Intelligence Knowns and Unknowns

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Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns

Article  in  American Psychologist · February 1996

DOI: 10.1037/0003-066X.51.2.77

1,816 25,845

11 authors, including:

Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. Nathan Brody

University of Minnesota Twin Cities Wesleyan University


Stephen Ceci Diane Halpern

Cornell University The Claremont Colleges


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Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns
Ulric Neisser (Chair) Emory University
Gwyneth Boodoo Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey
Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
A. Wade Boykin Howard University
Nathan Brody Wesleyan University
Stephen J. Ceci Cornell University
Diane E Halpern California State University, San Bernardino
John C. Loehlin University of Texas, Austin
Robert Perloff University of Pittsburgh
Robert J. Sternberg Yale University
Susana Urbina University of North Florida

In the fall of 1994, the publication of Herrnstein and 1. Concepts of Intelligence

Murray's book The Bell Curve sparked a new round of
Individuals differ from one another in their ability to un-
debate about the meaning of intelligence test scores and
derstand complex ideas, to adapt effectively to the envi-
the nature of intelligence. The debate was characterized
ronment, to learn from experience, to engage in various
by strong assertions as well as by strong feelings. Un-
forms of reasoning, to overcome obstacles by taking
fortunately, those assertions often revealed serious mis-
thought. Although these individual differences can be
understandings of what has (and has not) been dem-
substantial, they are never entirely consistent: A given
onstrated by scientific research in this field. Although
person's intellectual performance will vary on different
a great deal is now known, the issues remain complex
occasions, in different domains, as judged by different
and in many cases still unresolved. Another unfortunate criteria. Concepts of "intelligence" are attempts to clarify
aspect of the debate was that many participants made and organize this complex set of phenomena. Although
little effort to distinguish scientific issues from political considerable clarity has been achieved in some areas, no
ones. Research findings were often assessed not so much such conceptualization has yet answered all the important
on their merits or their scientific standing as on their questions and none commands universal assent. Indeed,
supposed political implications. In such a climate, in- when two dozen prominent theorists were recently asked
dividuals who wish to make their own judgments find to define intelligence, they gave two dozen somewhat dif-
it hard to know what to believe. ferent definitions (Sternberg & Detterman, 1986). Such
Reviewing the intelligence debate at its meeting of disagreements are not cause for dismay. Scientific research
November 1994, the Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA) of rarely begins with fully agreed definitions, though it may
the American Psychological Association (APA) concluded eventually lead to them.
that there was urgent need for an authoritative report on This first section of our report reviews the ap-
these issues--one that all sides could use as a basis for proaches to intelligence that are currently influential, or
discussion. Acting by unanimous vote, BSA established a that seem to be becoming so. Here (as in later sections)
Task Force charged with preparing such a report. Ulric much of our discussion is devoted to the dominant psy-
Neisser, Professor of Psychology at Emory University and chometric approach, which has not only inspired the most
a member of BSA, was appointed Chair. The APA Board research and attracted the most attention (up to this time)
on the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest, but is by far the most widely used in practical settings.
which was consulted extensively during this process, Nevertheless, other points of view deserve serious con-
nominated one member of the Task Force,"the Committee sideration. Several current theorists argue that there are
on Psychological Tests and Assessment nominated an-
other," a third was nominated by the Council of Represen- This is a "Report of a Task Force Established by the American Psycho-
tatives. Other members were chosen by an extended con- logical Association."
sultative process, with the aim of representing a broad The Task Force appreciates the contributions of many members
range of expertise and opinion. of the APABoard of ScientificAffairs(BSA)and the APABoard for the
Advancement of Psychologyin the Public Interest (BAPPI),who made
The Task Force met twice, in January and March of helpful commentson a preliminary draft of this report. We also wish
1995. Between and after these meetings, drafts of the var- to acknowledgethe indispensable logistical support of the APA Science
ious sections were circulated, revised, and revised yet Directorate during the preparation of the report itself.
again. Disputes were resolved by discussion. As a result, Correspondenceconcerningthe report shouldbe addressed to Ulric
Neisser, Department of Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta,
the report presented here has the unanimous support of GA 30322. Electronic mail may be sent via Internet to
the entire Task Force.

February 1996 • American Psychologist 77

Copyright 1996 by the American PsychologicalAssociation, Inc. 0003-066X/96/$2.00
Vol. 51, No. 2, 77-101
m a n y different "intelligences" (systems of abilities), only for law school, the LSAT; for business school, the GMAT.
a few of which can be captured by standard psychometric Scores on intelligence-related tests matter, and the stakes
tests. Others emphasize the role of culture, both in es- can be high.
tablishing different conceptions of intelligence and in in- Intelligence tests. Tests of intelligence itself (in
fluencing the acquisition of intellectual skills. Develop- the psychometric sense) come in many forms. Some use
mental psychologists, taking yet another direction, often only a single type of item or question; examples include
focus more on the processes by which all children come the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (a measure of chil-
to think intelligently than on measuring individual dif- dren's verbal intelligence) and Raven's Progressive Ma-
ferences among them. There is also a new interest in the trices (a nonverbal, untimed test that requires inductive
neural and biological bases of intelligence, a field of re- reasoning about perceptual patterns). Although such in-
search that seems certain to expand in the next few years. struments are useful for specific purposes, the more fa-
In this brief report, we cannot do full justice to even miliar measures of general intelligence--such as the
one such approach. Rather than trying to do so, we focus Wechsler tests and the Stanford-Binet--include m a n y dif-
here on a limited and rather specific set of questions: ferent types of items, both verbal and nonverbal. Test-
takers may be asked to give the meanings of words, to
• What are the significant conceptualizations of in- complete a series of pictures, to indicate which of several
telligence at this time? (Section 1) words does not belong with the others, and the like. Their
• What do intelligence test scores mean, what do performance can then be scored to yield several subscores
they predict, and how well do they predict it? as well as an overall score.
(Section 2) By convention, overall intelligence test scores are
• Why do individuals differ in intelligence, and es- usually converted to a scale in which the mean is 100 and
pecially in their scores on intelligence tests? Our
the standard deviation is 15. (The standard deviation is
discussion of these questions implicates both ge- a measure of the variability of the distribution of scores.)
netic factors (Section 3) and environmental factors Approximately 95% of the population has scores within
(Section 4). two standard deviations of the mean, i.e., between 70 and
• Do various ethnic groups display different patterns 130. For historical reasons, the term " I Q " is often used
of performance on intelligence tests, and if so what to describe scores on tests of intelligence. It originally
might explain those differences? (Section 5) referred to an "Intelligence Quotient" that was formed
• What significant scientific issues are presently un- by dividing a so-called mental age by a chronological age,
resolved? (Section 6) but this procedure is no longer used.
Public discussion of these issues has been especially Intercorrelations among tests. Individuals
v i g o r o u s since the 1994 publication of Herrnstein and rarely perform equally well on all the different kinds of
Murray's The Bell Curve, a controversial volume which items included in a test of intelligence. One person may
stimulated many equally controversial reviews and replies. do relatively better on verbal than on spatial items, for
Nevertheless, we do not directly enter that debate. Herrn- example, while another may show the opposite pattern.
stein and Murray (and m a n y of their critics) have gone Nevertheless, subtests measuring different abilities tend
well beyond the scientific findings, making explicit rec- to be positively correlated: people who score high on one
ommendations on various aspects of public policy. Our such subtest are likely to be above average on others as
concern here, however, is with science rather than policy. well. These complex patterns of correlation can be clar-
The charge to our Task Force was to prepare a dispas- ified by factor analysis, but the results of such analyses
sionate survey of the state of the art: to make clear what are often controversial themselves. Some theorists (e.g.,
has been scientifically established, what is presently in Spearman, 1927) have emphasized the importance of a
dispute, and what is still unknown. In fulfilling that general factor, g, which represents what all the tests have
charge, the only recommendations we shall make are for in common; others (e.g., Thurstone, 1938) focus on more
further research and calmer debate. specific group factors such as memory, verbal compre-
hension, or number facility. As we shall see in Section 2,
The Psychometric Approach one c o m m o n view today envisages something like a hi-
Ever since Alfred Binet's great success in devising tests erarchy of factors with g at the apex. But there is no full
to distinguish mentally retarded children from those with agreement on what g actually means: it has been described
behavior problems, psychometric instruments have played as a mere statistical regularity (Thomson, 1939), a kind
an important part in European and American life. Tests of mental energy (Spearman, 1927), a generalized abstract
are used for m a n y purposes, such as selection, diagnosis, reasoning ability (Gustafsson, 1984), or an index measure
and evaluation. Many of the most widely used tests are of neural processing speed (Reed & Jensen, 1992).
not intended to measure intelligence itself but some There have been m a n y disputes over the utility of
closely related construct: scholastic aptitude, school IQ and g. Some theorists are critical of the entire psy-
achievement, specific abilities, etc. Such tests are es- chometric approach (e.g., Ceci, 1990; Gardner, 1983;
pecially important for selection purposes. For preparatory Gould, 1978), while others regard it as firmly established
school, it's the SSAT; for college, the SAT or ACT; for (e.g., Carroll, 1993; Eysenck, 1973; Herrnstein & Murray,
graduate school, the GRE; for medical school, the MCAT; 1994; Jensen, 1972). The critics do not dispute the sta-

78 February 1996 • American Psychologist

bility of test scores, nor the fact that they predict certain One important form of practical intelligence is tacit
forms of achievement--especially school achievement-- knowledge, defined by Sternberg and his collaborators as
rather effectively (see Section 2). They do argue, however, "action-oriented knowledge, acquired without direct help
that to base a concept of intelligence on test scores alone from others, that allows individuals to achieve goals they
is to ignore many important aspects of mental ability. personally value" (Sternberg, Wagner, Williams, & Hor-
Some of those aspects are emphasized in other approaches vath, 1995, p. 916). Questionnaires designed to measure
reviewed below. tacit knowledge have been developed for various domains,
especially business management. In these questionnaires,
Multiple Forms of Intelligence the individual is presented with written descriptions of
various work-related situations and asked to rank a num-
Gardner's theory. A relatively new approach is ber of options for dealing with each of them. Measured
the theory of "'multiple intelligences" proposed by How- in this way, tacit knowledge is relatively independent of
ard Gardner in his book Frames of Mind (1983). Gardner scores on intelligence tests; nevertheless it correlates sig-
argues that our conceptions of intelligence should be in- nificantly with various indices of job performance (Stern-
formed not only by work with "normal" children and berg & Wagner, 1993; Sternberg et al., 1995). Although
adults but also by studies of gifted persons (including so- this work is not without its critics (Jensen, 1993; Schmidt
called "savants"), of virtuosos and experts in various do- & Hunter, 1993), the results to this point tend to support
mains, of valued abilities in diverse cultures, and of in- the distinction between analytic and practical intelligence.
dividuals who have suffered selective forms of brain Related findings. Other investigators have also
damage. These considerations have led him to include demonstrated that practical intelligence can be relatively
musical, bodily-kinesthetic, and various forms of personal independent of school performance or scores on psycho-
intelligence in the scope of his theory along with more metric tests. Brazilian street children, for example, are
familiar linguistic, logical-mathematical, and spatial quite capable of doing the math required for survival in
abilities. (Critics of the theory argue, however, that some their street business even though they have failed math-
of these are more appropriately described as special talents ematics in school (Carraher, Carraher, & Schliemann,
than as forms of "intelligence.") 1985). Similarly, women shoppers in California who had
In Gardner's view, the scope of psychometric tests no difficulty in comparing product values at the super-
includes only linguistic, logical, and some aspects of spa- market were unable to carry out the same mathematical
tial intelligence; other forms have been almost entirely operations in paper-and-pencil tests (Lave, 1988). In a
ignored. Even in the domains on which they are ostensibly study of expertise in wagering on harness races, Ceci and
focused, the paper-and-pencil format of most tests rules Liker (1986) found that the reasoning of the most skilled
out many kinds of intelligent performance that matter a handicappers was implicitly based on a complex inter-
great deal in everyday life, such as giving an extempo- active model with as many as seven variables. Neverthe-
raneous talk (linguistic) or being able to find one's way less, individual handicappers' levels of performance were
in a new town (spatial). While the stability and validity not correlated with their IQ scores. This means, as Ceci
of performance tests in these new domains are not yet as put it, that "the assessment of the experts' intelligence
clear, Gardner's argument has attracted considerable in- on a standard IQ test was irrelevant in predicting the
terest among educators as well as psychologists. complexity of their thinking at the racetrack" (1990,
Sternberg's theory. Robert Sternberg's (1985) p. 43).
triarchic theory proposes three fundamental aspects of
intelligence--analytic, creative, and practical--of which Cultural Variation
only the first is measured to any significant extent by It is very difficult to compare concepts of intelligence
mainstream tests. His investigations suggest the need for across cultures. English is not alone in having many words
a balance between analytic intelligence, on the one hand, for different aspects of intellectual power and cognitive
and creative and especially practical intelligence on the skill (wise, sensible, smart, bright, clever, cunning...);
other. The distinction between analytic (or "academic") if another language has just as many, which of them shall
and practical intelligence has also been made by others we say corresponds to its speakers' "concept of intelli-
(e.g., Neisser, 1976). Analytic problems, of the type suit- gence"? The few attempts to examine this issue directly
able for test construction, tend to (a) have been formulated have typically found that, even within a given society,
by other people, (b) be clearly defined, (c) come with all different cognitive characteristics are emphasized from
the information needed to solve them, (d) have only a one situation to another and from one subculture to an-
single right answer, which can be reached by only a single other (Serpell, 1974; Super, 1983; Wober, 1974). These
method, (e) be disembedded from ordinary experience, differences extend not just to conceptions of intelligence
and (f) have little or no intrinsic interest. Practical prob- but also to what is considered adaptive or appropriate in
lems, in contrast, tend to (a) require problem recognition a broader sense.
and formulation, (b) be poorly defined, (c) require infor- These issues have occasionally been addressed across
mation seeking, (d) have various acceptable solutions, (e) subcultures and ethnic groups in America. In a study
be embedded in and require prior everyday experience, conducted in San Jose, California, Okagaki and Sternberg
and (f) require motivation and personal involvement. (1993) asked immigrant parents from Cambodia, Mexico,

