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Introduction There is no clear or generally agreed definition of terrorism. It has been described as wanton violence,
inhuman violence, unreasonable or nonsensical violence, hateful barbarism, and pointless vandalism. A well-kowwn
international lawyer has defined terrorism as terrorism, as classical forms of crime murmu, arsonism, the use of
explosives, etc. can be panic, illness and terror in an organized society to destroy social discipline, paralyze the reaction
forces of society and increase the misery and the suffering of the people living in the society. " Gen This definition, a
number of axis and allied bombing campaigns of the Second World War could easily be designated as a terrorist form.
Terrorism The illegal use of force or violence against people or property to threaten or compel a government, the civilian
population or any segment of them, to promote political and social objectives." MEXICO, the penal code is one one of the
few who describe terrorism with the help of an separate article .in an article directed mainly at anti-foreign terrorists, it
defines terrorism as any act of violence "against people, things or public services, which can produce alarm, fear or
terror in the population ... [carried out] To disturb the public peace or to attempt to undermine the authority of the state,
or to exert pressure on the authorities to make a decision. " International terrorism The task of describing international
terrorism is compounded by international relations. Apart from a few types of events that most nations can identify as
international terrorism, such as hijacking or kidnapping diplomats, few nations agree about what international terrorism
is. The meanings explicitly represent political points of view.. Ad hoc Special Committee of the United Nations, the
Government of Haiti proposed to define terrorism such as "any threat or act of violence committed by a person or group
of people in foreign territory or anywhere else under international jurisdiction against any person for the purpose to
achieve a political objective . The Government of France proposed to define international terrorism like any " Act
atrociously of Barbarism committed in the territory of a third State by a foreigner against A person who owns a
nationality other than that of the offender in order to exert pressure in a conflict that is not of a strictly internal nature
re. Types of terrorism In the spring of 1975, the United States administration formed the National Advisory Committee
on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals. One of the five volumes that the committee was entitled Disorders and
Terrorism, produced by the Working Group on Disorders and Terrorism under the direction of H.cooper, Director of the
Working Group classified terrorism into six categories. • Civil disorder • Political terrorism • Non-political terrorism •
Quasi-terrorism • Limited political terrorism • Official or state terrorism In an analysis prepared for the intelligence of the
United States, four typologies are mentioned. • Nationalist-Separatist • Religious fundamentalist • New religious Social
Revolutionary causes of terrorism: Theories of the causes of terrorism include followings: Conflict Theory Explanation.
Which examine the perpetrators relationship the in power • Ideological Explanation. It focuses on the differences in
ideology and the different goals of the ideology. There are some factors that may contribute to terrorism • High
population growth rates • High Unemployment • Lagging economics • Political disenfranchisement • Extremism • Ethnic
conflict • Religious conflict • Terrorism conflict Objectives of terrorism: The objectives of terrorism are numerous of
which followings are remarkable: • Isolating the government from the masses and including the masses in the war. • It
is often used to attract people's attention to the cause of the terrorist, both in and outside the world. • It might try to
incite political violence to make it unpopular (the government). • Terrorist attacks are also being launched to repress the
death in detention or to arrest a terrorist group member. • The key aims are to undermine government infrastructure
and to wear down military forces that have been demoralised. History of terrorism The past of terrorism has been a
history of well-known persons, groups, and events related to terrorism, whether correctly or incorrectly. Scholars accept
that terrorism is a controversial concept, because very few of the terrorists who were identified are listed as such. In an
armed confrontation, critics typically call the other side a criminal or a terrorist. The origins and activities of terror can
be traced to at last Sicari Zealots in the 1st century, based on how widely this expression is described, but it is
controversial whether the organization that assassinated Roman collaborators in Judea is actually a terrorist. The first
use of the word 'terrorism' in English took place during the reign of terror of the French Revolution when the Jacobins,
who control the Revolutionary State, used violence to impose submission to the State and punish government
opponents, between them mass. It only continues until the middle of the 19th century when it starts to be linked to non-
governmental organizations through government abuse and coercion. Anarchism was the most influential movement
associated with extremism, mostly in the league of raise nationalism and anti-monarchism.At the end of the nineteenth
century, the Russian Tsar and the U.S. President have been assassinated by parties or people of anarchists. Terrorism
was also linked with a significant number of anarchist, communist, fascist and nationalist movements in the 20th
century, with many participating in non- imperialist 'third-world' movement. Any historians have also described Stalinist
Russia and Nazi Germany as terrorists with most of the domestic violence and intimidation. But as the century
approached, the US and other Western powers gradually advocated a consensus concept of 'terrorism' that would
preclude State institutions to a significant degree or to be completed Terrorism is World Wide Issue: Terrorism is not an
unknown word, but a world renowned term. Terrorism is a term. The terrorist activities have significantly escalated since
9/11. Why is terrorism perceived as a problem? Terrorism is a problem because it causes more civilian deaths, instills
distrust in civilians in target nations, raises threats, and is an expensive concern. Terrorism is a problem. Terrorism is not
