
have designed pump to supply certain amount of flow rate, but if we install that pump in
the system; we may not get that amount because of this leakage. So, that is why you are
defining one efficiency is volumetric efficiency.

Last one is very important that is known as overall efficiency of the pump this call as
overall efficiency of the pump; eta overall that is defined very important. So, this is defined
actual power you know output of a pump and actual to the ratio of actual power input to
the pump.

So, it is clear from this from the definition of the overall efficiency that whenever again I
am repeating that if I run a particular pump using in electric motor. So, if I use an electric
motor to operate a particular pump again it may be a radial flow form or axial flow pump
or a mixed flow pump. So, actual power supplied to the pump is somewhat something that
is there is power output from the motor.

𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝

𝜂𝑂 =
𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝

So, from this efficiency we can calculate that is overall efficiency can be written in terms
of mechanical efficiency into volumetric efficiency. Because when you are considering
overall efficiency, we need to concern mechanical efficiency also the volumetric
efficiency. Because mechanical efficiency gives an idea about the power input to the shaft
may be we are giving; let us say p amount of power to the pump, but that p amount of
power is not consumed by the pump itself because of the bearing an bearing losses and
losses in other moving parts.

𝜂𝑂 = 𝜂𝑉 ∗ 𝜂𝑚

So, that that is consume by the pumping system so, but we are supplying let us say some
amount of power to the pump. And what is the power output of the pump? Because we
know that pump in the pump is installed to operate under head of Q under head of H and
discharge Q; then what could be the power output from the pump? So, this power output
of the pump can be expressed in terms of let us say if pump is installed in a plus wire it
delivers Q 1 amount of discharge against head of H then the rho Q into g this is the power
output from the pump.

Power P = 𝜌 𝑄 𝑔 𝐻

So, this is the power output by the pump and to operate that pump we had to supply certain
amount of you know power because to run the electric motor; so this gives an overall
efficiency of the pump, so these are the efficiencies. So, we have discussed so far hydraulic
efficiency, mechanical efficiency, volumetric efficiency and the overall efficiency. So,
with this, we next proceed to see about the proceed to discuss about H-Q curve and system
resistance curve.

So, now we will discuss about the system resistance curve and the H-Q curve for the
particular pump. And we will discuss that we will draw as pumping system when pump is
suppose we place the particular pump radial flow pump; again if I can if I consider radial
flow pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:18)

And I am assuming this radial flow pump is installed in a place and it delivers water and
if pump is sucking water from a sump and it is delivering water to a place. So, this is let
us say this is suction gauge and this is delivery gauge delivery pressure gauge.

So, this is point 1 and this is point 2, this is d, this is s suction this is delivery this is suction
side this is delivery side see this is a radial flow pump or it is maybe a mixed flow pump.
So, now and pump is installed so, that it will suck in a liquid form a some and it will
discharge liquid to another place. If I apply steady flow energy equation between 1 and the
point s; so, you can see from the schematic that the head developed by the pump will be
the delivery gauge reading minus suction gauge reading that is the head developed by the

. So, the total head developed the by the pump will be delivery gauge reading minus the
suction gauge reading. So, now, if I apply steady flow (Refer Time: 23:45) between point
1 and s and between point 2 d and 2 then what would be the expression that I will write
and from there I will have an idea about.

So, if I apply steady flow energy equation between point 1 and s, then what can I write?

𝑃1 𝑉1 2 𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2
+ +0= + + ℎ𝑠 + ℎ𝑓𝑠
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔

So, this sump is opened atmosphere so, and of course, the area of this particular sump is
very large compared to the pipe. So, we can ignore this term because v 1 is much less than
vs and this is open to atmosphere; so, gauge pressure;


𝑃𝑠 𝑠 𝑉2
= − ( 2𝑔 + ℎ𝑠 + ℎ𝑓𝑠 )

So, this is we can see this is the negative pressure or vacuum pressure, this is negative
pressure or vacuum pressure that is pressure below atmospheric.

That is quite obvious because only here the atmospheric pressure is acting Patm. So, of
course, here at suction side pressure has to be less than less than atmospheric otherwise
water cannot be sucked. this is suction gauge reading. So, this will be obtained by the
suction gauge that is placed. So, if I again apply that steady flow (Refer Time: 26:11)
between point d and 2.

So, if I apply again between points d and 2 then I can write that I can write that

𝑃2 𝑉2 2 𝑃𝑑 𝑉𝑑 2
+ + ℎ𝑑 + ℎ𝑓𝑑 = +
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔


ℎ𝑑 + ℎ𝑓𝑑 = 𝛾

So, what is the pressure rise across the pump impeller? So, if I write the pressure rise across
the pump impeller.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:07)

𝑃𝑑 𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2
Pressure rise across the impeller = − = ℎ𝑑 + ℎ𝑓𝑑 + ℎ𝑠 + ℎ𝑓𝑠 +
𝛾 𝛾 2𝑔

𝑃 𝑉𝑑 2 𝑃 𝑉𝑠 2
Head developed by the pump = ( 𝛾𝑑 + ) − ( 𝛾𝑠 + )
2𝑔 2𝑔

𝑃 𝑃 𝑉 2 𝑉𝑠 2
= ( 𝛾𝑑 − 𝛾𝑠 ) + ( 2𝑔
− )

𝑉𝑠 2 𝑉 2𝑑 𝑉𝑠 2
= (ℎ𝑑 + ℎ𝑓𝑑 ) + (ℎ𝑠 + ℎ𝑓𝑠 + ) + ( 2𝑔 − )
2𝑔 2𝑔

(Refer Slide Time: 30:26)

So, this is the expression of this is the expression of pressure rise across the impeller of
the pump or across the pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:51)

So, I am writing in three components. So, head develop the pump can be written in this
form where there are three distinct terms; this is known as H I am writing this is capital H
d this is capital H s and this is the velocity head right.

So, the total head developed by the pump is the expression which dictates the total
develops by the pump. So, this H d is the delivery gauge reading, H s is the suction gauge

reading and this is the component because this component is important because from this
I can write that from this component I can write that head developed due to change in

So, there are three distinct terms; one is the delivery gauge reading, another is suction
gauge reading and last one is essentially the head developed due to change in velocity you
know suction in delivery side. So, this is the total expression of head develop by the pump;
now I know that pump has if I install a particular pump in a station then knowing the static
height in the delivery side, frictional losses at the delivery side, static height in the suction
side frictional losses. Of course, by knowing the velocity at the delivery and suction side
I cannot obtain the total head develop by the pump; that means, how much the head will
be developed by the pump.

So, now if I draw the H-Q curve for the pump because this is very important H, what
should be the H-Q curve for the pump? So, we have seen that the head develop by the
𝑑 𝑉 2 𝑉𝑠 2
pump can be written H = 𝐻𝑑 + 𝐻𝑠 + ( 2𝑔 − ) . So, this is the head develop by the pump

head developed by the pump; now this is valid (Refer Time: 35:54) very important I should
discuss here this expression is valid when you know the flow at the suction and delivery
side is uniform very importantly this is very important.

So, this expression is valid when flow in the suction and delivery sides is uniform right.
So, we have identified the head developed by the pump is having three components; I
mean head total had develop by contributed by three different components delivery gauge
reading, suction gauge reading, and head developed due to changing velocity.

So, this expression is valid when flow at the suction delivery sides are uniform is uniform.
But normally this is not the case that this is seldom true I mean this is not the case that
whenever suction side and delivery side flow should be uniform because flow is taking
place from a pipe. So, whenever flow is flowing over a solid surface, we know that
boundary layer will definitely pumps it is not possible to have any uniform flow.

So, these expressions is not valid the for the cases when we are we are having non uniform
velocities at the you know non uniform flow velocity at the suction delivery side. So, this
expression can be modified

𝛼𝑑 𝑉𝑑 2 𝛼𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2
H = 𝐻𝑑 + 𝐻𝑠 + ( − )
2𝑔 2𝑔

The last expression is valid when the flow in the flow in the suction and delivery pipes is
not uniform rather non uniform and which is the case in which is actual case ; so, flow in
the suction and delivery side is always non uniform because of the presence of solid surface
and formation of boundary layer.

So, it is seldom true that flow in the suction and delivery side will be uniform. So,
considering that the head develop by the pump should be modified by these kinetic energy
correction factors. So, this is the actual expression of head being developed by the pump;
I mean we need to take into account 𝛼𝑑 and 𝛼𝑠 which of the kinetic energy correction
factor the inlet and outlet I mean suction delivery side.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:38)

If I now draw the H-Q curve; so, if I draw this is important that H-Q curve. So, what should
be this is flow rate and this is H. So, we know that if we keep on suppose the whenever
pump supply supplying a particular pump this would provide; I mean they will provide the
H-Q curve of the particular pump.

We need to know what the resistance curve system resistance curve is because we know
where we need to install a install the pump. So, depending upon the place we need to
calculate the system resistance and probably that is the information that we need to
provide, but pump manufacturers should provide the H-Q curve.

Normally what is seen that if you keep on increasing Q; of course, frictional losses will be
high. So, head developed by the pump will be reduced; so because with increasing Q as I
said that frictional losses in the delivery side will increase I mean and also suction side.
So, the total head develop by the pump will reduce; so, the H-Q curve is like this. So, this
point this point is if it is A; this A point is known as shut off head the head corresponding
to the point a is known as shut off head.

So, this is the H-Q curve of the pump right why this is happening? Because I can say that
this is not a desirable for the pump operation, I will show you and if the pump H-Q curves
looks like. It is very you know problematic because if I draw the system resistance curves;
I do not know what the system resistance curve will be. So, suppose I am installing a pump
in a place, where suppose this is the note you know symbol of the pump that I am using.

And it delivers water to a place where the total static height is hd and pump is drawing
water from a sump where we need to overcome I mean pump needs to take you know total
suction side and total head in the suction side is hs. So, pump should be able to develop a
head so, that the static height in the suction side and the static height (Refer Time: 41:11)
the delivery side should be taken into account.

Now the total head develop by the pump is hs + hd + frictional losses in the suction and
delivery side that that is very important that is frictional losses. So, h s plus h d are the
static heights these are the static heights in the delivery and suction delivery side plus
frictional losses we need to take into account while we are calculating total system
resistance. Because from H-Q characteristic the pump will be supplied by the you know
manufacturer that is true, but in if we look if I look at the pump H-Q characteristic at the
particular pump; then you can see that depending upon the you know nature of the system
resistance, we may have different operating point.

But that is why we need to know the actual system resistance where pump should you
know should be installed. So, suppose pump is installed in a place where we are, we need
to we have static height in the suction side h s and static height in the delivery side h d plus
some frictional losses. So, now, if I draw the system resistance then suppose this is the
frictional losses it depends I mean we know that from our knowledge in fluid mechanics
that what would be the frictional losses in the suction side and delivery side that we can

So, this is the system resistance H systems. So, this is a system resistance H system, and
this is having the system resistance is having static height in the suction side static height
in the delivery side plus frictional losses. So, these frictional losses hf is essentially we
know from fluid mechanics that is governed by

𝑓𝐿 𝑉 2
ℎ𝑓 = {f = 64/Re}

in most of the cases you know in industrial application flow is not laminar because
normally recommended velocity in the pipe is normally 1.5 to 2 or rather 2.5 meter per
second. So, we need to calculate this f from you know Moody’s diagram or there are some
if the flow is turbulent then we have some other correlation into calculate. So, that is
different issue all together. So, now knowing the value of friction factor we know I know
the length of the pipe. So, if I know the discharge cube then I can calculate what will the
value velocity and then I can calculate frictional losses.

𝑓𝐿 𝑉 2 𝑓𝐿 𝑄 2
H = ℎ𝑑 + ℎ𝑠 + = ℎ𝑑 + ℎ𝑠 + 2𝐴2𝑔𝑑

So, why I am writing in terms of Q? Because this is the pump H-Q curve which will be
supplied by the pump in manufacturer. And if we keep one increasing flow rate up suppose
pump should be able to supply flow rate from its operation 25 percent to 125 percents of
its capacity.

So, I cannot have geo discharge from the pump because the shut off head is there. So, we
whenever pump is operating in a range of a flow rate then of course, if I keep on increasing
the flow rate since frictional losses will increase; so head development by the pump will
decrease. So, say for a for a given pump if I would like to have Q 1 discharge, then if I get
H one amount of head.

And instead of that suppose again for the from the same pump if I would like to draw Q 2
amount of discharge where Q 2 is greater than Q 1 of course, I may not get h1 because in
that case head developed by the pump I mean we should be s 2 and s 2 should be lesser
than h 1 and that is why it is having continuously dripping characteristics and that is H-Q

Now, if I superimpose you know system resistance curve over here then how can I obtain
the system resistance? Because I know the system resistance is having 2 components one

is the static height hs. So, this is static height hs; so, this is static height hs plus it is having
some dynamic head loss that is that varies you know quadratically with u; so I will I will
having a parabolic in nature. So, I have a parabolic in nature, so this is basically dynamic
head loss and this is where hf varies as Q square.

So, of course, pump needs to overcome the static height that is H s plus there are there is
a dynamic head loss that varies quadratically with Q. So, if I keep on increasing Q the
(Refer Time: 46:09) system resistance will keep on increasing. So, now this is the pump
H-Q curve that will be supplied by the pump manufacturer and this is a system resistance
curve where we are having static height plus dynamic head loss and these you know point
of intersection is the operating point. So, this is point intersection point; so this is Q
operating and this is let us say H operating. So, if this point is e then we are getting e point
is H operating.

So, this is the H operating. So, whenever system the point at which system resistance cuts
the pump H-Q curve; H-Q curve we get the operating point. So, this is the operating point,
this is the operating point and Q when H corresponding to the operating points are known
as the operating discharge and operating head; so, we obtain.

Now, suppose the same pump is installed in different places where probably you know
suction static height remaining same, but, but we would like to draw let us say relatively
higher amount of discharge in that case if I keep on increasing discharge; then what will
happen? So, our target is to you know have higher discharge from that particular pump.

So, maybe we suppose we need to the system resistance curve is like this. So, in that case
we will have this is Q operating 1 and this is Q operating 2. So, if I would like to have
higher discharge from that particular pump then that head developed by the pump will be
reduced that is what I was discussing; that if I would like to have higher amount of Q then
of course, we have to compromise that the head developed by the pump in that case H
operating suppose this is the point f and they are H operating 1 and this is H operating 2
will be lesser than H operating 1.

So, this is the case; so by tuning the system resistance I mean depending upon the system
resistance I mean static height; we cannot have any you know control because that depends
in the situation. Suppose pump needs to supply water in a multistoried building or in
industry where pump needs to supply water at say certain height; then we cannot you know

you know compromise the static height hd or hs and if the pump draws water from
underground sump; then of course, pump has to you know take into account as static height
in the suction side ah.

In this context, I will discuss that normally pumps are installed in a flooded suction more,
this is not a negative suction because the sump level is the pump axis the impeller axis is
the pump axis. So, impeller axis is higher than the sum level. So, this is called negative
suction operation, but this is not a you know this is not a good design because always it is
advisable to go for a pump installation where pump should be always the pump axis should
be always below the water level of the sump this is known as flooded suction.

Because for this case there is a probability of having some undesirable phenomenon that I
have discussed in the last class that is cavitation. So, to avoid to avoid I mean to get in an
effort to get relief from that kind of undesirable phenomenon as far as the pump operation
is concerned; it is always advisable to go for the flooded suction where impeller that is a
pump axis the datum of the pump that are impeller axis should be always below the water
level of the sump.

Any way that is a different case that I will discuss when I will discuss the system design
in detail, but now what you have seen that I can play this static section height also I can
play the frictional losses. But if I now question is this is very important that suppose if I
would like to have higher discharge from the pump. So, Q will be higher; so, whenever Q
is higher we can see that the dynamic head will keep on increasing.

So, maybe I am getting higher Q from this particular pump and for that we are having let
us say lesser amount of head developed, but when I increasing the Q probably because of
that increasing increment in Q that frictional head loss the dynamic head loss will keep on
increasing. So, at his curve may be shifted towards again top.

So, maybe I may not get exactly this amount. So, I may need to compromise maybe Q
operating 2 is the desirable, but because if I have increased the volume flow rate from the
pump. So, if I increase Q that dynamic head loss will keep on increasing and as a result of
which the system resistance again the might be stiffer and it go off. As a result of which I
may not get exactly Q optimum 2 rather Q operating 2 I may get another Q ; so, that we
need to take into account ok. So, this is the system resistance curve and H-Q curve. So,
you know that one important aspect of a pump is the head discharge characteristics.

(Refer Slide Time: 50:59)

So, head discharge characteristics is very important for the pump selection other pump

So, now sometimes to obtain the H-Q characteristics of a pump this is that this is a
characteristic that should be supplied by the pump manufacturer and it is obtained from a
test for pump testing. So, if I now try to plot the H-Q curve H versus Q that is the head
developed by the pump versus the product to the pump and this curve is obtained from the
pump testing.

And the pump curve is if I plot you know data obtain from cements the curve looks like
this. So, this is the pump characteristics that is H-Q curve and of course, I know that if we
have a system resistance and there will be a 2 components 2 parts of a system resistance;
so, this system resistance.

Curve system resistance it is having 2 different parts one is static height H static plus
another is dynamic head loss that is sometimes we write it K Q2. So, this is the total system
resistance H system that is static height that permits to overcome as well as the dynamic
head loss this part takes care of the frictional losses. So, this part takes care of the frictional
losses in pipes and bends etcetera. Also there are some other losses you know because of
the presence of because whenever you are designing a pumping system you need to
provide a few valves to control the flow rate.

So, there are a few valves because of the presence of valve again we need to take into you
know we need to we need to consider losses. So, frictional losses in pipe bends plus some
losses because of the; you know presence of valves etcetera. So, that is the dynamic head
loss. So, if I plot the system resistance curve that is H static this is fixed because it depends
upon the you know a level of pump house as well as the height (Refer Time: 53:28) we
would like to discharge the required water. So, this is the H static and this part the dynamic
head loss which is essentially a parabolic in nature; so, this is K Q2.

So, this is the operating point and the head and discharge corresponding to this operating
point is the you know this. Suppose this is Q you know operating and this is H operating;
now you know the head corresponds to Q is equal to 0. So, this is the point where Q is
equal to 0 there is no discharge this is known as shut off head; this is shut of head. So,
depending upon the you know system resistance we have an operating point. So, this point
is the operating point and head and discharge corresponding to these operating points are
the you know; rated rather actual head and discharge that we that we can expect from this
pumping system whether pump operation.

Now, this curve is not the actual because whenever fluid start flowing through the pump
suction line. If I draw now a schematic suppose I have a pump maybe I am considering a
radial flow pump. And it is used to cater water in a place which is let us say certain height
away from the pump axis and it discharge water to a place. Now it also draws water from
a sump and then we need to consider the total static head that pumps to overcome as well
as the fictional losses that we have discussed.

Now question is whenever fluid is going through the pump section line and of course,
when you discharge through the deliver line to the desired points; then there will be some
other losses. And considering all those losses this shut off head reduces to another point
and the actual curve will be like this actual; curve will be like this. So, this is the actual
curve actual H Q curve that you may expect from that pumping system and there will be
some losses this is the losses in the pump section side and this is also separation losses in
the pump delivery side.

So, these are the losses the separation losses and this is also losses in the pump suction
side and there maybe recirculation losses; recirculation loss. Although if we carry out

(Refer Time: 56:27) in for a pump to obtain its H-Q characteristic that pump manufacture
should supply to the pumping system you know designer.

Because over is designing the pumping system here see needs to know the H-Q curve
because depending upon the system resistance and after having this H cube curve he might
select the operating point; whether that operating point is good enough to supply the
required amount of water or required amount of fluid to that particular case that will
depend upon the pump H-Q characteristics.

Whatever data we obtain from a cement; if we plot it will be having up H-Q curve which
is continuously drooping in nature that is continuously decreasing. If you if you like to
have higher discharge of course, we need to compromise the head that is true because as I
increase head then if I see that that upon increasing discharge. So, if I increase discharge
that if I would like to obtain higher amount of loaded through the pumping system; then
of course, fictional losses will be high. So, I may not expect that the head that I will get
will be equal when flow rate was lower.

So, that you need to compromise depending upon the requirement of the system; if we
need a higher flow rate of course, we had to have we will have relatively lesser head
whatever it is it is continuous drooping in nature ah. So, with increasing discharge the head
that will be developed by head being developed by the pump will be decreasing. This
continuously drooping characteristic of the H-Q curve of the pump is not the actual one
because whenever fluid is flowing rather fluid starts flowing through the suction line and
whenever pump is delivering water through the delivery pipe to the desire points; then
there will be losses recirculation losses.

Recirculation losses are very important because whenever fluid is fluid through a you
know pipe that is flow through a closed conduit; you know boundary layer it start develop.
And because of the presence of solid surface you know there will be non-uniformity in the
velocity distribution and because of that there will be recirculation losses in the form
suction line and also there be separation losses in the delivery line. So, considering these
2 losses actual curve will be like this that whatever I have plotted here. And now question
is if I am an assistant designer if I am given responsible to design a pumping system; I will
always prefer to have a H-Q curve which should be continuously drooping in nature, why?
That I will discuss. So, this is the H-Q curve actual H-Q curve.

Now, what I said now that if I am a if I have given responsible to design a pumping system
suppose I am asking for manufacturer to supply a pump maybe it radial flow pump then I
will definitely demand that H-Q curve of that pumps should have a continuously drooping
characteristics why? That I will discuss now that is if I now discuss that issue.

(Refer Slide Time: 59:19)

So, this is H-Q curve this is head developed by the pump and this is Q. So, as I said that
of course, if I draw the in experimental experimentally; obtain data then I may have a
continuously drooping characteristics like this.

And if I have a system resistance curve like this then no point now because of some reason
operator or malfunctioning of the operator; if operator tries to you know close the delivery
valve placed in a delivery line then of course, this resistance distance will be much more
stiffer. So, system is static although static height will remain same, but the dynamic head
loss will keep you know keep on increasing as a result of which the system resistance curve
would be stiffer and the curve will move towards up.

So, there might be a situation because of this there might be a different reasons, I mean
there might be different reason because of malfunctioning of the operator or because of
closing of the delivery valve; this curve will try to sit up to up. Now if it is drooping
characteristics there will be no problem as far as the pumping operation is concerned.

Now if I talk about the actual H-Q curve that is expected and that is really you know the
happening whenever you know pump starts its operation; that is there will be a losses
recirculation loss in the suction side and also there are losses in the delivery side ; instead
of having a this is this is continuously drooping characteristics. So, this is continuously
drooping characteristics; now if I talk about now if I consider the instead of a continuously
drooping characteristics, rather what is the actual curve that is if the pump curve is like
this that ah.

And so if the ideal curve is like this; so maybe this is the shut off head is reducing because
of the recirculation losses. So, form this is a actual shut off head now this is the losses. My
question is if I have a pumping you know pump operation to the pump characteristic curve
like instead of a drooping; characteristics I have a curve like this; so, and these are the

Now if my system this is the new shut off head now my system resistance curve is like this
suppose this is my static height and system resistance curve is like this. So, this is my
operating point this is the operating point and you know this is Q this is H; so, this is the
Q operating. Now pump is always try to experience a relatively lesser system resistance
that is what is expected.

So, as I said you because of some malfunctioning of the operator pump operator or if pump
operator closes the delivery valve; gradually because of the because of some you know
because of controlling the flow rate in the delivery lines, then it will system curve will be
stiffer. And then system curve if suppose system curve becomes stiffer and it there might
be a situation when system curve might take a step like this and then whenever it closest
to the; whenever it appears to the peak point here then it will suddenly come to the shut
off head otherwise.

So, pumps will (Refer Time: 63:11); on the other hand if I consider the first case let us say
this is the system distance curve A, when you know operated they didn’t close the valve;
then somehow because of as I said that if form operator start closing the valve gradually,
then curve will be stripper and then curve will shift over here and there might be situation
when pump system resistance curve will be here and then again it will come to the here to
provide a relatively lesser amount of flow rate; let us say Q 2 operating this is Q operating
1, this is Q operating 2.

So, system resistance curve will now shift to the another point and as if the pump is trying
to operate between these 2 points. So, as I said you the pump will allow try to experience
a less resistance less system resistance. So, instead of providing the desired flow rate
because of malfunctioning of the operator or because of closing the gradually because of
closing the valve at the delivery line gradually system resistance might be stiffer system
resistance will be stiffer and there might be a situation when system resistance curve sit to
another point.

And as if the pump is fluctuating between 2 operating point and it will be like this that just
like a pulsating kind of flow that it will need some times Q operating one and sometimes
Q operated is not an desirable phenomenon. This is not a desirable phenomenon for the
pumping operation at all as well. So, keeping this in mind whenever I; is I will design or
someone will design a pumping system he or she should always look for a pump H-Q
curve which will have a continuously drooping characteristics.

So, that the problem because problem related to this I mean this might happened. So, this
kind of problem can be avoided that is what is very important I mean someone should take
into account whenever he or she is selecting the pump and designing the system ok. So, I
stop here today I will discuss in the next lecture.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 06
Stodola slip model, problems – I

We will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design.
Today I will discuss on Stodola slip model and problems on based on this model. So, why
slip is important when we are talking about operation of a pump?

(Refer Slide Time: 00:49)

We have discussed that one efficiency of a pump is hydraulic efficiency and we have
written that hydraulic efficiency of a pump

𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝

𝜂𝐻 =
𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑑

So, we can see from this definition there are some this efficiency that probably actual head
developed by the pump is already lesser than that of the ideal head. So, why it is happening
I mean why actual energy we have seen that pump absorbs energy. So, whenever pump in
a pump we have discussed that mechanical energy from the moving part is converted to
the to increase the energy of the fluid; stored energy of the fluid by increasing either a
pressure or velocity.

So, there are certain losses; so actual energy transfer in achieved by the hydraulic machines
I mean by the pump. So, actual energy transfer achieved by the pump is smaller than that
of the ideal. Since ideal head developed by the pump if we again recall that ideal head
developed by the pump H =(𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔; so, this is the ideal head developed by
the pump that is predicted that is predicted by the Euler’s equation.

So, these equations I mean whenever you are talking about ideal head developed by the
pump this equation I mean this ideal head developed by the pump is predicted by Euler
equation; predicted by Euler equation. But that means, the head predicted by Euler
equation is not the actual head, but actual head developed by the pump will be always
lesser than that predicted by the Euler equation.

Now, my question is why that I mean deviation is there? Why the actual head is always
smaller than that of the ideal head predicted by the Euler equation? We have discuss that
there are losses I means whenever we are talking wherever you are calculating ideal head
from Euler equation; probably we did in take in to account those losses, but probably to
take those losses into account of course, the actual head will be always lesser than that the
ideal head. Now, today I will discuss an important topic that is slips.

(Refer Slide Time: 03:44)

So, why slip? And probably slip is one of the important you know is an important
phenomenon probably because of which the there are deviation of the energy transfer. So,
while you are talking about slip in a pump we need to discuss there are so many models

available to quantify this amount of slips that is there you know pump, but we will discuss
one important model from which we will we will try to quantify the amount of slips.

The slip is an outcome; I mean probably that we have discussed that the actual head is not
equal to the ideal head. Slip could be an one of the reasons which allow deviating actual
energy transfer in a hydraulic machines.

So, we are writing that the actual energy transfer, the actual energy transfer, the actual
energy transfer achieved by an hydraulic machine; I am writing an hydraulic machine is
smaller than that predicted by the Euler equation.

That mean the energy transfer achieved by the hydraulic machine is always smaller than
that predicted by the Euler equation. And slips is one of the factors probably that is
responsible for this deviation we will discuss. So, there are many reasons why this behind
this theory. So, this is a theory and that is departure from Euler theory; Euler’s theory and

So, when you are thinking about that actual head other even your we have seen that the
actual head and that is true; that actual head developed for the pump is always smaller than
that of the ideal head that is the head predicted by the Euler equation. So that means, there
is a deviation and slip is one of the factors which is responsible for the deviation. That is
slip is one of the factors which I mean always allow that the you know which is responsible
for this you know departure I mean which is responsible for the deviation of energy transfer
actual energy transfer in a hydraulic machine.

So, there are I am writing there are several reasons, there are several reasons behind this
theory; there are several reasons behind this theory. I will write and I will discuss; first one
is that blade of an hydraulic machines blade itself contribute that velocities in the blade
passage; to be non-uniform. Yesterday we have discussed that velocities in the flow
process are not uniform probably there are losses each circulation losses, separation losses.

So, departure of Euler theory departure from Euler theory and losses when you are talking
about; there are several reasons first reason is that blade itself contribute that velocities in
the blade passage to be non-uniform. As well as at the impeller outlet, pump impeller outlet
velocities are non-uniform due to presence of blade right.

This non uniform velocities; non uniform velocities at the blade passage and at the impeller
outlet results in a diminished velocity of whirl component or swirl component or swirl
component and hence reduces the Euler’s head.

So, we have discussed that there is a departure of Euler theory and; that means, actual
energy transfer achieved by a hydraulic machines that is a pump is smaller than that
predicted Euler’s equation; there are several reasons I am I am going to discuss about slips.
So, just I am discussing what could be the causes for that slips, there are several reasons
behind this theory that when I mean whenever we are talking about pump or hydraulic
turbine; there are blade there are blades the impeller or runner and fluid is flowing in the
process between to guide bends or blades between 2 blades.

So, blade itself contribute that velocities in the blade passages to be non-uniform. And we
have discussed that non uniform velocities because of this existence of non-uniform
velocities, there are recirculation losses eddies formation all those things also at the outlet
of the impeller velocities are non-uniform because of the presence of blade.

This non uniform velocities at the blade passage and at the impeller outlet results in a
diminished component of swirl velocity or whirl velocity; which is very important for the
development of at that we have discussed that the you know Euler’s equation if you can
recall. If we recall that Euler’s equation H =(𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔.

So, this 𝐶𝜃2 and 𝐶𝜃1 are very important. So, 𝐶𝜃1 is also important, but we have seen that
we can make 𝐶𝜃1 positive negative and 0; positive is not an important issue because
positive 𝐶𝜃1 always we lead to always we leads to a diminished strength of a development
I mean it is always decrease the head development.

But if you can make 𝐶𝜃1 is 0 that is by purely radial inlet or sometimes making c theta 1
negative we can increase the head development, but 0 is fine, but if you can make negative
𝐶𝜃1 that we have discuss that negative c theta 1 will always lead to a higher relative
velocity at the inlet. And if velocity increases pressure will fall and if pressure falls; the
vapor pressure at that temperature then it will lead to an undesirable phenomenon which
is known as cavitation.

So, one important issue; so if you make a 𝐶𝜃1 0 by making a purely radial inlet probably
then in that case here developed will be u2 𝐶𝜃2 /g. So, swirl component or whirl component

of velocity at the outlet is a always an always the important for this because u 2 is fixed;
since the outer diameter of the impeller is six ten impeller is rotating at a certain speed. So,
𝐶𝜃1 is very important while you are talking about total head developed by the pump is in
Euler’s equation.

Now, because of this non uniform velocity at the blades [pass/passage] passage as well as
the impeller outlet the swirl component of velocity of swirl component of velocity reduces
eventually which results a deviation from the Euler’s head. So, while you are calculating
head using Euler’s equation that we are getting u2 𝐶𝜃2 /g, but we do not know a priory that
what could be the exact value of 𝐶𝜃1 in reality; so, in real case.

So, whenever fluid is flowing through the blade passage and then this 𝐶𝜃1 ; actual 𝐶𝜃1 will
not be equal to the ideal 𝐶𝜃1 that we are calculating from velocity triangle. So, to take that
non uniform velocity at the blade passage as well as the impeller outlet into we need to
take into account to calculate the actual head. So, this is the one of the important reasons
and another reason could be I am writing. So, one reason is that the non-uniform velocity
that is there because of the blade and the because of the presence of blade in a blade
passages as well as the impeller outlet.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:38)

Second reason is that the second reason is that; there are some losses of energy due to
friction separation and wave formation associated with the development of boundary layer
development of boundary layers.

So, as I discussed that whenever fluid is flowing over a solid surface, we cannot ignore the
development of boundary layer will develop. And whenever boundary layer is being
developed there will be a loss because of friction separation and wave formation.

So, whenever fluid is flowing between the blade passages I mean the through the impeller
that is between the process in a process between 2 blades boundary layer will develop and
because of this development of boundary layer there will be I mean there will be losses
because of the friction separation and wave formation. So, these are the 2 important reason
from which we can say that the actual energy transfer in a pump will be always less than
that predicted by the Euler equation.

So, now we need to quantify I mean there are several models I mean try to predict the
actual energy transfer and what could be the actual swirl component of velocity at the
impeller outlet. And which can give us and actual estimate about the head development by
a pump there are several models. So, I will discuss one model which was you know
predicated by Stodola; who first you know predicted. So, before I go to discuss about that
model, again I will try to recapitulate what is happening whenever fluid is flowing through
a impeller that is through a process between 2 blades.

So, if I draw again an impeller. So, this is an impeller this is hub; so, this is rotating
clockwise direction and we are assuming there are backward cup bands. So, this impeller
is rotating in a clockwise direction and impeller is having backward cup bands.

You know this is 𝐶𝜃2 and this is 𝐶𝜃2 this is 𝐶𝜃2 ’ and these velocities is known as slip
velocity Vs. So, we have drawn with velocity triangle at the outlet and we will discuss that
this is high pressure less than; I will discuss about why this is high pressure, and this is
low pressure reason. As a result of which we are having one circulations around the blade

So, in case of a reason impeller of a radial flow pump; so, for a radial flow pump I am
writing; for radial flow pump blades for a radial flow pump blades do work on the fluid by
exerting and impelling; by exerting and impelling force on it impelling force on it.

And whenever; so in a radial flow pump blades do work on the fluid by exerting and
impelling force on it. And because of this and this is done, this work is done and by exerting

and impelling force on it this; this is done on the upper or forward surface of the blade or
convex surface of the blade right.

So, in a centrifugal pump I am trying to estimate the amount of slips; as I discussed that
there are several reasons because of these deviation of Euler theory. And we have
discussed that actual head developed by the pump will be always lesser than that predicted
by Euler’s equation and even if you can make a purely radial inlet at the entry.

So, there will be losses of friction, separation and wave formation with a development of
boundary layer and also we have discussed that because of this non uniform of the
velocities in the flow fluid you know flow passage because of the existence of blade; there
will be a diminish strength of swirl component at the outlet since the actual head predicated
ideal head predicted by the Euler’s equation is use to 𝐶𝜃2 / g in case of a purely radial inlet.

So, the swirl component or whirl component of velocity at the impeller outlet 𝐶𝜃2 will be
reduced because of these losses. Now, we need to quantify and the reduction of the swirl
component velocity at the inlet is known as the slip velocity. So, we need to quantify what
could be the amount what would be the amount of slip velocity at the impeller outlet and
that is why I am now trying for a for a radial flow pump.

So, for a radial flow pump blades do work on the blades do work on the fluid by exerting
and impelling force on it. And this is done on the upper or forward surface of the blade or
the convex surface of the blade the; if the blade is rotating in a clockwise direction.
Suppose blade is rotating with an angular velocity 𝜔. So, impeller blades or I mean blades
are rotating or impeller is rotating at an angular velocity omega.

So, if blade or impeller rotates with an angular with an angular velocity omega; then and
we have drawn the velocity triangle at the outlet and we are trying to quantify what will
be the amount of slip velocity that is we have seen that the actual; you know absolute
velocity 𝐶𝜃 ′ will be I mean c theta the actual absolute velocity will be c c 2 prime not c 2.

And actual relative velocity will be w 2 prime not the w 2. So, these you know blade angle
will be reduced from beta 2 to beta 2 prime and these whenever we are reducing the actual
absolute velocity; c 2 prime then this post this velocity is known as slip velocities. So, you
need to quantify what is the magnitude of the slip velocity and what are the reason of the
slip velocity I mean why this is you know why I mean of course, you have seen that losses

and non-uniform velocities; the there will be a diminished strength of swirl component of

But now I need to know what are the reasons because of which the slip you know swirl
component of velocity at the outlet you know decreases. So, that is what now I am trying.
So, whenever blades to work on the fluid by exerting and impelling force on it and this
work is done on the upper surface or forward surface.

Because here the forward surface, suppose this is 1, this is 1, this is 2, this is 2. So, 2; 2 is
a forward surface one another backward surface whenever blade impeller rotating in a
clockwise direction. So, the work is done on the forward surface that is on the surface 2 2;
as a result of which the pressure at the upper surface since work is done on the upper or
forward surface of the work from the surface of the blade.

So, pressure will be higher than the pressure; you know pressure on the forward surface
will be higher than the you know lower side of the surface, lower side of the surface right.
So, pressure will be higher than the lower side of the surface, see pressure is equal to force
into area.

Because so force is exerted on the upper surface or forward surface or convex surface; so,
pressure at surface that is pressure at surface 2 2 will be greater than pressure at surface 1
1; pressure at surface 1 1. So, because of this impelling force exerted by the blades on the
fluid; as a result of which pressure at the forward surface or convex surface will be higher
than the that of the lower surface.

So, whenever pressure at the upper surface or forward surface is higher that is pressure at
surface 2 2 will be higher and pressure surface 1 1 will be lesser and since pressure is
higher. So, velocity at surface 2 2 will be higher and velocity at surface 1 1 will be higher
than the velocity as 2 2, as a result of which there will be circulation. So, that is what I
have you know drawn.

So, this is a circulation that is stemming from the stemming because of the differencing
because of the pressure difference. So, since pressure at the surface 2 2 is higher than the
pressure surface 1 1; that means, this which means that which means that the velocities
velocity at back or lower or concaved surface will be higher than that near the forward,

upper or convex surface; convex surface. This difference in velocity; this difference in
velocity gives rise to blade circulation, you know capital 𝛾𝑏 .

So, pressure difference gives rise to a velocity difference and this velocity difference
between the back and up forward surface gives rise to a blade circulation you know gamma
b. We will discuss that this blade circulation plays at the role for the formation of a eddy
and because of the formation of eddy there is a diminished strength of whirl component of
velocity at the outlet and because of which actual head is always less than the ideal head.

Now, there are many other reasons one reason is that that the circulation gives rise to a
formation of eddy. And that eddy is responsible for the diminished strength of swirl
velocity at the outlet and which will definitely reduce the actual head developed by the
pump. But another reason is that you know there are other reasons we will discuss.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:52)

And because of the circulation because of the circulation; gamma b that stemming form,
non-uniform velocity; you know velocity distribution rather; velocity distribution is
responsible for the; is responsible for the mean direction for the mean direction of flow
leaving the impeller leaving the impeller to be changed from 𝛽2 to 𝛽2 ′ and which causes
reduction of all-important tangential velocity component that is known as whirl velocity
or swirl velocity called slip. So, whatever we have seen that we have seen that we have
started our discussion on the topic of slip what is slip?

So, there are I mean losses whenever fluid is flowing through the impeller that is process
between 2 blades. And whenever fluid is flowing between the process of the blades non
uniform the existence of the blade itself will provide non uniform velocities at the you
know outlet of the impeller; as well as that whenever fluid is flowing through blade

Since non uniform velocity is responsible for the you know; as I said you the non-uniform
velocity responsible for the deviation, I mean for the losses because of the formulation of
you know eddies in circulation losses. And also, we have discussed that there several losses
because of the friction, separation wave formation and which are associated with the
development of the boundary layer.

Now, whenever there are losses then of course, the actual head predicted by the head
predicted by the Euler’s equation is not I mean this is not correct I mean head predicted by
the Euler’s equation will not be the actual head develop by the pump; there will be certain

We have tried to quantify that deviation and we have tried to we have seen that the head
developed by head predicted by the Euler’s equation is due to H =(𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔 is
the absolute velocity component of absolute velocity is the inlet that is swirl velocity at
the inlet.

If I make 𝐶𝜃1 = 0 that is the best possible case because 𝐶𝜃1 positive will always it is a head
c theta; negative 𝐶𝜃1 always we will try to at head development by the pump, but it will
lead to a different other problem. Because negative component of 𝐶𝜃1 although it will
increase the head developed by the pump.

But at the same time it will invite another problem of you know a cavitation that we have
discussed that relative velocity will increase as a result of which the pressure will fall. If
pressure falls below the (Refer Time: 31:01) pressure at that temperature then local wailing
will takes place and it may lead to another undesirable phenomenon of cavitation; so,
known as cavitation.

Now, we have discussed that because of these losses there will a circulation I mean in a in
radial flow pump; whenever impeller is rotating the blade blades do work on the fluid by
exerting and impelling force on it. So, and this is done on the convex or the upper or the

forward surface of the blade. So, whenever work is done on the upper surface or forward
surface, then the pressure will be high and at the lower surface pressure will be less.

So, because of the pressure difference there will be difference in the velocities and because
of this non uniform velocity; I mean velocity distribution there will be a circulation around
on the blade which is we which we have seen. And that circulation it 𝛾𝑏 is responsible for
the mean direction of flow mean direction of flow, leaving the impeller sends to 𝛽2 from
a 𝛽1.

So, that is why if I go back to my previous slide; we can see that the circulation, the
circulation is responsible for the change of mean direction of flow leaving the impeller
will be pumped will be 𝛽2 ′ from 𝛽2. And this 𝛽2 this 𝛽2 ′ is always less than 𝛽2; so, you
know we have seen that the 𝛽2 is changed to 𝛽2 and 𝛽2 ′ is always less than 𝛽2.

So, because of this deviation of this mean you know direction of flow leaving the impeller;
there is a reduction of all-important tangential velocity component, that is a component of
absolute velocity in the tangential direction that is swirl velocity or whirl velocity which
is called slip.

Now, I can say that many attempts have been taken; many attempts have been taken to
predict to quantify the amount of slip and a number of stages have been formulated. But
the earliest due to Stodola the as I said that the earliest due to Stodola; stipulate the
existence of relative eddy; the earliest due to Stodola stipulate the existence of relative
eddy you know which occurs between the adjacent blades.

So, you have seen that the non-uniform velocity distribution which is arising because of
the difference in pressure between the upper and lower surface of a blade give rise to a
circulation; whenever there is a circulation this will leads to a formation of eddy. So, as I
said that many attempts have been taken to quantify the amount slip and number of things
have been formulated. For the earliest, due to Stodola stipulate the existence of eddy which
causes which occurs between the adjacent blades.

So, Stodola suggested that the existence of eddy between 2 blades as I said as I as we have
discussed that of course, there is a circulation. So, there will be a eddy and because of the
formation of eddy the whirl component velocity will be diminished; because of the change
of mean direction of flow leaving the impeller. And that diminished strength of swirl

component or whirl component velocity will give rise to a relatively lesser amount of head
that is developed by the pump and because of which there will be a deviation from Euler’s

So, now we will try to quantify following Stodola you know model; what would be the
amount of actual slip in a radial flow pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 34:59)

So, again I need to draw if I draw impeller of radial flow pump. So, we have seen that
there will be a circulation; gamma b and there will be a. So, Stodola suggested that the
relative eddies between which occurs between 2 blades; who first you know stipulates I
mean the existence of relative eddies between which occurs between the 2 blades.

So, we have seen that because of the pressure difference there will be a non-uniform
velocity distribution and because of which we will there will be a circulation around a
blade. So, gamma b and because of the circulation; there will be a eddy which will rotate.
If the impeller is rotating with an angular velocity omega that we have seen; so, there will
be a eddy existence of eddy between 2 adjacent blades.

And the eddies will rotate with the same angular velocity omega, but in the opposite
direction. And that is quite obvious because if you see if you look at this a diagram we
have we can see that between 2 adjacent blades because of this you know the development
of because of this circulation; in one side of the blade that is you know in the lower side

of the blade fluid will try to move from inlet to outlet while in other in the backward side;
when in the you know forward surface of the b blade in a back side blade in the rather in
the residue blade at the forward surface fluid will try to move from the outlet to inlet.

Because of this you know mismatch in the direction of fluid. So, in between 2 adjacent
blades there will be a circulation and that is what you know there is a there will be a eddy.
And that eddies is having rotation which is the same angular speed, but in the opposite

Now, suppose the outlet diameter of the impeller is R2 and inlet diameter is R 1 right. So,
just we need to write and if we can; So, am I writing of some things important things that
is very important.

A friction less flows a friction, less flow process through the impeller without rotation. It
must leave the impeller without rotation. The first one is a friction less flow process
through the impeller without rotation; it must leave the impeller without rotation.

Since we have assumed that the impeller is rotating at an angular velocity omega which
means that fluid must have a rotation; relative to impeller of negative of omega, which is
relative eddy.

So, Stodola the first one we have seen that many attempts are being taken to quantify, to
predict the amount of slip and number of things have been formulated Stodola who first
stipulate the existence of relative eddy relative eddy between the between 2 blades. And
we have seen that because of this non uniform velocity distribution which is arising
because of the pressure difference; between the upper and lower surface of the blades,
there will be a circulation and circulation is quantified by omega b.

Second thing friction and Stodola stipulates; the existence of relative eddy, but he
suggested that whenever a friction less flow process through the impeller without rotation.
So, whenever a friction less fluid passing through the impeller without rotation; that
means, it must slip the impeller without rotation.

Now, we are we have assume that the impeller is rotating at an angular velocity omega;
which means that relative to the impeller I mean the fluid must have a rotation related to
the impeller minus omega negative of omega which is relative eddy; so, since this is

friction less flow. So, Stodola assumed that if the radius of a circle which may be inscribed;
which may be inscribed between 2 adjacent blades at the outlet of the impeller is e.

Then slip may be considered to be product of relative eddy omega and e. Thus, this slip
velocity is a product of omega into e; this is what Stodola predicted. So, we have seen that
whenever a friction less flow; we have seen that there is a circulation around a blade which
is coming because of the non-uniform velocity distribution.

Because blades do work on the fluid by exerting and impelling force on it; as a result of
which there will be a higher pressure at the back upper side and lower pressure at the at
the lower side. And because of this pressure difference will have a non-uniform velocity
distribution that give rise to a circulation.

So, whenever there is a circulation around the particular blade and whenever there are 2
adjacent blades. So, because of these you know mismatch of the direction of flow near the
surface of a blade still there might be a circulation, also Stodola assume that if impeller is
rotating at an angular velocity omega then if the fluid is friction less. So, whenever fluid
is flowing through the impeller without rotation that; that means, it must leave the impeller
without rotation.

Now, if the impeller is rotating with an angular at an angular velocity omega which means
that relative to the impeller; you know fluid must have a again you know you know if the
impeller is rotating at an angular velocity omega, which means that fluid must have a
rotation relative to the impeller that is negative omega which is known as relative eddy.

So, fluid is friction less since whenever it is flowing through the process of an again I am
telling; I am repeating fluid is a friction less and whenever fluid is flowing through the
process of the impeller without rotation; that means, it must leave the impeller without
rotation. Now, if we assume that the impeller is rotating at an angular velocity omega; that
means, relative to the impeller fluid must have a rotation at negative omega that is known
as relative eddy.

Now Stodola assume that the if the radius of a circle if we can inscribe the circle whose
radius is e at the outlet of the impeller. Because you are always talking about slip and that
is or of course, because of the deviation because of the diminished strength of swirl
component or whirl component velocity at the outlet because the component of swirl

velocity at their outlet is responsible for the total head developed by the pump for a purely
radial inlet.

Because we have seen that we can have positive negative and 0 value of 𝐶𝜃1 that is swirl
component velocity at the inlet. Positive is not desirable at all because it always reduces
head 0 is best possible option but negative we cannot go for because a negative value of
swirl component velocity which is always lead to an undesirable phenomenon of

Now, if the if for a purely radial inlet; the radial flow pump with a purely radial inlet, the
head developed by the pump using the Euler’s equation will be into u2 𝐶𝜃2 /𝑔. But we
have seen that in the reality the swirl component of velocity 𝐶𝜃2 at the outlet will be always
less than that you know predicted by velocity triangles.

So, and there are so many factors like write you know frictional losses separation losses
because of the formation of boundary layer. Also because of the non-uniform of velocities
this axial component of swirl velocity will be less than that will be always less. And
Stodola attempted to quantify the amount of actual slip velocity in a pump operation.

And what he assumed that if the radius of a circle which is which may be inscribe at the
outlet between 2 adjacent blades; at the outlet of the impeller between 2 adjacent blades is
g then the slip velocity or slip maybe consider the product of omega ne where omega is
the angular velocity of the impeller.

So, now we need to vs is equal to omega into find omega into e. So, where e is the radius
of the circle you know the circle which can be inscribe at the outlet of the impeller. Now
we need to know exact expression of vs because we have to calculate e and for that we
need to dos again some mathematics. So, if I draw the outlet velocity is are the relative
velocity at the outlet here.

So, this is the omega this is w2 and if I assuming this is straight and if this is you know
this is the diameter of the circle is inscribing is 2 e. And if this is the tangential velocity at
the outlet e 2; then probably this is the beta 2 right blade angle at the outlet.

So, assuming that there are losses because of the friction separation and also the non-
uniform velocities and because of this non-uniform velocity there is a circulation that we

have discuss many a times. Now, if this is the tangential velocity at the outlet and then this
is beta 2; now if I draw a triangle again to quantify. So, if this is the absolute velocity c2
and this is the u2 where these are parallel; these 2 are parallel and then this is beta 2 also.

Then from this triangle we can quantify what will be the amount of slip velocity because
you have seen the slip velocity is product of omega into e. So, we have drawn a velocity
triangle at the outlet; so, this is the radius of the diameter of the circle which is inscribe at
the in outlet of the impeller between 2 adjacent blades.

And if this is the tangential velocity u2 then probably this is the blade angle beta 2 and this
is the relative velocity at the outlet. And if I draw another triangle where this u 2 is parallel
to this and this is again will be beta 2. Now, considering this velocity triangle if you trying
to quantify. So, now omega is angular velocity at which impeller is rotating.

So, this is angular velocity; so, this is cleared that we have inscribe the circle which radius
is e at the outlet of the impeller which into adjacent blades. And if this is the absolute
velocity at the outlet and if this is the tangential velocity at the blade outlet, then this is the
blade angle beta 2 and this is the diameter of the circle which is inscribed.

Now, I have drawn another triangle where this is the; this is the actual absolute velocity c
2 this is the blade velocity u2 because these 2 are parallel and this is relative velocity this
is beta 2. Now omega is the angular velocity at which impeller rotating that is nothing, but
u2/ R2; where R 2 e; R 2 is the radius of the out-outlet radius of the impeller at outlet right.

So, impeller circumference at the outlet; impeller circumference at the outlet is equal to
2𝜋 R2. If we have a Z number of blades; so for suppose we have Z number of blades; so,
if we have Z number of blades; then this is I mean then this distance velocities is Ze then
from figure for Z number of blades from figure we get AB is equal to AB is equal to 2𝜋R2/

Now, from figure can we say that 2𝜋R2/ Z.So, I can write from this figure; so, this is sin
beta 2 this one. So, I can write from the figure again from the figure I can write that twice
e from the figure I can write ≅ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛽2 almost equal to.

(Refer Slide Time: 51:35)

2𝑒 2𝜋𝑅2
≅ 𝐴𝐵 ≅
𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛽2 𝑍

𝜋 𝑅2 sin 𝛽2
e= 𝑍

𝑢2 𝜋 𝑅2 sin 𝛽2
slip velocity Vs = 𝜔 ∗ 𝑒 = 𝑥
𝑅2 𝑍

So, we have what we have discussed today? We have discussed that actual head developed
by the pump will be always lesser than predicted by Euler’s equation because of several
reasons existence of non-uniform velocities whenever fluid is flowing through the impeller
between the between the process in the process between 2 blades or there second reason
there are losses because of friction separation wave formation because of the form
formation of boundary layer the development of the boundary layer.

And we have seen that in a radial flow pump rather in most of the in a pump impeller do
work on the blades and the blades do work on the fluids, I mean whenever blade is blades
are rotating blades do work on the fluids by impelling by exerting and impelling process
on it. And this is done on the upper surface; if it is a backward cup band I have we have
drawn a backward cup band upper surface that is a convex surface.

And pressure at that surface will be higher than the lower side and because of the pressure
difference there will be a non-uniform velocity distribution. And non-uniform velocity
distribution give rise to a circulation and many attempts have been taken to quantify. And

we have discussed that non uniform velocity distribution is responsible for the change of
mean direction of flow leaving the impeller; from beta 2 to beta 2 dash or beta 2 dash is
less than beta 2 that is a blade angel reduces; actual blade angle reduces because of the
non-uniform velocity distribution. And this change of mean direction of flow leaving the
impeller causes the reduction of all-important tangential component of velocity that is
whirl velocity and which is known as slip.

Many attempts have been taken to quantify to predict the amount of slip and number of
things have been formulated, but Stodola who first stipulates the existence of a relative
eddy which occurs between the blades. We have tried to quantify that what could be the
diameter what that if now Stodola supports propose that; if a friction less fluid a fluid in a
friction less fluid is passing through the impeller without rotation; that means, it must leave
the impeller without rotation.

Now, if we assume that the impeller is rotating at an angular velocity omega; which means
that relative to the impeller fluid must have a rotation at negative omega and which is
relative eddy; I mean that that is what you know Stodola proposed.

And then Stodola assumed that if a circles can circle can be inscribed at the outlet of the
impeller is having radius e; then from the velocity triangles we have calculated that
diameter can be calculating in terms of the blade angle beta 2, outlet radius R 2 and number
of blades and then slip velocity can be calculated which is product of omega into e. So, we
will continue in the next class.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture - 07
Stodola slip model, problems - II

So we will continue our discussion on Slips that is departure of Euler’s theory. We have
seen that the actual head developed by the pump is always less than that of the that of ideal
head that is the head predicted by a Euler’s theory. We have tried to quantify that what
would be the possible reasons for which this is happening.

In fact, we have seen that slip is one of the slip is one important factor by which we always
get I mean reduced head which is not the head developed by the pump you know we
following the Euler’s equation.

So, we have seen that if you calculate head developed by a pump using Euler’s theory then
of course, we will get ideal head and it is not the case that always we will get the ideal
head because say losses, separation losses, a fictional losses and also the presence of non-
uniform velocities a give rise to a deviation this deviation.

We have to quantified rather we have predicted the amount of you know slips because our
discussion today our you know today our discussion was on basically a slip velocity and
we have tried we have seen that mainly there are two reasons; one is the non-uniformity
of the velocity because of the existence of the blades and of course, the formation of
boundary layer there are you know separation losses, fictional losses and velocity to a

(Refer Slide Time: 02:03)

So, we have written that due to non-uniform velocity distribution there is a circulation
around the blade and because of the circulations the mean velocity the mean direction of
flow, the mean direction of flow leaving the impeller, changes from 𝛽2 to 𝛽2 ′ and 𝛽2 and
𝛽2 ′ the blade angle at the outlet I mean and due to the change in mean direction of flow at
the impeller outlet, there is a reduction of very important there are all important velocity
component that is swirl component or wall component which is called slip.

So, a change in swirl velocity at the outlet or change in wall velocity at the outlet say theta
2 at the outlet I mean the deviation or a change because of change because of the change
of mean direction of the flow that is essentially because of the non-uniform velocities at
the outlet of the impeller. There is a slip and that slip is responsible for the reduction of
head which is predicted by Euler’s theory.

So, we have understood that several reasons like, in a fictional loss you know and also the
several losses it will recirculation separation and this is happening.

So, the earliest many we have seen that there are many you know formulas which have use
to predict this amount of slip, but the Stodola who earliest I mean the earliest due to Stodola
who is stipulates that existence of relative eddy I mean which occurs between the two
which occurs between the adjacent blades and we have seen following Stodola.

(Refer Slide Time: 03:34)

We have tried to quantify the amount of slip and Stodola assume that, whenever a
frictionless flow is flowing through the passage of the impeller; that means, it must have
leave the it must leave the impeller without rotation I mean if a frictionless flow passes
through the impeller without rotation; that means, it must leave impeller without rotation.

And if we assume that the impeller is rotating at an angular velocity 𝜔; that means, related
to the impeller fluid must have a rotation in the negative omega, I mean which is the
relative Eddy and Stodola assume that if a velocity I mean we would like to calculate the
slip velocity; that means, this is happening at the impeller outlet.

So, diminished rather reduction of slip reduction of swirl component or wall component
velocity at the outlet is responsible for these you know deviation I mean deviation of the
actual energy transfer. Then Stodola, assume that if a circular of radius e can be inscribed
at the outlet of the impeller, then from the geometry and from very simpler trigonometric
calculation we have calculated that the diameter of the you know circle can be expressed
in terms of the blade angular the outlet, radius at the radius of the impeller at the outlet and
the number of blades and the slip velocity which is according to Stodola’s model is the
omega that is the angle of velocity to the angular velocity of the impeller multi input.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:41)

I mean the slip velocity can be calculated following Stodola’s model that is the product of
angular velocity omega and the radius of the circle which is inscribe at the outlet of the
impeller. So, I am following that we have arrived at this expression of slip velocity at the
you know at the outlet of the impeller.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:17)

If we draw the velocity angles and the outlet again, suppose you are having an impeller
pump impeller. So, if we have a impeller and if we draw suppose, this impeller is rotating
at angular velocity omega and if we just draw a single blade 2 2 and if I draw the velocity

angles at the outlet, so, we have seen that there is a change in mean direction of the flow
at the outlet which changes 𝛽2 with a changing 𝛽2 from 𝛽2 ′ that is what we have seen that
because of the non-uniformity of the velocity distribution which is responsible for the
mean direction of flow leaving the impeller to be changed from 𝛽2 to 𝛽2 ′.

So, if I draw the you know velocity triangle at the outlet, if this is the absolute velocity at
the I mean this is a relative velocity at the outlet, but it changes because of this non
uniformity and this is w 2 prime, this is w 2. So, this was 𝛽2 and this is 𝛽2 ′. So, the angle
changes from 𝛽2 to 𝛽2 ′ because of this you know non uniformity of the velocity
distribution which is essentially we call as the circulation and these changes of blade angle
from 𝛽2 to beta 2 is you know responsible for the changing I mean it reduces the all-
important swirl component velocity at the outlet.

So, if we draw this is the absolute velocity at the outlet c 2 and this is u 2. So, the absolute
velocity changes from C2 to C2’ and this is known as slip velocity v s.

So, this was 𝐶𝜃2 and this is 𝐶𝜃2 and this is 𝐶𝜃2 ′. So, we have seen that the main reason is
that because of non-uniform velocities, of course, solid surfaces of the earth blade and
existence of blade formation of boundary layer the direction of you know mean direction
of flow leaving the impeller changes which also reduces the wall component of velocity
by changing the absolute velocity at the outlet.

So, the absolute velocity of the outlet changes from C2 to C2’ as a result of which it reduces
the wall component of velocity at the outlet that is from 𝐶𝜃2 to 𝐶𝜃2 ′. So, now, this Vs is
essentially 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝐶𝜃2 ′.

So, a changing swirl component velocity at the outlet because of this changing that mean
direction of flow at the outlet of the impeller will got the slip velocity.

So, now this is the quantification of slip velocity and we have calculated that slip velocity
can be expressed in terms of

𝜋 𝑢2 sin 𝛽2
Vs = 𝑧

that is the expression of slip velocity at the for the pump operation.

So, this slip velocity because of the velocity slip we do not get the actual I mean ideal
head. So, we always get the actual head which is always less than this ideal head. Apart
from this there I mean I will now try to explain slip from different prospective ok.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:09)

Stodola for slip blade the existence of relative eddy at the pump in which occur heating
the blade passage and because of what we always get the diminished strength of swirl
velocity at the outlet as result of which we always get I mean reduction in the head.

Now, for radial flow pump there is another you know argument from which we can explain
that the reduction of slip velocity at the outlet. So, if I now draw an impeller I mean if a
blade if I draw a again an impeller of a radial flow pump and suppose this impeller is
rotating at an angular velocity omega.

So, impeller of a radial flow pump, this impeller is rotating at an angular velocity omega.
So, this is impeller of a radial flow pump and impeller is rotating at an angular velocity

And so whenever this impeller is rotating at an angular velocity omega, we have seen that
this liquids are this is on that liquids are moving like this liquids are flowing out like this.
So, liquids are moving like this and this is in housed in a casing.

So and there is a flow passage and while it is moving through the casing and it is ultimately
going out. Now, there is an argument then when it is rotating suppose if I take this blade
this blade and if I take out this blade and if I draw the enlarge view.

So, there are two surface 1 1 and 2 2; so, 2 2 is the convex or upper surface, 1 1 lower
surface; concave or lower surface.

So, now, when this pump is rotating right, so, when pump is rotating some writing; when
pump is rotating in clockwise direction then a vector will be in the direction perpendicular
to this board.

On the other hand, water is or water or fluid vector will be acting, water or fluid is flowing
in the upward direction.

