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Energy of a system is defined as its capacity to perform work.

Energy can be defined as the capacity of a system to exert (provide) force for a
certain interval.

Different forms of energies are classified into two groups in thermodynamics: stored
energy and transient energy.

Stored Energy
Energy which remains within the system boundary as inherent property of the system
is called stored energy.
Potential energy, kinetic energy and Internal energy are examples of stored
Stored energies are thermodynamic properties.
Potential Energy

Internal Energy

• Defined as the energy of system due to its molecular activity.

• It can also be defined as the summation of molecular potential energy and
molecular kinetic energy
• Internal energy of a system increases with increase in temperature
Total Energy

Transient Energy
• Energy which can cross the boundary of the system during a
thermodynamic process is called transient energy.
• Work transfer and heat transfer are examples of transient energy.
• Transient energy are not thermodynamic properties.
Differences between Stored Energy and Transient Energy

Stored Energy Transient Energy

Energy which remains within the system Energy which can cross the system
boundary as an inherent property of the boundary
E.g., internal energy, potential energy E.g., heat and work
and kinetic energy
They can be defined for a state. They can be defined for a process.
They are thermodynamic properties. They are not thermodynamic properties.
They are state functions. They are path functions.
They are not boundary phenomenon. They are boundary phenomenon.
Cyclic integral is zero. Cyclic integral is not zero.
They have unique value for each They do not have unique value for each
equilibrium state. equilibrium state.
Heat Transfer
Transfer of energy, without transfer of mass, because of temperature difference
between the system and the surroundings is called heat transfer. Heat transfer is
denoted by Q and expressed in J.
In thermodynamics, heat transferred (supplied) to the system is taken as positive
heat transfer and heat transferred (lost) from the system is taken as negative heat

Work Transfer
Work transfer is the transfer of energy, without transfer of mass, because of any
property difference other than temperature. Work transfer is denoted by W and
expressed in J.

In thermodynamics, work done by the system is taken as positive work transfer and
work done on the system is taken as negative work transfer.
Similarities between heat transfer and work transfer

• Both are forms of energy and are of transient type.

• Physically, they are equivalent and their unit is Joule.
• Both are path functions and have inexact differentials.
• Both are boundary phenomenon.
• For a cyclic process, heat and work are equal.
• Both are not thermodynamic properties.
Differences between heat transfer and work transfer
Heat Transfer (Q) Work Transfer (W)
Transfer of energy without transfer of Transfer of energy without transfer of
mass because of temperature mass because of any property
difference difference other than temperature
such as pressure, gravitational
potential, electric potential, etc.
It is a low grade energy (disorganized It is a high grade energy (organized
form). form).
Heat transferred to the system is Work done by the system is positive
positive and heat transferred from the and work done on the system is
system is negative. negative.

The expression U+PV occurs so frequently in thermodynamics that it has been

given a special name and symbol; enthalpy and H.

Hence, enthalpy is defined as the summation of internal energy and the product of
pressure and volume.
Expression for Displacement Work Transfer
Consider a piston cylinder device containing a gas. During
process 1-2, piston is displaced by ds from state 1 to state 2.
Applying mechanical definition, work transfer is evaluated as

where F is the force provided by the gas pressure, i.e., F = PA

Substituting F into above equation, we get

The above equation shows that the work
transferred during any process can be
determined by evaluating area covered by
the process on P- V diagram.
Displacement Work Transfer for a Constant Volume Process

For an isochoric path area under P-V diagram is zero

Displacement Work Transfer for a Constant Pressure Process

Displacement Work Transfer for a Constant Temperature Process
Pressure volume relationship for an ideal gas
undergoing a constant temperature process is given as

Pressure at any intermediate state is given as

Then work transfer is given as

Displacement Work Transfer for a Polytropic Process
Thermodynamic process which follows the relation PVn = constant is called a
polytropic process and the index n is a polytropic index.

It is a generalized equation for thermodynamic processes and represents

different processes for different values of n.

Pressure-volume relationship for initial, final and any intermediate state during
a polytropic process is given as

Pressure at any intermediate state is given as

Then work transfer is given as
Value of index n Equation Process

0 P = Constant Constant pressure or

1 PV = Constant Constant temperature or
 PV = Constant Adiabatic
Constant volume or
 V = Constant Isochoric
Example 1
Question 1

A gas is contained in a piston cylinder device initially at a pressure of 150

kPa and a volume of 0.04 m3. Calculate the work done by the gas when it
undergoes the following processes to a final volume of 0.1 m3.
a) constant pressure
b) constant temperature
c) PV1.35 = constant.
Question 2

A spring loaded piston cylinder device contains gas initially at a pressure of

800 kPa and a volume of 0.05 m3. Pressure – volume relationship for the set
up is given by P = a + bV, where a and b are constants. Heat is added to the
system till its final state P2 = 2000 kPa and V2 = 0.2 m3 is reached.
Determine the work transfer during the process.
Question 3

In a quasi equilibrium process in a closed system, a gas expands from a volume of

0.15 m3 and a pressure of 120 kPa to a volume of 0.25 m3 in such a manner that
P(V+0.030)= Constant, where V is in m3. Calculate the work.
Example 2

Air undergoes three process in series to from a cycle:

Process 1-2: compression with PV1.3 = constant form P1 = 100 kPa, V1 = 0.04
m3 to V2 = 0.02 m3
Process 2-3: constant pressure process to V3 = V1
Process 3-1: constant volume

Sketch the process on P-V diagram and determine the total work transfer.
Question 4
Example 3
Question 5

Air (0.5kg) in the piston cylinder device as shown in figure

below has an initial pressure and temperature of 1 MPa and
5000C respectively. The system is cooled until the temperature
reaches 500C. It takes a pressure of 0.5 MPa to support the
piston. Sketch the process on P-V and T-V diagrams and
determine the total work transfer. [Take R= 287 J/kg K]
Question 6

Ans: 372.625 J, 1164.85K

Example 4
Question 7
Question 8
Extra Question 1

A mass of gas is compressed in a quasi-state process from 80 kPa, 0.1 m3 to

0.4 Mpa, 0.03 m3. Assuming that the pressure and volume are related by PVn
= constant, find the work done by the gas system.

Ans: -11.8765kJ
Extra Question 2
Extra Question 3
A gas enclosed by a piston shown in Figure starts to expand due to heating. The initial
movement of 0.2 m is restrained by a fixed mass of 30 kg and the final 0.05 m is
restrained both by the mass and a spring of stiffness 10 kN/m. The cross sectional area
of the piston is 0.15 m2 and the atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa.
a) Neglecting the mass of the spring and the piston sketch a P-V diagram of the
b) Calculate the work during the initial 0.2 m movement.
c) Calculate the total work done.
Extra Question 4

A piston cylinder arrangement shown in figure is restrained by two linear springs as shown.
The system contains air initially at a pressure of 150 kPa and a volume of 0.002 m3. Heat is
added to the system until its volume doubles, determine the total work transfer. Also sketch
the process on P-V diagram. Both springs have spring constant of 100 kN/m.
Extra Questions

Q1. Write down the similarities and disimilarities of work transfer and heat
Q2. What are the assumption used in derivation of pdv displacment work?
Q3. Derive the expression for pdv work of aadiabatic process.
Derive the expression for pdv work for a process governed by equation

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