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Reaction paper about the new continent Zealandia

“Change is the only permanent thing in this world.” Through the years, I have
heard and witnessed a lot about the changes in our planet. Up until now, it still amazes
me how mankind has managed to create new technologies to make our daily lives
convenient. In school, they teach us about the important events that had happened on
earth. All subjects/courses take us back in the past for us to cope up with what is in the
present time and to contribute in the future, on top of it all is Science. Aside from history,
science often add new lessons about new discoveries. One example would be the
discovery of a new or hidden continent.
Some scientists believed that earth has an eight (8 th) continent that, million years
ago, sunk almost entirely underwater and it’s called Zealandia. Now this reminds me of
the lost city of Atlantis although Zealandia did not actually sink according to the article
that I have read, it just lies (not very deep) under the ocean. It is a very interesting
subject and I really enjoyed reading research articles and watching documentary videos
about it.
As an ordinary human being who lacks knowledge when it comes to earth
science, Zealandia looks invisible in the world map because most of its part are
underwater that I somehow think it cannot be qualified as a continent. However, lots of
researches and documentary videos have proven that Zealandia is qualified to become
a continent. It is said that ninety-four percent (94%) of it is still under the ocean but even
though Zealandia is mostly underwater, it’s still elevated compared to oceanic crust
around it. It also has a variety of rock types, and generally has the right thickness. This
is how Scientists identified it as a continent, but some geologists said otherwise which I
will not talk about anymore because it is kind of “out of the topic”.
While browsing the web, I’ve found a lot of articles and videos about Zealandia
and its history caught my attention. According to geologists, Zealandia was once a
normal landmass. It used to be connected in the Australian continent 80 million years
ago yet broke off, and drifted further away until sinking into the ocean probably 20
million years ago. An entire continent that just sank into the sea. Isn’t that a little
disturbing? Just by think that almost the entire 4 Mkm 2 land area sank in the ocean
makes me shiver in fear how powerful nature is. I was also thinking, what could have
caused this land to submerge? Probably volcanic eruption since it’s one of the most
destructive natural disaster (the explosion may have caused major changes on the
landscape) as well as earthquakes, tsunamis, and many more other natural disasters.
Human disaster can also be the probable cause since a few empires have colonized
this land thousands of years ago. Also, the increasing water level of the earth is
becoming more noticeable as the years go by and the discovery of scientists about
Zealandia proves it even more.
I believe this one kind of phenomenal events on the earth gives warning to us in
terms of the possible extinction of creatures, even humans, as the years go by. We may
be labelled as the rational creatures but we’re still incapable of stopping the inevitable.
In addition to that, this might be a warning that we are really getting closer and closer to
the end of times. I really find this study distinctly interesting and alarming when it comes
to human civilization. But what really bothers me is that most people have no idea about
this at all. Or even if they know it, they simply don’t care.

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