February 1996 • American Psychologist 79

the Philippines, and Vietnam--as well as native-born proximal development," i.e., the level of performance that
Anglo-Americans and Mexican Americans--about their a child might reach with appropriate help from a sup-
conceptions of child-rearing, appropriate teaching, and portive adult. Such tests are "static," measuring only the
children's intelligence. Parents from all groups except intelligence that is already fully developed. "Dynamic"
Anglo-Americans indicated that such characteristics as testing, in which the examiner provides guided and graded
motivation, social skills, and practical school skills were feedback, can go further to give some indication of the
as or more important than cognitive characteristics for child's latent potential. These ideas are being developed
their conceptions of an intelligent first-grade child. and extended by a number of contemporary psychologists
Heath (1983) found that different ethnic groups in (Brown & French, 1979; Feuerstein, 1980; Pascual-Leone
North Carolina have different conceptions of intelligence. & Ijaz, 1989).
To be considered as intelligent or adaptive, one must excel
in the skills valued by one's own group. One particularly Biological Approaches
interesting contrast was in the importance ascribed to Some investigators have recently turned to the study of
verbal versus nonverbal communication skills--to saying the brain as a basis for new ideas about what intelligence
things explicitly as opposed to using and understanding is and how to measure it. Many aspects of brain anatomy
gestures and facial expressions. Note that while both these and physiology have been suggested as potentially relevant
forms of communicative skill have their uses, they are to intelligence: the arborization of cortical neurons (Ceci,
not equally well represented in psychometric tests. 1990), cerebral glucose metabolism (Haier, 1993), evoked
How testing is done can have different effects in dif- potentials (Caryl, 1994), nerve conduction velocity (Reed
ferent cultural groups. This can happen for many reasons. & Jensen, 1992), sex hormones (see Section 4), and still
I n o n e study, Serpell (1979) asked Zambian and English others (cf. Vernon, 1993). Advances in research methods,
children to reproduce patterns in three different media: including new forms of brain imaging such as PET and
wire models, pencil and paper, or clay. The Zambian chil- MRI scans, will surely add to this list. In the not-too-
dren excelled in the wire medium to which they were distant future it may be possible to relate some aspects
most accustomed, while the English children were best of test performance to specific characteristics of brain
with pencil and paper. Both groups performed equally function.
well with clay. As this example shows, differences in fa- This brief survey has revealed a wide range of con-
miliarity with test materials can produce marked differ- temporary conceptions of intelligence and of how it
ences in test results. should be measured. The psychometric approach is the
Developmental Progressions oldest and best established, but others also have much to
contribute. We should be open to the possibility that our
Piaget's theory. The best-known developmen- understanding of intelligence in the future will be rather
tally-based conception of intelligence is certainly that of different from what it is today.
the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget (1972). Unlike most
of the theorists considered here, Piaget had relatively little 2. Intelligence Tests and Their
interest in individual differences. Intelligence develops-- Correlates
in all children--through the continually shifting balance
between the assimilation of new information into existing The correlation coefficient, r, can be computed whenever
cognitive structures and the accommodation of those the scores in a sample are paired in some way. Typically
structures themselves to the new information. To index this is because each individual is measured twice: he or
the development of intelligence in this sense, Piaget de- she takes the same test on two occasions, or takes two
vised methods that are rather different from conventional different tests, or has both a test score and some criterion
tests. To assess the understanding of "conservation," for measure such as grade point average or job performance.
example (roughly, the principle that material quantity is (In Section 3 we consider cases where the paired scores
not affected by mere changes of shape), children who are those of two different individuals, such as twins or
have watched water being poured from a shallow to a tall parent and child.) The value of r measures the degree of
beaker may be asked if there is now more water than relationship between the two sets of scores in a convenient
before. (A positive answer would suggest that the child way, by assessing how well one of them (computationally
has not yet mastered the principle of conservation.) Pia- it doesn't matter which one) could be used to predict the
get's tasks can be modified to serve as measures of indi- value of the other. Its sign indicates the direction of re-
vidual differences; when this is done, they correlate fairly lationship: when r is negative, high scores on one measure
well with standard psychometric tests (for a review see predict low scores on the other. Its magnitude indicates
Jensen, 1980). the strength of the relationship, l f r = 0, there is no relation
Vygotsky's theory. The Russian psychologist at all; if r is 1 (or - 1), one score can be used to predict
Lev Vygotsky (1978) argued that all intellectual abilities the other score perfectly. Moreover, the square of r has a
are social in origin. Language and thought first appear in particular meaning in cases where we are concerned with
early interactions with parents, and continue to develop predicting one variable from another. When r = .50, for
through contact with teachers and others. Traditional in- e x a m p l e , r 2 is .25: this means (given certain linear as-
telligence tests ignore what Vygotsky called the "zone of sumptions) that 25% of the variance in one set of scores

80 February 1996 • American Psychologist

is predictable from the correlated values of the other set, parison to that of other individuals of the same age. A
while the remaining 75% is not. six-year-old with an IQ of 100 is at the mean of six-year-
olds; an 18-year-old with that score is at the mean of 18-
Basic Characteristics of Test Scores
Stability. Intelligence test scores are fairly stable Factors and g. As noted in Section 1, the patterns
during development. When Jones and Bayley (1941) ofintercorrelation among tests (i.e., among different kinds
tested a sample of children annually throughout child- of items) are complex. Some pairs of tests are much more
hood and adolescence, for example, scores obtained at closely related than others, but all such correlations are
age 18 were correlated r = .77 with scores that had been typically positive and form what is called a "positive
obtained at age 6 and r = .89 with scores from age 12. manifold." Spearman (1927) showed that in any such
When scores were averaged across several successive tests manifold, some portion of the variance of scores on each
to remove short-term fluctuations, the correlations were test can be mathematically attributed to a "general fac-
even higher. The mean for ages 17 and 18 was correlated tor," or g. Given this analysis, the overall pattern of cor-
r = .86 with the mean for ages 5, 6, and 7, and r = .96 relations can be roughly described as produced by indi-
with the mean for ages 11, 12, and 13. (For comparable vidual differences in g plus differences in the specific abil-
findings in a more recent study, see Moffitt, Caspi, Hark- ities sampled by particular tests. In addition, however,
ness, & Silva, 1993.) Nevertheless, IQ scores do change there are usually patterns of intercorrelation among
over time. In the same study (Jones & Bayley, 1941), the groups of tests. These commonalities, which played only
average change between age 12 and age 17 was 7.1 IQ a small role in Spearman's analysis, were emphasized by
points; some individuals changed as much as 18 points. other theorists. Thurstone (1938), for example, proposed
Is it possible to measure the intelligence of young an analysis based primarily on the concept of group
infants in a similar way? Conventional tests of "infant factors.
intelligence" do not predict later test scores very well, but While some psychologists today still regard g as the
certain experimental measures of infant attention and most fundamental measure of intelligence (e.g., Jensen,
memory--originally developed for other purposes--have 1980), others prefer to emphasize the distinctive profile
turned out to be more successful. In the most c o m m o n of strengths and weaknesses present in each person's per-
procedure, a particular visual pattern is shown to a baby formance. A recently published review identifies over 70
over and over again. The experimenter records how long different abilities that can be distinguished by currently
the infant subject looks at the pattern on each trial; these available tests (Carroll, 1993). One way to represent this
looks get shorter and shorter as the baby becomes "ha- structure is in terms of a hierarchical arrangement with
bituated" to it. The time required to reach a certain level a general intelligence factor at the apex and various more
of habituation, or the extent to which the baby now "pre- specialized abilities arrayed below it. Such a s u m m a r y
fers" (looks longer at) a new pattern, is regarded as a merely acknowledges that performance levels on different
measure of some aspect of his or her information-pro- tests are correlated; it is consistent with, but does not
cessing capability. prove, the hypothesis that a c o m m o n factor such as g
These habituation-based measures, obtained from underlies those correlations. Different specialized abilities
babies at ages ranging from three months to a year, are might also be correlated for other reasons, such as the
significantly correlated with the intelligence test scores of effects of education. Thus while the g-based factor hier-
the same children when they get to be 2 or 4 or 6 years archy is the most widely accepted current view of the
old (for reviews see Bornstein, 1989; Columbo, 1993; structure of abilities, some theorists regard it as misleading
McCall & Garriger, 1993). A few studies have found such (Ceci, 1990). Moreover, as noted in Section 1, a wide
correlations even at ages 8 or I 1 (Rose & Feldman, 1995). range of h u m a n abilities--including m a n y that seem to
A recent meta-analysis, based on 31 different samples, have intellectual c o m p o n e n t s m a r e outside the domain
estimates the average magnitude of the correlations at of standard psychometric tests.
about r = .36 (McCall & Garriger, 1993). (The largest rs
often appear in samples that include "at risk" infants.) Tests as Predictors
It is possible that these habituation scores (and other sim-
ilar measures of infant cognition) do indeed reflect real School performance. Intelligence tests were
cognitive differences, perhaps in "speed of information originally devised by Alfred Binet to measure children's
processing" (Columbo, 1993). It is also possible, however, ability to succeed in school. They do in fact predict school
t h a t - - t o a presently unknown e x t e n t - - t h e y reflect early performance fairly well: the correlation between IQ scores
differences in temperament or inhibition. and grades is about .50. They also predict scores on school
It is important to understand what remains stable achievement tests, designed to measure knowledge of the
and what changes in the development of intelligence. A curriculum. Note, however, that correlations of this mag-
child whose IQ score remains the same from age 6 to age nitude account for only about 25% of the overall variance.
18 does not exhibit the same performance throughout Successful school learning depends on m a n y personal
that period. On the contrary, steady gains in general characteristics other than intelligence, such as persistence,
knowledge, vocabulary, reasoning ability, etc. will be ap- interest in school, and willingness to study. The encour-
parent. What does n o t change is his or her score in com- agement for academic achievement that is received from