a little problem that can be fixed in one way; terrorism is a more complex and difficult problem to tackle. This problem is
known not only in America, but also in countries of the third world. Some third world countries are conducted by
terrorism that makes their people fear; they are afraid not to know whether they will live or die. Terrorism is more than
words describe. Terrorism is a crisis. Terrorist acts and deaths of terrorist victims have risen and continue to rise. In the
near eastern area for instance FBI estimates have shown that, according to 2008 data obtained (, 5,528
dead and 4,594 terrorist attacks occurred. This is an example of the enormity of a subject of terrorism, since there are
more innocent lives than violent acts. Terrorism affects all regions worldwide not just one type of region. Terrorism does
not have a single country, but every country is at risk of being victimized by terrorist attacks. Terrorism is a challenge
that everyone in the world faces. Terrorism has been scattered, and not necessarily stationed in one country. The
strength of terrorism is rising as terrorism is gradually spread. Al-Qaeda is an example of this. The new front of Al Qaeda
is a prime example of how terrorism has gone into force in Frontline's footage. In terrorist attacks across Eastern Europe,
such as the Madrid bombardment, Al Qaeda was strongly implicated. The bombing in Madrid is an example of how
decentralized and mighty violence has been over the years. In Paris and London, the Madrid bombing showed cellular
ties among recognized terrorists. This is an example of terrorism, in particular Al Qaeda, not only in Iraq but in other
countries like France and Britain etc. This is cellular verification. Al-Qaeda has also been known to engage in the
bombing in London because the fertilizer used is tied to that found in Madrid (Frontline video). Since 9/11, terrorism has
spread and gathered strength over the course of the years. If the problem of terror is not solved, there will be more
challenges involved. Terrorist attacks will continue to destroy innocent lives, terrorist attacks will continue to escalate,
terrorism will continue to expand all over the world, and the cost of terrorism will continue to increase. Terrorism is an
expensive concern for any country. For one, 9/11 is a globally recognized terrorist act. The construction of the World
Trade Center, not only caused the lives of many people, but contributed to a very expensive price loss. An expensive
terrorist act is a success and a horrific occurrence for the victims. The deficit incurred by 9 November was USD 95 billion
( It is a prime indication of how expensive terrorist acts can be. If it is done, it will continue to increase
prices wisely. If little more is done, deaths will still begin to escalate. This is why terrorism needs national coverage.
terrorism needs national attention. Terrorism is a matter of considerable concern. If there is no focus on terrorism in any
country, problems will continue to develop. Terror must be fought by the rule of law to concentrate our attention on
terrorism. It will decrease extremism in national and foreign countries if the rule of law is used. Choi (2010) carried out
an analysis showing how the rule of law would lead to the reduction of fear. Choi found that extremism is growing in
domestic and foreign countries for political and religious purposes For instance, Muslims see this as an assault on faith in
any policies conducted by the US and or Eastern Europe. International Terrorism: Terrorism is characterised as a
campaign of violence aimed at inspiring terror, organisation and political motives. It is generally characterised by
brutality against people in such a manner that it achieves the highest publicity in the lives of the hostages on particular
demands. Terrorism targets will range from the restricted goals of paying ransom or freeing hostages to the broad aims
of global exposure. The increasing technical instability of our culture and the capacity of advanced weaponry to violently
destroy a relatively small group of extremists. Although the actual amount of violence caused by international terrorism
is small compared with war, it has had a destabilizing effect on international order and could become a surrogate for
conventional warfare against a nation. Terrorism's Impact on International Relations: The bombing of the World Trade
Center (WTC) was the worst terrorist attack ever. The United States and New York paid an awful price for lost lives and
destroyed property. In terms of economic and financial loss collateral, the rest of the planet have suffered a heavy cost.
It would have been very effective as a call to all the world's nations to wake up to the possibility of global terrorism, as
terrible as the WTC bombings. Historically, the Middle East has been the centre of much terrorism in the world. The
media added to the popular perception that the Near East is an area for jihadists. In most countries, people would
probably believe that there is a relationship to the Middle East rather than to other parts of the world once they hear the
term 'terrorism.' Asia, however, rapidly becomes its own "breeding ground" for persons who are likely to become
terrorists, or terrorists, because of the global network that certain terrorist groups have developed. Conlusion The article
discusses foreign acts, attacks, US strategies, and reactions to terrorists. It reviews the nation's use of instruments for
fighting extremism, from diplomacy, diplomatic relations and physical security improvement to economic sanctions,
hidden intervention and military force. A new terrorist movement seems to be leading to foreign terrorist networks of
loose, self-sufficient character. Extreme Islamist movements or groups that use religion as a pretext are increasingly
posing a grave danger to American interests and supportive regimes. The increasing presence of radical Islamist groups
in foreign countries is also a matter of concern. Another notable aspect is the clear rise in cross-border ties between
various terrorist groups, including joint military preparation, fundraising, technology transfer and political guidance. The
spectre of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is the focus of international terrorism. Hence in today’s world
, international terrorism has proved to be a major threat to the whole world. There would be no single region which is not
affected by terrorism. Hence , countries are coming together to fight this cancer together. And one day all these efforts
would certainly pay off.
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Report Generated Date: 31 March, 2021