So, if I take this particular two blades; one is A B another is C D. So, this is 1 1 surface
lower surface, 2 2 surfaces is the upper surface; 1 1 is the lower surface and this is A B
and this is C D, two adjacent blade we have considered.

So, whenever these implies the rotating of course, a vector will be acting in the direction
perpendicular to this plane of this board and on the other hand water is flowing out? So,
water is flowing out? So, this is water flowing out.

So, of course, will be in this direction that is perpendicular to the plane of the board and
water is flowing out in the upward direction. So, this is the water is flowing out in the
upward direction, upward direction as shown in figure let us say 2. So, this is figure 2. So,
a force is acting in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the board. On the other hand,
water is flowing out in the upward direction.

So, there will be a reason because of this because of this right because of this as per you
know Fleming's rule resultant force or vector will be acting.

So, this is water flowing out in the upward direction and a resultant will be acting in this
direction as let us say this is resultant force R, resultant force will be acting as shown in
figure 2 by R right.

So, we have discussed in the previous lecture that the non-uniform velocity distribution
and we have seen that velocity at the upper side will be always higher sorry lesser because

of the higher pressure because pressure will be higher we have seen the blades to work on
the blades do work on the fluid by exerting and impelling force on it and because of which
pressure at the upper side of the blade will be higher than the lower side and since the
pressure at the upper side of the blade is higher than the lower side there will be a you
know mismatch of the velocity.

There velocity is will be higher at the lower side velocity to be lesser at the upper side and
because of this changing velocity there will be a circulation that is represented by 𝛾𝑏 and
whenever velocity is since pressure is higher, so force will be higher on the upper side.

Now, we have seen that because of the circulation I mean which is I mean stunning from
the non-uniformity in a velocity distribution there is a I mean reduction in the in all
important swirl velocity due to a change in direction of mean flow at the outlet of the
impeller and ultimately we have calculated that because of this change in swirl component
of velocity there is a you know change in head developed by the pump.

Rather, the to precise the absolute velocity at the outlet of the impeller is changing from C
2 to C2’ and as a result of which we are getting a lesser amount of swirl velocity at the
outlet. So, it reduces the head.

Now we are trying to you know explained otherwise you trying to understand this from a
very from a different prospective and it is from our you know this is not that Stodola’s
model, many theories have been predict.

Many theories have been you know formulated to predict the rather to quantify the slip,
but this is what we are discussing to for our own understanding that how we can understand
the reduction of absolute sorry swirl component of velocity at the outlet of the impeller.

So and in order to do so what we have done that we have considered a radial flow pump,
the impeller of a radial flow pump which is rotating in a clock wise direction at an angular
velocity omega. We have drawn figure 1 and figure 2. Figure 1 which show the impeller
of a radial flow pump and figure 2, just I have taken two adjacent blades A B and C D, we
have seen the 2 2 at the upper surface of the blade and 1 1 at the lower surface of the blade.

So, if I take two adjacent blades then of course, water is flowing out in the upward direction
because of this rotation of the impeller. Now, whenever impeller is rotating, so, a force

vector will be acting in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the paper and water is
flowing out in that upward direction. So, there will be a resultant vector as per Flaming’s
rule, there will be a resultant vector.

So, because of this there will be a resultant vector which will be acting in the direction as
shown in a figure 2 that is R and because of this resultant force pressure at pressure at 2 2
pressure at 2 2’ and 1 1’ 2 2 dash surface will be higher than the 1 1’ surface.

So, the resultant force is acting on the upper surface of the blade. So, pressure will be
higher on that surface that is pressure at 2 2 surfaces will be always higher than the 1 1

That is pressure at the convex surface will be higher at the convex surface. So, pressure at
the convex surface will be higher and pressure at the concave surface will be lower. If that
is the case because of this change in pressure, I mean pressure at the convex surface is
higher and pressure at the concave surface is lowered, in the last case we have discussed
that of course, pressure difference you know we have seen that.

So, since it is rotating of course, it is blades are working on the fluid by exerting force. So,
of course, pressure will be higher. From here the same thing, but we are trying to you know
discuss from different prospective.

So, we have seen that this is not you know wrong, but what you have seen that whenever
impeller is rotating. So, a vector will be acting in a direction perpendicular to the paper
and since water is emerging out. So, there will and that is in the upward direction.

So, as for Flaming’s rule there will be a resultant force which will be acting on the upper
surface that is a denoted by R. So, the force which is acting on the upper surface naturally
pressure at the upper surface will be higher and at the lower surface will be pressure will
be lower less.

Now, since the pressure at the upper surface is higher and then the lower surface. So, it
will try to if I draw again one velocity triangles.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:28).

So, pressure at the upper surface is always higher and pressure is at the lower surface is
always lesser I have I am denoting by positive and plus and minus sign.

So, now, what we can say that is pressure at the convex side is higher and the pressure at
the concave side is lower and because of this the velocity due to difference in pressure will
be form because of these if I would now draw the two adjacent blades again.

So, here pressure is higher here pressure is less. So, pressure is higher velocity is less here
pressure is. So, this surface pressure is higher velocity is less this surface pressure is less
velocity is high. So, there will be a velocity direction like this.

So, this is the velocity direction due to difference in pressure and due to this flow is not
due to this velocity distribution because pressure at the convex side is higher and pressure
at the concave side is lower. So, velocity will be just reverse.

So, we have a velocity distribution like this and due to this flow is not axis symmetric due
to this flow is not axis symmetric. So, suppose this is the direction of water leaving the
impeller and

So, this is the direction of water leaving the impeller the resultant force is acting in this
direction. So, this is R resultant force, R is the resultant force acting on the upper surface
of the blade. So, the resultant force acting on the upper surface of the blade.

That we have seen that is on the because of this two components of forces at one is because
of the rotation of the impeller which is in the direction perpendicular to the plane of this
board another is the water leaving or water emerging out of the impeller in the upward
direction because of this Stodola assume that the existence of relative eddy when he
suggested that if an frictional if a frictional less flow.

Is flowing through the impeller without rotation rather then it must leave the impeller
without rotation and if we assume that the impeller is rotating at an angular velocity omega;
that means, relative to the impeller fluid must have a rotation which is negative omega and
he predicted the slip velocity will be you know angular velocity times the e if e is the circle
can be inscribed at the outlet of the impeller.

Now, in this case we can say that due to this resultant force the absolute velocity and
relative velocity. So, here the resultant force is acting on the upper surface of the blade;
that means, if I now think that may be the impeller is rotating at an angular velocity omega,
but because of this resultant force.

The blade will fill a retardation I mean as if some forces trying to retried the movement of
the blade and as a result of which the absolute velocity and relative velocity are moving
rather I can say that absolute velocity and relative velocity are moving to let say this is if
this is a and this is A prime and this is B prime are moving to A prime and B prime
respectively whose earlier position was A and B. So, we have seen that.

Of course, pressure is higher pressure is responsible we have seen that higher pressure
because of the higher pressure there is a circulation around the blade and according to
Stodola who first you know who first you know predicted the slip velocity which is angular
velocity times these are radius of the circle which may be inscribed at the outlet of the
impeller and we have understood that the non-uniform velocity distribution changes the
mean direction of flow leaving the impeller and because of this change in mean direction
of the flow.

The all-important velocity component that is swirl component in swirl component of

velocity reduces. Here we have tried to understand the same phenomenon from a different
prospective, but the you know mechanism is remaining almost same.

So, the resultant force whenever it is acting on the upper surface of the blade. So, as if it
is trying to retire the movement as if it is as if the blade is filling from retardation effect
because of this resultant force not only it fillings the retardation this retardation.

Because of these retardations I mean because of the resultant force the relative velocity
and the absolute velocity that absolute velocity and relative velocity are moving to a new
place A prime and B prime whose earlier positions was A and B.

That is that is the absolute velocity absolute velocity C2 will become C2’ and relative
velocity w t2 will become w2’ right.

So, here you have understood that the resultant force is trying to provide a retardation
effect of the blade as a result of which the absolute velocity and relative velocity are now
changing to a new and new relative velocity and new absolute velocity C2’ and w2’ and
𝜋 𝑢2 sin 𝛽2
since we have identified that the slip velocity can be expressed Vs = I can write

in a bit different form that it can be since I have written in terms of blade angle at the

I also can write in terms of flow angle at the outlet now we can define one factor which is
known as slip factor. So, if I go to next slide.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:12)

So, we have seen that whatever it is the main mechanism of having this you know
undesirable phenomenon slip it is not desirable because it always reduces the head of the
pump is only because of non-uniform velocity distribution.

We have try to quantify it using a Stodola’s model which you know predicted the existence
of relative eddy between two adjacent blades, but and also we have tried to understand it
from a different prospective all though the mechanism.

Is remaining same that whenever an impeller is rotating, and water is emerging out in the
upward direction. So, it is rotating means we have a force in the direction perpendicular to
the plane of the board and whenever water is emerging out from the impeller then we are
having an upward force in the upward direction.

So, as per Flaming’s rules there will be a resultant force of vector which is acting on the
upper surface of the blade and it is providing higher pressure at the upper surface of the
blade and this resultant for because of this resultant force as if the blade is filling a
retardation effect.

So, that the absolute velocity and relative velocities velocity are now taking at there are
different position and since the absolute velocity is taking a different position the swirl
component which is very important will be a new swirl velocity 𝐶𝜃2 ′.

So, we have seen that the swirl component of velocity was 𝐶𝜃2 earlier now it is change
into 𝐶𝜃2 ′ and the ratio of these two components is known as Slip Factor 𝜎. So, this is
known as slip factor right.

𝐶𝜃2 ′

So, this slip factor is defined as the ratio of as the ratio of tangential velocity that the
tangential component of absolute velocity, when the pump is rotating to the tangential
component of absolute velocity in absence of pump rotation.

𝐶𝜃2 −𝑉𝑠 𝑉𝑠
𝜎= = 1− 𝐶
𝐶𝜃2 𝜃2

So, from here you can understand that the amount of slip velocity divided by the actual
swirl component of velocity is very important which gives an idea about the slip factor.

So, we have understood the you know slip and why it is you know you know originating
while pump is rotating we have try to explain it from two different prospective I mean
from two different angles rather using Stodola’s model we have quantified the amount of
slips and also from we have understood the existence of slip while pump is rotating.

That is mainly because of the non uniform of the velocities only presence of blades and
also the development of the boundary layer.

So, we will work out one example on this and probably that is only because of the slip
very important is that we need to solve a numerical problem to calculate because the head
developed by the pump will be always less than I mean the head predicted by the Euler
equations. I will like to solve one numerical problem on this aspect that is slip.

(Refer Slide Time: 36:30)

So, I am writing the problem, a 8 bladed radial flow pump has an impeller exit diameter
of 20 centimetre. The width of the flow passage at impeller outlet being 1.5 centimetre.
The backward curved vanes make an angle of 60 degree with axial direction, with axial
direction; very important is the outlet flow direction.

The outlet flow direction follows the blade angle closely in absence of rotation. I am
underlining this sentence. This is very important; this sentence gives us a clue that the
outlet flow direction follows the blade angle closely in absence of rotation; that means,
whenever pump is rotating the flow direction may not follow the blade angle.

So, whatever we have discussed today that because of these you know circulation because
of the non-uniformity of the velocity distribution around the blades.

There is a mean there is a change in mean direction of flow from 𝛽2 to 𝛽2 ′ which is

responsible for that reduction in reduction in all important swirl component velocity 𝐶𝜃2
and which is called as slip.

So, the sentence is giving us a clue that the outlet flow direction follows the blade angle
closely in absence of rotation, but whenever there is a rotation the flow direction may not
follow the blade angle. So, there might be a slip. So, rotation the pump runs at 2880 rpm.

So, that the head developed sorry. So, that the head developed by the pump is related to
the flow rate Q which is given by meter cube per second by H = 74.4 - 565.1 Q neglect
blockage effects and all losses. Sketch the above relation is very important because we
have discussed.

So, far the H Q curve pump and we have seen that the actual H Q curve is always is not
the ideal one because to take the effect of recirculation losses in the section side and also
the separation losses in the delivery side it takes a new shape.

So, sketch the above relation and briefly explain what you would expect the actual head
flow that H cube characteristics to look like.

So, this is the problem we need to solve, this is a problem only on the slips. I would like
to discuss this problem because we have understand we have we need to understand if
really slip is there then what would be the actual head and we have understood the
mechanism of slips in a pump operation and because of the slip the there is a deviation of
energy transfer that is predicted by Euler’s equations and the real case.

So, this is the problem where clue is given, the problem is not directly telling you that you
need to consider slip while you are solving the problem, but there is a clue which is given
that the outlet flow direction follows the blade angle closely in absence of rotation; that
means, when rotation is there the outlet flow angle will deviate from the blade angle that
is it will change from 𝛽2 to 𝛽2 ′ and which is responsible for the changing for the reduction
in the reduction of important component of velocity is swirl velocity which is responsible

for the development of the head. So, we will solve this problem in the next class and we
will continue our discussion on the slip in the next class ok.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 08
Stodola slip model, problems – III

So we will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machine and System Design
ah. Today we will solve the problem that we have discussed in the last lecture. So, the
problem is on slip I mean as we have discussed that because of the slip the actual head
developed by the pump deviates from that predicted by the Euler equation.

So, the problem statement is an 8 bladed radial flow pump has an impeller exit diameter
of 20 centimeter.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:50)

The width of the flow passage at the impeller outlet being 1.5 centimeter. The backward
curved vanes make an angle 60 degree with the axial direction. There is a mistake in the
problem statement. The backward curved vane makes an angle it will be the backward
curved vane I am writing the backward curved vane; the backward curved vane makes an
angle of 30 degree with the axial direction with the axial direction.

So, you know there is a mistake. So, this would be 30 degree that backward curved vane
makes an make an angel 30 degree with axial direction. The pump runs at 2880 rpm, we

need to show that the head developed by the pump is related to the flow rate H = 74.4 -
565.1 Q.

We need to ignore the blockage effect and all losses and finally, we need to sketch the
relationships and again we need to make a comment on that relationship and how we can
expect that the actual head flow characteristic will be will look like ok. So now, we will
proceed to solve the problem.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:19)

So, we will solve the problem. So, this is a radial flow pump. So, we need to draw one
impeller schematic of the impeller of the radial flow pump. So, initially we should draw
the impeller of a radial flow pump which is having backward curved vanes. So, these are
the backward curved vanes. So, impeller is rotating in the clockwise direction at an angular
velocity omega right.

This in the clockwise direction and we need to draw the velocity triangles at the outlet of
the impeller. So, if I identified a particular blade by inlet is 1, outlet is at 2, then if I draw
this; if I take out this blade inside draw the velocity triangles at the outlet. And I we can
obtain velocity components.

So, this is 𝛽2 blade angle, this is u 2 and this component is absolute velocity c 2. So, this
is point 2 at the outlet it is given that backward curved vanes make an angle 30 degree with

an axial direction. So, this is 𝛽2, these 𝛽2 = 30 given. Pump runs at 2880 rpm that is also
given, d 2 exit diameter is given 20 centimeter. And width is given b 2 is 1.5 centimeter.

So, if I draw the impeller again and this is the width; so, this width is given b 2, that is 1.5
centimeter. So, width of the impeller is given outlet diameter d 2 is given. And we have
drawn the velocity triangle this is w 2, but an important point that we need to you know
take into account is that, it is written that outlet flow direction follows the blade angle
closeness sense of rotation; that means, whenever pumps is not rotating, in absence of
rotation, the outlet flow angle follows the blade angle. But whenever pump will start
rotating the outlet flow angle will deviate; that means, there is a presence of slips.

So, this sentence is an indication of that we need to take the effect of slip into account
while you are solving the problem. So, here we need to take the effect of slip. So, in
presence of slip you have seen that that if I can recall that the resultant force, will shift the
absolute velocity and relative velocity to their new position.

So, if I draw this is the changed absolute velocity C2’, and similarly this is the w 2 prime.
So, this will be 𝛽2 dash. So, having of discuss that the angle changes from 𝛽2 to 𝛽2 ′,
because of this resultant force that is acting on the forward surface of the blade. And which
is responsible for the deviation of I mean actual head from the Euler head, from the head
predicated by the Euler equation.

So now this is the 𝐶𝜃2 and this is component of absolute velocity while you know we are
concentrating the slips. And this is known as the slip velocity Vs. So, we have to solve this
problem, since no information is given about the effect of inlet swirl, we are assuming that
no swirl at the inlet. No swirl at the inlet. That is 𝐶𝜃1 = 0.

Now we need to solve the problem, n is given beta 2 is given d 2 is given and b 2 is given.
So, if I recall the Euler equation which will gives us information about the head developed
by the pump; that is, H = (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔. Since we are assumed that, that are no
information is given about the effect of the inlet swirl, we have assume inlet swirl
component is 0, there is no inlet swirl is purely radial inlet. That is purely radial inlet; that
means, head developed by the pump will be u2 𝐶𝜃2 /g.

Now, since we are going to consider the effect of slip probably the component of absolute
velocity there is all very important component for the, you know, head which is been

developed by the pump that is 𝐶𝜃2 will be 𝐶𝜃2 ′ for the present case. So now, we will look
at the effect look at the velocity triangles at the outlet.

(Refer Slide Time: 08:15)

So now what is the tangential velocity?

𝜋𝐷2 𝑁 𝜋∗0.2∗2880
𝑢2 = = = 90.15 𝑚/𝑠
60 60

H = u2 𝐶𝜃2 /g

Because if we consider slips, if we consider slips and that we need to take into account
because it is written, that the when that when pump is rotating, the blade angle does not
the flow direction does not you know [vocalize-noise] in presence of rotation, the flow
angle you know blade angle the outlet flow direction, you know may not match or does
not match with the you know blade angle.

So, it is given that in whenever know the rotation is there, that is in absence of rotation,
flow direction will match the blade angle, I mean closely, but whenever pump will start
rotating there might be a deviation. So, we need to take the effect of slip into account from
this information, ok. If you consider the effect of slip into account, then we can write this
expression that the component of absolute velocity in the tangential direction will be 𝐶𝜃2 ′.

So, that is the head that will be developed by the pump which is given in the problem
statement. So now, so, if we consider the velocity triangle again, just again I am drawing
velocity triangles here

𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 ′ 𝑢2 (𝐶𝜃2 −𝑉𝑠)

H= = =
𝑔 𝑔 𝑔

𝜋 𝑢2 sin 𝛽2
Vs = slip velocity = 𝑧

𝜋 𝑢2 sin 𝛽2 𝜋 𝑢2 sin 𝛽2
𝑢2 (𝐶𝜃2 −𝑉𝑠) 𝑢2 (𝐶𝜃2 − ) 𝑢2 (𝑢2 − 𝑊𝜃2 − )
𝑧 𝑧
H= = =
𝑔 𝑔 𝑔

{𝐶𝜃2 = 𝑢2 − 𝑊𝜃2 }

= 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽2

𝐶𝜃2 = 𝑢2 − 𝐶𝑟2 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝛽2

So, we have obtained the expression of 𝐶𝜃2 in terms of known quantities, but here again
we are having another unknown quantity is the C r 2 that is flow velocity. So, we need to
know again what the magnitude of flow velocity will be. Otherwise everything we know
from this expression.

So, if we again it is given that the b d 2 is equal to 20 centimeter, that is 0.2 meter.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:10)

B 2 is equal to give an 1.5 centimeter, that is 0.15 meter, that is equal to given. Now we
have to calculate Cr2, very important; mind it the problem statement is giving us I mean
is asking to relate to establish a relationship between H and Q.

So, here we do not know an explicit magnitude of you know we do not know the magnitude
of Cr2, but I can relate Cr2 in terms of the flow rate. So, if I go back to my previous slides,
and if we see that here the flow area will be this is the flow area. So, whenever liquid is
coming out from the impeller, whenever fluid is flowing in the passes between 2 blades.
So, this is the flow area hashed portion is the flow area, this is the flow area.

𝐶𝑟2 = 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎

Flow area = 𝜋𝐷2 𝑏2

𝑢2 𝜋 𝑢2 sin 𝛽2
H= [𝑢2 − 𝐶𝑟2 cot 𝛽2 − ]
𝑔 𝑧

𝑢2 𝑄 𝜋 𝑢2 sin 𝛽2
= [𝑢2 − cot 𝛽2 − ]
𝑔 𝜋𝐷2 𝑏2 𝑧

30.15 𝑄 𝜋 30.15 sin 30

= [30.15 − cot 30 − ] = 74.47 − 565.1 𝑄
9.81 𝜋 0.2 0.015 8

So, if we calculate this, we will get the final expression is 74.47 minus 565.1 Q. So, this is
what we need to establish that the heads can be related in with the discharge following this
relationship; that means, if you take the effect of slip into account, axial head developed
by the pump may not be equal to the head predicted by the Euler equation. So, here
although we are following the Euler equation, but we are considering the effect of slip and
we have calculated the magnitude of slip following the Stodola’s model and we got the
expression of that 70 H can be related in terms of 74.47 minus 560 51 Q.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:19)

So, this is. So, this is actual H Q curve, I mean, following the relationship that we have
obtained. But I may not, I would expect a different curve from that what we can obtain
from the H Q relationship because as I said you although we have taken into account the
effect of slip. But there will be a recirculation losses in the suction side that we have
discussed that because of non-uniform from velocities, because whenever liquid is flowing
through the pipe boundary layer start following and velocity may not be uniform, along
the pipe I mean in a given construction.

So, velocity will change from one point to another point in a given construction. So,
because of this non uniformity is the velocity distribution, there will be a recirculation loss
in the pipe you know suction side. As a result of which this head I may not get and the
actual curve will be like this. Actual curve will be like this. So, here we will have some

And also here we will have some losses at the delivery side. So, this is losses in the suction
side because of recirculation losses. And here you also have some losses that is frictional
losses at this or separation losses at the delivery side. So, the actual curve that I would like
to expect is the actual curve look like this, but if we draw the H Q curve following the
relationship, that we have established that will be a straight line, but the actual curve will
be look this. So, this will be the actual curve.

Because we need to take the effect of recirculation losses also the frictional losses
recirculation losses in the suction side and the frictional losses in the delivery side into
account. So, this is all about the problem that we have solved. So, may be may be if we
normally our centrifugal pump testing, we will discuss where we vary the flow rate and
we calculate the H that is developed by the pump. From they are if you tabulate the H Q
data we can obtain the H Q curve. And H Q curves will be a straight line from whatever
we have obtained from this problem also.

But in actual case it should not be like this, but sort of head should be reduced. So, because
of the recirculation losses and at the suction side also there will be a some losses at the
pump delivery side. So, the actual curve will be will not be a straight line, ok.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:33)

With this I will proceed to next part. But I will like to discuss another important point in
this lecture; that when you have derive the expression of slip velocity following Stodola’s
model, and we have, you know Stodola.

Assume that, if a velocity can be inscribed you know if a circle can be inscribed at the
outlet of the impeller is having radius e, then probably slip velocity is the product of omega
that is the angular velocity at which impeller is rotating into e. So, rather the product of
relative eddy into e; where if as I said that e to impeller is rotating at an angular velocity
omega, then the fluid must have a rotation related to the impeller is minus negative omega.

So, this omega product is the slip velocity. So, we have try to calculate we have try to
obtain the new you know a numerical expression of the slip velocity using a Stodola’s
model. And if we go back we have seen that this is a circle so, here this is you know you
know portion of the length along the periphery between 2 blades. A portion of the length
2𝜋 𝑟2
along the periphery of the impeller between 2 blades which is nothing but .

And we are approximating this length will be equal to the sides of this triangle; that is, if
I give a name E F G, then the side F G where approximating the side of this you know
length the you know the magnitude of the magnitude of. These you know length that is G
F is almost equal to the length of the periphery of the impeller between 2 blades adjacent
2𝜋 𝑟2
blades. And that is 2 you know .

2𝜋 𝑟2
So, a portion which is you know length of the portion between 2 adjacent blades H 𝑧

that is equal to the length G F in a triangle E G F that you are approximating and that is
the approximation. We have done in the Stodola’s model to obtain the numerical value of
slip velocity.

And this is 2, because the blade angle for a given blade angle and probably, we have
assume that the circle the maximum largest circle which can be inscribed between the you
know at the outlet of the impeller E, then probably this approximation is not very bad
approximations. So, with this we will proceed to the next part of this course.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 09
NPSH: Caviation, effect of swirl on the cavitation

So, we will continue our discussion on Principles of Hydraulic Machines and System
Design. Today, we will discuss about few important phenomena which are NPSH that is
cavitation which is very undesirable phenomenon for the pumping operation and effect of
swirl on the cavitation. So, to start with we will discuss what is cavitation, why it is
occurring and if it occurs, then what would be the problem and how we can prevent
cavitation from the pumping operation?

So, to do that I will just draw schematic of a where a radial flow form is installed to deliver
a particular discharge at a given height.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:16)

So, if I draw pumping station; so, suppose schematically I am drawing, this is a centrifugal
pump and this pump is use to cater or pump is used to supply water in a certain height and
it is drawing water from a sump which is placed certain height below the pump axis.

So, here pump axis is the impeller axis; pump datum is a impeller axis. Here, pump datum
is the impeller axis and this radial flow pump is installed in a place, where the pump is use

to supply pump is use to supply this radial flow pump, use to supply water may be Q m3/sec
against a head of H.

So, this pump is used to supply Q meter cube per second water against a head of H, in a
reservoir while it is drawing water from a reservoir which is located say hs distance below
the pump axis level. And it is also supplying water at which is supplying water to a
reservoir which is again located hd distance above the pump axis level.

So, now question is whenever pump is running, then you know cavitation might occur.
What is cavitation? Let me talk about of few words about this. Cavitation is a very common
and it is not a desirable phenomenon at all. So, whenever pump is running, I will discuss
2 important thing; I mean normally we go for pump installation in a flooded suction mode
not in a negative suction mode.

So, whenever pump is running, there is pump is I told you earlier that pump is a power
machines which observes energy and here, mechanical energy is converted to the store
energy of the fluid by and it is used to increase either by its special or velocity. So, we are
talking about the pump is normally used to develop a head. So, develop a pressure.

So, whenever pump is running normally the cavitation occurs at the eye of the impeller;
that is very important. This cavitation which is not an which is not a desirable phenomenon
at all which occurs in a pump at the eye of the impeller; at the eye of the impeller that is at
the entry to the pump. That means, that is at the inlet to the pump.

Now, if at the inlet of the pump pressure is something and if the pressure suppose I am
telling that means, where it is happening the cavitation is most likely to occur at the suction
side. So, from these I can say cavitation in a pump, cavitation in a pump which occurs at
the eye of the impeller that is at the inlet of the impeller; that means, it occurs at the suction

Now, if I assume the pressure of the suction side is Ps and somehow, if that pressure falls
below the vapor pressure at that temperature, then local boiling would express, and some
vapor bubble will generate. Now, the vapor bubble will continue in you know will continue
into generate and suddenly, it will collapse.

Whenever it collapses, there will be a you know cavity and the surrounding liquid will
lasts towards to fill up that cavity and it will create some audible noise and it becomes very
detrimental because it may erode some material from the impeller. So, it is very desirable,
and it will create an audible noise and I said you from where pump of water can understand
cavitation has started. So, he should take a preventive measure that he should immediately
shop the pump.

So, what I said that if the suction side, if at the suction side pressure falls the falls below
the vapor pressure at that temperature local wiring will take place, local wiring will starts
as a result of which bubble will generate and bubble will be accumulated over there and
there will be a situation when all the bubbles will be all the bubbles will collapse.

And then, there will be a cavity to fill up that cavity surrounding liquid will rough into the
into there and there will be a audible noise and this phenomenon eventually erode some
material from the pump impeller and this phenomenon is known as Cavitation. And this is
not a desirable phenomenon as I told you. So, whenever operator will come to know that
the cavitation has started by hearing and audible noise, he should stop the pump.

And not only that as a designing in your whenever he or she is designing or say a system
a pumping system he or he or she should take care about this effect; I mean he should
ensure he or she should ensure that there should not be cavitation at all because it is not
use a detrimental to the pump operation.

So, now we had understood that cavitation; that means, as the suction side pressure should
not fall the vapor pressure at the temperature. So, you have to ensure that whenever pump
is withdrawing water; pump is drawing water from a sump at the suction side, we need to
ensure that pressure should not fall the vapor pressure at the temperature. Otherwise
cavitation may start.

So, how we can ensure that pressure should not fall on vapor pressure and to do that we
need to know the expression of cavitation and we need to you need to know that what
would be the head available at the pump suction side; it is a pressure head. So, you need
to know the total head available at the pump suction side and if the total head falls below
the you know that vapor pressure then probable cavitation will start.

So, this is the case that I have taken example, suppose hs is the distance; hs is the height
below the pump datum level that is pump impeller axis level from an who’s from where
pump is withdrawing some water. And since, it is a open atmosphere; so, Ps atmospheric
is acting on the sump. Now, what is a head available at the suction side that we need to

So, if I now apply Bernoulli equation or a steady flow energy equation between let us say
this point 1 and 2 suction side, then if Ps is the suction side, pressure at the pump suction
side at the pump suction side and Vs is the velocity of water at the suction side; velocity
of fluid at the suction side. Then, what is a head available at the suction side? So, head
available is total head that is static head plus dynamic head; that is static head plus dynamic
𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2
head that is + . So, this is the total head available at the pump suction side you know
𝛾 2𝑔

that is a static head plus dynamic head.

Now, if this head falls below the vapor pressure at the temperature; that means, head
available at the pump suction side static plus dynamic head and these head should not fall
below the vapor pressure.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:02)

So, head available at the pump suction side Hs. So, this is Head available at the Pump
𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2
Suction Side is equal to + . If this head is less than vapor pressure, the head
𝛾 2𝑔

corresponding to the vapor pressure p v by gamma. So, this is head corresponds to vapor

𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2 𝑃𝑣
If + >
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾

then, we can ensure that there should not be cavitation; that means, we know we need to
know the that means, this quantity that is H s should be always greater than the head
corresponds to vapor pressure at that temperature.

Then, we can ensure that the pump is in a safe condition that means cavitation should not
𝑃 𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2 𝑃𝑣
start. So, we need to know the explicit magnitude of if Hs - 𝛾𝑣 that is + - So, this
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾

is the expression well into know.

So, this quantity will give some for information. If it is negative, then there is a problem
cavitation might start; if this quantity is positive; that means, H s is greater than that is

the net head available at the suction side is greater than the you know head corresponds to
vapor pressure at that temperature, then pump is in a safe condition. So, cavitation should
not start.

These quantities is known as net positive suction head or NPSH, very important quantity
that you have I have written in the beginning of the in our lecture in the title. So, this is
known as Net Positive Suction Head that is the suction head that amount of positive suction
head, the total positive suction head available is the net positive suction head. There is a
net positive suction head.

So, this quantity is an indicative measure of whether cavitation will start, or cavitation
should not start in a pump operation. If this quantity is positive that is the net positive
suction head, it will it I mean if this quantity is positive pump is in a safe condition
cavitation should not start; but if this quantity is negative, then cavitation will start.

If I go back to my previous slide and if I apply Bernoulli equation between point 1 and
these let us say this is point s at the suction side, this is s and this is 1; then, I can write I
can write and if I take this is the datum level that is the pump level is a datum level. Then,
I can write and also some cross sectional is much greater than the pipe cross sectional

area. So, velocity can be node has compared to the velocity in the pipe.

𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2
+0= + + ℎ𝑠 + ℎ𝑓
𝛾 𝛾 2𝑔

if we just write the expression of this quantity which is again the head available at the
suction side.

𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚
+ = − ℎ𝑠 − ℎ𝑓
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾

𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2 𝑃𝑣 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑃𝑣
NPSH = + − = − ℎ𝑠 − ℎ𝑓 −
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾 𝛾 𝛾

(Refer Slide Time: 14:07)

Note that we have taken the effect of losses into account in the suction side because I
should tell you that whenever pump is installed in a particular station, it is always advisable
that the whenever it is drawing water from a sump of from a reservoir at the end of the
suction pipe which is located in the sump, we need to a we need to put a strainer.

And also there will be a valves at the suction side and because of the presence of and their
might be some bends because of all these you know stuff that is strainers valves and bends,
there will be a frictional losses and that losses will be taken into account where applying
the study flow an execution between point 1 and s. And this quantity hfs, this quantity hfs
takes into account all those loss I mean a losses due to all those stuff like valves you know
strainer and bends.

Now, the very important pump is that one cavitation factor just like in the previous just
like in the previous case, when we have defined slip, when you have quantified the amount
of slip, we have you know defined 1 slip factor. That is the component of absolute velocity
in presence of slip to the component of absolute velocity and tangential direction without
slip that is 𝐶𝜃 ′/ 𝐶𝜃2 .

Similarly, we can define one you know cavitation factor which is known as Thomas
Cavitation factor; Thomas Cavitation factor sigma which is defined that Net Positive
Suction Head. So, this is all these terms in Net Positive Suction Head are the head represent
a unit of head. So, this Net Positive Suction Head; so, when your defining a factor it should
be a dimensionless. So, we have to define by again a head.

So, the each and every term in the expression of NPSH represents the unit of head and we
would like to define one factor that is Thomas Cavitation factor. So, we should make the
you know factor is a dimensionless. So, we should define by a quantity head. So, NPSH
available, the net positive suction head available at the suction side divided by H; that is
known as Thomas Cavitation factor or NPSH. So, this is very important quantity

𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑃
𝑁𝑃𝑆𝐻 −ℎ𝑠−ℎ𝑓− 𝑣
𝛾 𝛾
Thomas Cavitation factor 𝜎 = =

So, these factors I will now discuss little bit about this factor. This factor will give an
indication about that whether cavitation will start or not because fine, NPSH of course,
will give you an indication these an indicative measure of cavitation that is cavitation will
start or cavitation should not start that will be you know of that information you can obtain
from the expression of net positive suction. But still, now we are defining another factor
that is Thomas Cavitation factor and from where we can discuss about, we can tell that if
what is cavitation zone and what is cavitation free zone.

So, that factor defined the net positive suction head to the head develop by the pump. Now
if we you know write the expression of sigma and this is the Thomas Cavitation factor;

𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑃
−ℎ𝑠−ℎ𝑓− 𝑠
𝛾 𝛾
Critical cavitation factor 𝜎𝑐 = 𝐻

So, from there we can again define a critical cavitation factor that is critical sigma; critical
value of cavitation critical cavitation factor sigma c.

If 𝜎 > 𝜎𝑐 , Ps > Pv

I am telling of critical cavitation factor sigma c and when sigma this some are cavitation
factor greater than the greater than a critical value which implying that ps should be greater
than pv; then, you know this is known as Cavitation free operation. This is this is
Cavitation free operation.

So, having a closer look at equation 3 and 4, equation 3 and 4 we can say that if sigma
greater than sigma c; that means, which imply that p s should be greater than p v; then it
is cavitation free operation. But if 𝜎 < 𝜎𝑐 that is Ps < Pv, then this is known as Cavitating
zone; Cavitating operation. So, whenever suction pressure the suction side falls below the
vapor pressure, then sigma will be less than critical value. So, then cavitation might starts.

From where I can argue that see here another important quantity is hs and hfs, these are
very important quantity and from where I will a discuss another important issue that if
somehow I can make hs positive; that is if I make hs I mean minus hs if I can it is positive,
then I can have a relatively you know safe operation of the pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:45)

That means, whenever pump is drawing water rather whenever I will discuss now. So,
from this expression I can tell that whenever pump axis level pump datum that is impeller
axis is above the is above the water level of the sump; whenever pump datum the rather
the impeller axis above the water level of the sump and if we operate the pump and then it

is called the pump is called the Negative suction; is called Negative suction. Pump is
operating pump is running at Negative suction; Negative suction mode. That means,
whenever pump or impeller axis is above the water level of the sump that is a case we call
it pump is running at a negative suction mode and that case it is very you know very
important to ensure that cavitation should not occur and we need to take all the preventive

So, this is not desirable for the pumping system design, if it is not possible at all to have if
we need to go definitely that pump has to installed above the water level of the sump. Then
of course, we have to go for this kind of operation mode that is negative suction of mode.
Otherwise, it is in a desirable at all for the pumping system design. Rather when pump
datum or impeller axis is below the water level of the sump, then pump is running at
flooded suction mode. It is called at flooded suction, there is positive suction.

So that means pump axis or impeller axis is located below the water level at the sump; that
means, where always having head available head by the static height. Atmospheric
pressure is there, but whenever impeller axis is located let us say z distance or hs distance
below the water level of the sump, then we always have that amount of a data level and
this is known as flooded suction that is pump is running at flooded suction.

This is very important rather I should rather as a designing here everyone should prefer to
design pumping system in that in this mode that a pump should operate in a flooded suction
mode. If we design to operate rather if we design to run a pump in the flooded suction
mode, then we can ensure that it is it is safe from this kind of phenomenon that is cavitation
should not occur.

So, this is always desirable that you know impeller axis or pump datum should be always
below the axis as a pump below the level of water level of the sump, level of water in the
sump. If this is a case, then we can argue from the expression that we have derive in a in
the last slide. In that case hs should be always positive. So, it will in that case this hs will
be positive; if hs is positive I mean this entire quantity will be positive, this entire quantity
will positive. So, this will add a head on the top of the head that is available because of the
atmospheric pressure.

So, if we install a pump that is pump impeller axis or impeller pump datum is located
below the water level of the sump, then apart from the atmospheric at a level we are having

another head available that is equal to the static height that is there. So, in that case we are
having a safe operation and we should go rather I should prefer rather I should suggest you
that all the designers should design a pumping system in a flooded suction mode to avoid
this kind of unreasonable phenomenon, I mean cavitation; cavitation should not occur ok.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:57)

Now, I will discuss another important factor that I was said you Thomas Cavitation factor
now Thomas Cavitation factor sigma is defined; this Thomas cavitation factor is defined
𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑃
𝑁𝑃𝑆𝐻 −ℎ𝑠−ℎ𝑓− 𝑣
𝛾 𝛾
𝜎= = So, this is the Thomas Cavitation factor. Now, if I draw the H

versus sigma with Thomas Cavitation factor. So, I will get a curve like this. I will explain
why this is the curve look like this. So, this is sigma c, critical.

So, if I reduce the value of sigma and whenever sigma is sigma c. So, whenever sigma is
equal to sigma c, then this is onset of cavitation; this is onset of cavitation. The curve look
like this if I plot x versus sigma curve, then it look like this. So, if I reduce sigma by
increasing that is by reducing this suction head, the suction pressure the head available the
suction side. So, if I reduce the that means

So, now if I write, if I replace Pv in terms of Ps; so, this quantity if I replace Pv by Ps; hfs,
then this is nothing but the suction head available the suction side. Now, if this quantity I
mean if when ps is pv, then probably this is sigma c that is a onset of cavitation and onset

of cavitation means you know local boiling starts that is vapor bubble starts generating;
starts to generate.

So, when we reduce sigma value by changing this quantity, I mean by changing this static
head., if I reduce sigma c sigma towards sigma c, then that is when this quantity reduces
and when ps becomes pv, then that is onset of cavitation you know vapor bubble starts.

Now, we can see. So, this is A this is B this is C and this is D. Again, if you see that again
is the further reduce sigma value, then probably you are having you know high head
generation. Why it is happening? Because when sigma is equal to sigma c onset of
cavitation vapor bubble starts generating and the vapor bubble will be accumulating, and
it will make the surface very slippy. So, whenever liquid is flowing about the slippy
surface, it does not feel the effect of solid surface and the frictional loss becomes less.

So, at the onset of cavitation vapor bubble will starts you know you know generating and
vapor bubbles will be accumulating in a particular place and it will make the surface slippy
and as if the water is flowing over a sleepy surface and it the water does not fill the presence
of solid surface and frictional loss will be less. Since, the frictional loss is it become you
know will be less, the head develop by the pump will be will increase and that is what is
represent by the curve BC.

Now, see already cavitation started. So, the vapor bubble will continue the you know
continue generation and there will be a situation when a huge number of vapor bubble will
start blocking the passage and as a result of which it the water will flows a resistance and
it that the head rise drastically false. So, then head falls drastically, and which is
represented the by curve CD.

So, we have understood that at the onset of cavitation bubble will start generation. It will
make the surface slippy because the vapor bubble will make the in a particular place very
you know it will block and it will make the surface slippy and water and a fluid, one feel
the presence of solid surface. It will eventually reduce the effect of frictional losses and
the head develop will increase; that is that is represented by BC.

Now, since cavitation has already started. So, now, the vapor bubble will continue
generation and there will be a situation when huge number of vapor bubble will block the

liquid passage and it will eventually create a huge resistance and as a result of which head
will drastically fall and that is represented by the curve CD.

So, this is the significance of the Thomas Cavitation factor that is if sigma becomes sigma
c is a this is known as this is known as non-cavitating zone; this is known as non-cavitating
zone; this is known as non-cavitating zone or cavitation free operation. While, when this
zone is known as cavitation free operation, but when sigma c sigma is less than sigma c,
this is known as Cavitating zone.

So, we need to take we should this you know very serious about this undesirable
phenomenon. I mean whenever you are designing a pumping system. So, there are 2
suggestions; first one is that we should always go for started suction mode that is impeller
axis should be always below the water level in the sump. So, that apart from the
atmospheric head, we are having another head corresponds to static height. So, if we run
pump in a flooded suction mode, we are always safe from this undesirable phenomenon
and we always need to check that if sigma less than sigma c, then it is a cavitating zone.

Then we should we need to take into account that how we can reduce the frictional losses;
how we can reduce the static height so that even if the pump is running in a negative
suction mode, we need to ensure that frictional losses at the suction side as well as the
static height the suction side should be reduced. So, that pump can be operation without
having this kind of undesirable phenomenon.

I stop here today. We will continue our discussion in the next lecture.

Thank you.

[Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 10
Radial flow pump testing

So, we will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System
Design. Today we will discuss about Radial flow pump testing.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:51)

So, before I go to discuss about the pump testing procedure; I will briefly touch upon few
important things that that is in continuation in my last lecture that is effect of inlet swirl on
the cavitation of pump.

So, effect of inlet swirl on the cavitation of a pump. So, this is in, this is what we have
discuss in my last lecture that cavitation is not a desirable phenomenon at all that is
whenever we are installing a particular pump; we should prefer to install pump to run in a
ferried suction mode. So, that apart from the atmospheric head you may have static height
that is there above the impeller axis of pump datum.

Now, if we can recall that if we have discussed that the if the swirl component of velocity
at the inlet have positive, negative or it may be a 0. So if I draw the inlet velocity triangles
if I say if I consider a radial flow pump; so, this is the impeller of radial flow pump.

And this is blade 1 2 and if I take out this blade and if I draw the velocity triangle at the
inlet; these are the components of velocity. And this is point 1, this is point 2; this is
component of absolute velocity in a tangential direction and this is component of relative
velocity in the tangential direction. And these angles is alpha 1 flow angle at the inlet and
this is beta 1 that blade angle at the inlet.

Now, we have seen that the swirl component might have a positive value negative value
or 0 that is 𝐶𝜃1 may be a positive may be positive or it may be a negative value it may have
a negative value or it may be 0. So, 𝐶𝜃1 may have a positive value or negative value at 0.

So, if it 0 that is no swirl at the inlet no swirl at the inlet, that is swirl free operation right.
And if you have a positive 𝐶𝜃1 , negative 𝐶𝜃1 that is swirl component have positive value
negative value here, this is 𝐶𝜃1 is positive and we may have a negative component of 𝐶𝜃1
that is negative component of 𝐶𝜃1 that is negative swirl at the inlet.

So, what we normally go that as I said that we may have a positive component when the
direction of, I mean the direction of rotation of the impeller and fluid are in the same
direction or we may have a negative swirl component if the rotation of the fluid and the
impeller are different.

Now, best possible case is there will be a no swirl at the inlet. So, if we now recall that
head developed by the pump is (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔; then if you have no swirl at the inlet
then this head developed by the pump can be return u2 𝐶𝜃2 /g.

But from this expression of Euler head; I we can see that a positive value from this
expression we can see that a positive value of 𝐶𝜃2 ; a positive value of c theta 1 will always
try to reduce the head being developed. A 0 value is the best possible case because if
neither we will reduce or neither; we will you know it on decrease rather it also will not
increase the head develop, but a negative component will always increase the head
developed by the pump.

So, we have seen that a positive value will always decrease the head being developed by
the pump, 0 value is a best possible case because it will not increase, or it will not decrease.
But a negative component; we will always increase the head rather we will impart a head
that is being developed by the pump.

But we have seen that this negative component of 𝐶𝜃1 ; that means, if we draw for a
negative component of 𝐶𝜃1 ; then since for a given inlet diameter of the you know impeller
the tangential velocity at the inlet is remaining same.

So, now if we have a negative 𝐶𝜃1 that is the component that are most the rotation of the
fluid and the incoming fluid and impeller are in different direction. So, we may have this
is c 1 c theta this is c 1 and to make you know that keep u 1 fixed we have a higher relative
velocity at the inlet.

Since u 1 is fixed; this is c 1 and this is 𝐶𝜃1 ; this is negative 𝐶𝜃1 and this is 𝑊𝜃1 . Here; now
𝑊𝜃1 − 𝑢1 = 𝐶𝜃1 ; that means, a negative component swirl velocity at the inlet can be
produced whenever we are having rotation of the fluid and the rotation of the impeller at

But since the blade velocity at the inlet is fixed because diameter is fixed; so, to maintain
the constant blade velocity are inlet and if you would like to have a negative swirl
component at the inlet; the relative velocity w1 at the inlet should be high it should

Now, if relative velocity at the inlet increases that is at the impeller inlet I of the impeller
then pressure will fall and if pressure falls the vapor pressure at that temperature that what
we have discussed that it may initiate cavitation in the you know pump and which is not a
desirable phenomenon at all. So, from this discussion what we can tell that a negative c
theta negative component of swirl velocity might import head that is being developed by
the pump right may increase the head being developed by the pump.

But at the same time it is inviting another problem which is not a desirable phenomenon
at all cavitation in the pump operation; so, we should not go for the negative swirl velocity.
So, a best possible case is the no swirl at the inlet because it neither increases or decreases,
not decreases the head being developed by the pump.

With this I will proceed to discuss our next that is the texting of a radial flow pump. So,
very important that is should know whenever we at why we are testing a radial flow pump
and why what are the steps need to follow while you are testing the radial flow pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 07:57)

So, a radial flow pump testing radial flow pump testing; that means, why do; why do you
need to study a radial flow pump testing? Because by testing we can generate H cube curve
that is there; all the same times we should know what are the step and what are the
procedure I mean why we do follow all though steps while testing is done.

So, again I have I will draw a schematic of the setup of pump testing; of course, a radial
flow pump testing set up of pump testing. So, if I draw the schematic suppose this is the
pump and pump is used to supply water in a delivery tank; where static height is where
static height is z d.

So, here we have writing the static height is let us say hd and pump is withdrawing water;
pump is withdrawing water you know pump is withdrawing water from the inlet from the
sump. So, if the sump is located let us say hs distance below from the impeller axis or
pump axis. So, this is the sump location which is located you know at a distance hs below
the pump axis.

So, this is hs this is open to atmosphere and this is pump suction side. So, we are having
one suction gauge, we are having one delivery gauge. So, this is suction pipe we are having
strainer one half at the suction side we are not drawing all those. This is delivery pipe and
it is supplying water in the delivery tank. This is delivery tank; this is sump and this one
is the radial flow pump.

So, as I said that we go for pump testing to have to generate H cube curve; also we need
to know the steps rather procedures of a pump testing so, that what could be the you know
actual when you are designing a pumping system, what should be there in a pumping
system I mean and how one operator can start pump; initially all this things can be you
know understood from this pump testing process.

So, of course, we should have a flow control valve over here. So, here we will have one
valve this is called flow control valve; we will have one strainer over here, strainer. The
function of strainer is to arrest all the you know foreign particle if we do not provide
strainer; the foreign particle might go through the through the flow velocity in the suction
side and it may collide with the impeller; it may try to erode the impeller material. So, we
should have a strainer to arrest all the foreign particle that is bearing the sump.

We should have a flow control valve at the delivery side and sometimes we are providing
one also Non-Return Valve pump suction side. Sometimes we are providing one Non
Return Valve this is called NRV that is Non Return Valve also we are providing another
Non Return Valve at the pump delivery side; this is non this is called gate valve to control
the actually we should have gate valve to control the flow, also it should have one Non
Return Valve at the pump delivery side.

Because if pumps stop suddenly then if pump is discharging water to a certain height then
whatever water is there in the delivery pipe line that may; if you do not provide any Non
Return Valve that may eventually create a sust on the pump impeller and it may destroy
the bearing there are sust bearing or you know bearing of the pump.

So, we should also provide a Non Return Valve in the pump delivery side only to prevent
the water you know incoming water that is there in the delivery pipe when pump stop
suddenly so this is Non Return Valve. Now if this is the point 1 suppose this is point 1 and
this is a suction this is suction gauge; suction gauge and this is d delivery, and this is
delivery gauge.

So, as I said that first objectives of pump testing is to generate H cube curves and second
objective is to know what are the procedure of pump testing at least from these an operator
should know what are the procedure when he or he touch the pump initially you know
pumping system. So, how I can measure? Because whenever I am purchasing a pump on
a from manufacturer; they will provide H cube curve, but we need to test we need to you

know calibrate. So we need to test whether at the pump is really supplying that amount of
discharge; I just the head H or I just you know particular head.

So, whenever pump is supplying water to a delivery pipe; so how do we measure fluid?
So, in there are there are 2 important quantity I can measure flow rate Q. I can calculate H
how I can calculate H? Because I know the head that will be developed by the pump that
is what is the total static head pump needs to work come also the frictional losses in the
delivery side and in the valves you know bends all those things. So, flow rate Q and head,
this is head this is total head developed by the pump. It may be head loss in the suction
side plus delivery side.

If the pump the schematic whatever I have drawn is in the negative suction mode that is
pump is drawing water from the sump and discharging to a different place, but if it is in a
flooded suction mode because in that case impeller axis of pump datum is always below
the water level. Then on the top of the atmospheric head we are having another head which
is equal to the static height that is the height you know above the pump axis.

So, I can calculate head that is the, this will be total static height that pump needs to lift
plus dynamic head loss. Because of that is frictional because of friction losses in valves,
bends etcetera. So, frictional head loss in the pipeline losses in a valve and also bends these
total static height plus dynamic head loss the H. That I need I can calculate whenever a
pumping is when whenever a pump is the installed in a pumping station to serve up certain

Now, I can measure flow rate suppose whenever pump is discharging; I can measure flow
rate that I know that pump is delivering this amount of head that I can obtain from the
delivery gauge reading and suction gauge reading. That is delivery gauge reading minus
suction gauge reading is the total head being developed by the pump.

Now I can obtain that whenever the head is being developed by the pump is this then what
is the flow rate? So, I can measure flow rate Q, whenever pump is discharging that I can
use that amount of water that I can pass that you have that amount of water in a V notch;
that flow measurement a flow measuring device that is V notch weir right.

8 𝜃
Q = 𝐶𝑑 𝑡𝑎𝑛 2 √2𝑔 𝐻 2

So, in a V notch; this angle is 2 and their height from height that is you know in sorted in

this V notch we can obtain what is the height and I know the C d; I can calculate Q. So, by
observing the height of the water in the notch and I know that 2 that is notch angle. And I

can calculate what is the amount of keep doing caring discharged by the pump; against the
head that is calculated between the reading that is calculated based on the reading obtained
in the delivery gauge and suction gauge.

So, from this I can you know obtain; so, I can obtain H versus Q for the particular pump
and also I need not to a directly use this formula sometimes the calibration chart is provide
in the V notch h versus Q. So, if I know the this is the h, this is the h and this is the h; so,
I may obtain corresponding Q. So, I may not use directing this formula or sometimes we
calibration chart is provided the V notch this only by measuring the height a what the notch
I can directly obtain the flow rate from the chart.

So, this is all about the flow rate measurement and I know that what is the head being
developed by the sump that is obtain from the suction gauge and delivery gauge reading.
So, I can it easily or I can easily obtain H versus Q curve in the for the particular pump.
And as I said from the discussion in the last problem in the; in my last lecture that H Q
curve whatever I am plotting and that may not be the actual curve.

Because actual curve will look like it will not be a straight line; it may have some it may
deviate from the straight line because of the recirculation losses and separation losses in
the suction and delivery side respectively. Now this is all about the measurement of flow
rate; now how can I measure suction gauge reading and delivery gauge reading that we
need to know. So, I will now proceed, and I will now write the steps. So, what are the steps
before I discuss about the calculation of head rather suction gauge and delivery gauge.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:21)

Now, I will write the step of pump testing because I cannot run, I cannot suddenly run the
pump; so, I need to know what the basic steps are.

So, first step of the pump operation is that step 1 priming is done; this is very important
operation and important operation priming is done to push out here from impeller. So,
priming operation is done initially to push out air from impeller; that means, because as I
said that the schematic that I have drawn is essentially for the negative suction mode; if it
is a flooded suction mode.

So, always the impeller is filled up with the water because impeller axis itself is below the
water level of the sump. So, always the impeller is filled up with water. So, there is no
question of having here inside the impeller, but if the pump is running in a negative suction
mode; we need to ensure that before I start pump all the air that is present in the impeller
should push out I mean should go away.

So, we need to push out the air which is there in the impeller and that is known has priming
operation. How it is done? Because there is a tank of water which is above the pump axis
and tank is connected with a impeller by a pipe. So, before I start to run the pump; I mean
before I start the pump initially tank is open and water is allow to come from tank to the
impeller so that the impeller will be impeller will be filled up by water and the that air that
is there in impeller will go away.

And we need to ensure that impeller is properly impeller and a suction pipe is properly
filled up with the water; no air there in inside the impeller as well as in the pipe line. This
is quite obvious because if air is there inside the impeller and we have seen if we go back;
if I go back to my previous slide, if I go back to my previous slide then I can see that here
atmospheric air is only the available head.

Because if air is there then again atmospheric air; then it is very difficult to have any
driving force between the point 1 and s; so that water will go away. So, it is very difficult;
so, you to ensure that we have to have priming operation I mean that is done before we
start pump.

Step 2; so I cannot run pump suddenly step 2 delivery valve is remaining closed initially
remaining closed initially and fully closed; remaining closed initially rather fully closed
right step 3 this is very important. So, step 1 priming is done; we must ensure that there
should not be any air inside the impeller or in the suction side and I had I told how to how
priming operation is done.

That is water is being allow to come from tank which is located at the top of the pump and
it will entered the impeller what impeller will be filled up by the water and water air will
go away. Second step the delivery valve is fully closed before I stuck the pump delivery
valve will remain fully closed.

Step 3 pump starts, and delivery valve opens gradually; opens gradually. So, these are the
3 basic steps that we need to ensure before I start operating the pump. We have to have
priming operation; if it is again, I am telling if it is a negative suction mode. If the pump
is located in a place where pump will run in a flooded suction mode, then we did not to
worry about this problem because we need not to go for the priming operation; then
delivery valve is we need to ensure the delivery valve will remain closed fully before I
start the pump.

Step 3 pump starts whenever I am starting the pump and the same time I should you know
open the valve delivery valve gradually; not fully. Now because usually of course, because
if I open the delivery valve suddenly, then it will try to discharge huge amount. So, initially
power will be high, and that power may not be equal to the you know power provided by
the electric motor. So, pump may you know there will be a you know sort of condition; so,
pump may trip.

So, because power depends upon 𝜌𝑄𝑔𝐻; so if I close if I open the delivery valve initially
fully then pump will try to supply full amount of discharge against the full head. And then
what will happen? The head you know power that will be drawn from the electric motor
will be high so, that and if there might be a situation the electric motor on be a able to
supply that amount of power.

So, pump may trip I mean pump may stop rather electric motor on be able to run the pump.
Now, I will go to measure the suction and delivery gauge reading; so, if I apply Bernoulli
equation, rather stead flow energy equation between points 1 and S how what can I write?

𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑉1 2 𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2
+ = + + ℎ𝑠 + ℎ𝑓𝑠
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔

So, h s is the static height, hfs which and you know text the loses I mean that is because of
that is there fictional loses; loses be to bends, valves, strainer etcetera. Here Ps and Vs are
the pressure and velocity at the suction side; pressure and velocity of suction side. From
this expression what I can write again as I said the cross-sectional area of the sump is much
much higher than the pipe cross section; so, V1 is much greater than vs.

So, this is the expression of creating by gamma form the suction side, that it is if I applied
study flow energy equation between point 1 and s. So, I can write 𝛾 is equal to you know
and this is also 0; this is because this is open to atmosphere.

𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2
= −( + ℎ𝑠 + ℎ𝑓𝑠 )
𝛾 2𝑔

So, if I apply Bernoulli equation between point 1 and s; eventually I get that the pressure
available suction is a negative pressure. So, this is negative pressure that is we have to
have negative pressure of the suction side otherwise how that atmospheric pressure will
try; will try to push water from sump to the pump.

So, this is negative pressure that is pressure below the atmospheric pressure. So in pressure
below the atmospheric pressure or negative pressure; so, we have will have a negative
pressure at the suction side and if you do not have a negative pressure on suction side they
are wont be a pressure defines. So, pressure the suction it should be always less than the
atmospheric pressure and it will and then we will have a driving force. And the driving
force will allow water to go from sump to the you know pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:17)

Now, again if I apply Bernoulli equation between point, again if I apply Bernoulli equation
between points d and 2; mind it 2 is a point which is located at the atmosphere.

𝑃𝑑 𝑉𝑑 2 𝑃2 𝑉2 2
+ = + + ℎ𝑑 + ℎ𝑓𝑑
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔


𝑃𝑑 𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2
Pressure rise = ( 𝛾 − ) = ℎ𝑑 + ℎ𝑑𝑠 + ℎ𝑠 + ℎ𝑓𝑠 +
𝛾 2𝑔

𝑃𝑑 𝑉𝑑 2 𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2
Head developed by the pump H = ( 𝛾 + ) −(𝛾 + )
2𝑔 2𝑔

So, if I go back to the you know my previous slide here say this is a point 2. So, it is
discharging water open I am in the sump; so, this is open to atmosphere. So, now if I write
Bernoulli equation between point d and 2 how what I what can I right? And I am taking
impeller axis rather pump axis datum.

so, this is almost equal to 0. So, I can obtain = ℎ𝑑 + ℎ𝑑𝑠 , where this is the static height,

and this is the frictional loss.

𝑃𝑑 𝑉𝑑 2 𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2
H=(𝛾 + ) −(𝛾 + )
2𝑔 2𝑔

𝑉𝑠 2 𝑉𝑑 2 𝑉𝑠 2
= ℎ𝑑 + ℎ𝑑𝑠 + ℎ𝑠 + ℎ𝑓𝑠 + + −
2𝑔 2𝑔 2𝑔

𝑉𝑠 2 𝑉𝑑 2 − 𝑉𝑠 2
= (ℎ𝑑 + ℎ𝑑𝑠) + (ℎ𝑠 + ℎ𝑓𝑠 + )+
2𝑔 2𝑔

(Refer Slide Time: 32:04)

So, it is having 3 components this is delivery gauge reading. So, if we try to obtain the
head developed by the pump is essentially the delivery gauge reading. This is suction
gauge reading and this is the head developed due to change in velocity between the suction
and delivery side delivery side. So, the total head develop the pump, from the pump testing
operation I can obtain; by knowing the delivery gauge reading plus suction gauge reading
plus head developed by the head develop due to change in velocity in the suction delivery

So, this is the total head developed by the pump; you know pump you know you know by
the radial flow pump you know particular system. From here I can tell you that the velocity
at the delivery pipes, you know of water and velocity at the velocity of water the suction
side will be different.

Of course, because if the if we recall that the expression of you know suction gauge reading
and delivery gauge reading. Rather if I go to my previous slide and if I look at the; So,
velocity at the suction side should be always less; because if this quantity becomes high;
then we will have a higher negative pressure.

So, if this quantity is high v s; so we have a higher frictional loses and hence from here we
can obtain that the; this quantity is the positive quantities. So, velocity at the delivery pipe
always should be have then the velocity at the suction side. So, if; so from here we need
to know that the diameter of the suction pipe and delivery pipe should not be equal. So,
we can obtain we can see that that we can obtain a clue about the diameter of the delivery
and suction pipe from this expression.

𝑉𝑑 2 − 𝑉𝑠 2
Here that which provides which you know discuss the head because of change in

velocity. So, velocity at the delivery pipe is always higher than the suction pipe because
suction pipe delivery suction pipe velocity is not that much because if velocity increases
frictional offers will be high. So, in order to keeps loses using the permissible limit we
need to have relatively less velocity at the suction pipe.

