Chapter 23 Romney 15e Students

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Accounting Information Systems

Fifteenth Edition, Global Edition

Chapter 23
AIS Development Strategies

• Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Learning Objectives
• Describe how organizations purchase application software,
vendor services, and hardware.
• Explain how information system departments develop
custom software.
• Explain why organizations outsource their information
systems, and evaluate the benefits and risks of this
• Explain how business process management, prototyping,
agile development, and computer-aided software
engineering can help improve system development.

• Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

How to Obtain an AIS
• Purchase
• Develop in-house
• Outsource to outside organization

• Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

• Select a vendor (from referrals, trade shows, etc.)
• Request for proposal (RFP) that meets needs
• Evaluate proposals
– Top vendors invited to give demonstrations on how
their system will fit your needs
• Make a final selection based upon your criteria

• Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Develop Software In-House
• Advantages
– Provides a significant competitive advantage
• Risks
– Requires significant amounts of time
– Complexity of the system
– Poor requirements defined
– Insufficient planning
– Inadequate communication and cooperation
– Lack of qualified staff
– Poor top management support

• Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

End-User Computing
Advantages Disadvantages
• Allows for end-users to • Lack of testing of
create, control, and application and possible
implement simple systems calculation errors
• More likely to meet user • Inefficient systems
needs • Poorly controlled
• Saves time • Poorly documented
• Frees up system resources • System incompatibilities
• Easy to use and • Duplication of data
• Increase costs in later
years with upgrades

• Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Advantages Disadvantages
• Allows companies to • Inflexibility
concentrate on core • Loss of control
• Reduced competitive advantage
• Asset utilization
• Locked-in system
• Access to greater expertise and
• Unfulfilled goals
better technology
• Poor service
• Lower costs by standardizing
user applications and splitting • Increased risk
development and maintenance
costs between projects
• Less development time
• Elimination of peaks-and-valleys
• Facilitates downsizing

• Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Business Process Management
• Automate and facilitate business process improvements
– Process engine to model and execute applications and
business rules
– Business analytics to identify issues, trends, and
– Collaboration tools to remove communication barriers
– Content manager to store electronic documents and

• Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Advantages Disadvantages
• Results in well-defined • Requires significant user
user needs time
• Higher user satisfaction • Resource efficiency may
and involvement not be achieved
• Faster development time • Inadequate testing and
• Fewer errors documentation
• Opportunities to suggest • Negative behavioral
changes reactions
• Less costly • Continuous development
of iterations leaves a
feeling of no project

• Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Computer-Aided Software
(or Systems) Engineering (CASE)
Advantages Disadvantages
• Improved productivity • Incompatibility with other
• Improved program quality systems
• Unmet expectations
• Cost savings
• Improved control
• Simplified documentation

• Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Key Terms (1 of 2)
• Commercial software • Business process reengineering
• Turnkey systems
• Business process management
• Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
• Business Process Management
• Request for proposal (RFP)
System (BPMS)
• Benchmark problem
• Prototyping
• Point scoring
• Operational prototype
• Requirement costing
• Nonoperational (throwaway)
• Custom software prototype
• End-user computing (EUC) • Agile development
• Help desk • Scrum methodology
• Outsourcing • Scrum development

• Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Key Terms (2 of 2)
• Product owner • Executable architecture baseline
• User stories • Computer-aided software (or
systems) engineering (CASE)
• Product backlog
• Scrum team
• Sprint
• Scrum master
• Extreme programming (XP)
• Unit tests
• Acceptance tests
• Integration tests
• Unified process

• Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

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