Biochemistry Notes Teacher

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Biochemistry Notes

Chemistry – study of what substances are made of and how they change and combine.

 Each different kind of atom is a different element.

Examples of elements: C – Carbon H – Hydrogen
O – Oxygen N – Nitrogen
 Two or more elements combine to make a compound.
Examples of compounds – H2O, CO2, HCl, NaCl
 Compounds are classified into 2 groups:
1. Inorganic Compounds – come from nonliving substances (In = not Organic = living)

Ex: H2O is the universal solvent because of its bent molecular shape and polarity.
Water dissolves other polar compounds by pulling them apart like a magnet separates
Positive and
ends like the
poles of a

*70-80% of your body is water

2. Organic Compounds – come from living substances

Biochemistry – study of the chemistry of living organisms

 All organic compounds will have the element carbon in them

Exception: CO2 is not organic (CO2 is not composed of living substances.)
 Organic compounds are usually complex compounds with many atoms in their structure.
Ex: Glucose – C6H12O6
 Four kinds of organic compounds:
1. Carbohydrates
2. Proteins
3. Lipids
4. Nucleic acids (to be covered more in depth later) – DNA and RNA


Read the paragraph on pages 45- 46 of your text to complete the following diagram.


Note: ***Polysaccharides are composed of monosaccharides bonded together

Polysaccharides must be first broken down to monosaccharides for cells to use as energy

Structural Formula of Monosaccharide:


Read the paragraph on pages 47- 48 in your text to complete the following diagram


Structural Formula of Amino Acid:


Read the paragraph on pages 46-47 in your text to complete the following diagram.


Structural Formula of Lipid:

Nucleic Acids

Read the paragraph on page 47 in your text to complete the following diagram

Nucleic Acids

 Catalyst—substance that accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction
Ex: hydrogen peroxide being broken down into water and oxygen

H2O2 H2O + O2 add catalase for FASTER REACTION!

 Enzyme – a kind of catalyst found only in living things

 Enzymes are proteins
 Enzymes change only the speed of the reaction
 Enzymes are never used up in a reaction, so they can be used over and over
 Enzymes are specific for the reaction they catalyze
Ex: Saltines and amylase

Starch Sugar

 Enzymes allow digestion to occur faster; otherwise the hamburger you ate last week might
still be in your stomach!

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