So, if the velocity is at different in of course, pipe diameter will be different to maintain a
same flow rate. So, we can get clue a form that what should be the diameter of the pipe at
the delivery pipe delivery side and suction side from this quantity.

(Refer Slide Time: 37:01)

Now, we will discuss about the one you know pump characteristic curve that I have
discussed that pump characteristics curve are H Q curve. We have seen that you know
pump should have if I plot the experimental data; if I plot the experimental data; I will get
I will get the pump H Q curve like this.

So, this is Q and this is H. So, this is H Q curve; if I super impose because we need to
know the efficiency as well as the power. So, if it is power P and it is efficiency eta then
this is H Q curve; I may obtain you know pump efficiency is like this. So, pump efficiency
is like this and power will be like this.

So, this is the best of best efficiency point and; so, we should, and we should allow the
pump to run at the best efficiency point. So, this is the discharge corresponds to best
efficiency point and this is the head corresponds to best efficiency point.

So, efficiency we can obtain because we know that head being developed by the pump,
what is the head being developed by the pump. So, the power developed by the pump will
be 𝜌𝑄𝑔𝐻 at the same time you know how much amount of you know electric motor
electric power wire supplying. So, I can obtain the; you know power supply to the pump.

So, this is you know P versus Q this is eta versus Q. So, this is the best efficiency point
where power will be less and you know the discharge and head corresponding to this point
are known as head at best efficiency point and correspond a discharge at the best efficiency
point. But now this H Q curve we obtain from the pump test pump testing process.

Now, we have system resistance curve. So, we always on the able to run the pump at the
best efficiency point, but we should try, but if the system resistance curve is like this that
this is a total static height and it crosses the pump here so; that means; so, if the curve like
this. So, may be this is the this is system resistance curv; this is system resistance curve.

So, whenever a wire system resistance curve meets the H Q curve of the pump; then this
is the operating point. Now see this operating point is not the operating point where you
can obtain best efficiency, but this difference upon the system resistance. So, it is not
powering able that we should always allow pump to run at the best efficiency point we
should try, but it also depends upon the system resistance.

So, we know we need to know the system resistance and whenever we are supplying;
whenever we are you know procuring particular pump, we should supply the system
resistance. Maybe we should provide the system information about the total head loss in
the system at including static height and dynamic head loss to the pump manufacture.

So, that they will try to I know have that all based on that system resistance pump can be
operated at the best efficiency point. So, this is all about the pump testing procedure and
how you can generate pump H Q curve from the pump testing data.

And as I said that it is not allow is possible to run pump at the best efficiency point because
it depends upon a system resistance that is why we should always provide system
information about the system resistance whenever I am purchase; whenever your
procuring pump forming in pump manufacturer. So, with that I stop here today, and we
will continue in the next class.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 11
Degrees of reaction: velocity triangle

So, today we will continue our discussion on Principal of Hydraulic Machines and System

(Refer Slide Time: 00:39)

Today, we will discuss about the Degree of reactions: velocity triangles and we will see in
detail that depending upon the magnitude of Degree of reaction, how we can construct
velocity triangle for the inlet and outlet of the pump. And then, we will briefly discuss
upon that what is the importance of degree of reaction; why we need to know about the
degree of reaction for a pump?

And before we go to discuss about this, you will discuss one problem which is very
important. Probably, I have briefly touched upon that in one of my previous lectures.

So, to start with we will discuss that even if you consider as a pump if it is a radial flow
pump or an axial flow pump whatever it is.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:24)

So, the head develop by the pump, Head develop by the pump which is given by Euler’s
equation for the pump is H is equal to (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔. So, this is the Euler equation
which produces the head being developed by a pump whatever it is. It is a radial flow
pump or it may be a axial flow pump.

Now, if you consider that there is no swirl at the inlet that we have discussed. If there is
no swirl at the inlet, no swirl at the inlet; then, head develop by the pump can be written
𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 /𝑔. In that case since 𝐶𝜃1 = 0. So, this is the expression of head being developed
by a pump whether it is axial flow pump, radial flow pump or mixed flow pump.

Now, even if there is no swirl at the inlet, I mean then we can express by 𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 /𝑔, but if
we have swirl at the inlet, then if we have swirl at the inlet. So, if we have swirl. So, if we
have swirl at the inlet, then 𝐶𝜃1 not equal to 0 whether the swirl is having rotation, I mean
whether of whether the fluid entering to the pump will have different rotation or will have
a same rotation to that which is having the impeller.

𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 −𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1

H= 𝑔

(𝑢2 (𝑢2− 𝑊𝜃2) −𝑢1(𝑢1− 𝑊𝜃1 )

= 𝑔

𝑢2 2 − 𝑢1 2 (𝑢2 𝑊𝜃2 −𝑢1 𝑊𝜃1 )

= −
𝑔 𝑔

that is from the inlet and outlet velocity triangles, I can express 𝐶𝜃2 and 𝐶𝜃1 in terms of
tangential velocity of and the relative velocity on the component of a absolute relative
velocity on the tangential direction.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:47)

So, this is the head being developed by the pump whether it is radial flow pump or axial
flow pump. Now, I am taking a case say let us say case 1, I have solve one problem in one
of my previous lecture. If Case I that is Purely radial flow machine, purely radial flow
machines; if I draw the impeller, then like this and the blade will be extract and if I draw
the velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet. So, this is the blade. So, purely radial flow
machine this is w 1. So, this is u 1; this is w 1; this is c 1 and this angle is 90 degree and
this is c 1. This angle is 𝛼1. So, 𝛽1 = .

Similarly, if I draw the velocity triangles shut the outlet; again I will get velocity triangles
like this. This is u 2; this is c 2; this is w 2 and this angle is 90 degree. Now, so, if I try to
write this expression for this case, rather if I try to write if I try to obtain the head being
develop by a radial purely radial flow machines using Euler equation.

𝑢2 2 − 𝑢1 2
Then, I can obtain H is equal to and note that here for this particular case, I mean

for the inlet outlet velocity triangle from the inlet and outlet velocity triangles u 2 itself is
equal to 𝑊𝜃2 and u 1 is equal to 𝑊𝜃1

𝑢2 2 − 𝑢1 2 (𝑟2 2 − 𝑟1 2 ) 𝜔
H= =
𝑔 2𝑔

So, in that case that is for the purely radial flow machines head developed only by the
Coriolis force. So, in a purely radial flow machines head develop only by the Coriolis force
that is what I would like to say from this exercise. Even if it is not a purely radial flow
machines, suppose now I will take an example of an axial flow machine.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:56)

𝑢2 2 − 𝑢1 2 (𝑢2 𝑊𝜃2 −𝑢1 𝑊𝜃1 )

H= −
𝑔 𝑔

Now, if it is a purely axial flow machine, then no swirl at the inlet. Suppose, if it a purely
axial flow machine. So, if I draw a purely axial flow machines and if it a purely axial flow
machine; so, this is point 2; this is point 1. So, if it is a purely axial flow machine, then
mind it r 1 = r 2; then d1= d 2; that means, u 1 = u 2.

(𝑢2 𝑊𝜃2 −𝑢1 𝑊𝜃1 ) 𝜔(𝑟1 𝑊𝜃1 −𝑟2 𝑊𝜃2 )

H=− =
𝑔 𝑔

So, here the head develop by only this component this one and again, we have been able
to show that we have shown in day that if the blades are design following a logarithmic
spiral; then logarithmic spiral if we follow to design the blade, then for of it can be shown
that this first term is equal to this term from, it will go way. So, that is the case.

So, after having this discussion, now we look we will simply go to discuss about what is
Degree of reaction? So, if I go to my next slide, then we will discuss about the Degree of

(Refer Slide Time: 13:39)

So, Degree of reaction; degree of reaction of pump, so, what is degree of reaction of the
pump and why it is important and particularly from a degree of reaction we can design the
inlet outlet velocity triangle. You can construct the inlet and outlet velocity triangles and
it may help to design also pump.

We know that whenever fluid is flowing through the impeller, I mean then there is a rise
in pressure. Of course, as I said with that pump absorbs energy. So, whenever we run
pumps either using an electric motor or diesel engine, we are giving some energy input to
the system; that means, here rotating the impeller. So, that mechanical energy rotational
that whenever impeller is rotating that mechanical energy is converted or transferred to the
stored energy of the fluid to increase a pressure or velocity whatever it is.

In a pump our prime objective or inter purpose is to develop it that is to develop pressure
by at the cost of some energy that we are going to input either through an electric motor
or diesel engine. So, if our target is to obtain pressure and this how much energy we are
getting. So, whenever liquid is flowing through the impeller, impeller is rotating and there
is there we are having some in input of mechanical energy. So, out of that in mechanical

energy, how much energy you are extracting rather how much energy you are getting in
terms of pressure, pressure head that is very important.

So, whenever it is going whenever water is flowing through the impeller, there are 2
different kind of you know energy if you talk about head, pressure head development of
pressure head; there are 2 different type. One is Static head, another is Dynamic head. So,
degree of reaction which gives an indication about that you know fraction of static pressure
rise out of the total pressure rise in a pump that is whenever a liquid or fluid is flowing
through the impeller of a pump. Then, what fraction of static pressure rise out of the total
pressure rise is there and that information is obtained from the degree of reaction.

So, I can we can define degree of reaction like this that this is defined as the ratio of ideal
static pressure rise, ideal static pressure rise to the ideal total pressure rise right. So,
wherever you are defining degree of reaction which is important which gives us
information about the fraction of static pressure rise is there out of the total pressure rise.
Because whenever we are handling or a whenever a pump handling water, then of course,
our target is to develop phase or have to increase the pressure head of the water that is total
pressure rise. So, out of this total pressure rise, what fraction is the static pressure is that
is obtained from this quantity that is degrees of reaction.

𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒

Degree of reaction = 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒

Total pressure rise = static pressure rise+ dynamic pressure rise

𝑑𝑦𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒

Degree of reaction = 1- 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒

Now, if I draw let us say radial flow pump and suppose, you are drawing an impeller of a
radial flow pump and which is rotating at an angular velocity omega in the clockwise
direction. So, say the impeller is having a few backward card veins and if I draw the
velocity triangles of the inlet and a outlet; then, this is outlet velocity triangles. This is c 2;
this is u 2; this is w 2; this triangle is beta 2; this angle is a alpha 2; this is u 2; this is 𝑊𝜃2
and this is 𝐶𝜃2 .

Similarly, I can draw velocity triangles at the inlet. This is c 1; this is u 1; this is w 1; this
is beta 1; this is alpha 1. So, this is 𝐶𝜃1 ; this is 𝑊𝜃1 and it is rotating at an angular velocity
omega in the clockwise direction. So, we all know about the component of velocities, I

mean absolute velocity, relative velocity, tangential velocity and different angles flow
angles and blade angles. So, can you tell me from this expression what could be the
dynamic pressure rise and the total pressure rise?

So, dynamic pressure rise dynamic pressure rise across the impeller when water is flowing
𝑐2 2 − 𝑐1 2
through the impeller, then dynamic pressure rise will be equal to and total pressure

rise across the impeller, I am talking about. Total pressure rise should be equal to u2 𝐶𝜃2 /𝑔
that is equal to H; if you do not have swirl at the inlet.

So, but for this case, it should be minus u1 𝐶𝜃1 . If we assume, if we consider, if we consider
no swirl at the inlet; no swirl at the inlet, then 𝐶𝜃1 = 0. Then, the total pressure rise will
be equal to H is equal to u2 𝐶𝜃2 /𝑔 .

Now, if I try to put the values of dynamic pressure rise and total pressure rise in the
expression of you know reaction of pump; then what can I write.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:19)

𝑑𝑦𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒

R=1− 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒

𝑐2 2 − 𝑐1 2
=1− u2 𝐶𝜃2 /𝑔

𝑐2 2 − 𝑐1 2
=1− 2 u2 𝐶𝜃2

Since, Q though the impeller is same; it the flow through the inflow through the rotating
passes the rotating impeller, it is as if flow through the convergent divergent part. So, flow
rate has to be same. In some place velocity is higher area is less, velocity is less area is
higher; in some places area is less, velocity is higher. So, this is flow velocity at the inlet
at the inlet. So, Cr2 = Cr1 and from this velocity triangle, what can I write that what can I
write? c 2 square, this is c 2.

𝐶𝑟2 2 + 𝐶𝜃2 2 = 𝐶2 2

𝐶2 2 − 𝐶𝑟2 2 = 𝐶𝜃2 2

If no swirl at inlet C1 = Cr1, Cr1= Cr2

𝐶2 2 − 𝐶1 2 = 𝐶𝜃2 2

𝑐2 2 − 𝑐1 2
𝑅 =1− 2 u2 𝐶𝜃2

=1− 2 u2

= 1− 2 u2

1 𝐶𝑟2 cot 𝛽2
=1− (1 − )
2 𝑢2

So, this is the expression of the reaction of a radial flow pump. Now, we can discuss a few
different cases. So, let us say if I take different values of R. So, first case I will discuss that
when R is equal to 5.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:07)

If R= 0.5

1 𝐶𝑟2 cot 𝛽2
0.5 = 1 − (1 − )
2 𝑢2

𝐶𝑟2 cot 𝛽2

𝛽2 = 90

𝑑𝑦𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒

If R = 0 , R=1− 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒

Dynamic pressure rise = total pressure rise

If R =1

1 𝐶𝑟2 cot 𝛽2
1= 1 − (1 − )
2 𝑢2

𝐶𝑟2 cot 𝛽2

= tan 𝛽2

(Refer Slide Time: 31:48)

H = (𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 )/𝑔

For no swirl at inlet

𝑢2(𝑢2−𝑊𝜃2 )
H = 𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2 /𝑔 = g

= tan 𝛽2

For R =1 , = tan 𝛽2

So u2 = 𝑊𝜃2

For R= 1, H =0

or even if we apply that if I apply degrees of reaction its degrees of reaction 1 and if you
draw the velocity triangle theta 2 and alpha 2 and from there we have been able to show
that for this particular case for if we consider R is equal to 1, then method develop by the
pump will be equal to 0 ok.

So, now I will draw a figure that we have seen that depending upon the magnitude of a R
and of course, the blade this and the blade angle. These 2 are very important to obtain the
head develop by the pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 39:54)

So, now, if I draw R versus beta that is this is blade angle beta and this is R. So, we have
seen that for R is equal to 0.5 this beta is equal to 90 degree right. So, this is 90 degree
when R is equal to 0.5. Now depending upon the magnitude of = tan 𝛽2.

So, depending upon the magnitude ofCr2, flow velocity divided by tangential velocity
flow coefficient is called flow coefficient at the outlet, we can obtain a several values of
the and degree of reaction like this.

So, depending upon the magnitude of Cr2/u2 that is flow coefficient flow velocity to the
you know, tangential velocity, we can obtain different degrees of reaction for different
values of beta that is what this plot is indicating. So, an orderly that depending upon the
magnitude of degree of reaction, we can again construct you know depending upon the
magnitude of degree of reaction, we can again construct we can design the axial flow pump
and that we will discuss in the next class. And I also will discuss of few problems which
are very important that are based on the lectures whatever we have discussed with other
based on the previous lectures, we will walk out of few numerical problems and probably
that problem we will discuss in our subsequent lectures.

Ah And so if I try to now summarize whatever I have discussed today is that we have seen
that for a purely radial flow machines, the head develop by the pump is only because of
the Coriolis force. On the other hand, if you have seen that even if it is a purely radial flow
machines and not only purely radial flow machines, if the blades of a radial flow pump are

designed following a logarithmic spoiler logarithmic spiral, I mean sometimes blades are
designed the following a particular you know step. So, if we use logarithmic spiral to
design the blades, then it can be shown that 𝑟1 𝜔𝜃1 = 𝑟2 𝜔𝜃2 .

we have discuss about the degree of reaction that is very important that that degree of
reaction is very important in the sense that whenever we are using a pump that is a
objective is to develop a pressure. So, whenever fluid is flowing through the impeller, there
is a rise in static pressure as well as a dynamic pressure. So, what pressure that is to that is
a total pressure that is static plus dynamics.

So, the fraction of static pressure, how much fraction of static pressure is developed out of
the total pressure in a pump that information is obtained from the degrees of reaction and
depending upon the degrees of reaction, we can construct velocity triangle and that what
we have discussed today are for different value of R 0.5 and 1. R is equal to 0 is a case
when I know beta 2 is 90 degree that is a purely radial flow machine and for R is equal to
sorry R is equal to 0.5 that we have discussed a purely radial flow machines and R is equal
to 0, where we have seen that the you know static pressure rise I mean is of is equal to 0,
there is no static pressure rise.

And for from a value from a value of R is equal to 1 that a for a value of R is equal to 1,
we have been able to show that the head rise I mean a head develop by the pump is equal
to 0. I mean and then, we have discuss about the at it depends upon the you know Cr2/u2
that is tan 𝛽2 and then, we have tried to plot a value a plot R versus beta and we have seen
that when R is equal to when beta is equal to 90 degree R is equal to 0.5. Now, depending
upon the magnitude of Cr2/u2 are flow coefficient, we have we if we change beta; then,
what will be the degree of reaction that is obtained from this plots ok.

We stop here today and I will discuss, I will continue in the next class.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 12
Radial equilibrium of axial flow machines

Today, we will discuss I mean we will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic
Machines and System Design.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:37)

Today, we will discuss about Radial equilibrium for axial flow machines similar to what
we have discussed like you know that for a radial flow machine, we have discuss about
the slip which is an important phenomenon that is there and because of the presence of
slip, I mean we have a reduction in head being develop by the pump and we have discussed
how we can quantify this slip and that is essentially because of the presence of relative
radial that according to (Refer Time: 01:02).

And today, we will discuss the radial equilibrium whenever in axial flow machines. So,
when fluid is flowing through axial flow machines, if radial equilibrium is not attained,
then what will be the case? And how we can have different cases like for free vertex and
force vertex flow pattern even if radial equilibrium is attained, then what would be the
velocity distribution at the inlet and outlet of the impeller? That we will discuss.

Before we go to discuss about this, today, we will solve one problem related to cavitation.
We have discussed about the cavitation; probably one of my precious lectures and today,
we will take up one problem and we will see that how we can avoid cavitation; I mean
what will what will be the different you know steps, I mean whenever we are installing a
pump in a pumping station. So, we should know about the different cases, different
conditions by how we can avoid cavitation because it is not a desirable phenomenon at all.

So, we will solve one problem related to cavitation.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:01)

So, problem related to cavitation today will solve. So, let me write the problem first of a
radial flow pump, A radial flow pump a radial flow pump with sigma; sigma is Thomas
Cavitation factor. Sigma is equal to 0.4 is designed is designed to develop a head of a head
of 15 meter.

The atmospheric pressure and vapour pressure at the site condition, the atmospheric
pressure and vapour pressure at the site condition, the atmospheric pressure and vapour
pressure at site condition are equivalent to 10.2 meters and 1.1 meters of water

We have to determine the safe setting. So, determine the safe setting of the pump to avoid
cavitation to avoid cavitation in the pumping operation. So, we need to determine the safe
setting of the pumps to avoid cavitation in a pumping operation; that means, whenever

pump is in operation, then what would be the safe setting I mean why pumps will be
installed so that cavitation can be avoided.

It is given that the frictional losses or frictional head loss, frictional head loss in pump
suction side, in pump suction side is 0.5 meters of water. So, this is the problem, we have
to solve that a radial flow pump is installed in a in a station which is with Thomas
Cavitation factor 0.4 and it is designed to develop a head of 1.15 meters.

The atmospheric pressure and the vapour pressure at the site condition that means,
[atmospheric pressure at the site is given and a vapour pressure at that temperature is given.
10.2 meters and 1.1 meters of water respectively. Determining the safe setting of the pump
to avoid cavitation in a pumping operation and it is also given that the frictional losses
frictional head loss in the suction side is 0.5-meter of water.

So, we have to solve the problem. So, we have write that the Thomas Cavitation factor
Thomas Cavitation factor that we have write that equal to NPSH that Net Positive Suction
Head available at you know site because it is a dimension less factors. So, it is divided by
H. What is a NPSH? So, now, NPSH, if we can recall it is Ha the atmospheric pressure
head minus vapour pressure minus static suction heights minus frictional head loss in the
static suction in the suction side.

𝑁𝑃𝑆𝐻 𝐻𝑎−ℎ𝑠−ℎ𝑓−ℎ𝑣
Thomas Cavitation factor 𝜎 = =

So, this is the net positive suction head available in the suction side. Atmospheric pressure
heads minus Vapour pressure minus Static suction heights minus the Frictional head loss
in the suction side. So, this is Thomas Cavitation factor. Now, so, if it is given from the
problem we can see that Ha is given 10.2 meters; H vapour pressure is equal to 1.1 meters
and we need to calculate safe setting that means, where pumps will be installed. So, if we
have a look at the expression of a NPSH rather Thomas Cavitation factor, we can see one
unknown is h s; that means, static that is a suction you know heights.

𝑁𝑃𝑆𝐻 𝐻𝑎−ℎ𝑠−ℎ𝑓−ℎ𝑣 10.2−1.1−ℎ𝑠−0.5

0.4 = = =
𝐻 𝐻 15

hs = 8 m

So, we can see from this calculation that hs should be 8 meter. So, this is the typical
condition. So, I mean if you see that in a NPSH available, we have written the h vp vapour
pressure, you have written h vp that is vapour pressure. It is not a suction pressure at the
suction side. So, putting the value of vapour pressure at the expression of NPSH and we
know the Thomas Cavitation factor is 0.4, if pump needs to develop a head of 15 meters;
then we can see that the static suction height should be 8 meters.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:41)

So, that means from here, we can we can conclude that pump should be that pump should
be; so, I am writing hs that is suction height suction height will be equal to 8 meter; that
means, pump should be located.

So, here I am writing pump should be located in a in such a way in such a way that static
suction lift will not cross or a go beyond 8 meter. So, that means, we can install pump in a
pumping session such that that the static suction lift or static suction height should not go
beyond 8 meters; otherwise there will be a problem.

So, rather I can write that is the maximum suction lift, maximum suction lift by which
pump can be operated by which pump can be operated or pump can run without cavitation
should be 8 meter or less than that. So, this is the completion from the given data, we have
calculated that if pump run pump has to run without cavitation; then static suction height
or static suction lift should not go beyond 8 meter. It should be 8 meter either 8 meter or

less than that. It is advisable that suction heights should be always less than 8 to avoid
cavitation in the pump during the pumping operation ok.

So, we next discuss about we will with this we have solved the problem of relative to
cavitation. Next, we will go to discuss about the Radial Equilibrium in an Axial Flow

(Refer Slide Time: 13:07)

So, this is Radial equilibrium in axial flow machine or axial flow pump. So, I will draw a
schematic of axial flow pump and if I draw a blade; so, this is impeller that is blade plus
half and water is or a liquid fluid is flowing like this, is an axial flow machine.

So, this is an axial flow machines and we have drawn the impeller of a axial flow machine
and this is the direction of fluid flow. So, this is the direction of fluid flow. What do you
mean by radial equilibrium that we will discuss? So, whenever an axial flow machine is
running, then a how you know water is you know I mean a how we develops a and how it
transfer you know transport to water.

So, we will draw our schematic from where we will be having that what are the different
components, we will we will we will come to know that what are the different velocity
components whenever fluid is flowing through the axial flow machine. So, if I draw a
schematic again, suppose this is the. So, this is Cz. So, I am taking small dr; this is r and

this angle is theta; this is dz and this is 𝐶𝜃 this is Cr and p+ dp and this is P and this is angle

So, we have taken you know sectional view of this particular you know blade and we have
seen that whenever liquid is or fluid is flowing through the axial flow machines, there are
3 different component of velocities; c z which is in the axial direction rather we can have
coordinate system over here also. This is z, you know this is r and this is theta.

And we have seen that c z c r and c theta are the components of velocities in the radial,
tangential and the axial direction and we have seen that the pressure is changing within a
small elemental volume dr; I mean the elemental in the sense dr; it is P and d p. So, pressure
at the bottom may p and r at the top p+dp. So, here these centrifugal forces, it is rotating.

𝑚 𝐶𝜃 2
Centrifugal force = 𝑟

Again, if you draw another schematic of an axial flow machine, we will we will come to
know what the pressure distribution are whenever liquid is as the fluid is flowing through
the blades. So, if I draw the impeller again; so, this is the blade and if you take two different
sections; one is far away from the blade, another is far you know behind far behind of the
blade, another is far you know away from the blade. So, here if you draw you know
streamline, like this.

we can see that the streamline are not parallel stream lines are not parallel you know near
the blades, but for upstream and for downstream stream lines are parallel. So, you can
write that streamlines. So, whenever fluid is the impeller is rotating centrifugal force is M
c theta square by r because it is rotating in the theta direction. And whenever fluid is
flowing through you know through the pump rather through the process of the impeller,
then the you know stream lines maybe your stream lines are parallel; may be at for
downstream and for upstream, but stream lines are not parallel you know adjacent in the
blade rather in the near the blade.

So, streamlines are parallel for upstream and for downstream; for upstream and for
downstream. While streamlines are not parallel are not parallel near the blades, near the
blades and near the blades of axial flow machines. So, why is streamlines are not parallel
near the blades maybe for upstream and for downstream, we have seen that the streamlines

are highly parallel, but near the blades streamlines are not parallel. That is because of this
presence of Cr; that means, the streamlines are not parallel near the blades of an axial flow
machines due to presence of Cr.

So, we can say that there is a radical shift of the streamline whenever I mean they are
approaching the blades. So, we can see that they are radial shift due to centrifugal action
of the blade. So, we can see that we can write or write here that there is a radial shift, there
is a radial shift because of the because of the centrifugal action of the blades. So, because
of the centrifugal action of the blades, there is a radial shift near the blades and that is why
streamlines in the blade near the blades are not parallel ok.

So, this radial shift now this I can write that this radial shift wherever is there near the
blades cannot be there if the pressure force balances the centrifugal force. So, force due to
pressure defines the balances the centrifugal force, there may not be a radial shift of stream
lines whenever they are approaching to the blades. So, so far we have seen that whenever
liquid is or fluid is flowing, stream lines are parallel for upstream and downstream, but
near the blade there is a radial shift that is stream lines are not parallel. That is only because
of the presence of centrifugal force.

Now, I am telling that if the pressure force; so, it is rotating continuously. So, if pressure
force balances you know centrifugal force this radial shift can be you know minimized or
radial shift can be seized.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:55)

So, I am writing now again that you know if pressure; so, if pressure defined. So, the
pressure force I am telling a force due to pressure balances balance the you know a
centrifugal force, centrifugal force; then, stream lines becomes parallel, then stream lines
become parallel.

So, we have seen there is a radial shift due to pressure difference. But if we if the radial
shift is only because of the centrifugal force. We have seen the radial shift it is centrifugal
action of the blades and if the pressure force balances the centrifugal force, the stream lines
might become parallel. So, that means, we can see that we can that is you can say that in a
rotating flow where the force due to radial pressure gradient is equal to the centrifugal

So, I can see, I can write that in a rotating flow in a rotating flow where the force due to
pressure difference balance or pressure difference I can write force due to radial pressure
gradient force due to radial pressure gradient is equal to is equal to this centrifugal force,
then it is called so we are having a radial equilibrium. That means, we have seen that
because of due to centrifugal action there is a radial shift of the stream line.

But if because of the radial pressure gradient; so, in a rotating flow where the force due to
radial pressure gradient balance or force due to radial pressure gradient is equal to the
centrifugal force. Then, the radial it is called Radial Equilibrium. It is called Radial
Equilibrium or that is called Radial equilibrium is attained. That means, whenever liquid
is flowing or whenever fluid is flowing through a in a through the impeller of an axial flow
machine, for a upstream for downstream stream lines are parallel, but when they are
approaching the blade or near the blade stream lines are not parallel because of the
centrifugal action.

Now, if there is a you have seen that there is a radial pressure gradient. So, force due to
radial if the force due to radial pressure gradient is equal to the centrifugal force. Then
radial equilibrium is attained and it is called Radial equilibrium. So, what we can see that
that if centrifugal force equal to difference in pressure, then I mean c r will be 0. I mean
that means, so that is what we have you know retain that Cr is 0 near the section of blade.

So, if the centrifugal force, if the centrifugal force is equal to the difference in pressure,
then C r = 0. That means, that that means, radial equilibrium is attained; radial equilibrium

is attained. So, if the centrifugal force is equal to the difference in pressure in that section
then Cr = 0 and radial equilibrium is attained.

So, there will not be any Cr. So, under therefore, we can see that under radial equilibrium
condition right, what we have seen? Force due to centrifugal action will be equal to the
you know force due to radial pressure gradient. So, that is you know force due to
centrifugal action will be equal to force due to radial pressure gradient right.

So, so far whatever we have what you understood that in a rotating flow when the force
due to radial pressure gradient is equal to the centrifugal force, then I mean we can switch
the radial shift of the stream lines that is it is called radial equilibrium. So, that means, we
are having equilibrium in a radial direction and in that case Cr = 0. Cr is the component of
velocity in the radial direction. So, on the radial equilibrium condition, we can see rather
we can say that the force due to centrifugal force will be equal to the force due to radial
pressure gradient.

So, if we now want to quantify this I mean if you would like to give a mathematical form
this; form of this you know equilibrium condition. Then, we need to go back to the
previous slide where we have drawn you know sectional cross sectional you know view
and we had seen that if we consider this particular cross section and then, what it is a
centrifugal force acting on that particular element and what is the force due to radial
pressure gradient?

So, the centrifugal force acting in that particular element and the force due to radial
pressure gradient even acting on that particular element, if we make this come to
components equal; then we can obtain the expression of radial equilibrium you can obtain
the mathematical expression for the radial equilibrium condition.

𝑚 𝐶𝜃 2
= (𝑝 + 𝑑𝑝 − 𝑝) ∗ 𝑟𝑑𝜃 ∗ 𝑑𝑧

m = 𝜌 𝑟 𝑑𝜃 𝑑𝑧 𝑑𝑟

𝐶𝜃 2
𝜌 𝑟 𝑑𝜃 𝑑𝑧 𝑑𝑟 = 𝑑𝑝 ∗ 𝑟𝑑𝜃 ∗ 𝑑𝑧

𝑑𝑝 𝜌 𝐶𝜃 2
𝑑𝑟 𝑟

So, this is the volume this is the volume multiplied by density. So, this is the mass and so,
if I write this expression again. So, what I can write?

(Refer Slide Time: 30:59)

So, we will now discuss about that how we can write it in terms of be you know that is dp
dr is always positive what it signifies. I mean it signifies that pressure increases towards
the tip. So, if I again draw you know if I draw you know in impeller. So, this is the blade.
So, dp dr always positive; that means, in that if I take this is the r direction, then pressure
is always increased increases towards the top. So, this is plus sign.

So, dp dr is always positive that is pressure increases towards the tips, towards the tips.
This is half; this is tip. So, dp dr in the direction of r pressure gradient is positive, that
means pressure always increases towards the tips.

Now, if I now apply Bernoulli equation; so, what I can write? The total pressure, I mean
if I apply Bernoulli equation now from Bernoulli equation. So, we have seen from the
radial equilibrium equation that the pressure gradient is always positive; that means,
pressure increases towards the tips.

Now, I would like to see the expression of total pressure and then, I will try to delay that
expression in terms of the c theta square or that is a tangential velocity. So, I will write the
radial equilibrium equation in terms of the total pressure.

Total pressure Po = P + 2 𝜌 𝐶 2

= P+ 2 𝜌 [𝐶𝑟 2 + 𝐶𝜃 2 + 𝐶𝑧 2 ]

So, under radial equilibrium condition, as is said in that, I would like to express the radial
radial equilibrium equation in terms of the stagnation pressure or total pressure. So, under
radial equilibrium condition, since under radial equilibrium condition Cr= 0; then I can
write that

Po = P+ 2 𝜌 [ 𝐶𝜃 2 + 𝐶𝑧 2 ]

So differentiating wrt r

𝑑𝑃𝑜 𝑑𝑃 1 𝑑
= + 𝜌 𝑑𝑟 [ 𝐶𝜃 2 + 𝐶𝑧 2 ]
𝑑𝑟 𝑑𝑟 2

1 𝑑𝑃𝑜 1 𝑑𝑃 1 𝑑
= 𝜌 𝑑𝑟 + [ 𝐶𝜃 2 + 𝐶𝑧 2 ]
𝜌 𝑑𝑟 2 𝑑𝑟

1 𝑑𝑃𝑜 𝐶𝜃 2 1 𝑑
= +2 [ 𝐶𝜃 2 + 𝐶𝑧 2 ] {Radial equilibrium equation for incompressible flow}
𝜌 𝑑𝑟 𝑟 𝑑𝑟

(Refer Slide Time: 36:11)

So, this the equation as I said that I would like to express this radial equilibrium equation
in terms of the total pressure and after doing some I know steps I mean after having some
steps, we have arrived at another equations; another equation which is known as Radial
equilibrium equation for the incompressible flow.

Now, it would be nice if would can express the equation for the compressible flow also.
Because sometimes in a axial flow compressor, we need to you know handle here. So,
what would be the radial equilibrium equation for the compressible flow, now you should
look into that?

So, total pressure or stagnation pressure whatever as I should said that you know this P is
the static pressure and Po is the total pressure. So, here P is the static pressure that is what
you obtain from the relief it will be a equations and P naught is the total pressure or
stagnation pressure total pressure.

So, this is what is the radial equilibrium equation for the compressible incompressible
flow. Now, we should try to express this equation when the flow is compressible.

(Refer Slide Time: 40:40)

So, for compressible flow; so, for compressible flow; so, for compressible flow, what
would be the equations? We know that

T ds = dh - 𝜌 𝑑𝑃

𝑑𝑃 = 𝑑ℎ − 𝑇𝑑𝑠

𝑑𝑃𝑜 = 𝑑ℎ𝑜 − 𝑇𝑑𝑠

1 𝑑𝑃𝑜 𝐶𝜃 2 1 𝑑
= +2 [ 𝐶𝜃 2 + 𝐶𝑧 2 ] for incompressible flow
𝜌 𝑑𝑟 𝑟 𝑑𝑟

𝑑ℎ𝑜 𝑑𝑠 𝐶𝜃 2 1 𝑑
−𝑇 = +2 [ 𝐶𝜃 2 + 𝐶𝑧 2 ] for compressible flow
𝑑𝑟 𝑑𝑟 𝑟 𝑑𝑟

So, this is the equation for compressible flow. So, this is radial equilibrium equation for
the compressible flow. So, this is Radial equilibrium equation for compressible flow. Now,
here you know as I said that Po a total pressure stagnation pressure is equal to static
pressure plus half rho c square; if Po is not varying with radius, then suppose this is the
equation for the incompressible flow.

(Refer Slide Time: 44:41)

So, I can consider one case that total pressure total pressure P naught is not varying along
the radius, along with radius.

So, if total pressure Po is not varying along with the radius, then = 0. Then, the radial

equilibrium equation even for the incompressible flow becomes, then radial equilibrium
equations for compressible for incompressible flow for incompressible flow becomes

𝐶𝜃 2 1 𝑑
+2 [ 𝐶𝜃 2 + 𝐶𝑧 2 ] = 0
𝑟 𝑑𝑟

So, this is the radial equilibrium equation for the incompressible flow, when pressure total
pressure is not varying along with the radius right. So, now, we will discuss about a few
cases; so, whatever we have derived, we have derived the radial equilibrium equation.
What is the radial equilibrium? Equilibrium for the axial flow machines; that means, in a
rotating flow I mean in a flow through axial flow machines, there is a radial shift of the
stream lines near the blade for upstream and found for downstream blade for highly for
upstream and for downstream, you have stream lines are highly parallel, but when there
approaching the blade there highly there is a radial shift.

Now, this radial shift is only because of the centrifugal force and we have seen that it force
due to radial pressure gradient balance the or is equal to the centrifugal force, then this
radial equilibrium or the radial shift can be ceased rather radial equilibrium is attained.

We have tried to quantify rather we have tried to mathematic give a mathematical form of
the radial equilibrium equation where force due to radial pressure gradient is equal to the
centrifugal force and from there, we have derived the radial equilibrium equation for the
incompressible flow and also we have try to express this equation when the flow is in flow
is compressible.

We have seen that when total pressure or stagnation pressure is not changing rather is not
varying along with the radius, then I mean what will be the form of this radial equilibrium
equation for the incompressible flow that that is what you have also derived. And now, we
will discuss a few cases; that means, first of all I will discuss case for the free vertex flow,
what will be the equation? So, case - I, I will discuss Case - I that is for free vertex flow,
for free vertex flow.

Case 1: for free vortex flow

r 𝐶𝜃 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡

For free vertex flow, we know r c theta is equal to constant that is a K is equal to constant.
That means, we are now trying to see if the for a free vertex flow is no vertex in the flow,
then if we I mean if we from the radial equilibrium condition; then what would be the
velocity distribution at the inlet and the for upstream for downstream?

So, the for the free vertex flow r c theta is equal to you know constant and your all your
also has being that the total pressure is not varying along with the radius. Then, from this
equation let say this equation is A and from this equation. So, from equation A, we can

𝐶𝜃 2 1 𝑑 1 𝑑
+ 𝐶𝜃 2 + 𝐶𝑧 2 = 0
𝑟 2 𝑑𝑟 2 𝑑𝑟

1 𝑑 1 𝑑
(𝑟 𝐶𝜃 2 ) + 𝐶𝑧 2 = 0
2 𝑟2 𝑑𝑟 2 𝑑𝑟

Now, we would like to apply if the flow is force vertex that is for a force vertex flow since
r c theta, r c theta will be constant. So, we will go to the next slide and we will write again.

(Refer Slide Time: 50:09)

So, we have seen that the radial equilibrium equation when total pressure is not changing
along with the radius, the radial equilibrium equation for incompressible flow can be

1 𝑑 1 𝑑
(𝑟 𝐶𝜃 2 ) + 𝐶𝑧 2 = 0
2 𝑟 2 𝑑𝑟 2 𝑑𝑟

So, this is the equation for the radial this is the radial equilibrium equation for
incompressible flow when total pressure is not changing along with the radius. Now, as I
said special case free vertex flow. So, for free vertex flow r c theta k is equal to constant;
that means, this first term will be 0.

So, if I apply this equation for a free vertex flow, then you obtain half d dr of c z square
equal to 0.

1 𝑑
𝐶𝑧 2 = 0
2 𝑑𝑟

Cz = constant

That means, if I plot the velocity distribution, suppose if I am drawing the axial flow
machines and if I draw the impeller and this is the blade. So, pressure total pressure or
stagnation pressure is not changing along with the blade and if I draw for upstream here c
z is not changing. Here also c z not changing. From this, we conclude that the component
of velocity in the axial direction is not changing with r; that is not a function of r. But 2
different locations you know if may change.

So, but at section A and section B B c z and c z change. So, suppose c z 1 is not equal to c
z 2, but at section B and B prime c z 1 and c z 2 does not change with radius. So, this is
what is about the conclusion. If I radial equilibrium equation for a free vertex flow and
then, we can see that that c z 1 naught equal to c z 2; but at a section B or section B prime,
c z 1 and c z 2 does not change with radius.

So, that is what is conclusion and what will be the distribution of 𝐶𝜃 . Say if I write here
the distribution of c theta because we have considered free vertex flow; so, distribution of
𝐶𝜃 . So, if I draw again and impeller and blade.

So, r 𝐶𝜃 = 𝑘; so that means, that means, we will have a velocity distance like this. that if
with increasing r that is r 𝐶𝜃 decreases.

So, we have obtained distribution of c theta, distribution of c theta and distribution of c z

at for upstream and downstream we have seen that the c z is not a function of r. So, at any
given section at any given you know radial location c z is not changing is remaining
constant is not function of r rather. But c z and c z may vary in the axial direction.

So, c z 1 is not equal to c z 2 and you have you have also I know seeing the distribution of
c theta because it is a free vertex flow. So, of course, with increasing r, c theta will decrease
and that is c theta changes. From here we can change the c theta changes with r with r and
profile is profile is hyperbola. But c z does not change with r.

So, this is a conclusion that we apply a radial equilibrium equation for an incompressible
flow where total pressure is not changing along with a radius. If our special case is that the
flow is free vertex flow, 𝐶𝜃 Cr radial equilibrium is attained. So, Cr has to be 0; 𝐶𝜃 is
changing with r. I mean you know profile is hyperbola that is with increasing r, 𝐶𝜃
decreases and Cz is not a function of r.

So, c z is remaining uniform at any section that is for upstream and downstream; but their
magnitude may differ if you go from downstream to upstream ok. And another case will
be the force vortex flow another case will be the force vortex flow and we will discuss this
case in the next lecture. So, I will stop here today.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 13
Radial equilibrium of axial flow machines II

We will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:37)

We have discussed about Radial Equilibrium for axial flow machines and we have derived
the equation when radial equilibrium is attains considering incompressible flow as well as
compressible flow. And eventually, we have arrive at that when pressure is not changing,
total pressure is not changing along the radius, then what is the radial equilibrium
equations. And from there we have discussed a case, when the flow is a free vortex flow;
that means, whenever flow is flowing through an axial flow machines and flow is free
vortex flow, what are the velocity, what is the velocity distribution? That is I mean axial
velocity distribution in the axial direction as well as the radial direction.

Today, we will discuss another case where the flow is for vortex flow and we will solve
the radial equilibrium equation to see the velocity distribution whenever fluid is flowing
through an axial flow machine. So, yesterday, we have discussed about a case when the
flow is free vortex flow.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:34)

So today, we will see; what would be the velocity distribution whenever flow is passing
through an axial flow machines for a forced vortex flow. So, today we will discuss about
another case that is case 2; that is forced vortex flow forced vortex flow.

So, for a forced vortex flow, what will be the velocity distribution? Whenever flow is
passing through the impeller of an axial flow machines that is what we are we are going
to in analyze. So, now, for a forced vortex flow, we know that is equal to constant. So,
for a forced vortex flow, we know that is equal to constant; let us say K that is for the

forced vortex flow that is for the force vortex flow.

So, this is important that for forced vortex flow is equal to constant. Now if I try to

recall the equation for the radial equilibrium, I mean whenever in a total pressure is not
changing along the radius, then if I try to recall the equation for the radial equilibrium. So,
equation for radial equilibrium; equation for radial equilibrium for a case that is for a
incompressible flow and when pressure the total pressure is not changing at the total
pressure is not varying along the radius.

𝐶𝜃 2 1 𝑑
+2 (𝐶𝜃 2 + 𝐶𝑧 2 ) = 0
𝑟 𝑑𝑟

we know that if we draw the again an axial flow machine, then this is the blade and this is

that means, whenever radial equilibrium is attain, then the centrifugal force is getting
balance by the radial pressure gradient and the radial you know c r become 0. So, this is
the radial equilibrium equation. Now if I apply that if we try to obtain the velocity
distribution that is 𝐶𝜃 and Cz; of course, we can obtain for a forced vortex flow; what
should be the distribution of c theta, but what will be distribution of Cz from this radial
equilibrium equation, then now I am going to consider is equal to constant.

𝐶𝜃 2 1 𝑑 1 𝑑
+ (𝐶𝜃 2 ) + (𝐶𝑧 2 ) = 0
𝑟 2 𝑑𝑟 2 𝑑𝑟

1 𝑑 1 𝑑
(𝑟𝐶𝜃 )2 + (𝐶𝑧 2 ) = 0
2𝑟 2 𝑑𝑟 2 𝑑𝑟

1 𝑑 𝑑
(𝑟 𝑘)2 + (𝐶𝑧 2 ) = 0
𝑟 2 𝑑𝑟 𝑑𝑟

𝑑(𝐶𝑧 2 ) = − 4 𝑘 2 𝑟 3 𝑑𝑟 = −4 𝑘 2 𝑟𝑑𝑟

𝐶𝑧 2 = −4 𝑘 2 𝑟 2 + 𝐴

𝐶𝑧 = √𝐴 − 4 𝑘 2 𝑟 2

(Refer Slide Time: 06:41)

(Refer Slide Time: 07:34)

So, it is it is seen from this expression it is seen that therefore, a forced vortex flow say for
a write that for forced vortex flow; for a forced vortex flow for a forced vortex flow c z
that is the component of axial velocity which decreases with radius with and with the order
of; with the order of. So, for a forced vortex flow Cz decreases with radius with radius
with the order of with the order of −4 𝑘 2 𝑟 2.

So, that is in a forced vortex flow c z decreases with radius with the order of K square r
square, but you have seen that in case of a free vortex flow that we have discussed in the
last class that for a free vortex flow you know that c z is not function of r that is c z is equal
to constant.

So, for a free vortex flow, we have seen that if radial equilibrium is attained then forced
when axial flow machine c z is not a function of r, but c z might change along the axial
direction, but in case of a forced vortex flow is a decrease with radius with an order of K
square r square. While since c theta and c theta what about the tangential component since
𝐶𝜃 𝐶𝜃
=k ; that means, if r increases is equal to constant so; that means, if r increases c
𝑟 𝑟

theta will increase c theta will increase.

So, this is the variation of 𝐶𝜃 and cz for a forced vortex flow pattern that is for a forced
vortex flow is a decreases with radius while c theta will increase with increasing r now I
will briefly discuss something about the you know stagging. So, you know that in a
sometimes we need to do staging; what is staging?

So, if I write the what is stagging very very important, sometimes, we need to go for
stagging that is when a particular you know pump is not in a position to meet the demand,
sometimes we require higher you know head or something then we need to stagging is
done to rise in the pressure. So, this stagging is done; stagging is done to rise in pressure
to rise in pressure and to prevent shock loss this is very important.

So, sometimes we know that that I will discuss today again about this what again for axial
flow machines sometimes we need to go for a stagging; that means, only to increase or
rise the pressure and to prevent shock loss; so, that efficiency; so, that the efficiency of the
machine can be increase. So, that the efficiency of machine is increased. So, what is

Basically 5 to 6 impellers are mounted on a shaft, on a common shaft 5 to 6 impellers are

mounted on a common shaft and there will be a one rotating stator and rotor just like this
I am drawing. So, for a axial flow machine, sometimes, you go for staging, sometimes, we
need to go for say radial flow machine sometimes we go sometimes we need to go for a
serial parallel operation that we will discuss in my next lecture. But stagging is done to
rise in pressure whenever it is very difficult to meet the demand of the system.

So, we need to go for stagging that is 5 to 6 impellers are mounted on a shaft while there
will be a stator part that is hanging from the casing. So, if I draw the schematic again now
suppose this is axial flow machines. So, there will be some stator and there will be on;
similar thing will be here that we will have. So, this is known as stator and this is rotor.
So, rotor is rotating with shaft. So, rotor is rotating with shaft and stator is fixed with
casing, as I said fixed with casing. So, as I said that sometimes stagging is done; that
means, you know this a 3 stage this is called 3 stage.

So, impellers are you know mounted in a common shaft. So, that this is let us say this is 3
stage or 2 stage, this is 2 stage, there will be a stator which will be hanging from the casings
or fixed with the casing and then rotating rotor with rotating with the shaft. So, this is I
mean impellers which few impellers are mounted on a shaft only to rise the pressure and
to prevent shock loss so that efficiency of the machine can be increased.

We will discuss a few cases I mean this is of reaction whenever we are having stagging, 2
stage or 3 stage and I mean and what is also known as cascading probably in one of my
next lectures. So, with this I stop here about these discussion about radial equilibrium of

an axial flow machines and we will continue our discussion on the next topic that is the
series and parallel operation of a pump and will try to work out few at least few problems.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 14
Pumps Operation: Series and Parallel, Problems – II

(Refer Slide Time: 00:36)

We will continue our discussions on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design.
Today we will discuss about, Pumps Operation that is Series and Parallel connection of
the pumps and will work out one or two problems, which are related to the, you know,
theories that you have discussed in my previous lectures. So now, sometimes we need to
go for series and parallel operation of pumps, why we need to go for series and parallel
operation? It is very important we need to know, in particular there are many industries,
where there is a pump house sometimes. Whenever and you know pump house may be
one or two pumps are walking and in a standard on mode or they are walking together.
There might be a situation when one or you know, one pump is not able to cater or is not
able to meet the demand of the system and then we need to go for an installation of another
pump, that pump may be similar to the pump, which is there in the pumping station or
sometimes you have different kind of pump, but we need to you know, connect those
pumps either in series or parallel.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:37)

So, we need to know the series and parallel operation of the pump. So series and parallel
operation of the pump, this is very important operation of pumps, because we need to
know, when we need to go for series and parallel operation and even we go for a series
and parallel operation. If, we need to connect two similar pumps in series or two similar
pumps in a parallel then, what would be the head or discharge characteristics or sometimes.
As I said that, we may need to install another pump with the existing pump house of the
existing pump where the new pump is not, new pump is different that different from the
existing pump. In that case, if we connect two dissimilar pumps in series or parallel, then
what would be that head discharge characteristics that we need to know.

So, before I discuss about the pump characteristics, when a single pump is operating or if
two similar pumps are connecting in series or parallel. I will now, briefly discuss about,
why when, why and when, we need to go for this kind of operation. So, series is series
operation of a pump, this is very important. Series operation of a pump, I will discuss
systematically series operation of a pump; series operations. Whenever may be as I said,
that there are two important characteristic of pump one is head another is discharge. So,
whenever we are installing a pump in a pumping station, either radial flow pump or axial
flow pump, normally axial flow pumps are used in a place, where we require low head and
high discharge.

Otherwise generally, you go for radial flow pump, where you need you know relatively,
you know moderate to high head and discharge is low. So but, sometimes it might happens
that we need to have relatively higher discharge from the same pumping station then, what
should we do? Or sometimes it may require that, we need higher discharge from the same
pumping station. So, it is always advisable to use the same pumping station in a industries,
it is always advisable to use same pumping stations, instead of to go for a new pumping
stations. Because there might be a space constant or if we go for a new pumping station
again, we need to employ another operator and that is again costly. So, it is always
advisable to use the existing pump house, if we can connect another pump, may be similar
to the pump, which is there or dissimilar pump either in series or parallel mode. So, series
operation is required, when you need to go for, I mean may be discharge is remaining
almost same, but we need to go for a higher head.

So, for the same pumping station may be the head developed by the pump is not able to
meet the demand or meet the system demand then, we need to connect two pumps in series,
essentially to raise the pressure. So, if we connect two pumps in series, I am drawing the
schematic, suppose one pump is drawing water and this pump is you know discharging let
us say, Q amount of water, Q meter cube per second and output rather delivery from one
pump is again taken to the inlet of another pump. This pump may be similar to the previous
pump or may not be similar to the previous pump.

And then we eventually, get the final discharge. So, may be this is sump and from this
sump this sump or this reservoir, pump A is, you know drawing water and that water is
again fed, is fed in to the you know and pump B and then ultimately, we get the you know
Q amount of water, this is Q and finally, we get that same product, but with relatively
higher to meet the system demand.

So, suppose if H 1 is the head developed by the pump A and H 2 or let us say, H 1, I do
not know, whether the pump B will be similar to the pump A or may not be similar to the
pump A. So, if another suppose. If, I consider pump B is similar to pump A and then again,
pump B will try to rise H 1 head, then ultimately, we will get H 1 plus H 1, that is we will
have connecting series. So, head will be developed. So, series of operation is done
essentially, to rise to rise pressure head, to rise pressure head for almost same discharge;
for almost same discharge.

We will see the discharge will be changed for same discharge is am writing almost, I am
writing the word almost, because we will see that the discharge will change, I mean what
fraction it will change, that will see the discharge will be relatively higher, I mean, why it
is going to be higher that will discuss. So, the objective of having series operation of a
pump is to essentially, develop higher head for a same discharge and whenever either two
similar pumps are working or two dissimilar pumps are working.

Whenever two dissimilar pumps are working then, connection is little bit you know
complex, but when two similar pumps are working, then these are very, I mean not very
problematic, but when you go for parallel operation sometimes, you need to go for parallel
operation may be as I said, you that radial flow pump, radial flow pump are normally used
for moderate to high discharge, but relatively low heads, low discharge moderate to high
head and low discharge. So, whenever relatively radial flow pumps are installed, it always
provides moderate to high head and low discharge. But may be after sometimes because
of new units in a industries, because of other purposes we need to have higher flow rate
from the same pumping station. So, then again, we go for parallel operation, that is we in
parallel operations. Suppose, we are having one pump, which is drawing water from the
sump and from the same sump again, we are connecting another pump in parallel mode,
this pumps and these pumps are again connected at delivery at the delivery point and it

So, this is this pump is providing Q, this pump is also providing Q amount of discharge.
So, we may get 2 Q head, let us say remaining h. So, for pump A and for pump B, now
pump A and pump B, may not be equal to pump A and pump B. Pump A and pump B may
not be the same or may be different. So, when pump B is different from pump A then, we
need to go for parallel operation, but in that case, our you know connection will be
relatively you know complex.

So, now whenever we go for parallel operation then, what will be the head discharge
characteristics that we need to know and that is what will discuss slowly. Now question is
if we go for; that means, both the pumps are drawing water from the same reservoir and
both the pumps are discharging Q amount and ultimately, at the delivery we are getting 2
Q amount, against the head of H. So, this is very important. So, we need to while you go
for parallel operation that is to provide or to supply, to provide or supply, higher flow rate,

higher flow rate for same head. Again I am writing for same head almost, but head will be

So, that will see from, the scheme from the H cube characteristics that, if we go for series
and parallel operation objectives are different. That is in series operation, we need to go
for higher head at a given or constant discharge, but discharge might change that will see.
While for parallel operation, we need to go for a relatively higher discharge at a same head,
but same head will be changed ok. So, these are the objectives and will now discuss, if we
connect two pumps two similar pumps in series mode or two dissimilar pumps in series
mode then, what will be the discharge characteristics? Ok. So, let us first discuss about the
series operation of two similar pumps then, what will be the head discharge characteristics.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:52)

So I am writing that series operation of two similar pumps. So, series of operation of two
similar pumps, as I said you that series operation two similar pumps, objective is to provide
higher head. Suppose if I draw, the H cube characteristics as I said that are two pumps.

So, this is H and this is Q. So, we are having one pump, let us say, A and we are having
another pump, this is B so, this is Q, this is Q, this is I mean this is drawing water from a
reservoir. So, this is pump A and this is pump B. So, whenever pump A is drawing water
from a reservoir and it is supplying or it is supplying that amount of water in the suction
side of another pump B and eventually, you are getting high head. So, may be the two
similar pumps so, head developed by both the pumps by H. So, if I draw the draw, the H

Q characteristics for a single pump. Let us say H Q characteristics for a single pump is like
this so whenever, this is for a single pump, this is for a single pump. So, this is for a single

Now there will be a system resistance. So, may be this pump in station is supplying water
or in different places whereas, I know that the total system resistance, that is total H
system= Hstatic + k Q2. So, total frictional loss into Q square. So, if I draw the system
resistance curve, we will get like this. So, this is the static height, this is the static height
and this is, this is the dynamic this parabolic shape is for the dynamic, you know resistance
and this is the operating point. Let us say, this operating point is P. Now, how to construct,
how we can construct when two similar pumps are operating in series? As I said you the
objective is to get higher head for a given discharge. So, discharge will remain same that
is our, you know that is the key point.

So, suppose single pump now if I draw the, you know H cube curve, when two similar
pumps are walking in series then for a given. So, drawing of the H Q curve for two similar
pumps is for a given Q, for a given Q head will be added for a given Q, head will be added,
for a given Q, head will be added.

So, now for a given Q if I add the head then probably, I may get a system, I may get the
curve like this. I have a curve like this. So, when this is the curve, when so; that means, if
I get let us say, this is the Q 1, this is Q 2, this is Q 3, just for a given Q, I have added up
the H. So, this again schematic, this is not there for the scale, but the objective, but the
procedure is two for the given Q, just we are adding the head. So this is, when two similar
pumps are running in series.

So, this is the H cube curve, when two similar pumps are running a series. Now, note that
here as I said you, the objective is to obtain higher head, but the discharge remains same,
but this is not the case that I will discuss now. Now see here the system resistance curve
cross, the new H Q curve at this point. Let us say, if you see it is P 1. So, new operating
point, new operating point will be P 1. So, new operating point will be P 1. So, if I now
obtain the head or you know discharge corresponding to that point P 1, we can see fine I
have obtained higher head, maybe I have obtained higher head, I have obtained higher
head. Let us say, this is the new, H new and this is the Q new. So, note that fine for a given
Q, I have obtained the higher head, but not only that now the new Q is getting increased.

So, the Q, not Q will not remain same, but there will be a little increment of Q, why now
question is Q should not be increased that much, because whenever two pumps are running
the system resistance curve is like this and new operating point is P 1. So, this is true that
ok. Because now, suppose one person is, if I give an example suppose, one person is you
know, you know pulling some amount of you know mass. Now, if that mass is you know
another and one person is pulling some amount of mass, if two persons pulling the mass
again, the amount of mass that will be pulled by two persons will be higher.

So, similar to that here whenever one pump is drawing water from the reservoir, that pump
will draw Q amount for a given head, but when two pumps are drawing water from
reservoir, there will be little amount of increment of water, that is true. Now question is
whenever there will be an increment of water that is it, it is deliberately getting high
discharge, either is if we recall that the total resistance system curve is having two parts,
one is the static part another is the dynamic friction, that depends upon Q square. So,
whenever there will be an little increment of Q, because of the two pumps are drawing
water from the same reservoir. So, as Q increases, the system resistance curve will be
stiffer. So, although this is the new system, this is the system resistor, this is my new system
resistance to relatively much stiffer and in that case, our operating point will be shifting
towards. Let us say, this is P 2 and will get another head and this point will be new Q, this
is Q corresponding to P 2.

So, our initial point, where you obtain the head and discharge was at, you know
corresponding to point P, you know corresponding to point P. Now what we are obtaining,
whenever we are having two pumps in series initially, operating point is P 1, but as I said,
whenever two pumps are drawing water, Q will be higher as Q increases, frictional loss or
dynamic loss will increase which will make the system resistance stiffer and it will have it
will now, eh give us a new operating point P 2. So, the head and discharge corresponding,
to the point P 2 will be the actual and here still we can see, that head will be relatively
higher, that is what our objective is, but there will be a little increment of Q. That is why,
we obtain, so that is why, I wrote that Q will remain almost same, it would not be same,
there will be a little increment of Q, but the head will be increased.

So, this is all about the when twos, you know pumps are similar pumps are connected in
series. We will discuss later that, when two dissimilar pumps are connected in series.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:21)

So, with this again we go for when two pumps, two similar pumps are connected in
parallel. So, now two similar pumps, again am talking about radial flow pumps so, two
similar pumps are connected in parallel. So, when two similar pumps are connected in
parallel beginning, at the beginning, I said the objective of having parallel operation is to
have higher discharge at a same head; again will see that head may not be remain same,
but will see from the graph. So suppose, if I draw the schematic suppose, one pump is
drawing water from a reservoir. Let us say, this pump is A and another pump is also
drawing water from the same reservoir and they are connected, they are discharging to the
same delivery line and eventually, you are getting two Q.

So, this is twice Q. So, head developed by pump, both the pumps are same supposed,
pump A and pump B. So, head developed by both the pumps are same these are two similar
pumps. So, if I now, draw the H Q curve for a single pump. So if I draw, the H Q curve,
for the single pump. So, this is Q, this is H. So suppose, this is, the H Q curve for a single
pump. So, this is H Q curve for a single pump and again these pumps are installed in a
station. So, of course, there will be system resistance. So, if I assume, this is the static
height. So this is static height, that pump needs to raise or overcome and also, there will
be dynamic loss that is the, this is the point. So, this is system resistance curve, so, this is
system resistance curve. Now our operating point is this point. So, this is our operating
point let us say, P and the discharge and head corresponding to this operating point is our
H operating and Q operating.

So, this is point P. So, the head and discharge corresponding to this operating points H
operating and Q operating at the head and discharge that, we obtain if a particular pump is
running in the in that system. Now if, we connect another sim, another pump, which is
similar to the previous pump in parallel then how can, we construct the H Q curve. So here
as, I said that H will remain same, but only the Q will be added so for the you know, keys
for a given H, Q will be added, for a given H, Q will be added. So if I draw let us say, this
is H, H 1, this is H 2, this is H 3. So, corresponding to this Q phi add, maybe I will get,
this one, I will get this one, I will get this one and I will get this one. So our, you know
shut off head will remain same will get like this. So, here this is the curve, where two
pumps are running in parallel.