February 1996 • American Psychologist 81

peers, family, and teachers may also be important, to- smaller extent, even income (Herrnstein & Murray, 1994;
gether with more general cultural factors (see Section 5). Jencks, 1979). Moreover, m a n y occupations can only be
The relationship between test scores and school per- entered through professional schools which base their ad-
formance seems to be ubiquitous. Wherever it has been missions at least partly on test scores: the MCAT, the
studied, children with high scores on tests of intelligence GMAT, the LSAT, etc. Individual scores on admission-
tend to learn more of what is taught in school than their related tests such as these are certainly correlated with
lower-scoring peers. There may be styles of teaching and scores on tests of intelligence.
methods of instruction that will decrease or increase this Social status and income. How well do IQ scores
correlation, but none that consistently eliminates it has (which can be obtained before individuals enter the labor
yet been found (Cronbach & Snow, 1977). force) predict such outcome measures as the social status
What children learn in school depends not only on or income of adults? This question is complex, in part be-
their individual abilities but also on teaching practices cause another variable also predicts such outcomes: namely,
and on what is actually taught. Recent comparisons the socioeconomic status (SES) of one's parents. Unsur-
among pupils attending school in different countries have prisingly, children of privileged families are more likely to
made this especially obvious. Children in Japan and attain high social status than those whose parents are poor
China, for example, know a great deal more math than and less educated. These two predictors (IQ and parental
American children even though their intelligence test SES) are by no means independent of one another; the cor-
scores are quite similar (see Section 5). This difference relation between them is around .33 (White, 1982).
may result from many factors, including cultural attitudes One way to look at these relationships is to begin
toward schooling as well as the sheer amount of time with SES. According to Jencks (1979), measures of pa-
devoted to the study of mathematics and how that study rental SES predict about one-third of the variance in
is organized (Stevenson & Stigler, 1992). In principle it young adults' social status and about one-fifth of the vari-
is quite possible to improve the school learning of Amer- ance in their income. About half of this predictive effec-
ican children--even very substantially--without changing tiveness depends on the fact that the SES of parents also
their intelligence test scores at all. predicts children's intelligence test scores, which have
Years of education. Some children stay in school their own predictive value for social outcomes; the other
longer than others; many go on to college and perhaps half comes about in other ways.
beyond. Two variables that can be measured as early as We can also begin with IQ scores, which by them-
elementary school correlate with the total amount of ed- selves account for about one-fourth of the social status
ucation individuals will obtain: test scores and social class variance and one-sixth of the income variance. Statistical
background. Correlations between IQ scores and total controls for parental SES eliminate only about a quarter
years of education are about. 55, implying that differences of this predictive power. One way to conceptualize this
in psychometric intelligence account for about 30% of effect is by comparing the occupational status (or income)
the outcome variance. The correlations of years of edu- of adult brothers who grew up in the same family and
cation with social class background (as indexed by the hence have the same parental SES. In such cases, the
occupation/education of a child's parents) are also pos- brother with the higher adolescent IQ score is likely to
itive, but somewhat lower. have the higher adult social status and income (Jencks,
There are a number of reasons why children with 1979). This effect, in turn, is substantially mediated by
higher test scores tend to get more education. They are education: the brother with the higher test scores is likely
likely to get good grades, and to be encouraged by teachers to get more schooling, and hence to be better credenfialled
and counselors; often they are placed in "college prepa- as he enters the workplace.
ratory" classes, where they make friends who may also Do these data imply that psychometric intelligence
encourage them. In general, they are likely to find the is a major determinant of social status or income? That
process of education rewarding in a way that m a n y low- depends on what one means by "major." In fact, indi-
scoring children do not (Rehberg & Rosenthal, 1978). viduals who have the same test scores may differ widely
These influences are not omnipotent: some high scoring in occupational status and even more widely in income.
children do drop out of school. Many personal and social Consider for a m o m e n t the distribution of occupational
characteristics other than psychometric intelligence de- status scores for all individuals in a population, and then
termine academic success and interest, and social privilege consider the conditional distribution of such scores for
may also play a role. Nevertheless, test scores are the best just those individuals who test at some given IQ. Jencks
single predictor of an individual's years of education. (1979) notes that the standard deviation of the latter dis-
In contemporary American society, the amount of tribution may still be quite large; in some cases it amounts
schooling that adults complete is also somewhat predictive to about 88% of the standard deviation for the entire pop-
of their social status. Occupations considered high in ulation. Viewed from this perspective, psychometric in-
prestige (e.g., law, medicine, even corporate business) telligence appears as only one of a great m a n y factors that
usually require at least a college degree-- 16 or more years influence social outcomes.
of education--as a condition of entry. It is partly because Job performance. Scores on intelligence tests
intelligence test scores predict years of education so well predict various measures of job performance: supervisor
that they also predict occupational status--and, to a ratings, work samples, etc. Such correlations, which typ-

82 February 1996 • American Psychologist

ically lie between r = .30 and r = .50, are partly restricted of interest in response time and other chronometric mea-
by the limited reliability of those measures themselves. sures of cognition. Many of the new cognitive paradigms
They become higher when r is statistically corrected for required subjects to make same/different judgments or
this unreliability: in one survey of relevant studies other speeded responses to visual displays. Although those
(Hunter, 1983), the mean of the corrected correlations paradigms had not been devised with individual differ-
was .54. This implies that, across a wide range of occu- ences in mind, they could be interpreted as providing
pations, intelligence test performance accounts for some measures of the speed of certain information processes.
29% of the variance in job performance. Those speeds turned out to correlate with psychometri-
Although these correlations can sometimes be mod- cally-measured verbal ability (Hunt, 1978; Jackson &
ified by changing methods of training or aspects of the McClelland, 1979). In some problem solving tasks, it was
job itself, intelligence test scores are at least weakly related possible to analyze the subjects' overall response times
to job performance in most settings. Sometimes IQ scores into theoretically motivated "cognitive components"
are described as the "best available predictor" of that (Sternberg, 1977); component times could then be cor-
performance. It is worth noting, however, that such tests related with test scores in their own right.
predict considerably less than half the variance of job- Although the size of these correlations is modest
related measures. Other individual characteristics--in- (seldom accounting for more than 10% of the variance),
terpersonal skills, aspects of personality, etc.--are prob- they do increase as the basic tasks were made more com-
ably of equal or greater importance, but at this point we plex by requiring increased memory or attentional ca-
do not have equally reliable instruments to measure them. pacity. For instance, the correlation between paired as-
Social outcomes. Psychometric intelligence is sociate learning and intelligence increases as the pairs are
negatively correlated with certain socially undesirable presented at faster rates (Christal, Tirre, & Kyllorien,
outcomes. For example, children with high test scores are 1984).
less likely than lower-scoring children to engage in juvenile Choice reaction time. In another popular cog-
crime. In one study, Moffitt, Gabrielli, Mednick, and nitive paradigm, the subject simply moves his or her finger
Schulsinger ( 1981) found a correlation of - . 19 between from a " h o m e " button to one of eight other buttons ar-
IQ scores and.number of juvenile offenses in a large Dan- ranged in a semicircle around it; these are marked by
ish sample; with social class controlled, the correlation small lights that indicate which one is the target on a
dropped to - . 17. The correlations for most "negative given trial (Jensen, 1987). Various aspects of the choice
outcome" variables are typically smaller than .20, which reaction times obtained in this paradigm are correlated
means that test scores are associated with less than 4% with scores on intelligence tests, sometimes with values
of their total variance. It is important to realize that the of r as high as - . 3 0 or - . 4 0 (r is negative because higher
causal links between psychometric ability and social out- test scores go with shorter times). Nevertheless, it has
comes may be indirect. Children who are unsuccessful proved difficult to make theoretical sense of the overall
i n - - a n d hence alienated from--school may be more pattern of correlations, and the results are still hard to
likely to engage in delinquent behaviors for that very rea- interpret (cf. Brody, 1992; Longstreth, 1984).
son, compared to other children who enjoy school and Somewhat stronger results have been obtained in a
are doing well. variant of Jensen's paradigm devised by Frearson and
In summary, intelligence test scores predict a wide Eysenck (1986). In this "odd-man-out" procedure, three
range of social outcomes with varying degrees of success. of the eight lights are illuminated on each trial. Two of
Correlations are highest for school achievement, where these are relatively close to each other while the third is
they account for about a quarter of the variance. They more distant; the subject must press the button corre-
are somewhat lower for job performance, and very low sponding to the more isolated stimulus. Response times
for negatively valued outcomes such as criminality. In in this task show higher correlations with IQ scores than
general, intelligence tests measure only some of the many those in Jensen's original procedure, perhaps because it
personal characteristics that are relevant to life in con- requires more complex forms of spatial judgment.
temporary America. Those characteristics are never the Inspection time. Another paradigm for measur-
only influence on outcomes, though in the case of school ing processing speed, devised to be relatively independent
performance they may well be the strongest. of response factors, is the method of "inspection time"
(IT). In the standard version of this paradigm (Nettelbeck,
Test Scores and Measures of Processing Speed 1987; Vickers, Nettelbeck & Wilson, 1972), two vertical
Many recent studies show that the speeds with which lines are shown very briefly on each trial, followed by a
people perform very simple perceptual and cognitive tasks pattern mask; the subject must judge which line was
are correlated with psychometric intelligence (for reviews shorter. For a given subject, IT is defined as the minimum
see Ceci, 1990; Deary, 1995; Vernon, 1987). In general, exposure duration (up to the onset of the mask) for which
people with higher intelligence test scores tend to appre- the lines must be displayed if he or she is to meet a pre-
hend, scan, retrieve, and respond to stimuli more quickly established criterion of accuracy--e.g., nine correct trials
than those who score lower. out of ten.
Cognitive correlates. The modem study of these Inspection times defined in this way are consistently
relations began in the 1970s, as part of the general growth correlated with measures of psychometric intelligence. In

February 1996 • American Psychologist 83

a recent meta-analysis, Kranzler and Jensen (1989) re- cesses, such correlations are only to be expected. In fact,
ported an overall correlation o f - . 3 0 between IQ scores however, the observed patterns of correlation are rarely
and IT; this rose to -.55 when corrected for measurement as simple as this hypothesis would predict. Moreover, it
error and attenuation. More recent findings confirm this is quite possible that high- and low-IQ individuals differ
general result (e.g., Bates & Eysenck, 1993; Deary, 1993). in other ways that affect speeded performance (cf. Ceci,
IT usually correlates best with performance subtests of 1990). Those variables include motivation, response cri-
intelligence; its correlation with verbal intelligence is teria (emphasis on speed vs. accuracy), perceptual strat-
usually weaker and sometimes zero. egies (cf. Mackenzie et al., 1991), attentional strategies,
One apparent advantage of IT over other chrono- a n d - - i n some caseskdifferential familiarity with the
metric methods is that the task itself seems particularly material itself. Finally, we do not yet know the direction
simple. At first glance, it is hard to imagine that any dif- of causation that underlies such correlations. Do high
ferences in response strategies or stimulus familiarity levels of "neural efficiency" promote the development of
could affect the outcome. Nevertheless, it seems that they intelligence, or do more intelligent people simply find
do. Brian Mackenzie and his colleagues (e.g., Mackenzie, faster ways to carry out perceptual tasks? Or both? These
Molloy, Martin, Lovegrove, & McNicol, 1991) discovered questions are still open.
that some subjects use apparent-movement cues in the
basic IT task while others do not; only in the latter group 3. The Genes and Intelligence
is IT correlated with intelligence test scores. Moreover, In this section of the report we first discuss individual
standard IT paradigms require an essentially spatial differences generally, without reference to any particular
judgment; it is not surprising, then, that they correlate trait. We then focus on intelligence, as measured by con-
with intelligence tests which emphasize spatial ability. ventional IQ tests or other tests intended to measure
With this in mind, Mackenzie et al. (1991) devised a ver- general cognitive ability. The different and more con-
balinspection time task based on Posner's classical same- troversial topic of group differences will be considered
letter/different-letter paradigm (Posner, Boies, Eichetman, in Section 5.
& Taylor, 1969). As predicted, the resulting ITs correlated We focus here on the relative contributions of genes
with verbal but not with spatial intelligence. It is clear and environments to individual differences in particular
that the apparently simple IT task actually involves com- traits. To avoid misunderstanding, it must be emphasized
plex modes of information processing (cf. Chaiken, 1993) from the outset that gene action always involves an en-
that are as yet poorly understood. v i r o n m e n t - a t least a biochemical environment, and of-
Neurological measures. Recent research has ten an ecological one. (For humans, that ecology is usually
begun to explore what seem to be still more direct indices interpersonal or cultural.) Thus all genetic effects on the
of neural processing. Reed and Jensen (1992) have used development of observable traits are potentially modifi-
measures based on visual evoked potentials (VEP) to as- able by environmental input, though the practicability of
sess what they call "nerve conduction velocity" (NCV). making such modifications may be another matter. Con-
To estimate that velocity, distance is divided by time: each versely, all environmental effects on trait development in-
subject's head length (a rough measure of the distance volve the genes or structures to which the genes have
from the eye to the primary visual cortex) is divided by contributed. Thus there is always a genetic aspect to the
the latency of an early component (N70 or P 100) of his effects of the environment (cf. Plomin & Bergeman, 1991).
or her evoked potential pattern. In a study with 147 col-
Sources of Individual Differences
lege-student subjects, these NCVs correlated r = .26 with
scores on an unspeeded test of intelligence. (A statistical Partitioning the variation. Individuals differ
correction for the restricted range of subjects raised the from one another on a wide variety of traits: familiar
correlation to .37.) Other researchers have also reported examples include height, intelligence, and aspects of per-
correlations between VEP parameters and intelligence test sonality. Those differences are often of considerable social
scores (Caryl, 1994). Interestingly, however, Reed and importance. Many interesting questions can be asked
Jensen (1993) reported that their estimates of "nerve about their nature and origins. One such question is the
conduction velocity" were not correlated with the same extent to which they reflect differences among the genes
subjects' choice reaction times. Thus while we do not yet of the individuals involved, as distinguished from differ-
understand the basis of the correlation between NCV and ences among the environments to which those individuals
psychometric intelligence, it is apparently not just a mat- have been exposed. The issue here is not whether genes
ter of overall speed. and environments are both essential for the development
Problems of interpretation. Some researchers of a given trait (this is always the case), and it is not about
believe that psychometric intelligence, especially g, de- the genes or environment of any particular person. We
pends directly on what may be called the "neural effi- are concerned only with the observed variation of the
ciency" of the brain (Eysenck, 1986; Vernon, 1987). They trait across individuals in a given population. A figure
regard the observed correlations between test scores and called the "heritability" (h 2) of the trait represents the
measures of processing speed as evidence for their view. proportion of that variation that is associated with genetic
If choice reaction times, inspection times, and VEP la- differences among the individuals. The remaining vari-
tencies actually do reflect the speed of basic neural pro- ation ( 1 - h 2) is associated with environmental differences

