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INSERT COMPANY NAME/LOGO HERE ISO 9001:2015 to AS 9100 Rev D Quality Management Systems - The Internal Audit Checklist This checkist is based on the information provided in the 2016-09 revision ofthe AS 9100 Rev D, SAE international aerospace standard and in the 2015-00 revision of ISO 9007:2015 intemational standard, The checklist is best used by trained and practicing ausitors to evaluate or assess Quality Management Systems requirements based on the standard as you transition from ISO 9001-2018. You will see questions on the checklist that refer tothe standard and for each clause provisions are made for additonal questions, Both the versions of the AS 100 and ISO 001 standards deal with Quality Management Systems and line up when comparing the contents, the new requirements and / or new terminology. The additions for AS 9100 over ISO 9001 are highlighted The auditors are expected 10 keep in ming that te standard does not requires mandatory procedures forthe various OMS processes; however, he audiors will expect documented information fo be available because in the clauses of He standard, the phrase such as documented procedures’ is used to specity that a procass, a metnod, a system, a work insiructon, or an arrangement be documented, ‘The ausitors must use a great deal of discretion and therafore must be careful and thoughtful prior to establishing a deficiency against a requirement, Evidence for visible top management leadership, commitment an quality management action mus be looked fo. ‘The bold numbers and titles used inthe first two columns of the checklist indicate the "Requirements" and may be reerred to on nonconformity reports prepared by the auditor, During assassment of each requirement, auditors record the status ofthe evaluation by indicating in the nght-hand column a Yes - for Acceptable Condition or No -for Deficient Conaition - QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OBSERVATIONS / COMMENTS status 4 | CONTEXT OF THE ORGANIZATION 4.1 | Understanding the organization and its context Does your company determine the extemal and internal issues that are relevant to your purpose and stratege drecton? Alt conductes by: Date: wo Conyight © ASOTOOSIore Page 1 of 77 INSERT COMPANY NAME/LOGO HERE ISO 9001:2015 to AS 9100 Rev D Quality Management Systems - The Internal Audit Checklist ‘Additional Questions 44 | Quality management system and its processes 4.41 | As required by tho standard, do you estabish document, imploment, maintain and continually improve the OMS? Does your company determine the processes needed forthe OMS, their interactions and applieatons throughout your company? ‘That, for the QMS processes do you determine the: «+ Inputs required and the outputs expected trom the processes? '* Sequence and interaction ofthe processes? + Citeia, methods, including measurements and related performance indicators needed to ensure the effective operation, and control ofthe processes? ‘+ Resources neoded and ensure thoy are avaliable? ‘+ Assignment ofthe responsibilities and authorities for Alt conductes by: Date: wo Conyight © ASOTOOSIore Page 4.0177 INSERT COMPANY NAME/LOGO HERE ISO 9001:2015 to AS 9100 Rev D Quality Management Systems - The Internal Audit Checklist These processes? ‘+ Risks and opportunites (per 6.1), and plans to implement tho appropriate actions to address them? “+ Methods for monitoring, measuring, and evaluation of processes and, if nesded, the changes to processes to ensure that they achieve intended results? ‘+ Opportunities for improvement ofthe processes and the OMS? Does your company maintain the necessary

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