Note that, here shut off H will remain same, because both the pumps are having same
characteristics, so I mean, here if you add Q is 0. So, if you add 0 plus 0 so, it will remain
0, so shut off head will remain same, but if I go back to my previous slide where you can
see that even at the shut off head, if you add the head, when discharge is 0 and then if you
had shut off head add the shut off head then it will increase, that is your here curve look
like this. So, here, when two pumps are running in parallel then again, I get this curve, now
question is here we see that, our new operating point is P 1. So, P 1 is our new operating

So, the discharge and head corresponding to new operating point is of final discharge and
final head that, we are going to have. So, if we now take the discharge and head
corresponding to this P1, so HP1 and QP1, so now, QP1 is the actual discharge that we are
going to have, whenever two pumps are running in parallel and because system resistance
will remain same somehow.

So, we are not going to add any kind of more system resistance will be high, because as
probably for the new pump, we need to install new valve, new vents all those things. So,
system resistance will be little bit changed, but if we consider the same system resistance
then probably, we will get this Q P 1 and corresponding head. Note that, our objective was
to obtain a higher flow rate at a same head, but if you, if you look at this diagram probably,
we can see ok. Fine, we are in we are getting higher Q, but H is also getting increased.

So as I said, you that H will remain almost same, that is almost because there will be a
little increment of H, that is quite obvious. Because you know, two pumps are giving you

know flow rate. So the you know, head that will develop by both pumps will be not added
here exactly, but still there will be increment on the you know head. So, this is the
operation. So, what is a conclusion that, whenever two similar pumps are running in
parallel, we are getting higher discharge that is true, but H is no longer remains same, there
will be a little increment of H also and because since two pumps are running. So, may be
two pumps are giving, providing discharge and so there will be, little increment of it. Now
will go, we will go to see, what will be the H Q characteristics, when two pumps are
running in series and parallel, but they are not similar.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:50)

So, we will go to our next slide and we will discuss this very important than you know,
when two similar, two dissimilar pumps are you know running in series and parallel. So,
two dissimilar pump pumps, are running in series and parallel, this very important. Before
I go to construct the H Q curve, let me tell you one important thing, I am telling from my
own experience although, I have a very tiny experience because, I was there in industry
for over a very small period. So, from there, I have seen that, it is very difficult to have
similar pumps. So, may be in an industry, whenever an industry was you know when
pumping was you know developed or built that time, may be some radial flow pumps are
installed over there to caterer to meet the cater water in the industry different parts of the
industry, different places of the industry.

May be after 10 years or 15 years down the line, if that industry requires relatively higher
head or higher flow rate, then of course, it is common practiced that the industry people
will try to use the same pump house, if space is there. Because of two reasons, one reason
that I said you that one may be the space constant. Other is, having another pump house;
again very you know there are two different costs one is running cost another is the, one
time you know constructional cost. So, whenever we need to go for another pump house
construction cost is there not only that, if we have another pump house then again, we need
to employ another new operator. Because one operator cannot be you know, cannot handle
you know, operation in two different pump houses, so that is the running cost. So, it is
always advisable rather, it is always suggested that, we should need to go for installation
of another pump in the same pump house.

Unfortunately, if the pump which was installed may be 20 years back, 10 years back, that
was having characteristics, but now because of you know, long after long period, if we do
not get the same characteristics, same H Q curve of the pump then, we need to have another

So, if we have another pump, which is not matching with the existing pump, then of course,
we have to have some solution, because we need to install with the same pump house as
demanded by industry people. So in that case, we need to go for installation of a dissimilar
pump with the similar pumps, and for that what will be the H Q characteristics, that we
need to know, this is very important and this is very common. Because having two similar
pumps, whenever we are installing a particular pump, if we install initially to similar
pumps in series or parallel that is fine, but after 10 years, 20 years down the line series, it
is difficult to have similar pumps, it is a difficult to procure similar pumps.

Because the you know pump supply may not supply that same pumps. So we need to go
for different pumps, which we need to install, we need to connect with the existing pump
(Refer Time: 28:55) either in series or parallel, depending upon the requirement. So, when
we install a dissimilar pump either in series or parallel, then what will be the H Q
characteristics? That we need to know, that is very important for the industrial
applications. So suppose, I am drawing again a schematic, say one reservoir is there and
one pump is drawing water from here.

Let us say, pump A. So, this is pump A and this pump is now connected with another pump
in series. Now, this pump, this existing pump let us say A and it is, let us say developing
head H. Now we are going to install another pump, let us say B in series, where head
developed by the pump will be H 1 and Q might be different, but we have to supply the
water in the delivery points. So, this is the case, when pump A is not similar to pump B.
So, when pump A is not similar to pump B, but still we need to go for series operation
then, what will be the H Q curve?

So, if I now draw let us say, we are drawing H Q curve. So, this is H and this is Q. So
suppose I have a pump, let us say pump is this is let us say pump A. H Q curve for pump
A and if we have another pump say, if we have another pump may be like this and this is
H Q curve for pump B. So, we have H Q curve for pump A and we have H Q curve of
pump B which are not same, but as I said you that it is quite common that we have to
accept it that we have installed one pump 20 years back and probably that pump
manufacturer. When he pumps up, when the pump manufacturer supplied that pump, the
pump manufacturer itself is not existing now.

So, we have to now procure another pump probably, we can provide data to the new
manufacturer, but that pump manufacturer may not be able to make or design a pump,
similar to what that is there in the existing pump house. So, eventually you have to have
another new pump, but still we need to connect this pump, eh these two pumps in series.
So, this is the H Q curve for pump B and this is the H Q curve for pump A. This is for
pump A and this is for pump B. So, if now you would like to connect these two pumps in
series. So, the key points will remain same that is what is the key point where when we
connect two pumps in series. That means, for a given Q, for a given Q, H Q will be added.
So, for a given Q, H will be added.

Now see if we connect this, two pumps in series of course so, whenever Q is 0. So, we
need to add the shut off head. So, suppose if we add the shut off head for these two pumps,
will get shut off head here. So, this is the new shut off head. So, this is H shut off, H shut
off for pump A. And this is H shut off for pump B, if we connect this two pumps in series
probably we have, I get a new shut off H shut off, when two pumps are connected in series
that is A plus B.

So, now if you would like to for a given Q; let us say, for if we divide Q 1, let us say, Q 1,
Q 2, Q 3, Q 4. So Q 1, Q 2, Q 3, Q 4 like this then, if we add up the head then, what will
get mind it that up to this; we can add the Q. So, this is the last, let us say Q 5. So I will
get up to this so this is the Q this is the Q. So, up to this here Q is Q 5 and this Q. So, I will
get a curve like this, but after that it will follow after that it will follow the characteristics
of the pump B. So this is the curve, when pump, pumps A and B are connected in series.
Why it will be like this? So as I said you, up to Q 5, we have just added, but here Q 5 is
whatever amount of Q 5, if we add this, but after that no Q.

So, it has to follow the same, you know profile for pump A. So, up to this point, we are
having the profile just we are adding the Q. So may be, I mean for a given Q adding H.
So, here Q is this one and if we add, so here, H is this much and here H is this much. So,
we just adding this H, after that I mean for a given Q, no I mean this; pump B is having
no, no head development. So, you know combined operating characteristics, the combined
curve will follow the profile of pump A, after this critical point. Let us say, this point is
M, because after this point, pump B is not in a position to deliver any Q. So, how you can
add the H, so this will be the pump, when two pump similar, dissimilar pumps are
connected in series. So, if we have let us say, system resistance like this so I mean if we
are system resistance is like this then, probably will get the operating point here.

(Refer Slide Time: 36:47)

So, when one pump was here we are having now the operating point definitely you may
get higher head ok.

So, now will discuss, when two you know dissimilar pumps are running in parallel. So,
when two dissimilar pumps are running in parallel, this very important again. So I need to
draw for schematic, before if I go to draw the H Q curve. So, as I said you suppose this
pump A and we are having another pump B, both are connected in parallel. So, this is
drawing Q, this is drawing Q 1, this is Q 2 and ultimately will get, Q 1 plus Q 2, but may
be this is pump A, this is pump B, but they are different H 1. Let us say, this is H 1 and
this is H 2. So this, two pumps are having different characteristics. So, and then suppose
the two same pumps whatever we are added in the series operation, the two same pumps.
Now we are connecting in parallel then, what will be the H Q curve?

So, if I draw the H Q curve, again then so this is Q, this is H. Suppose one pump is having
characteristics like this. So, say this is pump A. So, if I go back to my previous slide. So,
this is for pump B and this is for pump A. So, this is for pump, let us say pump B and we
are having another curve that is for pump A.

So, this is for pump A. So, this is shut off head for pump, this is H shut off may be this is
H shut off, may be shut off for pump B and this is H shut off for pump A, then how can
we connect this two pumps. You know in parallel that we need to know. So, the key point
is remaining same; that means what is the key point? When you are connecting two pumps
in parallel point is for a given H Q will be added for a given H, Q will be added. So, pump
A and pump B, both pump both the pumps are connected in parallel and then if we connect
this to pumps in if we like to draw the H Q curve then, what will be the H Q characteristics?
So, for a given H Q will be added mind it, this two pumps are connecting in parallel. So,
shut off head for pump A is shut off head for pump B this is for this is for A, this is for A
and this is for B. So, shut off head for pump B is higher.

So, whenever we are connecting because, Q will be added here Q is 0. So, for a given H,
so it will follow the curve like this. So the, you know new curve will follow. So, Q will be
added Q here is 0. So, if we add the Q 0. So, up to this point, the new resistance curve will
follow like this then, from here if you add Q 1 plus Q this, then it will be like this. So, up
to this point because this is Q 0 and up to this point, we if we would like to Q. Then up to
this point no Q for pump, because pump s starts supplying Q from this point and in that

case, if we add this 2 Q from this point it will be like this. So, this is the curve, when two
dissimilar pumps, pumps are in parallel why? So, this is M point M, because up to point
M Q will be added, because Q is 0 up to point M, which is supplied by the pump A.

So up to point M, the combined curve will follow the profile of the pump b and then only
if you add up Q, it will the profile will be like this. So, this will be the, you know combined
characteristics, characteristics H Q curve, when two pumps are connected in series and
now if you have a system resistance then, it will be like this. So or operating point will be
here, so, may be our operating point. So, here it will be the operating point. So, this pump
will be the imparting head like this.

So, this will operating point and the head discharge corresponding to operating points of
the discharge and head will what we are expecting to get. So, this is the you know mistakes,
how we can draw H Q curves and whenever two dissimilar pumps are connected in series
and parallel that you have discussed, this is very common because always we need to go
for installing or a connection up to dissimilar pumps to rather than, similar pumps.

So with these discussions, I stop here today and will continue our discussion in next class.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 15
Pumps Operation: Series and Parallel, Problems – II

So, today we will solve a few problems that we could not solve in my last lectures. So, I
will solve one problem for axial flow machines. So, before I go to solve the problems on
axial flow machines I will briefly discuss about a few important features whenever fluid
is inclined axial flow machines.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:44)

So, I am writing problem it is very important on axial flow machines. So, if I draw the
schematic of axial flow machines again. So, this is the hub plus blades that is impeller of
an axial flow machines, fluid is flowing in the axial direction and machine is rotating in
this direction.

And if I take a streamline; so this is 2 and this point is 1; so 1 and 2. So, you know here
stream lines are parallel you know to the axis of rotation, to the axis of rotation. So, here
streamlines are parallel axis rotation. So, before I go to solve the problem here, I will
discuss that now radius r1 = r2. So, you know half and tips; So, radius r1 = r2 therefore,
the blade speed u1 blade speed at the inlet will be equal to blade speed u2 blade speed
outlet since you know RPM is same.

Flow area at inlet Q1 = 4 (𝐷𝑡 2 − 𝐷ℎ 2 ) 𝐶𝑧1

Flow area at outlet = 4 (𝐷𝑡 2 − 𝐷ℎ 2 ) 𝐶𝑧2

So, now flow area at the inlet; flow area at inlet and outlet are equal; that means, flow area
at inlet and outlet are equal; that means, it will give Cz1=Cz2 So, why? Because flow area
at the inlet and outlet are equal this will give Cz1 = Cz2 this is from the continuity equation.

Because from continuity Q1 = Q2 is equal to constant right. So, from continuity Q1 = Q2

=K .

(Refer Slide Time: 05:23)

So; that means, if I go to the next slides; so, the flow velocity that means flow velocity at
inlet and outlet will be equal; will be equal that is in implying Cz1 = Cz2. So, this is the
condition we get from this you know analysis.

That means, if we talk about flow through axial flow machines then since the flow area at
inlet and outlet are constant and from the continuity Q1 = Q2. So, it will imply that the
flow velocity at the inlet and outlet has to be equal that is Cz1 = Cz2. So, this is the
condition rather this is the conclusion what we get from this analysis this will be important
while you are solving a problem for the axial flow machines.

Now, we will discuss one problem one axial flow machines and that is very important. So,
will discuss one problem I will write the problem; so, flow through rotor, flow through

rotor of axial flow fan right. The tip diameter tip diameter of fan is 1.1 meter; half diameter
is equal to 0.8 meter.

It is given operating speed sorry it will be axial flow pump; it is axial flow pump at tip
diameter of the pump is 1.1-meter half diameter is given operating speed of the pump is
equal to 1200 rpm. Absolute inlet angle is given 60-degree, blade inlet angle is equal to
given 30-degree, blade outlet angle is equal to given 60 degree.

Use mean diameter of the blade; use mean diameter of the blade rather using mean
diameter of the blade; we have to calculate one volume flow rate; volume flow rate Q,
number 2 rotor torque, number 3 absolute outlet angle, number 4 power required. So, these
4 quantities we have to calculate based on the data given. So, we need to solve the problem;
so, we will solve the problem, now we will solve that solution.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:46)

So, volume flow rate volume flow rate Q1 = Q2 = Q whatever it is will be

(𝐷𝑡 2 − 𝐷ℎ 2 ) 𝐶𝑧2 whatever we can calculate.

Rotor torque T = m (𝐶𝜃2 − 𝐶𝜃1 ) Rm

So, R m is the mean radius because bit is given that we have to consider mean radius. So,
this will be the rotor torque and finally, if we calculate power then power P will be torque

into omega. So, that the answer of 4 that will get Newton meter per second what whatever
will that that will obtain that is the power.

Now, we have to solve the problem by drawing the velocity angles. So, now, am drawing
the velocity angles of inlets and outlets. So, if it is an axial flow machines or axial flow

So, we have obtained, and this is the half diameter D h and tip diameter will be like this.
So, this is the tip diameter Dt; so, you have obtained Dt and Dh, but what is given? We
have given flow angle absolute angle absolute flow angle 𝛼1 = 60 degree is given, 𝛽1 =
30-degree, 𝛽2 = 60 degree.

𝜋 𝐷𝑚 𝑁 𝜋∗ 0.95∗1200
U1=U2 = = = 59.7
60 60

So, to obtain flow rate we know Dt we know Dh only thing we need to know either Cz1
or Cz2. So, if take the inlet velocity angle; so which one is the alpha 1 is the 60 degree.
So, this angle is 60 degree; so, from inlet velocity triangle from inlet velocity triangle we
obtain Cz 1. So, this is the Cz1 and this is this is Cz2.

= tan 𝛽1

𝑊𝜃1 = 𝐶𝑧1 cot 𝛽1

𝐶𝜃1 = 𝐶𝑧1 cot 𝛼1

U = 𝑊𝜃1 + 𝐶𝜃1 = (𝐶𝑧1 cot 𝛽1 + cot 𝛼1 ) Cz1

So, from here we can calculate c z 1 is equal to u divide by cot alpha 1 plus cot beta 1 and
it will give a value of because u = 59.7 and if I put the value of cot alpha 1 and cot beta 1
cot 60 degree plus cot 30 degree will obtain the value of 25.9 meter per second. So, we
will obtain at flow velocity at the inlet will is 25.9 meter per second, knowing the value of
this continuity we can go to calculate Q; Q 1.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:42)

𝜋 𝜋
Q= 4 (𝐷𝑡 2 − 𝐷ℎ 2 ) 𝐶𝑧2 = (1.12 − 0.82 ) ∗ 25.9 = 11.6 𝑚/𝑠

So, this is the answer for the flow rate we will obtain now we need to calculate another a
few quantities that is a torque. To calculate torque what we need to know you know we
need to know the value of 𝐶𝜃2 and 𝐶𝜃1 that is the very important.

= 𝑠𝑖𝑛60

C1 = = 29.9 𝑚/𝑠

𝐶𝜃1 = 𝐶1 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼1 = 15 𝑚/𝑠

Cz1 = Cz2 = 25.9 m/s

𝐶𝑧2 𝐶𝑧2 25.9

𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛼2 = = =
𝐶𝜃2 𝑢2−𝑊𝜃2 59.7−𝐶𝑧2 cot 𝛽2

{𝐶𝑧2 = cot 𝛼2}


T = m *(𝐶𝜃2 − 𝐶𝜃1 ) *Rm = 201Nm

Power P = T. 𝜔 = 25.3 kW

(Refer Slide Time: 22:05)

So, essentially what we have to calculate? For the key is for axial flow machine flow area
at the inlet and outlet are equal which will give that flow velocity at the inlet and outlet are
equal. And from the given data we have to calculate different components of you know
velocity right component of axial velocity in the tangential direction at the inlet and outlet,
component of electricity at the tangential direction at inlet and outlet; from there we can
calculate all other quantities and we have to solve the problem.

With this, I stop here, and we will continue in the next lecture.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture - 16
Affinity laws, specific speed

So, we will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design.
Today we will discuss about Affinity Laws and Specific Speed. So, affinity laws and specific
speed which are very important, at least someone should know about this whenever pumping
system design or pump operation is important, in fact whoever is designing pump and operating
pump, they should know about this.

So, before I go to discuss about affinity laws and specific speed, it will be nice if I discuss
about one another aspect that is you know that Buckingham's pi-theorem who was very
important which gives us a few pi terms; that is how we can make few dimensionless term,
how we can club together few variables to form a dimensionless term and which will give us
an important clue about the affinity laws for a given values of other parameter.

So, now question is whenever we talk about fluid machines, in all the fluid machines flow is
occurring through a closed conduit, not over the free surface. So, instead of considering there
are so many other variables. So, when you are talking about an affinity, you know
Buckingham's pi-theorem there are so many variables when we talk about let us say if we talk
about a pump. There is a diameter of the pump, then speed of the pump, density of the fluid,
viscosity of the fluid, fluid properties, flow properties and there are many other properties like
pressure and also the energy per unit mass.

So, these are very important parameters and also the head developed by the pump. Now, since
in almost all the fluid machines, fluid is not occurring over the free surface. So, it is always
advisable to consider g h term together instead of considering h as the separate variables
because acceleration due to gravity does not appear as a separate various variable.

So, if we consider g h as a, this if I club together, these two terms pair it acceleration due to
gravity and head developed by the pump since acceleration due to gravity and in that case
acceleration due to gravity won't appear as a separate term and this is quite logical because
pump on hydraulic machine flow is not occurring over a free surface.

So, now we will discuss about what do you mean by Buckingham's pi-theorem and how using
Buckingham's pi-theorem, you can form a few dimensionless term rather pi terms and from
there we will discuss what is the, what is the affinity laws, what is the affinity law and how
using this affinity law we can predict the different other parameters. As I said you that, in a
pump most important parameter discharge and the head being developed by the pump so may
be whenever pump is running at a given speed, we can have one certain, we can have certain
discharge and certain head development. If someone closes the valve of the pump, operant
pump, pump speed might be it decreases.

So, if the pump is operating different other speed, then what would be the head and what would
be the discharge? It is not possible that we should carry out test at each and every speed. So,
someone should know that if we know the quantity that at a rated speed and using the affinity
law, we can predict what would be the head discharge at different other speed than that rated
speed. That is what the affinity law predicts.

So, before you we go to discuss about this, let us first discuss about the Buckingham's pi-
theorem. How we can create, how we can form a few dimensionless term from a few variables
which are very important. When we are talking about pumping system or pump operation, so
that there are a few parameters. So, if I write a few parameters, I will write in later, but let me
discuss about what Buckingham's pi-theorem is.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:23)

So, this is very important Buckingham's pi-theorem.

What is this? This is very important. So, I am writing not only for the flow through of machines
in any case any fluid flow phenomena we can use Buckingham's pi-theorem to create to form
a few dimensionless term. So, I am writing that if in any flow phenomenon, in any flow
phenomenon if there are n variables n variables. Let us say a1, a2 up to an and those are
connected by relations connected by relations. Let us say function of a1, a2, up to an = 0
containing these variables, containing these variables and containing these variables are
nothing else that pure numbers and nothing else, but pure number pure numbers and if these
variables. If these variables are described with m described with m fundamental described with
m fundamental dimensions, m fundamental dimensions, then they can be grouped into they can

be grouped into (n- m) dimensionless term dimensionless term or these dimensionless terms
are known as 𝜋 terms.

These dimensionless terms are known as 𝜋 terms, such that such that 𝜑( 𝜋1, 𝜋2 ….. 𝜋𝑛 − 𝑚)
= 0 and each of this 𝜋 term, each of these 𝜋 terms contains not more than m plus 1 variables.
So, this is Buckingham's pi-theorem. So, in any flow phenomenon, it is not necessary in that
flow has to occur through a pump. What are any flow phenomenon? If there are n variables
like a1, a2 upto an connected by the relations that f a 1 to upto a n is equal to 0 continuing this
variables and nothing else, but pure numbers and if these variables are described with m
fundamental dimensions and then, they can be grouped into n minus dimensionless term or 𝜋

Each of this 𝜋 term contain not more than m +1 variables very important is when you talk about
pump. So, when you talk about pump flow through a pump, then what are the variables? So,
here I am listing down flow through a pump. Since, before I go to discuss about affinity laws,
I would like to see how I can create a few 𝜋 terms, how dimensionless term whenever fluid is
flowing through the pumps.

So, let us first see what are the whenever fluid is flowing through the pumps, what are the
variables? So, flow through a pump, then what are dimension, what are the variables? As I said
you see flow through a pump is not a open surface flow or free surface flow. So, instead of
considering g as the separate term, I can club together g and h.

So, acceleration if I do that, then acceleration due to gravity should not appear as a separate
term. Of course, diameter of the impeller will come into the picture. So, this variable is
diameter, diameter of the impeller, then specific speed of the pump speed of impeller diameter
speed of pump, then rho is very important that is density of the liquid being handled by the
pump density of fluid 𝜇 viscosity of fluid being handled by the pump is very important, because
these are the important quantity that we should know.

Then, as I said we will instead of considering h, I can club together g h. This term is very
important and then, head developed by the pump club booked with clubbed with the
acceleration due to gravity, then what are the terms these are the diameter. Then, p is what that
is the power, this is the power. Then we can consider what that is. You can consider e that is
energy per unit mass, energy per unit mass. So, this p is the power, this energy power unit mass.
So, these are the terms we can club together, I mean these are the variables.

So, these are the variables and we should now apply Buckingham's pi-theorem to group to form
a few dimensionless term or pi terms out of these variables and how we can apply pi terms that
we that we will now discuss. What are the procedure of applying Buckingham's pi-theorem?
So, out of these variables there are some fundamental dimensions are there. So, we will have
may be here we are having 7 variables.

So, if there are 3 di, the fundamental dimensions, then 7 – 3 = 4 pi terms we will obtain. After
having this 4 pi terms, we will now discuss about the affinity laws and will discuss that if pump
is let us say 1 pump is tested at a given speed and there and then, if we obtain let us say the
head being developed by the pump is h and pump is discharging a few amount of product at
that speed. If I would like to run pump at a different speed from that rated speed, then how
without having any more testing of the pump how I can predict that what will be the head and
discharge at that speed. That we can calculate in using the affinity loss.

So, now I will before since our objective is to now obtain a few dimensionless terms out of this
variables flowing variables, so what are the procedures for applying Buckingham's pi-theorem?
That is very important that we should know. So, I will now write what are the procedures of
applying Buckingham's pi-theorem.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:54)

So, now I will write procedure of applying Buckingham's pi-theorem. So, this is very important.
So, as if first one list the list the n variables list, the n variables and note their dimensions and
note their dimensions this is very important. So, first of all that is what I have discussed just
now that if we have a, if we consider flow through a pump, then what would be the variables
whatever you have listed down that is d rho mu n p e all those things and we need to know their
dimensions, then 2 is very important.

Find out the number of fundamental variables, find out the number of fundamental variables m
to be used to describe the variables. So, we have to find out the number of fundamental
variables m and these fundamental variables will be used to describe the variables. Now, if
either MLT, right MLT that we know mass, length and time or FLT we know that is used to
describe these two or different dimensionless term are used to describe used to describe used
to describe the variables, used to I mean if either MLT or FLT system is used.

This system either in MLT or FLT system is used system is used. M is equal to 3 and because
fundamental dimensions are 3, either NLT or FLT, so either can either you can use either MLT
or FLT. If we use this and m will be fundamental variables will be m as I see and the number
of and the number of pi terms to be formed will be n – m = n - 3 . So, I can use either MLT or

So, in that case if n is a variable and then, the number of pi terms that will be formed will be n
minus 3. Number 3 is very important. Select 3 of these variables select 3 of these variables this
is very important. Note that non-dimensionless and each with different dimensions such that
all of the, such that all of all of the 3 fundamental dimensions. All of the 3 fundamental
dimensions fundamental dimensions either MLT or FLT dimensions should be included
collectively by the selected variables should be included collectively by these variables. These
variables are called repeating variables.

These variables are called repeating variables and they appear in each term and they appear in
each pi term 4. So, this is very important. Select 3 of these variables, none will be
dimensionless, and each will have different dimensions, such that all of these 3 variables. All
of these 3 fundamental dimensions MLT FLT should be included collectively right by these

So, we have to select 3 of these variables and these variables are called repeating variables and
then, they appear in each pipe terms. So, that means we have to select 3 variables such that
none should be dimensionless and each with different dimensions while at the same time and
the fundamental dimensions should be included collectively by these variables. We will discuss
this issue again when we will solve the, when we will use this theorem to form a few pi terms
whenever flow is flowing through a pump.

4 is the first pi term. The first pi term can be expressed can be expressed as the product of as
the product of as the product of 3 repeating variable as the product of three repeating variables
each raised to an unknown exponent and another variable raised to a known power say 1. So,
again we will see this very important, the first pi term can be expressed product of the repeating
variables each raised to an unknown exponent and another variable raised to a known power
say 1. So, this we will discuss while again we are executing this thing to obtain a few pi terms
while you are taking example of a flow through pump.

Number 5, this is very important. Repeat the process 4 for the other pi terms. So, this was 4
was for the first pi terms that we have to repeat it, because you may have few pi terms. So, we
have to repeat process 4 for the other pi terms each time taking a different variable, different
variable along with the 3 repeating variables along with the 3 repeating variables. So, we have
to repeat, because we may have a few pi terms. So, the first pi term can be expressed product
of this repeating variables each raised to exponent and variables raised to another, variable
raised to a raised to a known power let us say 1.

We repeat the process 4 for other pi terms by taking different variables along with 3 repeating
variables. So, may be whenever the variable what variable we have considered to obtain the
first pi term, we should not consider. So, we have to consider other variables and we have to
repeat the process and along with the repeating variables. And finally 6 is very important.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:28)

6 is very important that for each pi term for each pi term, for each pi term solve for the unknown
exponents, unknown exponents by invoking by invoking dimensional homogeneity
dimensional homogeneity. So, we have to take for which pi terms we have to solve the
unknown expression by taking dimensional homogeneity. I am writing some helpful
relationship. Any pi term may be replaced by any power of that term including pi to the power
minus 1. Any pi term may be replaced by multiplying it by a numerical constant. Any pi term
may be expressed as the function of the other pi terms.

So, here I am writing some helpful relationship what is those any pi term may be replaced by
any power of that term that term including pi minus pi 2 pi to the power minus 1. Number 2
any pi term may be replaced by multiplying it by a numerical constant. These are very
important helpful relationship and the number 3 is any pi term may be exposed as a function
of other pi terms, other pi terms.

So, here are few helpful relationships that any pi term may be expressed as a function of other
pi terms. So, we will execute to apply this same and to form a few dimensionless term whenever
fluid is flowing through a pump, and we have listed down the variables when for a case. And
we are discussing a flow pump and we will try to discuss; what are the fundamental dimensions

either taking MLT or FLT of a fundamental system. And then, if these 3 are fundamental
dimensions, I mean then what will be the pi terms.

We have to out of this, we have to consider few repeating variables and then, we will proceed
to obtain a dimensionless term. And then, having or out of having this pi term, we will discuss
about how affinity laws help us to obtain pump head or pump discharge whenever pump is
operating a pump is running at a speed which is or which is not exactly at a rated operated

With this, I stop here today and we will continue our lecture in the next class.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 17
Affinity Laws, Specific Speed – II

We will continue our discussion on Affinity Laws and Specific Speed. But as I said that
before I go to discuss about the affinity laws, we have tried to analyze one another
important aspect of you know fluid flow through any closed conduit is the dimensional
analysis that is Buckingham pi theorem. So, today we will work out a case when fluid is
flowing through a pump and if we apply Buckingham pi theorem, then what are the pi
terms whether dimensionless term we can obtain. And from there we will see that from
those pi terms we will try to explain what the affinity laws are.

That means, if we know that one pump maybe it radial flow pump or axial flow pump,
whenever one pump is rotating at a given speed and if we get a certain particular discharge
and head at that speed or at that rated speed. Now if you would like to quantify the rate
you know another I mean if you would like to quantify head and discharge head and
discharge at another speed at a different speed than the rated speed, then how we can
quantify without doing any experiment.

Because it is not possible to carry on you know true, you know rather to do experiments
at each and every time, rather it is not possible to test at each and every speed to quantify
the head and discharge. So, using affinity law, we can predict that what will be the head
and discharge if we know the head and discharge at any rated speed.

So, as I we have understood that before we go to discuss this, we now need to know what
the dimensionless term are we can you know form whenever liquid is or fluid is flowing
through a pump. And to do that we have discussed about Buckingham pi theorem and we
have yesterday we have discussed about the theories, I mean what are the procedures of
applying the Buckingham pi theorem and also we have discussed a some useful
relationship. So, today we will consider that whenever a fluid is flowing through a radial
flow pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:28)

So, let us say a fluid or an incompressible fluid is flowing through the impeller of a radial
flow pump or any pump rather of a impeller of a pump. Now what are the variables involve
with this and out of this variable what would be the repeating variables and what are the
what fundamental dimension we will consider obtaining the pi terms that we will work out

So, whenever an incompressible fluid is flowing through a impeller of a radial flow pump,
we can list down the you know list up variables. So, if we recall that yesterday we have
you know discussed about the procedures step wise. So, initially that is a first step we need
to list down the variables involve with these you know case. So, number 1 is list of
variables. So, list of variables we need we need to know. So, what are those? One is D that
is impeller diameter then speed of the pump, we have discussed about an incompressible
fluid so, maybe density of the fluid is rho viscosity is mu then we can consider as I
discussed that instead of considering h as a separate variable, because in most of the fluid
machines fluid is flowing through a closed conduit.

So, it is not an open surface flow. So, we can club together g and H and that will help us.
So, we can consider g in to H, also we can consider E that we have written that E is energy
per unit mass of the fluid and of course, you know that is P power and this 3 variables, that
is D, N, P; D, N, rho, mu, g H, E and P. So, these are the variables we can consider also
for another important quantity that we did not write till now that is Q because Q is very

important we need to know that is discharge. So, head discharge speed and then diameter
of the so, diameter of the impeller D. So, we now listed down the variables.

The next step is what is the next step if you can recall, that we need to find out the list of
variables and as well as the dimensions. So, if I now write in a tabular form. So, we will
write these. So, initially variable we are writing variables, then their unit and another
important thing is as I discussed we need to follow fundamental dimensions either M L T
or flt whatever it is so, that is dimensions. So, these 3 are very important before we try to
figure out a few pi terms or dimensionless term using Buckingham pi theorems
dimensions. So, the first quantity is Q.

So, if I write Q that is discharge of course, the unit is meter cube per second; unit is meter
cube per second. So, Q is discharge unit is meter cube per second and what will be the
dimension? If we follow M L T suppose we are following fundamental dimensions,

Variables unit Dimension

Q(Discharge) m3/sec L3T-1

N speed rpm T-1

gH m2/s2 L2T-2

D m L

𝜌 density Kg/m3 M L-3

𝜇 viscosity Pa-s ML-1 T-1

P power watt ML2 T-3

E energy m2/s2 L2T-2

So, we have listed down the variables we have written their units and we have written also
the dimensions following a fundamental dimension M L T now. So, this is the first step
that we have carried out. So, next what is the next step? If we follow the yesterday, we
have clearly written the procedure of Buckingham’s pi theorem then what are the next
step? Next step is we now need to select 3 repeating variables.

We now need to select 3 repeating variables none are dimensionless and each with
different dimensions. So, if we follow our you know previous lectures I know where we
have listed down the procedures the steps, then after listing down the variables writing
their unit and dimensions, now we need to select following the fundamental dimensions
M L T, and we need to know what will be the repeating variables.

While you are selecting repeating variables, I am writing while you are selecting repeating
variable this is very important, repeating variables none dimensionless none dimensionless
and each having an each with different dimensions; each with different dimensions. So,
this is very important.

So, while you are selecting repeating variables from these variables, we need to consider
that none are dimensionless and each of them will be having different dimensions. Now
from these we can select 3 repeating variables and these repeating variables appear will
appear in each pi term. So, we need to now select repeating variables and then these
repeating variables should appear in each pi terms.

So, here what are the total variables that if we know m. So, m is the number of variables
total m is the sorry n is the number of total variables. So, n is the number of variables is
equal to how much we are having total 8. So, here we are having total variable 8; and we
need to select m that is repeating you know m is number of fundamental dimensions;
number of fundamental dimensions.

So, we have 8 variables and number of fundamental dimensions are 3 M L T. So, we will
get n minus m that is we will get 8 minus 3 that is we will get 5 pi terms or 5 dimensionless
terms we will get 5 number of or 5 pi terms or 5 dimensionless terms. So, now, what you
have to do that we need to select repeating variables and we will go to our next slide. So,

out of this 3 out of these 8 variables, we are now selecting a repeating variables criteria is
that none are dimensionless and each with different dimensions.

(Refer Slide Time: 13:54)

So, we are selecting repeating variable repeating variables, we are selecting for this
particular case as D diameter of the impeller, speed and rho density. Note that all these
repeating variables will appear in each and every pi terms and here every variable I mean
repeating variable is not dimensionless they are having dimension and their dimensions
are not equal. So, diameter is meter speed rpm T power minus 1 density k v power meter
cube. So, their dimensions are completely different, and all are dimension dimensional.

So, we now need to proceed for or we now need to proceed towards obtaining a few pi
terms, and the number of pi terms that we are expecting to get from this exercise is 8 minus
3 that is 5. So, now, question is while we are selecting these repeating variables note that,
here these repeating variables are geometric variables flow property and fluid property.
So, here we have selected 3 repeating variables one is geometric, you know geometric
variable that is diameter, fluid property or flow property.

So, these 3 very important during diameter, density and the speed. So, these 3 repeating
variables D N and rho and then you need to follow another step, what are what is the next
step? Then first pi term can be expressed as the product of this repeating variables, if I can
recall thus you know steps number 4 that the first pi terms suppose I would like to have
first pi terms pi 1, this is the first pi term.

This is first pi term can be expressed as the product of repeating variables each with, but
each rest to an unknown exponent. So, I am writing the first pi term again I am writing the
first pi term can be expressed as a product of repeating variable and each raised to a
component, each raised to an unknown component to an unknown component, and another
variable that is very important raised to a known component raised to known component
say 1; known component say 1. So, we had rather we have 8 variables and we have
considered 3 repeating variables.

So, we are left with 5 variables that is we can form 5 pi terms. So, while you are having pi
terms, this pi terms can be expressed as a product of repeating variables each raised to an
unknown component let us say a 1 b 1 a 1 to 3 or x 1 x 2 x 3 whatever it is that is up to
you and another variable we need to take out of this 5 variable we need to take another
variable that will rest a known components let us say 1.

𝜋1 = (𝐿3 𝑇 −1 )1 𝐿𝑥1 (𝑇 −1 )𝑥2 (𝑀𝐿−3 )𝑥3

M0L0T0 = (𝐿3 𝑇 −1 )1 𝐿𝑥1 (𝑇 −1 )𝑥2 (𝑀𝐿−3 )𝑥3

Now, what we need to do next is very important. So, we have now, you know expressed
that what would be the first pi terms, and we have followed the procedure. So, what will
be the now next step? Next step is considering dimensional so, this is very important this
is very important. So, these is very important. So, what we have to see now I am writing
considering dimensional homogeneity, because left hand side is M power 0 L power 0 T
power 0, right hand side is also having M L T with some other unknown components.

Let us say x 1 x 2 x 3 or I do not know that we need to know. So, considering dimensional
homogeneity of both sides both side, what we need to do? Both sides of let us say both
sides of this is equation I am telling 1 or equation 1. So, considering dimensional
homogeneity of both sides of equation 1 and equating the power of each of M L T we get.
And considering dimensional homogeneity of both sides of equation also we are
considering that equation 1 left hand side and in a right hand right hand side is having
dimensional homogeneity, and equating the powers of; equating the powers of each M L
T we get what we will get that is what we need to know.

So, how we can proceed? So, now, see if we need, we are considering dimensional
homogeneity and then what we will do we will be equating? We will equate the power of

each M L T in both the sides. So, left hand side power of M is 0. So, if I now equating
power of M; so, equating power of M equating power then left hand side is 0 and right-
hand side is x 3.

0 = x3 by equating power of M

0 = 3+x1-3x3 by equating power of L

0= -1-x2 by equating power of T

X 1 = -3 , x2= -1, x3 = 0

(Refer Slide Time: 25:38)

We have obtained x 1 is equal to minus 3, x 2 is equal to minus 1 and x 3 is equal to 0.

So, these 3 exponents we have calculated from this Buckingham pi theorem and then pi
term which is dimensionless that we expressed in terms of M power 0 M power 0 T power
0 that equal to L cube T power minus 1 to the power 1 this is nothing, but Q that we took
while calculating or while we are trying to obtain the dimensionless pi term that in to dn
rho to the power x. So, if I go back to my previous slide, D to the power x 1 that is L to
the power x 1.

So, that is D to the power x 1 then this is N to the power x 2 and rho to the power x 3. So,
that is what we obtain, that is what we wrote in a in a previous slides. So, this first pi term
pi 1 now x 1 is equal to minus 3. So, I can write this is Q in to D 1 to the power minus 3

N 1 to the power minus 1 rho to the power 0 so; that means, pi term the first pi term will
be Q divided by N D cube.

𝜋1 =

So, this is the first pi term that we obtained from this Buckingham pi theorem that Q is
equal to pi 1 is equal to Q by N D cube. This is having one particular name, we will discuss
what is called D series this is called you know 4 coefficient this is Q you know Q by N D
cube that is called flow coefficient this term known as pi term is known as phi or it is
known as flow coefficient. So, the first pi term that we obtained pi 1 that is Q by N D cube
that is expressed in terms of that we called phi that is flow coefficient.

Similarly, we can again follow the same step and we can arrive with the other pi terms.
So, let us now try to do how we can obtain another 3 pi terms I mean 4 pi terms because
we will obtain total 5 pi terms. So, first pi terms you have obtained, for the second pi terms
I am not going to explain each and every again in a step details, but let us say for second
pi term pi 2 I am writing that second pi term will be how which one? That will be which
one. The second pi term will be, if I go to my previous slide we have taken Q D N rho are
the repeating variables we need not to take. So, we can take g in to H. So, I am taking g in
to H.

𝜋2 = (𝐿2 𝑇 −2 )1 𝐿𝑥1 (𝑇 −1 )𝑥2 (𝑀𝐿−3 )𝑥3

After equating powers

X1 = -2, x2 =-2, x3 = 0

𝜋2 =
𝑁 2 𝐷2

So, we have obtained first pi terms and we have obtained second pi terms gH by N square
D square we have to proceed again to obtain another 3 pi terms that is of course, we have
taken Q and g H. So, we are left with mu E and P. So, we have to obtain another 3 pi terms
mind it we have said that it is always possible that we will get pi terms may be
multiplication of you know each pi terms you need to multiply with another.

So, we will get pi terms that some useful relationship is yesterday we told that any pi term
can be expressed in a function of other pi terms by multiplying in the numerical constant
also. So, for the time being you have obtained you know 2 power pi terms one is Q by N
D cube, that is flow coefficient another pi term that we have obtained that is gH by N
square D square this is you know we have expressed. So, we will now proceed to obtain
another pi terms let us say if we consider E or P.

(Refer Slide Time: 33:15)

So, another pi term p 3 pi 3 that is equal to let us say we are considering power is equal to
what? That is equal to how much M L square T power minus 3 and known is variable
raised to the power 1 in a N square D power minus 3 that will be L 1 to the power x 1 in
to T power minus 1 to the power x 2 and that is you know ML to the power minus 3 to the
power x 3 that is rho. So, and this is again a dimensionless term. So, this is M power 0 L
power 0 T power 0 and if we equate each and every terms I mean we have to consider
dimensional homogeneity at both the sides, and we have to equate powers of M L T and if
we equate that.

𝜋3 = (𝑀𝐿2 𝑇 −3 )1 𝐿𝑥1 (𝑇 −1 )𝑥2 (𝑀𝐿−3 )𝑥3

x3 = -1, x1 = -5, x2 = -3

𝜋3 = 𝜌𝑁 3 𝐷 5

So, we have already you know established 3 different pi terms pi 1 coefficient and then
gH by N square D square and P by rho N cube D to the power 5 that is power coefficient.
So, we have expressed you know 3 different pi terms. So, we are left with another 2 pi
terms that we need to establish. gH pi 2 by pi 1 can be expressed as a you know some other
quantities as a I said you that yesterday we have written some useful relationship any pi
terms can be expressed by power of other pi terms.

Any pi terms can be multiplied by a numerical value to obtain another pi term, any pi term
can be replaced as a function of another pi term and then we will obtain pi 4 if we consider
now e. So, what is the unit of e; L l square T to the power minus 2 L T T power minus 2 2
to the power 1 and L to the power x 1 T 1 minus to the power x 2 and M L minus 3 to the
power x 3 and that will be again dimensionless M power 0 L power 0 T power 0 sorry T
power 0 that is T power 0, as I said that we need to consider the dimensional homogeneity
as and then we have to equate power.

𝜋4 = (𝐿2 𝑇 −2 )1 𝐿𝑥1 (𝑇 −1 )𝑥2 (𝑀𝐿−3 )𝑥3

X3 = 0 , x1 = -2, x2 = -2

𝜋4 = 𝑁2𝐷2

that may not be we need to define we need to multiply with another you know numerical
value or we need to express in terms of any other pi terms. So, other pi terms.(Refer Slide
Time: 39:46)

So, we have obtained you know pi 4 is equal to E by N square D square and we are left
with only mu. So, I am writing pi 5 that equal to mu; mu unit is M L power x 1 T power
minus 1 to the power 1 into D L power x 1 T power minus 1 to the power x 2, and ML
power minus 3 that is rho to the power x 3 and that equal to M power 0 L power 0 T power
0. So, again we are considering dimensional homogeneity and equating power of each M
L T and both the sides.

𝜋5 = (𝑀𝐿−1 𝑇 −1 )1 𝐿𝑥1 (𝑇 −1 )𝑥2 (𝑀𝐿−3 )𝑥3

x3= -1 , x1 = -2, x2 = -1

𝜇 1
𝜋5 = =
𝜌𝑁𝐷 2 𝑅𝑒

So, reciprocal of this is essentially 1 by Reynolds number. So, all this pi terms that is
against a dimensionless terms form here it is cleared that it essentially indicates that in it
is Reynolds number. So, with this we have arrived a few pi terms. So, that is what I have
exercised only to know how we can obtain a few dimensional term when for from a flow
through a pump or it need not to be flow through a pump whenever fluid is flowing through
a pipe or any closed conduit.

If we know the variables and from there knowing the fundamental dimensions and
considering a repeating variables we can you know form a few dimensionless term. And
as I said you that pi 5 can be expressed in terms of 1 by Reynolds number. So, it is a
dimensionless term. So, our interest is to obtain that out of this dimensional analysis; out
of this dimensional analysis we have obtained a few pi terms so, but our interest is only to
obtain 3 important pi terms that is this is important for this analysis of course, f pi 1, pi 2,
pi 3, pi 4 and pi 5 are 0 that is what we have or we have written that that will be you know
functional relationship. And that will follow such that that has to be 0.

we can write that you know pi 2 we can call as this is a head 2 coefficient, this is flow
coefficient this is called head coefficient, and this is power coefficients.

So, this is very important power pump because flow head and power. So, now, we have
obtained 5 pi terms, but out of these 5 pi terms we have expressed these 5 pi terms in terms
of a few you know 3 important one coefficients flow coefficient power coefficient and
head coefficient. Now knowing this we can now proceed obtain or with another

arrangement of or we can arrange with this pi terms we can multiply each another or divide
another and we can obtain another of few pi terms.

So, now that I mean if data obtained from the test or model machines, if we obtain data
from a model machines and so, that the variation of this dimensional parameter with one
another. And suppose we are carrying we are you know carrying out a test in a model
machines to obtain the variation of these 3 quantity and if we plot the graph, and that graph
can be used you know that graph whatever you obtain that can be applicable to predict or
the you know performance of any other homologous series machines of belongs to
homologous series.

So, what I am telling? This 3 coefficient flow coefficient head coefficient power
coefficient so, if we carry out test in a particular machines in a model machines, and if we
can obtain these 3 coefficients and if we plot a graph that graph can be used to predict the
performance of machines of homologous series. So, this is very important, now as I said
you that now we will slowly move to obtain the affinity laws.

What is affinity laws? As I said you that you know whenever we carryout test in a model
machines it is not possible that we should carry out test at each and every machine. So,
when you carry out test at particular machines rather we consider a particular speed and
that we call at rated speed.

So, whenever we run a machine at a rated speed, we obtain Q and H if you would like to
predict Q and H when machine will be operating different other speed then the rated speed
then is it possible to carry out test at again no and that is why affinity laws are used. So,
that we can predict the head discharge capacity or performance of a pump when pump is
running at a speed which is not exactly the rated speed where rather when the pump testing
was done.

So, whenever the pump testing was done at a speed that is rated speed, we have obtained
Q and H and we have plotted a graph and other we have obtained flow coefficient power
coefficient, head coefficient and from and that graph we can predict what will be the head
and discharge whenever machine is operating different rather speed than the rated speed.
So and how we can predict and that is governed by the affinity laws.

So, now I will discuss about the affinity laws by knowing these 3 you know coefficient
only to obtain these 3 coefficient very important for the pump you know pumping system
pump operation, that is flow coefficient head coefficient power coefficient and that is why
I did this exercise that is Buckingham pi theorem how we can proceed how we can you
know analyze or how we can you obtain a few pi terms whenever fluid is flowing through
a pipe And now I am discussing about the affinity laws. So, what is the affinity laws?
Suppose if I draw H Q curve of the pump, suppose I am drawing H Q curve of a pump H
Q curve.

(Refer Slide Time: 48:19)

So, and whenever HQ curve I am obtaining let us say this is the HQ curve I have obtained
at a the rated speed let us say N 1.

So, this curve H and Q head discharge relationship, head discharge relationship that I
obtained at this rated speed N 1. Now, may be if we have obtained another head discharge
characteristics which is a when pump is operating at different rated speed N 2. Suppose I
have obtained another head discharge characteristics when machine is running at different
speed at N 2 suppose this is at N 2.

So, if I know the flow coefficient head coefficient and power coefficient, only we need to
predict, now if we vary the speed may be if we close the discharge valve or somehow or
some reason we need to you know change the it is the speed of the pump, then shall we
get the same discharge or head no there will be a change.

So, how we can predict whenever pump is running? It is possible that whenever pump is
running in a field or in a industry how we can measure the head and discharge? But if we
know this information then we can predict fine if we reduce the speed of the pump by this
much amount by this amount. Then what by this magnitude then what would be the head
what will be the discharge whether that head or discharge is capable of meeting the demand
of that system or not that that is very important.

And you need we needed to know whether that the head and discharge is capable to meet
the demand of the system or not because sometimes it might happens that whatever
discharge we are getting whatever head you are getting that it is not possible to supply that
amount of fluid in that desired location. As a result of which they are you know some
undesirable phenomenon might occur.

So, we need to know that even if you reduce the speed that speed will be capable of having
developing head and discharge from that pumping station so, that system demand can be
satisfied. So, now, if our system resistance curve is like this, suppose system resistance
curve is like this. So, here is operating point here is operating point. So, now, suppose this
is very important. So, if I know the head discharge capacity at a rated speed.

So, suppose if I know the head discharge characteristics; head discharge characteristics at
a rated speed then each speed deviates from the rated one then what would be the head and
discharge developed by the operating pump? So, now, what I will do? I will like to apply
affinity laws what is the affinity laws? Suppose we have obtained a few coefficient that is
known as flow coefficient, head coefficient and power coefficient.

So, I now would like to see suppose I know the when operating point is here let us say this
is point A I know the head and discharge whenever speed is N 1. So, suppose speed is N
1, I know the head and discharge at this point it let us say Q A and this is head developed
by the pump Ha. And this is the H static and this is the system resistance curve; this is
system resistance curve right. So, static height plus system resistance curve and let us say
rated speed let us N 1.

So, N 1 is the rated speed at which I have tested the pump and I have drawn the HQ
characteristics. And from the Buckingham pi theorem I know there are a few coefficients
that you have obtained flow coefficient that is phi that is Q/ ND3 then what you obtain?
Head coefficient that is gH by N square D square and power coefficient.

Let us say phi 1, phi 2 and phi 3 that is P by rho N cube D to the power 5. So, this 3
coefficient we have obtained and when you are carrying out test of a model pump at a rated
speed, if we calculate this 3 coefficients if we plot the graph as I said and then that graph
can be used to predict the head discharge or performance of machines of homologous
series what do you mean by homologous series? Now, how we can predict?

So, now if we if I would like to calculate that what would be the discharge and if the
machine is running at a speed which is not the rated speed let us say N 2. Suppose I would
like to obtain the head discharge characteristics when machine is running at N 2, at the
speed N 2 which is not equal to where N 2 is not equal to N 1 that is when we are deviating
from the rated speed then how we can predict the head discharge characteristics.

So, from equality of pi terms so, I know that if we require the pi terms Q/ ND3. So, Q 1
homologous series machine of same size you know not you know impeller of same shape
may be size is different. So, this is called homologous series I mean when you are
considering may be impeller of you know you know circular shape impeller. So, we might
change diameter, but it shape is remaining same. So, it belongs to the homologous series.

So, if you know for a given pump, I mean even if it is not given pump if these changes
then you can calculate buts for a given pump. So, for the time being what the problem we
are going to discuss may be the given pump, it is operating in a same system.

𝑄1 𝑄2
𝑁1 𝐷3 𝑁2 𝐷 3

𝑄1 𝑄2
𝑁1 𝑁2

So, this is we are obtaining from the you know flow coefficient because that will remain
same for a homologous machines, the machine belongs to homologous series here the same
pump is not going to change rather shape is remaining same. So, I can apply this and I am
obtaining. So, now, if I know Q 1 at a speed N 1, now if I change the speed to N 2, then I
calculate what would be the Q 2 at which is running at different speed N 2 that will be N
2 by N 1 in to Q 1. So, this is the head that will be developed by the pump, when pump the
same pump or pump of homologous series is allowed to run at a speed which is now not
equal to the rated speed very good.

So, we have obtained about the information about the Q now what would be the H? So,
now, again we have obtained another coefficient that is called head coefficient this is head
coefficient and this is called power coefficient; this is called power coefficient. So, we
have obtained flow coefficient head coefficient and power coefficient P by rho N cube D
to the power 5. So, now, if I apply again you know g is remaining you know D is remaining
same. So, if I apply pi 2 terms.

𝑔𝐻1 𝑔𝐻1
𝑁12 𝑁22

Because as I said you that pump belong, if we can obtain the this 3 coefficient from a
model testing machine from a model machine, tested at a rated speed N 1, then we can
predict the performance rather other quantities any machine belongs to homologous series.
So, here diameter is not changing. So, machine is remaining same.

So, what we can predict is that, now I can predict suppose whenever machine is running
at the n speed suppose this machine is running at n speed and developing head Ha, what
would be the head being developed by the pump one it is running at N 2 that we can
calculate. Because it is not always possible that the pump operator should have this curve
and he will calculate from the curve itself.

𝐻1 𝐻1
𝑁12 𝑁12

So, this is the another relationship that we can obtain head developed by the pump H 1.
So, what will be the new head when pump is allowed to run at a speed which is not equal
to the speed of rated one.

So, this is relationship 1 and this is relationship let us say or this is relationship say A and
this is relationship B.

𝑄2 = 𝑄1

𝐻2 = (𝑁2)2 𝐻1

𝐻2 𝑄2 2
𝐻1 𝑄1 2

H ∝ 𝑄2

(Refer Slide Time: 57:59)

So, that is if we carry out test of a model pump at a rated speed if we calculate this 3
coefficients, and now if you would like to allow and if we graph, if you plot this you know
coefficient in a graph and then that graph can be used to predict the performance of the
same pump or the pump becomes to homologous series, when if the pump is allowed to
run at a speed which is not equal to the rated speed.

And how we can calculate? The head discharge when pump is running at a different speed
and that can be calculated using the laws which are known as affinity laws that we have
tried. And we will discuss about a few important things from these expression.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 18
Pumping system design-1

So, we will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System
Design. Today we will discuss about Pumping system design, before I go to discuss about
the design of pumping system rather several aspects that we need to consider while
designing a pumping system. Let us first try to discuss about one important another
important feature of the pump is the specific speed, probably we have discussed about the
affinity laws in my last lectures.

But, today I will discuss about the specific speed that is very important, when we are
selecting the pump and probably I have said that the whenever you are selecting a pump,
I mean that pump designer and pumping system designer these two are not same. So,
whoever is designing the pump he should consider all those things blade angle at the inlet
outlet, you know the impeller diameter speed of the pump shape of the impeller, then
casing design if it is you know there are diffusion diffuser waves or not.

But, the pumping system designer is something that, he or she will select the pump based
on the requirement of the system and, based on the requirement of the you know total head,
based on the requirement of the total discharge and also. But pumping system designer
should also know about the specific speed that is very important. So, today I will briefly
discuss now before I go to discuss about the pumping system design, there are several
aspects of this pumping system design specific speed this very important.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:13)

So, specific speed is very important for the pump, I mean whatever pump, it is either radial
flow pumps you know mixed flow pump or axial flow pump. So, if I now talk about let us
say one case a particular case radial flow pump. So, what is specific speed and why it is
so important? So, specific speed definition is there. So, if I write the definition from
definition itself I will come to know what it is, but apart from its definition we will try to
drive the expression, how we can have the you know mathematical expression of the
specific speed; so, specific speed of pump. Similarly, we will discuss when will you know
discuss about the hydraulic turbines, then what is the specific speed of turbines.

So, what is specific speed of the pump? So, specific speed of a pump is so, let me write
the definition, from definition itself we will come to know what it is but the definition
itself is not the important rather will drive why and how it is important to select a pump. I
mean pump designer he should he or she should have a shunt knowledge about this specific
speed that is true on the earth and, wherever designing the system at the pumping system
he or she also should know about the specific speed, because why it is important as far as
the pumping operation in concerned.

So, definition is this is speed of a specific speed is defined so, specific speed is defined as
the speed of very important this is speed of course, speed so speed of you know
geometrically similar pumps, I am writing machines in bracket that. Geometrically similar
pumps that would deliver that, is very important unit discharge under unit head rather when

walking under unit head. So, deliver specific speed is the speed or it is defined as the speed
of geometrical similar pumps, I will clarify what do you mean by geometrically similar
pumps, that to deliver unit discharge when walking under unit head so, H Q. So this is very
important; that means, what is geometrically similar pumps; that means, if I allow a pump
to work under unit head, it will be able to deliver unit discharge and the speed at which it
will do so, that is a specific speed.

So, what do you mean by geometrically similar pumps or geometrically similar machines?
Geometrically similar machines are identical in shape not in size, this is very important so,
this is the definition of the pump. I have I am now underlining this you know a group of
words, that what is geometrically similar pumps or machines. What is geometrically
similar machines or pumps that is machines which are geometrically identical in shape.
So, pumps or machines which are geometrically identical in shape, but very important is
not in size. So, pumps or machines which are identical geometrically which are
geometrically identical in shape, but not in size.

So, size may differ, but shape has to be geometrically similar that means, machines which
belongs to homologous series; that means, size may change from one from either in
decreasing order or increasing order, but their shape will remain same and then those series
of machines are known as you know geometrically similar machines or machine belongs
to homologous series. So, now let me clarify it in a bit more you know accurate manner.
So, if I say that I have a system, where I would like to install a pump rather to of course,
to meet the demand by the system; that means, what will be the head and what will be the
discharge and there I would like to install a radial flow pump.

So, now, whenever I am installing a particular pump that is radial flow pump may be if
impeller is you know you know circular. So, it might happen that may be after a few days
or after a few years system to meet the system requirement, again we need to install another
pump. So, I will definitely try to procure the pump on same manufacturer, or it may not be
if it is not possible to procure or to purchase or to buy the pump on the same manufacturer,
then of course we need to go for another pump that will be supplied by a different

So, whenever we are purchasing a pump from different manufacturer a pumping system
designer should try to supply the H cube curve of the pump existing, that will help the

pump designer to make up you know another pump that will try to match the pump which
is there in the existing pump house. Now, whenever the new pump is coming if I know the
specific speed of the existing pump and if new pump when that is being installed. And, if
I know if the pump or if the new pump is geometrically similar geometrically similar to
the existing pump; that means, if the new pump is having the same I mean impeller is
supply impeller diameter may vary depending upon the design, but and size may change,
but the shape has to be circular.

So, now what will be the you know advantage if I know the specific speed of the existing
pump. So, if I know the specific speed of the existing pump, then and if I know the you
know specific speed of the new pump also, then probably I can predict what would be the
head developed by the pump for a given amount of discharge, if both of the pump belongs
to homologous series. If they are geometrically similar that is geometrically identical in
shape, but not in size may be size may differ, but if they are geometrically identical in

So, how can you now drive rather how can we mathematically express, you know specific
speed of a pump. So, again if I take an example let us say the radial flow pump I have
taken this example many a times. So, if I try to draw the impeller of a radial flow pump.
And suppose this is the impeller of a radial flow pump and pump is say rotating at an
angular velocity omega in the clock wise direction and, I have discussed many a times that
normally, it is I mean advisable or suggestive of having pump, I mean impeller equipped
with a few backward curve bends, because forward curve bends as I said that although
efficiency will be I mean head developed by the pump will be higher it is equipped with
the few forward curve bends, but it is having another problem.

So, if I have an impeller with you know backward curve bend. So, this is the impeller of a
radial flow pump impeller and if I draw the; you know so, this is the three-dimensional
view and this is the flow area. So, this is the flow area so, water will, or fluid will go out
from the impeller through the passes between to adjacent blades. And, if the diameter of
the impeller is let us say D which is circular in shape and, if this width is diameter is D 2
and width is b 2, then flow area this is very important flow area = 𝜋 D2 b2.

So, this is the flow area through the flow area through which liquid is flowing out from
the pump. And, again I need to draw the velocity triangles because, I am trying to express

I am trying to obtain the mathematical expression of the specific speed and for that of
course, I need to use the definition that see this speed of a geometrical similar pumps, or
machine that would deliver unit head unit discharge when walking under unit head.

So, again if I take this blade a particular blade and if I draw the velocity triangle at the
outlet that is very important. So, this is my blade velocity a tangential velocity at the outlet,
this is relative velocity and this is the flow velocity Cr2 and this is C2 and this is w two
this is u 2 and these are the components so, this is u 2 this is 𝐶𝜃2 and this is 𝑊𝜃2 . So, and
it is rotating let us say at an angle of velocity omega and if I assume no so, all at the inlet
so, velocity triangles at the inlet will be like this w 1 this is c 1 and this is u 1. So, I mean
what is the volume flow rate through the pump so, Q that is flow rate flow rate through the
pump will be equal to how much so, flow rate through the pump will be equal to flow
velocity into flow area in to flow area.