84 February 1996 • American Psychologist

and with errors of measurement. These proportions can involving both nature and society is the study of mono-
be estimated by various methods described below. zygotic twins who have been reared apart (Bouchard,
Sometimes special interest attaches to those aspects Lykken, McGue, Segal, & TeUegen, 1990; Pedersen,
of environments that family members have in common Plomin, Nesselroade, & McClearn, 1992). Relationships
(for example, characteristics of the home). The part of in the families of monozygotic twins also offer unique
the variation that derives from this source, called "shared" possibilities for analysis (e.g., R. J. Rose, Harris, Christian,
variation or c~, can also be estimated. Still more refined & Nance, 1979). Because these comparisons are subject
estimates can be made: c 2 is sometimes subdivided into to different sources of potential error, the results of studies
several kinds of shared variation; h 2 is sometimes sub- involving several kinds of kinship are often analyzed to-
divided into so-called "additive" and "nonadditive" por- gether to arrive at robust overall conclusions. (For general
tions (the part that is transmissible from parent to child discussions of behavior genetic methods, see Plomin,
vs. the part expressed anew in each generation by a unique DeFries, & McClearn, 1990, or Hay, 1985.)
patterning of genes.) Variation associated with correla-
tions and statistical interactions between genes and en-
Results for IQ Scores
vironments may also be identifiable. In theory, any of the Parameter estimates. Across the ordinary range
above estimates may vary with the age of the individuals of environments in modern Western societies, a sizable
involved. part of the variation in intelligence test scores is associated
A high heritability does not mean that the environ- with genetic differences among individuals. Quantitative
ment has no impact on the development of a trait, or that estimates vary from one study to another, because many
learning is not involved. Vocabulary size, for example, is are based on small or selective samples. If one simply
very substantially heritable (and highly correlated with combines all available correlations in a single analysis,
general psychometric intelligence) although every word the heritability (h 2) works out to about .50 and the be-
in an individual's vocabulary is learned. In a society in tween-family variance (c 2) to about .25 (e.g., Chipuer,
which plenty of words are available in everyone's envi- Rovine, & Plomin, 1990; Loehlin, 1989). These overall
r o n m e n t - e s p e c i a l l y for individuals who are motivated figures are misleading, however, because most of the rel-
to seek them o u t - - t h e number of words that individuals evant studies have been done with children. We now know
actually learn depends to a considerable extent on their that the heritability of IQ changes with age: h 2 goes up
genetic predispositions. and c 2 goes down from infancy to adulthood (McCartney,
Behavior geneticists have often emphasized the fact Harris, & Bernieri, 1990; McGue, Bouchard, Iacono, &
that individuals can be active in creating or selecting their Lykken, 1993). In childhood h 2 and c 2 for IQ are of the
own environments. Some describe this process as active order of .45 and .35; by late adolescence h 2 is around .75
or reactive genotype-environment correlation (Plomin, and c 2 is quite low (zero in some studies). Substantial
DeFries, & Loehlin, 1977). (The distinction is between environmental variance remains, but it primarily reflects
the action of the organism in selecting its own environ- within-family rather than between-family differences.
ment and the reaction of others to its gene-based traits.) These adult parameter estimates are based on a
Others suggest that these forms of gene-environment re- number of independent studies. The correlation between
lationship are typical of the way that genes are normally MZ twins reared apart, which directly estimates h2,
expressed, and simply include them as part ofthe genetic ranged from .68 to .78 in five studies involving adult sam-
effect (Roberts, 1967). This is a matter of terminological pies from Europe and the United States (McGue et al.,
preference, not a dispute about facts. 1993). The correlation between unrelated children reared
H o w genetic estimates a r e m a d e . Estimates together in adoptive families, which directly estimates c 2,
of the magnitudes of these sources of individual differ- was approximately zero for adolescents in two adoption
ences are made by exploiting natural and social "exper- studies (Loehlin, Horn, & Willerman, 1989; Scarr &
iments" that combine genotypes and environments in Weinberg, 1978) and. 19 in a third (the Minnesota trans-
informative ways. Monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) racial adoption study: Scarr, Weinberg, & Waldman,
twins, for example, can be regarded as experiments of 1993).
nature. MZ twins are paired individuals of the same age These particular estimates derive from samples in
growing up in the same family who have all their genes which the lowest socioeconomic levels were under-rep-
in common; DZ twins are otherwise similar pairs who resented (i.e., there were few very poor families), so the
have only half their genes in common. Adoptions, in con- range of between-family differences was smaller than in
trast, are experiments of society. They allow one to com- the population as a whole. This means that we should be
pare genetically unrelated persons who are growing up cautious in generalizing the findings for between-family
in the same family as well as genetically related persons effects across the entire social spectrum. The samples were
who are growing up in different families. They can also also mostly White, but available data suggest that twin
provide information about genotype-environment cor- and sibling correlations in African American and similarly
relations: in ordinary families genes and environments selected White samples are more often comparable than
are correlated because the same parents provide both, not (Loehlin, Lindzey, & Spuhler, 1975).
whereas in adoptive families one set of parents provides Why should individual differences in intelligence (as
the genes and another the environment. An experiment measured by test scores) reflect genetic differences more

February 1996 • American Psychologist 85

strongly in adults than they do in children? One possibility affected every m e m b e r of a subgroup equally might alter
is that as individuals grow older their transactions with the group's mean without affecting heritabilities at all.
their environments are increasingly influenced by the Where the heritability of IQ is concerned, it has
characteristics that they bring to those environments sometimes seemed as if the findings based on differences
themselves, decreasingly by the conditions imposed by between group means were in contradiction with those
family life and social origins. Older persons are in a better based on correlations. For example, children adopted in
position to select their own effective environments, a form infancy into advantaged families tend to have higher IQs
of genotype-environment correlation. In any case the in childhood than would have been expected if they had
popular view that genetic influences on the development been reared by their birth mothers; this is a mean differ-
of a trait are essentially frozen at conception while the ence implicating the environment. Yet at the same time
effects of the early environment cumulate inexorably is their individual resemblance to their birth mothers per-
quite misleading, at least for the trait of psychometric sists, and this correlation is most plausibly interpreted in
intelligence. genetic terms. There is no real contradiction: the two
Implications. Estimates of h 2 and c 2 for IQ (or findings simply call attention to different aspects of the
any other trait) are descriptive statistics for the populations same phenomenon. A sensible account must include both
studied. (In this respect they are like means and standard aspects: there is only a single developmental process, and
deviations.) They are outcome measures, summarizing it occurs in individuals. By looking at means or corre-
the results of a great m a n y diverse, intricate, individually lations one learns somewhat different but compatible
variable events and processes, but they can nevertheless things about the genetic and environmental contributions
be quite useful. They can tell us how much of the variation to that process (Turkheimer, 1991).
in a given trait the genes and family environments explain, As far as behavior genetic methods are concerned,
and changes in them place some constraints on theories there is nothing unique about psychometric intelligence
of how this occurs. On the other hand they have little to relative to other traits or abilities. Any reliably measured
say about specific mechanisms, i.e., about how genetic trait can be analyzed by these methods, and m a n y traits
and environmental differences get translated into indi- including personality and attitudes have been. The meth-
vidual physiological and psychological differences. Many ods are neutral with regard to genetic and environmental
psychologists and neuroscientists are actively studying sources of variance: if individual differences on a trait
such processes; data on heritabilities may give them ideas are entirely due to environmental factors, the analysis
about what to look for and where or when to look for it. will reveal this. These methods have shown that genes
A c o m m o n error is to assume that because some- contribute substantially to individual differences in in-
thing is heritable it is necessarily unchangeable. This is telligence test performance, and that their role seems to
wrong. Heritability does not imply immutability. As pre- increase from infancy to adulthood. They have also shown
viously noted, heritable traits can depend on learning, that variations in the unique environments of individuals
and they may be subject to other environmental effects are important, and that between-family variation con-
as well. The value of h 2 can change if the distribution of tributes significantly to observed differences in IQ scores
environments (or genes) in the population is substantially in childhood although this effect diminishes later on. All
altered. On the other hand, there can be effective envi- these conclusions are wholly consistent with the notion
ronmental changes that do not change heritability at all. that both genes and environment, in complex inter-
If the environment relevant to a given trait improves in play, are essential to the development of intellectual
a way that affects all members of the population equally, competence.
the mean value of the trait will rise without any change
in its heritability (because the differences among individ- 4. Environmental Effects an Intelligence
uals in the population will stay the same). This has evi- The "environment" includes a wide range of influences
dently happened for height: the heritability of stature is on intelligence. Some of those variables affect whole pop-
high, but average heights continue to increase (Olivier, ulations, while others contribute to individual differences
1980). Something of the sort may also be taking place for within a given group. Some of them are social, some are
IQ scores--the so-called "Flynn effect" discussed in Sec- biological; at this point some are still mysterious. It may
tion 4. also happen that the proper interpretation of an environ-
In theory, different subgroups of a population might mental variable requires the simultaneous consideration
have different distributions of environments or genes and of genetic effects. Nevertheless, a good deal of solid in-
hence different values of h 2. This seems not to be the case formation is available.
for high and low IQ levels, for which adult heritabilities
appear to be much the same (Saudino, Plomin, Pedersen,
Social Variables
& McClearn, 1994). It is also possible that an impover- It is obvious that the cultural e n v i r o n m e n t - - h o w people
ished or suppressive environment could fail to support live, what they value, what they d o - - h a s a significant
the development of a trait, and hence restrict individual effect on the intellectual skills developed by individuals.
variation. This could affect estimates of h 2, c 2, or both, Rice farmers in Liberia are good at estimating quantities
depending on the details of the process. Again (as in the of rice (Gay & Cole, 1967); children in Botswana, accus-
case of whole populations), an environmental factor that tomed to story-telling, have excellent memories for stories

