The Bubble Wrap Boy Literature Circle Grade 8 Questions and Answers

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Chapter 1-2

1. Who is the main character of this novel?

a. Charlie Tiny

b. Charlie Han (page 11)

c. Charlie Chin

d. Midget Charlie

2. What kind of disease does the main character have?

a. Sinus and small-man syndrome (page 8 and 10)

b. Itchy and sinus

c. Small-man syndrome and midget

d. Midget and sinus

3. The word “it” in page 14 paragraph 6 refers to...

a. Grief

b. Romeo (Robbie Bootle)

c. Stage

d. The Balcony (I followed him quickly as the pillar hurtled toward the stage,
watching in horror as the balcony started to shake. To make it worse, the
stage lights were now back up, ready for the next scene. I saw Romeo
(Robbie Bootle, our school’s most popular student) stride center stage, lost
in his own grief, completely unaware that if the balcony fell he’d be the next
person to be mourned.)

4. What happened after the stage swung because Romeo (Robbie Bootle) jumped?

a. Everything is totally fine

b. Only the stage messed up

c. Robbie Bootle, who acted as Romeo went to emergency room and the
stage messed up, and the performance was cancelled (page 15-16)

d. None of those choices are correct

5. Why did everyone get mad at Charlie Han, but Charlie did not feel he was wrong and
also angry when he swept the floor?

a. Because he thought when he screamed to Romeo (Robbie Bootle) “Jump,

Romeo, Jump!”, he saved Robbie and other performers from the falling
balcony, but then the incident more severe than he thought and other
people did not see it, even Mrs. Gee scolded to him (page 14-18)

b. He wanted to screw up the performance because he did not get the main role in
Romeo and Juliet performance, so people started to notice him

c. Because his friends never like him, for his friend thought him as “small guy” and
it was fine if Charlie did not feel he was wrong

d. Charlie and his friends have a bad attitude, so they blame each other.

6. Why did the main character of this novel (Charlie Han) impersonate Tarzan by sprinting
and leapt the rope, then said to the performer of Romeo “Jump, Romeo, Jump!” to Robbie
Bootle, who acts as Romeo?

Answer: Page 15 à Because the main character in the novel thought it was the right idea to
prevent the balcony incident since the balcony started to shake before the performer of Romeo
(Robbie Bootle) started to perform

7. Why did Charlie feel himself as a failure?

Answer: Because he felt he is short because of short-man syndrome, also he saw some people
such as Tom Cruise, Diego Maradona, The Ewoks, and other people. Also, his skin itches every
time his Sinus attacks him (Summary of Chapter 1).
Chapter 3-4

1. Who is Charlie’s new friend mentioned in Chapter 3?

a. Sinus Sedgley

b. Linus Sedgley (page 21)

c. Linus Sinus

d. Sinus Nosy

2. What does the word “My friend. Sinus” mean at the beginning of chapter 3?

a. Charlie tries to accept the reality he has sinus

b. Charlie accepted the reality he has sinus as his disease and also his friend
who called Sinus (Linus Sedgley) by his friends and teachers (page 19-21)

c. Sinus is actually Linus Sedgley

d. Sinus is just the imagination of Charlie and Linus

3. Why did Sinus (Linus Sedgley) say to Charlie “Bravo!” “Encore. Encore.”?

a. Because Sinus (Linus Sedgley) likes what Charlie did

b. Because Sinus (Linus Sedgley) wants to be his friend

c. Option a and b are correct (page 23)

d. Option a and b are wrong

4. The word “delirious” on page 26 has the same meaning as …

a. hysterical

b. moderate

c. balance

d. peaceful
5. Why is Charlie always being pressured by his mom?

a. Because his mom is too talkative

b. Because his mom is so weird

c. Because his mom loves him

d. Because his mom is too overprotective to him (“I feel Mom’s arms around
me a lot. Hugging, squeezing, stroking. Even when she’s nowhere near me,
I can still feel her arms, tight around my chest. Sometimes she makes it
hard to breathe.” à page 26)

6. Why did Sinus say to Charlie “You must be cursed. I think it has to be something like
that, and unless you break the spell you’ll be like this all your life.”?