So, this is very important flow velocity into flow area. So, what is flow velocity here that
is Cr2 and flow area is 𝜋 𝐷2 𝑏2. So, this is the flow rate that I can expect from this pump
and Cr2 only depends upon the you know fluid velocity at the outlet and, that also will
depends up the blade angle at the outlet and flow angle. So, now, discharge cube from this
expression I can obtain that discharge Q I mean pi is constant.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:59)

Q = 𝜋 𝐷2 𝑏2 𝐶𝑟2

Q ∝ 𝐶𝑟2 𝐷2 𝑏2

D2 ∝ 𝑏2

Q ∝ 𝐷2 2 𝐶𝑟2

𝐶𝑟2 ∝ √𝐻

𝜋𝐷2 𝑁
𝑢2 = 60

𝑢2 ∝ 𝐷2 𝑁 𝑢2 ∝ 𝐶𝑟2

𝑢2 ∝ √𝐻

𝐷2 𝑁 ∝ √𝐻

(Refer Slide Time: 20:28)

So, what you obtain that u 2 so, what you obtain that u 2 that is the blade velocity at the
outlet, which is you know proportional to the flow velocity C r 2 and that is proportional
to root H that is the head being developed by the pump. Now, u 2 that if we can try to
recall our you know previous equation, where u 2 that is tangential velocity at the outlet,
tangential velocity at the outlet. Or sometimes it is known as blade speed at the outlet,
outlet this u 2 varies as D 2 into N from its definition. So, from this two I can write from

this two expression I can write say from this two expression, I can write that D 2 N varies
as root varies as from this two expression I can write D 2 N varies as root H therefore, I
can write this is very important.

𝑢2 ∝ 𝐶𝑟2 ∝ √𝐻

𝑢2 ∝ 𝐷2 𝑁

𝐷2 ∝ 𝑁

Now, if I try to recall the volume flow rate expression of volume flow rate. So, what is
the expression of volume flow rate note that C r 2 where C r 2 is the flow velocity at the
outlet, flow velocity at outlet. So, we have seen that you know b 2 proportional to D,
because if I would like to obtain higher Q, then if I need to increase D 2, then b 2 has to

Q ∝ 𝐷2 2 𝐶𝑟2 𝐷2 ∝ 𝐶𝑟2 ∝ √𝐻

𝑄 ∝ 𝑁2

Now, I would like to use the definition based specific speed, that is speed of a geometrical
speed of geometrical similar machines or pumps that would deliver unit discharge, when
walking under unit head. That means, when Q is equal to unit, then head the pump will
deliver unit discharge walking under unit head of course, and that time the speed end
should be the specific speed or N s of the pump that is from the definition.

If Q = 1 , H =1

N = Ns(specific speed)

So, now, if I write Q the if I remove the proportionality; that means, from this expression
I can write Q will be equal to rather.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:15)

𝑄=𝑘 𝑁2

Q = 1, H = 1, N = Ns

K = Ns2

𝑁 √𝑄
Specific speed 𝑁𝑠 = 3

So, this is the specific speed of pump. So, this is the specific speed of the pump, in the
dimensional form, this is dimensional form so, why it is important we need to know
because as I said you that these specific speed is important this is the speed of the
geometrical similar machines that is geometrically identical in shape, but not in size. So,
if we may vary the diameter of the impeller, but still knowing the specific speed of a pump,
we can predict the you know geometrical similar machines the rather performance of the
geometrical similar machines; that means, what would be the head rather what would be
the head developed by the pump, if I would like to obtain this much amount of discharge,
if I know the specific speed. And if I allow the pump to run at a at certain speed.

So, this is very important to predict the performance of a pump rather predict the
performance of the pump belongs to homologous series; that means, the pumps of
geometrically similar in shape, I mean geometrically identical in shape, but not in size may

differ, but if they are you know shape, then specific speed can be utilized to predict the
performance. Now, with this will proceed towards to discuss about a few at our several
aspects of pumping system design. So, now I proceed to see what the different aspect are
our several issues of pumping system design, this is very important rather this is very
important to the system designer, you know industrial engineer rather practicing engineer.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:47)

So, I will now discuss about pumping system design, this is very important. So, let me
discuss a few important issues, we will take up an example and we will see how we can
really calculate, what will be the flow rate when the pumps are connected in parallel, I
mean when I means two dissimilar pumps are connected in parallel. And of course, what
are the remedies how we can overcome that what are what will be the problems and what
are the remedies to overcome that problem will discuss by taking up an example, but before
I go to discuss that let us first discuss about several aspects of pumping system design.

So, while we are designing a pumping system as it is pumping system design engineer, I
should know the what kind of pump we need to install in that system. So, we first need to
calculate that system requirement, it is very important system requirement, what are the
requirement of the system requirements; that means, while we are going to design a
pumping system we need to know three important quantities, one is rather two important
quantity is very important for the pumping system designer specific speed is also

important, because I mean if I know the specific speed, then I can calculate performance
of a pump performance of pumps will belongs to which belongs to homologous series.

So, what is the total discharge this is very important, total discharge or flow rate Q that is
meter cube per second. So, this is very important; that means, what is the total amount of
discharge that pump needs to supply rather a group of pump needs to supply, when I am
designing a pumping system. Number 2 what will be the total head that pump need to
develop that is total head, that will be developed by the pump or pumps rather pump.

So, now depending upon the requirement of total discharge that is process requirements;
so, this is process requirement, this is process requirement it is very specific and it varies
from process to process, if it is a power plant industry we may require one certain
discharge, if it is a any cement industry we made by the discharge. So, it is very you know
very much specific would be processed. So, this is process specific requirement. So, this
is process specific requirement this is total discharge someone should know and that
should be supplied to the design engineer, whether to a pumping system design engineer
by the process people.

So, this total discharge of flow rate that information should be supplied to the pumping
system design engineer by the process people will, because this is process specific
requirement it varies from process to process knowing. So, this is very important knowing
the knowing the total discharge, that we now select pumps of course, and the total that
head that will be developed by the pump that a system designer needs to calculate, how
that means, system engineer system design engineer.

So, I will calculate rather will calculate system design engineer, we calculate we will
calculate here she will calculate, the total requirement total head requirement total head
requirement, by how because it has two component; that means, the static height, static
height difference between the pumping station and the delivery points. Static height
difference between the pump you know pumping, house rather pump impeller axis level
and delivery points, delivery points plus total dynamic head loss.

So, static height difference between the pumping system rather the pump system (Refer
Time: 33:58) axis of the impeller the where the pump house is located and the delivery
points, rather where pump should supply or discharge water or any fluid. And the total
dynamic head loss which will takes in to account the losses, in the frictional that will take

in to account the frictional losses, frictional losses in pipes and also there will be some
bents, fittings, valves.

So, you need to take in to account another you know minor losses, minor losses that is due
to bents fittings etcetera. Normally we take fifteen percent of the 15 percent of total loss,
that we need that we consider normally to keep the system in a safer side. So, a system
designer he or she will calculate the total head requirement by calculating the frictional
losses using Darcy’s law equation in the pipeline, because if we know the recommended

So, while we will discuss in detail about how we can calculate the total frictional losses, if
we applied Darcy’s law equation to calculate frictional head loss. And then as I said you
that whenever we are having a pumping system, which should have a few valves to control
the flow rate there will be bents fittings all those things. And we need to take into account
the losses because of the presence of all those things.

And we normally consider 15 percent and we call it the minor losses 15 percent of the total
loss. So, calculating this total head loss, we know that what will be the total head
requirement from that pumping station pumping station. And we know the discharge rather
flow rate that it is a process specific requirement that will be supplied by the process people
that ok, we need this amount of water in this place this amount of water in this place.

So, knowing fully the total discharge as well as the total head requirement, total head
requirement that is total Q and total H right, meter cube per second and meter this is meter
and, this is meter cube per second. A designer should select what kind of pumps would be
suitable for that particular system. So, based on the requirement of total discharge and total
head that we need to develop that the total head that the pumping system need to develop,
pumping system designers should select the pump. Should select the type of pump will be
installed, this is very important. So, as I said you if you can if you try to recall that in a in
my first lecture, we have discussed about the pump classification and why we have clearly
stated that normally, we go for radial flow pump. So, if I write in the next slide.

So, what is the next one that? The system designer knows the total discharge that we need
to obtain from the pumping system and the total head the pumps should develop. Now,
system designer should select the pump that is what I am telling that in my first lecture, I
have discussed that we normally go for radial flow pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 37:42)

Because this is very important that what kind of pump, we need to develop what kind of
pump, we need to install rather what kind of pump we need to you know procure to meet
the demand, radial we normally go for a radial flow pump when we require actually. So,
we need to go for radial flow pump, when we normally require requirement is you know
low to moderate, low to moderate discharge and moderate to high head, it is very important
that we normally go for radial flow pump, when we need low to moderate discharge against
moderate to high head.

If our situation is that because that is very clear. So, while we are calculating total head
and total flow rate then it is clear that ok, what kind of pump I need to install over there,
or else if we need that high amount of discharge, whether a high Q that is very important
in mines coal mines and also irrigation purposes that I discussed, against low head, then
normally we go for axial flow point normally we go for axial flow point.

So, this two are normally in employ normally install these two you know two types of
pumps are normally you know install. So, either you have to go for radial flow pump or of
the axial flow pump, depending upon the requirement and their requirement will come
from the system, total discharge requirement will come which is very much process
specific that will come from the process people.

And total head that a system designer will calculate and based on these two quantities, a
designer should select that whether I, he or she will go for the radial flow pump or the

axial flow pump. Sometimes we need to go for positive displacement pump that is a
separate topic and, I will discuss the positive displacement pump. This is also another kind
of pump and we have discussed why it is called positive displacement. So, positive
displacement pumps are very much suitable for very high head for very high head while
discharge will remain constant, will be constant that means, if we need to supply a constant
flow rate against very high head, then we go for the positive displacement pump and we
have to install positive displacement pump fine.

So, far what we whatever so, far whatever discussed today and we understood that we need
to calculate first two things, whenever we are going to design a system, first we need to
work out that what will be the total discharge that pumps or pumping system should apply
that will come from the process and that varies from process to process because this is very
much process specific. And knowing the information from the process people, we can
calculate fine this much amount of water we need to supply from this pumping system.
Against the head and that will be calculated by the system designer by calculating that
static height difference between the pumping station at the discharge points, as well as the
total loss frictional losses in the pipelines. And we need to take into account the minor
losses, because of the presence of valves bents fittings and that is normally taken fifteen
percent of total loss.

So, knowing this two quantities designer should select that whether he or she will go for
the radial flow pump, or axial flow pump. And then another aspect will come that fine, if
we go for radial flow pump and axial flow pump sometimes may be it might happens that
after 5 years or after 10 years or after 2 years down the line again for higher process
requirement, we need to install another new pump.

And, then how can we connect the pump if we need to supply more amount of you know
flow rate, then probably we need to supply you install pump in parallel. And then what
will be the problems and how we can sort out the problem that, I will discuss taking up an
you know example. On the other hand we also go for positive displacement pump, where
we require very high head against a constant flow rate.

So, with these I stop here today and I continue with this discussion in next lecture.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 19
Pumping System Design – II

(Refer Slide Time: 00:30)

We will continue our discussion on Pumping System Design. So, as we have discussed
that, there are several aspects, which a pumping system designer should consider while he
or she is designing a system. So, again I am writing a pumping system design is very
important, pumping system design. So, as I said that, whenever someone pump design and
pumping system design, these two are not same. So, whoever is designing a pump, he or
she should know the requirement from the system engineer, that what should be the head
and discharge, based on that he will decide it, what will be the you know blade angle at
the inlet outlet, what will be the impeller diameter, whether he or she will be using what
kind of casing, those things would you know based on the input from the system designer.

So, while you are talking about pumping system design, because we are not going to
discuss about pump design. So, pumping system design there are two important quantities
which are very important.

I mean to the system designer that is, you know total flow rate that we expect from a
pumping system, total flow rate Q and as I said that, this is very much processed specific,

because it varies from process to process. If we talk about a pumping system, rather if you
think about designing a pumping system for power plant industry, we might recover
different quantities of water. On the other hand, if you think about designing a pumping
system, for it is cement industry or any other you know industries then there we know
requirement of water may varies.

So, depending upon the process someone should calculate, what should be the total flow
rate that we need from the pumping system, rather the pump should deliver this amount of
water to different points that is different issue all together. So, this is the total volume flow
rate, that is very important and that is very much process specific and system designer
should know this information from the process people. So, this is process specific

As I said and another important quantity is the total head that pump needs to develop. So,
total head H, that pump or pumps pump or pumps need develop, pumps need to develop.
So this is the quantity a system designer should calculate, because depending upon the
level of pumping house level has pump houses situated or located and the other places or
we need to supply water their location, we need to calculate what should be the static
height as well as and to deliver water at those desired points, how much pipe rather, how
long pipe will require and what are the bents; I mean whether we need to insert 45 degree
bents, 90 degree bents and how much fittings will be required. Based on that the system
designer should, calculate what will be the total head that the pump needs to develop.

So, this essentially a system designer, a system designer should calculate this one. How?
Because, this is having two parts, as I have discussed many a times that it is having, one
is static height that is H static, plus another is dynamic head, that varies K in to Q square,
where K is loss coefficient, of flow this is loss coefficient, for flow.

So, the total heads, that should be developed by the pump is having two components, one
is static height, and another is dynamic head. Static height is fixed, because that is one I
was discussing that knowing the location or level of pump house as well as the you know
distribution of water; I mean places are used to distribute, what are their location if we
calculate the difference of the height between these two locations will give you the static

On the other hand, the dynamic head will essentially depend upon the frictional losses and
losses due to presence of bents, valves because many a times, we need to put valve for
controlling the output. So and this is very common. So, the presence of valve also will
import some amount of you know loss rather that, we need to take in to account while a
calculating the total head loss. So, knowing these two quantities, total flow rate and total
head, a system designer now suits like that what kind of pump should be suitable for this

(Refer Slide Time: 05:33)

And in a very beginning, I discussed that you know that if we require, if we require low to
moderate, low to moderate discharge against you know moderate to high head, moderate
to high head then of course, we need to go for radial flow pump that is what, I have
discussed and this is very much suitable for domestic purposes or sometimes in industries
this pumps are used.

On the other hand if we require, you know if we require, high discharge, that is high Q
against, against. So this is, this is Q, this is H against below head H then designer should
consider axial flow pump. Sometimes again we need to go for positive displacement that,
we will discuss in detail about their operation and principle and constructional feature.

So, PD pump or sometimes it is, sometimes they are known as PD pump or positive
displacement pump. So, this positive displacement pumps normally they are used for
developing very high head against constant flow rate. This is very important because,

positive displacement pump will deliver your high head, but the flow rate will be flow rate
will remain constant. So, if that is the case then we have to go for positive displacement

So, depending upon the requirement of the process and depending upon the layout; I mean
a process layout; that means, higher we need to apply water and their level difference also
you know pipe line routing, I mean higher we can you know place, how we can place
pipes, valves, fittings to supply water at the different locations. Based on that designer
should calculate the total head requirement and process itself will dictate the how much
amount of water we need to supply from the pumping system.

Knowing these two quantities, system designer should call you know select, what kind of
pump is suitable for that particular case. Now this is the several aspects, now how someone
will calculate the total head that is very important. So, this is very important in a sense that
practicing engineer and design engineer, it is not always possible to follow that that fluid

(Refer Slide Time: 08:31)

So, while you are calculating the total head is very important as I said, you am not going
to talk about, total flow rate because this is very much processed specific requirement.

So, that will be dictated by the process people. So, total head while you are calculating
total head, this total head is having two components as I said, one is static height that is

also fixed because, we have nothing to do it depends upon the we know layout I would, I
know where the pump house should be located and the I mean desired points, I where we
need to supply water. So, thus had difference between these two locations are rather the
locational, you know difference between the height of different locations, will you know
give rise to the static head that is also fixed.

But what is the important is the dynamic head and that was essential depends upon the
frictional losses. While fluid is flowing through the pipe, then losses in presence of valves,
bents, fittings, etcetera. So this is normally, we call it minor losses normally, we call it
minute losses and also this is very important.

Because sometimes, we need to put flow meter, sometimes we need to put flow meter to
calculate whether the, how much quantity of water being discharged by the pump and that
flow meter essentially will, provides some resistance to the flow and that that and for that
to overcome that resistance again, we need to have some amount of head from the pump.

So, this flow meter also provides some resistance, also provide resistance to the flow to
the flow and for that we need to know that so, this dynamic head loss, while you are while
you are calculating, we need to consider these three aspects. So, knowing these three
aspects, how we will calculate frictional losses in pipe? As I said, you a frictional loss is
calculated based on Darcy -Weisbach equation for flow through a pipes.

𝑓𝐿 𝑉 2
ℎ𝑓 =

Now, L is the length of the pipe, if you know the diameter of the pipe D and f is the
frictional factor, while v is the recommended velocity through the pipe. Normally, from
my experience, what although I have worked over a very small period, the recommended
speed of you know water rather the flow velocity through pipe is normally 1.5 to 2.5 meter
per second and this is dictated by several design because, it should not load the pipe
material. So, depending upon this and also we need to provide some support, because when
water is flowing through the pipe then, we need to provide some support from the ground
to keep to hold the pipe in place. So, that is why this is the recommended velocity. So,
based on this velocity, I mean we need to know, what should be the Reynolds number
because you know, it is laminate that then we can calculate 64/RE or it is always highly

So, we need to calculate that from this Moody’s diagram. So, normally this friction factor
is calculated from the Moody’s diagram, because pipe it is very difficult to have a smooth
pipe. So, it should have roughness. So, knowing the roughness and the Reynolds number,
we can calculate frictional factor from Moody’s diagram. But it is what is we know we
need how are we calculate from fluid mechanics, but the practicing engineer or design
engineer normally they do not go for calculating, this frictional head loss using Darcy-
Weisbach equation; I mean, they calculate using this equation, but they are having their
own handbook, from there they calculate that if recommended speed is like this then, if
the diameter of the pipe is this, then what should be the head loss per 100 you know meter
if the flow velocity is this.

So, there are some handbook from there they calculate, but essentially that handbook is
prepared you know, but data tabulated in on this handbook are based on this equation. So
in using this we calculate the frictional head loss. So, the frictional head loss is calculated,
whether we are going to calculate using our you know this Darcy equation or sometimes,
if you follow that pump you know pumping system design handbook that, you know
everything that losses is ready made available.

Because if I know that recommended speed and if I know diameter then for 100-meter
length what should be the frictional head loss that we calculate using that book. So, this
we obtain from frictional head loss. Now, whatever the minor losses? Again minor losses
if you would like to consider that because of the presence of valves, bents, bents might be
45 degree, 90 degree and it maybe again 60 degree.

So, depending upon the bents and also the valves and also there are some fittings, you
know some kind of you know, converging convergent portion there will be some diverging
portion, there will be some losses. So, again if we look at our basic prevalence that flow
through your convergent section, divergent section we need to calculate the losses. So this
normally it is it is advisable to calculate exact losses using the those formula that is there
in fluid mechanics book, but sometimes this minor losses are taken, because minor losses
are taken, 15 percent of the total head loss.

So, minor loss are taken 15 percent of the total loss and this is not very bad assumptions,
because sometimes if we take minor losses are 15 percent of the total loss if see, question
is considering 15 percent of the total head loss to be the minor losses. Now if we design

the pumping system and it so, happens that our calculation is, you know underestimating
the head loss then, pumps will have a pumping operation you have trouble, but it is seen
that normally 15 percent consideration of 15 percent of the total loss to be the minor losses
and that that is quite you know comfortable to the pumping system design.

So, that is why and that is taken from wide experience of the system designer. So, minor
losses are taken of the 15 percent of the total losses, total loss and flow meter, whenever
flow meter is there sometimes and we need to calculate, what should be the loss. So, again
we need to calculate that and whenever we are supplying, whenever we are purchasing a
flow in kilometer the loss coefficient will be there if you know the velocity then from
there, we can calculate the total loss.

So, knowing the all this losses and static height someone has to calculate total head weight
developed by the pumps.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:03.

So, this is one aspect now, I will discuss one another important aspect is that sometimes,
this is very important aspect, I will discuss that it is always recommended you know
pumping system that suppose our requirement in a in a particular processer requirement is
cube meter cube per second, cube meter cube per second and head is H meter. So, if this
is our requirement from a pumping system and say a particular pump can deliver Q meter
cube per second against a head of H. So, only one pump should be installed in the pumping
which is not recommended.

So, while you are talking about a pumping system, while you are talking about a pumping
system a good designer pumping system, a good designer always try to put at least two or
three pumps once you remain as a standby mode because, one if you, if you have only one
pump, pump may start null functioning because of so, many other reasons so, if one pumps
starts null functioning then it will be interrupted, water supply should be interrupted and
that if it is interrupted there are industries, it will create, I mean that interrupt some of the
water supply will leads to a severe damage.

So, to safe the entire you know system at least a designer should consider that there will
be at least one stand by pump to prevent the total system. So, while we are talking about
pumping system design may be we are taking water from a sump if it is a sump. So and
we will have at least two pumps at least we will have two pumps. To supply water and all
of them will supply water to the common header and that is the common header.

So, this is known as common header and from the common header, the branch lines will
be connected to different places where you need water now. So find, so this is let us, say
pump 1, P1 and this is pump 2, P2. So, while that drawing from a reservoirs sump and I
have discussed that normally, it is always advised, advisable to have a design or pumping
system rather, pumping pumps should be allowed to run under flooded suction mode.

So, pump should be allowed to run, pumps should be allowed to run, under flooded suction
mode, flooded suction mode. What is flooded suction mode? That is the impeller axis
should always be below eh you know water level. So, that the you know like if we have a
negative suction mode then, it might happen that we need to sometimes remove air and if
by doing so, pairing operation. So, it is recommended that you will have a flooded suction

So, now normal practices that this pump should run, the pump should be you know you
know driven by electric motor. So, again our designer, another aspect of pumping system
a good pumping system design is to that, fine we have two pump, may be one is 10 by 1
is operating and we may have interchangeability flexibility so, that we can have a after
running certain hours of one pump, we can give we can allow pump to be under rest and
then we can operate another pump.

Only to have a interrupt, you know continuous supply of the water. Now again it is
advisable that, because when you are running pump is in electric motor. So, because of

you know sudden stop of electricity supply although, we are having two pumps, but
because of stop of electricity supply, we cannot supply water to the desired points.

So, again a designer should look in to look in to this aspect and that is, why another pump,
I mean the pump of same capacity at some same head should be the there in the system
and that pump should be that pump should run using diesel engine. So, this pump again
and it will also connect to be connected to the common header. So, this pump let us say P

So, now P1 and P2 may be these are the electrically operated pump, electrically operated
pump. While P3 is the pump, which is operated by diesel engine so this is diesel engine
operated pump, why because as I said, you because of sudden stop of supply of electricity
both the pumps although, they are capable of supplying water then there are no problem
from pump side, but still because of stop of supply of electricity pump, may you know
stop and we may have you know disturbances in the water supply water supply. So, that
should not be the case.

So, that is why we need to again put another pump, that is this operate that should be
operated by diesel engine and that is in emergency. So, this is known as sump. So, this is
sump from where, we have connected this 3 pump and all of them are supplying water to
a common header and from the common header again that, there will be a few branch lines
from here water should be distributed in many in different points.

I would like to now discuss another important point, that needs a few you know analytical
methodology, suppose let me discuss about the problem. So, suppose find these three
pumps are there and these three pumps are identical pump and may be, one pump can the
running only running by one pump, we can supply the desired amount of water to be
different you know points. So, that is fine.

So, we have two different another pumps that, will remain as a standby mode sometimes,
we need to have flexibility because of as, I said because one pump may start null
functioning and also it is advisable to give at least up to time you know you know that is
called rest that pump otherwise, pump may start malfunctioning and another pump, that is
operated by diesel engineering should be there of only take in to account that sometimes,
it may happen that electricity should not be there.

So, this is overall the situation, now my question is this, three pumps have been installed
in a pumping pump house. So, you know whenever system is designed and it is designed
keeping in mind that, there should be provision of installing another pump in future.

If a system demands more amount of water to be supplied from the pumping system.
Probably I have discussed in one of my lectures that, never you know industry people will,
you know one that we should have another new pump house because, installing new pump
house rather, you know construction of new pump house is of course very costly, we need
to have you know at a time cost.

And on the other hand, if we have another pump house then again, we need to you know
imply another operator to look after that pump using operation and for that again, we that
will again that will lead to another you know cost. So, considering this aspects, whenever
a pumping system designer is designing a pumping system is he or she should keep in
mind that, provision should be there to install a few more, more pumps in future if system
demands more amount of water or I mean either instead more amount of water or
sometimes it might, so happens, that ok.

The head that is been developed by that present pump resisting pump is not sufficient to
cater water in a place I mean or newly installed some equipment. So, we have to have, we
have to provide, higher head. So, now, question is whenever, it is quite it is normally seen
that normally, a head developed by a pump. So, suppose this all these three pumps are
identical pumps. So, they are providing that with their H 2 characteristics are same.

Now, depending upon a system resistance, they will fix up their operating point and we
will get the desired head and discharge. Now it might so happen, that the system
requirement is now instead of Q, it is Q 1 Q plus something else. So now present system
requirement is; so, if because of some installation of new plant or new equipment, the
present system requirement, if present system requirement is Q plus let us say Q 1 and this
Q plus Q 1 amount cannot be supplied even by operating two identical pumps in parallel.

So, this situation might happens that, to meet the present system requirement, because of
installation of a new plant or new equipment the system requirement is Q 1 Q plus Q 1
which is of course, greater than Q and this amount is such that, it is not possible to supply
from the existing pump even by running two pumps in a parallel mode. So, then again we
have to have an another pump, I mean to meet that short fall of water.

So, while we are connecting another pump, with the in parallel with the existing pump
that; that means, this amount is, this amount is such that even if I run, this two pumps in
parallel mode, we are not having to meet, the we are not in a position to meet the demand;
that means, again we need to install another pump and that pumps to run in parallel with
the existing two pumps. So in that case, we have to now fix up, what should be the head
and what should be the discharge that we are looking for the new pump not only that, the
newly installed now newly installed plant or newly installed equipment, that may not be
in the exact location, I mean the that may not have the same resistance with the resistance
that with the previous system resistance.

So, after installing new equipment or new plant, the system resistors might differ and as I
as I told, I do not know that whether I told you or not that pumping system, whenever we
are connecting pumps in parallel, they will try to always follow the least resistance of the
system. So, may be you are installing a new pump, that should be connected in parallel
with the parallel operation of another two pumps, but if the resistance of that system is
even much higher then, the previous system resistance than that pump may start you know
null functioning at a pump tripping may occur.

So, if this kind of situation occur then, how we can you know get rid of this problem that,
I will discuss by taking a analytical methodology and today I will stop here and I will
probably continue this kind of analytical methodology, how we can get rid of this problem,
by doing a very simple methodology and that should a pumping system designer should
know as a remedy. So, we will discuss that aspect in my next lecture.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 20
Pumping system design – III

We will continue our discussion on the Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System
Design. So, we are discussing about the Pumping System Design. So, today will discuss
one another aspect that, that is probably we have discussed that from any adjusting pump
house if we need, relatively higher amount may be that amount is not been that amount is
not possibly to supply by the existing pumps. So, what we need to do it for that case that
is what we will discuss today.

So, this schematic tells us that you know pumping system, whenever pumps are connected
in a pumps are installed in a house pump house, depending upon the requirement that is
very much process specific, we connect pumps either in parallel or series normally what
we need to do, it is seen that from the normally practice normally whenever our designer
design the pumping system. It is always advisable to you know we will have a few pumps,
although the net demand or net requirement will be met by a particular pump.

But will be met by a particular pump, but for by given pump, but it is always advisable to
keep at least another standby pump only to have a flexibility in operation. On the other
hand if the pumps are you know run by electric motor in that case, we again we have to
have one another pump that will be operated by IC engine that the diesel engine, only to
have again you know safety for the entire system, because if electricity supplied is you
know stops them probably enters water supply will be interrupted and for that to mitigate
that, you know demand during that crisis period, we need to have one pump that will be
run by diesel engine.

So, with that today will continue let us say that the requirement of the system, because
may be because of some new equipment or may be a new processed plant, requirement of
the system is becoming double or may be higher than the present system requirement. So,
the industry people always will try to get that amount of sub water from the existing pump
house, because as I said many a times that installation of pumps in a new pump house
rather construction of a new pump house, we will have a two different cost..

First one is of course, associated with the construction of the house itself and second one
is because again we need to imply another operator to operate the pump in new house, and
for that again we will have a running cost. So, it is not suggestive rather advisable to have
a new pump house of course, if the space and other requirement is there in the existing
pump house, then only you can go for that otherwise of course, we have to go for new
pump house.

So, if the demand is increasing let us say by double or may be higher than that, then may
be demand is such that by running two pumps again in parallel we are unable to meet the
demand. So, what we have to do again we have to install new pump. Now, as I said you
that the new the new requirement the additional requirement may coming from new
process plant all are new equipment.

So, whenever we are supplying that additional amount. So, whenever you are supplying
whenever you are transporting the traditional amount to a new process plant or two new
or new equipment of course, system is resistance will differ. So, in that case what we do?
So, to continue that again we will draw a schematic and we will explain briefly, that how
we can design that system.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:15)

So, suppose we have a sump so, in that case we have one sump this is reservoir or sump
from higher, may be two pumps connected, these two pumps are connected, and they are
supplying water to a common header.

So, this is known as common header, and as I said you that to have rather to increase the
safety of the system again, we have to have another pump that will be operated by diesel
engine. So, maybe we are having another pump of same capacity, but the pump will be
you know the pump will be operated by one diesel engine.

So, that is only for to bring the safety of the system. Now, as I said you that may be
situation demand is now increased, to supply additional amount in different another newly
installed plant or newly installed equipment such that, that even though running the
existing two pumps let us say the pump is P 1 2 and this is P 3 so, if one pump P 1 P 2 and
P 3 are identical, all the pumps are identical. Because they are may be each of them are
delivering Q meter cube per second that is discharge against a head of H against a head of
H. So, all these pumps are identical may be all the pumps are radial flow pump.

Now, as I said you that even by running two pumps at a time that is 2 Q is not sufficient
to meet the demand, because of the new installed plant or new installed equipment. So,
what you have to do again we have to install another pump. Now my question is suppose
if I draw the curve HQ curve So, since all the pumps are connected to common header and
from there may be our another line is connected to different parts of the different, you
know places that they are supplying water at different places.

So, if I know what the objectives are so, we need to operate two pump in parallel so, that
the discharge by both the pumps will be just double. So, suppose HQ curve for a given
pump is like this. So, if I for any pump P 1 P 2 and P 3, P 3 separate from all together
because that you operated by diesel engine only to bring out the safety of the system.

Now, if P 1 and P 2 both the pumps are connected in parallel only to have higher discharge
may be and then what will be the head discharge characteristics both are identical may be
will get. So, this is two pumps running in parallel and this is single pump. So, now,
question is if the system resistance curve is like this then of course, this will be our
operating point. So, the head or discharge corresponding to this point, head and discharge
corresponding to this point P so, this is Q P and this is H P. So, head and discharge
corresponding to this corresponding to these points are the rated discharge and rated head
that we are going to get from a system.

Now, may be this amount is not sufficient to supply to meet the demands. So, what we
have to do again we have to install another pump, should we go for the same pump or may

be depending upon the requirement we have to install another pump. Now, question is as
I said long back that whenever installing another pump, it is not possible that will get the
same pump from the manufacturer. So, we have to have another radial flow pump and the
pump will be of you know same speed and if we install thus another new pump with the
in parallel with the existing pumps and both the pumps are now connected in parallel..

Now, suppose this is newly installed pump and, this is now connected to the common
header. So, this is P4 so, P4 is the newly installed pump, this is newly installed pump.

So, this pump P4 is a newly installed pump and that is connected with the existing pump
house. So, what we have to do so, may be by running two P1, P1 P2 P3 are you are calling
this let us say group one pump. So, these are I am calling group 1 pumps and P4 is another
pump that is group two pump. So, by running two pumps in parallel of group one pump is
not able to meet the demand. So, what we have done we have installed another pump group
two pump and, that is being connecting in parallel with the existing pump and it is
connected with the common header.

Now, so, if I install new pump and if the let us say the demand is such that that the P4
pump is supplying, let us say head is narrow set of head is narrow, or nearly equal to the
existing pump house existing pumps or, but we need may be a little bit amount of water
we need to get from the existing pump. So, if the HQ curve of the new pump is like this
say set of head is nearly equal nearly equal so, like this.

Then if we add this one so, this is for group two pump, this one for group one pump, two
the two group two group 1 pumps are running in parallel in that case again our head system
resistance will be you have to know you know if we run all the pumps in parallel, then
again the total HQ curve that is whenever two group 1 pumps and 1 group pumps are
connected in parallel, then HQ curve will be like this.

So, this is the curve this is the curve, when 2 group 1 pump pumps and 1 group 2 pump
group 1 group 2 pump are in parallel. So, now, our new design point will be same, if I now
will discuss a few aspects. So, whenever the new pump is installed may be from the
common header, now we are connecting two different branch line, one is going to the
newly installed plant, newly installed plant. And another is supplying to the existing points.

So, although the all pumps are running in parallel, but the entire system will follow the
least system resistance out of this two difference two resistance, because one is going to
the newly installed plant one route, another route through which your supplying water to
the existing points. Now, I do not know the system resistance in which is more so, that is
what is big problem. Now so, if this is the system resistance and if this is the least system
resistance then of course, the operating point now will be shifting to another point that is
let us say R. So, now, this will be the Q P Q R and the head will be almost Q R H R.

Now, if I press back from this operating point to the individual pump, there may be this is
the discharge supplied by the group 2 pumps and this is the discharge supplied by the
group 1 pumps individual group 1 pumps. So, this is the point by at and the head and
discharge corresponding to points is the discharge and head supplied by each of the group
1 pumps..

And this is the point corresponding you know head and discharge corresponding to the
points are the head and discharge, that will be supplied by group two pumps rather newly
installed pumps. My question is find because in that case we are assumed that the system
is it will so, all the pumps running you know connected in parallel, they will run if and
only if all of them are expressing a experiencing a safe same system in existence, this is
very important we need to know. So, whenever you are connecting pumps in parallel and,
they will run each of them will run if all of them are experiencing the same system based
on which they are connected.

So, now as I said you if I press back from this newly operated operating point to the
individual pump HQ curve and the points how they are intersecting, now the head and
discharge corresponding to this point, let us say this is R 1 and this is R 2. The head and
discharge corresponding to R 1 that is the head and discharge that will be supplied by the
newly installed pump. It might so, happens that the discharge corresponding to point is so,
high that the power requirement that depends highly equal to 𝜌𝑄𝑔𝐻.

So, discharge is so, high may be head is manageable the head that is supplied by the pump
is fine, but the discharge is so, high that the power that is input power requirement from
the electric mode may become high and pump trips. So, if this is power that is the power
requirement rather QR1, I will write in a in a more accurate manner. So, 𝜌 QR1 g HR1 that
is the power required to drive the new pumps.

So, this is the power required to drive the new pumps. So, what we have to do. So, if this
amount so, I do not know if QR is so, high that may be fine, whenever pump manufacturer
is supplying pump, it is clearly written that pumps should be available to deliver from 25
percent to 125 percent of the discharge from its you know best designed points anyway.

So, if the QR1 and HR1 and these are very HR1 is fine that the head is fine, but if QR1 is very
high may be one not expecting that amount of Q from the pump 2. So, if this power
requirement is very high and that power is not able that power will come for electric motor
and, if that power is goes the power goes beyond the electric power up power supply the
electric motor then pump will trip and that is very unreal phenomena.

So, of course, we have installed may be you have installed 1 pump new, newly added pump
only to get the additional requirement, but because of this unreasonable phenomenon we
are not able to supply this additional requirement and pumps would trips and it has been
seen many a times by the industrial engineer that they are seeing this kind of problem so;
that means, because what while you are getting, because as I said you we do not know the
because water is now from a common header water is now convert if water is convert to
define a route to define branch lines..

So, I do not know which one is the least resistance of the system, that it is quite you know
common and it is obvious that whenever pumps are connected in parallel, they will run if
and only if all of them are experiencing the same system resistor systems. So, and it is also
to the they will also start minimum resistor systems. So, I do not know if the existence
system becomes minimum so, these will happen. And for that pump two may trips if the
you know power requirement is go power requirement goes coming those beyond to the
you know electric supplied for the electric motor in that case what we have to do.

So, this is very deep problems. So, now, I will briefly discuss you know it is very you
know in short, but how we can get rid out from this problem that the how we can get rather
how we can eliminate these kind of problem. So, what I will do?

(Refer Slide Time: 17:47)

Now, so as I said you that we can have a very you know simple analogy that what I said
that may be we are supplying Q amount and that Q amount is now may be divided into Q
1 and Q 2 and we are getting additional total Q amount. So, Q 1 should go to the newly
installed plant, or newly installed equipment and Q 2 will go to the existing system. But
since all the pumps are you know are running in parallel. So, all of them will be
experiencing same head let us say delta H otherwise they should not run.

So, if this is the case. So, then what I can do so, delta H experienced by the existing pump
house let us say because, now we are having two different system one is the existing
system, let us say that will be what that should total dynamic head will be equal to

𝐻𝑑𝑦𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑐 = 𝐻𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 + 𝑘 𝑄1 2

So, this is new system so, this is the condition based on which these two pumps will run.
Now, my question is where K1 and K2 K1 and K2 are loss coefficient of flow, loss
coefficient for flow. So, may be Q 1 is going to the new system and Q 2 is going to the old
system so, I know what is the amount of Q1 and Q2 I can calculate this total static height,
because I know the elevation level between the pump house and the new system and the
existing system. So, I can calculate the H static in both the cases, only thing I need to what
should be the K 1 and K 2.

∆𝐻 = 𝐻𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 + 𝐾1 𝑄12

𝐻𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 + 𝐾1 𝑄1 2 = 𝐻𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 + 𝐾2 (𝑄 2 − 𝑄1 )

So, solving this I can calculate because I know the total Q requirement for both the plants,
now I have calculated K 1 and K 2, I know the static height for both the system now I can
calculate Q 1 so, from this analysis, we can calculate what is the amount of water being
supplied by the pump to the new pumping new system so, and once I know the Q 1 then I
can easily calculate Q 2.

From there you will have a fair estimate about whether while this you know plants that are
new plants are existing plants are getting proper amount or not, if that is not the case then
what we have to do we have to design the system; that means, if Q 1 is less then we have
to know that the new system is having the higher resistance. And because of what entire
system is following the least system resistance that is the system resistance of the existence

And since it is following the existence system resistance and, if I press back that point to
the new pump house and new pump H Q curve and, discharge corresponding to the point
become may become so, high that the power input that the power required to operate the
pump is high, whether that goes beyond the you know electric motor power and pump

So, in that case knowing Q 1 and Q 2 I can calculate that fine, whether that whether both
the points are getting desired amount or not, if they are not getting then again we have to
regain the system, by how by altering this system resistance; however, we can alter the
system resistance, in a existing pump house sorry in existing systems we can alter system
resistance, because this 𝐾1 𝑄1 2 and 𝐾2 (𝑄 2 − 𝑄1 ) static height, we cannot have any
alteration this very difficult because once they are installed we cannot change.

Only we can change that is the K 1 loss resistance of flow by changing the valves, or
fittings etcetera. Again what we can do see in a install plant valve, we going to have valve
we need to have a flow control, again pipeline frictional resistance we cannot change,
because once points you know one pipes are installed or once pipes are led down, how we
can alter the pipe diameter all those thing, again it requires huge cost. So, what we can do

another should so, another one expect is to provide some orifice plate only to kill the
resistance or to increase the resistance.

So, either we can from the existing system you can increase resistance to bring out the
resistance equal to this new system are at the or, we what we can do we can reduce the
resistance of the new system and to going out thus equal system equal is test to news
existence system.

So, but the good suggestion is that we have to reduce or we have to bring down the system
resistance of the new system, as well as we have you know increase the system resistance
for the existence system so, that we can bring up at a particular level. So, that the both the
pumps I mean both all the pumps will run against system smoothly, without having a or
without having any trouble as well as the system will get the equal amount of discharge. .

And this is what the new an important design aspect of the pumping system, as I said you
that I can eliminate I can reduce a system by providing by eliminating one valve, if it is
not required or some fittings by resigning, or sometimes if I need to increase the system
resistance, then in suppose in if the existing system we need to increase the system
resistance, how we can increase only by providing orifice plate..

So, if I provide orifice plate it can be designed, that the orifice plate if I provide that will
kill some amount of head and some amount of head being developed and it will increase
the system resistance. So, this is all about the design aspect for pumping systems, if we
increase if would like to add a new pumps with the existing pumps and the new pumps
will run in parallel and, sometimes it happens that in newly installed pump or newly added
pump you know trips immediately it starts to run. So, we need to investigate from where
the problem is coming and then we need to sort out the problem by suitably a calculating
the system resistance and system design, fine with these I stop here and I will continue
with the next day with a next topic.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 21
Positive displacement pump, indicator diagram - I

We will continue our discussion on principle of hydraulic machines and system design.
Today, we will discuss about, Positive Displacement Pump and Indicator Diagram.

So, we have discussed at the beginning of this course that one you know category of pump
is positive displacement pump or PD pump we generally call in short. This is very
important, because now and I have discussed why it is called positive displacement,
because there is a positive displacement of the system boundary as a close mass. And we
have discussed that in a positive displacement pump, we can have higher heat developed,
but the flow rate that will get that is almost constant.

So, now today we will discuss that the operational principle of the positive displacement
pump and what are the several issues, I mean whenever we are installing rather how a PD
pumps works. So, there are several pumps I mean which in a first under the category of
positive displacement pump may like, a reciprocating pump, screw pump, vane pump, gear
pump. So, we will discuss I will take one only reciprocating pump to discuss about the
features of positive displacement pump.

What is reciprocating pump, because you have seen that reciprocating pump; a
reciprocating the word itself suggest that there will be reciprocating motion of the piston.
So that is to and fro motion of the piston and that will be connected with the crank and you
know connecting rod mechanism. Now, piston will come from one end to other end, and
then it might you know suck some amount of liquid from reservoir. And then whenever it
is again going back to the original position, then they will try to discharge that put pressure
on the trap liquid within the cylinder and then liquid will be discharged.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:22)

So, if I would have drawn the PD pump, let us say, I need to draw schematic of a PD pump.
So, if I draw schematic of a PD pump, it will take some time. So, this is delivery tank, this
is reservoir, now we have a few valves; one-way valve, these are valves. So, suppose this
is the limit of the suction, this is the suction limit; this is 1, this is 2. So, 1 is the suction
valve, number 2 is the delivery valve both the valves are one-way valve, one-way valve.
And this is piston, you know which is rotating at an angular velocity. So, we will discuss
that now if it is; if I discuss this one, we will discuss that is equal to what it is, so this is
atmospheric pressure P atmospheric.

And this is let us say this is piston, and this is delivery pipe, and this one is the suction
pipe. So, this is delivery pipe this is suction pipe and so maybe; so if this is the height, so
we will discuss this amount and this amount is how much. So, let us now discuss about the
how it works; so we are having one cylinder, this is cylinder and we will draw the indicator
diagram this is very important. So, if we have absolute pressure, absolute pressure this is
volume and say this is the atmospheric pressure.

So, we are having atmospheric pressure, this is absolute pressure and the volume. So, as I
said that valve one is suction valve and valve two is delivery valve and both the valves are
one-way valve. Now, initially when I piston bring from suction limit to towards outer side
that means, from the piston end if I bring this is a piston end, so this is the cylinder end,
this is end of the cylinder. So, when I bring piston from end to the front side that open side
of the piston. That means, we are creating negative pressure inside the cylinder, and which
will fall; which will be below the atmospheric pressure. And that driving pressure

difference will allow, because the suction pipeline is connected to the reservoir, where
atmospheric pressure is acting on the fluid mass.

Now, when I bringing piston from piston end to the piston open side rather in a front side,
then a negative pressure will create inside the piston cylinder; and that will create a
pressure difference between the reservoir and the piston inside the piston cylinder; that
pressure difference will try to push liquid from reservoir to the cylinder. And in that case,
you know valve go up this is one-way valve, valve will allow liquid to go to the cylinder.

So, whenever piston is coming from piston end to the open side, a negative pressure inside
the piston cylinder which is below the atmospheric pressure will create a pressure
difference or the driving pressure difference, driving force rather that will allow liquid
from reservoir liquid in the reservoir to be pushed, rather to be pushed into the supply line
suction pipe. And it will go to the reservoir by you know lifting the delivery lifting the
suction valve, because suction valve is one-way valve.

Now, when piston has raised to the you know that you know outer limit point, whenever
piston has reached to the front you know open side of the cylinder at the at the limiting
condition, then cylinder will be filled up with the liquid. And valve try to remain seated
over the suction side. And, since it is a one way valve, so when force acting on the valve
will be less, because of the less driving potential. So, gradually water will be filled up in
the cylinder and a situation will come when the pressure difference between cylinder and
the reservoir will be 0; and at that time no liquid will be enter, no liquid will be entering
to the cylinder and no force will be acting on the valve and valve will try to remain seated
over the valve seat and it will closed.

Now, what will happen the next successive stroke when piston will come from the open
side, and towards it will move toward the when and it will move towards the end of the
piston. Then since it will create a pressure on the suction valves, so suction valve will trail
will try to remain seated over there, rather it will remain closed. On the other hand, a
driving force that is acting, so it will create pressure on the fluid mass and that will try to
lift the delivery valve. And, it will go to the delivery tank by lifting the delivery valve,
because a certain amount of force is required to lift the delivery valves. So, whenever that
crosses then liquid will go to the delivery tank through delivery pipe.

So, now if I draw the indicator diagram of this particular pump; so this is the operation
principle and of course, how much amount of liquid will get and that essentially depends
upon the frequency of the operation frequency of the you know piston movement, since it
is connected to the crank and connecting are mechanism.

Now, if suppose I am telling this angle is let us say theta. So, if I draw the indicator
diagram, absolute pressure versus atmospheric pressure. So, what is happening; so at the
end say let us say point a, piston whenever piston pressure at the cylinder inside the
cylinder is less than atmospheric pressure. So, whenever I am bringing piston from piston
end to the piston front side. That means, at a constant pressure rather I assume constant
pressure, but I am increasing the volume; so it will be like this, say it this is a, this is b.

So, I am bringing piston from piston end to the piston front side, rather I am creating I am
allowing volume to be increased and which is known as swept volume. So, this is known
as this is called suction stroke, this is suction stroke and this volume is known as swept
volume. So, this is swept volume, and this is suction stroke. So, it will be as the entire
process is occurring at the constant pressure.

Now, after coming at point b the pressure inside the cylinder after coming at point b,
pressure you know and whenever I am bringing piston whenever bringing piston from
piston end to the front side, delivery valve is remaining closed. Because, it is again one
way valve, there is no sufficient pressure to lift up the delivery valve and to go or to allow
the liquid to go out to the delivery tank by a delivery pipe. So, it will remain seated over

When you know piston is coming at the point b, let us say at the end of the suction stroke
then pressure increases abruptly, pressure increases abruptly let us say up to this point I
am calling c, before it start for the delivery stroke. So, at the end of the suction stroke entire
cylinder is filled up with liquid and pressure increases suddenly; volume remain constant
pressure increases suddenly, because at that time both the valves are closed; suction valve
is closed, and delivery valve is already closed. Since, both the valves are closed, so
pressure increases abruptly to a point c while volume remaining constant.

Now, again when I am bringing piston from piston right side, rather piston of front side to
the piston end side, cylinder front side to the cylinder end side; so what will happen volume

will reduce and I am assuming as I have, we are assuming that the volume reduces at a
constant pressure process.

So, assume process is constant pressure process and volume decreases to the up to the
point d. And then that time suction valve is remaining closed, delivery valve is opened,
liquid is moving liquid is going to the delivery tank by delivery pipe. And whenever piston
reaches at the end side, then pressure again suddenly falls, because now delivery valve is
closed, suction valve is also closed, pressure falls you know to at point a, volume remain
constant. So, this is known as this is known as delivery stroke. So, this is delivery stroke.

So, this is suction stroke, this is delivery stroke and this is atmospheric pressure. So, I can
see that the entire suction is happening at below the atmospheric pressure, and that that is
what is the driving force, driving pressure difference to have a liquid to be entered into the
engines as so it will entered into the cylinder. So, this a b always lies below the atmospheric

So, this is indicator diagram of a positive displacement pump and I think it is clear now
that during suction stroke pressure in the cylinder is below atmospheric pressure. So,
during the suction pressure inside the cylinder is below atmospheric pressure that is
indicated by line a b. While pressure during the delivery stroke is always above the
atmospheric pressure, because delivery tank is open. So, of course, we have to have higher
than atmospheric pressure, otherwise there will be a driving force to have a flow of fluid
from to the delivery pipe to the delivery tank and that is represented by c d.

Now, you are seen that at the end of suction stroke and beginning of delivery stroke
pressure rises abruptly along the line b c. So, we have seen that at the end of the suction
stroke, and when it so suction stroke is end, suction valve is closed. And when the piston
is try to move just putting pressure on the liquid element till now delivery valve is closed,
until or unless we are crossing that you know weight of the piston by overcoming the you
know; I can increase the pressure which will overcome the piston resistance that sorry
valve resistance of the valve weight that time piston valve two will remain closed.

So, the moment at which suction you know piston tries to move towards the end during
the beginning of the delivery stroke, suction valve is closed; delivery valve will remain
closed, because we need to overcome the resistance of the valve and for that we need to
build up a sufficient amount of pressure. And since then pressure rises abruptly at line b c.

Similarly, when piston reaches at the end both the valve closed and piston falls inversely
adopt you know point a, because at the end of again suction stroke.

So, this is what is indicator diagram, but here I would like to point out I will keep this
schematic same, because two more again I have to discuss so many things. Now, I will
discuss that whatever indicator diagram we have draw this is again ideal one, because
while we are while we have plotted this indicator diagram we have indicated suction
stroke, delivery stroke, and we have discussed about the movement of the delivery valve
and suction valve. We did not take into account two different aspects.

One is of course, frictional losses in the suction pipe and delivery pipe that is there, because
fluid whenever it is flowing though a closed conduit, then of course frictional losses we
cannot eliminate, we cannot ignore that is there; on the top of that what will be there,
because whenever liquid is there in the you know suction pipe or delivery pipe, we cannot
ignore the inertia. So, because liquid inertia that in the pipes which will try to oppose, the
changes in velocity. So of course, we are having own velocity otherwise how we can have
flow of liquid.

So, liquid inertia in the suction you know pipelines that will try to oppose the velocity to
be developed or a velocity that will be changed. And the in a in frictional effect that is
there in the pipeline, suction pipe delivery pipe that we did not take into account while we
have plotted this indicator diagram. So, we need to take all this into account while we are
providing the indicator diagram ok. So, now if I, a modify this indicator diagram, we have
to modify, because we need to take those effects into account; how we can take. So,
suppose I am now drawing this indicator diagram in next slides and if I draw it.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:00)

So, if I draw that absolute pressure versus volume. So, this is volume and this is absolute
pressure; and we know this is the atmospheric pressure. So this is atmospheric pressure.
So, if I draw the ideal indicator diagram that is what we have obtained that is line a b, this
is then sudden rise in or abrupt rise in pressure, because the delivery valve you know is
remaining closed, suction try to push on the liquid and there will be a sudden rise in
pressure. Then the process is assumed to be constant volume process pressure, you know
constant pressure process, volume reduces that is delivery valve opens and liquid goes to
the delivery tank through delivery pipes.

And when at the piston reaches at the end of the cylinder then a delivery valve will be
closed, suction valve will be closed rather it will try to open and again piston will try to
come towards the front side of the cylinder. And it will create and pressure, it will create
a negative pressure gradient and the pressure will falls abruptly again to the point a. So,
this is what is called suction stroke, this is a, this is b, this is C, this is D. So, we have given
a b is the suction stroke and b C D, C D is the delivery stroke that you have identified.

So, in this indicator diagram we have to modify it, this indicator diagram we have to
modify it by taking the effect of frictional losses in the pipelines, as well as the inertial
effect in the pipelines into account. Because whenever pipeline will be always filled up by
the liquid, liquid will have inertia and that inertia will change will oppose the change in
velocities and frictional losses; how can I, this is very important; so note that the inertia

pressure, I mean whenever liquid will have you know that let me discuss a few things at
the end of the stroke. So, fluid mass we brought into rest; that means, fluid will be

So, maybe at the end of the suction stroke or at the end of the delivery stroke fluid mass
will not be brought to the rest and it is deceleration. So, when it is decelerated, pressure
will increase, similarly you know so at the end of the suction stroke or beginning of the
suction delivery stroke fluid is brought to the rest and it will I mean it will be decelerated.
Similarly, you know whenever it is piston is moving towards rather at the beginning of the
delivery stroke and a fluid will have acceleration, so accelerated; so, whenever it is
accelerated, pressure will fall; whenever it is decelerated, pressure will increase so this is
very important.

So, at the end of the stroke of the liquid in the cylinder and element pipe must be brought
to the rest. So, at the end each stroke, I mean it is suction stroke or the delivery stroke.
Fluid in the cylinder as well as the pipeline must be brought to the rest, so that means I
mean that is decelerated. So, whenever it is decelerated, I mean pressure will increase,
because and whenever it is accelerated pressure will fall.

So, now that is so what is the pressure because of the inertial effect? So, this inertia
pressure, inertia pressure. So, what I am telling at the end of each stroke that is at the end
of suction stroke and at the end of delivery stroke, liquid in the cylinder as well as the as
well as in the pipeline must be brought to the rest that is decelerated.

So, similarly in next in the consecutive stroke, fluid must be accelerated. So, whenever
piston is coming from its beginning, fluid must be accelerated. And similarly, whenever
liquid is during the delivery stroke, when piston is moving then fluid must be accelerated.
So, in that time because of acceleration pressure will fall. So, decelerate pressure; fall of
pressure because of deceleration, fall or rise in pressure because of deceleration
acceleration that end clip essentially, you got the inertial effect.

So, inertia pressure that is given Pi = 𝜌 𝑔 ℎ𝑖 that is given. So, I can write for this particular
case that is 𝜌 𝑔 𝑙 right., where l is equal to length of the pipe, length of the pipe right.

And dv dt is the acceleration of the fluid, and dv dt is the acceleration of the fluid.

so whenever fluid is brought to the rest at the end of the each and every stroke then there
will be a brought to the rest that is deceleration, pressure will increase. And at the
beginning when whenever delivery stroke is started, so fluid must be accelerated. So, at
the end there will be high deceleration; so high acceleration, so pressure will fall.

So, what I told that at each and every stroke at the end of each and every at end of each
stroke in the liquid, the liquid in the cylinder and as well as the pipeline must will be
brought to the rest, must be brought to the rest that is decelerated, and immediately
afterwards at the beginning of the following stroke, the fluid in the cylinder and the
associated pipe must be accelerated.

So, whenever at the end of each stroke the fluid in the cylinder, as well as the pipeline
must be brought to the rest that is decelerated and immediately afterwards at the beginning
of the following stroke, beginning of the following stroke fluid must be accelerated. Fluid
in the cylinder, as well as a pipeline must be accelerated. So, we need to know because of
this deceleration, acceleration what will be the inertial effect, inertia pressure; there will
be rise in pressure or fall in pressure. So, we have calculated inertial pressure Pi = 𝜌 𝑔 ℎ𝑖

Now, if I assume that you know assume cross section, cross sectional area of cylinder,
because velocity in the pipeline, velocity of velocity of the fluid in the pipe and velocity
of the fluid in the cylinder are different. Cross sectional area of the cylinder is capital A
and velocity of piston is equal to u, then from continuity equation then using continuity
equation, what I can write. Then using continuity equation, I can write a into b is equal to
a into capital U, where a is the cross-sectional area of the pipe, of pipe and v of the fluid
velocity in pipe.

ax𝑣 =𝐴𝑥𝑢

a = c/s area of pipe

v = vel of fluid in pipe

A= c/s area of cylinder

u = velocity of piston

𝑑𝑣 𝐴 𝑑𝑢
𝑑𝑡 𝑎 𝑑𝑡

see du/dt is important; because this du/dt the it depends upon the frequency I mean,
frequency of the you know cylinder by which it is now having to and from motion.

So, what I can see that from this expression, what I can see at the beginning of suction
stroke that is point a. So, I am writing here beginning of suction stroke that is point a, what
is happening at this point a; liquid in the suction line, liquid in the suction pipe must be
accelerated. So, beginning of the point a; liquid in the suction pipe must be accelerated,
because piston is trying to come from end to the front.

So, pipeline liquid will be accelerated, it was initially at rest now it will be accelerated. So,
the pressure in the cylinder must be lowered, so it is accelerated. So, pressure in the
cylinder must be lowered by an amount. So, pressure in the cylinder must be lowered. So,
beginning of the suction stroke that is point a, liquid-liquid in suction pipe must be
accelerated and pressure inside the cylinder will be less.

So, at the beginning of suction stroke liquid in the suction pipeline will be accelerated,
pressure will be lowered, pressure will be lesser in the cylinder and that will be lowered
𝐴 𝑑𝑢
by an amount that is calculated from inertial pressure Pi = 𝜌 𝑙 . And if I plot it, from
𝑎 𝑑𝑡

this diagram from the point a, let us say this is point a. So, this will be lowered by an
amount up to this or so pressure in the pressure inside the cylinder must be lowered by this
amount, let us say a e.

And similarly, at the end of the suction stroke pressure liquid in the suction pipeline will
be decelerated of course, because there will be no suction valve will be closed decelerated.
And pressure inside the cylinder must be increased and that will be increased by an amount
𝐴 𝑑𝑢
Pi = 𝜌 𝑙𝑠 . So, now that will be increased. So, if it is so this is let us say, I am calling
𝑎𝑠 𝑑𝑡

it this; is I am calling it f so f. So, if I plot it, so this will be the new diagram.

Let us say this is crossing at point m. So, now pressure will be actual indicator diagram
will be e into f, similarly at the end of rather at the beginning of delivery stroke; at the
beginning of delivery stroke what will happen. So, at the beginning of the delivery stroke,
pressure in the cylinder must be high, because that will try to put you know you know that
that will try to put pressure on the fluid, and that will be equal to similarly at the beginning

of delivery stroke pressure in the cylinder, pressure in the suction pipeline. You know
pressure in the cylinder will be high; pressure in the cylinder will be high and will be P I,
𝐴 𝑑𝑢
you know that is you know (Pi)cg = 𝜌 𝑙𝑑 .
𝑎𝑑 𝑑𝑡

So, by this amount so that will increase of course, pressure will increase, because at the
beginning of the delivery stroke piston is trying the moment, momentarily piston is trying
to put force on the fluid. So pressure will increase and that increment is because of the
inertial effect; so that is I mean and delivery valve will try to open. So, it will be you know,
𝐴 𝑑𝑢
the exact amount will be (Pi)cg = 𝜌 𝑙𝑑 . So, pressure will increase.
𝑎𝑑 𝑑𝑡

Similarly, at the end of the delivery stroke again fluid in the at the end of the delivery
stroke, the pressure falls pressure will fall definitely, because delivery valve pressure in
the cylinder will fall and that fall will be equal to minus of (Pi)cg. So, equal amount, but
pressure will fall. So, if I connect this line; so this is let us say c g, c g and this is equal to
d h. So, this h g is the new. So now the actual indicator diagram will be let us say this is n,
I am calling at n. So, now actual indicator diagram considering the inertial affect, the
indicator diagram considering inertial effect will be e; you know that e, m, f, g and h.

So, indicator diagram indicator diagram, considering inertial pressure will be e, m, f, g n

h, so this is clear. So, at the beginning of the delivery stroke pressure in the cylinder will
be high, of course piston will try to move the trying to move towards the end, it will create
force on, it will create, it will try to create pressure rise the liquid that is being there in the
cylinder. So, pressure will increase by amount that is inertial pressure. And at the end of
the beginning stroke again, I mean pressure in the cylinder will be will fall, and that is will
be equal to the rise in pressure during the beginning stroke and that is given by dh.

So, this is the indicator diagram considering inertial effect we have obtained, we need to
again superimpose, because we till now we did not take into effect frictional losses,
because frictional losses will be there in the pipeline whatever it is pipes suction pipeline
and delivery pipeline that we need to take into account. And considering frictional effect,
what we need to modify and what would be the modified indicator diagram that we will
discuss in the next lecture.

So, I stop here today.

Thank you very much.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 22
Positive displacement pump, indicator diagram - II

So, we will continue our discussion on the indicator diagram of a reciprocating pump,
rather a positive displacement pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:38)

So, we have discussed yesterday the, a, b, c, d is the simplest on that the indicator diagram
pressure versus volume. But, while we have you know described the a, b, c, d that is suction
and delivery stroke and while we are discussing, that time we did not considered the effect
of inertia that is because of the liquid volume in the pipelines and also the frictional effects
in because of that fluid flow through the pipes.