86 February 1996 • American Psychologist

(Dube, 1982). Both these groups were far ahead of Amer- from farm to city--cannot be completely excluded as
ican controls on the tasks in question. On the other hand contributing factors.)
Americans and other Westernized groups typically out- Schooling. Attendance at school is both a depen-
perform members of traditional societies on psychometric dent and an independent variable in relation to intelli-
tests, even those designed to be "culture-fair." gence. On the one hand, children with higher test scores
Cultures typically differ from one another in so many are less likely to drop out and more likely to be promoted
ways that particular differences can rarely be ascribed to from grade to grade and then to attend college. Thus the
single causes. Even comparisons between subpopulations number of years of education that adults complete is
can be difficult to interpret. If we find that middle-class roughly predictable from their childhood scores on in-
and poor Americans differ in their scores on intelligence telligence tests. On the other hand, schooling itself changes
tests, it is easy to suppose that the environmental differ- mental abilities, including those abilities measured on
ence has caused the IQ difference (i.e., that growing up psychometric tests. This is obvious for tests like the SAT
in the middle class produces higher psychometric intel- that are explicitly designed to assess school learning, but
ligence than growing up poor). But there may also be an it is almost equally true of intelligence tests themselves.
opposite direction of causation: individuals can come to The evidence for the effect of schooling on intelli-
be in one environment or another because of differences gence test scores takes many forms (Ceci, 1991). When
in their own abilities. Waller (1971) has shown, for ex- children of nearly the same age go through school a year
ample, that adult sons whose IQ scores are above those apart (because of birthday-related admission criteria),
of their fathers tend to have higher social-class status than those who have been in school longer have higher mean
those fathers; conversely, sons with IQ scores below their scores. Children who attend school intermittently score
fathers' tend to have lower social-class status. Since all below those who go regularly, and test performance tends
the subjects grew up with their fathers, the IQ differences to drop over the summer vacation. A striking demon-
in this study cannot have resulted from class-related dif- stration of this effect appeared when the schools in one
ferences in childhood experience. Rather, those differences Virginia county closed for several years in the 1960s to
(or other factors correlated with them) seem to have had avoid integration, leaving most Black children with no
an influence on the status that they achieved. Such a result formal education at all. Compared to controls, the intel-
is not surprising, given the relation between test scores ligence-test scores of these children dropped by about 0.4
and years of education reviewed in Section 2. standard deviations (6 points) per missed year of school
Occupation. In Section 2 we noted that intelli- (Green, Hoffman, Morse, Hayes, & Morgan, 1964).
gence test scores predict occupational level, not only be- Schools affect intelligence in several ways, most ob-
cause some occupations require more intelligence than viously by transmitting information. The answers to
others but also because admission to many professions questions like "Who wrote Hamlet?" and "What is the
depends on test scores in the first place. There can also boiling point of water?" are typically learned in school,
be an effect in the opposite direction, i.e., workplaces may where some pupils learn them more easily and thoroughly
affect the intelligence of those who work in them. Kohn than others. Perhaps at least as important are certain gen-
and Schooler (1973), who interviewed some 3,000 men eral skills and attitudes: systematic problem-solving, ab-
in various occupations (farmers, managers, machinists, stract thinking, categorization, sustained attention to
porters, etc.), argued that more "complex" jobs produce material of little intrinsic interest, and repeated mani-
more "intellectual flexibility" in the individuals who hold pulation of basic symbols and operations. There is no
them. Although the issue of direction of effects was not doubt that schools promote and permit the development
fully resolved in their s t u d y - - a n d perhaps not even in its of significant intellectual skills, which develop to different
longitudinal follow-up (Kohn & Scho01er, 1983)--this extents in different children. It is because tests of intel-
remains a plausible suggestion. ligence draw on many of those same skills that they predict
Among other things, Kohn and Schooler's hypothesis school achievement as well as they do.
may help us understand urban/rural differences. A gen- To achieve these results, the school experience must
eration ago these were substantial in the United States, meet at least some minimum standard of quality. In very
averaging about 6 IQ points or 0.4 standard deviations poor schools, children may learn so little that they fall
(Terman & Merrill, 1937; Seashore, Wesman, & Doppelt, farther behind the national IQ norms for every year of
1950). In recent years the difference has declined to about attendance. When this happens, older siblings have sys-
2 points (Kaufman & Doppelt, 1976; Reynolds, Chastain, tematically lower scores than their younger counterparts.
Kaufman, & McLean, 1987). In all likelihood this urban/ This pattern of scores appeared in at least one rural
rural convergence primarily reflects environmental Georgia school system in the 1970s (Jensen, 1977). Before
changes: a decrease in rural isolation (due to increased desegregation, it must have been characteristic of many
travel and mass communications), an improvement in of the schools attended by Black pupils in the South. In
rural schools, the greater use of technology on farms. All a study based on Black children who had moved to Phil-
these changes can be regarded as increasing the "com- adelphia at various ages during this period, Lee (1951)
plexity" of the rural environment in general or of farm found that their IQ scores went up more than halfa point
work in particular. (However, processes with a genetic for each year that they were enrolled in the Philadelphia
component--e.g., changes in the selectivity of migration system.

February 1996 • American Psychologist 87

Interventions. Intelligence test scores reflect a IQ scores, but such correlations may be mediated by ge-
child's standing relative to others in his or her age cohort. netic as well as (or instead of) environmental factors.
Very poor or interrupted schooling can lower that standing Behavior geneticists frame such issues in quantitative
substantially; are there also ways to raise it? In fact many terms. As noted in Section 3, environmental factors cer-
interventions have been shown to raise test scores and tainly contribute to the overall variance of psychometric
mental ability "in the short r u n " (i.e., while the program intelligence. But how much of that variance results from
itself was in progress), but long-run gains have proved differences between families, as contrasted with the vary-
more elusive. One noteworthy example of(at least short- ing experiences of different children in the same family?
run) success was the Venezuelan Intelligence Project Between-family differences create what is called "shared
(Herrnstein, Nickerson, de Sanchez, & Swets, 1986), in variance" or c 2 (all children in a family share the same
which hundreds of seventh-grade children from under- home and the same parents). Recent twin and adoption
privileged backgrounds in that country were exposed to studies suggest that while the value of c 2 (for IQ scores)
an extensive, theoretically-based curriculum focused on is substantial in early childhood, it becomes quite small
thinking skills. The intervention produced substantial by late adolescence.
gains on a wide range of tests, but there has been no These findings suggest that differences in the life
follow-up. styles of families--whatever their importance may be for
Children who participate in "Head Start" and sim- many aspects of children's lives--make little long-term
ilar programs are exposed to various school-related ma- difference for the skills measured by intelligence tests. We
terials and experiences for one or two years. Their test should note, however, that low-income and non-White
scores often go up during the course of the program, but families are poorly represented in existing adoption stud-
these gains fade with time. By the end of elementary ies as well as in most twin samples. Thus it is not yet
school, there are usually no significant IQ or achievement- clear whether these surprisingly small values of (adoles-
test differences between children who have been in such cent) c 2 apply to the population as a whole. It remains
programs and controls who have not. There may, however, possible that, across the full range of income and ethnicity,
be other differences. Follow-up studies suggest that chil- between-family differences have more lasting conse-
dren who participated in such programs as preschoolers quences for psychometric intelligence.
are less likely to be assigned to special education, less
Biological Variables
likely to be held back in grade, and more l~ely to finish
high school than matched controls (Consortium for Lon- Every individual has a biological as well as a social en-
gitudinal Studies, 1983; Darlington, 1986; but see Lo- vironment, one that begins in the womb and extends
curto, 1991). throughout life. Many aspects of that environment can
More extensive interventions might be expected to affect intellectual development. We now know that a
produce larger and more lasting effects, but few such pro- number of biological factors--malnutrition, exposure to
grams have been evaluated systematically. One of the toxic substances, various prenatal and perinatal stress-
more successful is the Carolina Abecedarian Project ors--result in lowered psychometric intelligence under
(Campbell & Ramey, 1994), which provided a group of at least some conditions.
children with enriched environments from early infancy Nutrition. There has been only one major study
through preschool and also maintained appropriate con- of the effects of prenatal malnutrition (i.e., malnutrition
trols. The test scores of the enrichment-group children of the mother during pregnancy) on long-term intellectual
were already higher than those of controls at age two; development. Stein, Susser, Saenger, and Marolla (1975)
they were still some 5 points higher at age 12, seven years analyzed the test scores of Dutch 19-year-old males in
after the end of the intervention. Importantly, the en- relation to a wartime famine that had occurred in the
richment group also outperformed the controls in aca- winter of 1944-45, just before their birth. In this very
demic achievement. large sample (made possible by a universal military in-
Family environment. No one doubts that normal duction requirement), exposure to the famine had no
child development requires a certain minimum level of effect on adult intelligence. Note, however, that the famine
responsible care. Severely deprived, neglectful, or abusive itself lasted only a few months; the subjects were exposed
environments must have negative effects on a great many to it prenatally but not after birth.
aspects--including intellectual aspects--of development. In contrast, prolonged malnutrition during child-
Beyond that minimum, however, the role of family ex- hood does have long-term intellectual effects. These have
perience is now in serious dispute (Baumrind, 1993; not been easy to establish, in part because many other
Jackson, 1993; Scarr, 1992, 1993). Psychometric intelli- unfavorable socioeconomic conditions are often asso-
gence is a case in point. Do differences between children's ciated with chronic malnutrition (Ricciuti, 1993; but cf.
family environments (within the normal range) produce Sigman, 1995). In one intervention study, however, pre-
differences in their intelligence test performance? The schoolers in two Guatemalan villages (where undernour-
problem here is to disentangle causation from correlation. ishment is common) were given ad lib access to a protein
There is no doubt that such variables as resources of the dietary supplement for several years. A decade later, many
home (Gottfried, 1984) and parents' use of language (Hart of these children (namely, those from the poorest socio-
& Risley, 1992, in press) are correlated with children's economic levels) scored significantly higher on school-

88 February 1996 • American Psychologist

related achievement tests than comparable controls (Pol- The correlation between birth weight and later in-
litt, Gorman, Engle, Martorell, & Rivera, 1993). It is telligence deserves particular discussion. In some cases
worth noting that the effects of poor nutrition on intel- low birth weight simply reflects premature delivery; in
ligence may well be indirect. Malnourished children are others, the infant's size is below normal for its gestational
typically less responsive to adults, less motivated to learn, age. Both factors apparently contribute to the tendency
and less active in exploration than their more adequately of low-birth-weight infants to have lower test scores in
nourished counterparts. later childhood (Lubchenko, 1976). These correlations
Although the degree of malnutrition prevalent in are small, ranging from .05 to . 13 in different groups
these villages rarely occurs in the United States, there (Broman et al., 1975). The effects of low birth weight are
may still be nutritional influences on intelligence. In substantial only when it is very low indeed (less than 1,500
studies of so-called "micro-nutrients," experimental gm). Premature babies born at these very low birth
groups of children have been given vitamin/mineral sup- weights are behind controls on most developmental mea-
plements while controls got placebos. In many of these sures; they often have severe or permanent intellectual
studies (e.g., Schoenthaler, Amos, Eysenck, Peritz, & deficits (Rosetti, 1986).
Yudkin, 1991), the experimental children showed test- Continuously Rising Test Scores
score gains that significantly exceeded the controls. In a
somewhat different design, Rush, Stein, Susser, and Brody Perhaps the most striking of all environmental effects is
(1980) gave dietary supplements of liquid protein to the steady worldwide rise in intelligence test performance.
pregnant women who were thought to be at risk for de- Although many psychometricians had noted these gains,
livering low birth-weight babies. At one year of age, the it was James Flynn (1984, 1987) who first described them
babies born to these mothers showed faster habituation systematically. His analysis shows that performance has
to visual patterns than did control infants. (Other research been going up ever since testing began. The "Flynn effect"
has shown that infant habituation rates are positively is now very well documented, not only in the United
correlated with later psychometric test scores: Columbo, States but in many other technologically advanced coun-
1993.) Although these results are encouraging, there has tries. The average gain is about 3 IQ points per decade--
been no long-term follow-up of such gains. more than a full standard deviation since, say, 1940.
Lead. Certain toxins have well-established negative Although it is simplest to describe the gains as in-
effects on intelligence. Exposure to lead is one such factor. creases in population IQ, this is not exactly what happens.
In one long-term study (Baghurst et al., 1992; McMichael Most intelligence tests are "restandardized" from time
et al., 1988), the blood lead levels of children growing up to time, in part to keep up with these very gains. As part
near a lead smelting plant were substantially and nega- of this process the mean score of the new standardization
tively correlated with intelligence test scores throughout sample is typically set to 100 again, so the increase more
childhood. No "threshold dose" for the effect of lead ap- or less disappears from view. In this context, the Flynn
pears in such studies. Although ambient lead levels in effect means that if 20 years have passed since the last
the United States have been reduced in recent years, there time the test was standardized, people who now score 100
is reason to believe that some American children--es- on the new version would probably average about 106 on
pecially those in inner cities--may still be at risk from the old one.
this source (cf. Needleman, Geiger, & Frank, 1985). The sheer extent of these increases is remarkable,
Alcohol. Extensive prenatal exposure to alcohol and the rate of gain may even be increasing. The scores
(which occurs if the mother drinks heavily during preg- of 19-year-olds in the Netherlands, for example, went up
nancy) can give rise to fetal alcohol syndrome, which more than 8 points--over half a standard deviation--
includes mental retardation as well as a range of physical between 1972 and 1982. What's more, the largest gains
symptoms. Smaller "doses" of prenatal alcohol may have appear on the types of tests that were specifically designed
negative effects on intelligence even when the full syn- to be free of cultural influence (Flynn, 1987). One of
drome does not appear. Streissguth, Barr, Sampson, these is Raven's Progressive Matrices, an untimed non-
Darby, and Martin (1989) found that mothers who re- verbal ¢~estthat many psychometricians regard as a good
ported consuming more than 1.5 oz. of alcohol daily dur- measure of g.
ing pregnancy had children who scored some 5 points These steady gains in intelligence test performance
below controls at age four. Prenatal exposure to aspirin have not always been accompanied by corresponding
and antibiotics had similar negative effects in this study. gains in school achievement. Indeed, the relation between
Perinatal factors. Complications at delivery and intelligence and achievement test scores can be complex.
other negative perinatal factors may have serious conse- This is especially true for the Scholastic Aptitude Test
quences for development. Nevertheless, because they oc- (SAT), in part because the ability range of the students
cur only rarely, they contribute relatively little to the pop- who take the SAT has broadened over time. That change
ulation variance of intelligence (Broman, Nichols, & explains some portionmnot all--of the prolonged decline
Kennedy, 1975). Down's syndrome, a chromosomal ab- in SAT scores that took place from the mid-1960s to the
normality that produces serious mental retardation, is early 1980s, even as IQ scores were continuing to rise
also rare enough to have little impact on the overall dis- (Flynn, 1984). Meanwhile, however, other more repre-
tribution of test scores. sentative measures show that school achievement levels

