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Biopsychosocial Approach

emphasizes that biological,

psychological and social factors interact

to produce the problems adolescents

develop. Thus, if an adolescent

engages in substance abuse, it may be

due to a combination of biological

(heredity or brain processes),

psychological (emotional turmoil), and

social (poverty) factors.

Figure 2 Adapted from of-keeping-young-adults-safe-during-the-


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Biopsychosocial Approach

Biological Factors

Adolescents’ problems are believed to be caused

by malfunctioning of the body. Scientists who

adapt a biological approach usually focus on the

brain and genetic factors as causes of problems.

Drug therapy or prescribing antidepressant drugs

maybe prescribed to a teenager who is suffering

from drug-related case.

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Biopsychosocial Approach

Psychological Factors

Distorted thoughts, emotional turmoil,

inappropriate learning and troubled relationship

may be the cause of adolescents problems.

Family and peer influences are especially

believed to be important contributors to their

problems. In this case, the main cause of drug

dependence may be linked to parent or peer


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Biopsychosocial Approach

Social Factors

The adolescents’ problems appear in most

cultures. However, the frequency and

intensity of these problems vary across

cultures, with variations linked to social,

economic, technological, and religious

aspects of the cultures.

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Raising Teens Project (Work-life Center at the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology)

1. Adjust to sexually maturing bodies and feelings – being aware or the bodily changes

happening, managing sexual feelings, and engaging in healthy sexual behaviors. Establishing

sexual identity and developing skills for romantic and meaningful relationships are the healthy

results when adolescents learn to adjust to their own development.

2. Develop and apply abstract thinking skills – effectively understand and coordinate

abstract ideas, thinking out possibilities, trying out theories, planning ahead, reflecting on

how and what they are thinking, and coming out with their own personal philosophies.

3. Develop and apply a new perspective in human relationships – developing the capacity

for compassion by learning how to put themselves in “somebody else’s shoes” in order to
understand the people’s feelings and perspectives. Looking at relationships in different

perspectives can develop in learning how to resolve conflicts in relationships.

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4. Develop and apply new coping skills in areas such as decision-making, problem solving,

and conflict resolution – adolescents acquire new thinking capabilities that will help them

engage in more creative strategies for problem solving, decision-making, and resolving

conflict. They should be able to project toward the future and see the consequences of their


5. Identify meaningful moral standards, values, and belief systems – because of their

idealism, adolescents develop more complex understanding of morality, justice, and

compassion that leads to the formation of their own belief systems that will guide their

decisions and behaviors.

6. Understand and express more complex emotional experiences – becoming more in

touch with their emotions and see the complex variances among strong emotions and

feelings, understanding the emotions and feelings of other persons, and learning how to

detach themselves from emotional situations whenever the need arises.

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7. Form friendships that are mutually close and supportive – peer influence is very strong

among adolescents and this should be able to steer an adolescent toward productive and

positive relationships, behaviour, and thinking. Learning how to trust others is an important

task for an adolescent to develop.

8. Establish key aspect of identity – be encouraged to develop their own healthy self concepts that
reflect their uniqueness in relation to themselves, their families and friends,

and with the bigger community.

9. Meet the demands of increasingly mature roles and responsibilities – it is important for

the emerging adult to acquire skills and knowledge that will provide him with meaningful

careers and jobs and to live up to the expectations regarding commitment to family,
community, and nation-building.

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10. Renegotiate relationships with adults in parenting roles – the

adolescent stage sees the movement toward independence and

autonomy. In the Philippine setting, this is not as pronounced as

with other western cultures. However, Filipino adolescents should

be able to communicate with their parents their need for a certain

degree of independence as they mature to young adulthood.

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Filipino adolescent should acquire:

1. Being courageous in standing up an being different from your


2. Developing self-esteem.

3. Being true to yourself and avoiding the tendency to please


4. Learning how media and advertising are trying to influence your

thinking and feelings.

5. Becoming aware, critical, and being involved with social issues.

6. Embracing healthy lifestyle.

7. Developing your spirituality.

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