And also we have discussed that if we take into account the inertial effects I mean then we
have modified indicator diagram that is e m f. So, modified indicator diagram considering
inertial pressure will be e, m, f, g, n, h that is the modified indicator diagram. Now, if we
rank now again consider the frictional effect that is always there I mean we cannot ignore,
so what will be the how the frictional effect will modify the indicator diagram, and that we
need to look into I mean that that we should now discuss. So, you know that what we

know; I mean how we can calculate frictional losses in a pipeline, whether it is suction
pipe or delivery pipe.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:48)

So, if we go back to my you know previous slide had where we have plotted, where we
have described about suction pipe and delivery pipe through which fluid is flowing during
suction and delivery stroke. Now, while fluid is flowing through suction pipe and delivery
pipe, we cannot ignore the frictional effect.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:13)

So, even if we draw the indicator diagram modified with the inertial effect due to the
presence of liquid volume in the pipelines rather suction pipe and delivery pipe, so the
modified indicator diagram will be like this. So, this is the volume, and this is absolute
pressure absolute pressure right. So, this is volume, this is absolute pressure. And if this is
the atmospheric pressure, so this is atmospheric pressure. Then this one was the suction
stroke, so then there will be a rise in pressure for constant volume, this is delivery stroke,
and this one is sudden falling pressure.

So, we have given name a, b, c, d. And then this is a simple indicator diagram, where we
did not take into we did not take the effect of rather effects of inertia and frictional into
account. Now, considering the effect of inertia, the modified indicator diagram that that is
what we have discussed in my last lectures that that will be like this, so it will be like this.
And e, m, f, similarly there will be rise in pressure, and the modified indicator diagram
will be like this e, m, f, g, n, h. So, the modified indicator diagram considering the effect
of inertia will be e, m, f, g, n, h that we that is what we have discussed my last day.

So, now we need to take the effect of frictional effect into account. So, whenever fluid is
flowing through suction pipe or delivery pipe, normally we do calculate frictional losses
following Darcy Weisbach equation. So, if we write down the Darcy Weisbach equation

𝑓𝑙 𝑣 2
ℎ𝑓 = 2𝑔𝐷

Sometimes f is replaced by 4 f, because that depends upon whether you know fanning
friction coefficient or the whether it is f = 64/RE or 16/RE that depends upon. Now that is
𝑓𝑙 𝑣 2
not an important issue, so that is 2𝑔𝐷 the frictional loss. So, from this expression, it is quite

cleared that the frictional head loss h f will vary or will be proportional to V2 that is a
velocity square.

So, now if I try to modify you know this V2 is the basically fluid velocity, now I can replace
the fluid velocity in terms of the piston velocity. So, V is the velocity of the fluid, so it is
fluid velocity fluid velocity. This fluid velocity can be replaced or can be written in terms
of the velocity of the piston that is u that will be that, that is what we know how V = 𝑎 𝑢,

where A is the cross section area of the cylinder; small a is the cross section area of the
pipeline, whether it is suction pipe or delivery pipe and this u.

So, the indicator diagram whatever you are plotting that is essentially in the cylinder I
mean how the cylinder pressure and volume is changing. So, we have now replaced
velocity of the fluid in the pipe in terms of the piston velocity, where you know piston
velocity is u. Now, L and A by a these are these are variable, because L maybe Ls or Ld,
and A maybe As, Ad depending upon the suction pipe and delivery pipe, whatever it is
what we can replace we can write in terms of the piston velocity.

So, what it is clear, in fact what is seen that Darcy equation whatever it is must Darcy
equation varies hf verses V2. So, if I now try to superimpose that effect on the modified
indicator diagram that that is what we have drawn that e, m, f, g, n, h. Then of course, now
I can write something that how we can this piston velocity, piston velocity maybe this is
very important. So, the frictional effect will be parabolic in nature that is quite obvious
from the equation hf verses V2. So, the hf ∝ V2 from where it is quite cleared that the
variation will be parabolic in nature, but somehow, we need to calculate the piston velocity.

So, how do we calculate piston velocity? So, if we go back to my previous slide, where
we have written that you know sorry this will be 𝜃 this angle will be 𝜃 instead of this angle
will be 𝜃, and this will be 180 - 𝜃. So, if piston let us say is moving a distance x from its
initial position. So, if piston moves a distance x from its initial position maybe piston was
you know piston is moving let us say x distance in this direction let say x distance is
moving, and because of what crank has connected let us say angle theta. And so I can now
calculate this may be this distance is x.

So, I can calculate; what is this distance x linear distance linear distance. So, because of
the crank revolution by an angle theta if there is a linear displacement of the piston is x,
then I can calculate x in terms of the frequency omega crank radius r. If the crank radius
is let us say r crank radius is r, then I can replace the linear displacement x of the piston
for you know angular displacement by an amount theta in terms of crank radius r and
frequency omega.

Now, if I try to express that is very important that is piston velocity. So, how I can calculate
piston velocity is very important, because that is important to obtain. Maybe grossly the
effect of frictional effect of friction will be parabolic in nature I mean if would like; if you
would like to modify the indicator diagram, then of course need to have will be parabolic

in nature frictional effect. But how we will calculate, where the velocity will be 0, where
acceleration will be maximum to know that we need to calculate the piston velocity.

How we can calculate piston velocity is very important. So, piston velocity this is very
often. How we can calculate piston velocity, this piston velocity may be obtained from the
displacement equation. So, if I recall that if this is my piston and piston is moving like this,
so this angle is theta, so this is 180 - 𝜃. So, let us say this is the axial displacement x. So, I
can calculate, and radius is r. So, r is the crank radius, 𝜔 is the frequency of the rotation of
the crank, and then piston velocity can be obtained from the displacement equation as in
simple harmonic motion.

And it can be written in terms of so we are assuming that the displacement equation
following the simple harmonic motion. And we can calculate piston velocity in terms of
the crank radius r, and also the 𝜔 that is a frequency of the crank rotational speed of the
crank, rather we can write that is rotational speed of the crank rotational speed of crank.

So, assuming the simple harmonic motion that the displacement equation follow follows
the simple harmonic motion, and we can calculate piston velocity in terms of crank radius,
rotational speed of the crank, and crank angle 𝜃 by how. So, then how we can calculate
this is very important. So, you know that as I said you from this figure, I can write that the
linear displacement x for an suppose initially when piston was at the and cylinder end, then
initially this point let us say this is P, this point P was here. So, now P has moved a distance
by an amount theta by an angle 𝜃 and for that we have a linear displacement x. So, this
linear displacement x can be calculated from this triangle. So, this x = r - r cos𝜔𝑡.

So, now this 𝜃 = 𝑟 − 𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔𝑡 . So, I can obtain dx dt that is velocity of the piston is equal
to r omega sin omega t. So, how we can calculate? So, if I know the linear angular
displacement, suppose piston has a linear displacement x, and for that crank has rotated by
an angle theta, from there we can calculate angular linear displacement x in terms of crank
radius and crank angle, while 𝜔 is the rotational speed of the crank. From there, we can
calculate what will be piston velocity dx/dt = r 𝜔 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡. This is very good.

So, piston velocity that is piston velocity will be u = r 𝜔 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡. So, it is quite clear from
this equation is that that when 𝜃 = 0, I mean that is at the beginning. So, for is 𝜃 = 0; that
is at the beginning of at the beginning of at the beginning and rather at the beginning of

and at the end of each stroke 𝜃 = 0. U = 0. So, at the beginning as well as at the end of
ends at the beginning and end of each stroke 𝜃 = 0. So, velocity will be 0, if velocity is 0
right. Then fluid frictional effect will be 0 following this Darcy equation.

So, fluid frictional effect will be equal to 0 from the Darcy equation, this is very important.
So, what we obtain that at the beginning and at the end of each stroke 𝜃 = 0, so velocity
will be 0, so fluid frictional effect will be 0, but the acceleration or deceleration whatever
it may is it will be maximum right. So, but the acceleration, deceleration du dt, but the
acceleration or deceleration that is du dt will be maximum. So, this is very important that
at the end and beginning of each stroke fluid frictional effect is 0, but the acceleration
deceleration may acceleration and deceleration is maximum.

Similarly, at the middle I mean at the middle of the when the velocity is maximum that is
at the middle of the stroke. Similarly, at the middle of each stroke that is at 𝜃 = 90 degree
or 270 degree right, so 𝜃 = 90 degree or 270 degree, fluid frictional effect will be
maximum because velocity will be maximum, but the acceleration and deceleration will
be 0. So, u is equal to u max. So, fluid friction will be maximum fluid friction will be
maximum, but the acceleration deceleration will be 0.

So now, if I try to superimpose the effect of friction on the modified indicator diagram:
then how it will how it will look like. So, what we obtain that at the end and beginning of
each stroke, so 𝜃 = 0, and fluid friction effect will be no fluid friction effect rather
acceleration deceleration will be maximum. And at the middle, velocity will be maximum
while the acceleration and deceleration will be 0, no acceleration deceleration. So, and it
we need to mind, we need to keep in mind that that frictional head loss varies you know it
is parabolic in nature.

So, if I try to superimpose that effect, so here you know it will be like this and this will be
like this right. So, this will be the actual modified diagram. So, this is the suction stroke,
this is suction stroke, and this is the delivery stroke. So, the actual indicator diagram
modified with the effect of inertia as well as effect of fluid friction, it will be let us say it
will be you know e e, q, f, g, s, h. So, I am writing that the actual indicator diagram
considering fluid friction as well as inertia will be e, q, f, g, s, h. So, this is very important.
The actual modified actual indicator diagram considering the effect of fluid friction as well

as inertia will be a e, q, f, g, s, h, this is very important fine. So, this is what is very
important that we have calculated.

Now, we need to know a few important aspects to solve a few problems, I mean when you
are going to solve numerical problem that mean what will be the flow rate from that
positive displacement pump. And for that we have to work out a few exercises I mean we
need to do some exercise to calculate that what would be the volume flow rate, and then
what will be the efficiency like this ok. So, if we go to the next slide, then we can write
that whenever piston is moving then the instantaneous pressure in the cylinder p is p.
Suppose, how we can calculate work done, so this is important.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:31)

So,If p is the instantaneous pressure in the cylinder, then the force exerted by the fluid on
the piston; of course, then how we can calculate, then force exerted by the fluid on the
piston will be how much, that will be how much, A* p, where A is the area of the piston
face, area of piston face. So, this is the work done. So, force exerted by the fluid on the
piston will be A*p, then and for that if piston has a displacement dx, then work done will
be right.

Instantaneous work done = A*p*dx

Total work done =∫ A ∗ p ∗ dx

Swept volume Vs = A s {s = piston stroke}

Discharge Q = A s N = 2𝜋 𝑉

Now, the volume of the liquid displaced will depends this will depend upon the pump
speed upon the pump speed right. So, volume of liquid displaced will depend upon the
pump speed and that will be A into s, where s is the piston stroke, and A is the area, and
V is the swept volume. Then Q that is the discharge, I do not know whether it is theoretical
or ideal, or theoretical or actual.

This is theoretical discharge. Why, it is theoretical discharge because there will be certain
amount of as I said you that positive displacement pump rather reciprocating pump is a
kind of you know PD pump which is normally used to have a deliver high pressure while
flow rate will remain constant.

So, we have calculated that volume of liquid displacement that is very important quantity
that we need to know, because essentially, we are installing one pump only to obtain high
flow rate, of course discharge head will be important. So, we will work out again how do
we calculate total head that is another issue. But the volume, so in one stroke length I mean
one stroke how much volume that is a swept volume that is area into s, A is the piston area.

So, if this is the case, then I have calculated this theoretical discharge, but this theoretical
discharge this discharge is theoretical one, because you would not get this amount of
discharge. Whenever piston is moving piston is moving towards the end of the cylinder,
and it will try to develop high pressure there will be certain amount of leakage through
glands through valves. And so we should not get this amount of discharge rather actual
distance should be always less than that.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:56)

So that is why if I go to next slide, so what is important, so this

Qth = 2𝜋 𝑉

Qac = Qth – q

small q amount this will be loss leakage loss, leakage loss through glands etcetera. So,
there will be certain some amount of loss rather through the gland etcetera, because
whenever cylinder is put you know moving towards the end, there will be high pressure,
because of that high pressure there will be certain amount of leakage loss through the
glands etcetera

Volumetric efficiency 𝜂𝑣 =

So, Q actual will be always less than the theoretical one and that is why one efficiency is
defined that is known as you know per efficiency and that rather volumetric efficiency that
is known as volumetric efficiency of the pump.

𝑄𝑡ℎ −𝑄𝑎𝑐
Slip = = 1 − 𝜂𝑣

Actually if I now try to draw the indicator you know h Q curve of the positive displacement
pump, so if I try to draw that if this is head developed by the pump and this is the discharge

by the pump, ideally we have higher discharge the product will remain constant. So, ideally
the curve like be this. So, this is the ideal one. But to take into the to take the effect of
slippage into account rather considering the effect of slippage, slip will be there, because
whenever fluid you know a piston is pushing that a piston is moving towards the end, it is
always trying to pushing the liquid. As a result of which of course, you will have a high
pressure and because of that high pressure some amount of liquid will leak through the
glands and also the valves. As a result of which we may not get this amount of discharge
rather actual discharge will be less than the theoretical whatever you have predicted. So,
the actual curve will be like this. So, this is the actual curve.

So, existence of slip that is the leakage of fluid through glands ok. So, till now we have
calculated the volumetric efficiency, and we have an idea about the discharge through a
PD pump, so that is one aspect.

And now how do we calculate the head developed by the pump that is another important
point we need to take into account. So, how do we calculate you know head developed by
the pump this is very important again. And for that what we have to do, we have to
calculate you know we have to go back to a slide where we have drawn the schematic. So,
if we go back to my you know previous slide where we have drawn the schematic, and
from here we can tell that what should be the total h. So, this is very important. And total
head developed by the pump will be how much and I am telling now.

So, here if now try to energy balance right. So, the pump pressure will depends upon the
system it is a important. The pump pressure the pressure that will be developed by the
pump that or the head developed by the pump will depends on the system in which it is
acting. So, if I apply energy equation between that is why I am trying to go back to my
previous slide, if I apply energy equation between point let us say 1 and 4 that is you know.
If I go back to my previous slide, and if I let say this is my point, this point 1 and this is
point 4.

So, if I now try to write energy question between the point 1 and 4, what I get and that is
what I will try to write over here. That if I said you the pump pressure that will depend
upon the system in which it is working and if I try to write energy equation between point
between point 1 and 4, then what can I obtain. So, now we will discuss about the head
developed by the pump.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:13)

So, head developed by the pump. Last slide we have discussed about the discharge and
there will be a theoretical discharge, and actual discharge theoretical discharge is predicted
by that quantity 2𝜋 𝑉 while the actual distance will be less than that. But how what will

be the head developed by the pump right, what will be the head developed by the pump
this is very important. So, if I apply energy equation between points 1 and 4 in may the
schematic in the schematic points 1 and 4 are defected in schematic right.

This is quite simple, because energy at 1 is the atmospheric pressure that we know. And
we are taking water in the pump rather we are sucking water in the pump. And then, we
are working on that fluid that is work done by the pump, and whatever energy we are
getting at the point 4 that will be equal to the energy at point twelve plus energy plus work
done by the pump. And of course, while we are lifting water let us say from point 1 to
point 4, we cannot ignore the frictional losses, so that amount of energy that we need to
overcome using energy at 1 plus pump you know work, so that is the total equation.

Total energy at 1 + work done by pump = total energy at 4 + frictional losses

Total energy at 1 per unit mass of fluid flowing = 𝜌

Work done by the pump = g H

Total energy at 4 per unit mass of fluid flowing = + 𝑔𝑍

Frictional losses = g ( ∑ ℎ1𝑠+∑ ℎ1𝑑)

(Refer Slide Time: 34:42)

𝑃𝑎 𝑃𝑎
+ 𝑔𝐻 = 𝑔𝑍 + + g ( ∑ ℎ1𝑠+∑ ℎ1𝑑)
𝜌 𝜌

H = Z + ( ∑ ℎ1𝑠+∑ ℎ1𝑑)

Now, this is very important that capital Z is the height between the rather distance between
points 1 and 2, this is very important. So, while we are calculating total pump head, then I
can split this equation into different parts, I can obtain that what would be Z. Z will be
equal to the suction lift, and plus delivery height I mean we are sucking water from the
reservoir suction sump, and then we are discharging to the delivery sump. So, there will
be a you know height difference between suction sump to the pump axis that is Z s, suction
lift suction lift as well as there will be a delivery lift. So, suction lift as well as delivery lift
these two will be the total height that is Z.

So, now how we can calculate the suction lift and the delivery lift in terms of other
quantities like you know pressure and frictional losses. And for that we need to apply again
steady flow energy equation between of a few points. So, if we do not exercise, then I may
obtain that what will be the actual head developed by the pump and you know then what
will be that overall efficiency, this is important. You know that if I if I go back to my
previous slide schematic rather, this is very important. So, what I am trying to write, see
suppose the suction side say this is point one and this is point and from these, I am telling

that this is the suction height, so Zs. So, this is whatever I told that is Zs. And similarly,
this point will be Zd that is delivery lift suction lift plus delivery lift.

And this is the amount which is very important that is below atmospheric pressure. I mean
if I now try to write the suppose I try to write you know steady flow energy equation
between lower reservoir, and the pipe at the pump inlet. So, suppose I am writing Bernoulli
equation between this point 1 and this is 1’ and this 2’. So, I am now writing that steady
flow energy equation between point 1 and 1’, then what I will get that is the lower reservoir
as well as the pipe at the pump inlet. Then what I can obtain, so I can obtain again I have
to go to the next slide.

Steady flow energy equation between lower reservoir and pipe at the pump inlet-

𝑃𝑎 𝑃𝑠 𝑉𝑠 2
= 𝜌𝑔 + + 𝑍𝑠 + ∑ ℎ1𝑠
𝜌𝑔 2𝑔

𝑉𝑠 2
Manometric suction head hms = + 𝑍𝑠 + ∑ ℎ1𝑠

Steady flow energy equation between point 2 & 4

𝑃𝑑 𝑉𝑑 2 𝑃𝑎
+ = + 𝑍𝑑 + ∑ ℎ1𝑑
𝜌𝑔 2𝑔 𝜌𝑔

𝑉𝑑 2
Manometric suction head hmd = 𝑍𝑑 + ∑ ℎ1𝑑 − 2𝑔

Pump manometric head Hm = hms + hmd

𝑉𝑠 2 𝑉𝑑 2
= + 𝑍𝑠 + ∑ ℎ1𝑠 + 𝑍𝑑 + ∑ ℎ1𝑑 −
2𝑔 2𝑔

𝑉𝑑 2 −𝑉𝑠 2
= Z +∑ ℎ1𝑠 + ∑ ℎ1𝑑 - ( )

Energy equation H = Z + ( ∑ ℎ1𝑠+∑ ℎ1𝑑)

𝑉𝑑 2 −𝑉𝑠 2
H- Hm = 2𝑔

If delivery and suction pipe of same diameter.

H= Hm

So, the pressure at that point should be and this is known as the manometric sorry this
quantity will be obtained by connecting an u tube manometer at the pump delivery point
(Refer Time: 41:56) outlet of the pipe at the pump delivery point, and another end will be
the (Refer Time: 42:01) ambience the atmospheric pressure. From these two expressions
how what can I write that we have obtained. The manometric delivery head manometric
static head, and then from there the pump manometric head is defined.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:18)

Now, what is the question is the head developed pump H. The head developed the pump
H should be always less than rather H plus some quantity some quantity is let us say
frictional losses h frictional losses h p, will be equal to the Hi that is the internal head
generation internal head generated by the pump, where h p is the friction inside the piston
cylinder right. But, the pump is greater than pump head H define (Refer Time: 45:31) inter
loss in the pump. So, this is the frictional losses in the pump.

H + hp = Hi

So, the internal head generated by the pump will be always higher than the head developed
by the pump H rather the pump head. So, this is the pump head, we cannot ignore, because
fluid we are putting pressure by piston, so there will be a fluid friction. So, if you take that
effect into account, then the head internal head developed by the pump will be always
higher than the pump head by an amount h p which is h p is the frictional losses. So, what
will be the internal?

(Refer Slide Time: 46:04)

So, what will be internal you know fluid power generated by the pump will be equal to
will be equal to rho g Q, Q theoretical or Q of course, Q theoretical we have to consider
into H i right. And actual pump this in actual fluid power actual fluid power generated by
the pump equal to will be equal to rho Q rho g Q theoretical into H. So, this is the internal
fluid power generated by the pump, and this is the actual fluid power generated by the

So, now we are taking pump on the prime mover that is electrical motor. So, the overall
efficiency of this is the now so this is internal fluid power. So, internal fluid power will be
always higher than the actual fluid power generated by the pump fine. So, to run the pump
normally what do we do, we take power from electrical motor. So, overall efficiency
overall efficiency we have defined volumetric efficiency, overall efficiency of the pump
will be defined as eta overall is equal to P/ Po, where P = 𝜌𝑔 𝑄𝐻. So, this is the actual you
know this is the overall efficiency.

So, what I obtained Pi/P naught into H by H naught into Q by Q theoretical, so that what
I can write that eta overall this is what Pi/Po. Pi/Po is known as mechanical efficiency. So,
this is known as mechanical efficiency time. , H/Ho is equal to how much the actual this
is the internal fluid power generation, and this is the actual fluid power generation. So,
H/Ho is known as the hydraulic efficiency. So, this is eta hydraulic. And this is Q by Q
theoretical is equal to you know eta overall volumetric efficiency, so eta volumetric.

𝑃 𝜌𝑄𝑡ℎ 𝑔 𝐻
Overall efficiency 𝜂𝑜 = =
𝑃𝑜 𝑃𝑜

𝑃𝑖 𝑃 𝑃𝑖 𝜌𝑄𝑡ℎ 𝑔 𝐻
= 𝑃𝑜 = 𝑃𝑜 = 𝜂𝑚 𝜂𝑣 𝜂ℎ𝑦
𝑃𝑖 𝜌 𝑄𝑡ℎ 𝑔 𝐻𝑖

So, I can write that eta overall is equal to eta mechanical into eta hydraulic into eta
volumetric. So, this is very important. And we have we have been able to prove that the
overall efficiency can be written in terms of three other efficiencies that in mechanical
efficiency that is Pi/ Po, where P i is equal to internal fluid power generation, because the
internal power generation will be always higher than the actual power. Because, internal
head developed should be higher than the actual head, because there will be some losses
in the pump itself. So, H / Ho I known as the hydraulic efficiency, and eta V is the
theoretical, Q/ Q theoretical is the volumetric efficiency.

So, rearranging these three terms, I mean I can write eta overall efficiency eta o that is
overall efficiency in terms of hydraulic efficiency, mechanical efficiency, and the
volumetric efficiency. So, this exercise will help us to solve out to solve the numerical
problem. And so far whatever I have discussed, I think it will help us to you know solve
numerical problem as well as to have to help and it will help to have a you know fare idea
about how the reciprocating pump is working, and how the head is being developed, and
what should be the volume flow rate. Also we have discussed that the h q curve, why the
actual q flow rate is deviating from the ideal one.

So, with this, I stop here today, and we will continue the next topic in the next lecture.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 23
Characteristic H-Q curve of positive displacement pump, problems

We will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:33)

Today we will talk about the characteristics of HQ curve of a positive displacement pump
and we will work out a numerical problem. So, we are discuss about the HQ characteristic
curve when we have discussed about the I mean operational principle of the PD pump that
are we have taken example the you know working principle of reciprocating pump
because, reciprocating pump also a class of you know which falls under the category of
PD pump rather Positive Displacement pump.

I said that apart from the reciprocating pump there are many other pumps like screw pump,
vane pump, gear pumps, those also you know falls under the category of reciprocating
pump is p positive displacement pump, but reciprocating pump also a class of you know
positive displacement pumps. So, we are discussing about the HQ curve, but today again
we will discuss recapitulate that curve and we will work out a numerical example.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:29)

So, if we recall that normally we have taken example of reciprocating pump, reciprocating
pump which is a class of positive displacement pump and we have discussed about the
working principle, how this pump works? I mean it sucks you know the pump sucks fluid
from the sump, then it discharges just to the delivery tank. And there is you know suction
stroke and delivery stroke, and which is connected by a crank and connecting rod
mechanism. So, the linear motion of the piston is now is you know created by the you
know crank and connecting rod mechanism.

And it also depends upon the pump upon also depends upon the frequency of you know
rather rotation of the crank speed. And we have discussed that if we try to draw the HQ
curve of a PD pump so, the HQ curve look like this. So, this is the discharge, this is the H;
so, this is discharge and this is head.

So, if we try to you know develop the HQ curve for this kind of pump, then how we will
get it? We have discuss that; the PD pumps you know positive displacement pumps are
this head Q HQ curve is like this that normally this pumps is or this pumps are used this
class of pumps are used to deliver high head against a almost constant flow rate constant
flow rate. So, this is the characteristics feature of the positive displacement pump.

So, it is normally used to deliver high head against a constant head here remains almost
constant. So that means, if I draw the HQ curve the curve like this. So, as I said that this is
again so, this is again theoretical one so, this is theoretical rather ideal, but we have discuss

that normally whenever it discharges when delivery strokes I mean when piston moves
from the open end of the cylinder to the close end of the cylinder.

Then, it discharges water to delivery sump and then high pressure develops, because of
that high pressure there is a leakage of some amount through the glands. And as a result
of which we get actual curve which look likes this. So, this is the actual curve so, this is
the actual curve, because of the leakage through glands.

So, this is HQ curve and that is why we have define one efficiency that is called volumetric
efficiency, and we have obtained that volumetric efficiency is basically actual discharge
by the ideal discharge and then we define one slip factor that is you know there is some
𝑄𝑡ℎ −𝑄𝑎𝑐
amount of leakage. So, we have discussed in the last I mean lecture.

Now another today we will work out one an example today we will work out one example
so you know how we can solve a particular numerical problem for reciprocating pump is
very important. So, we will take an example now and we will see how we can solve this
particular problem and we will write the problem.

And then we will solve the problem considering the theoretical analysis that we have
carried out in my last lectures this is very important. So, first we write the problem and
then we will slowly possible to solve that particular problem so, this is the all about the
HQ curve.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:05)

Now, if I go to the next slide and if I write the problem; so, problem is like this, find the
maximum speed of a single acting reciprocating pump to avoid separation to avoid
separation which occurs at 3 meter of water, which occurs at 3 meter of water this is
absolute. The pump has a single of diameter the pump has a cylinder has a cylinder of
diameter 10 centimeter and a stroke length of 20 centimeter a stroke length of 20

The pump draws water from a sump, the pump draws water from a sump and delivers to a
tank and delivers to a tank the water level in the sump is it is written, the water level in the
sump is 3.5 is 3.5 meter below the pump axis, below the pump axis. And in the tank the
water level and in the tank and in the tank the water level is 13 meter of the pump axis a
tank the water level the water level is 13 meter above the pump axis.

The diameter on length of suction pipe it is given that the diameter and length of suction
pipe. The diameter and length of suction pipe are 4 centimeter and 5 meter while of
delivery pipe, while of delivery pipe delivery pipe the diameter and length are the diameter
and length are 3-centimeter 20 meter respectively 3centimeter and 20 meter respectively.
Take atmosphere pressure head take atmospheric pressure head is equal to 10.3 meter of

So now, we have to solve the problem, we have to solve the problem. So, if I to solve the
problem you need to draw the indicator diagram probably, we have discussed about
indicator diagram the ideal one, then modified the inertial inertia pressure and then the
frictional effect. So, if you try to recall the you know indicator diagram then indicator
diagram looks like this that so, this is the solution rather we solve the problem in the next
slide, or we can start here also that.

If we draw the indicator diagram this is an the pressure absolute pressure this is also the
you know volume then, indicator diagram is like this, we have we have this is the
atmospheric pressure so, this is H atmospheric then, we have the ideal one and then we
have modified with inertial pressure and then we have frictional effect. So, this is hs suction
and this is only to take the effect of and this is hfs so, this is h fs and this is has similarly,
this one so, this will be the hfd and this will be had; so, we are talking we are calling it.

Now this is the indicated diagram modified with different effect like inertial effect and
effect due to friction that in the suction and delivery line. Now what is inertial pressure?
So inertia pressure that is what curve we have solve Pi = 𝜌𝑙 𝑑𝑡 that is what we have written.

𝑑𝑣 𝐴
Pi = 𝜌𝐿 𝑑𝑡 = Pi = 𝜌𝐿 𝑎 𝑟 𝜔2 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔𝑡

𝑃𝑖 𝐿 𝐴 𝐿 𝐴
hi = 𝜌𝑔 = 𝑟 𝜔2 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔𝑡 = ± 𝑔 𝑟 𝜔2
𝑔 𝑎 𝑎

So, so that is why you have taken 0 degree to 180 degree and then again 180 degree to 0
degree so, that is why you have taken that is plus minus omega t. So, we have obtain this
is the inertial pressure hi. Now so, here I can write that maximum speed we have to
calculate the maximum speed of a reciprocating pump to avoid separation. The maximum
speed during suction stroke, suction stroke without separation is obtained from the relation.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:57)

Now maximum speed maximum speed during suction stroke during suction stroke without
separation, without separation is obtained from the relation

𝐿𝑠 𝐴
𝐻𝑎𝑡𝑚 − ℎ𝑠 − ℎ𝑠𝑒𝑝 = 𝑟 𝜔2
𝑔 𝑎𝑠

N= 32.98 rpm

So, I know all the values so, because I the stroke length I know. So, omega square r I know
and co centimeter so, omega is equal to have to calculate if I try to calculate so, ha t m I
know h s is static height that is 1.5 meter and separation that is 3 meter. So, if I calculate
using this from there I can calculate omega and speed should be 32.98 rpm so; this is
another case.

So, this is the maximum speed during suction stroke without separation is obtained from
the lessons similarly, you can calculate maximum speed, maximum speed during you
know delivery stroke, delivery stroke without separation, without separation is obtain
how? Because, atmospheric pressure plus or having you know static height of the delivery
tank minus h separation that is of course, that is there is equal to ld length of the delivery
pipe divide by g into A divided by as into omega square into r.

𝐿𝑑 𝐴
𝐻𝑎𝑡𝑚 + ℎ𝑑 − ℎ𝑠𝑒𝑝 = 𝑟 𝜔2
𝑔 𝑎𝑠

N = 28.59 rpm

So, you know that hs and hd we know from the schematic that have drawn hs is static
height and then had is the effect of inertial head due to inertial pressure and then frictional
head. So, now, if I calculate from this equation, we will obtain the value of N the value of
N value of; so, I will write in next slide.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:25)

So, value of N will be that you know 28.59 rpm. So, maximum speed during delivery
stroke without separation is obtained is the 28.59 operation. So now, the question is find
the maximum speed of a single act reciprocating pump about separation which occurs? So,
the minimum of these two speeds is the maximum speed of the pump, now question is the
minimum of the two speeds is the maximum speed of the pump, two avoid separation and
so, that it is given.

So, that is what is the minimum which occurs at the which occurs at the during the delivery
stroke. So, this is the maximum speed of the pump to avoid separation. So, maximum now,
I am writing that maximum speed of a reciprocating pump maximum speed of a
reciprocating pump. So, maximum this is very important, maximum speed of a
reciprocating pump is determined from the fact that I am writing this from the fact that the
pressure in the cylinder during suction and delivery during suction and delivery stroke
should not fall below the vapor pressures, below the vapor pressure of the liquid. This is
very important, flowing through suction and delivery pipe, suction and delivery pipes so

So, this is important; so, maximum speed of reciprocating pump is determined by the fact
that the pressure in the cylinder during suction delivery stroke should not fall the vapor
pressure of the liquid flowing through the function and delivery pipes. And how and that
is why we have calculated the maximum speed during which during delivery stroke
without separation because, separation occurs 3 meter water column.

So, I know the atmospheric pressure head and this is the static height, this is the separation
and this is very important 𝑟 𝜔2 this is essentially the inertial pressure, I mean you
𝑔 𝑎

know inertia head rather I can say this is the inertia head. So, this quantity is the inertia
head so, this is inertia head inertia head.

So, if I calculate it and obtained the maximum speed in the suction stroke is 32.98 rpm and
maximum during delivery stroke is again coming 28.59 rpm. The minimum these two
speeds is the maximum speed of the pump that can be used to operate without having
separation of the suction side and that is why you have define that what is the maximum
speed of reciprocating pump? Maximum speed of reciprocating pump is determined by the
fact that the pressure in the cylinder during suction delivery stroke should not fall the vapor
pressure of the liquid following through the suction and delivery pipes.

So, this is one numerical problem that we have solve for this particular PD pump and we
have drive that how we can obtain this each h sf right. So, and if we go back to my previous
slide, here we have written this is inertia head, this is inertia head and this is omega t
because, that this is very important at the crank rotates from 0 degree to 180.

So, when it starts may be suction stroke and it ends, so and again from 180 to 0 degree.
So, cos 0 that is at the beginning of the suction stroke it is cos 0 so, that is this one so,
inertia head. Similarly, at the beginning of the delivery stroke it is again I mean coming to
𝑟 𝜔2 .
𝑔 𝑎

So, considering this we have calculated that the minimum of these two speeds is 28.59
rpm and this is the speed at which pump can be operated without having separation. And
we have defined the maximum speed of reciprocating pump, and this is very important to
move and for that we have to calculate maximum speed during both the strokes I mean
suction strokes and delivery stroke.

So with this, I will stop here and I will continue in next lecture.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 24
Hydralic Turbine: Classifications

We will continue a discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design; we

will discuss in this lecture about hydraulic turbine and its classification.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:37)

So, today I will briefly discuss about what is hydraulic turbine and how we can classify
hydraulic turbine in different categories. So, as I said rather I have discussed very
beginning of this you know course that we can classify tower machines in to different

So, hydraulic turbine also a prime mover in which the, it is hydraulic turbine and palms
deferred because of the change of direction of energy conversion. In one case mechanical
energy is converted to increase the store energy of the fluid either in terms of velocity
pressure something or velocity head or pressure head anyway or while in case of a
hydraulic turbine reverse is to that is we are utilising the stored energy of the fluid to
increase the to convert it into the mechanical energy.

So, as if were increasing the potential energy of the fluid and we are utilizing other we are
changing the potential energy in a different other form. So, that the rotating component or
the, you know rotor of a turbine is rotating and which is connected with some alternative
regenerator and we are getting electricity. So, we will discuss now in detail about how we
can classify based on the different features of the hydraulic turbine.

And then, we will surely possible to discuss about the you know details about each of the
hydraulic turbine I mean which the category which what I will discuss today.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:03)

So, you know that I have discussed that hydraulic turbine so, it is a seems turbine may be
hydraulic turbine, stream turbine, gas turbine, but today I mean in this course since it is
only hydraulic machine. So, we will be focusing on discussion only to the hydraulic turbine
so, hydraulic turbine hydraulic turbine so, it is a prime mover. So, hydraulic turbine is a
prime mover and which transform potential energy, which is stored in terms of in a
reservoir. So, internal molecular energy the potential energy of the fluid is getting
transferred into the mechanical energy of a generator.

So, this is very important that how we can you know transform mechanical energy into the
so, hydraulic turbine is a prime mover in which we are converting the potential energy of
the fluid in to different from rather in the mechanical energy. And we are utilizing that
energy to run to drive a rotor and in a set of that hydraulic rotor travelling rotor on a you
know one generator is connected and from which you are getting electricity.

So, I write in briefly that hydraulic turbine; hydraulic turbine is a prime mover in which
potential energy potential energy of the fluid, of the fluid stored the energy remaining
stored in the fluid right; I mean rather stored in a reservoir in a reservoir. So, hydraulic
turbine is a prime mover in which potential energy of the fluid stored in a reservoir is
transformed into the mechanical energy is transformed into the mechanical energy you
know to drive a mechanical energy of rotation other kinetic energy mechanical energy of
rotation to drive an electric alternators or generators to drive an electric alternator or

So, this is very important so, a hydraulic turbine is a prime mover in which potential energy
which is stored in the reservoir is transformed into the mechanical energy of rotation rather
kinetic energy to drive the generator or alternator so, we were getting electricity. Now, the
turbine runner and the rotor of the generator is very important. So, as I said we begin that
whatever it is I mean half plus blades so, whenever you are talking about hydraulic
machines you are having half and there are blades.

So, half plus blades which is known as impeller for a pump, the same thing is known as
runner for hydraulic turbine and we call it rotor for compressor. So, the runner of hydraulic
turbine or sometimes we call it rotor, the turbine runner turbine runner and rotor of the
electric alternator electric alternator.

So, the turbine runner and the rotor of the electric generator are connected or are mounted
on a common shaft are mounted on a common shaft mounted on a common shaft common
shaft that the same, shaft that is an inter assembly is known as turbo generator. So, the
turbine runner the shaft of the turbine receptor the turbine runner is mounted on a shaft on
the same shaft we are also having the shaft electric alternator.

So, there having common shaft and the entire assembly and that is why and that is why
entire assembly is known as sometimes known as rather I mean we have rather frequently
referred to the you know call it turbo generator so, this is very important right. So, the
turbine runner and the rotor of electric alternator are mounted on a common shaft and that
is why entire assembly is known as turbo generator.

So, what I am telling a hydraulic turbine is a prime mover in which potential energy which
is stored in the reservoir is transformed into the mechanical energy of rotation to drive an
electric alternator or motor. And the turbine runner and rotor of the electric the turbine

runner as well as the rotor of the electric motors are mounted on a common shaft and entire
assembly is known as turbo generator.

So, what is I mean how you know energy is getting confirmed in a converted? So, in a
headlight turbine only your having transformer potential energy into the mechanical
energy of rotation or the kinetic energy. So, hydroelectric power plants, normally hydraulic
turbines are used in hydel power plants. So, I am writing that hydroelectric power plant,
hydroelectric power plants you know utilise so, we are utilizing the potential energy of the
water which is stored in the reservoir.

So, we need to have sufficient head to rotate the runner of the hydraulic turbine and since
there and since the runner of the hydraulic turbine is mounted on a shaft on the since that
we are having the rotor of electric motors so, electric motor will rotor it will run and we
will get electricity. So, hydroelectric power plant utilizes you know the energy of water
falling through a height or head which varies from a few meters to handle few meters let
us say; of 1000 meter to 1000 sorry 500 meter to 1000 meter to 1000 meter right.

So, hydroelectric power plants utilise the energy of water falling through a head which
verifies from a varies from a few meters 500 meter to 100 meters and to handle such a
wide range or the wide range of heads turbine various turbines are employed. So, now, to
handle such a wide range of head so, hydroelectric power plant utilizes the energy of water
falling through a head which varies from a few metres 500 meter to 100 meter.

And to handle such a wide range of head hydraulic turbine rather various turbines are
employed various turbines are used. So, you know various or different hydraulic turbines
are used different hydraulic turbines are used. So, since we are utilising a range of heads
only to because we until unless we are having sufficient head we would not get sufficient
amount of potential energy and if you do not have sufficient amount of potential energy,
we would not get sufficient energy of mechanical energy of rotation that is the electricity
that will be generated that will be produced will be in a very less.

So, we need to relay sufficient amount of head and now to handle such wide range of head
you know you know wide range of heads rather we are we sometimes used different types
of hydraulic turbines. So, different hydraulic turbines are employed are used. So, hydra
means, hydraulic turbines based on that and that is why, this hydraulic turbine are

classified accordingly hydraulic turbines are classified in two different classifieds into
different categories right and that is what is todays discussion.

So, now, we have systematically discussed that we have seen that I have discussed at the
beginning of this course that depending upon the direction of energy conversion we can
classified conversions into two different categories, one is palm where are having
conversion of mechanical energy into the mechanical energy is converted to increase the
store energy of the fluid. In terms of pressure or velocity whatever it is while in case of
hydraulic turbine we have seen reverse scenario that is the potential energy of the water
which is stored in a reservoir which may be situated a long distance apart from the axis of
the turbine.

And that is allowed to fall freely through pipeline not released through pipe lines we will
discuss in detail about how it can be conveyed from that reservoir to and can be connected
to the inlet of the turbine. So, that water can be allow the water will the water can be
allowed to fall from that height, and it will impinge that it will strike the turbine runner
and the turbine runner will start rotating.

Since turbine runner as well as the electric motor alternator mount on the common shaft
so, the moment at which turbine runner start rotating the electric generator will start
rotating and we will get electricity. Since we are utilising a range of heads and its height
of few meter let us say 500 meters to 100 1000 meter 500 meters to 1000 meters because,
if you do not have sufficient amount of head, you would not get sufficient amount of
potential energy and which will eventually culminates in to a electric less amount of

So, to handle such wide range of head different hydraulic turbines are used and accordingly
hydraulic turbines are classified into different categories. So, now, I will discuss about that
how we can classify hydraulic turbine?

(Refer Slide Time: 14:07)

So, hydraulic turbine sometimes is known as hydro turbines so, hydraulic turbines
sometimes they are known as hydro turbines like; steam turbine, gas turbine it hydro
turbines so, working fluid is the water. So, the hydraulic turbine can be classified broadly
into two categories as I said that to take into account wide range of it.

So, broadly into two categories, one category is known as impulse turbine rather impulse
hydro turbine, impulse hydraulic turbine right example we will have to give. So, one
example is Pelton wheel. So, Pelton wheel is an example of impulse hydraulic turbine or
another one is called reaction turbine

So, these are two broad classifications; based on the head being utilised are in these two
turbines. So, based on the head being utilised to generate electricity these hydro turbines
are classified into two broad categories, one is impulse hydraulic turbine that is Pelton
wheel and one is reaction turbine. Reaction turbine further can be classified into two
categories, one is known as radial another is axial flow. So, reaction turbine further
classified into two subcategories, one is radial flow reaction turbine example is you know
Francis turbine example is Francis turbine another category known as axial flow turbine
axial flow turbine example is Kaplan turbine.

These are the name of the scientist and or engineer and to one of the names of them we
have the turbines are named like this Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine. So, axial flow
turbine, Kaplan turbine, propeller turbine so, propeller turbine like this. So, excel flow

turbine for the classified into two categories, one is fixed blade another is you know
adjustable blade, that is blades are adjustable, adjustable blade example is Kaplan turbine
and fixed blade example is propeller turbine.

So, this is what is the classification of hydraulic turbine? That whatever we have discussed
that hydraulic turbines are the prime mover, in which you know potential energy of what
fluid is converted to the mechanical energy rotational energy is kinetic energy. So,
essentially, we are having we need to have a reservoir which will be situated sufficiently
long distance at a certain height from the excess of the impeller excess of the runner and
then water is allowed to fall from the reservoir and that will strike to the runner through
certain arrangement system and while it is impinging.

So, that time fluid will gain some amount of so, may be the stored energy of the stored
energy which is remaining in the reservoir that will slowly converted to the mechanic
kinetic energy and that whenever, it is you know striking the runner of the turbine the
kinetic energy is trying to rotate the runner and we will get some rotational speed of the

Since, the electric motor alternator is mounted on the common shaft so, that will rotate,
and we will get electricity. And since we need to utilize sufficient amount of head and
based on the head being utilised in a turbine this can be classified into two broad categories
of course, not broad category depending upon the head. They are working principle also
different that will discuss the impulse hydraulic turbine and reaction turbine impulse
turbine example is Pelton wheel reaction turbine can be further classified radial flow and
axial flow.

Radial flow is example is Francis turbine and axial flow again this is adjustable blade and
fixed blade adjustable blade is a Kaplan turbine and fix blade is the propeller turbine.
Now,;we will discuss about slowly discuss about, what is impulse turbine and what is
reaction turbine why we call it impulse turbine and why it is reaction turbine very
important. So, impulse turbine is a class of hydraulic turbine, which will have a fixed
nozzle one or two fixed nozzle and in each of which the fluid pressure is converted to the
kinetic energy of an unconfined jet unconfined jet.

So, whenever water is allowed to fall from reservoir that will initially enter to the nozzle
the function of nozzle is to increase the velocity head and pressure. So, amount of height

that we had so, we are having pressure, that pressure is converted to the velocity head and
one or two nozzles are there whenever fluid is flowing through the nozzle the fluid pressure
is convert into the kinetic energy of unconfined jet, which then impinges or strike the
blades of the hydraulic turbine buckets you know fluids of turbine and then it is start

(Refer Slide Time: 19:29)

So, impulse turbine what is impulse turbine impulse turbine? Very important. So, in
impulse turbine I am writing again in impulse turbine rather there is one or more fixed
nozzles there are one or more than more than one fixed nozzle. And in each of which and
each of which you know fluid pressure is converted to the kinetic energy to the kinetic
energy of an unconfined jets.

Which then so, jet or jets which then which then strikes all impinges which then strikes or
impinges the sometimes on a bucket or blade of the you know vanes of the hills of the
turbine. So, impinges the bucket sometimes they known as bucket or vanes placed around
the circumference of the wheel of the turbine place on the wheels, wheel of the wheel of
the turbine of the turbine fine.

So, in impulse turbine there will be a nozzle by either way there will be one nozzle or two
nozzles through which water is allowed to pass through which water is allowed to pass
while water is passing through the nozzle pressure head is converted to velocity head. And

then velocity head of unconfined jets and then that jet strikes the or impinges the bucket
or sometimes known as vanes of the wheels of the turbine.

And while it is impinging it is creating a thrust and that will start rotating right and there
is practically no change in pressure end of the fluid there is you know as it force to the
runner of the impulse turbine. So, it is very important, and this is the fundamental
difference between impulse and reaction turbine. So, I am writing that whenever fluid is
flowing through the runner of the turbine. So, there is practically no change in pressure
when fluid is flowing through the runner of the turbine runner of the turbine.

So, whenever fluid is flowing to the runner of the turbine there will be no change in
pressure practically. So, only all the pressure head is converted to the velocity head,
whether it is equivalent to the velocity head that is very you know difficult to say. But
most of the pressure head is converted to the velocity head while it is flowing through the
nozzle and then and in a form of a unconfined jet and then the jet strikes the bucket and all
the vanes placed on the heels of the turbine and its start rotating.

Because of the thrust, we will discuss how it is creating a thrust and how when it is
impinging the buckets then how it is rotating and that is from there, we will try to calculate
the efficiency of the impulse turbine. And there is practically no change in pressure when
fluid is flowing through the runner of the turbine, but this is the difference, but we will see
that in case of a reaction turbine pressure gradually changes as it you know you know as
the water flows through the runner.

And infact all the pressure is made all the pressure head is not getting converted to the
equivalent amount of velocity head while liquid is a fluid is flowing through runner and
that is why you need to have another kind of you know special device known as dractive,
which is connected at the you know trail of the hydraulic turbine that will discuss while
will discuss while will be discussing about the reaction turbine.

So, this is about the impulse turbine now, the reaction turbine on the other hand is
something you know they are repression is something than the impulse turbine. So, in a
reaction turbine the change from pressure to kinetic energy so, in a reaction turbine in a
reaction turbine, you know pressure changes in a reaction turbine pressure changes I mean
to the kinetic energy to kinetic energy in a reaction turbine pressure changes to the kinetic

energy gradually pressure head of water rather pressure head of fluid changes to kinetic
energy gradually as the fluid passes through the runner gradually right.

So, in a reaction turbine we have seen that in impulse turbine there is practically no change
in pressure as the fluid is flowing through the runner of the turbine. But in a reaction
turbine normally pressure head of the fluid is converted to the kinetic head not
equivalently, but mostly pressure head is converted the kinetic head as the fluid passes
through the runner gradually.

And for this gradual change of pressure to be possible and for that runner must be there is
an important gradually and for this gradual change of pressure rather to make rather for
this gradual change of pressure, entire runner is remaining enclosed in a reaction, turbine
pressure head of fluid changes to the kinetic energy as the fluid passes through the runner

And for this gradual change of pressure entire runner is remaining enclosed and completely
runner is completely closed that is not open to ambience completely enclosed. And the
passage in it full of working fluid, you know completely you know mass runner mass be
completely enclosed and the passage in it and gradual change of pressure entire runner is
complete is completely enclosed and the passage in it remains completely full of
completely full of walking fluid.

So, this is very important so, this is the fundamental difference that in a reaction turbine
entire runner is remaining enclosed, not only that entire passage of fluid entire passage is
remaining full rather filled with; working fluids and gradually takes place energy
conversion takes place gradually. While in case of impulse turbine there is practically no
change in pressure as the water flowing through the turbine runner of the turbine.

While most of the energy conversion takes place when liquid is flowing through the nozzle
that is all the pressure head is converted to the velocity head. So, this all about the two
types of impulse turbine impulse and reaction turbine and we have classified we will
discuss slowly the working mechanism how we can convert the mechanical you know
pressure head to the velocity head in impulse turbine.

And we will work out the you know we will exercise the mathematical form of the you
know how we can get how we can convert that head to the you know mechanical energy

kinetic energy we will try to calculate the efficiency. And also, we will do for the same we
will do the same for the reaction turbine so, with these to I stop here today and I will
continue this discussion in the next class.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 25
Impulse Turbine: Pelton wheel – I

We will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design.
So, today we will discuss about Impulse Turbine; Pelton wheel is an example of an impulse
turbine and we have discussed about the classification of hydraulic turbine. If you can
recall that the turbine and pumps all are turbine machines, but based on the direction of
energy conversion; we call it pumps, when it absorb energy mechanical energy and the
mechanical energy is stored is converted to the you know to increase the stored energy of
the fluid in terms of either in terms of velocity or pressure. Or whenever we are utilising
the potential energy of the fluid to the kinetic energy there by rotating, by moving a by
rotating a rotor of a turbine machines then it is turbine. That is prime mover it is absorb

So, whenever we are utilizing the potential energy of the fluid and we are converting the
potential energy to the rotational; I mean rotational energy that are to be precise kinetic
energy of the rotation. And then we can rotate a rotor of a turbine, and we get power
because as I discussed that the rotor and the alternator both are mounted on a common
shaft. So, when rotor is rotating at the turbine and then alternator also generated also
rotating and we are getting electricity.

Now question is: that is very important that based on the direction of energy conversion,
we call it pump where it absorb when it when mechanical energy is converted to increase
the stored energy of the fluid either in terms of pressure and velocity. While, when we are
utilizing the potential energy of the fluid which is remained which is stored in the reservoir
to increase the kinetic energy of rotation then probably you can rotate the rotor of a turbine
and we get electricity.

And we have defined based on the you know that that is very important that we have
discussed that whenever you know we are utilising the potential energy stored energy in
the reservoir. That means head I mean which is available. So, depending upon the head
available which varies from 5 you know 500 metres to you know 1000 metres or even

sometime 200, 2000 meter to handle such a wide range of the head class hydraulic turbines
are classified into two broad categories. One is impulse turbine and another one is reaction
turbine. That is what we have discussed in the last class; that impulse turbine example is a
Pelton wheel. It was you know you know to one of the name of American engineer you
know Lester Allen Pelton the name is Pelton wheel.

Basically it is kind of impulse turbine and which utilizes a higher head, because to get say
if you would like to get some particular amount of electricity a particular amount of power
from a hydraulic hydro turbine power plant then we need to have higher head for a Pelton
or impulse turbine. But we can have the same amount of energy if we install a reaction
turbine, but for a minimum amount of head. So, that is what is important so, as I said that
depending upon based on rather to handle such a wide range of head which varies from
500 metre to 2000 metres turbines are classified into two broad categories impulse turbine
and reaction turbine.

Then reaction turbine is further classified into two subcategories that is axial flow and
radial flow. And that is what we have discussed that axial flow is sometimes again
classified into two categories adjustable blade and fixed blade. Adjustable blade is
essentially you know Kaplan turbine and fixed blade are propeller turbine. And also we
can have radial flow that is that is Francis turbine. So, today we will discuss about impulse
turbine and a common example is Pelton wheel, and what are the components of the Pelton
wheel and how we are utilising the head and how we are getting energy.

Rather maybe we are supplying energy we are giving energy input to the rotor and from
there we are getting some energy output. So, that is why we can define on efficiency and
how the Pelton wheel works and we have probably discussed that in a impulse turbine
there is you know no change in pressure. You know that is I mean I can tell that you know
in a impulse turbine I mean in a reaction turbine pressure gradually changes as it as the
fluid you know flows through a runner of it the turbine. But there is virtually no change in
pressure I mean whenever fluid is flowing through the rotor I mean of a impulse turbine.

So, that is what we have discussed in the last class. So, today we will take an example of
Pelton wheel and we will try to figure out the how it works and then we try to figure out
the mathematical expression. So, first let us draw the schematic of a Pelton wheel which
is very important and that is what I will discuss that how total energy stored energy of the

fluid that which is stored in the reservoir is getting converted into the kinetic energy of
rotation? And as I said that you know practically no change in pressure as fluid flows
through the runner of the turbine. But in reaction turbine completely different because
pressure what gradually changes as it as the fluid flows though the runner of the turbine.

So, if we now draw the schematic of a Pelton wheel and what are the component that is
what we will discuss today. So, sometimes it is known as hydro turbine. So, in a hydral
power plant or hydraulic power plant hydro turbines is very important component. So, if I
try to draw the schematic and the main components of hydraulic power plant are normally
what are those. So, before I go to discuss about Pelton wheel let us first revisit I mean what
are though rather let us first you know discuss about the main components of a hydraulic
power plant which are important to operate the inter system.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:01)

So, I am writing the main component, the main component of a hydraulic power plants
are, what are those? Number one, we need to have a reservoir and dam with it is control
because without reservoir we need to store energy in a reservoir. And then we are allowing
the fluid to fall from the reservoir through certain arrangement and then it will strike the
runner; by how it will strike and the strike striking arrangement differ from one turbine to
other turbine. In one case we have nozzle other case we do not have nozzle. So, we will
discuss that how it is you know the fluid energy stored energy getting converted to the

kinetic energy of rotation. So now, one will have reservoir that is very important and dam
with it is control, because we should have controls; with it is control.

Number two, is very important: as I said you that we are having stored fluid in the
reservoir, then water is allowed to fall from the reservoir to the hydraulic at that is at the
inlet of the turbine. And that is the water is conveyed through certain arrangement and one
special arrangement is known as penstock. So, we should have penstock essentially a
penstock and its control; very important we should have control. So, penstock is a basically
arrangement through which we can conveyed water from reservoir to the inlet of the
turbine. So, this penstock and it is control.

Then, three is powerhouse: powerhouse containing hydro turbine and generator. Number
four: so this is the main component of course, we are allowing water to fall from reservoir
through penstock and it will then go to that inlet of the runner through some arrangement
again it should have nozzle to increase to convert the pressure head to the velocity head or
that to convert the kinetic energy of rotation. So, there you and then we have powerhouse
containing hydro turbine and generator, because generator and hydro turbines are
connected in a common shaft and this is the powerhouse mainly.

Number four is tail water channel tail water channel or tail rest level tail water channel is
very important. Because, when water is allowed to move through the passage of a rotor
then of course we need to collect the water and we can recycle it, because it is not always
possible that we should have sufficient amount or the abundant amount of water. So, we
can recycle it and we are collecting water in a special arrangement which is known as tail
water channel. So, these four are you know main components of a hydraulic power plant.

All of these, I mean all of these you know components may be reservoir dam it is having
one function, penstock also for you know is having a special function, powerhouse is very
essential. Because, we should have hydro turbine and generator so for that we are keeping
hydro turbine and generator in a house which is known as powerhouse. And then, we will
have a tail water channel because we need to collect the water or the fluid which is being
utilised rather which is being used to rotate the rotor of a turbine. And after it flows through
the runner of the turbine then it is collected in a tail water channel. And then either we can
recycle back to the reservoir or sometimes we may need to not only that because, some
powerhouse to the tail water level again we should have another sign special arrangement.

That is not that may not be there in the case of impulse turbine, but that is there in reaction
turbine that we should have a draft tube. I will discuss what is draft tube; because all the
you know whenever pressure head is converted to the velocity head through nozzle maybe
all the velocity heads is not utilised to; while rotating the runner. So, we may have certain
amount of kinetic energy when it is coming out from the turbine that the turbine outlet.

So, to recover that you know kinetic energy in terms of pressure head again we should
have a divergent part which is known as draft tube that is again an essential component for
the reaction turbine. We will discuss this issue while we will be discussing about the
reaction turbine ok. So, this we next move to discuss about the impulse turbine. So, as I
said you that impulse turbine example is a Pelton wheel.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:53)

So, example is Pelton wheel which was you know first the name is given to one of the
name of American engineer that is Lester Allen Pelton. So, Pelton wheel is an example of
impulse turbine. So, if I draw the schematic rather it is very important to draw the
schematic how it works. So, I will now draw the schematic. Suppose this is so this is known
as head race level hl, hrl then we are having. So, then this is penstock and then this is
allowed to take. So, if I now draw is again a schematic.

So, we should have; so, this is the wheel I mean we will discuss in details. And then we
have a casing so, this is normally open to atmosphere. Then so, this is nozzle this is known
as nozzle this is tail race level that is what we are talking about we are talking about. You

know this is pitch circle, pitch circle and you know these are buckets call buckets and this
is of course, casing.

So, we call it this is penstock through which we are taking water from the reservoir to the
inlet of a turbine through nozzle. So, this is the gross head available because this is TRL.
So, this is TRL and this is called h gross. Gross head available and we will have certain
amount of loss. So, we will have certain amount of loss and this is net head net head say h
available on wheel. Net head available on wheel and this is penstock, and this is h l so this
is loss. And you know this is net head available on the turbine and this is z.

So, of course, this is reservoir or dam whatever you tell now there is a D is the pitch circle
diameter. So, if I assume D is a pitch circle diameter as d is a nozzle diameter. So, capital
D is the pitch circle diameter small D is a nozzle diameter because if I draw if I take out
this. So, this is the nozzles that are actually nozzle diameter I mean. So, jet is coming. So,
this D/d which is known as jet ratio this jet ratio. So, this is essentially a layout of a Pelton
turbine plant Pelton layout; a layout of a hydraulic power plant hydraulic power plant
having Pelton turbine. So, this is the layout of a hydraulic power plant having Pelton

Of course, we need to write HRL which is known as Head Race Level and TRL this is
known as Tail Race Level. So now, only this two are used while we are discussing about
the hydraulic power plant. So now, probably we need to our objective is to obtain the
velocity triangles of course. And then from there we can so when water is coming from
reservoir to the inlet of the turbine through certain arrangement like we are having
penstock and then we are having nozzle of course, we may have more than one nozzles I
mean it is of course, two. And the nozzle whenever liquid is coming put from the nozzle
it is having some high velocity.

It is having high velocity and then it strikes the bucket and then it when it is striking bucket
rather enter rotor rather than enter wheel will start rotating. The wheel is having some few
number of buckets that will start rotating and if the shaft of that wheel is connected with
the shaft or other. If the generator or alternator is connected with the same shaft then it will
start rotating and we will get electricity that is fine. we need to find out the velocity
triangles from where we can quantify what would be this two in two quantities are very

First of all what is the power transferred by the fluid to the wheel. Power transferred by
the fluid to the wheel and then this a one important aspect, but maybe power input to the
wheel is obtained power input to the wheel and power transferred to the wheel is not same,
because there will be certain amount of losses that we will discuss. So, power input to the
wheel that is the energy the kinetic energy of the fluid which is coming out from the nozzle
itself that is the power input to the nozzle power input to the wheel. While out of that
power how much power is transferred to the wheel that will be different because we need
to take a few losses that we will discuss you know in our subsequently.

So, to obtain that we need to draw the velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet and that we
will draw before we go to do so. Let us first discuss about let us first discuss a few
important issues which are very important while we are talking about the hydraulic you
know Pelton wheel note that we have a pitch circle over rather a wheel which is having a
few buckets and then we have pitch circle. So, you know the buckets are usually placed or
fitted with a number the number of buckets. The number of buckets here I can write
number of buckets it varies, but it is seldom less than 15 less than 15 number of buckets
seldom less than 15.

So, they are evenly spaced which are shape is you know double hemispherical shaped. So,
bucket that we are talking about bucket these buckets are evenly spaced on a wheel and
this buckets are double hemispherical shaped. So, buckets are placed on a wheel and it is
having hemispherical shaped. And they are mounted in such a way that whenever jet is
coming out from the nozzle, it directs the jet along the tangent to the I mean whenever jet
is coming out from the nozzle; the jet is directed towards the bucket.

So, there might be more than 1 nozzles maybe 2 nozzles, 3 nozzles normally, so 4 nozzles.
So, whenever jet is coming out from the nozzles 1 or more nozzles are normally mounted.
So, that nozzle will directs a jet along the tangent of the circle which circle this is this is
the pitch circle. So, along the tangent to the pitch circle the nozzle will directs the jet that
is very important. Whenever jet striking the bucket shape of the bucket is something
different, we will draw that. So, let us now first draw the shape of the bucket. Again so, if
I try to draw shape of a bucket then the bucket shape like this.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:11)

A particular bucket if I draw try to draw then bucket shape is like this So, now, if I take a
section let us say this is BB, BB and this is AA. So, if I draw the section a section a look
like this. So, this is the direction of motion so, this is section AA this is the direction of
motion and section BB is like this. So, this is section BB; so, this is known as notch this is
notch and we are having one splitter ridge. So, this is known as splitter ridge. So, this is
the bucket shape bucket shape is a special type of shape. Now what we are discussing
about that I said that; we have 1 or more than 1 nozzle maybe 1 or 2 nozzles or one or
more nozzles which are mounted so that jet will strike you know it will strike the jet.