February 1996 • American Psychologist 89

have held steady or in some cases actually increased are well-represented in the present population. We already
(Herrnstein & Murray, 1994). The National Assessment know that some relatively rare conditions, like those re-
of Educational Progress (NAEP), for example, shows that viewed earlier, have large negative effects on intelligence.
the average reading and math achievement of American Whether there are (now equally rare) conditions that have
13- and 17-year-olds improved somewhat from the early large positive effects is not known.
1970s to 1990 (Grissmer, Kirby, Berends, & Williamson, As we have seen, there is both a biological and a
1994). An analysis of these data by ethnic group, reported social environment. For any given child, the social factors
in Section 5, shows that this small overall increase actually include not only an overall cultural/social/school setting
reflects very substantial gains by Blacks and Latinos and a particular family but also a unique "micro-envi-
combined with little or no gain by Whites. ronment" of experiences that are shared with no one else.
The consistent IQ gains documented by Flynn seem The adoption studies reviewed in Section 3 show that
much too large to result from simple increases in test family variables--differences in parenting style, in the
sophistication. Their cause is presently unknown, but resources of the home, etc.--have smaller long-term ef-
three interpretations deserve our consideration. Perhaps fects than we once supposed. At least among people who
the most plausible of these is based on the striking cultural share a given SES level and a given culture, it seems to
differences between successive generations. Daily life and be unique individual experience that makes the largest
occupational experience both seem more "complex" environmental contribution to adult IQ differences.
(Kohn & Schooler, 1973) today than in the time of our We do not yet know what the key features of those
parents and grandparents. The population is increasingly micro-environments may be. Are they biological? Social?
urbanized; television exposes us to more information and Chronic? Acute? Is there something especially important
more perspectives on more topics than ever before; chil- in the earliest relations between the infant and its care-
dren stay in school longer; and almost everyone seems to takers? Whatever the critical variables may be, do they
be encountering new forms of experience. These changes interact with other aspects of family life? Of culture? At
in the complexity of life may have produced correspond- this point we cannot say, but these questions offer a fertile
ing changes in complexity of mind, and hence in certain area for further research.
psychometric abilities.
A different hypothesis attributes the gains to modem 5. Group Differences
improvements in nutrition. Lynn (1990) points out that Group means have no direct implications for individuals.
large nutritionally-based increases in height have occurred What matters for the next person you meet (to the extent
during the same period as the IQ gains: perhaps there that test scores matter at all) is that person's own partic-
have been increases in brain size as well. As we have seen, ular score, not the mean of some reference group to which
however, the effects of nutrition on intelligence are them- he or she happens to belong. The commitment to evaluate
selves not firmly established. people on their own individual merit is central to a dem-
The third interpretation addresses the very definition ocratic society. It also makes quantitative sense. The dis-
of intelligence. Flynn himself believes that real intelli- tributions of different groups inevitably overlap, with the
g e n c e - w h a t e v e r it may b e - - c a n n o t have increased as range of scores within any one group always wider than
much as these data would suggest. Consider, for example, the mean differences between any two groups. In the case
the number of individuals who have IQ scores of 140 or of intelligence test scores, the variance attributable to in-
more. (This is slightly above the cutoff used by L. M. dividual differences far exceeds the variance related to
Terman [1925] in his famous longitudinal study of "ge- group membership (Jensen, 1980).
nius.") In 1952 only 0.38% of Dutch test takers had IQs Because claims about ethnic differences have often
over 140; in 1982, scored by the same norms, 9.12% ex- been used to rationalize racial discrimination in the past,
ceeded this figure! Judging by these criteria, the Nether- all such claims must be subjected to very careful scrutiny.
lands should now be experiencing "a cultural renaissance Nevertheless, group differences continue to be the subject
too great to be overlooked" (Flynn, 1987, p. 187). So too of intense interest and debate. There are many reasons
should France, Norway, the United States, and many for this interest: some are legal and political, some social
other countries. Because Flynn (1987) finds this conclu- and psychological. Among other things, facts about group
sion implausible or absurd, he argues that what has risen differences may be relevant to the need for (and the ef-
cannot be intelligence itself but only a minor sort o f " a b - fectiveness of) affirmative action programs. But while
stract problem solving ability." The issue remains some recent discussions of intelligence and ethnic differ-
unresolved. ences (e.g., Herrnstein & Murray, 1994) have made spe-
cific policy recommendations in this area, we will not do
Individual Life Experiences so here. Such recommendations are necessarily based on
Although the environmental variables that produce large political as well as scientific considerations, and so fall
differences in intelligence are not yet well understood, outside the scope of this report.
genetic studies assure us that they exist. With a heritability Besides European Americans ("Whites"), the ethnic
well below 1.00, IQ must be subject to substantial envi- groups to be considered are Chinese and Japanese Amer-
ronmental influences. Moreover, available heritability es- icans, Hispanic Americans ("Latinos"), Native Americans
timates apply only within the range of environments that ("Indians"), and African Americans ("Blacks"). These

90 February 1996 • American Psychologist

groups (we avoid the term "race") are defined and self- Verbal abilities. Some verbal tasks show sub-
defined by social conventions based on ethnic origin as stantial mean differences favoring females. These include
well as on observable physical characteristics such as skin synonym generation and verbal fluency (e.g., naming
color. None of them are internally homogeneous. Asian words that start with a given letter), with effect sizes rang-
Americans, for example, may have roots in many different ing from d = 0.5 to 1.2 (Gordon & Lee, 1986; Hines,
cultures: not only China and Japan but also Korea, Laos, 1990). On average females score higher on college
Vietnam, the Philippines, India, and Pakistan. Hispanic achievement tests in literature, English composition, and
Americans, who share a common linguistic tradition, ac- Spanish (Stanley, 1993); they also excel at reading and
tually differ along many cultural dimensions. In their own spelling. Many more males than females are diagnosed
minds they may be less "Latinos" than Puerto Ricans, with dyslexia and other reading disabilities (Sutaria,
Mexican Americans, Cuban Americans, or representa- 1985), and there are many more male stutterers (Yairi &
fives of other Latin cultures. "Native American" is an Ambrose, 1992). Some memory tasks also show better
even more diverse category, including a great many cul- performance by females, but the size (and perhaps even
turally distinct tribes living in a wide range of the direction) of the effect varies with the type of memory
environments. being assessed.
Although males and females are not ethnic or cul- Causal factors. T h e r e are both social and bio-
tural groups, possible sex differences in cognitive ability logical reasons for these differences. At the social level
have also been the subject of widespread interest and dis- there are both subtle and overt differences between the
cussion. For this reason, the evidence relevant to such experiences, expectations, and gender roles of females and
differences is briefly reviewed in the next section. males. Relevant environmental differences appear soon
after birth. They range from the gender-differentiated toys
Sex Differences that children regularly receive to the expectations of adult
life with which they are presented, from gender-differ-
Most standard tests of intelligence have been constructed entiated household and leisure activities to assumptions
so that there are no overall score differences between fe- about differences in basic ability. Models that include
males and males. Some recent studies do report sex dif- many of these psychosocial variables have been successful
ferences in IQ, but the direction is variable and the effects in predicting academic achievement (Eccles, 1987).
are small (Held, Alderton, Foley, & Segall, 1993; Lynn, Many biological variables are also relevant. One fo-
1994). This overall equivalence does not imply equal per- cus of current research is on differences in the sizes or
formance on every individual ability. While some tasks shapes of particular neural structures. Numerous sexually
show no sex differences, there are others where small dif- dimorphic brain structures have now been identified, and
ferences appear and a few where they are large and they may well have implications for cognition. There are,
consistent. for example, sex-related differences in the sizes of some
Spatial and quantitative abilities. Large dif- portions of the corpus callosum; these differences are cor-
ferences favoring males appear on visual-spatial tasks like related with verbal fluency (Hines, Chiu, McAdams,
mental rotation and spatiotemporal tasks like tracking a Bentler, & Lipcamon, 1992). Recent brain imaging studies
moving object through space (Law, Pellegrino, & Hunt, have found what may be differences in the lateralization
1993; Linn & Petersen, 1985). The sex difference on of language (Shaywitz et al., 1995). Note that such dif-
mental rotation tasks is substantial: a recent meta-analysis ferences in neural structure could result from differences
(Masters & Sanders, 1993) puts the effect size at d = 0.9. in patterns of life experience as well as from genetically-
(Effect sizes are measured in standard deviation units. driven mechanisms of brain development; moreover,
Here, the mean of the male distribution is nearly one brain development and experience may have bidirectional
standard deviation above that for females.) Males' effects on each other. This research area is still in a largely
achievement levels on movement-related and visual-spa- exploratory phase.
tial tests are relevant to their generally better performance Hormonal influences. The importance of pre-
in tasks that involve aiming and throwing (Jardine & natal exposure to sex hormones is well established. Hor-
Martin, 1983). mones influence not only the developing genitalia but
Some quantitative abilities also show consistent dif- also the brain and certain immune system structures
ferences. Females have a clear advantage on quantitative (Geschwind & Galaburda, 1987; Halpern & Cass, 1994).
tasks in the early years of school (Hyde, Fennema, & La- Several studies have tested individuals who were exposed
mon, 1990), but this reverses sometime before puberty; to abnormally high androgen levels in utero, due to a
males then maintain their superior performance into old condition known as congenital adrenal hyperplasia
age. The math portion of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (CAH). Adult CAH females score significantly higher than
shows a substantial advantage for males (d = 0.33 to 0.50), controls on tests of spatial ability (Resnick, Berenbaum,
with many more males scoring in the highest ranges Gottesman & Bouchard, 1986); CAH girls play more with
(Benbow, 1988; Halpern, 1992). Males also score consis- "boys' toys" and less with "girls' toys" than controls
tently higher on tests of proportional and mechanical rea- (Berenbaum & Hines, 1992).
soning (Meehan, 1984; Stanley, Benbow, Brody, Dauber, Other experimental paradigms confirm the relevance
& Lupkowski, 1992). of sex hormones for performance levels in certain skills.

