Pre Board Examination-2022 Class-Xii Subject-English SUBJECT CODE-301/01

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General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, WRITING and LITERATURE.
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
A. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions given below.
1. Today when we pick up a daily newspaper , we invariably find an increasing incidence of
vandalism, fraud, theft, robbery, rape, child spouse, battered spouses, murders, hate
crimes, genocide ( now termed as “ethnic cleansing) along with a multitude of other
senseless violent acts that have become disturbing common. These are not the actions of
people who like themselves.
2. The solution to a great many problems, whether personal, national or global, lies in
improving our feelings about ourselves both as individuals and members of society. When
the significance of good self – esteem is well understood and it achieves the prominence it
deserves, a transformation will begin, for as the people will learn they are deserving of self-
respect, their respect for others will automatically increase.
3. Most of our behavior has been shaped by our parent’s caregivers and authority figures who
played an important part in our parent’s caregivers and authority figures who played an
important part in our early springing and were responsible for crystallizing our ideas about
ourselves and the world. While everyone has self-esteem, only a small percentage of us
have high self- esteem. High self-esteem denotes that we accept ourselves unconditionally
exactly as we are, we appreciate our value as a human being. When, on the other hand, we
have low self-esteem, we believe that we have little intrinsic worth.
4. We believe our personal vale is in direct proportion to the value of our accomplishments. If
we cannot accomplish certain results, we tend to feel low about ourselves. Some of us try
too hard and become workaholics and over- achievers. With a few genuine feelings of self
worth, we try to create some and prove that we are somebody by our successes and
achievements. Because our desire for perfection is so great, we tend to set unrealistic goals
and place unreasonable demands on ourselves. Failing, rather than encouraging us to have
realistic aspirations, only leads to a mere punishing round of self- blame and a resolve to
drive ourselves harder next time. If we do finally achieve our goals w are disappointed;
despite everything we have done, we still feel empty inside.
5. Vulnerable to the opinions of others, we desperately try to gain their recognition and
approval sometimes through risky and dangerous behaviour. Thus we are at the mercy of
our emotions, instead of controlling them, we permit them to control us. Since we allow
circumstances to influence of feelings, we are inclined to be moody. The insecurity we feel
as a result of devaluing ourselves makes us react with jealousy, envy and passiveness. fear
makes us greedy and acquisitive, and feelings of self – hate alternative with those of utility,
unhappiness and depression.
6. Sound self0esteem is the basis for all self – improvement. As human beings, our potential is
limitless, our abilities inexhaustible, and the possibilities for creative and constructive
changes are endless. But we don’t experience satisfactory progress towards our goals or
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make any lasting improvements unless we believe we deserve the good we want.
Conditions in our lives will improve permanently only when we believe we are entitled to
something better. So improving our self esteem inwardly is the vital ingredient for
improving our lives.

On the basis of your readings of the passage, answer any fourteen of the following
questions by choosing the most appropriate option. (1 x 14)
i) The newspapers today are full of
a) Motivating articles
b) Political debates
c) News of crime and violence
d) News of educational and employment possibilities.

ii) According to the author , …………………………………. Is the solution to most of our problems.
a) High self esteem
b) Positive behaviour
c) High tolerance
d) Self improvement

iii) With high self esteem we learn to

a) Accept ourselves as we are
b) Respect everyone around us
c) Appreciate and value everyone as a human
d) All of the above

iv) We often set unrealistic goals in a desire to

a) Become successful
b) Gain self- worth
c) Become perfect
d) Gain financial profit

v) Failure induces us to
a) Self blame
b) A desire to work hard
c) A realization that we need to set realistic goals
d) Physical and mental exhaustion

vi) Our lack of self esteem forces us to gain recognition through

a) Force
b) Violence
c) Criminal behaviour
d) All of these

vii) The feeling of insecurity makes us

a) Jealous
b) Moody
c) Meek
d) Greedy

viii) Good self esteem results us on the path of

a) Recognition
b) Creativity
c) Self improvement
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d) Success

ix) According to the author , we can create possibilities if

a) we are respectful
b) we know how to control our emotions
c) we are open to transformation
d) we believe that we deserve the good that we are getting.
x) The word …………………………………. Means to same as “ relationship between one thing
and another
a) unreasonable
b) Unrealistic
c) Proportion
d) Over- achievers
xi) The word ………….. means the same as “ be favourably disposed towards or willing to
do something.
a) Devaluing
b) Futility
c) Vulnerable
d) Inclined
xii) Which is the basis of all self- improvement?
a) Sound self esteem.
b) Potential
c) constructive change
d) Possibilities.
xiii) Despite everything we have done, we still feel _________
a) Empty inside
b) Unhappy
c) Stressed
d) Elated
xiv) Which is in the direct proportion to the value of our accomplishment?
a) Feelings
b) Achievements
c) Conditions
d) Personal value
xv) We won’t experience satisfactory progress towards our ______________.
a) Happiness
b) Depression
c) Goal
d) Self esteem


2. You are Shailesh , S/o Shri AK Mathur of Circular Road, Jammu. Your father wants you draft
a formal invation to be sent on the occasion of your sister Suvarsha’s marriage. Prepare the
You are Vikram/ Sonia , an honours graduate in History with specialisation in medival India.
You are well acquainted with places of historical interest in Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. You are
looking for the job of tourist guide. Write an advertisement in about 50 words for the
situations Wanted column of a local newspaper. Your contact no is 9991751234

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3. You are Rodrigues / Maria, Principal of sea View Senior Secondary School, Vasco da Gama.
Your school needs to formulate and submit an evacuation plan by the end of the month.
You are clueless about how this is to be done. You write a letter in 120-150 words to the
state Disaster Management Authority, Goa asking them for advice and help on how to
formulate a disaster evacuation drill for 1500 students. (5)
The Gandhi Foundation is recruiting graduates for an intensive leadership training
programme during the summer, in villages across India. You are Anjana/ Benji from 21,
Ratnapur Village, are very excited to see the advertisement and decide to
apply for the same. Draft a letter in 120- 150 words applying for the advertised
programme. Include a biodata showing how suitable you are for the training.


4. For the first quarter of an hour Stephens had dutifully peered through the peep-hole at
intervals of one minute or so ; and after that , every two minutes. At 10.45 a.m. everything
was still all right as he looked through the peephole once more. It took four or five seconds
– no more. What was the point ? It was always more or less the same. (1x3)
a. Who was Stephens and what was he doing ?
i) Another prisoner observing Evans
ii) An examiner taking Evans exam
iii) A police officer keeping an eye on Evans
iv) A teacher making sure that Evans was performing well
b. Why was everything the same for Stephen ?
i) Because Evan was continuously writing the answers
ii) Because Evans was again asking help from the invigilator
iii) Because Evans was only sitting and looking at the invigilator
iv) Because Evans was reading The church Times with Mcleery
c. At what intervals did Stephen look at Evans?
i) Every one minutes then two minutes
ii) Every two minutes
iii) Every one minute
iv) Every ten minutes
5. Answer any fiveof the following questions. (2 x5)
i. What does a thing of beauty do for us ?
ii. Why was Roger Skunk’s mommy angry?
iii. Why does Derry stay away from people?
iv. In what senses was the world a big rattrap according to the peddler?
v. “ The battle of Champaran is won!” What led Gandhiji to make this remark?
vi. Which article in Mcleery’s suitcase played perhaps the most significant role in
Evan’s escape and how?
6. Answer any one of the following questions in about 120 - 150 words. (5)
i) How , according to Pablo Neruda, can keeping quiet change our attitude to life?
ii) How did the negligence of the prison officers prove to be boon for Evans ?


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