Now to along the tangent say it will strike the jet along the tangent of pitch circle. Now
there is a splitter ridge at the down of the bucket down centre of the bucket each bucket
we are having a splitter ridge. What is the function of splitter ridge? This splitter ridge
allow water to you know rather splitter is divides it allows water to be divided the jet to be
divided. So, at the down of the bucket down centre of the bucket there is a splitter ridge
the function of the splitter ridge is to divides the jet on coming jet into two parts. And
while it is dividing, and it will come out rather it the jet will proceeds along the two parts
equal two parts and it will flowing round the inner surface of the bucket.

So, splitter ridge the function of the splitter ridge is to divides the bucket into divides the
jet into two equal parts. And each part will try to follow the round shape of the bucket and
it will come out just in the opposite direction of the jet. So that means, whenever nozzle is
striking the bucket and there are 1 or more than 1 nozzles and is directed to strike the jet
along the tangent of the pitch circle, and there is a splitter ridge function the splitter ridge

is to divide the incoming jet into two equal parts and each part will try to you know flow
rather it will come out from the bucket following the round shape and in the opposite
direction of the incoming jet this is true.

Now there is a notch; so what is the function of notch is provided at the outer rim of the
bucket which provides the jet to. So, as I said you splitter ridge very important splitter
ridge what is the function of splitter ridge that it allows rather it divides the jet into 2 equal
parts. And the 2 equal parts it divides, and then it the jet showing the jets then jet rather
fluid coming out from the bucket you know round the inner surface, and inner surface and
in the opposite direction of the bucket and in the opposite direction of the original jet rather
inner surface almost in the opposite direction of original jet. So this is very important so,
we have a splitter ridge function of a; so, we have said bucket is a special shape we have
discussed here.

There are 1 or 2 nozzles which are mounted, and it will directs the jet along with tangent
of the pitch circle diameter and which will strike the bucket. So, there is a splitter ridge in
the bucket splitter ridge the function of the splitter ridge is that, the incoming jet which is
coming from the nozzle it will try to device the incoming get into 2 equal parts. And then
if jet will follow the round shape of the inner surface round. Shaft which is their inner
surface of the bucket and it will try to come out from the bucket almost in the opposite
direction of the original jet fine. And there is a notch watch is what is the function of this

Notch is provided at the outer this is provided this is notch is provided at the outer rim
outer rim of the bucket and prevents, this very importance prevents the jet prevents the jet
to the preceding bucket being intercepted too soon. Not only that so, notch the function
notch is that it is provided. So, whenever jet is coming out from the bucket one bucket we
need to take into account that the out coming jet from the bucket it should not prevent it
should not strike the bucket which is going to come because it is continuously rotating.
So, may be as I said you that the jet which is coming out jet splitter ridge will divide the
jet into two equal parts then it will follow the round shape which is there in the inner
surface of the bucket.

And then it will come out almost in the opposite direction the jet, but we need to keep in
mind that whenever jet is coming out from the bucket it should not it is should not strike

the preceding bucket which is being intercepted soon, because it is continuously rotating.
So, this very important not only that this notch is also provided it also avoids the deflection
of the fluid towards the centre of the wheel as a bucket first meets jet; so, is the first
function. Second function is this; a first function second function is that it avoids it avoids
the deflection of the fluid towards the centre of the wheel as the bucket first meets the jet.

So, when bucket first meeting the first meets the jet the notch avoid; notch is provided that
will have notch will avoid deflection of the fluid towards the centre of the wheel. So, it
will not allow the fluid to go to the centre of the wheel. So, this is the function of a notch-
notch and jet. Now question is the maximum change at momentum of the fluid and hence
the maximum force driving wheel round we obtain. From this is clear that if the deflection
angle becomes 180 degree. Then we have maximum change in the momentum of the fluid
and of course, max maximum force that to drive the fluid. So, that is what I told you that
if we can have that the in out coming jet the deflection angle then deflection. Say if the
deflection angle is 180 degree; that is if it returns back from the wheel in opposite the
exactly in the opposite direction it is almost in the opposite direction, but not exactly that
is why I wrote the word almost, but not exactly.

So, if it is exactly in the original jet direction that we may have the maximum change of
momentum of the fluid. And hence, the force working on the force driving the wheel will
be high. But this is not the case because the deflection angle is limited to 165 degree
maximum, because if it is 180 degree then the jet which is coming out from the bucket it
may strikes the preceding bucket which is going to come. And it instead of getting higher
you know rotation of the wheel it may try to resist the wheel rotation. So, these should not
be the case. So, it is limited to the 165 degree.

We will discuss that what should be the maximum angle and then what is the maximum
speed ratio and what is the maximum efficiency. Second thing that is what we have
discussed that; we have a tail race level, now the tail race level is always located I mean
the wheel should be located sufficiently away from the tail race level. So, that the water
being collected the tail race level that should not be in touch with the wheel right. So, that
is why the runner should be located wheel above the maximum tail race level. So, that it
always rotate freely without touching the water in the tail race level.

That is important another important thing here I will discuss the schematic; what is the
gross head of Pelton turbine? So, gross head that the difference between tail race level and
the h head race level is gross head is it now what is the net head available from the
schematic it is clear that net head available is the you know gross head minus z minus h l.
So, this is very important that gross head available is not only exactly the you know total
head I mean total jet plus something, because we need to take into account losses in the
still you know penstock that is losses. So, h l is the losses in the penstock. So, if you take
that effect friction losses into account then net head available is the gross head. So, if I
write that here that what is the net head.

(Refer Slide Time: 35:35)

So, net head available on the to the wheel rather it is very important that net head available
on the wheel = 𝐻𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 − 𝑍 − ℎ1 So, this is the frictional losses frictional losses in
penstock. So, this is the net head available on the turbine wheel. So, we will see that out
of this net head available how much energy you are getting. So, that is what is very
important that I discuss that at the beginning that ok. We are allowing the liquid to flow
through the nozzle.

So, jet we are getting so, we are get getting incoming jet. So, what is the power input to
the wheel; that is obtained from the kinetic energy of the jet. So, power input to the wheel
is the kinetic energy of the jet that is coming out from the nozzle, but out of this power
input to the wheel what is the amount or the how much fraction of power being transferred

to the wheel; that may not be different. So, the power input to the wheel and power
transferred to the wheel is not equal because of some losses.

So, we will discuss that issue and also we will work out one example and we will try to
give a mathematical formulation from where we can quantify what will be the efficiency
of that Pelton wheel. So, we will discuss that aspect in the next class, I stop here today.

Thank you very much.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 26
Impulse Turbine: Pelton wheel – II

So, we have discussed about the Pelton wheel; which is an impulse turbine. And we have
discussed about the net head available on the wheel. So, the net head available on the wheel is
Hgross – Z - Hl. So, if I go back to my previous slide where it is clearly seen that the net head
available is of course, the total gross head is basically the you know head available between
the HRL and TRL that is head race level and tail race level.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:46)

But the net head available on the wheel is H gross minus this height z and the frictional losses
that is there when liquid fluid is flowing though the penstock.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:07)

So, this is the net head available. Now we need to quantify fine that is what we have discussed
that maybe power whenever; now fluid is flowing to the nozzle I mean then the head is we are
getting some kinetic energy of we are getting velocity so kinetic energy. So, the power output
from the nozzle may not be the power transferred by the fluid to the wheel. So, there will be a
certain amount of losses and we need to know what the losses are. And before we going to
discuss about the losses, let us first try to analyse what would be the efficiency and to do that
we need to draw the velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet. So, today we will now draw the
velocity angles at the inlet and outlet whenever fluid is flowing you know fluid is flowing
though the penstock and it is going to the nozzle and ultimately the jet is striking the buckets
of a Pelton wheel.

So, if I draw the velocity triangles and probably, we have discussed about the bucket safe. We
have discussed about the function of different parts of the bucket that is splitter edge and notch.
And bucket is so designed that we also have discussed that if the you know deflection of the
jet is exactly opposite to the incoming jet, then we may have probably higher efficiency, but
this is not the case because in that case the incoming outcoming jet from the bucket might strike
might create resistance to the jet which is going to come. And in that case, it will create a
resistance for the whole rotation. So, we will now draw the velocity triangles at the inlet and
outlet. And to do that suppose we will now quantify the wheel efficiency or efficiency of the
Pelton wheel.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:45)

So, today we will discuss about wheel efficiency of a Pelton wheel Pelton of Pelton turbine.
So, we need to draw the velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet so you know the bucket shape.
So, suppose liquid is coming from the nozzle liquid from reservoir it is coming through the
penstock, then it is taken to the nozzle. So, this is penstock, so this is from penstock, then this
is nozzle and then the z is striking the buckets.

So, whenever jet is striking the bucket as I said you there is a splitter edge. So, which divides
equally the incoming jet into 2 parts and then the jet follows the round shape of the rather inners
round inner surface of the bucket and coming out from the bucket. So, the jet which will going
and ultimately it will come out so suppose is the bucket. So, this is the bucket and jet is after
striking the bucket it follows the round inner surface of the bucket and coming out from the
bucket that is what we have discussed last day.

So, now we need to draw the velocity triangles so the fluid which is coming out from the nozzle.
So, maybe if I extended this portion, then this angle let us say this is theta this angle is 𝜃 and
this is the velocity of this is the relative velocity I mean this is the relative velocity at the outlet.
So, if I draw the velocity of the jet which is coming out from the nozzle that is C v that equal
to sorry. So, absolute velocity of the fluid coming out from nozzle

𝐶1 = 𝐶𝑣 √2𝑔𝐻

Now, the inlet velocity triangle that is very important inlet velocity triangle that we need to
know; so inlet velocity triangle is like this. So, this is will be w 1 and this is u 1 and this is w 1
and C1 total. So, this is the C1 = 𝐶𝜃1 so this is the inlet velocity triangle. So, this is inlet

velocity triangle and we can have outlet velocity triangles that we know that, this angle is theta.
So, and this will be our absolute velocity this is w2 this is C2 and this component will be 𝐶𝜃2
and this will be equal to U2. Here U2 is equal to U1.

U1 = U2 = bucket speed = where D is the pitch circle diameter pitch circle diameter right.

We have drawn the inlet velocity triangle, and this is the outlet velocity triangle sorry, this is
outlet velocity triangle. So, now, from the inlet and outlet velocity triangle we have we can
now quantify what should be the change of momentum. So, from there we can estimate about
the wheel efficiency. So, note that we can write that from the inlet velocity triangle that now
𝐶𝜃 = U that is basically flow velocity. Now so what is the, you know change in absolute you
know 𝐶𝜃2 and 𝐶𝜃1 .

So, 𝐶𝜃1 − 𝐶𝜃2 = swirl velocity between inlet and outlet of the bucket

𝐶𝜃1 − 𝐶𝜃2 = 𝐶1 − (𝑢 − 𝑊𝜃2 )

= 𝐶1 − (𝑢 − 𝑊2 cos(180 − 𝜃))

= 𝑢 + 𝑊1 − (𝑢 + 𝑊2 cos 𝜃)

= 𝑊1 [1 − 𝑊2 cos 𝜃]

(Refer Slide Time: 11:42)

This w2/w1 that is the relative speed ratio, ratio of relative velocities at outlet and inlet if I
write in terms of K, which depends upon the roughness of the blade so this K which depends
upon the smoothness of the blade surface of the blade. So, it depends upon the smoothness of
the blade.

So, if I write that 𝑊1 [1 − 𝐾 cos 𝜃]. So, K is the ratio of relative velocities at the outlet and
inlet which depends upon the blade smoothness or roughness of the blade.

𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑙

Wheel efficiency 𝜂 = 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑙

So, now, we can define blade efficiency or wheel efficiency, wheel efficiency eta efficiency,
that is can be defined as the ratio of power transferred by the fluid to the wheel, to the what
power input to the wheel which is obtained from the nozzle output; from the kinetic energy of
the jet arriving at the wheel, which is obtained from the kinetic energy of the jet that is power
input to the wheel that is power output from the nozzle. So, kinetic energy of the jet arriving at
the wheel.

So this two ratios so it wheel efficiency which is defined as the ratio of power transferred by
the fluid to the wheel of course, very important to the power input to the wheel that is that is
why I said that power input to the wheel that is the kinetic energy which is coming or the kinetic
energy leaving the nozzle may not be transferred you know to the wheel shaft so there will be
some amount of losses. So, the ratio between these two powers I mean we can call it wheel
efficiency. So, wheel efficiency is defined as the power transferred by the fluid to the wheel to
the ratio to the power input to the wheel; that is which is obtained from the kinetic energy of
the jet arriving at the wheel.

𝜌𝑄 𝑢 (𝐶𝜃1 − 𝐶𝜃2 ) 2 𝑢 (𝐶𝜃1 − 𝐶𝜃2 ) 𝑢 𝐶𝜃1 − 𝐶𝜃2 𝑢 𝑊1 [1−𝐾 cos 𝜃]

Wheel efficiency 𝜂𝑤 = 1 = 2 =2 =2
𝜌𝑄 𝐶1 2 𝐶1 𝐶1 𝐶1 𝐶1 𝐶1

𝑊1 = 𝐶1 − 𝑢

𝑢 𝑢
𝜂𝑤 = 2 (1 − 𝐶 ) [1 − 𝐾 cos 𝜃]
𝐶1 1

(Refer Slide Time: 16:49)

Ah there I mean this is expression mathematical expression of for the wheel efficiency now for
maximizing. So, our target will be to obtain maximum wheel efficiency that is what I discussed
that; if the out you know jet deflection, deflection of the jet by suitable designing the bucket
can be done that it should deflect exactly in opposite direction. It is coming out almost in the
opposite direction not exactly the opposite direction but if it comes exactly in the opposite
direction of the incoming jet probably there, we may get higher wheel speed.

But that will have that will create another problem that may strikes to you know the preceding
get which is going to come is continuously rotating. And instead of having higher wheel speed
it may create resistance to the wheel you know wheel rotation.

So, we may have you know a drop in the efficiency so that is why you know theta that is
deflection angle is 165 there is the maximum deflection that can be done to obtain the maximum
wheel efficiency, that can be obtained from this expression also. Now what we can write that
for maximum wheel efficiency what we can do. So, that d U/C1 this is very important is known
as speed ratio, this is known as speed ratio. So, velocity of the blade to the you know, absolute
velocity of the jet right or fluid striking the blade that is speed ratio.

Now, what we can obtain for maximizing for maximum for maximum wheel efficiency for
maximum wheel efficiency, what we can obtain?

𝑢 =0

𝑢 1
Speed ratio= 𝐶 =
1 2

𝜂𝑤𝑚𝑎𝑥 = [1 − 𝐾 cos 𝜃]

So, this is the maximum you know wheel efficiency that we obtain. So, and that is obtained for
a speed ration is equal to half. So, this is what is the important so we need to know that speed
ratio is equal to half, we can have obtain higher wheel efficiency, but it is seen that it is very
important that it is seen that we have seen that the energy transferred from the fluid to the
bucket is not energy transferred from the fluid to the bucket is not completely transferred to the
output shaft very important.

Now my question is the now my point is the energy transferred from the fluid to the bucket is
not wholly the totally transferred you know to the output shaft of the machine.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:00)

So, I am writing the energy transferred from the fluid to the bucket is not totally available to
the output shaft of the machine to the you know to the output shaft of the machine this is very
important. So, energy transferred from the fluid to the bucket is not totally available to the
output shaft of the machine because there are losses some energy is converted to because this
is very important because a portion or of some energies or portion of the energy a portion of
available energy is used to overcome the bearing friction and windage loss.

So, this very important; that means, a portion of available energy is used to overcome the
bearing friction because all the you know machines are you know connected in a common
shaft. So, there will be a I mean we have to overcome the friction frictional losses will be there
not only that windage loss. What is windage loss? The that resistance created by the air because
when wheel is rotating along with the buckets so there will be some amount of frictional
resistance offered by the air and that is windage loss.

So, and also nozzle is also an integral part of the you know this Pelton turbine. So, losses in the
nozzle also contributes that you know the reduction of the wheel efficiency of the machine. So,
what I am telling nozzle is nozzle is also integral part of the Pelton wheel so there will be a
losses in the nozzle as well. So, losses in the nozzle also reduces the overall efficiency of the
machine. So, what we have seen that, if I now try to draw the you know efficiency versus speed
ratio U/C1 and this is efficiency. And it is seen that eta you know when maximum speed ratio
maximum efficiency is obtained when U/C1 = 0.5. So, this is known as eta max; eta max I am
writing theoretical so this is eta max theoretical.

So, these are theoretical one; so what I am said that energy transferred from the fluid to the
bucket is not totally available to output shaft of the machine because a portion of the available
energy is used to overcome the bearing friction losses as well as the windage losses because
when Pelton wheel is running, then of course, because it is not totally covered by the fluid like
a reaction turbine.

So, the air will create resistance to the rotation of the Pelton wheel that is why there will be
some amount of losses that is known as windage loss. Not only that since nozzle is also integral
part of the Pelton wheel. So, we need to take into account the losses in the nozzle itself and the
losses in the nozzle itself also will try to reduce the efficiency of the Pelton wheel.

So, accounting all these losses even if although we have derived that the maximum theoretical
efficiency is obtained for a speed ratio is equal to 0.5, but if we take into account all this losses
it is seen that the actual efficiency actual maximum efficiency which is obtained slightly less
than the speed ratio and which is 0.46. So, you know actual curve actual efficiency actual
maximum actual case is always less than you know so this is U/C1 = 0.46.

So, this is actual this is actual curve. So, the theoretical value 0.5 that is we have obtained from
maximum wheel efficiency that is a theoretical value, but because of the losses that that is what
we have discussed and that that bearing friction losses windage losses and losses in the nozzle

itself will reduce the value of speed ratio 0.46, I mean at which the maximum wheel efficiency
is obtained.

So, this is what is all about the wheel speed and wheel efficiency. And we will discuss about
the pump specific, you know turbine specific speed also the similarity law. And we have
discussed about the you know Buckingham pi theorem when we have discussed about pump
and from and from that theorem, we have driven the few coefficients that is head coefficient
flow coefficient also the power coefficient. So, all these three coefficients are also remaining
also true for the hydraulic turbine as well. Only the difference is in a pump the direction of
energy conversion is different then what is happening in the turbine. So, now we will proceed
to solve a numerical problem.

So, this is all about the Pelton wheel that we have seen. The Pelton wheel a very important that
Pelton wheel is only the hydraulic turbine of impulse impulse type which is commonly used.
So, I am writing that Pelton wheel is only the hydraulic turbine of impulse type which is in
which is commonly used commonly used. And it is particularly suited particularly suited for
high head for high heads and sometimes Pelton wheel sometimes Pelton wheel is called as
tangential flow turbine tangential flow turbine.

Why tangential flow turbine? Because we have seen that the jet is striking almost in the
tangential direction of the pitch circle diameter. So, just like a reaction turbine we have
classified a radial flow axial flow. Sometimes it is known as tangential flow turbine and it is
Pelton is only the hydraulic turbine of impulse type, which is commonly used, and it is in
general suited for high heads. I will also would like to discuss in this context that we have seen
this turbine is I mean will produce power suppose I would like to generate a certain amount of
power using hydraulic power plant or maybe in one case we have impulse turbine let us say
Pelton wheel in another case we have a Francis turbine that is reaction turbine.

Since Pelton wheel is normally suited for high heads so to obtain higher output, we need always
we require high heads. But sometimes it is not possible to have high head, then what we have
to do only we can increase the diameter you know if we would like to get suppose more amount
of power from the same Pelton wheel then we need to increase the wheel diameter. So, that
will increase, or we have to have you know more than of nozzles. So, for that we have to have
higher you know bigger size of the turbine. And that is not and that is why to obtain the same

power it is always recommended that reaction turbine will be it is also it is always
recommended to have a reaction turbine.

Anyway, so with this now we will proceed to solve up numerical problem from where it will
be clear that how we can obtain efficiency from the given values of you know head and other
I mean nozzle diameter and all those things. So, we have discussed that Pelton wheel is no way
suited for high heads. So, if we would like to obtain same power from the Pelton wheel then of
course, and reaction turbine for the given power output Pelton wheel requires a high head or if
we do not have high head, then we have to have a few more nozzles and also the wheel diameter
has to increase and that is not you know recommended because in that case it will increase of
size bigger size.

So, in that case I mean reaction turbine is very important because reaction turbine can be
avoided even at a moderate head to obtain the same power output. So, now, we will solve one
numerical problem related to this impulse turbine. So, let me write the problem first then we
will proceed to solve. So, problem is in a hydraulic electric scheme a number of Pelton wheels

(Refer Slide Time: 32:37)

So, a problem in a hydroelectric scheme a number of Pelton wheels are to be used are to be
used under the following condition right. Total output power required is equal to 30-megawatt
gross head is equal to 245 metre, speed is equal to 39.27 radian per second, that is 6.25

revolution per second. It is given 2 jets per wheel Cv of the nozzle is equal to 0.97, that is
coefficient of velocity.

Maximum overall efficiency based on the condition immediately before the nozzle’s
maximum, maximum overall efficiency is equal to 81.5 percent, that is given. That is based on
the condition immediately before the nozzle and power specific speed for 1 jet not to exceed 1
power specific speed this is important. Power specific speed for 1 jet not to exceed 0.138 radian
that is 0.02 revolution.

Head loss to friction in pipeline does not exceed 12 metre, head loss you know head loss due
to friction due to friction in pipeline not to exceed 12 metre. So, what we have to calculate?
First we have to calculate number 1 is the number of wheels required the number of wheels
required; 2, diameter of the jets and wheels diameter of the jets and wheel. 3, hydraulic
efficiency if blades deflect water through 165. If blades deflect water through 165 degree this
is important and reduce a relative velocity by 15 percent and reduce its relative velocity by 15
percent and 4 percentage of the input power, that remains as kinetic energy water as discharge.
Percentage of input power that remains as kinetic energy of the water at discharge.

So, we have to solve this problem, so it is given that in a hydraulic power plant scheme Pelton
wheels are to be used for the following condition. So, we need to develop a jet 30-megawatt
power, gross head is available 245 metre, speed is given 625 revolution per second and there
are 2 jets per wheel. Nozzle Cv is given 0.97 0.97 coefficient of velocity maximum wheel
efficiency 1.5 percent based on the condition immediately before nozzle immediately before
the nozzle.

Power specific speed for 1 jet not to exceed point 0, 0.22 revolution so we have to calculate
head loss due to friction in the pipeline. If head loss due to friction in the pipeline does not
exceed 12 metre then the number of wheels requires diameter of the jet and wheel hydraulic
efficiency blades deflects water though 165 degree and reduce a relative velocity 15 percent.
And percentage of input power that remains kinetic energy of the water at the discharge so we
will we have to solve this problem.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:40)

So, the solution this is very important we have to solve the problem that, so what is given? So,
total power it is given total power required total power total power required P naught is equal
to 30 megawatt that is given. And Ns is equal to given 0.022 revolution per second that is given
because it is given. You know specific power specific for specific speed for 1 nozzle not to
exceed this. And H gross is equal to 245 metre, frictional losses will not exceed 12 metre that
is given. Speed is given 6.25 revelations per second or rps revolution per second.

𝑁𝑠 = 1 5
𝜌2 (𝑔𝐻𝑒𝑓𝑓 )4

Po = 𝑁𝑤 𝑁𝑗 𝑃

𝑁𝑤 = 4.95

Because H effective is H gross minus frictional loss that should not exceed 12 metre, from
there we calculate P that is the power that power into number of jets per wheel multiplied by
the number of wheels will be the total overall power. That is total power required from there
we have calculated the number of wheels will be 5 it should not exceed 5. So, there since there
are 2 jets per wheel; so there are this N j is equal to twice jets per wheel fine. So, next we have
to calculate other you know other solution that is what is other we need to calculate that is
diameter of the jets and wheels that you have to calculate ok.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:13)

Then we have to calculate so from inlet velocity triangle from inlet velocity triangle we know

𝐶1 = 𝐶𝑣 √2𝑔𝐻 = 65.58 m/s

= 0.6

U=30.17 m/s

D = 1.536 m

𝑃𝑜 = 𝜌𝑄𝑔 𝐻𝑒𝑓𝑓 𝜂𝑜

Qo = 16.104 m3/sec

𝑄𝑜 𝜋
Discharge per jet = 𝑁𝑤 𝑁𝑗 = 𝑑2 𝐶1

d = 0.177 m

(Refer Slide Time: 45:14)

K = 0.85

𝑢 𝑤1 (1−𝑘𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃) 𝑢 (𝐶1 −𝑢)(1−𝑘𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃)

𝜂𝐻 = = = 85.1%
𝑔𝐻𝑒𝑓𝑓 𝑔𝐻𝑒𝑓𝑓

So, this is the hydraulic efficiency of the turbine. So, this is the way we have to solve the you
know if we know the power output that is what we need from the Pelton turbine. And then we
have to calculate what should be the hydraulic pitch cycle diameter of the wheels, what should
be the diameter of the jet, and number of wheels is required.

One important thing is that because that gross head is not equal to the net head available at the
wheel. So, we need to calculate net head available at the wheel and based on that we can
calculate what should be the, you know other parameter.

So, although we are having H effective is something else, but that head is not be converted
equivalent amount of kinetic energy or the energy of the rotation of the wheel so, and since
from there we can calculate what will be the hydraulic efficiency. So, with this I stop here today
and we will continue our next discussion in the next lecture.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 27
Reaction Turbine: Francis Turbine

So, we will continue our discussion on Principle Hydraulic Machines and System Design.
Today, we will discuss about reaction turbine; that is we have since we have discussed that
the hydraulic turbine can be classified based you know based on the utilisation of head
available. So, one is impulse turbine peloton wheel that we have discussed. Today, we will
discuss about the you know radial flow reaction turbine that is Francis turbine and then we
will discuss about the you know axial flow.

So, today we will discuss about the operational principle of a Francis turbine. And, then
we will work out an example to see that, how we can you know based on the available
head, how, we can get the total power and what should be the blade angle all those things?
So, to do that let us first I will first draw a schematic of a reaction turbine and then we will
discuss slowly about different features of the reaction turbine and how it is different from
the impulse turbine?

(Refer Slide Time: 01:35)

So, if I draw the schematic so, today we will discuss about reaction turbine. As, I said that
the reaction turbine is different from impulse turbine, since in a reaction turbine pressure

changes gradually you know as the you know fluid flows to the runner. So, whatever, what
in case of a impulse turbine, we have seen that only one and two buckets are involve at a
time to get the to in which conversion of the energy that is occurring.

But, in case of a reaction turbine this energy conversion takes energy conversion takes
place gradually throughout the I mean entire portion of the runner. And, that is the basically
you know fundamental difference between reaction and impulse turbine.

So, today we have taken example of a radial flow that is what I told you radial flow reaction
turbine one example is the Francis turbine. So, if I draw the schematic first let me draw
the schematic of a reaction turbines so, if I draw the schematic. So, this is the you know
schematic of a radial flow reaction turbine is Francis turbine, this is I am now giving the I
am just levelling different parts of it.

This is draft tube, this portion is the is runner, you know this is known as scroll casing this
is shaft of the you know turbine and, these are known as guide vanes guide vane or
sometime they are known as wicket gate. And, if I draw the another you know view here.
So, this is the in cross sectional view so, this is draft tube, this is a runner shaft, we have
scroll casing and then this draft tube is very important part of this is an integral part of the
total hydroelectric power plant equipped with a radial flow or any reaction turbine.

But, this draft tube was not there in case of peloton wheel that you that is what you have
seen. So, if I draw this schematic of a you know hydraulic turbine again, then we have a
few wicket gates. So, we have a few wicket gates like this and then there will be a scroll
case casing. So, this is scroll casing, this is schematic here fluid is coming from penstock,
so, fluid is coming from penstock fluid from penstock you know these are called guide

And this is of course, runner this is runner. So, we have drawn the schematic of a you
know reaction turbine we have given this cross sectional view as well as the schematic I
mean the how it look likes, looks like then we have level different parts, we have a scroll
casing shaft of course, shaft will be there. Another important component, which is integral
with this turbine is draft you we will discuss one by one what is the function of that, then
we have guide vane, we also will discuss what is the function of the guide vane and then
scroll casing.

Now, as I said you that when we talk about reaction turbine, it differs from you know in
impulse turbine. So, the principle distinguishing feature of a reaction turbine, how, it is
differ from impulse turbine is that? In case of impulse turbine entire head available gross
head rather head available at the inlet of a turbine is converted to the you know kinetic
energy of rotation of the runner.

Before, it you know almost entire head is converted before it, you know goes to the turbine
inside the turbine that is entire energy conversion taking place through a nozzle itself.
Maybe one or two buckets at a times are engaged for this energy conversion through the

Now, in case of reaction turbine only the part of the whole energy so, I am writing, how it
is differing from impulse turbine? So, from the schematic again we need to look back the
schematic, but how a reaction turbine is different from the impulse turbine?

(Refer Slide Time: 10:49)

We will discuss one by one, so, I have said you that in a impulse turbine almost entire
energy conversion takes place, before fluid goes to the runner. And, this energy conversion
takes place through nozzle and at a time maybe one or two buckets are involved, but in
case of a reaction turbine only a part of the energy conversion takes place, before the a I
mean why? Because, pressure head is converted to the velocity head that the kinetic energy
of the wheel that the runner.

Now, only part of the available head is converted to the velocity head before it goes to the
runner. So, first of all in a reaction turbine, only part of the overall head is converted to the
velocity head before fluid before the fluid is reached at the runner, at the runner.

So, before fluid reaching at the runner, only a part of the overall head that is pressure head
is converted to the velocity head, but this is not the true for a impulse turbine. This is not
the case for the impulse turbine, because almost entire part of the velocity a pressure head
is converted to the velocity head through nozzle, and at a time may be one or two buckets
are involved for this you know to obtain rather to increase the kinetic energy of the wheel.

Second is very important, that is what I am telling? That in case of impulse turbine at a
time only one two buckets are engaged for this. So, instead of engaging only one or two
buckets at a time, you know working fluid, which is the case of a impulse turbine, working
fluid completely fills the runner, completely fills the passage entire passage completely
fills the runner passage.

So, if I now go back to my previous slide it is clear that when water is coming from
penstock, it is going through this scroll casing, it is sometimes, it is known as you know
spiral shape casing, this is spiral shape casing. So, this is spiral shape casing a special name
is scroll casing it is called. So, whenever water is coming from penstock, it goes through
this spiral shape casing, but it is name is scroll casing. And, then the working fluid engaged
almost all the blades entire runner at a time instead of engaging one or two buckets in case
of impulse turbine.

That means, it is not the fact that only one or two bucket will be involve for this energy
conversion and from there entire wheel will be rotating this is not the case rather, whenever
water is or working fluid is coming from penstock, it will go through scroll casing, and it
will completely fills the entire runner passage. And, while it is completely filling the entire
runner passage, they are only the maximal energy conversion will take place, rather from
overall head that is pressure head to the velocity head of kinetic velocity head and will
have some kinetic energy of rotation of the runner.

So, this is another important difference and since it is a important, since the entire runner
is you know engaged for this energy conversion in case of a reaction turbine, but while
you have seen that only one or two buckets are involve for the energy conversion in case
of impulse turbine. So, if you would like to obtain a same power output from a

hydroelectric power plant, so, if the power plant is having a reaction turbine, then we
require I mean you know lesser, I mean the wheel diameter, you know will be less, I mean
wheel diameter and entire turbines size will be very less.

So, it is very important, that instead of engaging only one or two buckets at a time working
fluid completely fills the runner, and pressure changes gradually as the working fluid,
passes through runner right, this is important. Third is very important since the entire
runner, entire circumference of the runner rather the reaction turbine is in operation, is in
I mean operation for developing power or generating power.

Since, entire circumference of the turbine of course, reaction turbine you are talking about
is in operation for generating power, wheel diameter wheel diameter you call it or runner
size is need not to be as large as that of impulse turbine. Since, entire as I said you, since
entire circumference is in operation; that means, the pressure changes gradually as it passes
through the runner so; that means, all the runner passes, entire runner passes is in operation
while this energy conversion taking place. That is why the rotor size runner size should
not be as big as you know that of impulse turbine for generating to obtain same power
output same power output.

This is very important so; that means, it is not the case like a impulse turbine because in
impulse turbine only one or two buckets are involved at a time, and energy conversion
taking place from nozzle and is striking the bucket. So, since only one or two buckets so,
of course, to obtain the higher you know if you would like to obtain same power output
from two different power plants; one is equipped with impulse turbine, another one is
equipped with you know reaction turbine in.

So, of course, in case of a reaction turbine because of it is you know operational future we
need not be you know, we need not to have a high wheel diameter or high rotor size, runner
size, which is there and which should be the case for the impulse turbine.

So, this is economy I mean this is good, I mean that that the entire plant should not be as
big as high in case of a impulse turbine. This is the fundamental difference between the
reaction how a reaction turbine is different from impulse? So, these are the different
characteristics feature of a reaction turbine and it makes it that it these features make this
turbine to be different from impulse turbine, from construction point of view as well as the
operational point of view.

Fine second thing we have discussed here that the water is coming from penstock and as
water moves through the runner, I mean through casing spiral shape casing sometimes it
is known as scroll casing. So, the casing is designed in such a way that, we have you have
seen that in case of pump and water is coming out from pump and we have a casing.

Also, there is a spiral shape casing we have, but the area is gradually you know increasing.
So, that the velocity head can be converted to a pressure head, before it goes to the
discharge point, because entire purpose was in case of a pump is to develop a head. But,
in case of a turbine whatever we are observing here that, that the scroll casing or the spiral
shape casing is designed in such a way that, I mean the velocity will remain almost constant
as it passes through the casing this is very important, that the fluid velocity must will
remain constant into the casing so, this is another important feature.

Second thing this entire casing, which surrounds I mean the you know runner. So, I am
writing here that what about the special feature of the spiral casing?

(Refer Slide Time: 20:40)

So, spirals casing spiral shape casing which is known as also scroll casing, so, spiral shapes
casing or scroll casings this is very important that, it should be designed in such a way the
[piral/spiral] spiral shape casing or scroll casing should be designed in such a way, that the
it will completely surrounds the runner. So, this casing completely surrounds the runner.

This scroll casing completely surrounds the runner, this is very important. And, the casing
is design in such a way that the fluid velocity will remain constant, , while flowing through
the casing.

So, these are the two important features; first one first one is the scroll casing completely
surrounds the runner of course, we have seen from the schematic and casing should be
design in such a way that that the velocity of the working fluid whatever is coming from
penstock the velocity of that fluid is will remain almost constant while passing through the
flowing through the casing. So, this is another important aspect for the casing shape. Now,
if I go back to the schematic, so, what is happening? So, fluid is coming from penstock, it
is now entering the casing and while it is moving to the casing velocity will remain almost

Then what is happening? Very important that, when it is coming from penstock and
moving to the casing then since it completely surrounds the casing completely surrounds
the runner. So, it will try to go to the passes you know runner process through certain
arrangement so, water will come from penstock, it will move through scroll casing where
velocity will remain constant. Then, since the casing entirely surrounds the runner then
water will go to the runner through certain arrangement or we are having wicket gates or
guide vanes.

So, why you are having wicket gates or guide vanes, because each wicket gate or guide
vane I mean these are placed around the periphery of the runner. The wicket gates and
guide vanes are placed around the periphery of the runner and each of the wicket gates are
pivoted each guide vane or you can get pivoted by suitable mechanism. And, it is possible
that at a given time we can have since they are pivoted by suitable mechanism, either you
can alter their you know they are opening at a time, at a given time, we can alter the
opening of all the wicket gains all the wicket gates or if it is possible that we can alter the
opening of a few or certain amount of a certain number of wicket gates this is possible.

So, we will discuss what is the function of wicket gates? So, before we go to discuss about
this, first water will come from penstock it will move to the scroll casing, where velocity
will remain constant, then water will go to the runner, and whenever it is going to the
runner, it will pass through the wicket gates. Now, wicket gate or these guide vanes are

pivoted by suitable, we can have you know all of them can be tuned at a time to alter the
direction of quantity of water.

Note that, this you know this the you know the guide vane the function of guide vane is to
drag the fluid, what is the function of the guide vane? The function of the guide vane is to
direct the fluid to the up to an appropriate angle of the runner, I mean as per the designer
choice. So, whenever water working fluid is coming from runner from scroll casing wicket
gate will try to break the fluid to the runner at the angle to the designer choice.

So, now I just said you all the wicket gates are pivoted by suitable mechanism all of them
can be tune at a time essential to alter the I mean direction of the quantity of water
depending upon the load. So, maybe from a hydroelectric power plant will discuss maybe
if time permits that, how we can controls speed governing mechanism? It is not always
true that, we have to have always turbine will run at a same speed because you need to
value the depending upon the low requirement.

Now, that is of a speed governing mechanism, but wicket gates can be tune at a time
essential to alter the quantity of water that is going to the runner depending upon the low
requirement. And, all the wicket gates are pivoted by suitable mechanism by virtue of
which we can tune; I mean we can alter the opening. So, all of them can be of a tuned at a
time or if it is require that we can find that we can operate only a few that is also possible.
This moment of the guide vane how? Now question is question is how we can tune the
movement of the guide vane either all of them or a few of them? By a that is that can be
done by a speed governing mechanism of the turbine.

Now, question is whenever water is entering to the runner, I mean what whenever water is
entering to the runner, that it passes runner whenever fluid or working fluid is entering to
runner derivates passes through the runner, the runner blade the fluid is deflected because
of the runner blades so, that it velocity of valve that is valve rates decreases.

So, I will write here now a few important things so, we have discussed that water will
come through penstock, it will go to through the scroll casing, scroll casing is designed in
such a way that the velocity will remain constant. Then water level go to go through the
guide vane and it will enter to the runner, the function of guide vane is that the guide vanes
were pivoted by suitable mechanism and the opening of the guide vane that the tuning of
the guide vane is controlled by speed governing mechanism.

We can tune all the wicket gate at a at a given time or essentially to alter the direction of
fluid flow depending upon the low requirement. And, second thing is whenever water is
our working fluid is passing through the runner, they are you know that I mean working
fluid will be deflected you know because of the guide vanes will be deflected, because of
the runner blades or I mean either water or working fluid whatever it is, in it is passes
through a runner fluid will be deflected because of the runner blade and so, that the velocity
of valve it will decrease it is very important.

So, I am writing this is the overall situation, now when; working fluid is going to the runner
from wicket gates through the passage of wicket gates, guide vanes when working fluid
is going to the runner through the passage of guide vane, in it is passage, fluid is deflected
because of the you know by the runner blades, deflected runner blades so, that it is velocity
of runner blades, so, that heat it is velocity of swirl velocity of whirl or swirl decreases this
is important so, velocity of solid decrease.

So, let us first now discuss about the working enough work you know function of the guide
vanes. So as I said you that guide vanes are placed around the periphery of the you know
runner of the turbine, guide vanes are pivoted by suitable mechanism and that all of them
can be tuned at a time essentially to alter the direction of flow depending upon the
requirement and they can be tuned by speed governing mechanism.

So, what are the function of guide vanes? So, if I write that function of guide vanes, what
is the function of guide vanes it is very important or wicket gate. Essentially, you know
partial kinetic energy conversion number 1 is not full, but partial kinetic energy
conversion, that is partial velocity it will be converted to the velocity overall head would
be convert into kinetic head and velocity head.

Number 2 guiding the absolute velocity of fluid guiding the absolute velocity of the fluid
working fluid, guiding the absolute velocity of the fluid we can change the guiding angle.
Number 3 it acts as a governor controlling the amount of fluid from penstock so, it as a
governor I mean it control so, it acts as a governor; that means, by suitably tuning the guide
vanes wicket gates, we can control the direction of fluid flow, we can control the amount
of fluid that is entering. So, that it acts as a governor speed governor mechanism so, you
can have depending upon the requirement of the load from that particular power plant we
can change the you know how much quantity of water will go to the runner at a given time

by opening the wicket gates. Also and it also as I said you that it also help in converting
the partial amount of kinetic energy.

So, these are the function of you know wicket gates this is a very important function, it
acts as a governor; that means, it is control the direction of fluid flow which can be done
by speed governor mechanism that, we can tune the open it is opening.

So, that that amount of liquid as well as it is resistance can we controlled depending upon
the load requirement. There is of course, a partial kinetic energy conversion within the
bucket itself. And, of course, if guiding the absolute velocity of the fluid, as I said you that
when fluid is coming from fluid is coming from guide vanes and it is entering to the runner,
in it is passage fluid velocity is deflected by the runner blade so, that the velocity of the
wall decreases.

So, I mean it is important that the guiding absolute velocity of fluid we can change the you
know guiding angle. Since, it is absolute velocity if the fluid is guided by this so, we can
change the guiding angle. Fine another, important part of that particular turbine is that, we
will be having draft tube, what is the function of draft tube? So, when water is coming
from runner I mean of course, from the centre of the runner all the fluid turn into the
acceleration of the an face to the tendency level to the draft tube. So, from the centre of
the runner so, when water is coming, from the centre of the runner fluid is turned into the
axial direction, fluid is turned in to the axial direction. So, I am writing from the centre of
the runner so, what is the function of draft tube? Very important this is import and another
important part of this turbine.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:45)

So, what is the function of draft tube? Let me discuss about that draft tube shape is that it
is gradually increasing in it is cross section area. So, whenever water is moving to the draft
tube, we can have a recovery of the same amount of kinetic energy to the equivalent
amount pressure head. Because, may be all the overall head is not converted in the turbine
itself there will be some amount of kinetic energy, so, to gain that amount of kinetic energy
instead of you know wasting this kinetic energy, we can have aft[er] certain arrangement
so, that we can recover.

So, you know this is very importance so, as a function of the draft tube. So, when rather
from the centre of the from the centre of the runner, fluid is turned into the axial direction
into the axial direction and flows to tail race, so, the draft tube, flows to at tail race through
a passage which is called draft tube.

So, from the centre of the runner fluid is turn into the axial direction and flows to the tail
race level. And, whenever it is flows to the tail race level, then it flows through a particular
flows to the tail race level, when a when it is going to the tail race level, it flows through
particular shape of passage it is known as draft tube. So, and the lower end of the draft
tube must under all condition operation will be some other tail race level.

This is very important, that the lower end of the draft tube at all working condition at all
condition must be submerged below the tail water level must be submerged below the tail

water, you know tail water below the water below the water level in the below the water
in the tail race, tail water tail below the water of tail race.

So, this is very important, that you know what is function of the draft tube, that is the
important this special arrangement. You know that lower end of the draft tube at all
working condition must be submerged below the water have a tail race level.

Since and as I said you the cross section of the draft tube is gradually increasing in the
direction flow to minimise the kinetic energy loss at the turbine. So, since the lower end
of the draft tube at all working condition must be submerged below the water as level, it
goes to install a turbine and higher than that of the tell race without losing you know losing
it any (Refer Time: 36:29). So, because of this, it helps to install the turbine at an elevation
higher than the TRL at an elevation higher than the Tell Race Level higher than the TRL.

So, that higher than that of sorry higher than that of the TRL, it helps to install the turbine,
at an elevation higher than that of the TRL; tail race level without losing, without
sacrificing any working head, without sacrificing any effective head. That means, without
sacrificing effective we can install turbine at elevation, which is higher than the TRL
because, that is that is only possible because of the draft tube. So, the draft tube what is
the function from the centre of the turner fluid is turn into the excel direction and flows to
the TRL level through a passage, which is known as draft tube the lower end of the draft

The, lower end of draft tube that all working condition must be submerged in the TRL
level and since we are having draft tube so, it is always possible that we can install turbine
at the elevation, which is higher than the water level in that TRL, without sacrificing effect
head. Now, the draft tube as I said you it is cross sectional area gradually increasing in the
direction of flow.

So, that as I said you that may be all the overall head is not converted into the kinetic head.
So, some remaining amount of pressure head is still here so, you can still utilize, convert
that into the gradually increasing area. So, reducing the velocity so, to minimise and not
to so, maybe all the you know the head converted to the pressure head to the kinetic head
maybe it is not used to obtain equivalent amount of power.

So, whatever amount of kinetic head that you are having at the end of the turbine, we can
we can regain that kinetic energy into the equivalent amount of pressure head, but I do not
know equivalent amount of pressure head or not but still some un utilised kinetic energy
can be again recovered whenever fluid is flowing through the draft tube because of it is

So, the cross section area is gradually increasing; that means, in the direction of flow so,
that the unutilized or the remaining kinetic energy in it can be converted to the pressure
head, whether equivalent by an equivalent amount or not that is not that is very difficult to
say, but still that so, that the you know remaining kinetic energy can be converted;
remaining kinetic energy can be you know converted to the pressure head. That means;
kinetic energy loss can be minimised.

So, this is all about the reaction turbine that, how we can have a different so, we have
discussed different plots operational principal of a reaction turbine, how it is different from
the impulse turbine? And, there are few parts which are integral to this turbine and we
have discussed about their function. Draft tube is very most important part, because of the
draft tube we can install turbine at a elevation level, which is higher than the water level
of the TRL. Not only that draft tube helps in recovering the remaining kinetic energy to
the pressure head so, that the efficiency can be increased not only that the kinetic head loss
can be minimised.

So, with this you know background, we now next to move to solve one problem based on
this reaction turbine. So, we will solve one a problem on reaction turbine and we will write
the problem first.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:00)

Problem on reaction turbine, in a vertical shaft in ward flow reaction turbine so, in a
vertical shaft inward flow reaction turbine the vertical flow reaction turbine so, sum of the
pressure head kinetic heads at the intensive parallel spacing is 120 meter, sum of the
pressure and kinetic head pressure and kinetic heads at the entrance at the inlet of the spiral
casing, at the inlet to the spiral casing is 120 meter. And, vertical distance between this
section and TRL and vertical distance between this section and TRL; TRL level is 3 meter
right, peripheral velocity of runner at entry, the peripheral velocity, the peripheral velocity
of runner at entry is 30 meter per second, the radial velocity of water is constant and that
is 9 meter per second, discharge from the runner without and discharge from the runner is
without solved.

Fine the estimated hydraulic losses are so, estimated hydraulic losses are very important
between turbine entrance and exit from the guide vanes 1, between turbine entrance and
exit from guide vane is 4.8 meter.

Number 2 this is 4.8-meter, number 2 the runner in the runner it is 8.8-meter hydraulic
losses, number 3, in the draft tube 790 meter, in the draft tube because fictional is hydraulic
losses we cannot ignore. In the draft tube it is 790 millimetre, number 4 very important
kinetic head ejected to tell less, still even they were having draft tube, but still some amount
of kinetic energy remaining we cannot recover all this, that is why I told that whether I do

not know you can convert equivalent amount of pressure or not, that is that is not possible
at all.

So, kinetic head rejected to TRL is 460-meter millimetre 460 millimetre this is 790
millimetres. So, we have to calculate very important the guide vane angle at the and the
runner blade angle at the inlet. So, we have to calculate this is very important guide vane
angle and runner blade angle at inlet and pressure head at entry and entry to and exit from
the runner, 1 2 pressure head, pressure heads at entry to and exit from the runner.

So have this is the problem we have to solve this problem. So, this is the problem, but we
need to solve how can you solve that we will that you need to solve again we will solve it,
it is not very difficult problem at all because you know everything. So, how we can solve?
This very important, because it is given that in a verticals of inner flow reaction turbine
some of the pressure and kinetic heads at the inlet of the spiral casing 120 meters and the
vertical distance at the section TRL and TRL between the between the section and TRL is
3 meter, peripheral velocity of the runner at the entry is 30 meter per second radial velocity
of water is constant 9 meter per second, discharge from runner is without solve.

We have to calculate, hydraulic velocity is given between turbine entrance and exit from
the guide vanes runner it is given, draft to is given, kinetic energy rejected or total is given,
you have to calculate the guide vane angle and runner blade angle at the inlet pressure head
at entry run to exit from the runner. So, we have to solve this problem.

(Refer Slide Time: 47:12)

So, we now we will solve solution very important so, if draw the schematic suppose this
is the so, this is head ratio level, it is coming from penstock and this is turbine. So, we are
having let us say this is the turbine. So, we have draft tube so, from where water is

And, this is as I said will draft to will always seductive somewhere below the TRL so, this
is TRL. And so, this is let us say this point is A and this point is B this is A so, this distance
is z A right. So, if you draw the velocity triangles how to how we can obtain? Velocity
triangles, we can obtain inlet velocity triangles so, this is u 1 this is w 1 and this will be c
1; w 1 this angle is beta1 this angle is alpha 1 this is u 1 this is c 1.

So, now, this is outlet velocity triangle w 2 that is no swirl it is given so, this is c 2, this is
beta 2, this is w 2, and this is u 2. It is given that no swirl so, if I go back to my previous
slide, it is given that it discharges from runner without swirl so, it is 90 degree. So, how
we can solve this problem? So, total losses total hydraulic losses are equal to how much,
it is given 4.8 plus 8.8 plus 0.79 plus 0.46 meter, that is equal to 14.85 meter is a total

+ = 120
𝜌𝑔 2𝑔

that is that is what is very important at the some of the pressure and kinetic energy inlet to
the spiral casing. So, A is the inlet to the spiral casing the point A is the inlet to the spiral

Za = 3m

Cr1 = C2 =9m

So, what you have to calculate, we have to calculate beta 1 and beta 2 that we have given.
So, we need to calculate something that you already, we know that I have to calculate
guide vane angle and runner blade angle at the inlet pressure heads at entry and exit from
the runner.

(Refer Slide Time: 51:45)

𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1
120+3 = 14.85 + 𝑔

𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1
= 108.15

𝐶𝜃1 = 35.37 𝑚/𝑠

𝐶𝜃2 = 0

𝛼 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (35.37) = 14.28

𝛽 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (5.37) = 59.2

𝐶1 2 35.372 +92
= = 67.9 𝑚
2𝑔 19.62

𝑃 𝐶1 2
120+3 = 4.8 +𝜌𝑔1 + +3

= 47.3𝑚

𝑃2 𝐶2 2
+ + 3 = 0.46 + 0.79
𝜌𝑔 2𝑔

= −5.8 𝑚

(Refer Slide Time: 56:11)

So, we have obtain everything, so, we have obtain that you know pressure which is you
know available, that is what that angle measure pressure head at the entry and exit from
the runner. Entry, of the runner at the point B so, this is pressure at the entry to the runner,
that is at point B.

Similarly, at exit of the runner that is P2 exit of the runner is this point this one let us c and
that is pressure at the exit from runner. So, we have obtained all the answer so, we have to
solve the problem in the in this way. So, with this I stop here today, and we will continue
our discussion in the next class.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

We will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design.
Today, we will discuss about you know the Operational Principle of Kaplan Turbine.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:37)

Which is again is a Reaction turbine that is what we have discussed at the beginning, that
reaction turbine can be you know divided into 2 categories depending upon the, you know
flower at the inlet. So, radial flow runner that is Francis turbine that is, what we have
discussed in last class.

So, today we will discuss about Kaplan turbine that is essentially excel flow and runner
axial flow turbine. Kaplan turbine is again axial flow turbine, where we have you know
adjustable blades, but again we have another kind of axial flow turbine, that is popular
turbine where the blades are fixed. So, today we will discuss about the operational
principle. So, of let us first you know you know see the schematic of the turbine, then we
will discuss about that how fluid is entering to the runner and then what are the different
parts of the Kaplan turbine and, and what are the velocity triangles at inlet and outlet.

And of course, we will discuss that why we are going from radial flow runner to the axial
flow runner that is from Francis turbine to the Kaplan turbine. So, to do that let us first you

know draw the schematic of the turbine. So, I am now drawing the schematic of the Kaplan

(Refer Slide Time: 01:49)

So, Kaplan turbine as I said you that Kaplan turbine is a reaction turbine, but these having
axial flow runner, axial flow turbine runner, where blades are adjustable with adjustable
blades, but axial flow turbine again popular turbine is an axial flow turbine, but where the
blades are fixed.

So, if we draw the schematic of the Kaplan turbine. So, I will draw the schematic of the
Kaplan turbine. So, we will draw the shaft first. So, we have blades we have blades and
then. So, let me complete the schematic. So, water is coming and then take a right angle
you know turned and it is it goes to the runner, water is coming from the penstock it enters
to the. So, water is coming from this is a schematic of the Kaplan turbine. And, if I draw
the, you know blade then probably I can draw like this.

So, we have so, we have blade like this normally. So, this is this schematic of the Kaplan
turbine. This is you know guide vane, this is guide vane, that is what we have discussed in
the last class also that we are having guide vanes or we can gets guide vane guide vane or
we call it we can get. So, water is coming from penstock and then it interest to the guide
vane. The function of the guide vane is same that is what we have discuss in the last class
that they are partial energy conversion takes place and guides the water into the runner.

And, it acts it is acts as a role of governor like think. So, function of the guide vane,
function of guide vane in Kaplan turbine is similar to those function of guide vane in
Kaplan turbine is similar, to those function in reaction turbine. I mean. So, function of
guide vanes and Kaplan turbine is same or similar to those functions in reaction turbine. I
mean it it convert partial energy conversion and also it guides the water into the runner
also it acts as a governor.

Now, water is coming from penstock and it now goes to the runner. And, while it is going,
we can see from the schematic itself, that it take a 90 degree turn, that is very important,
that you know when in a Kaplan turbine. So, this is very important water or working fluid.
So, we are talking about hydraulic turbine of course, water is a working fluid.

So, water you know from guide vane water from you know guide vane, you know to goes
water from guide vane flows to the runner through right angle to the axial direction. So,
water enters into the turbine and axial direction then it comes from runner from guide
vanes and enters into the runner by taking a right angle turn to the axial direction.

So, then it comes runner. And, normally the runner is equipped with 4 to 6 blades. In a
Kaplan turbine runner is equipped with 4 to 6 blades not more than that. And, whenever
water is approaching to the runner, we normally ignore the frictional effect and as if it
approaches free vertex, I mean free cortex flow. So, when water approaching runner, I
mean runner blades, we are neglecting frictional effect.

So, water is very important, when water approaching runner blades normally Kaplan
turbines are used for very high specific speed, very high specific speed disturbance are
used normally. Because, we have discussed in case of a pumps that axial flow pumps are
used for high you know flow rate with low head. Similarly, when speed increases head
decreases, that is true for the reaction turbine also, that Kaplan turbines are usually suitable
for high specific speed that is speed you know head decreases and it discharges more.

So, this very important that it discharge more at the outlet, where speed is high specific
speed is high and in head is less. So, when what is approaching runner blades? If, we
neglect the frictional effect, we are neglecting friction effect. So, water approaching runner
blades can be consider as as free vertex flow. If it is free vertex flow with if it is free vertex
flow then we C theta is equal to k by r that is the wall component the velocity is inversely
proportional to the radius inversely proportional to the radius.

So, this very important that even and the runner is rotating in this direction. If, would take
a top view, so this like this. So, it is rotating like this. Now, so, shaft is rotating like this.
So, water approaching runner blades we are considering no frictional effect and we are
assuming that the flow approaches free vortex flow pattern, where wall component of the
velocity is proportional to the inversely proportional to the radius, that is what is really
important. That wall component the velocity, wall component of velocity is inversely
proportional to radius. So, this is one aspect that we are considering free vortex flow
pattern without friction.

On the other hand, the blade velocity, we know that blade velocity is equal to pi dn by by
60. So, that is you know proportional to radius. Now, if we go to the next slide. We have
seen that, when water approaching from guide vane to the runner. We normally ignore the
frictional effect and the flow approaching a free vortex flow pattern, where wall
component of velocity is inversely proportional to the radius.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:37)

Now, the blade velocity very important blade velocity is proportional to the radius to
radius. So, you have seen that thus wall component velocity is inversely proportional to
the radius, while the blade velocity with directly proportional to the radius not inversely
proportional to the radius. So, there the relationship of wall velocity and blade velocity
radius is completely different.

So, now to take this effect into account that this is 2 take care this different relationship to
take these relationships. I mean blade velocity is directly proportional to the radius and
wall velocity is inversely proportional to radius. So, to take these you know mismatch in
the relationship into account normally the blades in axial flow machines are twisted. So,
we have seen that C theta is inversely proportional to the r and blade speed is proportional
to the r, these 2 different relationships. If you need to take into account, then and that is
why blades in an axial flow turbine, axial flow machine rather, axial flow machines are
twisted this is very important.

So, blades are twisted why? Because, we have seen that the wall velocity is inversely
proportional to the radius and blade velocity is proportional to the radius. So, we have to
take these 2 different relationships into account and for that normally blades in axial flow
machines are twisted.

So, this is important the angle with axis n is greater at the tip, than the route now whenever
they are twisted is important that angle. So, we will have a angle twist. So, we are twisting
blades. So, angle with axis is greater at the tip than the route this is important. So, that is
why I am discussing that, why another important aspect is blades in axial flow machine
are twisted, where angle with axis is normally higher at the tip than the route.

And, if we go back to my previous slide, where we can see that this is a axial flow axial
flow runner where fluid from penstock enters to the guide vane compel in the axial
direction. Then, when water is flowing or working fluid is water of course, here then water
is coming from guide vanes to the runner and then it takes a right angle you know to the
axial direction.

But, when it approaches to the runner blade, we are assuming that no frictional effect and
the, you know flow approaching the free vortex flow where C theta the wall component
velocity is inversely proportional to radius. And, it is rotating and as I said that the Kaplan
turbine where it is a axial flow runner axial flow turbine, where we are having adjustable
blade is suitable normally for high specific speed and it discharges more and normally for
a less head.

So, now this is the operational principle of Kaplan turbine, we will work out one example,
but before we go to do. So, let us first discuss about why we are moving from radial flow
runner to the axial flow runner. This is very important, that is you know if we discuss that

we have seen that the velocity triangles at the inlet and outlet for a radial flow runner, that
is for Francis turbine while we have where, when we have solve 1 problem in the last

And, why we are you know going from radial flow to the axial flow, I mean then, I mean
if we change the specific speed, then we need to change the shape of the you know runner.
I mean then why I mean of course, the Kaplan turbine is the development the axial flow
turbine, while you are going from radial flow runner radial flow runner. And of course,
this development is essentially for a change in the specific speed depending upon the
depending upon the head available. As I said you that, Kaplan turbine is suitable for high
specific speed head is less.

So, turbine installation turbine design and power output from the turbines also depends
upon the head available at the net head available at the inlet. So, if we need if we have less
head then of course, if we would like to get power output who have to change the shape of
the runner. Of course, if we need to change the shape of the runner and also the inlet and
outlet velocity triangle will change.

So, the evolution of the, you know change in the shape of the radial flow runner is
essentially and you know development of the Kaplan turbine, that is what we now discuss.
That how, if we discuss about that radial flow runner at different specific speed, and if you
go to high specific speed then what is happening and how we can develop the Kaplan

So, to do that, we will discuss about radial flow runners for at different speed; so, if I talk
about the, you know radial flow runner radial flow runner at different specific speed. So,
if you talk about low specific speed say, we have a runner that is what we have discussed
and when water is coming. So, water is entering like this.

So, this is the, you know tangential direction. So, if you draw the velocities. So, this is for
low specific speed. So, if we draw the inlet velocity triangles, what we will obtain? This
is absolute velocity c1, this is blade velocity u1. So, this is this wall component velocity at
the inlet 𝐶𝜃1 , this is w1 and this angle is alpha1 this angle is this angle. So, is 𝛽1 and this
is the Cr1, that is flow velocity at the inlet. So, this is Cr1 is equal to flow velocity at the
inlet right.

So, this is inlet velocity triangle for low specific speed Francis runner, radial flow runner,
with low specific speed; so, if we now draw the same velocity triangles, but for a medium
specific speed, that is specific speed increase. Let me discuss while specific speed
increases, that is very important, then discharge becomes as the specific speed increases,
discharge becomes more and more and more axial. This is very important, that specific
speed increases, then discharge becomes more and more axial.

We will see soon that us increment in specific speed is essentially a reduction of the
absolute velocity of water enter into the runner. So, this specific speed you know so, I am
writing that higher specific speed, this is very important higher specific speed, which is
equivalent to rather accompanied by you know low head. So, higher specific speed, which
is accompanied by low head. So, if we go from low to medium to high specific speed. This
essentially reduces the absolute velocity of fluid entering to the runners.