February 1996 • American Psychologist 91

Christiansen and Knussman (1987) found testosterone 55% and that of Japanese was 46%. (For Whites, the cor-
levels in normal males to be correlated positively (about responding figure was 34%.) Using the well-established
.20) with some measures of spatial ability and negatively correlation between intelligence test scores and occupa-
(about -.20) with some measures of verbal ability. Older tional level, Flynn (1991, p. 99) calculated the mean IQ
males given testosterone show improved performance on that a hypothetical White group "would have to have"
visual-spatial tests (Janowsky, Oviatt, & Orwoll, 1994). to predict the same proportions of upper-level employ-
Many similar findings have been reported, though the ment. He found that the occupational success of these
effects are often nonlinear and complex (Gouchie & Ki- Chinese Americans--whose mean IQ was in fact slightly
mura, 1991; Nyborg, 1984). It is clear that any adequate below 100--was what would be expected of a White group
model of sex differences in cognition will have to take with an IQ of almost 120! A similar calculation for Jap-
both biological and psychological variables (and their in- anese Americans shows that their level of achievement
teractions) into account. matched that of Whites averaging 110. These "over-
achievements" serve as sharp reminders of the limitations
Mean Scores of Different Ethnic Groups
of IQ-based prediction. Various aspects of Chinese
Asian Americans. In the years since the Second American and Japanese American culture surely con-
World War, Asian Americans--especially those of tribute to them (Schneider, Hieshima, Lee, & Plank,
Chinese and Japanese extraction--have compiled an 1994); gene-based temperamental factors could conceiv-
outstanding record of academic and professional ably be playing a role as well (Freedman & Freedman,
achievement. This record is reflected in school grades, in 1969).
scores on content-oriented achievement tests like the SAT Hispanic Americans. Hispanic immigrants have
and GRE, and especially in the disproportionate repre- come to America from many countries. In 1993, the larg-
sentation of Asian Americans in many sciences and est Latino groups in the continental United States were
professions. Although it is often supposed that these Mexican Americans (64%), Puerto Ricans (11%), Central
achievements reflect correspondingly high intelligence test and South Americans (13%), and Cubans (5%) (U.S. Bu-
scores, this is not the case. In more than a dozen studies reau of the Census, 1994). There are very substantial cul-
from the 1960s and 1970s analyzed by Flynn (1991), the tural differences among these nationality groups, as well
mean IQs of Japanese and Chinese American children as differences in academic achievement (Duran, 1983;
were always around 97 or 98; none was over 100. Even United States National Commission for Employment
Lynn (1993), who argues for a slightly higher figure, con- Policy, 1982). Taken together, Latinos make up the second
cedes that the achievements of these Asian Americans far largest and the fastest-growing minority group in America
outstrip what might have been expected on the basis of (Davis, Haub, & Willette, 1983; Eyde, 1992).
their test scores. In the United States, the mean intelligence test scores
It may be worth noting that the interpretation of test of Hispanics typically lie between those of Blacks and
scores obtained by Asians in Asia has been controversial Whites. There are also differences in the patterning of
in its own right. Lynn (1982) reported a mean Japanese scores across different abilities and subtests (Hennessy &
IQ of I 11 while Flynn (199 l) estimated it to be between Merrifield, 1978; Lesser, Fifer, & Clark, 1965). Linguistic
101 and 105. Stevenson et al. (1985), comparing the in- factors play a particularly important role for Hispanic
telligence-test performance of children in Japan, Taiwan, Americans, who may know relatively little English. (By
and the United States, found no substantive differences one estimate, 25% of Puerto Ricans and Mexican Amer-
at all. Given the general problems of cross-cultural com- icans and at least 40% of Cubans speak English "not well"
parison, there is no reason to expect precision or stability or "not at all" [Rodriguez, 1992]). Even those who de-
in such estimates. Nevertheless, some interest attaches to scribe themselves as bilingual may be at a disadvantage
these particular comparisons: they show that the well- if Spanish was their first and best-learned language. It is
established differences in school achievement among the not surprising that Latino children typically score higher
same three groups (Chinese and Japanese children are on the performance than on the verbal subtests of the
much better at math than American children) do not English-based Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--
simply reflect differences in psychometric intelligence. Revised (WISC-R; Kaufman, 1994). Nevertheless, the
Stevenson, Lee, and Stigler(1986) suggest that they result predictive validity of Latino test scores is not negligible.
from structural differences in the schools of the three na- In young children, the WISC-R has reasonably high cor-
tions as well as from varying cultural attitudes toward relations with school achievement measures (McShane
learning itself. It is also possible that spatial ability--in & Cook, 1985). For high school students of moderate to
which Japanese and Chinese obtain somewhat higher high English proficiency, standard aptitude tests predict
scores than Americans--plays a particular role in the first-year college grades about as well as they do for non-
learning of mathematics. Hispanic Whites (Pennock-Roman, 1992).
One interesting way to assess the achievements of Native Americans. There are a great many cul-
Chinese and Japanese Americans is to reverse the usual turally distinct North American Indian tribes (Driver,
direction of prediction. Data from the 1980 census show 1969), speaking some 200 different languages (Leap,
that the proportion of Chinese Americans employed in 1981). Many Native Americans live on reservations,
managerial, professional, or technical occupations was which themselves represent a great variety of ecological

92 February 1996 • American Psychologist

and cultural settings. Many others presently live in met- to be a particularly good predictor of children's school
ropolitan areas (Brandt, 1984). Although few generaliza- achievement; that level increased for all groups between
tions can be appropriate across so wide a range, two or 1970 and 1990, but most sharply for Blacks. Family size
three points seem fairly well established. The first is a was another good predictor (children from smaller fam-
specific relation between ecology and cognition: the Inuit ilies tend to achieve higher scores); here too, the largest
(Eskimo) and other groups that live in the arctic tend to change over time was among Blacks. Above and beyond
have particularly high visual-spatial skills. (For a review these demographic effects, Grissmer et at. believe that
see McShane & Berry, 1988.) Moroever, there seem to some of the gains can be attributed to the many specific
be no substantial sex differences in those skills (Berry, programs, geared to the education of minority children,
1974). It seems likely that this represents an adaptation-- that were implemented during that period.
genetic or learned or b o t h - - t o the difficult hunting, trav- Test bias. It is often argued that the lower mean
eling, and living conditions that characterize the arctic scores of African Americans reflect a bias in the intelli-
environment. gence tests themselves. This argument is right in one sense
On the average, Indian children obtain relatively low of "bias" but wrong in another. To see the first of these,
scores on tests of verbal intelligence, which are often ad- consider how the term is used in probability theory. When
ministered in school settings. The result is a performance- a coin comes up heads consistently for any reason it is
test/verbal-test discrepancy similar to that exhibited by said to be "biased," regardless of any consequences that
Hispanic Americans and other groups whose first lan- the outcome may or may not have. In this sense the Black/
guage is generally not English. Moreover, many Indian White score differential is ipso facto evidence of what
children suffer from chronic middle-ear infection (otitis may be called "outcome bias." African Americans are
media), which is "the leading identifiable disease among subject to outcome bias not only with respect to tests but
Indians since record-keeping began in 1962" (McShane along many dimensions of American life. They have the
& Plas, 1984a, p. 84). Hearing loss can have marked neg- short end of nearly every stick: average income, repre-
ative effects on verbal test performance (McShane & Plas, sentation in high-level occupations, health and health
1984b). care, death rate, confrontations with the legal system,
African Americans. The relatively low mean of and so on. With this situation in mind, some critics regard
the distribution of African American intelligence test the test score differential as just another example of a
scores has been discussed for many years. Although stud- pervasive outcome bias that characterizes our society as
ies using different tests and samples yield a range of results, a whole (Jackson, 1975; Mercer, 1984). Although there
the Black mean is typically about one standard deviation is a sense in which they are right, this critique ignores
(about 15 points) below that of Whites (Jensen, 1980; the particular social purpose that tests are designed to
Loehlin et at., 1975; Reynolds et at., 1987). The difference serve.
is largest on those tests (verbal or nonverbal) that best From an educational point of view, the chief function
represent the general intelligence factor g (Jensen, 1985). of mental tests is as predictors (Section 2). Intelligence
It is possible, however, that this differential is diminishing. tests predict school performance fairly well, at least in
In the most recent restandardlzation of the Stanford-Binet American schools as they are now constituted. Similarly,
test, the Black/White differential was 13 points for youn- achievement tests are fairly good predictors of perfor-
ger children and l0 points for older children (Thorndike, mance in college and postgraduate settings. Considered
Hagen, & Sattler, 1986). In several other studies of chil- in this light, the relevant question is whether the tests
dren since 1980, the Black mean has consistently been have a "predictive bias" against Blacks. Such a bias would
over 90 and the differential has been in single digits (Vin- exist if African American performance on the criterion
cent, 1991). Larger and more definitive studies are needed variables (school achievement, college GPA, etc.) were
before this trend can be regarded as established. systematically higher than the same subjects' test scores
Another reason to think the IQ mean might be would predict. This is not the case. The actual regression
changing is that the Black/White differential in achieve- lines (which show the mean criterion performance for
ment scores has diminished substantially in the last few individuals who got various scores on the predictor) for
years. Consider, for example, the mathematics achieve- Blacks do not lie above those for Whites; there is even a
ment of 17-year-olds as measured by the National As- slight tendency in the other direction (Jensen, 1980;
sessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The differ- Reynolds & Brown, 1984). Considered as predictors of
ential between Black and White scores, about 1.1 standard future performance, the tests do not seem to be biased
deviations as recently as 1978, had shrunk to .65 SD by against African Americans.
1990 (Grissmer et at., 1994) because of Black gains. His- Characteristics of tests. It has been suggested
panics showed similar but smaller gains; there was little that various aspects of the way tests are formulated and
change in the scores of Whites. Other assessments of administered may put African Americans at a disadvan-
school achievement also show substantial recent gains in tage. The language of testing is a standard form of English
the performance of minority children. with which some Blacks may not be familiar; specific
In their own analysis of these gains, Grissmer et al. vocabulary items are often unfamiliar to Black children;
(1994) cite both demographic factors and the effects of the tests are often given by White examiners rather than
public policy. They found the level of parents' education by more familiar Black teachers; African Americans may

February 1996 • American Psychologist 93

not be motivated to work hard on tests that so clearly skills measured by psychometric tests actually matter for
reflect White values; the time demands of some tests may those accomplishments, intelligence is affecting SES rather
be alien to Black culture. (Similar suggestions have been than the other way around. We do not know the mag-
made in connection with the test performance of Hispanic nitude of these various effects in various populations, but
Americans, e.g., Rodriguez, 1992.) Many of these sug- it is clear that no model in which "SES" directly deter-
gestions are plausible, and such mechanisms may play a mines " I Q " will do.
role in particular cases. Controlled studies have shown, A more fundamental difficulty with explanations
however, that none of them contributes substantially to based on economics alone appears from a different per-
the Black/White differential under discussion here (Jen- spective. To imagine that any simple income- and edu-
sen, 1980; Reynolds & Brown, 1984; for a different view cation-based index can adequately describe the situation
see Helms, 1992). Moreover, efforts to devise reliable and of African Americans is to ignore important categories
valid tests that would minimize disadvantages of this kind of experience. The sense of belonging to a group with a
have been unsuccessful. distinctive c u l t u r e - - o n e that has long been the target of
oppression--and the awareness or anticipation of racial
Interpreting Group Differences discrimination are profound personal experiences, not
If group differences in test performance do not result from just aspects of socioeconomic status. Some of these more
the simple forms of bias reviewed above, what is respon- deeply rooted differences are addressed by other hy-
sible for them? The fact is that we do not know. Various potheses, based on caste and culture.
explanations have been proposed, but none is generally Caste-like minorities. Most discussions of this
accepted. It is clear, however, that these differences-- issue treat Black/White differences as aspects of a
whatever their origin--are well within the range of effect uniquely "American dilemma" (Myrdal, 1944). The fact
sizes that can be produced by environmental factors. The is, however, that comparably disadvantaged groups exist
Black/White differential amounts to one standard devia- in many countries: the Maori in New Zealand, scheduled
tion or less, and we know that environmental factors have castes ("untouchables") in India, non-European Jews in
recently raised mean test scores in m a n y populations by Israel, the Burakumin in Japan. All these are "caste-like"
at least that much (Flynn, 1987: see Section 4). To be (Ogbu, 1978) or "involuntary" (Ogbu, 1994) minorities.
sure, the "Flynn effect" is itself poorly understood: it may John Ogbu distinguishes this status from that o f " a u t o n -
reflect generational changes in culture, improved nutri- omous" minorities who are not politically or economi-
tion, or other factors as yet unknown. Whatever may be cally subordinated (like Amish or Mormons in the United
responsible for it, we cannot exclude the possibility that States), and from that of " i m m i g r a n t " or "voluntary"
the same factors play a role in contemporary group minorities who initially came to their new homes with
differences. positive expectations. Immigrant minorities expect their
Socioeconomic factors. Several specific envi- situations to improve; they tend to compare themselves
ronmental/cultural explanations of those differences have favorably with peers in the old country, not unfavorably
been proposed. All of them refer to the general life situ- with members of the dominant majority. In contrast, to
ation in which contemporary African Americans find be born into a caste-like minority is to grow up firmly
themselves, but that situation can be described in several convinced that one's life will eventually be restricted to
different ways. The simplest such hypothesis can be a small and poorly-rewarded set of social roles.
framed in economic terms. On the average, Blacks have Distinctions of caste are not always linked to per-
lower incomes than Whites; a much higher proportion of ceptions of race. In some countries lower and upper caste
them are l~oor. It is plausible to suppose that many in- groups differ by appearance and are assumed to be racially
evitable aspects of p o v e r t y - - p o o r nutrition, frequently distinct; in others they are not. The social and educational
inadequate prenatal care, lack of intellectual resources-- consequences are the same in both cases. All over the
have negative effects on children's developing intelligence. world, the children of caste-like minorities do less well
Indeed, the correlation between "socioeconomic status" in school than upper-caste children and drop out sooner.
(SES) and scores on intelligence tests is well-known Where there are data, they have usually been found to
(White, 1982). have lower test scores as well.
Several considerations suggest that this cannot be In explaining these findings, Ogbu (1978) argues that
the whole explanation. For one thing, the Black/White the children of caste-like minorities do not have "effort
differential in test scores is not eliminated when groups optimism," i.e., the conviction that hard work (especially
or individuals are matched for SES (Loehlin et al., 1975). hard schoolwork) and serious c o m m i t m e n t on their part
Moreover, the data reviewed in Section 4 suggest t h a t - - will actually be rewarded. As a result they ignore or reject
if we exclude extreme conditions--nutrition and other the forms of learning that are offered in school. Indeed
biological factors that may vary with SES account for they may practice a sort of cultural inversion, deliberately
relatively little of the variance in such scores. Finally, the rejecting certain behaviors (such as academic achievement
(relatively weak) relationship between test scores and in- or other forms of "acting White") that are seen as char-
come is much more complex than a simple SES hypoth- acteristic of the dominant group. While the extent to
esis would suggest. The living conditions of children result which the attitudes described by Ogbu (1978, 1994) are
in part from the accomplishments of their parents: If the responsible for African American test scores and school