Answer: Because Sinus wanted to answer towards Charlie’s question about his
unluckiness, started from the broken theatre until other humiliations Charlie got like
nearly setting fire to the science lab with a single piece of magnesium ribbon; nearly
losing a finger to the bluntest of compasses; how I managed to give the whole class food
poisoning after sampling my simple jelly doughnuts. (page 22-23)

7. Why did everyone and even Charlie think Sinus (Linus Sedgley) was weird?

Answer: Because he has nose deformity, then his pants were always two inches too
short for his legs, or that he always had enough wax in his ears to fuel a power outage in
the dead of winter. (page 22-23)

Chapter 5-6
1. Below are the activities Charlie’s mom usually does everyday, except ...
a. Making poetry (page 33)
b. Pottery
c. Carpentry
d. Origami

2. The word “debacle” in paragraph 3 page 29 has the same meaning as ...

a. Miracle
b. Smash

c. Disaster

d. Boon

3. Why did Charlie say the walk in the school just like a gladiator?

a. Because it is so fun to see the gladiator fight

b. Because when it comes to you, it feels you have menace from your friends
like a military intent (page 30)

c. Because it is so happy when you can have a fight with them

d. Because it is the part of survival

4. The word “them” in page 30 last paragraph refers to ...

a. Sprinting, canoeing, and sports

b. Cartwheeling, jumping, and hopping

c. Jumping, hopping, and skipping

d. Sprinting, jumping, and hopping (“I’ve tried them all. Sprinting, jumping,
hopping—I’ve even considered cartwheeling in a moment of sheer panic.
All of them (except the last one) sound fine in theory, but I can guarantee
you that at some point a flailing leg is going to catch you.”)

5. What kind of the walk Charlie walkthrough at home?

a. Super man

b. Pizza man

c. Delivery man (page 32 and 35)

d. Noodle man

6. How is Charlie’s attitude towards the bullying he got in school?

Answer: Even though Charlie is always bulied by being the subject of physical pain,
Charlie stands firm and he feels more unbreakable. He stores his energy more to face
them and get higher from them. (Summary of page 31)

7. Why did Charlie’s mom set the rules Charlie only could take deliveries in the hourse of

Answer: Because Charlie fell with his bicycle at the age of six after convincing her mom
to take those deliveries. His skin was off from his knee for an inch and went to the
emergency room. Even though it was caused by the bicycle given by his mom which is
unsuitable for him (a 1970s lead-framed TRIKE, complete with basket and littered with
more lights than an airport runway instead of a gleaming, sleek mountain bike, with a
lightweight aluminum frame and Shimano gears), but then her mom took pride and set
the rules for Charlie. In other words, her mom blamed him because he wanted to be a
delivery man. (Summary of page 34-35)

Chapter 7-8
1. In the beginning of Chapter 7, there is a vehicle used by Charlie to deliver the food from
his parents’ restaurant to their customers. It has a wheel at the front and two wheels at
the back. What vehicle is it?
a. Bicycle
b. Lorry
c. Pedicab
d. Trike (Page 37 Paragraph 1)

2. How Charlie can reflect himself through a kid about his age bullied by the savage
SpongeBob fans?
a. Because when Charlie got bullied, he could not help the bullied even though
for people who see the bullying feel tormented when they watched it (“It was
terrifying, the sort of clumsy, idiotic thing I normally did, and for a second I
thought I’d discovered a long-lost brother. It was excruciating to watch, but I
couldn’t help myself. Here I was, seeing myself through other people’s
eyes….”  Page 38)
b. When Charlie saw the bullying, he felt it was fun to watch another person bullied and
he got inspirations to revenge those who bullied him from the bully
c. When Charlie got bullied, he felt nothing
d. When Charlie saw the bullying, he just enjoyed watching the bullying because he
likes to see those who bullied as he also got bullied