Total Words: 2057

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Keywords/Total Words Ratio: 77.74%

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Unique: 90%

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Sentence wise detail:

introduction there is no clear or generally agreed definition of terrorism.
it has been described as wanton violence inhuman violence unreasonable or nonsensical violence hateful barbarism and
pointless vandalism.
a well kowwn international lawyer has defined terrorism as terrorism as classical forms of crime murmu arsonism the
use of explosives etc.
can be panic illness and terror in an organized society to destroy social discipline paralyze the
reaction forces of society and increase the misery and the suffering of the people living in the society. (0)
gen this definition a number of axis and allied bombing campaigns of the second world war could easily be designated
as a terrorist form.
terrorism the illegal use of force or violence against people or property to threaten or compel
a government the civilian population or any segment of them to promote political and social objectives.
mexico the penal code is one one of the few who describe terrorism with the help of an separate article .
in an article directed mainly at anti foreign terrorists it defines terrorism as any act of
violence against people things or public services which can produce alarm fear or terror in the population
carried out to disturb the public peace or to attempt to undermine the authority of the state or to exert pressure on the
authorities to make a decision.
international terrorism the task of describing international terrorism is compounded by international relations.
apart from a few types of events that most nations can identify as international terrorism
such as hijacking or kidnapping diplomats few nations agree about what international terrorism is.
the meanings explicitly represent political points of view..
ad hoc special committee of the united nations the government of haiti proposed to define terrorism
such as any threat or act of violence committed by a person or group of people in
foreign territory or anywhere else under international jurisdiction against any person for the purpose to achieve a
political objective . (1)
the government of france proposed to define international terrorism like any act atrociously of barbarism committed in
territory of a third state by a foreigner against a person who owns a nationality other than that of
the offender in order to exert pressure in a conflict that is not of a strictly internal nature re.
types of terrorism in the spring of 1975 the united states administration formed the national advisory committee on
criminal justice standards and goals.
one of the five volumes that the committee was entitled disorders and terrorism produced by the working group on
disorders and terrorism under the direction of h.
cooper director of the working group classified terrorism into six categories. civil disorder political terrorism non political
terrorism quasi terrorism limited political terrorism official or state (2)
terrorism in an analysis prepared for the intelligence of the united states four typologies are mentioned.
nationalist separatist religious fundamentalist new religious social revolutionary causes of terrorism theories of the
causes of terrorism include followings conflict theory explanation. (3)
which examine the perpetrators relationship the in power ideological explanation.
it focuses on the differences in ideology and the different goals of the ideology.
there are some factors that may contribute to terrorism high population growth rates high unemployment lagging
political disenfranchisement extremism ethnic conflict religious conflict terrorism conflict objectives of terrorism the
objectives of terrorism are numerous
of which followings are remarkable isolating the government from the masses and including the masses in the war.
it is often used to attract people s attention to the cause of the terrorist both in and outside the world.
it might try to incite political violence to make it unpopular the government .
terrorist attacks are also being launched to repress the death in detention or to arrest a terrorist group member.
the key aims are to undermine government infrastructure and to wear down military forces that have been demoralised.
history of terrorism the past of terrorism has been a history of well known persons groups and events related to
terrorism whether correctly or incorrectly.
scholars accept that terrorism is a controversial concept because very few of the terrorists who were identified are listed