94 February 1996 • American Psychologist

achievement has not been empirically established, it does after the Second World War (Eyferth, 1961): there was
seem that familiar problems can take on quite a different no mean difference between the test scores of those chil-
look when they are viewed from an international dren whose fathers were White and those whose fathers
perspective. were Black. (For a discussion of possible confounds in
African American culture. According to Boykin this study, see Flynn, 1980.) Moreover, several studies
(1986, 1994), there is a fundamental conflict between have used blood-group methods to estimate the degree
certain aspects of African American culture on the one of African ancestry of American Blacks; there were no
hand and the implicit cultural commitments of most significant correlations between those estimates and IQ
American schools on the other. "When children are or- scores (Loehlin, Vandenberg, & Osborne, 1973; Scarr,
dered to do their own work, arrive at their own individual Pakstis, Katz, & Barker, 1977).
answers, work only with their own materials, they are It is clear (Section 3) that genes make a substantial
being sent cultural messages. When children come to be- contribution to individual differences in intelligence test
lieve that getting up and moving about the classroom is scores, at least in the White population. The fact is,
inappropriate, they are being sent powerful cultural mes- however, that the high heritability of a trait within a
sages. When children come to confine their 'learning' to given group has no necessary implications for the source
consistently bracketed time periods, when they are con- of a difference between groups (Loehlin et al., 1975).
sistently prompted to tell what they know and not how This is now generally understood (e.g., Herrnstein &
they feel, when they are led to believe that they are com- Murray, 1994). But even though no such implication is
pletely responsible for their own success and failure, when necessary, some have argued that a high value of h 2
they are required to consistently put forth considerable makes a genetic contribution to group differences more
effort for effort's sake on tedious and personally irrelevant plausible. Does it?
t a s k s . . , then they are pervasively having cultural lessons That depends on one's assessment of the actual dif-
imposed on them" (1994, p. 125). ference between the two environments. Consider Lewon-
In Boykin's view, the combination of constriction tin's (1970) well-known example of s¢eds from the same
and competition that most American schools demand of genetically variable stock that are planted in two different
their pupils conflicts with certain themes in the "deep fields. If the plants in field X are fertilized appropriately
structure" of African American culture. That culture in- while key nutrients are withheld from those in field Y,
cludes an emphasis on such aspects of experience as spir- we have produced an entirely environmental group dif-
ituality, harmony, movement, verve, affect, expressive in- ference. This example works (i.e., h 2 is genuinely irrele-
dividualism, communalism, orality, and a socially defined vant to the differential between the fields) because the
time perspective (Boykin, 1986, 1994). While it is not differences between the effective environments of X and
shared by all African Americans to the same degree, its Y are both large and consistent. Are the environmental
accessibility and familiarity give it a profound influence. and cultural situations of American Blacks and Whites
The result of this cultural conflict, in Boykin's view, also substantially and consistently different--different
is that many Black children become alienated from both enough to make this a good analogy? If so, the within-
the process and the products of the education to which group heritability of IQ scores is irrelevant to the issue.
they are exposed. One aspect of that process, now an Or are those situations similar enough to suggest that the
intrinsic aspect of the culture of most American schools, analogy is inappropriate, and that one can plausibly gen-
is the psychometric enterprise itself. He argues (Boykin, eralize from within-group heritabilities? Thus the issue
1994) that the successful education of African American ultimately comes down to a personal judgment: How dif-
children will require an approach that is less concerned ferent are the relevant life experiences of Whites and
with talent sorting and assessment, more concerned with Blacks in the United States today? At present, this ques-
talent development. tion has no scientific answer.
One further factor should not be overlooked. Only
a single generation has passed since the Civil Rights 6. Summary and Conclusions
movement opened new doors for African Americans, and Because there are many ways to be intelligent, there are
many forms of discrimination are still all too familiar in also many conceptualizations of intelligence. The most
their experience today. Hard enough to bear in its own influential approach, and the one that has generated the
right, discrimination is also a sharp reminder of a still most systematic research, is based on psychometric test-
more intolerable past. It would be rash indeed to assume ing. This tradition has produced a substantial body of
that those experiences, and that historical legacy, have knowledge, though many questions remain unanswered.
no impact on intellectual development. We know much less about the forms of intelligence that
The genetic hypothesis. It is sometimes sug- tests do not easily assess: wisdom, creativity, practical
gested that the Black/White differential in psychometric knowledge, social skill, and the like.
intelligence is partly due to genetic differences (Jensen, Psychometricians have successfully measured a wide
1972). There is not much direct evidence on this point, range of abilities, distinct from one another and yet in-
but what little there is fails to support the genetic hy- tercorrelated. The complex relations among those abilities
pothesis. One piece of evidence comes from a study of can be described in many ways. Some theorists focus on
the children of American soldiers stationed in Germany the variance that all such abilities have in common, which

February 1996 • American Psychologist 95

Spearman termed g ("general intelligence"); others prefer are largely unknown. Moreover, the environmental con-
to describe the same manifold with a set of partially in- tributions to those differences are almost equally mys-
dependent factors; still others opt for a multifactorial de- terious. We know that both biological and social aspects
scription with factors hierarchically arranged and some- of the environment are important for intelligence, but we
thing like g at the top. Standardized intelligence test scores are a long way from understanding how they exert their
("IQs"), which reflect a person's standing in relation to effects.
his or her age cohort, are based on tests that tap a number One environmental variable with clear-cut impor-
of different abilities. Recent studies have found that these tance is the presence of formal schooling. Schools affect
scores are also correlated with information processing intelligence in many ways, not only by transmitting spe-
speed in certain experimental paradigms (choice reaction cific information but by developing certain intellectual
time, inspection time, evoked brain potentials, etc.), but skills and attitudes. Failure to attend school (or attendance
the meaning of those correlations is far from clear. at very poor schools) has a clear negative effect on intel-
Intelligence test scores predict individual differences ligence test scores. Preschool programs and similar in-
in school achievement moderately well, correlating about terventions often have positive effects, but in most cases
.50 with grade point average and .55 with the number of the gains fade when the program is over.
years of education that individuals complete. In this con- A number of conditions in the biological environ-
text the skills measured by tests are clearly important. ment have clear negative consequences for intellectual
Nevertheless, population levels of school achievement are development. Some of these--very important when they
not determined solely or even primarily by intelligence occur--nevertheless do not contribute much to the pop-
or any other individual-difference variable. The fact that ulation variance of IQ scores because they are relatively
children in Japan and Taiwan learn much more mathe- rare. (Perinatal complications are one such factor.) Ex-
matics than their peers in America, for example, can be posure to environmental lead has well-documented neg-
attributed primarily to differences in culture and school- ative effects; so too does prenatal exposure to high blood
ing rather than in abilities measured by intelligence tests. levels of alcohol. Malnutrition in childhood is another
Test scores also correlate with measures of accom- negative factor for intelligence, but the level at which its
plishment outside of school, e.g., with adult occupational effects become significant has not been clearly established.
status. To some extent those correlations result directly Some studies suggest that dietary supplements of certain
from the tests' link with school achievement and from micro-nutrients can produce gains even in otherwise well-
their roles as "gatekeepers." In the United States today, nourished individuals, but the effects are still controversial
high test scores and grades are prerequisites for entry into and there has been no long-term follow-up.
many careers and professions. This is not quite the whole One of the most striking phenomena in this field is
story, however: a significant correlation between psycho- the steady worldwide rise in test scores, now often called
metric intelligence and occupational status remains even the "Flynn effect." Mean IQs have increased m o r e than
when measures of education and family background have 15 points--a full standard deviation--in the last 50 years,
been statistically controlled. There are also modest (neg- and the rate of gain may be increasing. These gains may
ative) correlations between intelligence test scores and result from improved nutrition, cultural changes, expe-
certain undesirable behaviors such as juvenile crime. rience with testing, shifts in schooling or child-rearing
Those correlations are necessarily low: all social outcomes practices, or some other factor as yet unknown.
result from complex causal webs in which psychometric Although there are no important sex differences in
skills are only one factor. overall intelligence test scores, substantial differences do
Like every trait, intelligence is the joint product of appear for specific abilities. Males typically score higher
genetic and environmental variables. Gene action always on visual-spatial and (beginning in middle childhood)
involves a (biochemical or social) environment; environ- mathematical skills; females excel on a number of verbal
ments always act via structures to which genes have con- measures. Sex hormone levels are clearly related to some
tributed. Given a trait on which individuals vary, however, of these differences, but social factors presumably play a
one can ask what fraction of that variation is associated role as well. As for all the group differences reviewed here,
with differences in their genotypes (this is the heritability the range of performance within each group is much larger
of the trait) as well as what fraction is associated with than the mean difference between groups.
differences in environmental experience. So defined, her- Because ethnic differences in intelligence reflect
itability (h a) can and does vary from one population to complex patterns, no overall generalization about them
another. In the case of IQ, h 2 is markedly lower for chil- is appropriate. The mean IQ scores of Chinese and Jap-
dren (about .45) than for adults (about .75). This means anese Americans, for example, differ little from those of
that as children grow up, differences in test scores tend Whites though their spatial ability scores tend to be
increasingly to reflect differences in genotype and in in- somewhat higher. The outstanding record of these groups
dividual life experience rather than differences among the in terms of school achievement and occupational status
families in which they were raised. evidently reflects cultural factors. The mean intelligence
The factors underlying that shift--and more gen- test scores of Hispanic Americans are somewhat lower
erally the pathways by which genes make their undoubted than those of Whites, in part because Hispanics are often
contributions to individual differences in intelligence-- less familiar with English. Nevertheless, their test scores,

96 February 1996 • American Psychologist

like those o f African Americans, are reasonably good tion, although it may be diminishing) does not result from
predictors of school and college achievement. any obvious biases in test construction and administra-
African A m e r i c a n IQ scores have long averaged tion, nor does it simply reflect differences in socioeco-
about 15 points below those o f Whites, with correspond- n o m i c status. Explanations based on factors o f caste and
ingly lower scores on academic achievement tests. In culture may be appropriate, but so far have little direct
recent years the achievement-test gap has narrowed ap- empirical support. There is certainly no such support for
preciably. It is possible that the IQ-score differential is a genetic interpretation. At present, no one knows what
narrowing as well, but this has not been clearly estab- causes this differential.
lished. The cause o f that differential is not known; it is 7. It is widely agreed that standardized tests do not
apparently not due to any simple form o f bias in the sample all forms o f intelligence. Obvious examples in-
content or administration o f the tests themselves. The clude creativity, wisdom, practical sense, and social sen-
Flynn effect shows that environmental factors can pro- sitivity; there are surely others. Despite the importance
duce differences o f at least this magnitude, but that effect o f these abilities we know very little about them: how
is mysterious in its own right. Several culturally-based they develop, what factors influence that development,
explanations o f the Black/White IQ differential have been how they are related to m o r e traditional measures.
proposed; some are plausible, but so far none has been In a field where so m a n y issues are unresolved and
conclusively supported. There is even less empirical sup- so m a n y questions unanswered, the confident tone that
port for a genetic interpretation. In short, no adequate has characterized most o f the debate on these topics is
explanation o f the differential between the IQ means of clearly out o f place. The study o f intelligence does not
Blacks and Whites is presently available. need politicized assertions and recriminations; it needs
It is c u s t o m a r y to conclude surveys like this one self-restraint, reflection, and a great deal m o r e research.
with a s u m m a r y of what has been established. Indeed, The questions that remain are socially as well as scien-
m u c h is now k n o w n about intelligence. A near-century tifically important. There is no reason to think t h e m un-
o f research, m o s t o f it based on psychometric methods, answerable, but finding the answers will require a shared
has p r o d u c e d an impressive b o d y o f findings. Although and sustained effort as well as the c o m m i t m e n t o f sub-
we have tried to do justice to those findings in this report, stantial scientific resources. Just such a c o m m i t m e n t is
it seems appropriate to conclude on a different note. In what we strongly r e c o m m e n d .
this contentious arena, our most useful role may be to
r e m i n d our readers that m a n y o f the critical questions REFERENCES
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