3. Why Charlie has an interest in skateboarding?

a. Because skateboarding made him can say to the bullies that I am cool
b. Because it suits with his rhino steel
c. Because the one who got bullied by shot on his skateboard, he could lane
safely and the board jumped with him with breakneck speed, and also the
people who play skateboard talk to and help each other (Page 38-39)
d. Because skateboarding suits to be done by teenagers

4. Why did Tony Hawk is a legend?

a. Because he made videos which are amazing from the point of editing
b. Because he is great in skateboarding and because he did things defying that
gravity and logic (Page 42)
c. Because he was teaching people to do skateboarding and his students were also
d. Because he won may skateboarding competitions

5. Below are efforts from Charlie to afford the board for skateboarding, except …
a. Bidding on eBay
b. He asked money from his parents’ (Page 42)
c. He tried to save the tips from deliveries
d. He used his cash box

6. Why did Charlie never try to ask some money from his parents in order to get a new
board that he wish he could have it?
Answer: Because as mentioned in previous chapters, Charlie’s mother is an
overprotective person and his father seems like afraid to his mother, so his father
will never success to persuade Charlie’s mother. We can see it in the last
paragraph of Chapter 7 page 40: “But how could I afford my own board? And
more importantly, how could I ever get this new, dangerous love past Mom”.

7. Why Charlie thought that Sinus might have foul play with him?
Answer: Because Charlie has an interest in skateboard, and Charlie was trying to
have a new board, but then later Charlie thought it might be better if someone
have a spare board to get a cheaper price, and the one who have it is Bunion,
Sinus’ brother. In other words, Sinus could get the money from Charlie from the
second skateboard sale. We can see on Chapter 8 page 42 and page 43 from this
sentence from Charlie: “Either that or find someone who tried it then gave up.
Someone who’d give me the board because they didn’t want it,” I persevered.”
Later, Sinus answered “You could ask Bunion if you can have his.”

Chapter 27-28
1. What did Charlie do after he knows the fact about Dora?
a. He tried to find the positives (Page 1-2)
b. He is angry to his father and mother
c. He is trying to get out from the house by skateboarding
d. He does not care at all
2. What Charlie’s friends did after they know the rumors about Dora?
a. They bullied Charlie more and more
b. They kicked Charlie
c. They were still bullying Charlie, but not that much (Page 2)
d. They even tried to made Charlie moved to another school

3. The word “mesmerize” in Page 3 Paragraph 7 is synonymous with the word .....
a. bore
b. repel
c. disgust
d. fascinate

4. What does the graffiti “BWB” actually means?

a. a vandalism
b. a skating festival (Page 7)
c. Charlie’s birthday celebration theme
d. Sinus’ birthday celebration theme

5. There are three reasons uttered by Sinus for Charlie to follow the skateboard
competition, except ....
a. Because his mom more focused about Dora
b. Becuas he has savings, so he could reclaim his name to be more cool
c. Because his dad promised for Charlie’s happiness
d. Because he wanted Charlie to be bubble wrapped again (Page 7-8)

6. In your opinion, if Charlie follows that competition, then is he “using” his dad’s promised
he could do anything for his own happiness?
Answers could be vary. Here is an example: Yes, he is “using” his dad’s promise
about his own happiness because it means that Charlie is so egoistic, then he
does not think about his mom and dad who worry much about skateboarding.

7. On Page 5, Sinus said to Charlie about “Operation Bubble Wrap Boy”. What does
actually the phrase mean?
Answer: The phrase does actually mean the skating competition. The graffiti
actually means the skating festival. The “Operation Bubble Wrap Boy” also means
the operation to reclaim Charlie’s name after he wrapped with the bubble, and his
friends at school and at the ramp would not bully him again. (Summary of Chapter

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