as such.
in an armed confrontation critics typically call the other side a criminal or a terrorist.
the origins and activities of terror can be traced to at last sicari zealots in the 1st century based on how
widely this expression is described but it is controversial whether the organization that assassinated roman collaborators
in judea is actually a terrorist.
the first use of the word terrorism in english took place during the reign of terror of the french revolution when the
jacobins who control the revolutionary state used violence to impose submission to the state and punish government
opponents between them mass.
it only continues until the middle of the 19th century when it starts to be linked to non governmental organizations
through government abuse and coercion.
anarchism was the most influential movement associated with extremism mostly in the league of raise nationalism and
anti monarchism.
at the end of the nineteenth century the russian tsar and the u. s.
president have been assassinated by parties or people of anarchists.
terrorism was also linked with a significant number of anarchist communist fascist and nationalist
movements in the 20th century with many participating in non imperialist third world movement.
any historians have also described stalinist russia and nazi germany as terrorists with most of the domestic violence and
but as the century approached the us and other western powers gradually advocated a consensus concept of terrorism
that would preclude state institutions
to a significant degree or to be completed terrorism is world wide issue terrorism is not an unknown word but a world
renowned term.
terrorism is a term.
the terrorist activities have significantly escalated since 9 11.
why is terrorism perceived as a problem terrorism is a problem because it causes more
civilian deaths instills distrust in civilians in target nations raises threats and is an expensive concern. terrorism is a
problem. (4)
terrorism is not a little problem that can be fixed in one way terrorism is a more complex and difficult problem to tackle.
this problem is known not only in america but also in countries of the third world.
some third world countries are conducted by terrorism that makes their people fear they are afraid not to know whether
they will live or die.
terrorism is more than words describe.
terrorism is a crisis.
terrorist acts and deaths of terrorist victims have risen and continue to rise.
in the near eastern area for instance fbi estimates have shown that according to 2008 data obtained fbi.
gov states 5 528 dead and 4 594 terrorist attacks occurred.
this is an example of the enormity of a subject of terrorism since there are more innocent lives than violent acts.
terrorism affects all regions worldwide not just one type of region.
terrorism does not have a single country but every country is at risk of being victimized by terrorist attacks.
terrorism is a challenge that everyone in the world faces. terrorism has been scattered and not necessarily stationed in
one country. (5)
the strength of terrorism is rising as terrorism is gradually spread. al qaeda is an example of this. (6)
the new front of al qaeda is a prime example of how terrorism has gone into force in frontline s footage.
in terrorist attacks across eastern europe such as the madrid bombardment al qaeda was strongly implicated.
the bombing in madrid is an example of how decentralized and mighty violence has been over the years.
in paris and london the madrid bombing showed cellular ties among recognized terrorists.
this is an example of terrorism in particular al qaeda not only in iraq but in other countries like france and britain etc.
this is cellular verification.
al qaeda has also been known to engage in the bombing in london because the fertilizer used is tied to that found in
madrid frontline video .
since 9 11 terrorism has spread and gathered strength over the course of the years.
if the problem of terror is not solved there will be more challenges involved.
terrorist attacks will continue to destroy innocent lives terrorist attacks will continue to escalate terrorism will
continue to expand all over the world and the cost of terrorism will continue to increase.
terrorism is an expensive concern for any country.
for one 9 11 is a globally recognized terrorist act.
the construction of the world trade center not only caused the lives of many people but contributed to a very expensive
price loss.
an expensive terrorist act is a success and a horrific occurrence for the victims.
