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Benjamen Bachmann
ID Number: 303129
Employer: HCL Technologies
Supervisor: Jennifer Enloe- Sr. Category Manager
Supervisor Contact Information: (919) 780-2349

With this being my second-year interning at HCL, I feel it is best to focus this paper on what my
projects and experiences were this year rather than on the organization as a whole. Following last
summer’s internship, I used my learnings at HCL within my classes and they aided me in my networking.
I have grown fond of many of the relationships that I have created at HCL, and believe they will help me
grow in my career, but I believe I must have an engineering internship before I fully commit myself to the
world of procurement. I do believe, however, that my learnings at both Bradley and HCL together will
guide me into the career that best fits my interests and skills. This year at HCL, my projects were as
follows: Security Guarding RFP, Security Consulting GSOC RFx, Lease Abstract, Supplier Conclave
Director, Purchasing Process Document, Due Diligence Form, Negotiation Process Document, and
Unclaimed Properties.
Having previously made and run RFx’s last summer, both of my security projects were straightforward,
with my recommendations projected over $590,000 (20%) cost avoidance, and over $130,000 in savings
(3%) while also earning the guards in those positions 25% wage increases on average. Having been the
lead on this project, along with others this year, I feel I have grown my managing and teamwork abilities.
The Security Consulting RFx is near impossible to quantify, but I believe my recommendations did add
value to the company.
HCL holds a yearly supplier conclave to support and showcase its most used and most apricated
suppliers. This year I was tasked with directing the event, and therefore a team of 6 interns, organize and
schedule selected suppliers. This was my first real experience leading a team, as previously I had only
worked with my mentor and the greater Business Services Team. I feel I could have done better, but
given the limited time and information afforded for me and the event, I do believe that I made the best of
an unfortunate circumstance.
Many of my projects this year involved the creation of internal process documents to better manage
communication between departments as well as the overall flow of projects and vendor onboarding. One
of these tasks included the creation of a Due Diligence Form (DDF) which is a form of risk assessment
used by HCL to both gauge a vendor’s ability to offer services to HCL as well as an overall assessment of
the company including identifying any legal proceedings, company reliability, any certifications required
to work with the said company, etc. This document was created within my first two weeks this summer
and was evaluated by the Deputy General Manager before being used in my later projects this summer
and other projects across greater HCL. As for the other process documents, I do believe that they allowed
me to take creative liberties in the pursuit of a more improved process flow, but I did hold many meetings
with the members of the business services team to gain a better understanding of the inner workings of
the team as well as its interactions with other departments of HCL. I believe these projects allowed me to
network while growing my understanding of HCL.
My longest project this summer was the Lease Abstract, which was in collaboration with another
company that manages HCL leases. The goal was to catalog all existing HCL leases as well as collect all
notable valuable information from them (notably dates) to be used by a SmartSheet at HCL to send out
notifications of upcoming important dates or information whether that be lease termination or renewals
etc. I worked along with a lease expert from the other company and together we analyzed all the HCL
leases within the Americas. With this being a very time-consuming endeavor, I took the liberty of taking
the downtime in my first few weeks to run through all of the leases and add or change any information
within the abstract that did not match what was present within the lease. This allowed me to use our
meetings times as both a review as well as a learning session to gain an understanding of lease formatting,
and legal language among other things.
Overall, I believe that this internship in particular will have little impact on my academics, nor do I
believe that my academics had an impact on my ability to perform in this internship. I do believe,
however, that I will have a greater impact on my career. Should I pursue a career outside of engineering,
this internship will prove quite valuable and I am proud of the work that I have done at HCL. In terms of
my impact on HCL this summer, much of it is qualitative process improvements, and I was less of a
monetary add to the company than last year.
It is still my intent to pursue a career in engineering, and I hope that an engineering internship next
summer will clear up many of my concerns surrounding my ability to perform in the field. In focusing my
efforts to secure an internship for next summer, I am doing whatever I can to present myself admirably at
this year’s fall career fair. I believe that I may be at a crossroads in my career entering my senior year at
Bradley, and I would like to use the time that I spend along the way there to prepare myself to the best of
my ability for making that decision.

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