So, when we go for higher specific speed, which is accompanied by low head, that is what
we I was discussing that, we need to install turbine, because we need to change the shape
of the runner. Essentially to know adjust that, what are the, what is available head? And,
based on that head if we would like to obtain maximum amount of power, then you we
will of course, we need to change the shape of the runner that is what is the development
of the Kaplan turbine.

So, when specific speed increases; that means, head is you know less, because if you we
will write the specific speed of a turbine may be in the next lecture, but if we try to recall
from the definition of specific speed for a pump 𝑁𝑠 = 3 . Now, when we go for higher

specific speed so; that means, we need to reduce head. So, discharge becomes more and
more axial and; that means, specific speed higher specific speed is accompanied by low
head, while the high specific speed reduces the absolute velocity of water enter into the
runner and that is what is the change of the inlet velocity triangle and we will discuss now.

So, we have seen for lower low specific speed the velocity triangle this is of course, inlet
velocity triangle. So, this is inlet velocity triangles, we can see that C1 is very high. And,
then we have a flow velocity, but if we now try to draw the runner at medium speed.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:51)

So, radial flow runner, radial flow runner at medium specific speed at medium specific
speed, this is very important. The radial flow runner at medium specific speed; that means,
if we try to increase the specific speed, then we will eventually see that the flow at the inlet
become axial and that is the development of the Kaplan turbine. So, radial flow runner
medium specific speed, if we draw. So, I have to draw the schematic again. So, this is the
runner like this. And so, this is the tangential direction and this angle is beta 1 that is the
blade angle at the inlet. So, if I go to my previous slide. So, this angle is beta 1 that is blade
angle at the inlet.

So, now if we draw the so, this is medium specific speed and h will reduce. So, we will if
we would like to draw that medium say 6 speed or normal specific speed then, velocity
triangle will be like this. We can see from the diagram itself that this is the blade velocity.
So, this is Cr1 = w1, this angle is beta 1, this is u 1. And of course, u 1 is equal to this is u
1 and this is 𝐶𝜃1 and this is C1 this angle is alpha 1.

So, now what we see that C1, you know the as I said that reduces the absolute velocity of
fluid enter into the runner. So, here C1 when speed is low C1 is much higher and you
know, if we go to here then C1 reduces reduction in C1, this increases because blade speed
is specific speed you know increases. So, C1 will reduce, it eventually will increase the
flow velocity at the inlet will increases flow velocity at the inlet at inlet that is Cr1

So; that means, C1 reduces, but the Cr1 increases, now again if we try to draw the
schematic of a radial flow runner at high specific speed, high specific speed. So, if we try
to draw the runner again, high specific speed then this is what we have discussed in the
context of pump. So, this is tangential direction right. So, this is beta 1, this is tangential
direction this is beta 1 and if you draw the velocity triangle, we will see that this u 1 will
be beta 1 change is beta 1.

So, now this will be you know. So, Cr1, this is w 1, this is beta 1, this is alpha 1, and this
is the flow velocity at the inlet this is u 1 and this is 𝐶𝜃1 . So, Cr1 will be higher than the
previous cases and C1 will further reduced.

So, what you what you see, that if we go for higher specific speed absolute velocity at the
inlet to the runner reduced. And, it eventually increases the flow velocity at the inlet. Since
flow velocity at the inlet increase discharge will be high that is very important, that you
know it will be so, it will allow large it will allow large amount of fluid to enter into that

So, because of the higher flow velocity so, since flow velocity is increases. So, higher flow
velocity higher flow velocity that is obtained with increasing the specific speed will allow
a large amount of large amount of working fluid to enter to enter into the turbine. This is
important, but if we increase a specific speed, which is accompanied by lower head.

Then, we have seen from the velocity triangle itself that that angle itself that you know the
C 1, that absolute velocity of water entering to the turbine will be will reduce. It will
eventually increase the flow velocity at the inlet since flow velocity increase, it will allow
large amount of working fluid to enter into the turbine.

And, another important aspect that is what I am going to discuss here that. So, if we
increase specific speed. So, the flow velocity at the inlet I mean if we say that the flow
velocity at the inlet is having 2 components. One is the radial direction, another is in the
tangential direction, this is important because we need to know. So, flow velocity at the

So, if I keep on increasing specific speed, that is what you have seen that you know the
flow velocity at the increases, which eventually allow large amount of working fluid to

enter into the turbine. And, as I said you that if we increase speed, then it discharges more
and more in the axial direction.

Not only that whatever velocity at the inlet flow velocity I mean whenever fluid it is
entering to the turbine. So, water when fluid is entering to the turbine that, that a flow at
inlet to the runners. So, this very important point to note that, in all 3 cases; so, we have
discussed about radial flow runner, but 3 different cases low specific speed medium
specific speed or is normal specific speed medium or normal specific speed.

Then high specific speed in all 3 cases we have seen that, that the absolute velocity of
water enters into the turbine decreases. It eventually increases the flow velocity allow large
amount of fluid to be enter into the, allow large amount of fluid to enter into the turbine.

And, important point to note that in all 3 cases the inlet velocity flow at the runner is having
2 components; one is in the tangential direction, because you can decompose into 2
components, one is the radial direction and another is the tangential direction; that means,
the flow velocity C r 1 whatever we are obtaining for all 3 cases are highly radial. So; that
means, from here I write that for in all 3 cases flow velocity at the inlet flow velocity at
the inlet all 3 cases flow velocity at the inlet is in radial and is in radial and tangential
direction. This is very important the flow velocity of the inlet is you know for all 3 cases
radial flow runner is in the radial and tangential direction.

So, hence the flow velocity hence the flow velocity 3 cases you know flow at the inlet not
flow velocity flow at the inlet. In all 3 cases flow at the inlet is is in radial tangential
direction. So, flow velocity C r 1 in all 3 cases that is all 3 cases are radial component r
radial component of velocity. So, that is what I was discussing that, if we would like to if
I increase specific speed which is accompanied by low lower head; that means, it
discharges more and more in the axial direction. And, we have seen that in all 3 cases flow
at the inlet is having 2 components. If, I decompose you will have 2 components; one is
the radial direction another is the axial direction. And therefore, the component of flow
velocity the flow velocities here one is essentially the component the in the radial direction,
that is radial component of velocity. So, that is why it is sometimes, when as radial flow
runner that is flow velocity at the inlet is radial component.

Now, in case of the Kaplan turbine so, if we go for the higher specific speed again. So, if
I draw the higher specific speed of course, that is the Kaplan turbine if we go for the highest
specific speed that is the Kaplan turbine.

(Refer Slide Time: 33:03)

So, if I draw the runner suppose we have a Kaplan runner. So, this is the Kaplan turbine
and if you draw inlet velocity triangle so, if you draw the inlet velocity triangle since the
axial flow runner this axial flow runner. So, we will have velocity component like this,
this is c1, this is 𝐶𝜃1 , this is w 1, this is u1 and this angle is beta this angle is alpha and this
is the flow velocity Cr1.

Now, in case of a Kaplan turbine the axial flow runner. So, we have seen that it is axial.
So, the fluid entering flow at the inlet in case of the Kaplan turbine so, this is Kaplan
runner. So, fluid is entering in the axial direction that is the parallel to the axis of the shaft,
but so, flow at the inlet flow at the inlet has you know 2 components. One is tangential
direction and other is tangential direction and axial direction. So, the flow velocity for
Kaplan runner that is Cr1 is the axial component of velocity.

So, in case if we would like to increase so, that is what a very important. So, if I up to high
specific speed we have seen that, that flow velocity it is having 2 components 1 is
tangential and radial direction radial direction. So, Cr1 is of course, represent the radial
component of velocity. If I go even further specific speed, then it will be completely I

mean in the river’s direction. So, now, you can see from the beta itself that here 1 is will
be the radial 1 will be the tangential direction other 1 will be in the axial direction.

So, here Cr1 flow velocity represents the axial component of velocity not a radial
component of velocity. So, the tangential velocity you almost (Refer Time: 35:40) at the,
I mean, hence the flow velocity represents the axial component velocity for you know that
is what you obtain, but outlet velocity triangle.

So, this is again inlet velocity triangle. So, outlet velocity triangle outlet velocity triangle
if we draw then we will get like this. So, this is c 2, this is u 2, this is so, this is c 2 this
angle is alpha 2 is equal to 90 degree, this angle beta 2 and this is w 2 and this one is C r
2. Note, that outlet velocity triangle for all the cases radial flow runner axial flow runner
is like this where, you know I mean tangential component of velocity is nil. So, tangential
component of velocity is absent velocity is absent at the outlet for all runner.

That means so, exit velocity therefore, C r 2 that is the exit velocity, exit flow velocity is
axial no tangential component in all 3 all the runners. So, C r 2 is exit velocity in the axial
for Kaplan turbine, while this exit velocity is radial for you know Francis turbine right.

So, what is the outcome of the discussion that if I would like to increase the specific speed,
that is accompanied by low head because the head available at the inlet to the runner is
very important to obtain the power output from a hydroelectric power plant. So, depending
upon the head, if we would like to obtain high power, we need to increase specific speed.
So, if we increase specific speed from low to normal to high, we have seen which is
accompanied by low head then it discharges more and more in the axial direction.

And, that is what we have seen from the radial flow runner. And, have seen that if we keep
on increasing specific speed absolute velocity of water entering to the runner decreases; it
eventually increases the flow velocity at the inlet. Now, flow at the inlet is having 2
components one is the radial direction another is in the tangential direction. So, the flow
velocity at the inlet for all 3 radial flow runners are essentially is the radial component of
velocity, but if we keep on increasing specific again specific speed that is the axial flow

So, it is purely in axial direction. So, we have a from beta 1 itself we can see that you
know because specific speed here, the flow velocity the flow at the inlet is having 2
components; one is the tangential direction, another is the axial direction.

But, the flow velocity at the inlet Cr1 is essentially represents is a flow velocity at the inlet
Cr1, which represents the axial component velocity not in the I mean not the tangential
velocity, but outlet velocity triangles for all cases I mean radial flow runner axial flow
runner their tangential velocity is almost nil that the tangential flow velocity tangential
component is absent at the outlet.

Hence, the Cr2, which is the absolute velocity, we have nothing to do I mean it all it is
only axial it exit velocity at the outlet is axial for the Kaplan turbine. And, this exit velocity
you know is radial for the radial flow runner that is a Francis turbine. So, this is what now
then we can see that, if you if you would like to know if you would like to increase the
specific speed if you have a low head, then of course, we need to change the shape of the
Francis turbine runner from shape mean the blade angle we I need to change.

And, eventually we are arriving at that when head is Solo; that means, we have to have
higher specific speed then, we essential have to go for the axial flow runner, where the
flow velocity at the inlet is essentially in the axial direction, not in the radial direction.
And, for all the cases since no tangential component is absent. So, the flow velocity at the
exit is axial for axial flow runner, that is Kaplan turbine and it is radial I mean for radial
flow runner that is Francis turbine.

So, next to we let to solve on problem on you know Kaplan turbine that is axial flow
turbine with adjustable blade.

(Refer Slide Time: 40:31)

So, next problem is this is very important, that Kaplan turbine a Kaplan turbine works
under a head of 25 meter at a speed of 200 rpm. Flow at the outlet of the turbine runner is
in the axial direction that is what we are discussing Kaplan turbine power output from the
turbine power output from the turbine is 20 megawatts. Diameters at the diameter of the
blades, diameters of the blade at the tip and hub are 5 meter and 2.5 meter respectively.

Hydraulic efficiency is given 86 percent that is eta hydraulic overall efficiency eta O that
is given 80 percent we have to calculate or determine the inlet and outlet blade angle at
mean radius inlet and outlet blade angle at mean radius. So, we have to solve this problem.

So, initially before you go to solve the problem, we have to draw a inlet and outlet velocity
triangle. So, if I draw the inlet velocity triangles, we have velocity triangle like this. This
is w 1 this is c 1, this is beta 1 and this is the solved compound 𝐶𝜃1 , this is u 1 and this is
Cr1. This Cr1 essentially axial component of velocity axial component of flow velocity
right, this is at the inlet and outlet we have like this sorry this is c 2 alpha is going to 90
degree. So, C2 = Cr2 again this is axial component this is w 2, this is u 2, and this is 𝐶𝜃2 ,
and this angle is beta 2. So, this is at the outlet. So, we have drawn the velocity angle inlet
outlet, we have to calculate inlet and outlet blade angle at the mean radius.

Mean diameter = (5+2.5)/2 = 3.75 m

Power from available head = 103x9.81x25xQ

Power output from turbine = 20MW

So, if I know the flow rate I can calculate this is the power available from the head. Now,
power available from the head that we have calculated, but what is the power output from
the turbine? So, power output from turbine is equal to 20 megawatt that is that equal to 20
into 10 power 6 watt that is obtained we have we know the efficiency. So, we know the
overall efficiency. So, what efficiency, what how much? So, overall efficiency that is 0.8
that equal to 20 into 10 power 6 power output is always less than the power available from
the head, because of the frictional losses and windows losses all those thing we have seen
divided by 10 into 9.81 into 25 into Q, from there we can calculate what will be the amount
of Q meter cube per second this is very important.

So, overall efficiency is power output in the turbine to the power available power from
available head. So, if you do like this if I do this calculation you can obtain the flow rate
cube meter per second. So, now, we know the Q second obtained is in a rotor speed. So,
we have to obtain the mean diameter we have so, rotor mean rotor speed, or runner speed
𝜋𝐷𝑚 𝑁
um = .

(Refer Slide Time: 47:15)

So, we know Dm that is equal to you know mean diameter 3.75 into 200 rpm divide by
60. So, we will get this thing meter per second.

Now, power developed by the runner this is very important. So, power developed by the
runner we know the hydraulic efficiency. So, what is hydraulic efficiency? Hydraulic
efficiency we know the overall efficiency is power from the top plant to the power from
the available head. Similarly, hydraulic efficiency is power developed by the runner, by
the runner to the power from available head.

So, power developed by the runner is how much that we can calculate. So, power develop
by the runner can calculate is so, power developed by the runner that we do not know
power developed, by the runner that we do not know will be equal to hydraulic efficiency

𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑟𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟

Hydraulic efficiency = 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑

So, that is what you obtain. Now, question is what is the power developed by the runner?
That will be equal to how much, because power developed by the runner is rho Q into 𝐶𝜃1
that is wall velocity of the inlet into um. So, if we know the power developed by the runner
this expression then if I quit this quantity, I already know that value of Q, I know rho I
know u m. So, from there I can calculate 𝐶𝜃1 will be how much meter per second.

Power developed by runner = 𝜌𝑄𝐶𝜃1 𝑢𝑚

Now, what will be the axial velocity? So, this is a tangential component of velocity
tangential component axial velocity of the inlet that you obtained from, because this is
equal to power developed by the runner right. So, from there I can calculate 𝐶𝜃1 , because
I know rho I know Q Q I obtained from earlier expression and I have calculated u m the
rotor speed they are from there I can calculate 𝐶𝜃1 .

Now, question is very important objective is that flow velocity of the inlet and outlet flow
of velocity at the inlet and outlet are I mean axial velocity flow velocity at the inlet and
outlet are axial. So, Cr1 rather I can tell that I mean axial velocity I can calculate. So, axial
velocity will be 𝜋 Because, I know Q so, I can obtain axial velocity. So, if I go back
(52 − 22 )

to the you know inlet velocity triangle how can I obtain? So, I know 𝐶𝜃1 if I know the axial
velocity at the inlet. So, I can now right then from inlet velocity triangle.

(Refer Slide Time: 51:23)

From inlet velocity triangle, what I can obtain inlet velocity was like this again I am
drawing the inlet velocity triangle this is w1.

This is let us say axial velocity axial flow velocity this is c1, this angle is alpha 1, this is
𝐶𝜃1 and total is u 1. So, this is beta 1. So, from inlet velocity triangle what I can obtain
𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦
tan 𝛽1 = So, we have to calculate mean rotor speed at the mean radius not
𝑢𝑚 −𝐶𝜃1

at the hub and tip, because it will vary from hub to tip from tip to hub. So, we have to
calculate u m is very important, because you have to calculate that is already given that we
have to calculate inlet and outlet that angle based on the you know at mean radius and the

𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦

𝛽1 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 ( )
𝑢𝑚 −𝐶𝜃1

𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦

𝛽2 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 ( )
𝑢𝑚 −𝐶𝜃2

So, we have obtained beta 1 and beta 2. So, so if we would like to discuss what we have
discussed today. I mean if would like to re capsulate whatever what we have discussed
today is that, we have discuss the operational principle of a Kaplan turbine, we have seen
that Kaplan turbine is having guide vane, then we have a runner. So, water from penstock

enter the guide vane, then guide vane function is almost similar to those you know what is
what are the function, we have discussed in case of a reaction turbine, because there is a
partial conversion of energy it guides water to the guide you know runner. And, it also
access a governor, then water from guide vane to the rounded text are right angle change
I mean tuned with the axial direction, then while approaching to the runner the we have
assume that velocity is you know flow I mean no friction is present is frictionless.

And, flow velocity approaching to the fibo text flow hire you know c theta I mean wall
component of velocity or soil component of velocity inversely proportional to the radius.
On the other hand, blade speed that is of course, you know directly proportional to the
radius. So, to take this 2 you know contradictory you know duration into account; one is
inversely proportional to the radius, other is directly proportional to the radius.

The blades, normally in you know all the axial flow velocity are twisted. And, angle at the,
you know hub angle at the tip is relatively higher than the root. And, then we have
discussed that why we go for axial flow, why we need to go for axial flow runner? I mean
that is you know evolution of change of shape of Francis radial flow runner that is we have
discussed that, if we go for higher specific speed that is if we keep on increasing specific
speed, which is accompanied by low head that is true.

If we we will discuss that on the specific speed definition. So, when you head reduces; that
means, highest specific speed discharges become more and more axial.

That means, we have seen from the inlet from the receipt angle all the velocity triangle is
we did I could not draw velocity angles per scale, but still I can tell that the velocity
triangles, we have drawn for low speed, normal speed, and high speed redial flow runner,
that the absolute velocity of water at the inlet you know that reduces, which is accompanied
by a increment of flow velocity at the inlet. And, we have seen that from the schematic
that flow at the inlet is having 2 components; one is radial axial direction, one is tangential
direction, other is the radial direction. So, the flow velocity at the inlet represents the radial
component velocity.

But, again if we go for higher specific speed; that means, that is case of axial flow turbine,
that is be with and that will lead to a change in beta. Then, flow at the inlet we have only
2 components; no radial component, only tangential component, and the axial component.

And form the inlet velocity angle we have seen that that the flow velocity at the inlet
represents the, you know axial component of velocity, while for all the cases I mean all
the runners. If, we have seen from outlet velocity triangles velocity triangles that that the
tangential components almost absent and hence the flow velocity at the outlet is axial
purely axial in case of the Kaplan turbine, you know Kaplan runner and it is purely radial
for the radial flow runner.

Then, we have solved one numerical problem, how to calculate inlet and outlet velocity
triangles, inlet and outlet blade angle, based on the mean diameter of the blade. And, we
have discussed about 2 different efficiency; one is overall efficiency another one is a
hydraulic efficiency from there we have calculated the tangential wall component and then
we have solved the problem.

So, with this I stop here today, and I will continue you know, in the next class next our
next topic that is the degrees of reaction and then we will discuss about specific speed.
And, we will discuss about the (Refer Time: 57:51) in case of a turbine and then we will
surely possible to solve a few problems related to this specific speed.

Thank you very much.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 29
Degrees of Reaction and Efficiency of Hydraulic Turbine

So, we will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System
Design. Today, we will discuss about the Degrees of Reaction and Efficiencies. Probably,
we have discussed about the degrees of reaction in a context of the discussion of pumps,
but again we recapitulate that.

And, we will try to discuss that how velocity triangle is a function of degrees of reaction
and for different magnitude of you know rather different values of degrees of reaction,
how can we construct the velocity triangles. And of course, the component of velocities I
mean component of absolute velocity and component of relative velocity in the tangential
direction changes, which with the change in degrees of reaction.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:13)

We have defined what is degrees of reaction? So, again I am writing that what is degrees
of reaction? So, you know this is very important, important in the context of pump and
turbine operation, because as I said you that the based on the magnitude of degrees of
reaction velocity triangles changes. And, probably if velocity triangle changes then of

course, the efficiency and of the total you know guide vane, blade, every design will

So, we will discuss about the degrees of reaction today, we also we will define what is
what is degrees of reaction? So, probably I have defined again, but today again I will
recapitulate what is degrees of reaction? So, I am writing degree of reaction degree of
reaction, we sometimes call it R.

Which is defined probably I have written in the context of discussion on pumps again I am
writing that it is defined, that it is defined as the ratio of, as the ratio of ideal static pressure
rise, ideal static pressure rise across the rotor, across the rotor to the total pressure rise
across the stage of the machines.

So, therefore, R which is defined that, total pressure rise across the stage to the I mean
ideal static pressure rise across the rotor, across the rotor to the total pressure rise across
the stage. So, now, before I go to discuss about you know rather I, if I try to drive the
mathematical expression of degree of reaction in the context of operation of pumps or

Let us, first discuss about what is rotor and what is stage? So, we have discussed that rotor
that is the rotating part of I of a turbo machines, it is impeller for a pump and it is runner
for a turbine. So, whenever fluid is approaching rather fluid is passing through the rotor
rather rotating part there is a static pressure rise. And, total pressure rise across the stage,
because stage is not only the rotor stage is you know the combination of stator plus rotor.
So, I will now discuss about what is stage? And, what is you know how the I mean how
you can call it stage 2 stage, 2 stage, 3 stage machine like this.

So, if I talk about an axial flow machine. So, if I take an example of axial flow machine,
suppose this is an axial flow machine. So, we have this is the impeller. So, let us this is
axial flow pump or machine whatever it is. So, this is rotor and we may have another you
know blade. So, this is hanging from the casing. So, this is casing, and this is rotor, which
is rotating, but this is known as stator.

So, stator this is not rotating. So, rotor is a rotating equipment rotating components of the
machine, if it if we talk about axial flow machine. So, the impeller is a rotor and we may
have a stator the blades, which is hanging from the casing, but those are not rotating. So,

stator I will write that stator is not moving. So, only since it is not moving. So, relative
velocities are absent.

So, whenever we are talking about in fact, I would like to discuss in this context here that
when I am applying Bernoulli equation in the rotating frame of reference. Always, I write
always we should write that you know relative velocity, because their absolute velocities
are replaced by the relative velocities. Since stator is not rotating. So, stator is not moving
so, only absolute components of velocities. Absolute component of velocities are there
velocity is present, velocity is present. Stator is not moving so, only absolute component
of velocity is present across the stator. So, if I draw, I mean a rotor and stator combines.

So, it may be a 1 stage rotor and this rotor plus stator these 2 called a stage. So, this is 1
stage single stage. So, I have 1 rotor and we have a stator which is hanging from the casing.
So, this is a single stage machine. So, this rotor plus stator combined is called stage. Stator
is not moving only the absolute component of velocity is present over across the stator.
Now, if I write the, if I draw the combination of stator plus rotor. Suppose this is if I write,
suppose this is rotor and here we have 3 components let us say this is absolute velocity,
this is tangential velocity, this is relative velocity. So, this is c1 this is w1 and this is u1.

But the you know again from outlet from the rotor we are having 3 component of velocities
1 is c2 this is w2 and this is u2, but when we have only you know stator. So, stator so, this
is stator. So, maybe this c2 is approaching the stator and the velocity is coming out from
the so, this is c2. So, this is c3 which is axial. So, this is combinedly it is called stage, this
is called stage.

So, total pressure drives across the stage including rotor plus stage rotor plus stator, while
ideal stator rise pressure rise across the rotor, the ratio of these 2 quantities is known as
degree of reaction. So, we have now we have drawn a particular case and we have shown
that what is stator, what is rotor.

And, as I said you that stator is not moving. So, only absolute velocity component is
present there. So, c3 which is coming out from the rotor from stator is in the axial direction
ok. So, now it is very important to note that, whenever liquid is fluid is approaching to the
stator, we may have different angle. So, that will be very much important while we will
try to have a mathematical expression of the degree of reaction. So, now if I draw say 1
rotor. So, if I draw 1 rotor.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:29)

So, this is you know rotor. So, if I draw the velocity component. So, maybe this is the
tangential velocity, this is absolute velocity, this is relative velocity, and this is absolute
velocity c1 and this is w1. So, this component is 𝐶𝜃1 and this is 𝑊𝜃1 . Now, this angle is let
us say alpha naught and this angle is alpha 1 and this is you know if it is if I talk about
axial flow machine this is this is definitely c z 1 right.

Similarly, whenever liquid is coming out from the rotor; so, again we will have tangential
velocity, we will have absolute velocity and then relative velocity. So, this is w2 this is c
2 this is u2 and we will have 𝑊𝜃2 𝐶𝜃2 and this is Cz2. So, Cz1 and Cz2 are the flow
velocities. So, for axial flow machine, axial flow machine it may be a pump or turbine if

For axial flow m/c

Cz1 = Cz2 = Cz

u1= u2 = u

𝐶𝜃1 + 𝑊𝜃1 = 𝐶𝜃2 + 𝑊𝜃2

𝑊𝜃1 − 𝑊𝜃2 = 𝐶𝜃2 − 𝐶𝜃1

So, we need to know what is this, what are those angles? So, alpha naught I am writing
alpha naught is equal to alpha naught is identified by the you know absolute flow angle,

absolute flow angle at inlet and alpha 1 is essentially relative flow angle, relative flow
angle at inlet. Similarly, alpha 2 is the relative flow angle at the outlet and alpha 3 is
absolute flow angle at outlet.

So, these 4 angles are very important. So, absolute flow angle at the inlet relative flow
angle at the inlet relative flow angle at the outlet and absolute flow angle at the outlet. So,
these are very important angles which we need because while we will try to derive the
mathematical expression for the degree of reaction fine. So, now, with these let us move
to derive the mathematical expression for the degree of reaction that is very important,
because or as I said you that we will today we will try to draw, the velocity triangles for
different magnitude of degrees of reaction. And, not only that we will see that, how blade
angle and I mean these angles are changes with the change in magnitude of degrees of

So as I said you that R that degree of reaction which is defined as the ideal static pressure
rise across the rotor to the total pressure rise across the stage, we have now seen that what
is called stage and what is rotor and what is stator? So, rotor plus stator this 2 combined is
called as a stage. And, since stator is not moving only the absolute component of velocity
is there. So, this is the total degree of reaction. So, now, R is if I try to recall the definition
what is a R?

𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑃2 −𝑃1

R = 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒

Now, see as I said that the stage is equal to rotor plus stator. So, no pressure changes across
the stator. So, across the stator no pressure change.

𝑢2𝐶𝜃2 − 𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1
For pump H= 𝑔

𝑢(𝐶𝜃2 −𝐶𝜃1 )
For axial flow pump H = 𝑔

∆𝑃 𝑢(𝐶𝜃2 −𝐶𝜃1 )
H = 𝜌𝑔 = 𝑔

∆𝑃 = 𝜌 𝑢(𝐶𝜃2 − 𝐶𝜃1 )

(Refer Slide Time: 17:15)

𝑃2 − 𝑃1
𝜌 𝑢(𝐶𝜃2 −𝐶𝜃1 )

1 1
𝑃1 + 𝜌𝑤1 2 = 𝑃2 + 𝜌𝑤2 2
2 2

1 1
𝑃2 − 𝑃1 = 𝜌(𝑤1 2 − 𝑤2 2 ) = 𝜌(𝑤𝜃12 − 𝑤𝜃2 2 )
2 2

𝑤1 2 = 𝐶𝑧 2 + 𝑤𝜃1 2

𝑤2 2 = 𝐶𝑧 2 + 𝑤𝜃2 2

𝜌(𝑤𝜃1 2 − 𝑤𝜃2 2 ) 𝑤𝜃1 + 𝑤𝜃1
R= =
𝜌 𝑢(𝐶𝜃2 −𝐶𝜃1 ) 2𝑢

So, now if I draw the velocity triangle or if I go back to the velocity triangle that is what
we have drawn in the previous. So, what I can write as I said you that if I like if I apply
Bernoulli equation of course, in a rotating frame of reference then instead of absolute
velocity I need to write the relative component of velocity. So, if I write Bernoulli equation

(Refer Slide Time: 22:27)

Now, we have to proceed to see, how we can you know mathematically you know how we
can drive, that the that is what I said that the degree of reaction is a function of velocity
triangle. And, how we can get the velocity triangles for different magnitude of degree of

So, now if I try to express, suppose we have a you know rotor, suppose we have blade, we
have blades and if we velocity triangles say this is u1 this is c1 and this is w1. So, this is
let us a alpha 0 this is alpha 1 that is what we have discussed and this component is 𝐶𝜃1
and this component is 𝑤𝜃1 and what is the velocity triangles at the outlet?

So, this is Cz1 and velocity triangles at the outlet is this is this is w2 this is c2 this is u2
this is 𝑤𝜃2 this is 𝐶𝜃2 and this is Cz2. So, this is alpha 2 and this is alpha 3. So, that is what
alpha naught alpha 1 alpha 2 alpha 3, that we have already identified what are those we
have given their name. So, relative and absolute flow angles in the at the outlet and inlet
respectively ok.

Now, if I talk about axial flow machine. So, u1 = u2 and Cz1= Cz2 = Cz. So, far the axial
flow machines we are talking about axial flow machines axial flow machine. So, this is
the case.

𝑤𝜃1 + 𝑤𝜃2 1 1
𝑅 = = 𝐶𝑧 [tan 𝛼1 + tan 𝛼2] = ∅ [tan 𝛼1 + tan 𝛼2]
2𝑢 2𝑢 2

𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑐𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑡 ∅ = 𝑢

1 1 1
= 𝑤𝜃1 + 𝐶𝜃1 = 𝑤𝜃1 𝐶 = tan 𝛼1+tan 𝛼𝑜 eq2
+ 𝜃1
𝐶𝑧 𝐶𝑧 𝐶𝑧

(Refer Slide Time: 28:45)

1 1
∅= 𝑤𝜃2 + 𝐶𝜃2 = eq3
tan 𝛼2+tan 𝛼3

𝑅= ∅ [tan 𝛼1 + tan 𝛼2]

If R = 0.5

0.5 = ∅ [tan 𝛼1 + tan 𝛼2]

= tan 𝛼1 + tan 𝛼2

= tan 𝛼1 + tan 𝛼0

= tan 𝛼3 + tan 𝛼2

𝛼2 = 𝛼𝑜 , 𝛼1 = 𝛼3

(Refer Slide Time: 32:28)

If, I draw the velocity triangles we have a rotor and we have stator. So, if we have a rotor.
So, this is rotor and then we have this is c 1, this is w 1, this angle is alpha 0, this angle is
alpha 1. Similarly, this is let us say outlet velocity triangle. So, this is w2, C2 this is alpha
3 this is alpha2 this is u2 this is u1 and we have a rotor. So, we have a rotor. So, this is
stator. So, stator plus rotor is a stage. So, the very triangles are mirror images; if, degree
of reaction is equal to pint 5 that is what we have seen. Now, question is velocity triangles
are mirror images for each other. So, velocity triangles are mirror images each other for
degree of reaction 0.5.

So, the conclusion is velocity triangles are mirror images each other. So, that is what we
have seen for degree of reaction 0.5 fine. We can have a combined velocity diagram and
probably normally what do we you know dimensional zed every pump. So, if I draw the
combined velocity diagram combined velocity diagram. So, let us say as I said you the
angles are mirror images. So, if I draw that combined velocity diagram; so, velocity
triangles are mirror images. So, this is c1, this is c2, this is w1, this is w2.

If R=0

Ideal static pressure rise =0

P1 = P2

Example pelton wheel

1 1
𝑃1 + 𝜌𝑤1 2 = 𝑃2 + 𝜌𝑤2 2
2 2

w1 = w2

𝑤𝜃1 + 𝑤𝜃2
𝑅 = =0

𝑤𝜃1 = −𝑤𝜃2

(Refer Slide Time: 37:57)

Now, we will take another example. So, we have taken example of R is equal to 0, that is
a special case we have seen we have drawn the combined velocity triangles and we have
identified that, how w theta 1 plus w theta 2 by twice U is the R is equal to 0.5, then we
have tried to a special case R is equal to 0 example is Pelton wheel, there I no change in
pressure across the rotor. And, we have taken and for that we have drawn the velocity
triangles. Now, we will try to draw the velocity triangles for R is equal to 1, that is very
important. So, R 0.5 and 1 there may be another different cases but so, now, R is equal to

(Refer Slide Time: 43:01)

If R=1

𝑤𝜃1 + 𝑤𝜃2

𝑢−𝐶𝜃1 + 𝑢−𝐶𝜃2

2𝑢−(𝐶𝜃1 + 𝐶𝜃2 )

𝐶𝜃1 + 𝐶𝜃2 = 0

𝐶𝜃1 = − 𝐶𝜃2

Similarly, our outlet velocity triangle will be w 2 c 2 u 2 and we have a stator part. So, this
is stator part. So, this is stator this is rotor note that for degree of reaction R = 1, w 1
becomes higher. So, if w 1 becomes higher. So, w1 increases this is very important. So,
relative Mach number Mr1 = w1/a1 > 1. So, relative Mach number that is relative velocity
at the inlet increases for a degree of reaction 1, we have drawn this is a combined velocity
triangle, this is combined velocity triangle. So, w 1 becomes higher relative Mach number
this is relative Mach number will be higher.

So, when R = 1, relative Mach number increases. And, if relative Mach number increases
it will lead to on several problems, I mean it will leads to shock losses shock loss occur, in
case of compressor in a case of a compressor. And, and we have seen that if w 1 increases

probably you have discussed this issue in the context of inlet us valve in a pump. If relative
velocity at the inlet increases pressure will fall and if pressure falls below the vapour
pressure local boiling takes place and it will lead to an undesirable phenomenon of

So, we have seen that for degree of reaction 1 velocity triangle will change in such a way
that, the relative velocity at the inlet will be higher. And, it will lead to a higher value of
relative Mach number, that it will create a shock loss in case of a compressor or it will
leads to a cavitation in case of a pump or cavitation in case of a pump. So, this is very
important. So, we have taken 3 different cases of R = 0. 5, R= 0, R = 1 example is that
Pelton wheel there is no change in pressure across the wheel I mean static pressure no
change P1 = P2 , because water strikes the bucket at atmospheric pressure and leaves
atmospheric pressure.

We have taken example of R is equal to 1 for which and we have taken excel flow machines
rotor. And, stator then what we see that from the R is equal to 1? R is equal to 1 itself will
allow us to construct a velocity triangle in such a way that w 1 has to be higher. If, w 1
increases then relative Mach number will be higher, it will create you know it will leads
to several undesirable phenomenon in different machines, in case of a compressor shock
loss there will be a shock loss and in case of a pump there will be cavitation.

So, we have discussed about the degree of reactions and how the velocity triangle changes
with change in magnitude of degree of reaction we have constructed velocity triangles in
a in a combined plane. Also, we have constructed velocity triangles in a at the inlet of the
rotor outlet of the rotor.

And, in a stator there is no as I said there are only absolute component of velocities are
present. So, there are no this since it is in a moving ok. So, with these now we will discuss
about efficiencies of turbine that is although we have discussed about the efficiency of a
turbine, because we have worked out 2 example, but today I will discuss about efficiencies.

(Refer Slide Time: 50:11)

So, turbine efficiencies so, we have discussed that there are one is in a Pelton wheel we
have discussed about the wheel efficiency, or hydraulic or hydraulic efficiency is very
important, that how we can discuss about the hydraulic efficiency or wheel efficiency? So,
one is wheel efficiency, that is we have discussed in the context of Pelton wheel. What is
that? We have discussed that maybe what is power transmitted by the fluid to the wheel.

So, maybe power input to the wheel is not equal to so, as I discussed that power input to
the wheel; power input to the wheel may not be equal to the power transmitted, you know
by the fluid to the wheel, by the fluid to the wheel. Rather, whatever amount of power
input to the wheel that is obtained from kinetic energy of the jet power input to the wheel
that is obtained from kinetic energy of the jet leaving a nozzle. Rather array kinetic energy
of the jet arriving at the wheel or leaving the nozzle arriving at the wheel or leaving the

So, the kinetic energy leaving the nozzle that is power input to the wheel, but whatever
amount of power input to the wheel is not equal transmitted by the fluid to the wheel. So,
there will be a change I mean difference because of it is losses. So, this is known as wheel
efficiency. And, that is what is known wheel efficiency eta w and we have also discussed
about that what is overall efficiency, you know overall efficiency is very important rather
that, what is overall efficiency?

Eta o what is power output from the turbine. So, this is power output from the turbine is
very important. Now, what is a power input to the turbine? Suppose, if I have Q beta cube
per second flow rate, g and head available g H. So, g is the power input rather power that
is available at the shaft while. So, this is the power available and this is a power output
from, this is a power output from the turbine.

So, these 2 are not same because frictional losses windows losses varying frictional losses
all those things. So, this is known as overall efficiency. And, single leak and define another
efficiency known as hydraulic efficiency just like a farm hydraulic efficiency. In most of
the cases that that is very important that how I can define hydraulic efficiency.

𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1 − 𝑢2 𝐶𝜃2
𝜂𝐻 = 𝑔𝐻

𝑢1 𝐶𝜃1
= if outlet from the turbine is swirl free

So, now, in most of the turbine the flow at the outlet from the runner is soil free. So, if
flow at the outlet from the runner is swirl free So, in most of the cases the flow at the outlet
of the arise wall free.Since, flow at the outlet from the turbine since flow at the outlet from
turbine is swirl free.

So, that this is known as the hydraulic efficiency. So, these 3 efficiencies probably we have
discussed while your solving the problem, but now we have defined that these 3 are the
efficiencies in the context of power operations.

So, today what you are discuss we have discuss about the degree of reaction. We have
defined degree of reaction and then we have discussed about that the stage what is called
stage? We have taken an example of axial flow, machine axial flow farm and then we have
tried to drive the mathematical expression for the degree of reaction. From there, we have
taken 3 different cases that 3 different magnitude of degree of reaction and for that how
velocity triangles are changing.

So, I mean with the change in magnitude of degree of reaction velocity triangles are
changing. And, since we have say taken example of R is equal to 0 1 and 0. 5, we have
seen the R is equal to 0 just case where there is no change in I mean no rise in static
pressure across the router. And, example is Pelton wheel and for all 3 cases we have
defined we have you know we have drawn the combine velocity diagram. And, we have

seen that for R is equal to 1 the velocity triangles are velocity triangles takes us such takes
us certain such a way that, the relative velocity at the inlet becomes higher.

And, if relative velocity of the inlet becomes higher, relative Mach number will be higher
and it will leads to a I mean 2 different undesirable phenomenon for 2 different machines.
If it is a compressor then shock losses will be there and if it is pump then cavitation might
occur. And, then we have discussed about efficiencies for the turbine 3 different
efficiencies. And, probably we have discussed rather I have taken the formula of efficiency
while you have solve the problem, but today we have discuss about the definitions.

So, with this I stop here today and I will continue a discussion in the next class.

Thank you.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 30
Hydraulic Turbine: Specific Speed

(Refer Slide Time: 00:33)

So, we will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System
Design. And today we will discuss about turbine specific speed and we will work out few
examples. So, we have discussed that specific speed, and we have derived the expression
of specific speed for pumps. Similarly, today we are going to drive the in a specific speed
of the turbine, because very this is very important.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:52)

So, what is specific speed that is probably we have discussed that it is a speed of a
geometrical similar machines. So, in the context of the discussion of pumps, we have
discussed that speed of a geometrical similar machine which produces unit discharge when
working under unit in case of a pump.

So, now we will see what is the definition of specific speed for the turbine? So, I am writing
that it is defined as the speed of operation of a geometrically, similar model of the turbine
which is so proportional that it produces unit power, when operating under unit head, or
you know working under unit head, so when operating under unit head.

So similar to the definition of, similar to the definition of specific speed of pump it is
defined as the speed of a geometrically, similar model I mean geometrically, similar that
is we have discussed that it is identical in shape not in size nay differ, but shape will remain
same of the turbine which is, so proportional that it will produce unit power when working
under operating under unit head.

Now, let us try to drive the expression of specific speed so, what is power normally that is
again I am repeating that based on the direction of energy conversion, have classified one
turbine machines into pump and turbines. Pump, mechanical energy is converted to the
increase the store energy of the fluid, while in case of a turbine it lies in the stored energy
of the fluid to obtain the kinetic energy rotation of the rather kinetic energy and we are
obtaining power .

𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑃 = 𝜌𝑄𝑔𝐻

𝑃 ∝ 𝑄𝐻 ∝ 𝐴𝑉𝐻 A= cross section area, V = water velocity

𝑃 ∝ 𝐷2 √2𝑔𝐻 𝐻 eq1 D = wheel diameter, H = net head available

𝑢 ∝𝑉 𝑢= u = blade velocity

𝐷𝑁 ∝ √2𝑔𝐻

√2𝑔𝐻 √𝐻
𝐷∝ ∝ eq2

2 𝐻 𝐻2
𝑃 ∝ 𝐷 √𝐻 𝐻 ∝ 𝐻 ∝
𝑁2 𝑁2

𝑁∝ 1

𝑁=𝑘 1

(Refer Slide Time: 05:23)

So, what is proportionality to obtain the magnitude of proportionality constant, we have to
define the definition of the we have to use the definition of the turbine specific speed. So,
what is definition specific speed? so that means P will be 1 unit when H is equal to 1 unit
right and then N will be equal to NS, so when working under or operating under unit head,
it will develop unit power then it is specific speed .

𝑘=𝑁 5

If P=1, H=1, N=Ns

Ns = k

𝑁𝑠 = 𝑁 5

So, what drive the expression of dimensional specific speed of the turbine, similar to what
we have derive in case of a pump or the definition was little bit difficult, because that was
that will discharge unit under when working under the so, whenever specific speed of
tur[bine]- pump was defined, because that was only Q 1 H. So, working under unit head it
will deliver unit discharge so, but it will now you know produce unit power when working
under unit head.

So, based on that we have derive the proportionality constant using the definition of you
know specific speed. And we have obtained the expression of specific speed that is in
power in P power half by 5 4. Now, so this is dimensional specific, dimensional specific
speed, now to obtain the dimensionless specific speed again we have to divide it by g
power g so, because it is not dimensionless.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:09)

In dimensionless form

𝑁𝑠 = 1 5
𝜌2 (𝑔𝐻)4

𝑢 ∝𝑉 𝑢= u = blade velocity

𝐷𝑁 ∝ √2𝑔𝐻

√𝐻1 √𝐻2
𝐷1 𝑁1 𝐷2 𝑁2

= 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 = 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑐𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡
𝐷2𝑁2 𝑁 𝐷3

= 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑐𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡

so rho is the density of the fluid. So, this is dimensional form of the dimensional,
dimensionless specific speed, so this is dimensionless specific speed.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:21)

This is very important, because the pump of homologous series that the turbine of
homologous series that is geometrically similar identical in shape, not in size. If we know
the head discharge diameter at a particular speed, we can obtain the other things at when
it is earning at different kind of speed.

𝑄1 𝑄2
𝑁1 𝐷1 3 𝑁2 𝐷2 3

𝑃1 𝑃2
𝑁1 3 𝐷1 5 𝑁2 3 𝐷2 5

Unit speed Nu - it is the speed of a geometrical similar turbine working under unit head
so, it is a speed of a geometrically similar turbine working under a head of 1 meter.

𝑁 ∝ √𝐻

𝑁 = 𝑘√𝐻

𝑁𝑢 =

Unit power Pu - it is the power of a geometrical similar turbine working under unit head
so, it is a power of a geometrically similar turbine working under a head of 1 meter.

𝑃 = 𝜌𝑄𝑔𝐻 = 𝜌 𝐴𝑉𝑔𝐻 = 𝜌 𝐴 √2𝑔𝐻𝑔𝐻

𝑃 ∝ 𝐻2

𝑃 = 𝑘 𝐻2

𝑃𝑢 = 3

Similarly, unit power that is P u that is what again we can define that it is a it is the you
know it is the (Refer Time: 13:58) generated by geometrically similar turbine working
under head of 1 meter. So, P u, so it is the kilowatt of power generated by a geometrically
similar turbine working under a head of 1 meter.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:35)

Unit discharge Qu - it is the flow rate of a geometrical similar turbine working under unit

𝑄 ∝ 𝐴𝑉 ∝ 𝐴√2𝑔𝐻

𝑄 ∝ √𝐻

𝑄 = 𝑘√𝐻

𝑄𝑢 = 1

this is unit discharge. So, we have obtained unit discharge, unit power, and unit speed so,
these three will be important, while will be a while will be we are solving a few problems.
So, now with these, let us move to solve a few problems.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:01)

So, first problem I will be solving that the very important that question problem is a quarter
scale turbine model is tested under a head of 10.8 meter. The full-scale turbine is required
to work under head of 30 meter and to run at and to run at 7.14 revolution per second 7.14
revolution per second. At what speed the model be run at what speed the model at what
speed the model will be run model be run? It if it develops 100 kilowatt if it develops 100
kilowatt and uses 1.085 meter cube of water at the speed you know.

Then what power will be what power will be obtained from the full-scale turbine so, and
what will be the dimensionless specific speed of the full-scale turbine? So, we have to
solve this problem, how we can solve, so, what is given D/D m model and full is equal to
4 by 1, H m is equal to 10.8 meter, H is equal to 30 meter, N is equal to 7.14 revolution
per second that is given. So, we have to find out N m is equal to how much? P m is equal
100-kilowatt, Q m is equal to 1.085-meter cube per second, then P is equal to how much?

So, this is the problem; very easy, because you can use a scale you know you know
similarity variable that has scale ratio.

𝑔𝐻 𝑔𝐻𝑚
𝑁2𝐷2 𝑁𝑚 2 𝐷𝑚 2

Nm =17.36 rev/s

(Refer Slide Time: 20:57)

𝑃 𝑃𝑚
𝜌𝑁 3 𝐷 5 𝜌𝑁𝑚3 𝐷𝑚5

P = 7.4 MW

𝑑𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = 5 = 0.503

(Refer Slide Time: 22:41)

We can solve another problem very quickly problem 2 you know, a Kaplan Turbine
working under head of 10 meter, produces 3 megawatt power right. The turbine runs at the
6 the turbine runs at 62.5 r p m, and it discharges each 350 meter cube per second, and
discharge is 3. 350 meter cube per second and it is discharge is and it discharge and it is
discharge is 350 meter cube per second.

The tip diameter of the runner is 7.5, tip diameter of runner is 7.5 meter, and hub to tip
ratio is equal to 0.43. For this turbine evaluate the fluid following for this turbine for this
turbine evaluate the following quantities number 1 speed ratio, flow ratio unit for unit
discharge. Speed ratio; b, flow ratio c, unit power unit discharge unit power d unit
discharge. How we can calculate? So, runner tip speed so, solution tip ratio diameter is
given hub to tip ratio 0.43 is given.

Runner speed u = = 24.53 𝑚/𝑠

Dh/Dt= 0.43

Flow velocity Ca = 𝜋 = 9.72 𝑚/𝑠
(𝐷 2 − 𝐷ℎ 2 )
4 𝑡

Speed ratio = = 1.75

Flow ratio = = 0.692

Unit power = 3 = 9.4 𝑥 104

Unit discharge = = 110.679

(Refer Slide Time: 26:19)

So, that are solved that these two problem and based on because how so in summary I can
tell that we have we have drive the specific speed of turbine from there we have you know
define scale ratio then from there we have define a few ratio like some power unit power
unit discharge and unit head. And we have worked out two example how to solve the
problems probably it will help you to work out a few examples I mean to and it will help
you to get an insight about that how to solve a problem, and how to calculate different
ratios based on the data available. .

So, with this I stop here today and I will continue in the next class, I mean about the you
know some important points related cavitation of a turbine, and how we can prevent
cavitation and the mathematical expression for the cavitation.

Thank you very much.

Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Dr. Pranab K. Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Lecture – 31
Cavitation in Hydraulic Turbine: NPSH

So, we will continue our discussion on Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System

(Refer Slide Time: 00:35)

Today we will discuss about Cavitation in Turbine in particular cavitation in reaction

turbine and what is the net positive suction head? Probably we have discussed this
phenomenon in the context of the operation of pumps that we have discussed that, while
fluid is flowing through the passage of an impeller there might be of I mean there might
be a case. When; pressure at the you know flow passage might fall the vapour pressure at
the corresponding temperature at that temperature then local boiling may start and it will
lead to a undesirable phenomenon of cavitation.

So, it is not desirable phenomenon at all because, as I said you that cavitation if starts then
it will try to erode some material from the impeller, and it will create an audible noise. So,
and we have also discussed that you know to avoid cavitation, it is always advisable to run
a particular pump I mean which we talk about radial flow pump that in a flooded suction

mode; that means, the pump impeller access should be always below the water level in the
you know reservoir.

So, similar to that, similar to that line even there might be a chance that cavitation might
occur in reaction turbine, when it occurs because, whenever liquid or working fluid is
flowing through the passage of a the passage of the runner rather reaction turbine. So, we
should be careful that while the fluid is passing the pressure at any point should not fall
the vapour pressure at that temperature otherwise, local boiling may take place and it may
lead to a phenomenon of cavitation.

So, now we need to know where the probability is rather where this; pressure might fall I
mean the vapour pressure at that temperature. So, we discussed that in the in a pump the
cavitation may occur at the eye of the impeller that is at the inlet of the impeller. So, eye
of the impeller has very common, I mean very not very common in most of the textbook
it is written that at the inlet or entrance of the impeller.

So, that is known as eye of the impeller, where pressure might fall below the vapour
pressure and we have discussed that even in the context of effect of inlets valve on the net
head being developed by pump, that if say theta 1 become negative since u 1 that is blade
velocity at the inlet of the impeller will remain same. In that case a relative velocity will
increase, if velocity increases then pressure will fall and pressure falls if pressure falls
below the vapour pressure, then it will create this undesirable phenomenon.

But, you know that in the context of pump is happening at the eye of the impeller rather at
the inlet of the impeller, but in case of a reaction turbine the chances of having cavitation
is at the outlet of the runner. Where pressure might fall below the vapour pressure because,
we have seen that in a turbine in particular hydraulic turbine we are utilizing the net head

And then, the net head available net head is converted to the kinetic energy of the rotation
that is you know and all the head may not be converted into the amount of kinetic energy
of rotation. So, we may have little bit we may have some unspent rather unutilized head
and to recover that we have a draft tube is the special arrangement in a reaction turbine.
So, at the outlet of the runner rather the inlet of the draft tube there might be a chance that
pressure might fall below the vapour pressure and cavitation may occur.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:01)

So, we will discuss today that in the context of reaction turbines. So, if I talk about reaction
turbine then, an reaction turbine so, as I said you that at the outlet, at the outlet of runner
at the outlet of runner or inlet to the draft tube, inlet to the draft tube pressure might fall
the vapour pressure and in that case; chances chance is there that you know cavitation may

So, we should be careful that there we should be careful to you know handle this I mean
we should take preventive measure by how; like we have discuss that in case of a pump,
we have discussed that pumps should be you know always pump should be always below;
water level I mean of the sump or reservoir in that case we may avoid cavitation.

Similarly, if I draw the schematic now so, suppose this is the reservoir and this is the
penstock, then water is going to the so, this is a turbine. So, and we have a draft tube like
this, and this is TRL this is TRL Tail Race Level and this is HRL Head Race Level, this is
penstock, this is turbine runner complete hydroelectric power plant, and this is draft tube.
Now, if the runner which located let us say z distance away z distance above the tail race
level, then highly chance are there you know these areas that is at the inlet to the draft tube
and outlet of the runner where cavitation may occur. So, that means, there pressure might
fall the vapour pressure at that temperature, and it may have it may lead to a cavitation.

So, now if I apply Bernoulli equation so, if I apply rather steady flow energy equation or
Bernoulli equation between these two points, between these two points means this inlet of

the runner and final discharge to tail race. So, this is the final discharge somehow draft
tube is submerging at the tail race level so; if I apply Bernoulli equation between these
two-point let us say this point 1 and this point 2.

So, if I apply Bernoulli equation or I can say steady flow energy equation, if I apply you
know Bernoulli’s equation between 1 and 2, this is two points then what can I write. This
is very important that if I write Bernoulli equation taking this TRL level as a datum then
what can I write this very important what I can write? That suppose pressure at the outlet
of the runner is pi. So, if I have pi is the pressure at the outlet of the runner, outlet of the
runner and vi is the velocity.

So, if I apply Bernoulli equation between these two points what I can write? Taking this
datum is the TRL water level at the tail race level then I can write

𝑃𝑖 𝑉𝑖 2 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑉2 2
+ +𝑍 = + + ℎ𝑓𝑙
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔

(Refer Slide Time: 08:43)

𝑃𝑖 𝑉𝑖 2 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚
+ +𝑍 = + ℎ𝑙
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾

Therefore, we can ignore this term and if I write this equation so, if I write this equation
again so, what I get I can obtain pi by gamma plus vi square by 2 g plus z equal to patm
by gamma plus h L because, v 2 is negatively small as compared to vi. So, now this pi the

pressure at this pi, pi is the pressure at the outlet of the runner and this pressure should not
be less than vapour pressure Pv at that temperature.

So, if that pressure pi becomes less than the vapour pressure at that temperature then of
course, cavitation will occur, cavitation is cavitation is I mean start cavitation will start
rather cavitation is bound to occur. Now question is there is a parameter one is so; pi should
not fall below the vapour pressure. Now we have defined one another one you know you
know term that is known as NPSH; NPSH so, this is known as Net Positive Suction Head.

So, this is an indicator of whether cavitation is going to start or not. So, this is an indicator
to and about the cavitation whether it is going to start or not in a pump or reaction turbine.
So, we need to now define so, pi is the pressure so net positive so net suction head so, it is
not only the static pressure static head. So, net positive suction head that is total head total
head or total static pressure that is equal to total you know; static pressure total head that
is very important because, that it is not only the static head.

So, total head suction head total suction head available at the outlet of the runner is equal
𝑃𝑖 𝑉𝑖 2
to static head plus dynamic head, dynamic head static head is let us say + . So, this
𝛾 2𝑔

is the total suction head available at the outlet of the runner, static head plus dynamic head.
this head should not fall the vapour pressure; that means, there is an indicator so, what I
told you that if pi greater than pv no cavitation.

And pi less than pv cavitation may start cavitation may start, now an indicator which talks
about the occurrence or of cavitation which is not a desirable phenomenon at all that is net
positive suction head. The total suction head available at the outlet of the runner is static
𝑃𝑖 𝑉𝑖 2
head plus dynamic head + .
𝛾 2𝑔

𝑃𝑖 𝑉𝑖 2 𝑃𝑣
So, this NPSH talks about that these term + − of course, because this is the
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾

NPSH so, this is the head available and this is the vapour head corresponding to vapour
pressure. So, if this become positive that is net positive so, this net positive suction head
and then if this is the case and it is if this you know I mean because, we can we can assume
that frictional head loss is equal to 0.

Then so, this is the net positive suction head and if this is the case then we should not have
𝑃𝑖 𝑉𝑖 2
cavitation; that means + that is a total suction head this should be you know higher
𝛾 2𝑔

than the vapour pressure, head corresponding to vapour pressure. Now, if I give this
equation number 1, then if I write equation if I use equation 1 in equation 2 that is NPSH
what I can write? I can write that NPSH.

(Refer Slide Time: 13:21)

𝑃𝑖 𝑉𝑖 2 𝑃𝑣
NPSH = + −
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾

𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑃𝑣
= − 𝑍 − ℎ𝑓𝑙 −
𝛾 𝛾

𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑃𝑣
= −𝑍−
𝛾 𝛾

𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑃𝑣
𝛾 𝛾
𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠 𝑐𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝜎 = =

𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑃𝑖
𝛾 𝛾
𝜎𝑐 = 𝐻

If 𝜎 > 𝜎𝑐 , Pi>Pv cavitation should not occur

If 𝜎 < 𝜎𝑐 , Pi<Pv cavitation will start

So, if z is increased then sigma c will be less so, I mean if z or h is increased sigma is
reduced. So, sigma will be reduced will reduce if z is increased. So, if z is increased sigma
will reduce in that case probabilities will be that sigma will be less than sigma c then
cavitation might occur.

So, that means, sigma is reduced and; sigma if reduced and if it falls below the sigma
critical value then cavitation might occur. So, that is why it is you know cavitation is occur
or not occur sigma will be calculated and when sigma is greater than sigma c cavitation is
not expected to occur. And z is increased; that means, if turbine is runner is located away
from the tail race level then highly chances are there that the cavitation might occur.

So, it is recommended that runner should not be located far away from the tail race level
rather runner should be very close to a tail race level. So, z should be minimum, so, if I
reduce z then probably the chances are there that sigma will be high and in that case, sigma
will be greater than sigma c so, we may a cavitation.

So this is the you know a mathematical formulation about NPSH in the context of reaction
turbine operation. and we have seen that cavitation is likely to occur at the outlet of the
runner where pressure might fall the vapour pressure we have derive the net positive
suction head and we have identified critical value of Thomas cavitation factors and we
have seen that here only the only one factor is that by H if H is increased this capital H
then also the sigma will reduce.

So, the capital H should not be increased should not be high and also z should not be H;
that means, turbine should install very close to the tail race level. So, that the sigma I mean
Thomas cavitation factors will be high and it will be greater than sigma c and cavitation
may be avoided. So, now, we will proceed to discuss about; you know a few problems that
is what we could not solve you know we could not discuss in the last lecture.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:35)

So, today we will solve another two problems based on the you know turbine. So, one
problem is that at the blade of a simple jet impulse turbine I am writing another problem
that the blades of a single jet impulse turbine run at 0.4 times the jet speed. Jet speed the
overall efficiency of the turbine is 0.9 the overall efficiency of the turbine is 0.9 show that
dimensionless specific speed is show that dimensionless specific speed is 0.1712 small d
by capital D where d and d represents the jet diameter and wheel diameter respectively
where, small d is the jet diameter and capital D is the wheel diameter right.

For the nozzle we have to consider for nozzle coefficient of velocity, we have to consider
0.97. So, we have to solve this problem because, we have derived the expression of a
specific speed in last lecture. In the last lecture when I derived the dimension dimensional
as well as dimensionless specific speed and we have also defined unit speed, unit
discharge, you know and unit power.

𝑁𝑠𝑡 = 5

𝜂𝑜 = 𝜌𝑄𝑔𝐻

For a single jet turbine

𝜋 𝜋
Q= 𝑑1 2 𝑉1 = 4 𝑑1 2 𝐶𝑣 √2𝑔𝐻= 1.076 𝑑1 2 √𝑔𝐻

P = 𝜂𝑜 𝜌𝑄𝑔𝐻 = 0.969 𝜌 𝑑2 (𝑔𝐻)2

U = 0.4 V1 = 0.548 √𝑔𝐻

60 𝑢
N= = 0.179 √𝑔𝐻/𝐷

𝑁𝑠𝑡 = 5 = 0.1712 𝑑/𝐷

(Refer Slide Time: 23:15)

And we will solve another problem so, that is very simple that we everything is given we
have to calculate based on the you know mathematical exercise, we have worked out in
the context of our in the discussion of impulse turbine and from there we can easily
calculate that the dimensionless specific heat can be given by this relationship.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:07)

Now the next problem I will discuss is verify that problem 2, verify that dimensionless
turbine specific speed and dimensional pump specific speed are related that dimensionless
turbine specific speed NST and dimensionless pump specific speed NSP are related as
NST is equal to NSP root of eta turbine.

𝑁𝑠𝑡 = 𝑁𝑠𝑝 √𝜂𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒

= 3 √𝜌𝑄𝑔𝐻

= 5

So, we have started from right hand side of the expression which we need to proof and we
are ultimately proved that right hand side can be proved to the you know that is equal to
lhs right hand side equal to lhs that is what we proved.

So, with we stop our discussion today and we have discussed today these about the
cavitation and we have define one indicator is a net positive suction head, then we have
defined Thomas critical factor, we have identified where cavitation is likely to occur. And
we have also discussed that how the cavitation can be avoided by altering the z that is if

the turbine can be placed very close to the tail race level probably cavitation can be avoided
because, in that case sigma should be higher than the critical value.

And then, we have worked out two examples based on the you know mathematical
exercise that we have carried out in a in my last lectures that is turbine and pump specific
speed. And related to impulse turbine and one is a just you know how we can relate turbine
specific speed dimensionless to the pump specific speed of course, it is also dimensionless

So, with this I stop here today and whatever we have discussed in this lecture, I mean that
is essentially the exercise of the previous theoretical derivation that we have done.

Thank you very much.


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