the deficit incurred by 9 november was usd 95 billion theatlantic. com .
it is a prime indication of how expensive terrorist acts can be.
if it is done it will continue to increase prices wisely.
if little more is done deaths will still begin to escalate.
this is why terrorism needs national coverage.
terrorism needs national attention. terrorism is a matter of considerable concern. (7)
if there is no focus on terrorism in any country problems will continue to develop.
terror must be fought by the rule of law to concentrate our attention on terrorism.
it will decrease extremism in national and foreign countries if the rule of law is used.
choi 2010 carried out an analysis showing how the rule of law would lead to the reduction of fear.
choi found that extremism is growing in domestic and foreign countries for political and religious purposes for instance
muslims see this as an assault on faith in any policies conducted by the us and or eastern europe.
international terrorism terrorism is characterised as a campaign of violence aimed at inspiring terror organisation and
political motives.
it is generally characterised by brutality against people in such a manner that it achieves the highest publicity in the
lives of the hostages on particular demands.
terrorism targets will range from the restricted goals of paying ransom or freeing hostages to the broad aims of global
the increasing technical instability of our culture and the capacity of advanced weaponry to violently destroy a relatively
small group of extremists. although the actual amount of violence caused by international terrorism is small compared
with war it has (8)
the increasing technical instability of our culture and the capacity of advanced weaponry to violently destroy a relatively
small group of extremists. had a destabilizing effect on international order and could become a surrogate for
conventional warfare against a nation. (8)
terrorism s impact on international relations the bombing of the world trade center wtc was the worst terrorist attack
the united states and new york paid an awful price for lost lives and destroyed property.
in terms of economic and financial loss collateral the rest of the planet have suffered a heavy cost.
it would have been very effective as a call to all the world s nations to wake up to the possibility of global terrorism as
terrible as the wtc bombings.
historically the middle east has been the centre of much terrorism in the world.
the media added to the popular perception that the near east is an area for jihadists.
in most countries people would probably believe that there is a relationship to the
middle east rather than to other parts of the world once they hear the term terrorism. (10)
asia however rapidly becomes its own breeding ground for persons who are likely to become
terrorists or terrorists because of the global network that certain terrorist groups have developed.
conlusion the article discusses foreign acts attacks us strategies and reactions to terrorists.
it reviews the nation s use of instruments for fighting extremism from diplomacy
diplomatic relations and physical security improvement to economic sanctions hidden intervention and military force.
a new terrorist movement seems to be leading to foreign terrorist networks of loose self sufficient character.
extreme islamist movements or groups that use religion as a pretext are increasingly posing a grave danger to american
interests and supportive regimes.
the increasing presence of radical islamist groups in foreign countries is also a matter of concern.
another notable aspect is the clear rise in cross border ties between various terrorist groups including joint military
preparation fundraising technology transfer and political guidance. (10)
the spectre of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is the focus of international terrorism.
hence in today s world international terrorism has proved to be a major threat to the whole world.
there would be no single region which is not affected by terrorism.
hence countries are coming together to fight this cancer together.
and one day all these efforts would certainly pay off.

Match Urls:
Keywords Density

One Word 2 Words 3 Words

terror 10.71% international terrorism 0.88% world trade center 0.19%

terrorism 7.21% terrorist attacks 0.58% problem terrorism problem

nation 3.02% terrorist act 0.49%
introduction clear generally 0.1%
terrorist 2.82% al qaeda 0.49%
11 globally recognized 0.1%
national 2.14% terrorism problem 0.29%
occurrence victims deficit 0.1%

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